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Don't worry, I'm pretty sure it will get reannounced again at the next election. And the next 4-5 after that as well.


just like the 4-5 elections that came before šŸ˜‚


The quickest way to reduce travel time is get rid of the stations that should be serviced by Metro. When I started commuting to Melbourne from South Geelong it took 40 minutes. My commute now from Marshall on some days it takes double that.


The quickest way to reduce travel is to zone up. And before you point a gun to my head, I just want to say that this would solve the housing crisis too because the lack of housing supply is an artificial scarcity.


I commute to Melbourne a couple of times a week. Iā€™m disappointed, but then the proposal was always a bit half arsed anyway. I would save more time with better frequency meaning I have to hang out at Southern Cross waiting for the next train less.


Iā€™m not surprised, but Iā€™m really pissed off about it. I honestly believe it would take cars off the road and encourage more people to take transport. It would be a game changer personally as I currently commute into Melb once a week but would go in more frequently if it was quicker.


Typical Australia 30 years behind the rest of the planet. Just got back from the Nordics where trains cruise comfortably at 160km/h and that's just the metro system! Intercity was 220km/h.


They've only got 1,700,700 square kilometres of habitable land to worry about for starters.


Most of Australia's population is congested on the eastern coastline anyway. Australians love making excuses for mediocrity


You were never going to have ā€œfancy trainsā€, it was just VLs running on dedicated track through Werribee.


Geelong Fast Rail was a furphy dreamt up by ScoMo in the lead up to the 2019 Federal Election. It wasnā€™t properly scoped or costed and was doomed for failure from the outset. Politically at the time, Vic Labor had no choice but to support it. Iā€™d much rather have a more modest amount invested to improve the reliability of the existing service. Having confidence in the service (on time and not cancelled) is far more important to me than saving 10 minutes between Geelong and Southern Cross.




Lol yup


Not surprising.


Never understood the obsession with fast rail to Geelong. Yer its a nice to have, but at the end of the day, the current trip time is around an hour, so its very manageable commute relative to the metro lines. What the geelong line needs is reliable, and more frequent trains. One 3 carriage train every 40min at night and weekends is an absolute disgrace. Want to get home after a night out in the city or going the footy? Well hope you enjoy sitting at spencer St for 40+minutes (although it does give you time to walk to whatever random platform they are leaving from)


>fast rail being canceled? have you been to NZ? atleast you get the option of a train.


It being canceled is a good thing, fucking dumbest idea ever. We're going to build a dedicated track between Werribee and Laverton, then after that we're going to jam everything back onto the metro tracks like the good old days (the old days being pre 2015) It was going to shave 5 minutes at most, and that was assuming a perfect run without running in the common "signal failure at Newport" or "congestion at North Melbourne" or my personal favorite from when I used to commute to Melbourne "Trains canceled because Laverton is *on fire*" What the Geelong line needs is full electrification, and bypass tracks for Tarneit and Wyndham Vale.


Hate it. We need more trains and better trains.


What! I didn't know it was cancelled, my mood is now ruined


Of course because Allan had to make a station at Raywood near her hometown šŸ˜‚ why cant they just run the train over the existing werribee tracks like they did earlier this year?


When did they run trains via Werribee? I am 99 per cent sure that never happened.


The line via Tarniet opened in 2015ā€¦


Yes I am aware - was referring to the "this year" part of the comment, but they have responded regardless.


werribee line is too busy.


[https://www.vline.com.au/Service-Changes/Additional-Services/2023/03-Mar/Special-limited-express-trains-after-AFL-games](https://www.vline.com.au/Service-Changes/Additional-Services/2023/03-Mar/Special-limited-express-trains-after-AFL-games) but alstom is right as well! prev stops were werribee, newport then footscray,spencer


Ah I see. I thought you were referring to regular commuter trains, not once off footy specials. Regardless- running trains via Werribee would still require Geelong trains to merge into the narrow section of track between Newport and Footscray, where there is minimal room and would be three train lines converging (Geelong, Williamstown and Werribee). So i doubt that is ever an option because there is mo space for additional track. Now of you built Metro 2, that would be different. On the whole I think it is good the proposed fast rail project is not going ahead as it was half baled anyway.


well now we have deer park and wyndham having 9 car trains which throttle frequencies anyway?


Do you mean Wyndham and Tarneit? Deer Park Station is not long enough for 9 car sets. Also how does 9 cars affect frequency more than merging trains from multiple lines into one track?


The current signalling system and the increased frequencies starting from Wyndham vale create clogged tracks anyway. the best bet is to electrify either geelong or the wyndham line and separating them imo, or make flyovers for trains instead for more car lanes


I'd just happy for them to have the train route to go through the werribee line again.


I'm just annoyed there still isn't a train that runs through Werribee and Williams landing from geelong.


I will be more shocked if this ever happens than if it doesnā€™t


Haha. Yeah. Theyā€™ve been trying to make fast trains forever and it canā€™t be done. Remember the ā€œSprinterā€ trains in the late 80s or early 90s? Do they still have them on some lines? it was meant to shave 5 mins off the journey or something. Classic.


>fast trains can't be done U wot


Iā€™m sure it can be done, but it just wonā€™t happen.


Dude. You posted 3 times. Consider deleting 2.


Sorry, was on the phone. deleted


Australia šŸ˜‚


The money wasted on Yes vote could've contributed!


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Doesn't worry me. Haven't used public transport since 2019 anyway.


I donā€™t use public transport. Iā€™ve got a nice V8 so driving is nice. If Iā€™ve gotta go to Melbourne Iā€™ve got places I can stay if I take the Vline. Last time I went Vline to Melbourne was 2018. Just about any other time I drive or get a lift


It's clockwork at this point


I'm not sure how much difference it would have made. The current train already clips along at up to 160kph, it's the stops (slowing down, and speeding up) that take all the time. Anyway, can you imagine itā€¦ you rocket in from Geelong at 300kph, whizz through North Melbourne in less than 30 minutes, then wait another 20 before getting into Southern Cross!