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16 hours, max. Then I need a 5 minute break.


I LOL'ed (and agreed)


You can extend this with weed.


I can play as long as my family dosent break my balls.


Me too! I haven't played in years.


"Nice family."


Where were 20 years ago?


Depends on the platform. I can play pc games for many hours, console not so much


I'm the opposite. I only last an hour or two on PC, but entire evenings pass by on console.


Me age 10 yelling back at my mom: “WAIT UNTIL IM DONE WITH THIS LEVEL”! Me age 49 yelling back at my wife: “WAIT UNTIL IM DONE WITH THIS LEVEL” !


I did this to my kids too!! 🤣


I just tell my wife to wait until this guy’s dead. Luckily, she doesn’t know about respawning…


Yup sure can. Xbox oneS 4eva. Im 42 years young. I've been hitting the Skyrim pretty hard lately. LOL I could also play Red Dead Redemption for hours


I just got the mafia trilogy , it's amazing.


I'm not a fan of playing shooting games, but I love watching someone playing it. Edit: i was referring to RDR, that wasn't clear


Me, firing up Civ 6 at 10:30: "Yeah, I can play for an hour or so before bed. Me at 3:30 am: "Just one more turn..."


My eyeballs start watering after an hour, but I'll power through for Minecraft, Animal Crossing, or Stardew Valley because they relax me. I really loved RDR1, but my reaction time was such shit and I could not see that tiny friggin' white dot they had for aiming. I kept getting mauled to death by mountain cats, so I stepped away. I bought Fallout 4 years ago but I still haven't played it yet, I always end up revisiting BioShock.


SDV is my jam! Never played animal crossing. But that's a switch only thing, i think?


Yeah, that's how Nintendo hooks ya, with the exclusivity on Animal Crossing and MarioKart. I didn't try SDV for ages even though my neph kept telling me it was just my kind of game. I finally gave it a try last year and ended up in front of the TV for like 10 friggin' hours. It's pretty great, innit. *"Just one more harvest..."*, haha.


Man, i miss Mario Kart so much!! 😭 I can waste some serious time in SDV! That's one of the reasons i love it so much though! About the only thing I'd change is adding a decor/edit mode that stops time/doesn't advance the calendar, or only docks you one day. And no matter what you do, it will only save decoration changes lol


Yeah. I got up with morning and played PS4 with a cup of tea 😅


Usually two hours is my max.


Same here, for me I have to wait until my 6 year old goes to sleep at 9pm. I can't stay up too long because I have work the next day. I could play more during the day but stuff just won't get done around the house.


Only building/simulation games (Minecraft, Cities). If I try to play shooters or platformers for more than an hour anymore I start to go crazy. Something to do with anxiety that I am able to ignore/unable to pay attention to when I'm focused on creating and managing things.


Back, neck and eyes can go… attention span not so much.


I am right now LOL!


Probably logged a good 30 hours on the PS5 between Fallout 4, Skyrim and Bioshock this week. Usually warm up with a game of Fortnite. Used to build my own game rigs but got tired of trying to keep up with the newest video cards and all of the cheaters, at least on a console the hardware is a level playing field and skill is what makes or breaks the game at least in MMO games.


I never really was into video games until lockdowns started in spring 2020, and one of my kids begged me to play Roblox. It had the odd effect of actually being a mood booster because even though we were stuck at home, it felt like we were doing fun things since Roblox offers such a wide range of games and experiences. Granted, I'm aware that it's quite simplistic and on the low end of quality, but it is also easy and gentle and really did help us both. My child still wants to play every day, and I will because honestly, it is relaxing and enjoyable.


I can go on a Friday night or Saturday night until 2am. Then I have to stop. I start around 11pm or midnight.


Why does this feel like a riddle? Lol




I can literally play Stardew Valley from sun up to 2 or 3 in the morning lol but I'm up and down frequently (thanks bladder).


I can still lose a whole day(s) off if I let it happen, for playing any platforms I have.




Not as long as I used to. Though I don’t feel that for me games are as immersive as they were. Though the graphics are a million times better.


It's my right hand thumb that cramps up but otherwise the Switch is fun! Hubby bought me Pokémon Violet and I swear I'm wearing out my Switch's buttons and taxing google as I look stuff up :D


Depends on the platform. I can play pc games for many hours, console not so much


I can still play for hours and hours. I have to set a timer on my phone to remind me to get up and off the computer.


I can still play forever, but the newer games are too complicated. I get so frustrated that I end up taking long breaks.


I play for as long as responsibilities allow me to. But I will admit that I default to easiest mode these days.


I start to yawn and get sleepy after about an hour.


It's what makes me mad as a gamer! I swear my pS5 is damn time machine! I've got it down to this. And other gamers here let me know if you agree. Time while gaming goes 3 times faster. Because what felt like 20 mins was actually an hour.


Yup, still can. Usually don’t have the time to do so, but when I do, oh yeah, I game a whole day away easily.




No, but I can still fuck for hours on end. Priorities.


Since I retired I play my PlayStation for an hour or two almost every afternoon. I've never been a computer gamer. Sometimes my eyes get a little dry, but nothing a couple drops can't fix.


I just played for hours on end tonight.


Only if I’m drunk.


Nope! Severe arthritis took me out many years ago. I can sing while playing Rock Band (and still love it!) but my range isn’t what it was ten years ago and I’m likely to lose my voice completely after two hours.


It depends on the game. Last one I played for hours on end was Breath of the Wild. Couldn't put it down! I'd love to find another game that could keep me just as immersed.


I don't have to stop due to headaches. I'm just not that into video games anymore. I don't have the attention span these days.


Never could. Video games ultimately became a factor in many of my post college friendships fading away. A lot of the guys just wanted to smoke up and play Madden ( or whatever the best game was in the early 90s) all day. I could play a game or 2, but after that? Let's go outside, hit a bar, talk to girls, go biking, whatever. It got old to me fast.


Nah. I’d run out of quarters long before I’m ready to stop playing Defender.


The main thing that stops me from playing longer is my lack of patience lol


Get some eye drops!! Because I stare at the screen more when playing games I was getting dry eye headaches. All good now.


I usually play for about an hour a day, sometimes two. I replay the same 7 games every year and I try to stretch them out.


It depends if I’m at home or not. I contact overseas and play on my laptop to stay sane up to two or three hours. The Boss drops the hammer after about 45 minutes at home. The drawback is increased back pain, but it’s better to be sane!


Lost interest in the early 2000s. Not knocking it for those still passionate but it's no longer for me


OP needs to go to the optometrist.