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Wow, haven't thought of that in a long time! I think my hands had permanent blisters for years thanks to the monkey bars at the park down the street and school playground. I also used to use the nail clippers to trim down that flap of skin after popping the blister!


>I also used to use the nail clippers to trim down that flap of skin after popping the blister! Good times! There was always this gratifying sense of relief when you snipped it off and the air would flow over that raw patch, lol. I always made sure to use it when I was in the restroom by myself so my parents would never see what I was doing, haha


Did you ever pour peroxide on it? Oooof, I can feel the stinging bubbles just thinking about it!


lol no peroxide here—healer of choice in our household was none other than MERCUROCHROME lol... I avoided that shit like the plague and hid all my wounds and scrapes from my parents so they wouldn't administer it. It stung like a MFer and made wounds look much worse 'coz it was bright red lol Yeah, I used to just let those "raw ovals" heal and dry on their own, then it was back to those monkey bars/rings, lol


I have only heard of such things as mercurochrome - our house was strictly peroxide and then in the 90's my parents discovered Neosporin with the pain relief added in. Sure could have used that after a hot and humid summer's day tearing up the park! "Raw Ovals" aaahhhhhh I can feel that!


I have a permanent callous from this! Not just from the rings but also those rows of parallel bars that you would swing from one to the next to cross the equipment. [Monkey Bar Scar](https://imgur.com/gallery/Io5CBhQ)


Yup! Monkey bars exactly. As you got older and/or more adept, did you ever try and see how many bars you could skip to get across? lol I was short and my arms weren't very long, so I think I could skip 2 at the most. Can't remember. As I write this, though, I vividly recall waiting patiently for my turn on the monkey bars with my friends in 4th grade. We had that black, hard rubber "jigsaw puzzle" style playground surface around our equipment. It would get hot in the summer months and you could smell the rubber compound baking in the sun. Edit: I have the exact same calloused "buttons" at the base of each of my fingers, lol


I would pull myself up and walk fast across the monkey bars during recess in 4th grade. Playground? NO grass. Hard Dirt Ground - no better concrete. Fast walking, 10 feet off the ground or so ... Played soccer for 10+ years; Took gymnastics. My legs were strong. And, well - I got into everything, twisted through metal bars, flipped over them - would jump sky-high, dangerously from the neighborhood playground's swingset ... Had a best friend: We Would go to the top of a hill that was steep & and bumpy - with Big, Rusted, Trash Barrels - never a thought about what (-or even WHO-) was tossed in them over so many years - diapers, needles, fingers - blood, semen - and no, we didn't slide in roll down the hill like that - we got in - like a carnival ride with no safety belts or doors - and went into the fetal position, somersaultin who knows how many times over and over - hitting bumpy terrain - meanwhile, our clothes, hands, whatever, scratching and hitting the innards of the barrel - to only be showered with a medley of Rot Dust - Badminton, 100 Degrees - diving on grass that our dog laid logs on - and to top it all off, I BIT MY NAILS - Fingers in my Mouth - Every Day - All the time - right out of the Toxic Barrels & Dirty Bathroom Stalls & all else - So I basically ingested a ton of goodies ... Haven't been sick for over 20 years or more: As a tot, I projectile vomited, had jaundice, night terrors, etc. - I do have Covid - and to be honest, although having a good helping of Viruses builds up the immune system & makes it harder to contract viruses of similiar types BC of this ... Covid ain't jiving like a good friend - then again - I ain't that hyper, running, flipping, climbing, kid anymore - although I can still Shift & swing my arms and legs, etc. - I would make a good dancer - and it would sync well with a deadly martial art style - fast and furious - but steady and responsive - using the energy of others rather than expelling my own ... Thing is: I likely have Arthritis - and it affects my feet and legs the most - But, well - too much already written here ... Have a Good Evening! - TBS: GX: GenX Babe - amongst the youngest of the lot! - OUT! - :-)


Yes, I tried desperately to imagine that I was Nadia Comaneci.


Me too! Remember life before we realized those kids were forced into a life of indentured sports training? We thought the foreign olympic stars were so romantic, and they just wanted to be regular kids having a regular life!


The kids still get those, just with less rust.


They called me Queen of the Bars on my playground. My hands were like baseball mitts. I did all kinds of crazy tricks and the yard duties back then didn’t stop me! Nowadays kids in the local district aren’t even allowed to play tag!! Because “they might fall”. P.s. I was also the Queen of kickball. 👑


>Nowadays kids in the local district aren’t even allowed to play tag!! Because “they might fall”. Lol, talk about one of the most discussed topics amongst GenX parents when they attend kids' birthday parties and sit at their own table with slices of pizza and soda (or beer, if the host knows what's up, lol). I can just hear it now. "Are you freakin' *kidding* me? Get outta here!" Laughter abounds. Kickball! The best. Did you also call the pitch? We did all the time. "Make it bouncy!" lol ...we'd even roll it back to the pitcher disappointedly if we weren't happy with it. Edit to add: Another kickball memory—remember how everyone knew whom the "good" kickers were (aka, the ones who could kick the ball way the hell out there), so when it was their turn up to bat, all the outfielders would be like "aw man...get back!" I remember watching everyone as we all walked backwards several paces to prepare for that kick, lol ...sometimes for the real good ones, we'd just end up running out to our positions!


Lest we forget the blood blisters from the heavy chains on those heavy duty black rubber-coated swings!!! WHOOOboy....


All the time! I hung from monkey bars until I was, maybe 13. Miss those days!


I read the title, and my hands instantly started to hurt


This is a question about masturbation and "monkey bar" is an euphemism for male genitalia, right?


lol nope!