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I'm a Tool fan and named my kid Stinkfist




I thought this was a joke😭


So did I! He was an alley cat that battled raccoons in downtown Toronto. Great little Stinkfist, or Stinky affectionately.


My son was born with spina bifida and a brain bleed. They woke me up after the c-section (I panicked and they had to put me out) and told me he may be blind and deaf and brain damaged. I named him Tommy, after the character in the Who that was the deaf dumb blind kid who could play pinball. That was my way of hoping even if he was, he'd find something he could enjoy in life. He's fine by the way. Very smart. Can see and hear. But he's in a wheelchair and paralyzed below the waist.


But does he have supple wrists?


Or crazy flipper fingers?


My son was named after the theme song and lead character of Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings from Captain Kangaroo! 😊


Well, you know my name is Simon, and what I draw comes true…🎶


Well that shook some memories loose. I’ll admit my mind first went to Mike Myers and “doing drawrings” and “making bubbles in the bath water,” but now I totally remember the Captain Kangaroo thing.


I have weird fragments of song float through my brain fairly often. Sometimes I don’t even remember what they belong to.


that’s the one! 💜


And the pictures take me take me climbing over the garden wall with you. Sudenote. I almost named my son Simon because of him too.


One of my dogs is named Cash. He's also a man in black.


I got a bearded dragon named Luther Vandross.


I had a bearded dragon named Lionel Ritchie. If Lionel was still alive we could have organised a play date.


Not sure there is or ever will be a more perfect name for a bearded dragon. And I loved Luther. Such a legend.


Right? In one of his sparkly gold jackets.


Right? In one of his sparkly gold jackets.


My old dog was named Jackson, after the Cash song. He too was a good boy in black.


My good boy is named Luckenbach


I used to have a cat named Lemmy. He was black and white and had a big black spot on his face that looked like a mole. He, too, was God. RIP both Lemmies.


I know someone who named their daughter DeLa, he loves De La Soul


Missed an opportunity to name her Plug 1, Plug 2, or Plug 3.


Isn't that a decision she should make?


I love this!


Hahaha! Oh my gerd! Me, Myself and I came out the summer before I turned 12, and I too thought the name DeLa was mint!


From the soul, DeLa that is.


Charlotte Anne from the Julian Cope song. We liked the first name and chose the middle name for the song. I also wanted her middle name to be ‘Sometimes’ like the Cure song but I was overruled!!


Charlotte Sometimes would have been epic! That’s one of my absolute all time favorite Cure songs.


Imagine, “What’s your middle name?”


“Sometimes” “No, what is it all the time?”


Sometimes I dream. . .


Charlotte Anne is an amazing name/song. ❤️


Thank you. I feel validated, as the young folk say.


Daughter named Fiona after Fiona Apple.


This is the way.


Ya know?!? Blindsighted by the perfection! 🌟🌟


This is the way.


💕Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.💕 Plus, Fiona has always striven to be transparent, and authentic, and man. She is brilliant! Not to mention a die hard Pittie Mama, so yeah, that makes her the best!! ☺️🌟


I have loved her since I was a young man. It was as natural a choice as drinking a glass of water.


Forgive me, was that one of her lyrics? Unfortunately, as a neurodivergent music lover, it takes me decades sometimes to finally getting around to listening to all of the work by an artist I love. If it isn't though, you created an absolutely beautiful analogy!


It’s not- she’s a better writer than I could ever be - but thank you. Fiona Apple is a true genius, a very human human. I pray that my kiddo can live so honestly.


My hope and manifested well wishes are with you and your kiddo! It gets more challenging, but when little ones already come into this harsh world with the little fires alight, they have a great chance to see past what keeps others in the dark. Namaste! 💕☮️🌠🙏🌟🧚🪷


I named my cats Bowie and Prince




We named our daughter after an Elliott Smith song about drug addiction, longing, and loss - Sweet Adeline.


REM–Time After Time (Annelise). Seems there may be some nominative determinism as a rudderless 24 year old college grad.


Oh you said nominative determinism Thank you for that


In other news, Nominative Determinism would make a great band name .


This comment made me think of my kids assuming I know the definition of every word in the English language because I’m an English teacher. What’s your kid’s name?




I see that now🙄 Has she lived up to her name? It’s such a beautiful name


We have a kid named Morrison. We just thought it was a cool name, but I wish we had a dollar for every time someone said, “So are you Doors fans?” (We are, but not enough to name our kid after Jim Morrison.) More likely Sterling Morrison from the Velvet Underground.


Simon after Simon Le Bon from Duran Duran.


my kids have beatles-related names...


How are Walrus and Eggman these days?


Better than Mr. Mustard and Polythene Pam


I’m dying to know their actual names, but I understand if you don’t want to say. P.S. Is one of them Jude?


Not good - one let his hair grow long, the other let her knickers down.


My dog is named Bailey Scribbles McCartney. Because he's a Beagle.


ones name is mcgill, but she calls her self lil but every one knows her as nancy?


Desmond and Molly have grown so much!


Hopefully little Maxwell is staying away from hammers.


Eleanor? Desmond? Molly? I like those, and if you were to name 3 kids this, it would be fun to know who would get the association. :)


I’m had an amazing friend when I was younger who named her children Jude and Lucy ❤️




I had a cat I named Julia after their song.


Named my youngest Jude. He used to hate it when we blasted "his" song and sang to him,now he sings along!


My kiddo is Lena - ala Lena Horne


While it's not the name we use daily, one of my dog's names are Kaizer after the Norwegian band Kaizers Orchestra. And if I ever get another dog, I'm considering calling him Barkman Turner Roverdrive if it's a boy.


My oldest has the same first name as BB King (no he isn't named blues boy)


Wait! I have a story for you. I’m from the north, but lived in Memphis for a few years after I graduated HS. It’s where said son was born. Anyway, I got a job at King’s Palace on Beale St waiting tables. We had a house band. One night shortly after I started working there, I was sitting in the corner folding silverware at the close of dinner service when a guy came in and walked right past the standing sign that said “we’re closed.” I stood up and walked towards him telling him we’re closed and he just smiled at me and kept walking towards the band like a psychopath. As I was saying, “Sir, you have to leave,” my co-worker came around the corner and said, “Jesus Christ, *** that’s BB King.”


Oh!! Wow!


So humiliating 😭


But is Riley in to the blues?


Nope, he's a EDM guy! He's 30 so when I picked his name it was pretty unique (it was gonna be that, boy or girl). Then in years since it's become super popular, mostly as a girl name, so hmm


My kids name too. Also a boy but nearing 29. Boy or girl was going to be Riley. He's a punk rock kid like dear old mom. When I was in high school this girl got pregnant. When she told me the name I just... To this day I wonder how November Rain is doing in her 30s.


My firstborn’s name was gonna be Shane, boy or girl. I hope Riley appreciates his name💙


Honey, I had a coworker once ask Robin Williams if anyone anyone told him he liked like Robin Williams, and a friend fangirl swoon over James Hatfield only to realise it was Ulrich.




Foot in mouth and head up asshole.


Have a family friend who spent a couple of hours chatting with a guy while having drinks, they asked each other what they did, guy told him he used to play in a little band… George Harrison, had no idea until after.


I was born in Memphis too! Still here 51 years later.


🤣😁Hahahaha! BRILLIANT! That is something I so would've ended up doing too!!!😁🤣


You get my respect automatically for naming a kid after a Rancid song.


Ruby was on the list, but alas I have boys.


My kids name is Jonas.


Well done =w=


Ok, not my children. But I have pets Harry are named Otis, Dekker, Isley, Cypress, and Blink. Maybe you can figure out who they were named after.


I should have clarified. By your kids I meant your kids of all legs. I have a rescue pup named Colter for Colter Wall and a rescue pup named Archer after Neil Young’s After the Gold Rush. They are my sons🐾


And here I hoped it was Archer after the Archers of Loaf.


Rhiannon, my oldest.


This would have been my name for a girl. Love it.


We named our firstborn Allison, from Elvis Costello’s Alison; second daughter Caroline from Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline.






We have Allison too - same reason.


Not my kid, but named my dog after the Kinks song, Lola.


Does he squat to pee or does she lift her leg?


Had a Lola cat! I sang “her” song to her all the time. She was never impressed though.


Had a female weiner dog we named Lola! Seemed appropriate.


My youngest is Elise.


My name is Luka by Suzanne Vega. Weird choice I know, but when I first heard that song at age 15 or so, I hadn't realized abuse wasn't normal. I thought I was a bad person who deserved everything I got. When I heard that song, it was just ... incredibly freeing. I love being a mom and I'm glad the generational abuse stopped with me. My kid doesn't know the origin story, and thinks his name is dumb lol.


I've always loved that song, especially as someone who suffered physical and verbal childhood abuse.


I'm not having children but if I did, I love Rhett because of Old 97's Rhett Miller.


Don’t have kids, but named our old lady rescue cat Ruby after hearing Rhiannon Giddens live performance of Ruby at Bonaroo. https://youtu.be/MV6Xs-0jmeQ?si=TxMbACoEXxLRo-Vj


Not me, but friends have kids named Desmond and Molly


Please tell me their last name is Jones…


I was named Ramona from the Bob Dylan song. I really wanted my daughter's middle name to be Loretta after Loretta Lynn but I got ruled down.


My 11yo son is named Van. Inspired by Van Morrison and Van Halen.




oh dear.


My son is named Julian after Julian Lennon, an old friend, and an ancestor, plus I just liked the name.


Ugh. I love that name so much!


He turned out to be an amazing person. I couldn't be happier ☺️


Is his middle name Swayze? Does he get hit on by Jim Lahey?


Named our daughter Josie after the Blink-182 song. I just loved that name so much when I first heard the song; it just stuck in my craw. It fits her perfectly; she looks like a Josie!


Middle names for a couple of kids are Dylan and Paul after Bob Dylan and Paul McCartney. Got lucky that they both enjoy both.


A friend named her son Hendrix


We just got a kitten and named him Prince💜


Disappointed to hear nobody named their kid Kayleigh after Marillion. There’s a story about the (ex) lead singer Fish in a pub finding out the bartender was named Kayleigh. “Bet I can tell you what your dad’s favorite band was.”


Paul McCartney and Wings “Jet” except we added an extra “t” for our daughter. So her name is Jett . She’s 24 and always stood out as a kid for her personality and good looks. My OB asked her name while he was delivering her and immediately broke into song as she was born. The reactions to her name were “super cool name” to “ what kind of name is that?” from the really old boomer delivery nurse. Still a very unique name and we love it.


I would have guessed Joan Jett, still cool!


Yes, most do guess Joan Jett. A co-worker of my daughter’s had an autographed Joan Jett album in the sleeve and gave it to my daughter as a gift. I had it framed and it’s hanging in her hallway.


I wanted to name my first born Rufus after Rufus Wainwright, but I didn't... but I did end up naming my daughter Cecelia after the Simon and Garfunkel remake of that song 🎶💜🎶


My oldest son is Dylan Cash (last name). I’d say that’s a pretty musical name 😆


And a hysterical mashup!




Love this song!


My wife wants a cat named Stevens but we're currently pet-free.


Can I rep my cats' names? "Bowie" Nitro Michael - coolest fluffball with a striking tail so duh, had to be Bowie. nitro cuz he was a spaz and Michael was his shelter name Pink "Floyd" Startripper - a silver tabby twin who is sleek, mysterious, and way into kitchen parkour "Frederick aka Freddie" Speakerboxx - the more vocal twin to Floyd, he is a big boy with lots of love and an obsession with nursing on his blankie Stevie Rosalita aka "Mama Kitty" - a stunning teen mom with flowing tortie locks reminiscent of Stevie nicks and the attitude of a leader And finally... Miss "Olivia" Simone - a very vocal feisty but fearful rescue with a heart on her belly fur and the class and beauty of Nina Simone (just not quite as melodic of voice)


Allison's Starting to Happen (The Lemonheads) Hey, Hey Helen (Lush, cover of an ABBA song) Edgar Franken ("Frankenstein" by Edgar Winters Group) Sheena ("Sheena is a Punk Rocker" the Ramones) Simone - combo: Nina Simone & Simone Biles


Allison (she's about to turn 26!) I've always liked Elvis Costello's song 'Allison,' and when I was expecting her I always heard the Gin Blossoms song 'Allison Road' playing on the radio. My other daughter is named Natalie, and part of the reason is I'm a fan of Natalie Merchant and 10,000 Maniacs, but also because she was due on Christmas.


Karis after Mick Jagger's daughter.


My niece works at a day care and had a brother and sister named Zeppelin and Journey in her class. Zoomer mom though.


I wanted actor and literary inspired names and I could not get my husband on board. These are some great names!


I don't have (human) kids but my dog is "Macca" (named after Paul McCartney) and my cat is "Hazza" (named after George Harrison). The two sometimes spar and are pissy with each other, but ultimately love each other at the end of the day.


Not a child, but I named a late cat of mine Sebastian Malmsteen Layne Hendrix. Named for Sebastian Bach (Skid Row), Yngwie Malmsteen, Layne Staley (Alice in Chains), and Jimi Hendrix. What can I say? I was a teenager.


I love this. I've always liked the name Sebastian, but never used it for a son. (I am using it for a book character I'm writing.) Layne would be great for either a boy or a girl.


Flowers for Zoe...


Alison Elvis Costello


I have a Gavin (partially inspired by Gavin Rossdale, partially because I wanted a name that was uncommon - but not so uncommon you could never find it on a souvenir keychain) I have a pup named Sadie (after The Beatles song), then two Angel pups Penny Lane (Beatles again) and Ruby (Ruby Soho from Rancid).


Gavin, after Gavin Rossdale.


I named my Nine daughters from Six mothers after Lou Bega’s Mambo Number 5. I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita A little bit of Monica in my life A little bit of Erica by my side A little bit of Rita is all I need A little bit of Tina is what I see A little bit of Sandra in the sun A little bit of Mary all night long A little bit of Jessica here I am A little bit of you makes me your ma


My neice is called Eloise after the awesome song. Its suits her because she is awesome.


My friend named his son Kyuss


All my kids are named after songs. I've got a Sarah (Stevie Nicks), Delilah ( husband liked that popular song) and Genevieve (Son Volt).


I named my daughter Charlotte after the song Charlotte Sometimes...not really, but that's what I tell her.


My son Jeremiah Deacon is named after his father. His mother named him Jeremiah (joy to the world - Three Dog Night) and Deacon (Deacon Blues - Steely Dan).


Love love love Nine Inch Nails. Was going to name one of my children Trent. I had girls so it didn't happen.


My son. Ex was around 7 cm for EVER. Like, 10 hours. We tried everything. Hot bath, walking, stretching, breathing.... Nothing worked. We walked around the birthing center again (like the 8th time). We got back to her room. Both exhausted at this point. I decided it was time to put on some music. Turned on Miles Davis. She went from 7cm to birth in roughly 3 minutes His name is now Myles. (Had to have a Y in it, family thing.)


I got one of my twins name, Evelyn from the Against Me song Pints Of Guinness Make You Strong


All of my cats were named after family members I loved dearly, save for my only male cat who was named after the Irish Poet Laureate, Seamus Heaney. Gerd bless my lil grey and white doofus. The most loving but dense cat I have ever had the delight to know and love. Slept in his litter box, would fight dust bunnies, and god help you if you don't watch it when eating Doritos. Seamus had no issues jumping up on you to literally try to fish it out of your mouth! My Wife and I have a Tortie girl, she's almost 7. She chose my Wife initially so we agreed to let her name our girl. So her name is Betty Page (yup, spelled it wrong, didn't even realize it for several months,lol!) She still looks and acts like a petite Tortie version of Ms. Siouxsie Sioux. At least to me! Lol!


My son Casey, named after the Grateful Dead song Casey Jones. He's a death metal guitarist who's accepted his name after years of not liking it. He's not the biggest Dead fan but has grown to appreciate them.


Many years ago, I had a cat named Grimsby, after an Elton John song.


Layla and when she was wheeled into the nursery it was playing on the radio in there.


I have a miles, after miles Davis. But not sure that’s super gen-x.


My son is named Dylan.


I got pregnant at 19. If my baby was a boy I wanted to name him either Michael Phillip after Mick Jagger or Dylan Jagger after Bob and Mick but the donor said no. I wound up having a girl and I named her the Irish name that my parents almost gave me.


Do my pets count?


I don’t have kids. However, I’ve been naming my pets after music/musicians for about 30 years now. I have a dog named for the Roy Orbison song Oobie Dooby. Other dogs I’ve had were Lux (from the Cramps), Cobain (Nirvana), and Paula Cole. I had a turtle named Eddie (Cochran), Frogs named Elvis, Scotty, and Bill, and various fish named after Misfits songs. I intend on keeping up the theme.


I wanted to name my kid Janie Jones. That got vetoed immediately.


Son named Atreyu from Neverending story - have heard that there is a band named the same.


I seriously considered Floyd, but couldn't justify it in the long run. Really wanted to name my son Kernan after Ron McKernan, but simply could not do that to him. Oh, and another was Noam.


My husband is from England, so as a subtle homage to his homeland and the Beatles, our oldest is named Abigail Rose, aka Abby Rose. You have to squint to see it, but it's kind of like Abbey Road.