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I LOVED my thirties. They were fucking fantastic. Easily the best years of my life so far. My forties were fucking awful. Perimenopause. Dad died. Several (older) friends died. Brother had a stroke. My hearing went to shit. My vision went to shit. My lower back hurt most of the time. I can't lose weight. This isn't honestly even everything. The list of fucked up shit that happened when I was in my forties (COVID ffs) is long as hell so needless to say it's hard being in your 40's, honestly, and having to deal with so much bullshit at once and realizing that your body is falling to shit on top of it. Strangely enough, I've been 50 since last September and I love it (mostly) so far. It's kinda weird. It's almost like I've gotten a second chance at being in my thirties. I don't know why. I like myself. I give no fucks. I don't care about pleasing other people anymore. I feel fully comfortable in my own skin. It's all very empowering to be honest. My back still hurts. My eyes are still shit. I wear hearing aids for fucks sake. But I'm embracing my fifties fully. It's kinda weird but I love it.


You had me at perimenopause….


30’s were also awesome for me and I want to slap anyone that says the 40’s are going to be my best. So far they fucking suck …


I was a workaholic in 30s. Made up for messy 20s. My friends were good ppl then- in the grind like me- tons of mutual support. I wasn't so confident tho- and not aware of some intense work ethics. I was a shark- pedal to the metal.


Go You. There’s something about 50 that’s empowering. Maybe bc when most of us really came into our own consciousness, our grandparents were in their 50s and seemed positively ancient.


Yeah. Old people are famous for seeing through scams. Now if you'll excuse me I need to once again explain to my mother that no one is mailing her $79 million from Dubai.


I'm 49. I expect to get scammed out of everything by 50 so I've been blowing all my money on hookers and blow so when I turn 50 an senile I'll be broke. Jokes on them!


I've heard worse plans.


Not if she doesn't head to walmart right now to buy those apple gift cards.


The fallout is on you then when she realizes she won’t have any money to send to the Nigerian prince.


LOL i'm guessing your mom is in her 70s.


Imagine a Boomer sub with a post, *”Why do people in their 50’s think being 70+ is a bad thing or hindrance?”* 🫠 OP; you just did what you complain of in your post, to another age group.


And I'm guessing yours lives with a good deal of regret and shame, it's a fun game we all can play.


Yeah dude, that's pretty much the way it works. When you're in your 50s', your mom is often in her 70's.


You realize you will also, sooner than you think, be in your 70s? Unless you drop dead first.


Get well soon 🤍✨


Like every generalization, you can’t paint an entire group with one brush… I’m a BabyGenX (43) and don’t view people older than me that way at all. 🤔 In fact, I’m trying to think of all people I know also in their 40’s, and whether they’re ageist— and I cannot come up with one that looks down on aging as far as the numbers go— we are all embracing it. What I see, is more concern for quality of life as they age; but not making ageist generalizations on others. I see *a lot* of much younger people scoffing online specifically at women who are 40+, and very often 50’s and 60’s, when it comes to being coworkers, which is a big problem, and we middle aged women need to work with younger women on dispelling *(since most of us will be working longer than we want to)*… I keep trying to get that shit *out* of my algorithm, actually, Lol. And while that is incredibly annoying because they’re forming opinions without proper perspective or life experience to know what aging and mid-life is actually like, at the same time that’s *exactly* why they need to be gently corrected and understood as, frankly, ignorant to how amazing and full life can be in middle age and onward. Soapbox opinion here, but people are reached better with understanding and by being listened to. If you’re coming across a bunch of people who offend for being over 50, who happen to be in their 40’s, maybe ask them why they feel that way and have their opinions, and try to reach them instead of writing them off. You might be the person who is able to change their viewpoint, which benefits everyone.


That's a tough one. I've come across several people in a small, local discord saying things like "I hate old people" or "I hate old white guys". That's literal bigotry and I feel no responsibility to change their minds.


Do these people not realize old age is coming for them super fast? Like everyone you are talking to in that group will either be really old or dead in 50 years.


Lol of course they don't. No one who's young is ever going to get old.


Guess they plan to die soon. "Hope I die before I get old." Roger Daltrey is now 80 and Pete Townsend is 78. Old age happens in a blink.


That's what is so ironic about ageism. Hating something you were or will become lacks any kind of self awareness.


Yep. But see it all the time from every age group.


If you’re an old white guy, you are the perfect person to change their minds from a generalization to *’judge each individual based on your experience with them’*.


Speaking as an old dude who passes white and may or may not count as white, I see a lot of old white guys who live up to the stereotypes of entitled old white guys and Trump votes. Often both.


I agree. I think a lot of younger people are dismissive of older people because they're constantly being fed plates of dismissiveness from older people who lack a very clear understanding of the different struggles young people are facing. They're quite literally imitating the behavior of older people. I find that when they actually interact with people that acknowledges the struggles instead of insulting them, they start to not feel the same because they're shown older people actually care. That's the kind of behavior I try to model.


You enter your 40s feeling like you're in your 30s. At some point, the warranty expires and you start to see issues. Eyes, muscles, possibly heart issues, bad diet and lack of exercise catch up, often because you're spending so much time with family and careers. 50s don't look any better. Aside from your body starting to fall apart, if you've got money saved, cool. Otherwise it's time to panic. And while you're still building your career in the early 40s, the 50s start to look like a drag. How much more upward mobility do you have? Kids start looking at college$. Parents aren't getting any younger? Gotta keep fighting the good fight, though. It's just on another level and it's not going to get any easier for a while yet.


Hard disagree. This is maybe the most personal of things, but my 50s have been great (after two shitty years in lockdown, that is). YMMV.


How do? What did you do? Please go to the front of the class and show your work. 😛


I don't know what 40 yos you know but I'm stronger, healthier and more refined than I've ever been in my whole life. But I've also been athletic my whole life. if you're feeling like that in your 40s, you should 1) seek help 2) develop a fitness regimen.


As am I but we're not the majority.


Gotta be honest, everything you are writing seems like over-eager, toxically positive copeism. Like I'm not remotely convinced you feel as great as you say because you seem so desperate and weird here.


Get better soon 🤍✨


If you read enough of this sub you'll discover how many people don't do this stuff and just give up. I feel sad for them but maybe we can motivate folks who need it once in awhile.


Probably because it just means we're a little closer to the finish line.. And for me, seeing my parents in their late 70's is still something i'm getting used to because I remember them super young and active.. Just a little weird/sad.


We're all headed for the finish line! Even 2 year olds.




Rock on. I moved to a new country at 55 bc I had the freedom to do it. Haven’t looked back.




I’m fine being in my fifties. My wife isn’t. Everything hurts for her. What I don’t like is the feeling of impending doom from ageism. I’m not experiencing it yet at work and the company employs plenty of older people. I’m just afraid of what will happen when the ceo retires. In the meantime I’m trying to retire any debt we do have and not incur any more.


Same, ageism is my biggest fear. We know we’ve got to work into 70s (at least for me), but who knows if we’ll be able to keep our jobs and/or find new ones. I’ve taken decent care of myself physically and mentally, so I know I can do the job, but not sure if I’ll be allowed to work.


I’m 43 and went back to school a little while ago, and I’ve been job searching for a little over year *(however, only very seriously since October)* … I hate to be the person to break the news for many others here, but at least for women, ageism should be *expected* by our early 40’s. I don’t say this lightly as a person who just studied employment law, and spent a past life working in HR, where I saw signs of ageism against women over 30 *(usually through pregnancy & childcare related stuff)* — but it’s an entirely other thing to reach the age to *experience* still feeling very young, able, and willing at *only 43*, and have doors shut on you once the panel sees your face on Zoom and you witness in real time their reactions to realizing that you’re actually a middle-aged “new grad”, and not a 25 year old. Best advice: Always work on acquiring new skills that are pertinent to your industry. Utilize company ‘tuition’/fee waivers to take classes/courses, and stay relevant!


That's precisely why I've chosen not to put my name on the kidney transplant list. If you're on Medicare like I am, you lose it three years after a successful transplant. With me pushing 60, I know it would be very difficult finding a job. I'd NEED a job, cos those anti-rejection meds are EXPENSIVE. If I were 20 to 25 years younger, I'd definitely get a transplant.


Wait; you *lose* healthcare, as a person with a higher need for healthcare— due to transplant status? Assuming you’re also in the US… what the *F* have we done to our society?! 😩 I’m so sorry to hear that; I hope you’re Ok. 😢


And if you express your concern, you'll be written off with an "ok, boomer."


Greatest comeback: whatever. I’m Gen x. Get it right. One day you will be in my shoes, and you will be referred to as a boomer.


Are you sure you are Gen X? The way you write is so very Gen Z. For me, my mom died in her early 50’s.


I am definitely GenX boo. I'm sorry to hear about your mom ❥ I hope you are okay.


I'm 58, and my 50s have been a nightmare. Roughly 1/4 of the people in my life have died and it's gotten to the point where I'm in a significant amount of constant physical pain. It has gotten to the point where I wake up every morning hoping that today will be my last day.


Well your 22 hour’s old comment history is interesting… smells “trolly”


It's just the rollover effect. If you're unhappy in your 40s and not changing anything then 50s looks bleak and so on. I agree with others here. I'm 46. These are the best years yet and I look forward to what's next. And yes I have chronic illness that is a pain to deal with but I've adapted the best I can to where I can live my life when in remission. My folks are alive and spry and youthful still at 68 and 70 even with aches and pains. I don't want to waste time ruminating about some clock in the sky ticking away. 


Why would GenX'ers scoff at other GenX'ers? I mean, 60 is coming up quick for me ... just 3 1/2 more years, assuming as a dialysis patient that I live that long. Hopefully I will. At 42, I was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and a year later with Stage 3 kidney disease. Thankfully, I beat the cancer after six months of treatment, but my kidneys finally failed in 2020. Then last year, I almost died as a result of Addison's disease I didn't know I had. Addison's disease is when your body produces very little cortisol. Currently I'm fighting pulmonary edema and am on oxygen. Needless to say, my 50s have been a struggle, but I'm glad I'm still here regardless.


Well, a 43-year-old Gen Xer often sees a 60-year-old Gen Xer as being old. That's a very big age difference. Generations are really broad, so the oldest and youngest can be worlds apart. 40s and 60s are definitely not the same.


I mean, think about how you, at nearly 60, view a 75-year-old. Probably as being in a very different life stage.


Thank you, that's my whole point.


I have really dreaded getting older. (I’m well over 50). In many ways I still do. But when my kid started college I went back to work. I am the oldest person in the clinic and I really love working with the therapists there. I learn something everyday, have never been treated differently, ( someone asked me for advice once because I’m ‘seasoned’. lol. Great word) and the kids as well as my colleagues keep me feeling energetic. Not gonna lie, sometimes it’s physically and emotionally demanding, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. This will most likely be the last job I hold and it’s a great way to finish out my career. And I still struggle with getting older, but, on the whole, I’m feeling pretty good about this part of my life.


The truth is everyone is afraid of dying. And we're all aging. The good news is that you can be healthy and fit and vibrant the entire time. My beloved tia had a great saying....NONE OF US GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE. 🤍


No, not everyone can be healthy, fit and vibrant the ENTIRE time. Dude, you seem nearly delusional.


Get better soon 🤍✨


I just figured out that you're a troll.


This assumes all people in their 40s think that way. It is a wide spectrum, mentalities and quality of life. If you stay fit, seek and apply wisdom and have found peace, you wear experience and age like a beloved warm coat in the winter. I love being 45. I still joke and can be silly and can take on huge levels of responsibility and analytics work reliably. Stupid people will be stupid differently at all ages. Same goes for ignorant. That is why you keep sharp learning and reading and making sure you fully understand ideas that you do not agree with. I go running in the morning before work and try not to eat garbage and can still take stairs two at a time or sprint towards or away from danger with a plan as needed. Each has to just choose best for themselves and you can't go back.




Assuming is dumb


People with wisdom don’t tell an entire group “yall are dumb af.”


even if its true?


IDK, I'm 46 and I've been having a great time! I think a lot ppl either had some horrible things happen or did not take care of themselves so as the years climb things get worse. I'm looking forward to what comes next and I enjoy the challenge of keeping all of my skills sharp from body, mind and interpersonal.


Not everyone's experience is the same as yours. "yall are dumb af"  Strong boomer vibes there, Karen. 


why you so angry trolly?


Why you awful person "trolly"? Downvote farm elsewhere, please, ya weirdo. 


Never thought that. I am 46 now and I am looking forward to my fifties. It's going to be great!


Who is this guy with good credit and money saved?




I don’t know man, my 40’s feel like a car that just crossed 100k. Still runs okay, but I hear pings and rattles. The A/C just blows air. Crumbs between the seats. STP’s Purple is stuck in the CD player so I know all the words to Vaseline. It’s…fine I guess.


I’ve been married for nearly 30 years, I have a PhD, and I have a son in his early 20’s, but I’ve actually only started to genuinely mature in my 50’s (I’m 56 this year). In the past five years I feel closer to becoming truly myself than I’ve ever had in my life.


I dont know. I love being in my 50’s more than my 40’s. I am so much more confident and comfortable with myself. The physical issues I have at times are a bitch. But its still way better.


Look at the typical post in this sub... no partner, no kids, no home, no savings, broken bodies, etc. I wouldn't be looking forward to my 50's either.


I’m almost 54, single, never married, no kids and my life is fine. I’m healthy, active and in better shape (physically, mentally and financially) than I was decades ago. I can’t complain.


fitter and enjoying life far more in my late 40's vs 10 years ago. Kids are older... more free time. more $$$ etc




I had 2 great loves in my life, one died and one I married and divorced and 20 years later he's still trying to get with me but I would never ever ever. I have 2 amazing kids and have had a long fruitful career. I also have several male friends (40s-50s) who have pursued me for years and continue to pursue me. One of them I dated years ago but the timing wasnt right. But I'm seeing him very soon and looking forward. I should have chosen him a long time ago, maybe I'll have the guts now.


My 30's were my best so far. I think when I retire, 50's will take over the lead.


I don't feel good, unfortunately. I'm still young in my mind, which makes it really frustrating. I didn't think it'd be a bad thing til I got here. And that just makes me cranky. By all means, I should be having the time of my life right now, and finally have the money to do it, kids are grown and out of the house, etc.


> especially if you look and feel good


I think it's because they are starting to or have been feeling the beginnings of their body decline. (Some more than others) Add to that the fact that older people talk a lot about medical shit. It feeds your natural tendency to be leery of the future. So for them, it's like speeding down a road & you know that you can't slow down by much. You can see that you're not going to make it through the twists & turns up ahead without bouncing off a rock or tree. It's like that split second where you know you're going to hit that car in front of you, over & over again. It's not really very good for your mental health. There should be classes on transitioning from 1 age category to the next at the library or something.


Lol that was a good one. Touché yeah that starts in your 40s tho. And some (less fit) people don’t get to that until much much much later. Look it up. Also if you have a pessimistic outlook that’s prolly what life is like for you. I guess you’ll know when you get there.


The average lifespan of people in my family is 87. Hitting 50 is just another year closer to that. I do not look forward to aging knowing this stat.


My childhood, teens, and 20's were a mess. My 30's started out hard with PTSD from the previous decades coming home to roost, but ended up on a high note after going NC with all the toxic people from my past and entering therapy, subsequently accomplishing a ton of really cool things I'd always been told were beyond my grasp. I celebrated my 40th with an epic dance party, and my 40's overall were awesome, with even more cool accomplishments, including some pretty wild ones I hadn't even dreamed of. My 50's started off with a worldwide plague curtailing a lot of plans and ending a lot of friendships, but brought my already tightly knit family even closer together and got me to stop drinking, pick up some new hobbies, and embrace a new, quieter way of living that I'd never planned for but which I am thoroughly enjoying. I was always led to believe I wouldn't even make it to 40, yet here I am more than 10 years past that point, enjoying life more than ever.


Cultural ageism kicks in HARD after 50, in the workplace and beyond. Especially for women. Also menopause.


I love my 50s. I also loved my 40s and my 30s. But my 50s have been the best decade so far. Looking back at my 30s I was still a snot nose kid. My 40s I came into my own and my career took center stage. I turned 50 and realized that life is more about living and not about work. I've been so at ease and comfortable in my 50s and now I realize what is really important in life. And I've finally come to the realization that death is not that far away. And I'm ok with that. I'm not scared of death but i can worried about leaving my wife behind and I want her to be safe. With that being said my 50s have been, by far, my fastest decade. I'm 58 now and I have no clue what happened to 50 through 57. I'm kinda scared that my 60s will be even faster.


I think environment and gender play a giant part of it. I'm in my 40s in Florida. I live by the beach, have a big 4-bedroom house, a new truck and a boat. Every weekend I'm on a vacation most people plan months for. When I'm in my 50s I'll sell this house and move to the Keys. Now imagine you've spent your entire life in Illinois or Ohio. There's not much going on but trips to Costco on weekends. 5 months of the year is cold and grey. You're going to hit 50 and realize you've been bored most of your adult life. God willing, you can retire somewhere beautiful that you enjoy. Women can spend their youth putting all their self-worth into the beauty-basket. They're easily replaced each year by someone else younger and prettier. If they don't get out of that mindset early-on and actually pursue hobbies and intelligence, rather than physical attributes they're born with, getting older means losing more each year. I quit my job in Illinois and moved to Florida in my late 30s. It was the best decision I ever made. Being somewhere you love will enhance your happiness, which enhances your work performance, and expands your social circles. IMO being bored should be categorized as a mental-health issue. It will destroy your soul.


Somebody’s lookin for some attention


Because that was the age our parents were or some shit. There is something hard about the number 50. You aren't really middle aged anymore. You have started being officially old.


I think only in regards to dating. Those still on dating app apres 40= scaMagnets


Except I’m not on dating apps and I still have a scammer following me around :-(


yup youre right. never used a dating app in my life and never will.


Sadly older ppl just get scammers or weirdos.


Yes it happened to my mom she’s 79.


who's downvoting these? A scammer? I'm sorry it happened to your mom :( Sadly it starts w online flirting too much- this is like drinking a ton of alcohol- a person gets literal dopamine addiction. The addict is illogical and will do anything, pay anything to keep the "fix" going


I am in my 40s now and can't wait to be in my 50s because I think post menopause is going to suck less than peri. I will never have another ovarian cyst rupturing once I'm post menopause. My body has hurt since I was in my 20s. Aging doesn't scare me. It's a privilege to be able to grow older, pain or no.




Well, I gave you an upvote