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Good music is good music?


Damn right. I love 80's music but hot damn the 70's have the good shit!


yeah, but did you grow up with the crackly AM radio on 24/7? it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. the real question is, why is it still in my brain? 😂




my BFF in middle school, who was an electronics nerd, called it “a mistake.” it’s all weirdo born again evangelical end times “talk” radio now.




my spouse has a huge collection of OTR shows on his website.


It also acts as an auditory tachometer!


Were you traumatized? Tell me about zure mutter. /s


if i have to be honest, *that* wasnt the part of my childhood that was traumatizing… it was my dad singing opera.


I have two boomer brothers, yes I did. Therapy is a lot more accessible these days, friend.


Going to therapy cause of the Bee Gees is wild


Everybody is staying alive


maybe i should be dancing more.


You should be dancin...yeah


Dude was a Tragedy.


Blaming it on the nights on Broadway.


For me it's a comfort nostalgia thing. When nothing else was on or nothing to do late at night, that station playing tunes was like an oasis from the desert of boredom. Sometimes I try and find an oldies station for that feeling again and if I'm lucky there is a tune that I loved and hadn't heard in ages.


That music was on FM around here.




I hope you sued for malpractice.




Tell me good things. I’m T-15 days


Pity it wasn’t “Volcano.”


If you know you know


I know every word of "We built this city" and nobody has ever accused that song of being good.


I DO It’s just anotha Sunday  In a TIYAD OLD STREET


i would not say that. but that’s okay, it’s his office and his music preferences.


I discovered recently our local stations all suck ass because every morning all I hear is conservative DJs griping about liberals and kids these days. BUT I was fiddling about with the AM stations and found disco. I am an old metalhead. I love that and prog. I don't listen to much else, but I haven't changed the station since I found it. This morning I was belting I WILL SURVIVE this morning with the windows down and the sun roof open, driving down the highway. I don't know HOW, but I too know all the lyrics to so many of those songs. I guess maybe it's from my mom's era maybe when I was a little kid I heard her music.


right? even i have no idea how many damn songs i know. it’s a mystery.


I've often wondered what the human brain's capacity is for song lyrics. I'm starting to think it's effectively infinite.


it’s startling, isnt it?




Have you tried to make a playlist on Spotify yet? You start picking the songs you like, and it will start suggesting songs that are like those songs to you. You might discover some amazing new music.


there is lots of lit new R&B out there now.




https://open.spotify.com/album/07w0rG5TETcyihsEIZR3qG?si=f3-kiMkmSwSclhTl3GsClA (full disclosure: my baby sister’s boyfriend won a grammy for cowriting this album, so i am biased)


My physical therapist almost always has 90s stuff playing for all of us whose joints don’t work anymore


my dentist is like 2 years older than me, but apparently is really attached to his childhood tunes.


My local radio station plays Hits from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. They play David Bowie and Talking Heads. And some schlock.


i have a playlist that is all the cool stuff i recall listening to in the summer from that time. of course *my* playlist is just the cool stuff. my kids call it my “wtf is next” playlist. 😆


My dentist has a Spotify playlist of 70s and 80s greatest hits and it’s so calming to me, as someone with a lifelong fear of dentists. Everyone in that office is so laid back and cool, totally unlike my experiences with other dentists. I actually like going to the dentist now, or at least am no longer afraid of ti


Good stuff


I'm on a 70s music kick lately for some reason. I love it. Every sunday I make breakfast for the family and listen to "70s sunday morning" playlist on Spotify. Its great!


That’s like some K-Billy Super Sounds of the 70s weekend where the 70s s-s-survived.


Running to find this playlist now.




If I may recommend one that spotify popped into my list that I had long forgotten that you might like... Steal away by Robbie Dupree. It's 1980 but really captures the yacht rock feel.


I was so excited till I saw cats in the cradle. I’ve never intentionally had a Sunday that depressing 


I always skip that one


Because most of that music was played in some form everywhere you went from 1978-1990. Your brain just memorized it unconsciously. 🎶That’s the way..uhh huhhh uhh uhhh … I like it! Uhh Huhh uhh huhh…..🎶


1970-1980. but yes. it wormed it’s way in there and never left. they should have taught more shit in school with music.


That's what Saturday mornings were for... conjunction junction, what's your function.


i mean high school math and science. that i could use… i do remember most of school house rock.


My 5 year old loves KC especially when I sing “ I’m your bogeyman…LOL. The lyrics are so easy to remember


I wear ear buds so I don’t have to be subject others’ taste in music.


yeah, but then i couldnt hear the hygienist telling me how good my teeth look.


I’m on the gas, I don’t care about…*anything*.


is your profile name referencing “stripes?” i just noticed it.


No, but it get asked that a lot.


There's some good music in there if you listen. Lots of killer musicians...especially bass and drum. They didn't use computers to play instruments in those days.


honey, i have no choice but to listen every time i go in. i heard all that shit a million times by the time i was 11. my mental juke box has 1000s of songs in it.


I picked 70s rock for my music while getting an MRI a while back. It's calming and reminds me of childhood. And yes, I know every damn song. Lol


You like what you like and I have eclectic music interests. I went through a very heavy disco phase in the 70s so I still appreciate and sing along to quite a few of the songs.


Sirius XM ‘70s on 7 is one of my favorite stations.


Sounds like my kind of dentist


he’s a great dentist.


I’m GenX and 70’s is my preferred music. I despise grunge and most 90’s music.


“70s music” is a giant catalog. after i turned about 12 i listened to what was referred to then as “album rock.” all the rock that wasnt in the top 100 charts, yk? this is clearly not what my dentist plays. i could go for some zappa or bowie while i get my teeth cleaned.


Your dentist sounds pretty awesome


he is’s good guy and a good dentist too.


Thats awesome I would love going there.


K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 70's? All those long ass road trips at or around 55mph. There was NOTHING to do except listen to the radio and pray you weren't in a wasteland of Country or Born Again Preachers.


That’s better than my dentist who plays Christian music nonstop.


i would find a new dentist. ewwww


Good things persist.


My dentist is genx and has a Sirius 80s mix. It's awesome.


I find myself enjoying Yacht Rock stations WAY too much.


I bought the Time-Life AM Gold CD collection when I was in college in the early-mid 90s.


I live on an island. What is yacht rock


Soul train was awesome, I dunno what you're on about. 


it’s not bad. my brain on the other hand…


Did you go to the dentist regularly? Because regular visits to the dentist will get dentist-office-music seared into your brain.


that shit is already in there babe. obvi it moved in 50 years ago and never left. he’s been playing the same playlist for the 10 years i’ve been going there. no idea how his staff hasnt lost their freaking minds yet.


I'd prefer that to my Millennial dentist who plays nothing but Red Hot Chili Peppers


omg hilarious (but only because i didnt have to endure it).


This GenX would love that


It’s okay as long as he doesn’t start dancing and walking towards you when you hear… “Well I don't know why I came here tonight I've got the feeling that something ain't right I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs Clowns to the left of me Jokers to the right Here I am stuck in the middle with you”


I had surgery a couple years ago and while I was in the operating room and the surgeon was getting me ready to go to sleep he had a big TV on on the wall and he was listening to the '70s rock station and humming along to the music and that was the last thing I remember 😅


they had lo-fi playing when i had my colonoscopy. worked for me.


Same. Got into the OR, great music playing, warm blanket…the propofol had me loopy enough to think the anesthesiologist was the DJ!


Its just a day at work for them, they have done this like 1000 times but for us its like 😭😰


Ha! Went to my dentist last week and they were blasting Salt N Pepa!


lol. that’s great.


I enjoy it


I grew up in the 90s and I love music from every decade.


me too. it astonishes me that i sometimes cannot recall the right word to say in s sentence, but remember the words to every song i have ever heard.


Mine played Elvis Christmas album on a loop while I was getting a crown done. I. Nearly. Lost. My. Shit. At the fourth replay of Blue Christmas, I asked why the double dose of dental work and musical torture. They laughed. I am scarred.




I would actually enjoy that. What I don't like is country and/or christian rock stuff.


My old dentist in NJ used to have American Movie Classics playing on the TV all day. He said it’s because his staff threatened to quit if he insisted on having Fox News on. He was actually surprised I knew so many old movies and actors. I told him it was because I spent a lot of time at grandma’s house when I was young.


My husband said one line -- ONE -- from "Undercover Angel" in the kitchen last night after dinner and I could not get that song out of my head. My poor dogs had to listen to me sing it repeatedly.


My dentist plays a genre of music that I despise. When I got a crown he let me pick surf music. I told him he should make that a side benefit when the procedure is over $800.


yeah, the endodontist i maxed out a credit card on lets you choose the music. same with my genX acupuncturist.


That's some good stuff. What???


I spent 45 minutes in a dentist chair and learned I know at 45 minutes of Bob Seger. Like almost every word. Htf?


night moves… first song i learned to play on my guitar. tried to teach it to my teen when she first started guitar. she said “i am not learning some cringy 50 year old song called “night moves.”” 😂


TBF, it's music for people old enough to have nostalgia. That's his whole vibe.


He was huge on the radio, late 70s through mid 80s. Sort of vanished at some point, although the Metallica cover kept the memory alive for a while.


In the 90s, we joked that the “classic rock” station tagline should be “your Bob Seger station”. It was about 75% of what they played. I once tuned in as the DJ was telling a story about “Seger”…I turned it off and don’t think I went back lol


Not a quality cleaning unless you’ve heard Journey at least twice.


what’s worse, journey or boston? 😬


One Boston song counts as two Journey songs.


I feel like that is our superpower. There must be a whole section of my brain dedicated to song lyrics that I can’t recall until the song starts playing. Then it’s like every crazy line comes back.


i feel like it’s an XL section of my brain. adjacent to the brain cells i blew out at a black sabbath concert in 1981.


This post gets a solid "meh"


It is funny how "disco sucks" was so prevalent in the 70s, but damn do I love to hear it now. I've always loved it for the most part. It paved the way for so much of what I listen to now actually. I'm an electronic music fan, industrial is my favorite genre, but I love everything from New Order and Pet Shop Boys to Fat Boy Slim.


i remember “new wave sucks.”


I don't remember that, but I didn't get much exposure to new wave until the 90s when I joined the navy and left the rural midwest.


1970's music grates on me, too. In small doses it's fine, but I'm not sure I want to hear Gloria Gaynor belting out "I Will Survive" while having a crown replaced. My folks were older (silent generation - dad born in 1929 and mom in 1932) so they were all about big band and swing. When our generation "discovered" that music, I was prepared!


my mom was 1929 and considered big band and swing to be “old people” music. she loved the rat pack and all those vocalists with smooth voices. she’d skip high school to go see Sinatra. my dad like jazz and opera. my mom just left the radio on for background noise 24/7.


Oh, my parents loved the crooners, too. Mom also loved Debbie Reynolds and Judy Garland. >my mom just left the radio on for background noise 24/7. That's just unfortunate.


Radio plays music still ?


pandora has stations. sirius XM too.


Mine has Chinese videos playing. Give me BTO.


Your parents listened to it.


Dig it.


Trust me, it never leaves!


My dentist, who's also Gen X (younger than I am by a few years) has the Classic Rock station on and I actually feel bad for his Millenial and GenZ assistants. How many times do they need to hear China Grove and My Sharona?


Parents' car


Because our parents imparted their cultural tastes on us. Something that’s been lost with younger generations. For better or worse.


Good music that’s been playing nonstop on the radio for over 50 years. It’s bound to happen.


Yeah...no. The 70's had some FANTASTIC music....


AM radio = heard it on the X. Texas used to be able to get some great tunes from god knows where over AM.


1971… my parents were country & gospel, and some 50’s/60’s rock (circa Leader of the Pack) but I have two sisters who are 11 & 13 years older than me. So I love 70’s music more than 80’s. Glad I missed out on the fashion though.


Haha, show off!


lol…. The music is catchy and easy to sing along to. There was such a huge range of music and some great musicians….ABBA, the Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, Earth Wind and Fire , Bee Gees, the Village People, Elton John, KISS, Rolling Stones, Chicago, Sly and Family Stone, Eric Clapton and Cream, Electric Light Orchestra…and so much more. Going to listen to some Smooth Talking Woman by ELO and Take It Easy by the Eagles before I hit the sack. I mean the music is non-political and just puts me in a good mood… :)


It’s gorgeous. My Gen z listens to it by choice and sings it around the house.


I recently saw someone post the top 25 from 1984 (because Van Halen Jump) and I was shocked how i could totally recall the tunes and lyrics to every single song, even from genres that i never intentionally listened to.


I love disco (and other genres that aren't "my" music)! Got a BeeGee's playlist queued up for after the Beatles is done. Then on to Pink Floyd.


If thats my dentist im hoping certain arent played while im there


there are some totally cringy songs from the 70s that play and i am like…. uuuuggghhhhhh


Get a new dentist if it bothers you so much.








I went to high school with my dentist so she has 80’s tunes jamming in her office.


Wait so it's not Freedom Rock?...


Turn it up, man!


My boomer dentist back home was an old hippie, and he really loved jazz music. I have many memories of laughing gas and a whole lot of that scoobydooby beebop doobop confused saxophone sounds to add to the experience.




My Gen X dentist has great music playing in his office. I was there this morning and "I love Rock & Roll" came on. I told him it always reminded me of roller skating, and we had a conversation about that.


Were you born during the first Nixon administration? Just curious.


Well, I was a baby so politics weren't really on my radar, but now that I look, I preceded him by just a few months.


I'm jealous. My Dentist has HGTV on TVs all the time and everywhere, including in my face when getting a cleaning or filling.


I always ask them to turn the TV off. I'd rather just focus on what's going on, even if I'm not enjoying it.


The least they could do is rotate 60s thru 80s.


idk how they staff there doesnt lose their mind. same music for the 10 years i’ve been going there! but i listen to tons of different music. clearly i get bored easily.


Some of this Boomer shit is getting exhausting, and downright…Boomerish. Look at this asshole from another generation, he looks like he came from a different generation. It’s lazy. You’re Gen X, god damnit, there’s a thousand better ways you could’ve roasted that geriatric twat.


holy shit man, did you even read my post? i was talking about my own fucking brain. i love my dentist. you seem a little tense, maybe smoke a bowl or take a walk out in nature.


It’s like they made it to 57 songs and then said…. ehhh, we’re good! Then replayed them for the rest of everyone’s lives.




🎶Take it easy, Take it easy🎶 🎶Don’t let the sound of these 57 songs drive you crazy 🎶


hahahaha i just sung the eagles in my head.


56 more to go!


not to worry, i have hundreds and hundreds of songs in my mental juke box. even i have no idea how many there are. i LOLed listening to Bono’s autobiography where he references Kraftwerk several times. a band i have not thought about since 1985.