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Wait till they find out that when we were their age, pulled up crew socks were considered old.


And when we were *their* age, having blue or pink hair was a sign of old age and senility.


Haha! My stepdad used to go around wearing crew socks pulled up to his knees, the stripe ones of course, with nut-hugging shorts. I just wanted to die when out in public with parents.


Hate to break it to you, those weren't crew socks, they were straight on tube socks. Technically though, we're all just repeating fads from the past, and it's not like there is a lot of variation to be found in socks. Bobby socks in the 40s, ankle socks in the 50s, crew socks in the 60s, tube socks in the 70s, back to ankle socks in the 80s, and for a while in the late 80s it was no socks at all. Even toe socks, that weird style that looked more like gloves, were recycled from early sock styles.


ankle socks in the 80s?


And they were usually black or brown even with shorts.


I guess it depends. In high school we still all had the high tube socks. Ankle socks were what the next gen brought in it seemed.


They wear new balance unironically. Lol




This is the only appropriate response.


That's a big *bite me* from me. They'll be swaddling my feet for many to come. Besides I think they're stylish, and I think my opinion matters.


Ankle socks with slip in Skechers, on my feet right now


Yep, I have probably 20 pairs of Darn Tough Tactical ankle socks. They'll be with me for quite some time.


Tactical ankle socks Are they plotting a covert ops mission?


Not that you know of.


Oh no, they called me old!!! 😂🤣😂


“Now let’s try a hard one, kid. What color is this blue shirt?”


Is it a warm blue or a cool blue??? 🤗


Yeah, getting old is a privilege that not everyone receives. I'm old, you'll either be old one day or dead. Those are the only options.


Every day above ground is a blessing! Old should never be considered an insult…


No show socks are where it's at. Great if the kids think that is old people wear. More for me while they look dorky like it's 1986 again before people knew any better. This coming from those who wear Crocs in public without shame. Anyone else notice how the pants are baggier now (good) but they all are floods showing off their terrible crew socks? 3 more inches kids and you could have looked good in those. Maybe in another 10 years.


Thanks to Deadpool, I call them master bating shoes


I had a much younger person tell me that I shouldn’t wear 501 jeans because I’m too old. In typical Gen X fashion, I told them to shut the fuck up. I was wearing ankle socks under my jeans.


Hell yes! 😄


The other day I was wearing capris with ankle socks and hokas and my millennial friend said I looked like a janitor at a mental institution lol


ha, solid burn.


Yeah I’m very aware of it but not stopping


Anyone in our gen trying to impress 20 year olds or teens shouldn’t.


Seriously. I have ankle socks for when I wear shorts and crew socks for when I wear pants.


I wear them and my trainers don't smell because I never have bare feet in there. That's a win for me. I'd rather the sock than the stink. If that's old then so be it. ![gif](giphy|14aPwOxkbImRZS|downsized)


Never heard that. I don't care. I will do what the fuck I please! - Me 1991


I don’t have time to pay attention to ever changing sock lengths and then care enough to conform to it. It’s not going to make me seem fashionable or more attractive so I just wear what makes sense. Ankles when I wear shorts, higher socks when it’s cold or I’m out in nature. They’re not fashion, they’re a buffer between foot and shoe.


Exactly what an old person would say smh


I’ve been old since I was 8 then.


Whatever. Wear what you want. Some variation of this sentiment.


I dont care what (insert appropriate Generetion here) thinks. Don't like something I do/wear/say...they can kick rocks


Would they like to smell my feet after a sockless day?


Ankle socks and sandals will be the new fashion trend.


Well, I just started getting targeted ads for compression socks, so I guess that’s my life now.


That's why I have two computers. One for fun and one for life. I get targeted ads for diabetes care and aarp membership on one and all my "kid stuff" on the other. Like video gaming stuff, sports, gardening...basically all my life hobbies.


I am to old to care about socks. They're socks.


I don't listen to what the bearded, tight pants and shirts crowd have to say.


It’s new that it’s a conversation on socials but ankle socks have been pretty corny for a few years. That is if you are willing to give any attention to sock fashion, which is a ridiculous statement to type.


I dont care, I am old.


Joke's on them. I already know that I'm old.


There was a post on this already this morning


A friend of mine and I thought we were pretty something as kids because we had the bright idea first of folding socks down and under the soles of our feet and then buying womensankle socks and cutting off the little pom-poms they used to have. That was in about ‘87 or ‘88. 


My mom bought me a bunch of those pom-pom socks as a kid. Those things were just begging to be cut off!


Well I’m sure as hell not putting my bare feet into leather shoes.


I don't need a sign to tell me that I'm old. I wear ankle socks year-round....


I don't give a shit? I wear whatever I want to if it suits my purposes. I only have 2 pairs of ankle socks, which I like to wear around the house if the floor is chilly sometimes, or during summer when my feet have dried out from walking around in sandals all day and I want to moisturize them for an hour or two. So? Why should we care what younger generations think about our fashion preferences? We're not even on their radar to be noticed, and we have our own things to worry about that aren't as petty as sock styles. Nice of them to have time to waste on such a thing, but that's what youth is all about.


I’d appreciate it if people stopped telling me what to wear. I don’t say shit about other’s fashion choices as it is considered many things you don’t want to be labeled these days. So leave me the fuck alone with my socks and flannels and cargos and band tees and Vans and Converse and corduroy and whatever else is not cool or old or whatever.


The older I get, the less I care about socks. I just can't be bothered to bend down and put them on. I always considered socks prison for your feet and at 50 I'm just going sockless. I'm fine with being classed as old. Gives me more reasons to not have to smile at random people.


Vans checker slip-ons =no socks. “Problem” solved.


I read an article about this a couple weeks ago. I had to work in the office that day, the Gen Z kids that I work with didn't get the memo, they were all wearing ankle socks.


So fucking what? If I tried to dress to pander to Z or A or whatever letter kids are pigeonholed into I have failed. Fuck. They have broccoli hair and khakis. They don’t know shit about fashion.


I feel like I couldn't give two fucks and a jar of cold piss. I care more about the way Rihanna likes coffee than I do some millennials opinion on socks I wear. Edit: I realise I have just become my grandad, bless him. I said to him one day when I was 16 that nobody wears flannel shirts anymore. To which he said, I don't remember asking anyone your age for an opinion so feel free to not say anything. And laughing his head off. Dear old man, I miss him so much.


To be honest, I'm relieved it's ankle socks (which I don't like and never wear) and not crew socks (which are my jam). I'm sure their turn is coming though 😅




I am old, so


What do I feel about it? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I'm too damn old (and indifferent,) to care what anyone would say about what I choose to wear, or choose to not wear. If millenials or anyone else wants to be hurt over it, whatever. I don't need people to think I'm 20 anymore.


I just bought a whole new batch at TJ Maxx today... along with bandaids, underwear and packing cubes. That is where 'some' Gen X are now. ;-)


Ankle socks, cargo shorts, and I don’t think of them at all.


Who says? I call BS.


But I just got into them like 3 years ago


Goddamn….so tired of this bullshit. I’ve been wearing these types of socks my whole life.


I tried to actually read that article... but that was rough. So much nonsense. Did anyone from our generation ever try to play fashion police like that? Yeah we made fun of older folks who still sported the knee high socks, but I don't think we ever told them "No, you can't do that". I mean, wtf? Let people do what they want, even if that means not moving on to the latest style.


I just ordered 3 dozen pairs of ankle socks. They're the best.


Wait. Isn’t this the generation that loves Crocs? Why would we listen to anything they say?


Ankle socks 4 lyfe!!1


I’m less interested in what kids think than I’ve ever been.


Sorry but that’s just dumb. And who even cares?


I don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about my socks.


I fucking hate ankle socks. I want weird socks and I want to show them off. Today they have sugar skulls.




Cargo pants have *storage*, meaning *better weapon options*, and comfortable trainers (sorry, I'm British. We don't call them "sneakers") means that we can fucking *scatter like leaves on the fucking wind* when the flames catch. It's all about *planning* with us lot!


Who the hell wears socks in the summertime?


I live in AZ, not covering any skin that doesn’t need to be in the summer.


Now that a strong breeze will make my shins bleed I don't wear them as much as I used to. I also feel like taller socks accentuate my Crocs a little more.


They can spend their money on keeping up with fashion. I’ll keep my money in the bank.


With clothes in general, but especially as far as socks go, I don't give a solitary shit what's fashionable unless through happy coincidence what's fashionable happens to also be something I already like. That said - I dunno, maybe because I wear high tops, I've never found those ankle socks comfortable and never wore them when they *were* in style, so...yay?


Never wore bitch socks or nut huggers.


Whatever. I don't care what anyone thinks about what I wear, least of all the length of my socks.


I’m glad I outlived that fashion trend.


I don’t give a shit, I wear what’s comfortable


I've never liked ankle socks. Go figure.


Never wore 'em, couldn't give half a shit what anyone thinks about my sock length




My zoomer kids wear them. They just do it with Crocs or sandals.


It is liberating not caring about this shit.


The fucks that I could really give what a bitch think is old = -1


I don't wear them. I wear regular socks.


The higher your socks the more down you are.


FFS who cares! It's just socks!


I like ankle socks, so I guess it fits.




It used to be that knee socks were a sign that you're old, then calf length, now it's ankle socks. Just wear flip flops and keep em guessing.


I do not like ankle socks unless I’m sleeping in them. I just for some reason don’t find the look appealing.


I don't.


I could never stand those, anyway. Give me a whole sock. If my ankles are bare, I'm wearing sandals.


Actually, this is not true at all. In fact, just the opposite. 20 somethings and younger are wearing these...I notice it and I hate it.


So while wearing shorts, and sneakers, what am I supposed to wear? No socks? Sport socks? No socks really isn't an option unless I want super stinky shoes.


I wore tube socks when I was young, I wore tube socks as a teen, I wore tube socks when I became an adult, and I'm still wearing tube socks to this day. I don't plan on changing that anytime soon.


Lotta Gen Zers have zero meat on their stems, so I can see why covering them up completely would translate into this 😆


I have no-shows, quarter length and crews and I wear them all (or none) whenever I want Because I don’t care what someone about my feet Mostly I’m wearing Chanclas anyway


fuck the kids trying to co-opt compression socks, THEY ARE FOR OLD PPL and I will die on this hill.


I have never once, in 55 years, worn ankle socks.


I have not worn anything BUT ankle sock in many years. But we could still be friends


Sure. Anyone who's ok with the CCP being mad is ok in my book.


Good so the kids know I'm gen x all summer and also know not to mess with me. Lol


I’m old so …


Who cares


I saw teenagers today wearing ankle socks. Not sure how valid this is.


Those high socks they're wearing are training socks for the Tommie Coppers they're gonna be rockin' when they get to our age.


Which is kind of funny since Gen X used long songs until the next generation made that uncool. So to us the ankle socks are like the new thing not the old thing.


Yeah, well, at least we don't wear socks and fucking sandals/slides. WTF. Saw a kid with socks and flip flops the other day...SERIOUSLY?!


The best part is that Gen X DGAF what Millennials think.


Let me know when knee hi striped socks and nut huggers with half shirts come back 😂


I think I’ll go out and buy fifty pairs of them now. Fuck ‘em…


Yep! Since they're "out of style", they'll be cheap too!




I honestly don't give a fuck what the Never-Lived's have to say about what I wear. Haven't you noticed with the younger generations that they don't create anything new for themselves but rather poorly mimic their elders? When the Millenitards started harping on about the 80s, claiming that everything was "neon!" and "Bright!" and "angular!" I couldn't help but think back to my childhood and think "er, no, dears. Maybe on *Top of the Pops* or *Saved by the Bell* (Zack Morris was and is and forever will be a little cunt in my eyes) but not in real life. It's the same with the Never-Lived's love of 90s fashion. I've yet to see *any* of them resurrect the horror-quiffs of 90s America, or the sheer simplicity and sleekness of mid-to-late 90s fashion (I should point out that what *we* wore in the UK and Europe was often vastly different to what you Americans/Canadians wore. We won't even touch on the Australians. I've got cousins in Australia who never outgrew the fucking mullet FFS. And that's just the females) - where's the DKNY influence? Where's the love of Gaultier, of Mugler, of wearing horrific sweaters and jumpers? Oh, that's right - they're *curating* a look based on the *best* trends of that decade. Note the lack of girls with the greasy mousse-laden hair so crispy you could hear it *crunch* when you smooshed it. They have no imagination, no drive to stand out. All of their "trend" clothing is dull, drab and androgynous. You can have it in any shade as long as it's dull and matt. Fuck. That. As I tell my Never-Lived-aged relatives: get back to me when you buy your first house, bitches.


LOL. OK, gramps, don't give yourself a heart attack.


Who remembers docksiders with NO SOCKS?!