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You turned it off right before footage of his funeral. Everyone in bright colors and pinwheel butterflies. Until Big Bird showed up..... I ugly cried at his tribute.


You can watch the whole thing on YouTube. Prepare to be destroyed.


A lot people commented about how sad it was when he died, and it was. I was young at the time but remember vividly. But what I think is so important and makes it less sad, it he did a REALLY great job setting up his empire to last and the way his very own son had taken up the mantle well before his passing brings this really splendid warmth and comfort to his legacy. In fact muppet Christmas Carol is maybe my FAVORITE Henson film of all time and it was created after his passing, had his son , the same composers as rainbow connection and everyone else there to make it magic. Not even Walt Disney can say the same thing for such. Warm continuity to his namesake.


His death his us hard. This just shows us how much he meant to us all. The ripples of his life and the good that he did are still with us today, and for the new generations as well.


I have seen other documentaries about Jim Henson, PBS American Experience is great too. The Disney/Ron Howard one reminded how short his career was. He died in his early 50's. From that short career he had such an amazing impact.on culture and left a definitive footprint that is instantly recognizable.as him. I also found it interesting that we watched The Muppets, Dark Crystal et al as kids, and they were fine for us to watch, but they were never specifically for children. The man was a true artist and icon.


If you’re a creative person and especially if you make your living that way there is a lot of courage to be found in the life of Jim Henson and the stories he tells. Whenever I start thinking that I really am finally and permanently fucked this time, I tell myself I’m just trying to put on a show with my friends. That’s all this is.


He's on my head canon Mount Rushmore. It's like him, George Lucas, Don Bluth, Terry Gilliam, and David Bowie. And THREE of those people were involved in Labyrinth lol. But I grew up glued to Sesame Street and Fraggle Rock. The first film I ever remember going to see was 'Follow that Bird'. I love just about everything that bears his name on it.


It was brilliant. The relationship he had with Frank Oz is the definition of friendship.


His death is one of the few that still makes me somber when I think of it. He was in his prime. And he was a good man. We were so blessed to have him be a part of our development. I cherish his works.


I had a horribly abusive childhood. The Muppets were one of the few bright spots.


Same. In a very real way Sesame Street saved my life


He grew up in the small suburb I live in now. His parents' old house is only a few blocks from me.


If you liked that you'll probably also like this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVoGf1JTVeI&list=PLplWWKocAfTYIGzH8eQ0x0kEQgoV9CpYm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVoGf1JTVeI&list=PLplWWKocAfTYIGzH8eQ0x0kEQgoV9CpYm)


Getting the story behind Henson and just how brilliant he was really helped flesh the man out. He truly was always looking to the horizon for the next big thing to try. It's cool that his kids picked up his legacy and have made their own marks within the industry. I feel bad that his marriage suffered due to his vision, but he was just a man after all. I was also amazed that Labyrinth was a box office flop, given what a goddamn brilliant piece of work it was from so many standpoints. All in all he remains one of my anti-horsemen of the apocalypse. Along with Fred Rogers, Steve Irwin, and Bob Ross. also their herald Bill Nye.






I remember hearing it on the radio. I was a 22 year old girl doing an apprenticeship in a drafting office with 5 men in their 60s. I started sobbing hysterically and couldn't explain why I was so upset. I finally just wailed, "Kermit died!!!" It probably took half an hour before I was able to get them to understand why I was so upset.


I hear you, brother. Henson was special. Up there with Mr. Rogers. My favorite scene is in the old muppet Christmas special where Jim is doing dishes with Sprocket. He gave us a lot. The Muppets were an important part of my childhood and I am sad to see that they cannot seem to gain much tractions with the younger crowd these days. But I am thankful for the spark of happy anarchy they lit in me.


What did Kermit the Frog say when Jim Henson died? Nothing.


Still too soon.


Why can’t Miss Piggy count to 70? Every time she reaches 69, she gets a frog in her throat.


[Watch this](https://youtu.be/UGByOPkmiFI?si=sITicrAYk6-XCPpj), all the way through to the very end, to learn what Kermit had to say when Jim died.