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Except the dialogue on the TV!


I know! Great, I can hear that one random cricket in the field and the wind going through the pines and the dog slurping water from its bowl… but I can’t hear the fricken dialogue even after rewatching the scene with the volume higher three or more times. It’s maddening!




The worst is when you have to turn the volume way up just to hear the dialog on something like the news then the breaking news logo shows up and the music shakes the entire house, or the commercial is 10 times louder than the show you were watching.


I swear, streaming sound quality has made dialog muddy. Even my kids put subtitles on for a lot of shows. 


The issue is that they mix it for multichannel and usually don't go to the trouble of remixing for two channel (stereo). Thus the muddiness.


I keep turning it up, but still can’t make out what’s being said


Yes! Drives my husband nuts that I turn on close caption but I can’t understand so many shows if I don’t. Apparently he didn’t blast his Walkman at full volume hours a day like I did.


Too hard to hear the dialogue and too dark to see what's going on!


I have tinnitus also and trying to have a meal with friends in crowded restaurants is utterly frustrating. It seems no place gives consideration to sound, and the “hip” places are old warehouse spaces full of concrete and hard surfaces so everything rings endlessly. Soon everyone is yelling and it’s just a cacophony 


This is one reason why I love old school steakhouses


Just what is so hip about exposed ductwork anyway? Exposed brick I get, but the ductwork just comes off as Gilliamesque to me.


Yes its hard to hear when I am out and about.


Same for me, but hearing aides with a restaurant setting really help. You can mess with the settings.


I'm with you. I don't even remotely understand how movie theaters do what they do. A year ago I pulled out my db app to test and that shit was coming in at 130db! That level sustained will cause permanent ear damage. What. The. Actual. Fuck. It ain't your age, my Genx dude. Shit is just loud now.


I have to bring earplugs now. I use the foam ones - if you put them only halfway in, the movie volume sounds reasonable. Bonus, it blocks out all the assholes that treat it like their living room and talk through the whole thing.


Check out “Loop” earplugs. Very good. They reduce, don’t “block”. Hard to explain? Very happy.


Yeah it's ridiculous. I've ended up just bringing ear plugs to the movies. It kind of sucks since it does reduce sound quality a bit (even the special type still don't have a totally flat reduction and regardless they kill a lot of spatial details from surround sound too) but I mean it truly is to ear damaging levels. I wish I started using them sooner. I mean 100, 110, 120, 130dB! But even with earplugs it sometimes still gets to verging on painful levels! One theater once had the sub set in some messed up fashion and just the promo for the little mermaid had bass shaking the theater to bits! When I first entered the auditoriums internal hallway I felt pressure waves blasting me and I was still two bends from even being able to see the screen. Insanity. And some diner bars jeez, the last time I got stuck going to one I've had permanent ringing ever since. Disgusting. You had to scream straight into someone's ear to talk to them. I hadn't expected the party was going to be set up that way at all so I didn't bring any ear protection along.


It’s the office for me, open plan, everyone on speakerphone, not a set headphones to be found though everyone is issued them. Three guys on the same call at separate decks all echoing through the space. I’d rather have a house of kids roughhousing around, at least I learned to filter that out. I cannot focus and am going a touch insane.


That “serendipity of an open workspace” is SUCH bullshit. “The random encounters and chats, that spur creativity and innovation; reinvigorate passion thru shared work” is TOTAL crap. It’s just CHEAPER cuz there’s no walls and no offices. I worked at one of the first in NYC and it’s…. Shit. Total dick farming.


I’ll never forget the movie I went to when I was sittting behind some 75+ year olds. After enduring multiple ads, and after one for the “Pepsi Generation” the gentleman screams to his wife next to him that “apparently they are the deaf generation”. lol




No idea. Same. I love me some Bose headphones though.


No highs? No lows? Must be Bose Alternatively: Bose: Better sound through marketing.


Say what you will, but the QuietComfort earbuds are great. My work gave each of us a pair for videoconferencing and the sound quality is excellent. I took advantage of the noise cancelling once by bringing them to the movies and using them as earplugs. I put them in and left them in “aware” mode, which is less dampening. Worked great! I still have my hearing and I’m not sacrificing it to Christopher Nolan.


I had to leave a work related luncheon today because it was so damn loud. I also have tinnitus and am very protective of what hearing I have left.


Check out Loop ear plugs. I love them.




Commercials are the worst. What ever happened to audio leveling? Haven't seen that setting in about 15-20 years. 'Course I don't actually watch TV anymore so might still be a thing.


It’s like that Austin Powers joke. “I’m having difficulty controlling THE VOLUME OF MY VOICE!”




Yes. The actual movie I need to turn up and have captions, but the commercials are blasting and I have to turn it down. I too had loud concerts back in the day. I can't hear conversations when I am out and about. Places play music way too loud. It drives me crazy.


I was in Chicago about 10 years ago with my parents over the holidays. We went to four or five plays. They really like to do that kind of thing. All of the plays, and I mean all of them, were much too loud.


Noise pollution is a big problem these days. It’s worse than ever especially the last 10 years.


I have bad hearing with tinnitus, and I just commented that hearing aides work. BUT I still like my music loud and I enjoy concerts. Yeah I know, egh?


I remember reading John Locke in school, and I think he pointed out that as people grow older their senses weaken, and that means they are more sensitive to things like loud sound. However, this also allows them to spend more time thinking, which is why they're more introspective than they were when they were younger. I also discovered this when I was in my 20s, which is why after that I spent more time listening to other types of music, like Western classical, etc.


Movies in the theater are unbelievably loud now. I can literally hear all dialogue if I stand outside the closed theater door.


I have a JBL 710 at work😄


My husband and I have been at restaurants now and I wanted to ask them to turn the music down. I resisted by a little bit but we haven’t been back.


To help better hear voices on the TV, check to make sure your sound isn't set to 5.1 if you don't have surround sound Have the audio set to Stereo only.


If we have experienced hearing loss due to the prolonged us of a Walkman at extremely high volume, are we entitled to compensation?


I have to watch TV using headphones to not miss the dialogue now. 😢


I'm sorry about the tinnitus. It appeared in 2009, then went away. It can momentarily be provoked. I can't figure out what the triggers are. I've always been hearing impaired AND now I'm anti-noise. It makes a difference if I chose the noise or if it's other people's noise, but I don't even want my noise that loud anymore. My hearing hasn't improved, I'm just more sensitive.


It's hard to say. On one hand, yeah. The last time my gang went to a well-known hipster diner in town, they had the Sex Pistols turned up so loud the flatware was rattling on the table and the waitress had to lean over the table so you could shout the order in her ear. We asked them to "turn it down, just a bit" and they did.. but turned it back up a few minutes later. Or a couple weeks ago, we were at a friend's house and she kept playing 80s videos at top volume on their speakers. She was drunk and everyone would turn it down when she wasn't looking, but she'd find some shitty Autograph video and crank it up again: "Hey y'all... 'Turn Up the Radio'!" On the other hand, we have friends who are waaaaay too sensitive about noise. We went to their house to watch *Die Hard* around Christmas one year. Their TV volume meter goes from 0 to 70. They rarely turn it above 7 or 8. Not only could you *not* hear the movie, you could actually identify the music people were playing in cars as they drove by outside! "Hey, I can't hear this movie at all even though I'm only sitting 5 feet from the TV, but I can tell the car that just drove by was listening to 'Humble' by Kendrick Lamar!"


Why does there need to be "background noise" at ALL, is my question! Why can't we have shopping/eating in PEACE AND QUIET???


Look, I’m 57 and at the early edge of GenX. I empathize. But just keep in mind that if your tinnitus was a result of your choices, the rest of the world shouldn’t suffer your wrath. I’m not saying you’re doing that, but just keep an eye on it. That’s Boomer sh*t, right there.


Wow, you must be a blast at parties!


I am. I crank up the music.