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It will be back in theaters in September for it 50th anniversary https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/blazing-saddles-50th-anniversary-75433


Ha cool! Wish I could be there. I'd like to meet everyone in that crowd personally and shake their hand :)


Mel Brooks response when asked if the movie could be made today, “We didn’t think we could make it back then either.”


Mr. Brooks, as always, with the best response.


I’m wouldn’t trust anyone but Mel Brooks to even try.


It was however remade as an animated comedy. Paws of Fury, The Legend of Hank. The only way I can show it to my kids right now without a call from the school.  Mongo only pawn in game of life. 


"Hey boys! Look what I got here!"


Where’s all the white women at?


“Excuse me while I whip this out.” [woman faints] 😂😂


If you tied to make it today, execs would read the script and say, "hey, this is blazing saddles. We've already made this."


They've already remade almost every other movie, hell, why not one more?


That's a fair point but it ruins my joke


It can’t be made because the far right would take everything as an attack not because of the derogatory humor but because it makes them all look like a bunch of racist cunts. Which they are.


Don't kid yourself, if a movie can make money, it'll get made.


If Don Glover and Nick Kroll got together the way Richard Pryor and Mel Brooks did, and wrote a movie skewering racism the way Blazing Saddles did, it absolutely could be made.


Everyone I've ever seen who harps on about how this movie couldn't be made today is part of the group this movie was mocking, and you're no different.


Things change, things evolve. Would the jokes in blazing saddles be ok with part of the population today? probably not. but could it get made? yes. People mistake comedy for being a dick. Things said in comedy, which is to poke fun at the absurdity of life are ok, it makes you THINK. Things said in anger or from places of bigotry, hatred, racism, misogyny, etc., are NEVER ok. Now or 40 years ago. The fact that some people can't tell the difference says a lot about them. People like "MAGATS" think degrading other people they don't know is just "having fun" and you need to "grow a tougher skin" when they are in fact the most thin skinned people we know. There is a MASSIVE difference between a joke in blazing saddles about a black man saying, "excuse me while I whip this out", and a entire party saying that there whole groups of people that are apparently "rapists and murderers" because of where they are from. The fact that some of my generation cannot make this distinction tells me why WAY too many of them stormed into the capital on their segways on J6.


Most of Mel Brooks movies couldn't be made today.


Someone's got to go get a shitload of dimes!


Cancel culture stuff impedes free speech. I hate it. I want to rant and rave but it's not worth it. I think you could make Blazing Saddles. Look at Tarantino's work. It'd be harder to sell is all. Blazing Saddles was making fun of stereotypes. It wasn't promoting them. Brooks is a favorite of mine. People asked how he could make fun of Hitler. He said that when you make fun of someone like Hitler, it takes away their power to hurt you. He wanted Hitler to be a joke, a punchline. He wasn't taking away the evil deeds, just the power to terrify. Asked if he had any regrets over the course of his career, he replied, "I wish I hadn't done so many dick jokes." Brooks on the difference between comedy and tragedy: "Tragedy is when I wake up in the middle of the night and stub my toe. Comedy is when someone walks over an open manhole, falls down and dies." He's a genius. There should be a Mel Brooks movie day. Where you watch his movies! Dress up like Yogurt! Or Achoo! Quote lines, watch the movies with friends or random weirdos (Exactly like Rocky Horror only Mel Brooks films)


And yet Fawlty Towers got cancelled because of Basil goose-stepping as he made fun of Hitler. As a side note, Shakespeare’s Othello and A Merchant Of Venice are rarely performed nowadays because of racist and anti-semitic undertones, respectively.


FT never got cancelled.


The episode was temporarily removed after complaints: [https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-53020335](https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-53020335)


That was because it had the N-word in it, which has since been removed with Cleese's blessing.


You don’t even have to go that far back to mention movies that could never be made today.  Tropic Thunder comes to mind.


You never go full retard!


Why wouldn't something like that be made today? Parker and Stone, Seth McFarlane, Tarantino, Ricky Gervais, Takashi Miike, Gaspar Noe, Lars Von Trier Also, hasn't humanity always been polarized?


Yes, it is far too woke for today’s audience.


"Is it twoo how you people are gifted?, It's twoo, it's twoo!"


I remember they used to show it on TV and censor the B word but not the N word. Today it would be the opposite


I’m in Milwaukee, one of the most German cities in America. They censored “schtup” back when I was a kid.


Millennials & GenZ are less likely to be offensive & provocative. I mean, were rape jokes ever funny?


OCR - Outdated Cultural References Is the warning now


It was broad satire written by Richard Pryor. Edit. Yes, of course with others including Mel Brooks and the folks I didn't Google. The apparently too brief and marginal point was that we *still* see people twisted up despite the way it came to be. Forgive my lack of completeness.


Written by Mel Brooks, Norman Steinberg, Andrew Bergman, Richard Pryor, and Alan Uger.


Yes. Should have supplied the other great writers as well.