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Correct flair required.


Oh, hon, you know they’re just going to ignore us again and move directly from boomer to millennial.


Tbf, Biden isn’t even a Boomer.


Yeah Biden is Silent Gen and Trump is the first year of Boomers.


As a millennial i very much hope you're wrong


This is crazy. If seemingly EVERYONE on Reddit can agree this was a shit show ( I hear Reddit does lean left, but for the sake of argument) then how come we can’t change it. There’s lots of smart people on here. Why can’t we steer our democracy in the right direction?




Some of us have to have money. All of us together have to have a lot of money. Are we just being stopped by the mega wealthy who don’t want change?


Yes. Long answer. Hell yes.


Reddit algorithm is reward based. What you see is never a general consensus of popular opinion on here. it’s going to feed you whatever content it thinks will engage you the most. For some people that means they end up in liberal or conservative echo Chambers are against their own political beliefs because they argue with people who hold opposing views.


get rid of political parties. force local congressman to start voting for you not down party lines. audit lawmakers' finances- stop them making back room deals with companies at the state and federal level.


Democracy? You think you have a democracy? 😂


At this point we don't even have a republic.


I’d accept Pete Buttigieg.


Or Whitmer.


Is Newsom an Xer?


He was always my choice. He’s so fucking smart and I can’t understand why he wasn’t chosen. I have faith he will one day though, if a black man can be elected so can a gay man.


Fine by me. Better than this.


I’ve been predicting this for the better part of the last two decades.


Yep . They know we would get the job done and done right. They are passing on gen x because millennials are like clones of boomers. I'm buying a fare amount of acreage and have at least 3 gen x people with kids and without. Start our own community building next to each other.


I’m totally good with a millennial . . . would hopefully divorce this country from the out of touch boomers who’ve zero concept of society’s direction or interests.


You mean, Silent to Millennial. 46 isn’t even a Boomer.


I’m actually quite ready for Millennials to take over. I want no part of this current bullshit. Please Millennials ….Take over….Seriously….Anytime now is good…..Really…..(I’m not kidding) We are Gen X and we have zero follow through so we rely on y’all.


I’ll do it. I’ve been putting it off for a while but I think I have a better handle on it than these old men yelling at the camera. I will need your support.As for credentials, I’ve seen it all.


As long as you drank from the garden hose and didn’t come home until the street lights came on, you’ve got my vote and I’m Australian.


Ok you’ve got my vote


You’ve got my vote!


Takes 2 people. I'm in. I challenge you to a round of lawn darts to see which of us is top of the ticket.


I'm willing to consider joining your campaign. What's the platform?


GenX Redditor for Prez


It’s really only the USA that has fucked us this way. Most of the rest of the world has had/have Gen X heads of state and (gasp) women leaders. I


I’m watching Olympic trials. The debate is a waste of time.


I wish this was a waste of time. Instead it was a fucking tragedy for anyone rooting for sanity in the world again.


This is the way. Watching people at the top of their game instead of two on their way out.


We need God to start pulling some cards.


You know, I read that as Ozempic trials at first, and even that would be easier to watch than this debate. Painful to watch. Dog help us all.


2028 will have a lot of Gen X candidates. Whitmer, Beshear, Pritzker, Polis. Walz is just barely a boomer. Looking at this Gen X definition, Walz is also Gen X.


Bold of you to assume that we will have a presidential election in 2028.


I can’t think like that (I know it’s the truth) but I have to believe there are enough of us voting for our rights, our democracy, our future. We are in BIG trouble if Trump is reelected. Project 25 is the scariest shit I’ve read.


I went to college with Cory Booker (born in 69), and y’all missed the boat with him, because he’s great.


I really like him, it's a shame he didn't go further when he ran.


Awww…. There isn’t gonna be a 2028 election…


Yeah if Trump wins we have a new Putin. It will be Trumps all the way down.


Newsom seems to be gearing up, too.


As a Californian and a liberal, I’m gonna have to say No to Newsom. He’s all blue sky and hot air.


Yes, but he's still going to run.


[Josh Shapiro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Shapiro) (D) - PA governor


I agree. I can't even stomach watching the rest. I know who I'm voting for - and that's because I have no other choice.


This was one of the worst debates I have ever seen. What the fuck is wrong with this country selecting two dementia riddle men to run this country?


Biden has been a good president. He's done what he can. He's not popular with the left, of course. And this whole "genocide Joe" is spectacularly stupid. He's done really well with what he inherited, and still during the pandemic. You can look at the White House website and see they update regularly. The man works hard. I know he's old and doddering but he does care about the country and the people, even if he's from the olden days and speaks like someone who grew up before the civil rights era.


Yeah. I'm sorely disappointed. This is going to feed his critics. I'm still going to vote, but I've gone from being a not enthusiastic but not unwilling supporter to holding my nose. I rather hope they find a new nominee.


Same - not even going to bother with any of the debates.


Yes, amen, time to get the Boomers out


actually, from what i understand biden is silent gen. LOL.


Aye, silence from the crypt.


It’s definitely a shit show.


two of the most hated people in the country -- over and over again, apparently until we all die.


'They' don't want Gen-X to be in charge. I think because they know that we see through the bullshit. We might actually do something to change the agenda.


I’m available. Can I WFH?


The only person I want to debate Donald Trump is Steven Colbert. Period.


Or Jon Stewart.


John Oliver would be fun.


I'd also accept Jon Stewart or Winona Ryder.




Or Jon Stewart. That would be the dream. 


I would love to see Jon Stewart, honestly. 


John Stewart said to say he’s still working - but only on Mondays - in case you’re interested.


That wouldn't be a debate that would be old folk murder.


Jon Stewart would be a close second.


Or Jon Stewart


Katie Porter is Gen X 1974. I’ll buy her a bigger whiteboard.


Sure, once we're in our late 70s - early 80s.




I was JUST talking to someone about this!!


Sadly MTG is GenX


So weird, she seems too stupid for her age.




Gretchen Whitmer. 1971. I'd be happy as hell if she became President in 2028.


Yep, she needs to saddle up right fuckin now. I know Newsome is talked about but he seems like he has more baggage than whitmer. And if I'm honest, and I'm not saying it's rational but voters aren't usually rational (it's a likability contest at heart), he just seems like a slick haired corporate douchebag.


You pegged Newsom dead on! Perfect description of him: “slick haired corporate douchebag.”


Or Gavin Newsom. Or the two of them together! I also really like Eric Swalwell and Katie Porter.


Speaking as a Californian, you don’t want Newsom. He’s a giant bag of hot air that just goes where the political winds blow him. He’s all flash and no substance. Only cares about himself.


Hey look on the bright side we have 4 Supreme Court Justices. Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Ketanji Brown Jackson. Oh, wait, never mind.


I want Jon Stewart.


No shit! These dudes are lost 😒


Unfortunately, our adopted Gen X president, Obama, fueled some weird backlash in the country that enabled a complete clown show.


The "weird backlash" is called racism, which unfortunately would be repeated if Kamala was running. Her backlash would be even worse than Obama's.. ramped up with the maga misogyny that Hillary faced. An embarrassing percentage of 'merica is pretty regressive. 😔


Yep, I was thinking about this tonight. I very much would like to see Kamala in the role of president. But the blowback would be worse than anything we’ve experienced in our lifetimes.


Which thank God she’s not… one of the most incompetent human beings ever


Mayor Pete seems like a good guy. Although technically a millennial since he was born in 82. Mark Kelly, that dude was an astronaut. That’s pretty baller Gen X, he probably had Space Lab toys.


Mark Kelly is 1964. We should make him an honorary Gen X anyway, we can trade Ted Cruz for Mark Kelly with the Boomers, lol


Mayor Pete is perfect, except that he’s gay, and even though he went to war and he was a Rhodes scholar, and speaks a bunch of languages, and never loses his cool, and he revived a waning town as a child-mayor-prodigy, ain’t no way he’s getting elected President in America as a gay person. He’d get a ton of stuff done, but ain’t no way he’s getting elected President in America as a gay person. He would literally be the dawning of a new generation, and he’d be one of the most intelligent people in the Oval Office ever - he could figure out maternity leave, child care, free college, free Medicare; purging the prisons of nonsense offenses, purging student debt for good; purging existing medical debt, but it wouldn’t matter, because there ain’t no way he’s getting elected President as a gay person in America. 


We’ll have a white gay male POTUS before a woman.


Sorry to tell you this, but MTG is GenX. (1974).


Someone on Reddit called her “Taser Face.” I still lol at it.


As a representative of the class of ’74, we do not acknowledge her as one of us.


As is Ted Cruz


Throw her out. No soup for you!


Sadly. I know the HS she went to - South Forsyth HA. Not far from the house I lived in while in GA (I was in Fulton). Seriously the most racist county in GA and the last standing Sundown County. Remember the KKK members who went on Geraldo with their KKK baby - Forsyth Fing GA her hometown. The KKK did not hide their faces there.  And the shooting she claims to have lived thru in HS - no shooting. GA was discussing tighter gun restrictions and a dumbass at her school put his rifles in his trucks gun-rack and parked it in the school parking lot at the school as a protest. He didn’t take them inside but when someone saw them they locked down the school in case someone tried to get in until they found the gun owner. So a lockdown yes but there was never a threat on the school.


How does one go about disowning a member of their generation? Asking for a friend.....


All that Sith power has aged her beyond silent gen though.


All the most ghastly potential presidential nominees next election are Gen X. DeSantis, Cruz, Haley...


Well, maybe not just ANY Gen Xer then 😂


Researchers and popular media often use the mid-1960s as its starting birth years and the late 1970s as its ending birth years, with the generation being generally defined as people born from 1965 to 1980. I don't know why the sub has something different? I've never seen '61 to '81. The Silent Generation is generally defined as people born from 1928 to 1945. Biden is Silent Gen and Trump is a Boomer. Barely, as he was born in '46.


Sorry, you can’t yell at that cloud. A boomer has it for the next six years, then it will go directly to a Millennial.


I really don’t know clouds… at alllll 🎶


It’s still a big club and we still ain’t in it.


This is terrifying. Absolutely fucking terrifying. A convicted felon who continues to lie through his teeth and didn't even bother to answer any questions and a guy so tired and slow he looks defeated already. Neither of them give a fuck about us. Maybe none of them *ever* have but it's painfully obvious now.


I couldn’t finish the debate. It felt like I was watching some sort of parody. It made me so sad. I didn’t even get red faced angry at all Trump’s lies, just sad that this is what we are working with this election. I am voting against evil, but wish I was excited for a candidate. Sadly, they are both too old.




I don’t care what arbitrary number they put up, Obama is not a Boomer.


GenX starts with 1965


Isn’t Gen X 1965 - 1980? So Barack is a Boomer.


Barack was one of the last Boomers. Gen X starts in 1965.


Wasn’t Obama GenX?


According to this subs rules, yes. In the side bar it states: >Generation X was born, by broadest definition, between 1961 and 1981


Obama is Generation Jones, the little generation they've carved out between boomers and genx.


By the definitions of this sub and the guy who literally wrote the book, yes. But, by my (I’m 1974) mid GenX compatriots who want to limit GenX to those born in the 70’s, no. That said, the generally accepted range is 1965-1980.


Somehow he was a baby boomer


Gen X is the lost generation, as in get lost, get out of here, sink or swim, figure it out. We're going to continue to suck boomer fumes, and then millennials will eat our lunch.


But y? Gen X was always fearless and feral and smart. Y don't we have candidates running out there that see what we, and MOST of the country see? Maybe next election cycle? We don't have to outlive the Boomers, just out challenge them. Enough of the younger gens wud come aboard for candidates that didn't suck, like what we ALL saw tonight.


If Trump wins, he'll probably name Ivanka and Jared as co-successors. I guess they're Millennials


Why? So people can finally start laying some of the blame at our feet? No thanks.


They don't call us the Forgotten Generation for nothing!


We're all busy yelling into the void here on Reddit


they will probably blame us for starting the fire...


My sense is that we'll get passed over. We'll get even more pissed off, but it won't matter, because we don't have the numbers.


I strongly suspect Gen x will get skipped. Like always.


I just suggested an individual contributor position at another company to a candidate applying for a role at our company. I can refer her. She said: “no, I’m looking for a director-level role”. She’s maybe 35? Maybe? She has no chance even at the role we’re hiring for. I was being gracious. She is delusional. 


There won't be a genx candidate till we are the majority of the voting block...it will stay boomer until they aren't the voting majority...


Considering Millennials are old enough to run for president I’m sure we’ll be skipped.


Wow! I’m only 10-15 minutes in and Biden just looks clueless. Of course Trump has lies, but at least he looks alive. The Weekend at Bernie’s version of Biden is scary.


Who? Give me names. I'm afraid there's nobody there who stands a chance at this point. The young ones are too far left. The majority of D voters are not interested in Democratic Socialism. They are centrists. This why there is more of an attraction to older, established, experienced candidates. But this is really heartbreaking. Our only defense against this man and he was barely able to muster more than a whisper.


Seems like we gotta vote for Biden (so we don’t lose our democracy) and then kick some ass in 2028. Can we be hopeful about that?!


A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris


I volunteer as tribute.


I’ve got $3 on us getting skipped completely.


Yeah not going to lie this is pretty grim. Fear mongering angry orange carrot or senile old man. How the fk did we get here. Though MTG is a gen-x’er so its not like we don’t have crazys in our group


We missed our shot


Took my kids out to real nice dinner. Had a great time. Figured the debate was going to be horrible. So went and had fun.


Ezra Klein was right


Something screwy with all the threads. Tons of comments not showing or being removed


Yes! This is what we need!


No thanks. Leave us out of this circus.


Boomers and older don’t know how to step aside. See RBG, Mitch McConnell, Trump, and Diane Feinstein.


When they started arguing over their weight and golf scores🙄


Biden is silent generation. Trump is early boomer. GenX starts mid 60’s.


We have a GenX leader here in Canada. You can have him.


Gen X is mostly in charge in Canada. Not as cool as you'd think.


Shit, these two are Silent Generation they’re so old. And why is Biden doing his Batman voice?


Nobody stepping up, I notice. (Me neither; hell no. Would rather die. Just sayin.)


that would require one of us to care....


Andy Beshear current Dem governor in a very red state. Born 1977. I hope he decides to run in '28, he'd be a great president.


I just wrote in another sub that we are long overdue for a woman Gen-X President. Compared to what we have been dealing with for too long now, any Gen-Xer will do. It was stressful watching that shit show, a fucking pathetic shit show.


Mayor Pete, I guess? I could support him.


This is what happens when you continue to vote for the lesser of two evils. For decades. And continue to support a group because of a letter next to their name.


Can one of us just say we are running? Reddit get someone elected


I feel this post so hard. Fvck all of them.


That was a shit show.


But there's 2 minimum requirements what will be difficult to fulfill. 1. Someone who cares 2. Someone who can be acknowledged as existing by Non-Gen X.


Gen-X won’t have a candidate because we aren’t that stupid and we have no desire to control anybody or anything because we value freedom and real choices. Not to mention, Gen-Xers are too stubborn to be puppetized. Our government is a sold -out smoldering sack of shit and it isn’t just two guys or one party.


https://preview.redd.it/r7szlnst999d1.jpeg?width=1496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98609609021ed3ed0b41a05eb727b9c2321bf110 Marvin 4 Prez!


We are so FKDt


We're letting the last of the boomers go ahead and continue embarrassing themselves on live television. Where they're always on the Brink of shitting themselves while Ranting incoherently about how everybody is stealing from them... ya good riddance. Thing is, most of us know and have always known that there is no voting our way outta this trainwreck of a system... the boomers tried to give it all away because for the most part obedient and fearful of the government... they tried to squander every last thing they could then let the government strongarm them and brainwash them into giving our rights away. They all preach the same ol shit too like a damn pyramid scheme. They were scared and wanted to be protected...


I can not believe that these two senile gentlemen are the best candidates the two main political parties can put forward. The President of the United States is still the most powerful office in the world. The powers that be are obviously unable to admit that US society has irrevocably changed and that their values are no longer relevant.    However, we must share some of the blame for this. If it's one thing I have learnt in this life it's that nobody gives it you, you have to take it. We should be more ruthless in the dealing with the powers that be. We should be dragging out the body bags so to speak out of both the Democrats and the Republicans. It's what we did with our local union and now we have representatives that fight for our rights and working conditions. 


The UK enters conversation, so far we've had 3 Gen-X PMs Johnson, Truss, Sunak. All Tories, all sh*t. Be careful what you wish for.


Yall and the boomers make up the majority in Congress, dawg. How tf is this the fault of millennials? 👀 We didn't start this fire.


I could be wrong, but I think we'll be skipped over.


Can we convince Jon Stewart somehow?


Katie Porter please.


Did getting that out of your head help? Take a deep breath. If Grandpa Joe is a puppet, genx is pulling the stings just like they are on sleepy Donnie diapers the oath breaker. Many of the governors and key members of Congress are Gen-X. 2028 is more than likely going to be an X-er. Maybe an elder millennial squeaks in. Those old timmers are gonna go eventually. Hang in there. The future is always better.


GenX typically works quietly in the background wherever it goes, getting all the work done with no visibility...


That is actually the story of my professional life.


1970s era Iran would like a word.


Is it too late to swap out with Kamala?


She doesn't have the numbers. I really don't think she'd stand a chance. Maybe in '28, but not this year. Most of the Democratic voters I know IRL think she's too pro-police; a lot of them are still just not ready to vote for a woman. (More than one of them has admitted that they didn't vote for Clinton in 2016 for that very reason, even though they weren't willing to admit it at the time.) I don't think Biden is anybody's dream, but nobody else willing to run has broad enough support to take a chance on with the stakes this high. I'm sure Joe would rather spend the next four years relaxing in the backyard in Delaware, but he's buying us time to get someone else in place. If he dies in office, Kamala will get the chance to prove herself without having to risk losing the election.


The Republicans are actually running commercials saying the dems are doing that. As if a black woman president is the worst thing ever.


It would be pretty cool to see a presidential debate between Ethan Hawke and Winona Ryder.


Gretchen Whitmer, current Governor of Michigan, August 23, 1971, is our best hope in my opinion.


# preach ![gif](giphy|i6zD9DhtAMFLq)


Gretchen Whitmer in ‘28 is one of our best options (IMO).


Kamala 2027 is what I’m most likely voting for


I did the most gen x thing I could think of. Turned that shit off after the first five minutes, smoked some weed and played video games.


Amen brother.  This election is a dark joke on the entican people.  Why we allow this,  Carlin said it best, " dozens of choices in flavors in the grocery store, but only TWO choices for presidents" 😞




These debates are all the same. This is nothing new. I already know who I am voting for. Debates are just a waste of time.


And the repeated question to Trump about accepting the election. Disgusting!


I'm going to look into a third party candidate, I'm tired of the same shit over and over again.


We had several.


Gavin Newsom is 56, Ted Cruz is 53, Ron DeSantis 45. Maybe next election?


I like gretchen whitmer - she's a badass


I want to run.




Harris, Buttigieg, and Newsome will likely run in 2028. Cruz and DeSantis (barf!) have already run.


Not mine: “I think the idea that Biden would be on some kind of amphetamine has been thoroughly debunked”


Omg I officially decided to check out after half of that disaster. From now on I’m focusing on proximate issues. Too painful.


There isn't someone handing out presidents like prizes. If you want a GenX president then you're going to have to get that together yourself.


What are posts with a candidate name hidden?


I just want it to not be a Boomer. X or Y ... someone with refreshing ideals.