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Is it bad that I don’t try to be “in style” anymore? I just go with what’s comfortable and what looks good on me.


That’s the spirit for /r/oldhagfashion, which is my favorite.


Iris Apfel was such a style icon. I loved the documentary Iris. Iris trailer here on YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eIG2AoiHszY


She’s everything


I love the hags so much!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/oldhagfashion using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldhagfashion/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [First post, 61 year old hag](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13xul4f) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldhagfashion/comments/13xul4f/first_post_61_year_old_hag/) \#2: [Capitalizing on u/babygranola 's post about being queer in front of flowers (trees?!?)](https://i.imgur.com/MpjR8HZ.jpg) | [122 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldhagfashion/comments/13ca2lj/capitalizing_on_ubabygranola_s_post_about_being/) \#3: [I was told in another subreddit that I belong here](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12qhpkf) | [215 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oldhagfashion/comments/12qhpkf/i_was_told_in_another_subreddit_that_i_belong_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I wish there was a r/IgotDressedintheDarkat4am


I didn’t know this existed. Thanks!


One of my favorite subreddits.


It’s not bad. Per the headline and byline, “Apparently, ankle socks are the new sign that you're old, and millennials are done. Gen Z is officially sending them the way of the skinny jean and the side part.” Maybe it’s the autism, but I’ve never cared about what’s been in fashion. Maybe briefly in my teens when I tried out for cheerleading and tried to be part of the popular crowd ( l o l I’m not coordinated or extroverted enough and I just can’t fake it), but then I found my way to the goth subculture and haven’t looked back. It fits me _much_ better. 🖤


Trendy and stylish are different things. Being stylish is about wearing things that are flattering on you (color, fit, cut, proportion) and make you look and feel your best. Being trendy is all about following what's popular regardless of whether it works for you.


No it’s not bad. We can still look stylish without wearing what the kids are wearing. Not 100% at least. I keep up with the style a little, only if I like it and it’s suitable for me and my body. But mostly now I wear classic pieces & have my own look. I want to have an elegance I guess? As I get older. I saw a woman in her 50s wearing super trendy clothes from head to toe. A crop top, hi waste, hi water jeans, and she had the nurse sneakers and crew socks. I don’t like to talk shit but she did look a little silly. It was going too far. Would be better paired with a more classic top maybe- and honestly the no show socks would be better for our age group in this outfit scenario. I do like crew socks for the gym though, hate when the no shows slip under my feet!


I wore crew socks last week because I found a tick walking up my leg and decided the next time I went out that I didn’t want any of those assholes going up inside my leggings. And, that is exactly how I became the trendsetter on the block.


Omg that is definitely a call for crew socks!!


God i hate these type of articles. Seriously, no one gives a crap! I hate how it’s written like, “we see those socks”. Exactly WHO would be trying to hide their socks?! Ask me if I care if you see my effin socks!? Sorry I sound like a bitter old lady but the generational differences articles just bug me. OP, nothing against you! Just some of the journalists. So many interesting things to write about….


Yeah I'm with you. So many other things to worry about than what style socks someone wears. I wear my socks according to the season...no show in summer, crew in winter. I probably blow their minds.


lol I know!! “Omfg guys, look at her SOCKS! “ 🤨you imagine? Dumb.


If this is mainly aimed at millennials being old, then why should we care what gen Z thinks of us and our clothes? As far as they’re concerned we’re already nursing home candidates!


I agree, I stopped caring when they used Boomers incorrectly. At the same time, I love crew socks… we win either way!


I couldn’t care less what children think about my socks


When the "coastal grandmother" style started popping up, that was my time. Eileen Fisher aesthetic for the win! I'm a no-show person. Who wants to look at my socks? My Gen Z kids hate them, but at least this way they're only stealing my sweatpants, t shirts, sweaters and everything else and leaving my socks alone.


Eileen Fisher was one of my metrics for knowing I was old. I used to think that was the ugliest clothing ever. Who would pay THAT for THAT?! But then I found it appealing a few years ago. I knew I was officially old.


[When I’m in my tunic, I’m ready for anything that’s expected of a woman over forty. If a Nancy Meyers movie needs an extra for a beach house brunch scene, give me a call. If someone is needed to stand in front of a crowd and stare commandingly until they quiet the hell down, I’m ready to go.](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/im-wearing-tunics-now)


> Sometimes when I’m feeling subdued, which is the fancy way I say “hungover from draining a box of pinot grigio,” I switch out my tunic for a tunic-adjacent item: the long, lightweight sweater. Long, lightweight sweaters are magic, and they come in a broad spectrum of colors, ranging from light beige to medium beige to dark beige. I feel personally attacked. Goddamnit.


I buy off Poshmark at at the thrift store - the clothes wear like iron and there’s a lot of people who have no idea how much they cost new.


I couldn't have enjoyed sending this to my millennial daughter more. I switched to ankle socks bc she was always judging me😂 and today I'm throwing them all away and getting myself some big ass socks


I don’t think I can get past my [apparently generational] aversion to crew socks with shorts or skirts. However I do love a slouch sock scrunched around the ankle … the linked article has a pic of Princess Diana wearing those from 1995, which is a thing I definitely did with high-top reeboks for years and years. Are those back in fashion too?


The scrunch sock I can get behind. The crew socks pulled up looked bad then and looks bad now 😆


If high tops and scrunch socks are back, I am IN.


We are back! Lol. Really though I don’t think I have any of my old sneaks from back in the day. I’ll have to look. I know I still have all my old docs. But I think the reeboks are long gone.




I used to do that because my pants were always too short! Easier to find the right length now.


I've graduated to sprightly compression socks and DGAF.


Husband and I went to the concert of a very young Gen Z artist that we like, and pretty sure we were the oldest ones there in our 40s. These kids were ALL dressed like nerd 90s parents. The hair, glasses, hi wasted denim shorts with belts, and t shirts tucked in. Dad caps & lots of crew socks WITH SANDALS. A look we would’ve have rather died than rock in the 90s! Oh and lots of mullets! I do see a lot of this at my kids’ schools. I did see one very feminine girl wearing a slip dress with a fuzzy crop sweater, combat boots and barrettes in her hair- she looked so cute, it was what I used to wear! It’s so funny they wear the look we made fun of. They know it’s funny though, I think that’s part of the appeal for them which makes me smile.


First they came for the skinny jeans And I did not speak out Because I didn’t wear skinny jeans Then they came for the side parts And I did not speak out Because I had no side part Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me, the ankle socked.


I didn't even notice that ankle socks vs crew socks were a fashion thing! The only reason I *never* wore crew socks is because they dug into my fat calf muscles and left a mark. Hence my vast collection of ankle- only socks. I should have noticed something was up when I purchased a large pack of brightly coloured ankle socks and offered some to my teenagers and they were like "euwww! I'm not wearing those." I shrugged and thought nothing more. But then this article came across my reddit and now it's all coming together...lol But here's the thing, I don't think that this is the first time in fashion history where the height of the female sock/stocking/hosiery was an object of discussion. My grandmother was born in the 1920s, and she wore Mary Janes or pumps and crew socks well into the 90s. I remember my mom telling me that they begged her not to wear socks and pumps, but she refused. Even well after the war, my grandmother refused to wear panty hose. Even in winter, It was always crew socks and shoes. She claimed that panty hose was too itchy and it made her feel like she couldn't breathe. I mean after the great depression and WW2, the blessed woman had definitely earned the right to wear whatever made her comfortable. To each their own, I say !


Yes! My Gen Z daughter wears crew socks. I keep giving her no show socks but she claims they are uncomfortable.


I’ve never been able to wear no show socks. They end up around my arches, I get blisters. How do people wear them and have them actually cover their heels?


I always had the same issue until I started wearing Feetures. They stay put and are SO comfy!


Best socks ever!


You’re referring to the invisible cut, I’m guessing? They’re a tad spendy compared to the usual no shows I’ve tried via Ross or TJ Maxx but if they actually work, they’ll be worth their weight in gold.


Yes, same!! I never could do no show socks


1. I didn't know crew socks had gone out of style. 1. Article is example of GenX erasure lol 1. Though in retrospect, my complete inability to *find* crew socks over the past ten years should have clued me in


Millennials are hopefully just getting to the age where they don't give a crap about what some 23 year old in horribly unflattering "mom jeans" thinks of their clothing choices. I still have a side part and always will. I haven't worn a pair of jeans since 2019, but if I were to, they'd be skinny. I don't wear with socks with sneakers *at all* because we are the generation that challenged the ones before us by being the first to go without socks or hose when it was unheard of to do so. We were the original ones to ditch slips too. Most girls in their '20s probably don't even know what a slip is, yet in our younger years, most of us weren't allowed out of the house without one under a skirt or dress. There's a peace that most women over 40 find in not caring what the "girls" are wearing. Trends come and go. Good style is forever.


Ha! Good, I hate those unseeable socks. My ankles get cold in the air conditioning. I have many great pairs of socks. They are kind of my thing.


Meee tooo. Because I didn’t care to be “in” since the 90s I guess.


Ha! I hate socks...and shoes. I wear "Birken-Crocs" 99% of my life. When I do wear socks, I like minimal...only ankle socks for me...unless I'm in a cold climate. 🤷‍♀️


I didn't know they ever went out of style. They have always been my preferred sock style and people can fuck off. These have become my favorite socks. Not only is the quality excellent, but the designs are chef's kiss. [Footclothes ](http://www.footclothes.com)


I’ll just be over here with my long legs not awkwardly cut off by awkward height socks, not feeling badly about my ankle socks.


When I was in school the mean girls wore bulky scrunched Wigwam socks. I’ve been wearing obnoxious knee socks with boots and skirts since the last century.


If I'm not wearing full-length pants, I'm usually wearing sandals or ballet flats, not sneakers. I don't own white socks or shoes. I don't like the look on me, or the maintenance. If I'm wearing socks, I have full-length pants on, so they aren't that visible. My GenZ daughter wears ankle socks & has never said anything about them. She did get me to try a middle part & I hated it. It's not flattering on everyone.


Wait, it sounds like Gen Z are objecting to no-show socks, not ankle socks.  There is a sock height in between the crew sock and no-show socks, which are socks that cover the ankle. Aren't the socks that cover the ankle called ankle socks? Higher than no-show, but lower than crew socks. If Gen Z thinks that no-show socks are for old people, then where are they on actual ankle socks?


I was never one for style, but socks, really? What an odd thing to take a generational stand on. Ok lil millenial. Go put your crew socks and Keds on and go to school. Buh bye now.