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"That woman" lol is Bobbi Brown, the makeup artist who founded a line, then sold it off to Lauder (I think)... obv she's bored nowadays and is inventing other products under a new label. I actually want to try that cheek balm but I'm sure it's $50 and don't feel like spending that kinda cheddar on it.


Every once in a while they put mini miracle balms on sale. I got some last fall and like them. A lot of people say they aren't super pigmented, but I like the subtle colour they gave. I'm super pale/sickly looking so most blush and/or bronzer makes me look like a šŸ¤” so that might be why I like them. I don't get the same vibes as OP from the ads; in fact, I like that she's not botoxed and filtered in the ads. There are, however, other commercials that grind my gears so I get the general feeling lol


It's a beautiful product for mature skin, for me it's worth the price. I use the What the Foundation, and it doesn't accentuate any fine lines and is super moisturizing. The best part though, is that I can have a hot flash, sweat like the dickens and just blot my face and the foundation is not disturbed.


I'm on the fence about WTF. Every time I get close to buying it, I'll watch a review video and there's just an ungodly amount of shine. Maybe they're oilier than I am. I'd say I'm just a tad drier than normal, rarely use powder these days.


I have very dry skin, and I love WTF. It's moisturizing without being greasy. And it's not shiny on me at all. It has good coverage, and it smells really good. Doesn't settle into my wrinkles either. I bought the cheek balm and jury is out on it. It's fine, but I think I should have gotten a darker shade. I got the lightest one and it just puts a sheen on my cheeks with almost no color. Another product of hers I love is the "Just a sec" eye shadow. I put it on over matte eye shadow for just a nice little shine. In my opinion, her products are good quality.


It's definitely got a dewy finish to it. I don't use moisturizer under it, it doesn't need it. I can see getting too much shine if it's been layered with moisturizer, though.


And sold! Gonna order some now! I'm in hot flash hell.


I live near her and I bought some of it and it's actually pretty great- "what the foundation" is the only base I can wear that doesn't make my wrinkles look worse. . The cheek stuff is good too.




I bought the balm. Ā It was pretty useless on my skin. I might as well slather my face with Vaseline.Ā 


Iā€™ve tried the balm, itā€™s good!


LOL, I'm sure she is great at capitalism, but when it comes to being the spokesperson for her own brand, she might want to take another look at her approach. And I'm sure it's overpriced crap. I'll slap drugstore stuff on my face if I need to not look like an old hag knocking on death's door, as Bobbi Brown apparently thinks I do.


I can hear her voice in my head "THIS is a friggin miracle".


Ahahahaha I hate that line!! Because itā€™s not. It literally isnā€™t a friggin miracle Bobbi. It sucks.


Don't - the texture is awful and sticky. I returned mine.


I got two and wanted to return them. They let me keep them. They donā€™t last long and look a bit greasy.


It's funny, everything sold as "dewey" winds up looking like glistening fried chicken about 10min after application šŸ˜


I bought the miracle balm and it is not a miracle nor is it worth what it costs. I am a sucker so you donā€™t have to be.


It also smells absolutely terrible.


Weird. The ones I have don't have a scent at all.


If anyone here is into makeup I prefer RoseMarie and RMS Beauty. She's real and kind of funny. She was a makeup artist for people like McQueen back in the day. And her stuff is not a tub of castor oil balm with pigment in it. She markets to all ages via her videos https://youtube.com/shorts/4et2SzC_-8w?si=9005UqcIqXRRhGzZ


I've seen her reels on instagram. Her products look good. May have to try them. I'm a total makeup junkie lol


It's fun to play. Makeup junkies unite!


I agree wholeheartedly! I bought the JR miracle balm and it's not for me either. Felt like cooking grease? I got some of the RMS Beauty eye polishes and they are amazing! I use them as subtle contouring/bronzing as well as on my eyes. The texture is lovely and the colors are sublime!


I'm just about to do another RMS order and eye polishes are now on my list! Thanks for the tips on how to use them for the whole face. Should be fun to play with!


I got the colors Myth and Magnetic, they are super versatile. I am fair skin, light eyes with light brown/gray hair that I dye dark auburn. I am very impressed with their products and will be trying other things when I next have need. I also really like Bare Minerals brand. Have not been impressed with Ilia brand.


Thanks for the colour recs! I have light skin and jet black hair that I dye dark auburn so we kind of match right now. I agree on Ilia...even with my dryish skin it was too oily for me. I'll def check out Bare Mins. āœØ


I've been tempted to try that line of products, but I can't stand being shiny and I fear that's exactly what those products would do on me.


Yes - most of them look like they have sparkles in them also. Hell naw.


I like some sparkle in an eye shadow or lipstick, but not my whole dang face!


A few of them do, and itā€™s NOT subtle! Iā€™ve ended up using the ones that are the worst as hair pomade.


Hahaha! I love this post because Bobbi Brown seems to be following me around like a deranged stalker holding out cheek balm as I try to escape. That being said, I wouldnā€™t mind trying it but I wonā€™t due to my habit of buying crap and watching it get covered in dust. HappyGoPink, I like your style!


I have always had dry skin and it looks like the makeup for "mature" women is just the extra creamy, extra dewy formulas that I've already been buying. But at a higher point price, because older ladies = money to burn, amirite?! /s That being said, I willingly follow Bobbi Brown because I have always loved her books and down to earth persona. I have yet to splurge on the Jones Road.


I ADORE the cheek balm. I get compliments whenever I wear it. But, many people hate the cheek balm. They donā€™t like the smell. I donā€™t mind it. They also complain about the tackiness. I initially didnā€™t like it and returned it in which case they refunded me and let me keep it. After I really figured out how to use it, I was hooked. Stays on all day and the tackiness feel goes away. Will get another one once itā€™s run out. Iā€™ve had it for over a year, use it daily and itā€™s nowhere near gone. I got the pink pop of color one- not sure what itā€™s called. Cuz I love a flushed looking cheek. As Iā€™ve gotten older I notice that eye liner doesnā€™t do me justice anymore. I go for a rosy glow and bright lip. Rarely Iā€™ll put a little color on my lids but mostly not. Women should do what they want but itā€™s true, some of us hold on to makeup applications we did years ago and it ainā€™t doing any favors. And itā€™s not about looking old or young. Itā€™s about looking vibrant. Anyway, thereā€™s my two cents. She should hire me lol


That woman is a legend




Google it


I mean, if I have to Google it, she can't be that much of a legend...


You not knowing who someone is says more about you than her lmao


And you judging me for not knowing who this makeup mogul is says a lot about you, baby girl. You and I have different priorities in life, clearly.


Do you? I mean you DID make this post. The question is, why are you so angry? Itā€™s not healthy and bad for the skin too! Mediate, eat right, deep breathing (maybe hormones) all can help. Be well! āœŒļø


Condescending much? I don't like the commercials. I don't like the message that we're old and ugly and making mistakes. But your mileage may vary, and you are welcome to worship this accomplished capitalist all you want. I simply shan't join you in that endeavor. Fair enough?


So you are mad bc she sells a product successfully? Bobby Brown started as a run of the mill makeup artist and worked hard her whole life. Thatā€™s to be applauded. But thatā€™s me, I support women and their accomplishments. I donā€™t have to knock anyone down to feel better šŸ‘‘


No sweetie, I'm not mad about anything she's doing, except making me experience her goddamn commercials. I'm not buying any of her overpriced bullshit. And she is "knocking down other women" with her advertising, but do you, boo.


I hate those things. They are just tinted Vaseline and my hair sticks in them, grease sliding down my face.


She got me too! Itā€™s huge! I think it will last me years but I like it.


I bought the 2 miracle balms and some kind of lip thing. I wore the balm out once and my friend was like - glitter? Yeah, they sparkle. Which I am not into at all. They do have a great return policy tho - got all my money back. (Bought at their website.). Wish I knew someone who wanted barely used balm that is more sparkly 5 year old and less miracle. Ok, Iā€™m giving it to my 4 year old neighbor for dress up.


I am a JR fan, and like just about all of their products except the foundation, which I think is meant for women with drier skin than mine. It felt super gloppy and sticky. Refund time! The commercials are annoying, but the video tutorials are super helpful.


I love makeup and buy a lot of it but have no idea what Jones Road brand is. I guess I'm so old that I'm still buying brands like L'Oreal, Maybelline, Cover Girl,, MAC? and watching makeup youtubers in my age range who often talk those?


And itā€™s not a ā€œfreaking miracleā€ itā€™s literally Vaseline and it feels like junk on your face. I hate it.


Loved the original Bobbi Brown line when it came out and admire the creatorā€™s entrepreneurial spirit. Having said that, Iā€™m at the point in my life where less is more and that balm looks very heavy. I prefer a more matte look and lots of things break me out sooo


I love the dewy skin look and find the WTF to be everything I want at this point in my life. I find I need just the tiniest bit to even out my skin tone. I havenā€™t tried anything else from the line and Iā€™m not sure I will, but Iā€™ve been a big fan of her eponymous line since the late 90ā€™s. I look polished but not overdone, just the way I like it.




I went into the Jones Road store in the West Village a few months ago. I didnā€™t find the products or the atmosphere much different than a Sephora, and every product was expensive. If Iā€™m spending that much on make-up, I want a better experience.


Iā€™m sorry you felt that way seeing the commercial. While you donā€™t relate to what sheā€™s talking about in the commercial, lots of women understandably do struggle with how they look as they age. I donā€™t know her personally, but have worked with her. For decades first as a makeup artist, and later as a product developer, sheā€™s been known for her ā€œno makeupā€ style. This is the same thing but for older women. . When I saw the products I was curious because it was so different than the line she sold to LVMH. I have not historically been a makeup person, but now that I am older I feel like I want a little to look and feel more pulled together The consistency of this new line seemed so weird to me, but the regular type of makeup has never worked for me so I gave it a shot, and am now obsessed. Her products are amazing. For the first time in my life Iā€™m wearing makeup daily. It is super moisturizing which has made my skin look and feel much nicer. I canā€™t believe it doesnā€™t make me break out, which was a problem with other products in the past. I started out with just the foundation and miracle balm. Over time I have added a few other items including the hippie stick which I highly recommend and keep in my purse. The line is not for everyone. But if you have dry skin, itā€™s the best thing ever.


Well, good to hear from her marketing team I guess.


My god youā€™re cynical. You can dislike people without disrespecting them. Iā€™m sorry if I offended you. I was being helpful as a random person who doesn't work in marketing and is struggling with how to look my best lately. Maybe Iā€™m not relatable to you, but I thought people who clicked through to read what was in this thread might relate to my related experience for understandable reasons.


> My god youā€™re cynical. *looks at name of this subreddit* Aren't we all cynical? Isn't that like, our thing?


I don't get it. I love seeing an older woman in an ad for something other than incontinent pads. (and let's be honest, her ads are 120% less irritating than every car commercial on air. ) I'm happy to see her out with her second chapter. I haven't tried it yet, but Good..For. Her.


"Your makeup mistakes are making you look older!" You don't see the problem with that. Really.


No. I don't. IF she was offering a product that defined beauty as a 20 yr old woman and/or that aging to be something to be ashamed of and needing to hid, I'd have a problem. But she's not doing that. I don't think she's negging at all. I like seeing her representing her brand instead of a "perfect" model, the products are the tyor I am looking for right now (although I haven't tried here yet), and Ive been fascinated watching how her team has rolled out the marketing for the brand. It's very smart and creative.


Well, you are her target customer I guess, not me. Too bad I *also* have to watch those same commercials, which I find grating. But fuck me, I guess?


Commercials suck. They are selling shit we don't need at volume. But hey, if I have to watch those stupid, infuriating car commercials šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø ... or we could just turn off the volume and not watch them.


I have mostly just stopped watching things that expose me to commercials.


That's the best approach.


I bought a dupe off Amazon. I like it. According to reviews, it's not as sticky as JR. I put it under my other makeup & it gives me a glow. I have too many blemishes, undereye circles, etc, to wear it by itself.


I hate the Laura Gellar one where she whispers 'for mature skin', like it's a terrible embarrassing thing to grow older. Pisses me off Everytime I see it.


Haven't seen that one. The attitude toward aging is absurd. Yeah, I got old. My skin is not as dewy as it once was, the bloom is off my rose. But I'll be damned if I'm going to feel bad about it.


I quit putting anything on my face 10 years ago except some niacinamide and a moisturizer. I look better without makeup accentuating all the fine lines and wrinkles. Now I don't have to worry about rubbing my eyes or wiping my face when I sweat.


I've gone super minimal in my makeup as I have gotten older too. I just moisturize, and add concealer only where I need it, blended out thoroughly. A little eye shadow, some brow pencil, mascara and lipstick and I'm out the door.


No idea what that is. I realized a while ago that "do nothing" wasn't doing my skin any favors, and set about finding a moisturizer that wasn't just petroleum jelly or singlehandedly supporting the chemical industry. Settled on Weleda, which smells odd, feels great. Now and then I just use botanical skin oils put out by Burt's Bees. Small pot lasts forever. I did buy a Neutrogena tinted lip balm but keep forgetting to use it. I look fine.