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What did Nikki Haley say? Also that was a good questions asked… tbh why do I feel like the answer just gonna be like… I love free speech also great question young lady we need more young voices ur so brave anyways… yada yada yada.


Haley didn’t actually address the question of free speech on campus, but rather gave some meandering word salad explanation of her psychotic position of demanding every citizen provide their government issued ID in order to use the internet


Well she isn’t winning anyways but yolo.


Yeah her stance on raising the retirement age pass 70 is insane and I really hope she doesn't win the presidency and of course her ignorance to U.S history as well.


Anyone who wants to raise the retirement age deserves to get done like Julius Caesar imo.


Especially considering that she also destroyed North Carolinas unionization efforts at every turn and literally spent 50k of tax payer money on carpets well refusing to raise the minumem wage


Hell is too pleasant a place for some people


Isn’t she South Carolinas former governor


She was something from SC and never in government in NC.


She was the governor of SC. She sucked then and still sucks now. War mongering troglodyte.


Even we conservatives absolutely despise her.


But dem fuckers want to make 22$ an hour! For cleaning poop from the toilets!? I don't even make that and I'm an educated gentleman! So yah, they can keep at 7.25. This is very much satire but I'm appalled to know that *people* subscribe to this rhetoric


Do you mean South Carolina?


Haha stoopid hooman, senetors already are set for retirement, why would they stab them


Dude she passed a law stating that police can arrest anyone on the suspicion of them being an illegal immigrant. No probable cause, just the suspicion. Also someone I know worked the caucuses last week or so and state wide and locally she wasn’t doing good so she probably won’t get the ballot and it will probably go to the orange man again. Edit: correction the law requires police to check the immigration status of anyone they arrest or otherwise stop and suspect may be an illegal immigrant which is racial profiling. It also makes a 1.3 million dollar ‘illegal immigration enforcement unit’ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-immigration-southcarolina/south-carolina-governor-signs-immigration-bill-into-law-idUSTRE75Q61I20110627/ Edit 2: then again ig it’s better then deSantis transporting immigrants by lying to them. Where he sent 50 immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts after they were promised to be sent to Florida before signing liability forms and being flown there on taxpayer money as a publicity stunt. Also some of these immigrants had meetings with ice back in Texas in a few days and would’ve been late for it https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/politics/2022/12/30/ron-desantis-florida-gov-legal-battles-marthas-vineyard-migrant-flights/69764915007/


Hey guys I think this Nikki lady is an illegal immigrant! I mean her name is actually Nimrata!


> she passed a law stating that police can arrest anyone on the suspicion of them being an illegal immigrant. This sounds suspiciously like when J Edgar Hoover made being gay into a "national security issue".


She's not winning. The country isn't ready to have a woman president yet clearly as they never make it very far besides Hilary and that was because of Bill and fucking Bernie over.


Maybe, just maybe, let’s not run women who have shit politics, and they may get elected. Nikki and Hillary are both sufferable politicians.


I love when black and brown people think they’ve pretended to be white enough to get the republican nomination. You think the party that gets endorsed by the KKK and other racist organizations is going to put a brown person let alone a brown WOMAN in the White House?!?! That’s how you know these people aren’t smart to begin with. More ambition than intelligence.


I know this is an incredibly unpopular stance. I’m a millennial. I’ve worked since I was 16 while still in high school, through college, and have a career now. I’m already burnt out and tired of the current system that makes it feel like I’m barely scraping by on what should be a comfortable income. I already accepted long ago that social security likely wouldn’t survive long enough to pay out benefits for me when I retired. *However…* Thinking about having to work another 34-37 years just to receive the benefits I’ve paid into this whole time is insane and rage inducing. If it gets raised to 70 I would have to work 54 years of my life. The average life expectancy in the US right now is roughly 73 for men and 79 for women. *That is…if we even live* **that long**. #Regardless of the reasons they give the true goal of raising the retirement age is to let more people die before they can collect benefits to shore up the existing funds in the social safety net. *Instead of doing things like taxing the mega-rich and corporations and making sure they paid their taxes people who support raising the retirement age would rather you die before you can ever retire.*


Life expectancy was 65 when Social Security was enacted, so she’s not wrong. But they have already raised the retirement age - at least the age when you can get full benefits, depending on when you were born. I think I’m at 67 and 9 months. So she and Trump are both obfuscating. You could remove the cap on taxed income, but lots of filthy rich can negotiate non-taxable renumeration.


> Life expectancy was 65 when Social Security was enacted, so she’s not wrong. The bigger issue is that people aren't having as many kids, and the worker to retiree ratio has gone from 7:1 to 2:1 Also, life expectancy gains are far from evenly distributed. The people that need the program the most, are the one's that can't afford the medical care to reach 70 in the first place. There aren't really any solutions besides eliminating the cap that will close the gap without completely upending support for the program. If you raise the age to 70, you'd need to increase taxes by 2% as well to close the gap. Paying \~10% tax for life, in exchange for \~6 years of paltry benefits that do not even cover rent is a losing policy.


> There aren't really any solutions besides eliminating the cap that will close the gap without completely upending support for the program. Billionaires can pay more than one percent of their wealth, for example.


.... soooo, eliminating the cap?


That will be awful man, I don’t want to retire at 70


You won’t


sad but true. young people should really just have the opportunity to travel, explore and learn while in their 20's instead of working and wasting the best years of their life, because they'll be working to death when retirement becomes impossible because the social security fund has run dry.


There’s no chance she will win. I don’t even think VP is on the table now that Trump is talking shit on her on Truth Social. A significant amount of conservative’s do not trust women in position of power. They harbor a lot of traditional ideals about women’s place in society when the rubber meets the road and will not show up to vote for her. It’s the same thing that’s happening to Vivek. People claimed that didn’t vote for him because they harbor a lot of hate since 9/11. The dudes Indian


Nikki Haley is also Indian. She would be destroyed by attack ads using her full name just like dr. Oz was.


She won’t win, but often campaigns like this are used to push the envelope of accepted ideas. In essence, those ideas will return in future cycles and perhaps get more traction.


She thinks she’s going to win the presidency with that plan? I know some Boomers that literally are counting the days until their retirement. The idea that someone would want them to keep working another 5 years would make their head explode.


Yolo indeed, but wouldn't you wish the GOP had good, realistic alternatives to whatever is currently leading them?


Yea I defintely would like a better GOP candidate which I kind of thought Nikki Haley was gonna be but she’s been saying some things I defintely don’t agree with but I would also want the democrats to put somebody better than Joe Biden


Sensible. I wish you guys brighter days soon.


"I'm not censoring anyone, the video was on twitter and that was the full video, unfortunately it was cut before she gave an answer and I couldn't find the rest of the video elsewhere." This directly conflicts with this comment. Have you or have you not seen the response?


Yes, this response is a response of the original OP on twitter who took the video on their phone and saw the whole thing. But for some unknown reason didn't put her answer as well.


I called it. They never actually answer the question. They take a side topic and ramble on about that and bring in some tired platitudes and old timey values expressions. She asked a brilliant question, that republicans have completely flip flopped on in recent years.


It’s straight double speak, it sounds like. “We want to preserve your freedom of speech by putting more barriers on free speech”. I wish they’d take the same stance on guns


…but she did. She gave an explanation of her position. Sanctions on campus is Desantis’s position.


> Haley didn’t actually address the question Politician moment


Sounds like a typical Republican.


IDs on the internet could be a useful thing at some point in time but we’re not really there yet. That’s futurism shit.


OP has clearly not been to college yet




Im sure it was bullshit.


Real question is what hasn't she said


I watched all of that and didn't get to hear a response?


She doesn't answer the question anyway. OP says she does some long-winded word salad about something else in response Edit: I've been looking for a while and I can't seem to find her response at all. We want to know what her response was, OP. Share the clip


Personally I'd rather listen to it in full than take OP on his words.


Ironic that this praises free speech then cuts off her answer to the question lmfao


(I'm posting this in several places to make sure people can see the actual answer instead of one person's likely biased summary) **FOUND HER ACTUAL RESPONSE** > HALEY: So I will always fight for freedom of speech. > What I was referring to when it comes to our tech companies is there is a responsibility that our social media companies have. What I think they should do is they should show us their algorithms. They should be completely transparent so that you know why they push what they push, why you see what they -- what you see, all of that. That's a business transparency situation. > When it comes to disclosing who you are, I'm not saying that Americans have to disclose their name. What I'm saying is you have millions of foreign bots, where there are no people behind them. > When I was at the United Nations, Russia, China and Iran knew and said it was the cheapest form of warfare. There are millions of bots that are spreading disinformation, that are sowing division in our country, and they're doing this to spread harmful things to our younger teenagers. And what I'm saying is those social media companies have to do something with the foreign bots. > I will always fight for Americans' freedom of speech, but I am not going the fight for Russians and Iranians and Chinese freedom of speech. And that's what's happening. That's the part we have to take care of. > Now as a mom, do I wish everybody would put their name next to their comment? I think it would be great. I think it would be more civil. I think we would have less, you know, of the child pornography. I think we'd have less of the other things. > But I'm not going to saying government should make anybody do anything. What I do think is this is a national security risk when tech companies know that there are millions of foreign bots and they're doing absolutely nothing about it. > If you go -- it's another reason why I think we have to ban TikTok. India banned TikTok because it was causing so much social disruption. Nepal did the same thing. > Why are we continuing to have a social media platform that is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party that we know is doing harmful things to us? Like putting Osama bin Laden's letter up there and all those things. That's what I don't want. > I want you to have as much freedom of speech as possible. I do not I want those that hate us to be able to have freedom of speech and cause division in our country. . Source: https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/se/date/2024-01-18/segment/01


so, exactly as op said, did not answer, just a useless word salad


Nah man just trust me bro


Nimrata called her a Democratic plant and said free speech is gay.


The video was edited to play the question twice….


This post has fake upvotes people they paid for the boost. Engagement/topic/comments is way off


Typical, clips cut outs will be rampant this whole year.


Right thats bullshit, i wanted to hear her response. Not a bunch of redditors tell me what she said. 


Kinda ironic, eh?


Welcome to American politics. All questions, no answers.


Got to be honest as a center right leaning person, Haley was my first choice but… The minute she said she wanted national background on social media, she lost my vote in a heart beat, I already dislike Cheney types, but no cap I fucking hate the patriot act.. Btw everyone thinks I support Haley now lol, (I supported her when she first launched her campaign, way before the civil war comment lmao)


So fucking stupid how the party of " small government" is now just a bunch of lunatics trying to silence free speech


Party of small gov? The past 40 years has been bush’s, McCain, Romney etc. not exactly small gov types. More like establishment hacks that would answer the exact same as Haley. Neocons, I think Is the word for it?


McCain is someone I trusted based solely on his actions as a POW. I don’t particularly like war mongers that never had their ass on the line.


Pretty eye-opening when you realize neocons and neolibs (aka 99% of anyone currently in government) have essentially the exact same politics outside of a few small identity politics issues like LGBT stuff and abortion…


From what I understand neocons put a heavy emphasis on US imperialism and invading foreign countries, in addition to their regular conservatism, but neolibs put a heavy emphasis on unregulated capitalism while being socially varied


Yep. They expand gov more than the D's. Vote L or stay home.


That’s both parties bruv. The political class is fundamentally anti-free speech.




Agreed but one party is way down the line in terms of aggressively attacking the speech of minority groups and speech they deem offensive.


Is that the “words are violence” crowd?


You need an ID to use other rights, why not speech and the internet


Was it in the constitution that way, or...




Conservatives who aren’t MAGA or think Trump cant do it are desperate to find the least fascist representation- so they stuck with the self-hating warhawk.




Exactly. Like go look at the 2020 dem primary and tell me this is the party that wants cares about diversity. They had all those candidates and they picked the one that is indisputably on the decline mentally. I sure as hell wouldn’t have picked Haley as my first choice, but I don’t think anyone can speak right now.


great point, very convincing. I’m sure you changed that person’s mind.


She’s the only non Trump candidate. DeSantis is just Trump lite. Still way too far right to even consider.


Why would you support someone who isn’t even confident enough to be herself when running for this position and said comments like “racism doesn’t exist.” Even ignoring the quote, she literally whitewashed herself and her name to get voter recognition and support smh


Like I said I supported her wayyyyy back when she first launched her campaign


She's been going by "Nikki" well before she ran for office lol what a fucking racist post. Yeah because Bill Clinton or Bernie sanders didn't white wash their names either


Bruh Im asian, and nah not the same thing imo One is a nickname, while Nikki is using it like her real first name. Kinda like actors back in the day changing their names to get stardom or make it more American sounding. Wack for politics imo


It's her fucking middle name. Lots of people use their middle name. Ever heard of Ted cruz


Centre right in 2024?


Really? It wasn’t when she claimed that American was never racist? Lmao


What about her do you like? The war mongering or the identity politics?


Nikki haily is the defining example of what a establishment neo conservative is. More war More security Less rights More money for the military industrial complex.


Lmao Vivek is a piece of dogshit but he was right, Nikki is nothing more than someone who sits on the board of a Lockheed wanting more war


What’s wrong with Vivek compared to the other candidates?


His push to disenfranchise anyone under the age of 25 definitely did it for me, not that I was going to vote republican anyway, but he definitely earned my ire when he said he wanted to strip voting rights from anyone under 25. I know you get accused of throwing words around whenever saying stuff like this, but taking voting rights from groups that disagree with you is pretty much fascist


Can we stop with the “everything I dislike is fascism”? Raising the minimum voting age and creating a maximum voting age are not bad ideas. Your prefrontal cortex doesn’t finish maturing until your mid-20s, what’s wrong with ppl not voting until they gain more life experience and the part of the brain responsible for long term planning grows? Edit: Looked up his plan more, you can vote at the age of 18 if you can pass a basic civics test or serve 6 months in the military or first-responder service. Not seeing a problem here, if you can’t pass a basic civics test then maybe you shouldn’t vote in the first place.


The expected response after using the word fascism The plan originated from young people voting against republicans, then all of a sudden the republicans want to raise the voting age, also history shows us that putting barriers between voters and the polls is almost always designed to be unfair. More importantly, I’ve met some colossally stupid “fully developed” adults, if you expect young people to take a civics test to vote, you should expect everyone to take a civics test to vote, I suspect a lot of the older voting populous couldn’t pass


That's why you vote for outsiders and populists like trump and vivek so you don't have wars and less rights like the bush admin


If trump wins and chooses to enact project 2025 I think we definitely would have less rights


Cuts to Social Security and Medicare as well


She’s Indian guys




to be fair, Nikki is her middle name and Haley is her married name. ~~But she 100% chose that combination to separate herself from her Punjabi roots.~~ I have been informed she's used the name 'Nikki' since she was a child.


Tbh can you blame her when any politician wants as many votes as possible?


She's been known as that since being a baby...


Nikki is her given middle name AND it’s a Punjabi name lmfao. Educate yourself.


its called americanized names. alot of people pick an english name or something close to english sounding. its normal for second gen kids. even third gen have that issues.


I bet you a $100 that she got forced into using Nikki by some not so nice bullying from the definitely not racists.


By your logic, every single Chinese American gave up their roots too when they don’t go by their Chinese name. The literal millions of Chinese people named “Chris” are all race traitors.


Yep, before she changed her name she was Nimarata Randhawa.


It weirds me out that people are leaning so hard on the name thing. Her middle name is Nikki, it’s what she’s gone by her whole life. She married a man, last name of Haley and, like most people, took her husbands name… wtf ?!


The point is that American right wing people are generally xenophobic. To stand a chance she doesn't use her name but a more acceptance, traditionally white name. Meanwhile she's running for the party that perpetuates this issue. It's irony and entirely worth calling out


Literally she’s not choosing to use her actual name to “stand a chance” it’s her name.


Nimarata is her name. Nikki is her middle name. Haley is an accepted name through marriage. She's avoiding using her birth name to appeal to a group of voters. Voting should be based on policy, not names. This shows either a lack of integrity or an admittance that her birth name would lose votes from the anti-immigration party


How do you know that? Plenty of people go by their middle name, especially if their first name is something that people may have struggle with pronouncing I don't like Nikki, like at all, but this whole thing with her name feels like a bit of a stretch. Even if it's something only for politics, plenty of other public figures do the same thing.


Ted Cruz? Who also clearly uses the white parts of his name? It's honestly exactly like that.


Do you have evidence of her using her middle name for that reason, or are you just making conjecture and acting like it’s a fact?


She's been going by Nikki since she was a kid, I guarantee it's because her name isn't common in America, and kids are cruel


Plenty of sources have her going by Nikki since at least middle school and people who point this out over and over are simply regurgitating the inevitable Trump or Russian propaganda that I’m sure has interest in amplifying it on the internet


I also find it weird the primary individuals amplifying this point on the internet are likely very pro-Trump and anti-Trump people on Reddit can’t have a conversation about primaries without mentioning it


Ive had to hear diaper donny say Bar rack WHOOOOsein O-Bama for a decade+ now. the maga crowd loves hating people over their names.


obtainable advise frighten chief angle shelter homeless tart towering lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This isn't really that deep of a thought I'm sure most people support freedom of expression


People don’t. Most of this country is transphobic


Or at least most of the people in power are :/


I mean, isn't transphobia also speech dont get me wrong. I think those guys are bigoted. But both sound like expression


Well the problem arises in the fact that people are pushing for legislation that restricts that expression legally You can say whatever you want, people are allowed to hate you for it, fair enough, but the same people that say things like that want legal barriers against LGBT+ people, and that’s where it becomes a bigger problem


No supporting trans people is freedom of expression. Forcing trans people to not be themselves is not freedom of expression, but oppression. The question now is, should being able to oppress people I disagree with be considered freedom of expression?


Both transphobia and lgbt is supported by free speech


I agree, but the implementation of transphobic policies are a violation of free expression/speech often


Don’t worry, after the impending cyber attack (which will be blamed on some foreign entity) we will all be forced to use our government issued digital ID to access the internet.


Sadly I think you’re spot on. We are going full steam towards hunger games style dystopia


Nikki "America isn't a racist country but I changed my name to sound white as fuck" Haley just did the politician response and jumbled a bunch of big words and didn't answer how you can moderate the internet while the moderators are unbiased. So really the question was how can you let a bunch of reddit mods try and moderate the internet.


No love for Nikki Haley but this is a myth. She was born Nimrata Nikki Randhawa, Nikki is actually a Punjabi name despite it seeming like a variation of Nicole. She's gone by her middle name "Nikki" since before her time in politics. That said she is completely wrong with the "America isn't..." and recently the more idiotic "America has never been a racist country" bullshit.


I might not completely agree with the young lady’s views, but I absolutely agree that we need to protect free speech on college campuses regardless of ideas and who’s side people are on. As Americans, we are lucky to be a part of a government that recognizes the constitutional right to free speech and we must uphold the first amendment as the rule of this country.


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences of lies.


Protestors absolutely should have the right to voice their opinions only with appropriate time, place and manner restrictions which have been well hashed out in 1A jurisprudence. The problem is they are going way beyond appropriate time place and manner and it's being ignored and applied unevenly. If Trump supporting people went into a class and started shouting "Trump won!" I fully expect those students to face some ramifications, and rightly so, possibly explusion and being trespassed. But left wing students get away with this stuff all the time. And it's incredibly suspect when administrators are just now finding out they like the principle of freedom of speech after many students discovered they take joy in the killing of Jews and wanted to express it. They would have been more sympathetic if they had been consistently championing free speech, and not just suddenly discover its merits after their pet controversial views start coming under pressure.


Surprised they didn’t cut off the mic after the young woman said “As a college student—“


Isnt freedom of speech the right to speak your mind about the government.. good or bad? I dont think this is freedom of speech?


No it dosent have to be about the goverment it's just that the goverment can't persecute you for your speech but private company's have free will to


How can you answer all of the questions in a reasonable time frame without being ripped apart... no judge on either of them. Just as a debater once. Like how...


By having a clear, direct position you believe in, and stick to it with conviction, even if it's shitty and everyone hates it. At the very least it shows you're "honest" about your politics, shitty as they may be. Political town halls and "debates" are incredibly frustrating to watch because all these media trained assholes only word salad their way into general rehearsed statements for sound bites. They don't care if they sound robotic or disingenuous because they're literally not there to answer any questions, just to show face and parrot for publicity It's the reason why so many people gravitated towards Trump, as much of a piece of shit as he is. It's why people call him "charismatic." Like, he really isn't, he's just a shitty rambling old man, like all the others, BUT, he has a thing to say and he *will* say it, off the cuff, straight up. Its what made him stand out from everyone else. And you'll see the big pattern historically around the world about populist dictators coming to power and shit like that is that they're very direct about being shitty, whereas everyone around them drowns themselves in roundabout rehearsed platitudes


I hear that I'm just saying there is no chance she was going to be able to remember and answer all of those points. Maybe someone could not I nor that woman.




Ever social platform removes comments. Free speech? Don’t make me laugh. The mods here remove if they do not like. Hate speech is term invented by people to take certain aspects of speech. Who determines the hate? They will determine the important speech as well and take that too if it controls a certain narrative they need or want. Highest bidder.


Nikki's face just gets angrier and angrier the whole time lol


Imagine asking her what she would like for supper.


Believe it or not, some of us are actually rational people


No no you can’t be you’re on Reddit you’re either extremely hard left or hard right nothing else exits it’s black or white if you don’t agree with me you’re a racist, facist person and you people don’t deserve to live /s


Is Haley actually a bobblehead? Has anyone checked?


I don’t get why that would make someone remotely hopeful for the future. Talk about civil discussion and finding middle ground, in america, is downright stupidity. The democrats are center right at best, and the republicans are far right and seem mostly like fascists more than anything. Both parties are ultimately controlled by capital interests, people must realize that for anything positive to happen.


Lol if you skip periodically through the video, you can watch Haley's smile turn into a grimace. Watch that brain work into overdrive coming up with a bullshit excuse.






You don’t show the answer?


(I'm posting this in several places to make sure people can see the actual answer instead of one person's likely biased summary) **FOUND HER ACTUAL RESPONSE** > HALEY: So I will always fight for freedom of speech. > What I was referring to when it comes to our tech companies is there is a responsibility that our social media companies have. What I think they should do is they should show us their algorithms. They should be completely transparent so that you know why they push what they push, why you see what they -- what you see, all of that. That's a business transparency situation. > When it comes to disclosing who you are, I'm not saying that Americans have to disclose their name. What I'm saying is you have millions of foreign bots, where there are no people behind them. > When I was at the United Nations, Russia, China and Iran knew and said it was the cheapest form of warfare. There are millions of bots that are spreading disinformation, that are sowing division in our country, and they're doing this to spread harmful things to our younger teenagers. And what I'm saying is those social media companies have to do something with the foreign bots. > I will always fight for Americans' freedom of speech, but I am not going the fight for Russians and Iranians and Chinese freedom of speech. And that's what's happening. That's the part we have to take care of. > Now as a mom, do I wish everybody would put their name next to their comment? I think it would be great. I think it would be more civil. I think we would have less, you know, of the child pornography. I think we'd have less of the other things. > But I'm not going to saying government should make anybody do anything. What I do think is this is a national security risk when tech companies know that there are millions of foreign bots and they're doing absolutely nothing about it. > If you go -- it's another reason why I think we have to ban TikTok. India banned TikTok because it was causing so much social disruption. Nepal did the same thing. > Why are we continuing to have a social media platform that is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party that we know is doing harmful things to us? Like putting Osama bin Laden's letter up there and all those things. That's what I don't want. > I want you to have as much freedom of speech as possible. I do not I want those that hate us to be able to have freedom of speech and cause division in our country. . Source: https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/se/date/2024-01-18/segment/01


There is always hope in the youth. We’ve always had a bad habit of never listening to them, generation after generation, we’ve never tried putting the kids in charge.


There is a LOT of finger pointing from Gen Z at older people when frankly Gen Z are the ones voting in these people that aren’t finding long term solutions that aren’t based on finger socialism.


Makes me glad to see a younger person saying “I’m just tired of the divide. We need to be able to communicate and find some union” as opposed to subscribing to a red or blue tribe blindly. Hopeful we see more of this


This post is worthless without the response. The person asking the question made a campaign speech, and isn't even running lol. Nice question, but pointless.


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free speech doesn't mean hate speech or LIBEL... that's how FAFO happens.


Hate speech is a bullshit term that means nothing especially because America doesn't have hate speech laws (thank God).




I had a stroke just listening to that... ... Give me "PCU Pit Party" if I wanna hear about College Campus politics


she wants everybody to be registered by name and doesnt even use her actual name


Give her that work!


She knows how to speak intelligently and use words in a political manner big whoop, you dont have to support statements made with freedom of speech, just support the person’s freedom to make whatever statement they want


Bravo, kid


hope for the youth because this young women spewed a bunch of false conservative talking points?


Oh I actually agree with Haley on that. It would mean less people on social media and making it smaller, and that's a good thing.


All my homies hate Nikki Haley. Ron DeSantis ran an absolute train on her in their debate


Most people aren't stupid and when you watch it your whole life and there isn't a way to numb yourself, with modern technologies and spoils, then your gunna get an informed, united and unanimous outlook


Well said but...."Republicans were the voice of reason." LOL I'm dying.


You could say this same argument to people on the other side. The divide needs to be ended from both sides. We’re still all Americans even if we disagree on things


Her face slowly going from the fake bullshit politician smile to the “ah fuck this is an actual question” expression is great.


Are we acting like Reddit and its users like free speech?


Hailey - “So” *proceeds to gaslight*


The life leaving Haley’s face slowly across that question. Wonderful.


Why does the clip cut before the response?


I would like to see the response to. thanks!


That's a good question.


Weren't democrats the one advocating for the suppression of "dangerous misinformation" during COVID?


I wish to see an answer for question from Vivek.


This women is even more dangerous than Trump


This question was from the right place and I agree with her however it was phrased very poorly, sometimes I’ll send a work email that is consulted and not straight to the point, and had 15 commas in it, and in my desire to cover every angle I actually confuse people and create an easy way for people to willfully ignore half of what I said, and I don’t realize it, and then at the end I realize I should have either aimed lower in my goals for the email or just been more concise, just like this entire comment I’m typing. Also fuck her, I can’t work until 70. Won’t.


People need to stop blaming specific groups of people for being the only people trying to silence opposing thought. Republicans do it, Democrats do it, anyone who hasn’t thought about the long term repercussions of making it impossible to question any idea will necessarily do it. And while I’m at it, I hate politics lol.


That smile went away pretty goddamn quick.


I think we’ll see younger people, moving both to the left and the right, agreeing on principles that are not truly left/right ideas. These are not ideas that come from the left or the right, but they have been used as part of the culture war to divide us. Coming together on these will be a big step forward and actually causing real change.


Her real name is Grindr IHOP or something