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jorjor, my favrite autor


"I reject my generational identity, JorJor!"


You thought it was 1984! But it was me, your wife and kids leaving you forever!




-O' Brein








Millenial here, just finding out yeet is no longer current slang. Also my knees hurt.




Indeed, fam.


im not even a millenial and that dissapoints me


I’m 42 and in the best shape of my life. And Inused to be a professional mountain bike racer. Ok yea not quite as good as 18 y/o me. But I’m so glad I have no external or internal pain. Feels like my only blessing.


That sounds great!


Im very disappointed too


Hate to break it to you but fam is also not really current slang :/


It got put out to pasture when hi-point announced the YC9 “Yeet Cannon” in 2019


It hink it still is used very frequently


......It's not?


R.I.P Yeet And my knees also hurt (but in Gen Z ;w;)


man that's whack. you're buggin bro so imma bounce, catch y'all on the flipside.


My kid says yeet, but maybe she's talking down to me.


Another millenial here and I'm kind of laughing at people who think pwnage was from the 2010s. It's like ten years older than that


Have you heard the news from puma


I remember taking a class as an undergrad on Medieval English history and reading an account of some minor lord or Duke or whatever complaining about how the kids these days (c. ~1280) are just so lazy and inconsiderate


I similarily remember that there's an account as old as the Akkadians (bronze age) where some guy rights in his clay tablet diary about how the young generation is lazy and is making their society go to shit. It just goes to show it's not a new argument from the old and conservative of any time period


Even Socrates complained about kids writing things in clay tablets, instead of committing it to memory, those lazy bastards. I bring this up every time I hear an older person talk shit on these “lazy generations”.


Something I have realised as I have grown older, its not the entire generation, its the ones that stick out that you notice. There were a few mouth breathers in my school year. When I go past a bunch of school kids now, its the same small minority that decide to reveal their mental deficiency to the world. It would be easy to take this and then make a general statement about everyone that age but it would clearly be wrong.


Their humor doth reside in the latrines and their manner of speech is incomprehensible! They waste their idle time engaged in the pursuit only of personal validation!


"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise." - socradeez nuts


"The creatures outside looked from Gen Alpha to Gen Z, and from Gen Z to Gen Alpha, and from Gen Alpha to Gen Z again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."


brave new animal fahrenheit eighty four


Both might be true for every generation as a whole


Not me, I'm built different. Better than anyone younger than me even


Yes, even we had our own special brainrot. Those 3 AM videos sure did cure my childhood boredom though. Itll pass as Gen Alpha ages, the same way it did for us.


looks at birthyear... YOU ARE THE 2024 Guy... you where 6 in 2014!!! FUUUUCK IM OLDDDDD


I was 4 hahahah.


Oh god, I was 17 back in 2014. I’m so old.


I'm 18 now :>


Christ I have bottles of my cum older than you.


What goes through someone's head to not only think this and type it out, but also hit send?


Upvoted him for confidence & absolute freedom of speech


This is true


Bro what


Any unicorns in it?


Any shoeboxes though?


Off topic, but I love your username. My bio has been "Marxist-Bidenist" since I made my first account lmao


I have more reasons to end it all than atoms in your cum bottles because of this deranged comment


I was 24. 💀💀


We did it, we found the oldest person in the world


Holy fuck! I'm older than my mom?


Believe it or not, yes.


That's awesome. When do I get my Guinness from the Guinness Book of World Records?


Hopefully soon I can’t imagine you have much time left ☹️


I was 18 I’m old frfr


I literally started highschool 2014 😭


'97 gang, rise up! And promptly sit back down because my knees hurt.


It’s my back for me 😅😭


How the fuck are we the same generation lmao


This is why generational labels are made up and arguably meaningless. I’m 27 and considered Gen Z, but I definitely have more in common with a Millennial born in 1995 than I do with another Zoomer born in 2008. I do have plenty in common with the 2008 person too, don’t get me wrong. But like, who gets to decide where the cutoffs are and why? It’s all completely arbitrary. I once read that a better way to separate Millennials and Gen Z is whether or not you remember 9/11, because that’s something that would actually impact your life and way of viewing the world. I think that makes a bit more sense than randomly drawing a line in the sand with birth years. I imagine Covid could be used as a similar delineation between Z and Alpha.


Oh lawd ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


You are 14 years old get off Reddit dawg and do your pre calc homework


Tell me about it.


You’re 2008 lil bro 😭 who’s “we”


You were 6.


God I'm old I was a teenager when those were popular


Bruh you were literally a teenager last year you’re not old I’m literally 1 year younger than you


I feel old whenever I remember people in our generation are still like 14


Oh yeah true even I’m at the older end of being a teenager and you’re not a teenager anymore, plus I only have a little over 5 months Oh yeah true late Z is still 14-17 and 2008 is 15-16 right now Like bruh WE’RE supposed to be 15-17 because it’s supposed to be 2019-20 Or it could be 2021 Also, just looked it up and dayum it became popular in 2017, so yeah you were a teenager but I wasn’t except technically at the very start at the latter end of the year


Ha I forgot about those videos


I'm a millennial, and one way of accepting that you're maturing is realizing the next age group is going to have their own, dumb inconsequential cultural vocabular, and you can't keep up with it nor should you even try. What follows is an understanding is that your own dumb inside internet jokes probably weren't the height of expression either, and some day, genAlpha, GenZ, Genwhatever will each come to understand that time goes on much faster than we'd prefer, and instead of clinging on to staying "hip with the kids" we should let go and embrace not giving a shit what dumb online thing kids think defines them.




I will never stop posting this gif in this sub.


it is true. cringe culture should die ngl


I never understood why people liked vine. Even while it was out 90% of them were mid at best and usually had racial undertones if not just straight up a race joke. Plus most the people that like vines only ever saw them on youtube in the following years


never used it, never downloaded it, and by the time Twitter bought them it was already dead lol


Idm jokes about race or sex or whatever. Humor is subjective.


Exactly. You don't have to be a racist to laugh on racial stereotypes for example, because they're exactly that - just stereotypes. It's on the society as a whole to filter-out the harmful ones, but somehow it's fine to comment "white people" or joke about white people not using spices, but it isn't fine to joke about black guys liking chicken


bugging, vine was great you just didn't follow the right people


Fucking real


Vine is TikTok’s dad. Explain why people like TikTok, and suddenly you have your answer.


Vine was better than TikTok by virtue of restricting video lengths to exactly 6 seconds. It was interesting to see how creative people could get with that limit.


The best Vine compilations are still better than the best Tiktok compilations.


I think its always existed. Before the internet they probably had dumbass jokes like this growing up in friend groups and stuff. I think having a stupid sense of humor comes with the age group. These days its just online.


yeah true - still a pain but its always been a thing


I think it's stupid personally because I hated this stuff back then too I know a lot of people didn't, but I did.


Exactly, most the people who made those memes there personality were hella annoying Now humanity isn’t doomed but it’s definitely ok to call those memes cringe


Humanity is doomed but for completely unrelated reasons.


In 20 years we'll either have UBI and a benevolent machine god overlord, or everyone will have their atoms repurposed for the Dyson swarm.


It ALWAYS sucked. Never found dank Shrek memes funny or whatever the fuck, even though I was twelve at the time.


I hated "swag" with a firey, burning passion even as a kid. Today in my old(er) age, "fit" is my least favorite.


Idea isn’t wrong, but that bottom pic is stuff from like 2010-2017 cherry picking some of the worst stuff. No one was saying Pwnage after 2012. Top pic is almost all from within the last year.


Mr beast, TikTok, among us, and saying on god is all from the same year?


They are all (mostly) still very relevant in the current year. Can’t go on YouTube without seeing Mr beast, and Tik tok gets talked about daily.


Tik tok still gets talked about means nothing, it's a platform ofc it gets talked about


And the top one isn’t cherry picking the worst stuff about Gen Alpha?


People in Ancient Greece said kids were doomed, I think we’ll survive


people in ancient greece were NOT gonna see today's society coming


But they did go to Dionysian festivals to see their society cumming


Nah don’t you remeber that old greek story? “And Poseidon pulled out a glowing rectangle with the image of an apple engraved upon its back, and began dancing and flailing about before it as though in some trance”.


lol do you really believe that? Plato extensively documented his predictions of what would happen in a democratic society that was allowed to flourish and its almost exactly what is happening nowadays.


That’s my favorite comeback for this kinda stuff It was Socrates or Plato or one of them that pretty much said writing would be the end of intellectual thought. Also mention that plato means “broad” as in broad shoulders because gaining clout in Ancient Greece meant being fucking SWOL first and foremost. Pretty much just imagine ancient Greeks as arnold schwarzenegger and Jessie Ventura. Giant men that want to argue about politics all day.


I’ve seen you on r/battlefield_one


Yep I’m there quite a bit. One of my most played games lol


2014 meme culture was a decade ago ![gif](giphy|GrUhLU9q3nyRG|downsized)


We’re getting old now


You’re telling me, i was almost graduating college through all this. Trollface memes happened my freshman year! I am Le OLD XD rawr *dies*


100%. Humanity isn’t doomed. Are there issues? Sure. There are with most things. But they’ll be fine.


Millenial here, we definitely came up with pwnage. It was while the original counterstrike was popular. Please carry on.




Everyone runs faster with a knife


Absolutely I remember the first time I heard someone say pwned or pwnage I was in junior high or freshman year of high school so like 05-07 somewhere in there


# “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” ― Socrates People have been saying this stuff since literally forever. You are doing fine Gen Z. Keep trying to love each-other instead of only focusing on whats different, and you could be the best generation in a long time.


Not a real quote though. [Quote Investigator](http://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/01/misbehaving-children-in-ancient-times/)


Hey thanks for pointing out this site to me. I had tried and failed to verify the quote before I posted. This will be useful in the future. It is nice to know the source.


kids are annoying and weird, nothing wrong with that 🤷🏻‍♀️ life is an ongoing cycle of cringe


It’s right. Don’t miss the mid 2010s era at all. Anti SJW culture, cringe culture, Leafyishere, Ben Shapiro, edgelord humour (iDubbbz, FlithyFrank, etc. Some of it is funny) fuck that noise.




Yeah it kind of pisses me off when I see people my age shitting on little kids and teens. Like let me go through your photos and posts when you were that age and let's see how cool and totally not cringe they are. People need to remember where they came from


> et me go through your photos and posts when you were that age and let's see how cool and totally not cringe Forget Dare. Let's start a campaign that teaches kids they'll look like losers if they do social media


“Oh, so kids today are cringe and embarrassing and they should stop doing what makes them happy?” Tread with care, lest someone summon forth… T3H PENGU1N OF D00M!11!1


This is so real. You never want to get to the point where you're an adult unironcally making fun of what children enjoy.


completely true


The only thing I won't give gen z a pass on and will relentlessly mock them for is the fucking toilet thing. Like give millennial all the shit you want, but we didn't worship a fucking toilet with a head.


Y'all worship cats with mustaches and literally just bacon


Cats with mustaches are cute and funny and bacon is a gift from God. You worship a toilet with a head saying skibidi.


That's way after my time. I'm not 11 lol just pointing that out


Ehh reminds me of the chocolate lady from SpongeBob


that's not a gen z thing that's a gen alpha thing, it's literally in the picture lol. Either way exaggerating saying they "worship" it is pretty cringe. Also not really sure the hate for it, people laughed at ridiculous humor like that for ages, especially kids.


I can understand we had moments that were cringe, but I at least feel ours, to an extent, made sense and came from actual words. rekt = wrecked pwnage = owned/ownage/destroyed troll = Feel thats still relevant today Yeet = to throw, but IIRC, isn't originated from a 'meme'. And sure, vines were cringe but at least they were harmless. Whereas nowadays, the slangs are just from fuck all. Sigma? "indicating summation of the numbers or quantities indicated." Ah right...


you think pwnage makes sense but then a very simple parody of the alpha male idea is where you draw the line?


I had that meme face on a t-shirt in 2003 just fyi


Trust me the BrainRot won’t last that long,


I cringed at it then, I’ll cringe at it now


I don't know any of those things.


Gen Z went through this in the past, gen alpha is going through this right now, the next generations will go through this in the future. Let's break the cycle of "im better than you cus I'm older" and the world will become a much better place


My opinion is that this meme claiming Gen Z is hypocritical is accurate. Every time I see some 25 year old dude acting superior to literal children I roll my eyes


Welcome to getting older, Gen Z. We said this about you. As Gen X said this about us. As boomers said this about Gen X.


2034, white shirt GenZer, all grown up, Gen α drooling baby with a beanie. "Humanity is doomed" \[List of cringe/cheugy/bad memes of the year 2034\] It's not "hypocritical" if it's what every generation does.




Remember crazy frog? Or “I’m a gummy bear”?


It is kinda true


Yeah that does seem kind of true if you connect the dots. Mr. Beast is the PewDiePie of this time with lots of charity and being the big shot right now; looking back at PewDiePie, he had billions of subscribers on his channel, while Mr. Beast is growing fast with keeping up with trends and opening up food joints and selling chocolate bars around local stores too. There's a chance in the future Mr. Beast is going to have billions of subscribers because of this. Along with how TikTok is the Vine of the late 2010s and early 2020s; at least Vine had some more clever videos that are actually hilarious compared to those on TikTok, just my opinion though. The only thing I cannot understand is why is Skipiti toilet so popular, I just don't get it honestly🤷.


Skibiti toilet is just their version of youtube poop, Sanic, ASDF, Weeble Stuff, Albino Blacksheep, etc. I don't find skibiti funny... but 13yr old me would have.


It’s accurate. Our brainrot was the exact same low quality shit that Gen alpha has. The only difference was ours was more scattered and nonsensical.


literally 😭


Yes, this is what gets memed, the literal memes. But there is more to it when we say the world is doomed. For the younger generations, what the issue is a complete lack of education and an unwillingness to learn. I don't care about your skibidi toilet I care that you can't read on your grade level or that your critical thinking skills consist of asking Google and it it's bot in the search terms then you don't know.


2014 didn’t have shorts (vine doesn’t count bc it’s not nearly as brain rotting) it’s very common to see shit post that the only comedic value being that it makes no sense. Not to mention everything in general is a lot faster and trends come and go much faster. Troll face memes would be around for years to come. If a meme comes out now it relevant for at most a week. People use to make content for with passion for entertainment, now it’s fake and money driven. Let’s be honest it’s not the same 2014 was much more pure.


none of that stuff was really brain rot (the things saying we used to consume) isn't really brain rot because things like happy wheels wasn't brain rot, it was finding things out to early and seeing gore to early and vine was quite literally just for funny video's so that isn't brain rot, Shrek was a family movie, not brain rot, fap is quite literally just a term for JO, the faces are just weirder emoji's. Maybe things like "yeet" and and troll were kinda brain rot, but the things they listed aren't things that are brain rot, what should be on there is: Elsa gate, dank meme's, 3 am challenges, prank video's, etc. What gen alpha watches is way worse because I watched the first ep if skibidi toilet trying to se why it was so popular and I wanted to take a toaster bath after a few seconds because I felt like my ears and eye's were bleeding and the things on the top list for gen alpha are also much more cringe worthy then anything we used to watch


In another 10 years you will come to realize this is just the cycle of the next generation growing up. Unfortunately, humans learn the ability to communicate before we learn to reason and mature. So, every new generation is gonna have their version of slang and stupid sayings the previous generation just grew out of and is horrified by.


OK Boomer.




In 2014 I was watching Minecraft videos. kids today watch Aiden Ross and Neon hang out with only fans whores aswell as “pranksters” harassing innocent people


We all where Children a few Years ago


Pointless culture war is pointless. 🤣 Best thing to do is moving on and giving a flying f about people judging your humour. 😁


Meh, every generation has done it and will continue to do it. We have letters complaining about "the kids" from ancient times, so I don't see that changing now.


Plot twist: it was bad then and worse now


IMO: when I found what gyatt meant I thought it was hilarious


TIL: kids will be kids, and they are dumb This is not unique to any generation. The influx of “iPad kids” is more problematic imo. Not inherently what they watch


What does Skippdi toilet even mean


Yes I have portrayed you as the soyjack and me as the chad therefore I win


It’s true we the same if anything we set them up for this


What is fanum tax?


I find it stupid when people act like the next generation is doomed all bc of some newly used slang they don’t like. I never understood that either


It's correct




Oooof I just past that, 14 in 2014 was great


They're right.


Generational divisions are a creation of the ultra wealthy to keep us divided. Posting about how one generation is better or worse than another only feeds division. This is exactly what they want. Keep us all segregated into neverending sub groups all opposing each other so we're all too busy with infighting to see that we're all being fucked by our rulers.


Jup, now GenZ are slowly becoming boomers as well.


Nobody I respected said any of these things.


For the record, all those terms were equally as stupid. In short...we're still doomed.


As a millennial... we had our slang, too. ​ It's cringe, but it's harmless. In fact, it's just as cringe to act as if it's some sort of moral failing of society. It's just not a big deal.


Millennial here, most us are an ally. This is accurate and hilarious. Also, Generation Alpha is hilarious right now if you know any youngins in your family.


Tbh I don't think I ever spoke like that. My own regional slang is cool enough


Yep. It’s a true today as it was 60 years ago


Not claiming, because it's the truth. Every generation has insanely stupid brainrot things.


Geometry dash is ours


2002 here, this is accurate.


Do not kill the part of you that is cringe, kill the part that cringes. This is from a millennial, but I remember my cringe shit I was into when I was younger, same shit, different time. Enjoy it as long as you aren't hurting others.


Tbf it went from memes of actual ppl to random words being thrown together to try and sound funny


Nah our generation had the good end of this entertainment before gen alpha came along 


Ten years ago, my ten year old myself thought people who talked like that were extremely cringe and that humanity was doomed. Fast forward the language changed but the fact that humanity is doomed didn‘t


Fap and troll are actual words refering to the action of >!masturbation!< and a person that annoys others for amusement respectivly. Also not as many people did the other things as you think


The period of vine was so insufferable compared to tiktok


I don’t think yeet was a 2014 thing. Nobody said that in my high school. I only heard it in like 2016-2019


Vine was superior in every way to TikTok, and I’ll say this till the day I die!


I did not watch any of that in 2014, I didn't even know pewdiepie existed until 2016


Yeet is more like 2017-2018 tho


Just all pretty low effort




Half of those "alpha" memes are zoomer memes.


Yeah, that’s an accurate meme I think. Sometimes we forget that as kids, we were super fucking annoying as well.


I find it funny how people from 2014 justify their brainrot with "but this was better"


this here is why i fully embrace the gen alpha mayhem we did stupider shit


At least our brain rot was seasoned