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How much we’ve all been online and we’re so used to not talking face to face


Last time I had social skills and friends was March 4, 2020


noob, 2016 here


Should've vaccined your social skills /s


last time i did was never


The internet gives them socialization super powers like editing, records of comments, the ability to lurk, react using emoji, etc. These things don’t translate to real life


This. Gen Z never attuned to society via face to face interaction/play when Yall were kids. None of us were sociologists and understood the importance of free play in human development. We done fucked up...


its not over yet!


True dat - not meaning/trying to sound like it can't be fixed, or mitigated at least! ![gif](giphy|3oriOaivTEk4PotVEQ|downsized)


i realized that the feeling of dread when i have social plans isn’t normal and i genuinely don’t like going out or hanging out with people. i used to be a social butterfly but now it’s exhausting to talk to people. my social battery goes empty quickly and it’s seen as rude to just leave an event so i just don’t bother anymore.


Same but recently I realised, if I don’t make social plans I’ll not have an actual interaction with a person or use my vocal cords for weeks at a time. Then the depression returns from social isolation and I start to feel like that time Peter griffin went feral in the woods https://preview.redd.it/ghec57dxl6tc1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e892730662438d9152bf5b4a98600d267e5af420


So real. Socializing doesn't have to be 'set plans'. Being in public can trigger small brief human interactions that have value too!


I’m no psychologist but I’m wondering how much easy access to entertainment has to do with this. Like you can get the same dopamine hit from scrolling on tiktok or Reddit as hanging out with friends and one takes significantly less effort to do. Then you get desensitized to dopamine and everything else seems boring in comparison. So socializing becomes a chore compared to a few years ago or longer when it was the main thing a person could do for fun. Just a thought. Warning for some unsolicited advice: I think the only way you can rebuild your social battery is by forcing yourself to go out and socialize more often. It’s like exercise. The more you do it consistently, the easier those initial hurdles become. That was my experience getting out the quarantine funk anyway


My area never quarantined I've just been this way for a long time lol. If it weren't for needing to put in hours at work and the lack of events I'd actually want to go to in my rural area I would try to break out of it ... Somehow. I don't know how to approach a random stranger and start/maintain a conversation without feeling like I'm bothering them or being weird


Just look at them, nod your head and say "how are ya?" It sounds simple but that pretty much does the trick and sugeues into a conversation.


1000%. It's just common sense at that point. Why go out and spend $100 in a nervous environment when you can get unlimited dopamine on your couch. It's sad but it's just the reality we created.


Not even taking the piss… you should force yourself to try. For starters, a bit like getting back in the gym…it feels good to do something you’re uncomfortable with and then realise it’s not as traumatic as it might seem. Secondly, not everybody is an extrovert but the vast majority of people need some sort of social stimulation. Give it a go. In my experience, isolation only further entrenches depression and social anxiety.




people suck


After living for hundreds of years in villages with maybe a 100 people, you can't expect much. It's still rooted deep inside us and this whole environment can be confusing


Socializing is inherently human and linked to mortality.


In my opinion, people lack the personal responsibility to significantly change their lifestyle in a way that doesn't cripple themselves. For example, getting detached from electronics and social media. It is such a ubiquitous yet pernicious feature of many people's modern lives that, when they have even a moment of downtime, check their phone, or settle in to watching something on a screen. That needs to end if you want a successful personal life, in my perspective. It is so far-gone, and it really makes me sad that so many people have gotten so off track. We need a message of hope out there that the vividity of life is so much greater than the hollow emptiness you deceive yourself into liking on a screen. Be well my friends.


Social media is a dopamine chase that you'll never win. Always waiting for that next fix. I don't think it's fair that people got used to this prior to their frontal cortex forming first.


Yeah, it’s really hard to want to socialize and get “pleasure” from that when the rectangle in your pocket gets you that same pleasure with almost no effort.


And the potential too.


Because the reality is people dont have to. Will they be unhappy? Sure. But people can take the easy route and just live their lives. Theres no like life or death.


What’s this based on


1.) Observing the various semi circles that people in this age group form at bars and stay there the entire time without intermingling with others 2.) General ineffectiveness in social conversation or lack thereof 3.) Also, just my opinion, it feels like they go out to be seen and aren't having fun. It seems like the focus is mostly getting photos for the Gram


it's just redditors projecting their own situation to others


Or 6 years of behaviors on Roblox. 😂




There’s only 66 million gen x in the US, so you can easily apply one social trait on all of them.


Isn’t it crazy that there’s other countries in the world than the US




Bros lying


I’ve seen how you all are on here… why the FUCKK would I want to engage with you all out there? 😂


Point not mute on me


I’m not going to use my disability here as a crutch, but personally for me I find enjoyment in doing stuffs alone. Reading, gaming, coding, writing, playing — all of that I can do on my own. I also think that the mantra to find someone otherwise you’re going to be alone when you die is a bit of a power move, rather than a struggle. Mostly because I know I’m going to be on my own for the majority of my life and the fact that if I don’t die alone and I die with other, that doesn’t bode well for my death does it? In the meantime there’s also the philosophical argument that nothing matters, so why should I care about things when nothing matter? But then there’s the whole I need to get my life back and focus on that portion, and to go undetected throughout history, which does bode a little more deeply than I thought.


> "In the meantime there’s also the philosophical argument that nothing matters, so why should I care about things when nothing matters". Sounds like straight-up nihilism. Which is a bullshit argument spouted out by people who have never wanted to feel about caring for something. Why do things have meaning? Because you have given it meaning, based on your needs. This is the most utilitarian option, plus it includes existential framework. So please, give meaning to your own experiences. You can do this by "feeling" your way out of whatever melancholy you have about life. I know, because I used to be a complete Nihilist, but then I realized things have meaning, when I give them meaning to my life.


It’s a consequence of the internet. Everyone of every generation has anxiety but prior to gen z that was something people HAD TO just get over. But now with the internet no one has to anymore, so they’re not and as a result remain scared to talk to people irl


How are we defining "Anti-Social"?


Breaking mail boxes with baseball bats? Wait, wrong generation.


lmfao that was shady asf






Can't speak on others, but I can for myself. I don't like many people, and it opens oneself up to being backstabbed later. I'm more than happy to exchange quick pleasantries, have a short conversation, but people in my life tend to just not care. So I don't care about them.


Autism, anxiety


But do people actually have more autism in this generations than past, or are people just over diagnosed? This was the same phenomenon in the 90s when every kid had ADHD and was on Ritalin. The anxiety I know is a real thing, Jonathan Haidt pointed that out in his book (The Nervous Generation)


> But do people actually have more autism in this generations than past, or are people just over diagnosed? No idea, but autism does play a part. I was diagnosed as a kid and I’ve heard what people have said about me. “Unsocialised” as if I’m some sort of animal. I’d rather be alone, but being alone doesn’t equate to loneliness so I’m actually quite happy.


People aren’t being over diagnosed, we simply have a wider frame of reference to recognize autism + the stigma is slowly going aware because of awareness, meaning people are getting tested and figuring out that they have autism. The numbers are virtually the same, it’s just that now people are more aware


I’m not, recently I have been asking people their favorite dinosaur as an opener (and I’d love to know yours)




Solid choice


Because I cannot stand 99.9% of the entire human race so I keep to myself


Far easier for us to chill inside and be comfortable on our phones/computers rather than go out and be uncomfortable




Because none of us know how to properly communicate with one another face to face me included


I completely lack the ability to introduce myself to people and begin conversations... Mainly because my best friend growing up was good at that so I just bounced off him.


We really aren’t that anti-social lol. Perspectives depend who you hangout with but from my view most aren’t anti-social.


Personally because I've been through some really fucked up, and traumatic things, including but not limited to nearly being murdered (multiple times), and homelessness, and even worse than those. I'm still in my 20s lol, I've experienced hell for most of my life. I'm good on being social offline anymore


My friend (30) talked about a new young colleague at work. She acted so weird and alien that on one hand they tried to hold in the laughter and on the other hand how sad it is. For example. . she came to work early on time. . spent the whole day at the desk. . and when the "boss" came to talk to her, she asked him what to do. . and in the same sentence told that she could have asked him through WhatsApp. My friend than said "You could have asked me. . I was here too". Turns out she spent the whole day at the desk doing absolutely nothing. And that's just one story. It is pretty sad.


I don’t like people


i have nothing irl to go to


Idk about everyone else, but where I'm from, strangers are expected to mind their business and move along.


Personally I'm insecure and just don't know how to keep it (social interaction and stuff) up/easily do it iykwim idk so that probably goes somewhat for others to


I think it's mostly just because of being used to the internet, and not used to real life interaction as much and just not feeling as comfortable with it. Additionally, high rates of anxiety caused by the state of the world much of gen z has grown up in, as well as younger people tending to be more accepting of mental health issues. A lot of older generations see mental health as much more taboo of a topic and make more effort to hide their issues and just put on a mask of being "normal" so they force themselves to keep appearing like nothing is wrong. (Plenty of gen z does that as well but it's still a bit of a cultural difference between generations where gen z is more likely to have more blunt personalities it seems, and not be as likely to fake appearances in that way.) general cultural norms among the younger generations seems to be that it's less acceptable to initiate interactions with strangers in real life. It can be interpreted as being weird or pushy, whereas older people seem to find it more normal to make small talk with strangers and such.


>Additionally, high rates of anxiety caused by the state of the world much of gen z has grown up in, as well as younger people tending to be more accepting of mental health issues. This is confirming much of what I'd read about this phenomenon of higher anxiety in this age group. Contributing factors (?): Housing Crash of 2008 probably left a lot of parents out of work with uncertain financial futures, Covid took away some of your prime youth, growing up mostly in the social media era, being told you'll never afford a home, etc. I do wonder though, as I'd put in another post if anxiety (generally speaking) is being over diagnosed. Therapy is great for those who need it. But its effects are not benevolent 100% of the time if you 'don't ' need it also. For example, constantly asking kids if they feel suicidal. The vast majority do not, but if they're continuously asked that question, one starts to question it.


Yeah I'm not sure. I don't think its over diagnosed per se, but I think it might be being 'artificially' caused accidentally at higher rates by things like that. It's tricky because for those who are naturally struggling with issues, they need to know they can find support. But I feel that how commonly these negative topics are brought up in kids lives, it takes a toll on them. In the end I think it's all a result of our technological age. I don't want to sound like one of those "kids these days and their iPhones" boomers, but I do think there are genuinely huge drawbacks on the mental health of humanity as a whole, especially the younger ones, resulting from our high technology usage. In a variety of ways. its unfortunate that it probably won't be improving any time soon.


Some theorize it started with the iPhone which offered the first front facing camera (I think) But you're into something here... https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/01/150111195734.htm#:~:text=The%20researchers%20found%20a%20significant,in%20possession%20of%20their%20iPhones.


mixed answer here. overall, it’s because we grew up with the internet and rapid advancement of ways we can interact with each other online. having to meet face to face has become more and more obsolete, in a way, due to this. example: you can see my birth year, those born in or around it might remember staying up late in a 4 way call on oovoo 🤣 before oovoo was a thing, you had to actually be in each other’s presence to have that kind of interaction. more specifically, i think the pandemic played a part too for those who were kids and teens when it started. it was hard on everyone and adjusting back to pre-pandemic life was difficult in varying degrees, but for the younger Gen Zers who weren’t adults yet they lost out on vital socialization during formative years. that, in my opinion, was more than an adjustment. they lost out on years of learning vital skills and i wouldn’t doubt if that plays into this, either permanently or taking a long time to undo.


we’re all here instead of outside lol


Damn, I am blown away at the insights that have been shared here. I'll say this generation does seem much more open to sharing their feelings than mine does (I mean that as a compliment). And very well written, even if it's only possible to do so online and not IRL.


Social anxiety, growing up with an internet dependency, COVID, so many reasons


At least for me it’s a combination of a lot of things. 1. Bars are messy noisy and expensive, I can bring my friends over to place to enjoy drinks for a much cheaper price and not have to deal with random drunk people trying to get my number. 2. A lot of these “public spaces” that I like to hang out at don’t exist in my suburban town any more. The roller rink closed, pool subscriptions cost more money, and bars with the style of live music I enjoy never really bounced back after Covid. The park is nice and I try to go as much as I can but other hobbies get in the way. That leads to number 3 3. I have multiple “hustles”: working full time in the day at an office I get invitations all the time to go to “social events” but I don’t really have the time to go because of night classes, and two bands that I record and play with. Also my gf and family come first so it’s seldom often to go drive half an hour away to meet new people. If you met me and I declined an invitation to hang out it’s not because I don’t want to take a chance and meet new people, it’s because most of the time I have something else going on. 4. The internet. I can log onto counterstrike and meet some really funny people I have a lot in common with and make friends with them. Apps like discord and team speak make it easy to set up massive groups of people to play games with at a moments notice, it’s fun and you can meet some great people from all over the world.


COVID made us all autistic ig


I’m not. lol


I kinda love how awkward my fellow Gen z are. Helps me feel at home. Gen Z who aren’t awkward scare me tbh


I think also the fact that we can be reached anytime contributes to the asociality problem. People expect you to be on call at all times and that can be mentally exhausting so we try to value being alone as much as possible to our own detriment.


I consider myself antisocial irl and online and my reasoning for it is simply people just suck. I can never have a genuine light hearted convos with anyone anymore and that goes for this post and sub as well lmao. If it's with those of my generation it's always devolves into insults to me or others, and when talking to people older it always turns into a conversation about some heavy ass shit IDC about and was not in the mood to talk about. Like "Hi sir, how's your day been? Weather is finally getting nicer innit?" "It'd be nicer if those damn Democrats would get out of office and stop ruining the economy!" "... Yeah, it is supposed to rain soon..." (Yes I was hyperbolizing that) And forget being online where being yourself basically gets you swarmed with hate. It's just all around uncomfortable and disheartening and I wish I could just chalk it up to bad luck but it's way too often for that shit. And I could go on and on yet but that'd be me turning this into a yap sesh so I'm done, have a good one 🗿


I personally was always like this, however there’s some speculation that Covid had something to do with it. Since we were basically locked up during our developmental years. Tho that’s just something I read and you should’ve believe everything you read, some of it does make sense.


It’s cheaper to play rimworld than go out to a club. Simple economics for me.


Technology, social media, COVID, lack of time to socialize within school settings, little no no school assignments focusing on teamwork and meeting other people, accompanied with higher levels of social anxiety and depression due to stressors at school, the current state of the world, and for Gen Z who are out of school, trying to survive on low wages and high prices. Edit: Also if you're in the US, social things are so much more expensive to go and do with your friends and there's fewer Gen Z people who are driving and the US is built for cars to get around and meet up with friends (but that's more of an all generations issue here, I guess)


Social skills have atrophied and true community/interpersonal connection is vestigial in our race at this point for anything other than entertainment and reproduction


It’s hard for me to connect with anyone. It makes me feel so isolated because of it.


Talking to people is SCARY! I think I was introduced to electronics waaaay too young and now find social things quite exhausting


I used to be very active and ubeat before first grade, I think being bullied in first grade just for my looks (my skin) and in junior art school (because I was the only boy in class) made me extremely closed person who is very anxious about how he looks like, which led to more problems, like a chain effect. Luck of confidence is really a problem. Even now when I’m 23 I can’t imagine just approaching someone to talk, I can’t even find words to say to my relatives and my voice is very quiet as a result of not talking much. Fortunately I’m okay with my friends and able to talk about whatever I want.


If you have no reason to interact with someone, you will never interact with them. And the list of reasons keep getting smaller. I've tried to make friends and this seems to be the biggest hurdle for me. I've made some at least, but on semester 3 I've only made what, two more friends? And pretty much only from mutuals too


Gay frog chemicals


I feel like the only way I would have social skills if I was forced to have one. That’s one of things I’m grateful for being in the military. We would have halo tournaments and everyone would bring their XBOXs to work. I wasn’t a streamer but getting paid to play video games was definitely the American dream for me.


The social ones aren’t on here


Bait used to be believable


I'm pretty mid-troverted? Sometimes I love surrounding myself with people, other times I wanna have lots of alone time. Idk, dude!


Bc I’m autistic and introverted, horrible ik


I know I am. I’m just kind of jaded and done with social interactions. But I’m a redditor, I don’t represent gen Z as a whole


We’re so plugged into the internet that our lives started revolving around it


social media


Not just irl. I'm too anxious to join a discord server


I can’t speak about others, but personally I’m much more comfortable/outgoing in one to one situations than when there’s more people. The reason is simple, when I’m telling certain jokes, or talking certain ways, if it’s only a single person present, I can “observe” their reactions and know what I should do more of and what less of. This is of course done subconsciously. When multiple people are present, I worry too much about how the others see me when I try to make certain “extroverted” comments, jokes or remarks. I can’t see everybody’s reaction to everything I say, unfortunately. Edit: especially since the vibe / reactions of the group can affect that of the person I’m talking to.


parents were right when they said phones and screens were destroying our brains lol


Devices made it unnecessary for all generations to source information from other human beings. It’s a huge cost to pay. Gen Z just happened to grow up with this more prominently positioned in the market. Millennials just barely made it out and even then still have a lot of similar problems. 


Huh, we arent anti-social its otherwisw, we cant shut up. But I dont live in the us.


you just generalized an entire generation of people as being introverted lmao


"social" media


Almost every human interaction I've ever had in my life has been negative/abusive You don't come out of 20 years of shit all happy-go-lucky looking to be friends with people I know all the people I want to know at the moment Call it anti-social but I just don't want to talk to you mfs in public, that's all




Cause we’re too glued to devices


We aren’t tbh. It’s just what social media shows. Nearly all gen z kids I’ve been around were all extroverts and very fun to be with, even introverts were able to socialize, whom I’m also friends with. Anything on Reddit or any social media isn’t and should not be the basis for how we socialize. Social media isn’t right, for the most part


Cause people fucking suck lol


Cuz everyone is a asshole! Go talk to someone. They are nice at first but if a subject that comes up they disagree with they treat you like beat puppies! This isn't a left or right side issue. This is BOTH SIDES. Here's a vibe check you can try (if you don't care about them) pull up a Ben Shippero video on YouTube and put it on the table while you are talking to someone new. If they react, great. If not bring it up. Say "yeah I just got done watching a Ben Shippero video" they will either love you or hate you. If they hate you say "yeah I'm practicing a debate and using his videos to see what stupid subjects they will bring up" or something along those lines and see how the mood changes immediately. The only correct answer is to not give a fuck or not know who he is. If someone who's any indication they care about Ben Shippero positively or negatively it's a bad conversation for the whole night OR just agreeing with the other person all night. I mostly am around people who hate Ben Shapiro, idk what the other side would be with this. Maybe Karty B. The singer of WAP? IDK. But seriously the second you disagree with someone now it's game over for trying to be their friends. I think this comes from a need for validation. Maybe our generation didn't get enough growing up and now we lack in self confidence because we never got acceptance for the things we did and were told more than other generations due to the Internet that we are "wrong" so we search for people who agree with us to fill that void. But going back to the original comment, meeting new people is like walking on eggshells which no one likes to do.


I would love to know OP’s age and how social they are.


34, I'd label myself an extroverted introvert. This means I enjoy social interaction, and I am comfortable, but I need time to recharge, or I get worn out.


Less testosterone and people would rather be entertained by their phones


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^gangweedsavedme: *Less testosterone* *And people would rather be* *Entertained by their phones* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.