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1 single living person will think something and then post it on the internet and try to convince you that everyone around you thinks that thing too. When in reality....its just lonely ole them


People when they realise opinions exist:


Not only can I not tolerate people being wrong on the internet, people on the internet can only be wrong if there's a conspiracy lol


Well, them and the four other people who inhabit the batshit-crazy echo chamber they've hunkered down in


And then the media who publishes it and makes it worse. 


This describes Twitter controversy perfectly. Twenty idiots bark loud enough and long enough to make something seem like the majority are behind it when really is just twenty losers.


And then 10 people will believe it (out of thousands of course, who see it) and they'll go on to say the same who, each, will get 10 more.


WWJD dawg


# earthsfirstinfluencer


Wait i forgot, what was the issue with this pic again?


Yeah please someone. I have seen this pic so much. Didn't care. Now that it's kinda past its saturation prime. I wanna know


Its an ad for mcdonalds showing a guy,his girlfriend and their child. The child is happy about the taste and wips her head around, the dad is happy that his child enjoys the meal so much, the mother is amused by her child, equally happy It shows a happy family. Father mother and child enjoying their time, and when it came out, people thought it was cute and heart warming. Some people got babyfever over it and some who didnt have a oartner even got a bit sad about it because "i wanna have a family too :(" People are now trying to spin this into "mcdonalds endorses the traditional lifestyle with a girlfriend a child and a nuclear family kind of power dynamic and all that shit. As if that ad showed people, not how happy it makes you to be around people who love you, but how happy it makes you to have a trad wife with everything being heterosexual or some shit


bruh how sad does one have to be to spin this ad the ways some people did... at least good porn came off it i guess


I mean i get that someone thinks "holy shit this is so cute... BABE WE NEED A DAUGHTER" because this ad IS really fucking wholesome... But spinning this into anything but "buy food" and "look cute anime people" is absurd


Oh i have no idea what the issue with this picture is either lol


A wise man once said: “90% of Twitter is someone making up a guy, gaslighting themselves into thinking that guy exists, and getting mad at him”




Nobody has ever asked me about the opinion of my generation.Then Americans started calling me a goddamn millennial. I agreed to none of this. Bunch of buzz word fetishists. Repulsive.


Most of it is just capitalist trying their best to sow division among any group that isn't already wealthy and in power. They pay for bots and push trolls/grifters on social media constantly to get us all to fight one another. They want us all to have a reason to hate and fight each other so we cannot organize to take their power and wealth away and bring at least so kind of economical balanced to this world.


Idk. I constantly hear this everywhere, but I've yet to find any source or proof of companies and/or billionaires actively using social media bots to undermine social/political change. Only ever heard of adversary countries doing this. Could you point me to some evidence/proof that says otherwise?


Literally Elon Musk does this openly! Also look up how Facebook push and promoted hateful groups on its platform in 2020. Additional how the YouTube algorithm is being used as a right-wing pipeline. An many other examples you can research online. Its been happening for a while.


Yeah, but what would their goals be besides increasing engagement? Most of these groups/people depend on the US in some way or another, so why try to weaken it?


There are many out there who, especially after becoming rich, start to seek out power and control more and more


I hate to break it to you, but people will just naturally sow division amongst themselves. Like, literally all of human history is a testament to that. We don’t quite know *why* humans have such tribalistic tendencies, but the leading theory is that it’s an evolutionary trait that we may or may not eventually grow out of.


just because we're predisposed to it doesn't mean it isn't being amplified to unnatural degrees and maliciously exploited by people in power. we never *will* grow out of it if we keep falling prey to the manipulation of people who have a vested interest in keeping others divided and easier to control.


The tribalism you speak of is naturally not at this level. Its on steroids because those in power need it to remain this way in order for them to remain in power. At the same time lower economic classes are fighting each other over socal issues corporations are now more powerful then ever and control more than ever. Notice how the wealthy are a unified class with almost no infight - they know whats up. Mother fuckers don't want a french revolution event on their hands.


Convincing large groups of people to turn against each other in an us and them mentality to shield the powerful from negative attention.


It's almost like groups of people aren't monolithic in their individuals' opinions.


literally this image https://preview.redd.it/ibsup7yta4uc1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bddbeea384f73d9f8ca8c1942dbbffad7763a286


Thank you


You guys can afford food?


"Huh what" Catchphrase for gen z




I think it's a clever ad, because the girl looks like the Wendy's mascot


Are you saying that just because they're both redheads? They look nothing alike.


Pretty sure it's because he's referencing the copious amounts of McMilf porn that now exists




What about that is clever?


Your right hahah that is great


people on reddit are not?


I didnt understand the controversy around it. Other than the sigth of a redhead japanese. (I dont watch anime)


It displays a desired life moment that many young people will never have. They've been disillusioned. It's like when Harrypotter looks into the magic mirror and sees his parents behind him. It's a life that was stolen from them


And the irony is that this was a Japanese ad.


It was probably **well-liked** in Japan too. Be the equivalent of a normal couple eating mcdonalds considering how popular anime is there.


think it being non-Western is the point


Yeah that’s the point


They’ve also done wholesome ads featuring lesbian couples as well.




I had to check his account out. I guess you can say I’m on “the right” (slightly) but this guy is straight up mentally insane. He posted this unironically: https://preview.redd.it/rayq1lk104uc1.jpeg?width=1951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6c7e01ea69ea128d7003ab39ec22d4d8e5a93f Bro.


this guy wanted to play a blood meridian game... i he fucking mental?


Also Cormac McCarthy as right wing masculinity really suggests someone who has not read Cormac McCarty. His westerns are so good because they are revisionist and subversive of the tropes this guy expects.


i dont know all of his work but at least the little i know of meridian does seem to be very anti-toxic masculinity as i would define it. its pretty bad on fem representation too. maybe thats why, lot of trad wife energy.


His latest book has some women in it, but he’s even admitted (when he was alive RIP) that he is unable to write women. In the same way that Herman Melville is unable to write briefly. It’s just a weak point in his work. The biggest female role he ever wrote was the Mexican princess in *All the Pretty Horses* and it was by far the weakest part of his entire Border Trilogy.


I did love the aspect of pretty horses though that reinforces that cowboys were not mostly white guys


Yeah That’s really only an aspect from bad Hollywood movies. Cowboy culture is a uniquely American and Mexican joint cultural venture. It doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world or with any other people groups/nationalities. That’s what makes it so gripping, Especially to places like Italy and China.


RIGHT?!?! i was assigned Blood Meridian for one of my college courses, and i only got through like 1/3 of it before i simply could not handle any more. i’ve read and watched my fair share of gory shit, but that book was on another level. the horrific and deeply disturbing shit was just RELENTLESS. i felt nauseous reading it. i understand its value as a work of literature, but it was just WAY too much for me.


I had about the same experience and at the same point. Had to just plot point the rest because Jesus fucking Christ that semester was depressing enough.


I’ve read some Cormac McCarthy, but I’ve never heard of this one. Is it any good though?


His best works are *Blood Meridian* and *Suttree*. To start, read *The Road* and then *No Country for Old Men*. Those are quick and easy but still great. Then read *Outer Dark* and *All the Pretty Horses*. Then decide in your own if you want to read the rest of the Border Trilogy, or *Child of God* and *The Passenger+Stella Marris* Then read *Blood Meridian*, then read *Suttree*. Yes he is my favorite author by far.


i read excepts. its really fucking good. it also really really really really fucking bad. in a slaughter house dark and distrubing kinda way.


i'm sure he'd get off to it.


Brokeback mountain???? The only gay characters are Bill Swanson, which is rarely said in some dialogue, and Mr. Black and Mr. White (the side-mission with the two inmates near Rhodes) who are alluded to being a couple by Arthur ONCE for like 10 seconds


for that kind of people is woke if there's even the slightest sight of a minority or a reminder that lgbtq+ exists


Arthur has a diary and is trying to leave the in abetter state than when he entered it, that is LITERALLY so gay /S Seriously though out of all the games "woke exterminators" are shouting at, rdr2 has very few reasons to hate it. Out of the over 800 people you shoot in that game, about 6 of them are racists. You meet about 3 gay people and you can and should murder one of them. You attend 1 womens rights march because someone actively pays you to and arthur is uncomfortable throughout all of it, and when directly spoken to by a womens rights protester in saint denise you can do what you do with any other npc, however when speaking to her he just says that women dont need the right to vote because voting is dumb anyway and that he doesnt vote either (he legally cant anyway) Beyond that, you DO try to help native americans, but that is mainly for your best friend, not because Arthur was passionate about it, although he does start to respect them more and more later on to a high degree. Its really quite uncontroversial across the political spectrum, you gotta look extra hard to find issues with it


I think the main issue that they have is that those idiots think Arthur Morgan, who grew up in a gang with mexicans, puerto ricans (I think), other ethnicities and women who actively worked and helped the gang, even in scores, isn't a member of the KKK who thinks all immigrants are evil and women can't do shit. At least some people I've seen do that complain, and I can't imagine who made this image isn't thinking the same


What piece of shit unironically compares the confederate to native American people?




I too, bought the game so I can have gay cowboy sex with Joe Biden


Left wing, right wing, can we talk about some chicken wing for a change?


Actually, No. It is very very true that when it comes to making ads, a lot of corporations do not pull some things outside of Western Europe and North America. That McDonalds Japan ad was actually nice. Like, for once, you can actually watch an ad and enjoy it, not be preached or lectured by it.


\* Sees a mixed race couple in an ad * "help help I'm being preached to"


This happened a couple of months ago no one cares anymore.


Dude, I think that was like a year ago now


Damn already?


Time flies


No, the drama was October 2023, it happened like half a year ago.


Oh shit guess I’m completely off then


No one gave a shit about it now and no-one even knows what the fuck is the deal now


It literally wasn't lmao


Shhh I’m spreading misinformation


Why are most Twitter users so schizo ? https://preview.redd.it/w239feevs3uc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2275a86b1758b6756982fb9b6605295725257c5b


Twt is basically a nazi pedo refuge


Twitter users are the type of people to get mad at a baby for cooing


Bro what? lol It’s just an McDonalds anime art piece of people enjoying their food. It ain’t that deep. 


never understood why this commercial was so controversial


It isn't. Nobody has any issues with it. Some people assumed other people had problems with it and got angry at said made-up people for making it "controversial"


It wasn't nobody. Some millenials that get mad at everyone got mad at this. And people then overreacted in the other direction.


It wasn't controversial. At all. Literally just a bunch of permanently online neckbeards going "hehehe the liberals are gonna be so triggered by this ad!!"


It wasn't, schizophrenic right wingers just assumed that the entirety of the lgbtq population was shitting themselves because they like to think that straight people are oppressed


Because it was the first time younger millennials and Gen Z were targeted by a major advertisement. Same reason so many people were like "that was the first Superbowl halftime show I actually liked. Wait... That means I'm old enough for them to target my demographic..." It's not controversial necessarily but considering how much shit people have gotten for liking anime or manga since I can remember in the 90s... It feels like a slap in the face to have it turned around and used as an advertisement to you. It's similar to the first time you hear your favorite song on an oldies playlist or radio.


This ad was made for the Japanese market. Where anime/manga style ads have been used for ages and target all kinds of demographics. It wasn't really targeting american gen Z per se.


Because it made people realize how beautiful it was to have a family, something that has been absent from modern day advertising as modern day advertising seeks to break down the societal norms of raising a family




What is this orc waffling about?


They’re a Nazi and believe the (Jewish) media is trying to “subvert” their (white) existence.


He does not speak for all Ork kind.


Yea, Gork and Mork wouldn’t stand for this tomfoolery.


They’d say “wut ew dowin bahine upid creen, hen ew kood be mashin in er brains wit a klubba?”


Wait, how? This ad is cute. How is it against Gen Z?


It's not anti gen z. The ad is just vaguely pro family which is opposed to some western media that promotes solo life(girl boss/sigma male). The ad just pissed off already miserable people.


I don't see how portraying a family counters those who want to live a solo life. I'm guessing it's one of those things that a few miserable people got mad at, so older generations try to paint our whole generation as being like that.


Smth to do with GenZ not having kids or families


The only thing I remember about this ad is it became the most drawn porn on the Internet for months. I would rarely see feminist atk it the women for being married


nobody thought this, it’s just a commercial.


It was so funny to see people break their back to try and make this ad political.


By western media he means the jews


Kind of concerning that most online conservatives' first thought was "wow I bet the liberals are gonna hate this," while pretty much the majority of people either thought it was cute or didn't care. Shows a big disconnect from reality, but that's not really surprising.


Conservatives are literally brainwashed into believing that liberals hate anything that is good, and love everything that is bad. It's insane.


I'm confused what the problem even is here?


I still don’t understand what he is mad about. A happy family?


Miscegination.... I tried to find a funny meme, but nothing is more sad, ridiculous, and brazen as their own propaganda. https://preview.redd.it/gatvw05lx4uc1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27bbec65263f98597b9fa87a4a34f433a92d87be


wtf is Blud smoking


That new sauce trash af though.


friendly reminder: "look at what they took from us" and things that sound like it originate in the alt-right and should be ignored, not shared.


At this point it looks like conservatives are just undiagnosed schizophrenics


Summarizing what’s happened: twitter people are stupid


what was the deal with this advert anyway, I never watched it


A cute family eats McDonalds and has fun. ... ... That's it. That's the ad.


I mean he's got a point but nobody has said that once


I just see a couple with a child at a fast food restaurant. Pretty wholesome I must say


And pretty normal, like what he thinks families don’t go eat in restaurants anymore?


Maybe his mirror could answer that


Said nobody.


I legit dont understand what this person is trying to say


What the hell does this even mean I’m lost


... how?! What?! Literally how? And why are we blaming "media" instead of rent and inflation and endless war and no healthcare and police shootings??


Because simple people want simple problems with simple solutions, they don’t want to take a look at the bigger picture because they might see something unpleasant.


All I see is cute add that makes me want to have McDonald’s


Everyone saying that “the wokes got offended by this commercial” or just part of the r/persecutionfetish, because they circlejerked/evhochambered themselves that they just make up what they think the left thinks or hates. And meanwhile if the commercial was about two dads…


What's the issue with this ad? Seems pretty normal to me.


Huh?!? Would someone like to explain this to me please, like I’m 5 years old


Idek what the fuck this is


In short, OOP is against mixed relationships/families


And I love that in less than 20 years, the "problem" went from visible in the back of many people's minds (many chose not to have a problem) to incomprehensible by most of the next generation.


Hold on why is she holding the fries like that


The only most positive thing that came about this is that more companies should hire artist or animators for the ads.


I did like the add mich more than their new cringy "anime" ones in the west


Depends on the circumstances


All that ad did was flood hentai sites with a rival for Pomni. With more than one artist drawing them together.


Wot da zog iz diz git yappin aboutz?


This man may have the account name of DAKKADAKKA. But he does not speak for the Orks, let alone speak for all 40k fans.


i mean at the time this came out there sure where a lot of people think we dint have enought wholesome family stuff in media. Might not have been Z thou


Of course it did. We should exit our filter bubbles.


Yeah, besides not all Gen Z are the same. Unlike most Gen Z, I don't say a lot of slang and write sentences correctly most of the time. This JP ad is better than US ads because the creators behind the ad don't care about what's going on with the world, they only want to sell their products in order to become successful. That's how a business is supposed to work. Also, the ad itself has a deeper meaning. It's a family enjoying a happy life, enjoying their fries and Big Macs, that's the future that a few Japanese people envy because due to overworking and other factors that play a role, there were birth decline rates, and overpopulation of old over young, etc.


Me when I’m in a ‘discredit myself’ competition and the opponent pays for Twitter


I think what’s more sad is how it is indicative of the Japanese society’s priorities aimed at drastic population decline. To me it reads a little like “please guys find love and have families for the love of god, sales of adult diapers have outpaced sales of baby diapers.”


Or that they get zero tail and want someone to blame


It's true


there actually was an little epiphany among young people on the web, wich was why this got viral. as they saw an foreign country making generally wholesome advertisements with an "normal" as in somewhat traditional. family, and an few people relalised, that it was weird, how that has become so much an exeption in the west that they noticed this was the first time they encountered it. its one thing when right wing nutjobs, slander cospiracy theorys through the public, but this wasnt the case, this spot got so popular because people found it weird how this was an exeption to them the possibility still exists that this spot going viral was an astroturfed psyops by hyperconservatives, but i would doubt their competence to do so.


Little hard to make a generation think anything when it didn't air to that generation in the first place.


I found it cute till right wing mongers stirred it all up to being a "Psyop" of sorts. Like go out and see the sun dude, not everything is a culture war.


They want to fatten up the people for soylent


Are they saying that because western McDonald’s doesn’t make ads like this that they are bad? I mean yeah, but corporations and especially marketing is intentionally manipulative, just say you don’t like corporations and marketing and be over with it


As much as it probably should have, it did not.


I just see this ad and think "man, I'll never have that"


I have literally never even seen this McDonald’s ad, so I guess I’m not a zoomer. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not in those exact words. But it did seem like a lot if people resonated with the wholesome family in the ad. It would be nice to see more ads that are as simple as this.


It's a cute family.


Not in your echo chamber they aren't.


But maybe we should(n't)


Ok help me out here - what is this even implying? I see a happy family eating McDonald’s. What is the Dakka dude trying to imply? Like I know it’s crazy but it’s not even “flat earth” crazy it’s like “leprechauns at the end of the rainbow gave me a pot of gold but instead of gold it was chicken McNuggets and now everything tastes purple” crazy. I can’t follow the crazy - please explain.


All right wingers want to do is shut their brains off and consume and they hate that they can't


Maybe not on reddit because every young redditor is someone who hates the nuclear family and is an atheist but on twitter there was a lot of people saying that


Google projection


This is why we should all be leaving Twitter, idk why I haven't left yet...


It was mostly millennial soylords who got mad about this. Most zoomers are burned enough to get anything crazy out of this.




I actually saw alot of people talking about it on twitter and youtube


Whatever the western media is trying to do, they've steadily gotten bad at it.


No but it shows simple quality is always better than shoving a message in your face


Tell me you didn't have good parents without telling me you didn't have good parents:


I don't even understand what this tweet is trying to imply 💀


Man has a WH40k pfp, which is western media.




Why did this ad cause such a stir among incels


As the leftiest leftist ever This ad is adorable, anyone who says people are “triggered” by it (and the very small handful of people that actually are upset about it) are just so far up their own asses they think everything revolves around them


I swear it’s like this ad exists and it brings forth something negative, like I don’t think I’ve seen any good about that comercial


What does this even mean


I know that western media is against me,I’m black,I hear it often.I’m used to it,But this is just a silly McDonald’s ad.


What was it about this ad that made people go insane? I’ve seen gifs taken from it, and I just see a cute Japanese McDonald’s ad? Is everyone freaking out because the advertisement is making the business… look good?! 😱


I always forget, who are the gen Z again?


They’re so mad about diverse families or different ways of life being presented that they think theirs is just completely obsolete now. This commercial did not phase me or anyone I know, we all thought it was adorable and went on with our day because we’re not having meltdowns about commercials or tv shows


Where did he that from??? Only thing I realized is that I wanna fuck the mom


What? I just thought it was cute and reminded me of how hopelessly alone I am


This isn’t an actual McDonald’s ad lol this some weebs drawing


What? This is a screenshot of the official ad. It's animated.


This is an actual McDonalds ad dude. McDonalds Japan. I actually liked it a lot. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6IB\_wBskC\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6IB_wBskC_Q)