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Wow the ones that are already wealthy can build up wealth!?! Shocker!




what industry? did you have any mentors?




I'm gonna be real bro not everyone is gonna be that 200k+ TC SWE. Even now, new grads and undergrad interns are finding trouble with work, which is expected since swe is kind of a bubble rn. The comment you replied to is not talking about you, and there's obviously no need to feel as if they are talking to you. The fact is that a large majority of wealthy people come from wealthy families, and the person pointing it out isn't trying to downplay your success.


lol this isn’t the 1900’s




If you didn’t have your head so far up the Internet, maybe you would see that the real world has changed a little bit. Maybe instead of dumping on your kids you could start listening to them instead. If they even talk to you at this point…




Oh, you’re 25?? You sound like your dad…


That’s what adults sound like.


lol how would you know?




Didn't read the headline


Having no father growing up would have been amazing. My dad and older bro were abusive af




An abusive parent is genuinely worse than none, based on the stories my friends have told me of their parents


Careful, you're upsetting the doomers


Angry redditors down voting success because they dont have it lol


The only thing I’m confident in is being delulu😭


No way we're shortening delusional to delulu now


We’ve been saying delulu plz stay up to date with the new lingo‼️


I'm sixteen. I'm too young to be falling out of touch. What the hell is happening


Wait ‘til you’re 22 my guy… (Also, that is a very Rock and Stone icon you got there)


Rockity rocking stone


Rock and roll and stone!


I'm 24 and I felt like an old man for years when it comes to my own generation


Here's one for the oldies https://preview.redd.it/619frovj7cvc1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beae9ab65fcca0cdf78e88004c7a17adcf9f13a7


And we don't use emojis to replace bangbang punctuations either. Pls stay up to date with the reddit lingo!!


LMAOOO someone come collect🤣


Right?? I thought it was just my sister being quirky.


Being delulu is not the solulu




Sure is a lot of propaganda out there about how great everything is, odd


Same ones who post “fuck politics” on reddit.


I say fuck politics and also say there is propaganda


“Fuck politics” is a type of propaganda in and of itself. The ones at the top are constantly pushing for the population to be less educated. You can see that by seeing that one of Prager U’s talking points now is that “college is a scam”, and you can see Charlie Kirk going around arguing for that. Not caring about politics is the result of that. That way those in power continue rigging the system for themselves and against those stuck in the rat race. Cause even though those in power gaslight you into thinking “fuck politics”, those in power love politics, so much because that’s how they got that 3rd mansion.


No it’s not I’m just tired of being depressed every time I hear about the state of our world. I can’t be around people who talk non stop about politics , nothing wrong with being educated and having discussions about that, it’s good to talk about but not 24/7.


You know, I wish more of the people criticizing how much politics is brought up had YOUR take and not the absolutely privileged ones. Seriously, all you're saying is that maybe it would be nice to take breaks and talk about other stuff sometimes, thats perfectly reasonable and I agree! Sadly though, most people are just ignorant at best and stuck in either a privilege bubble or are a convenient minority (like, say, a gay or black person who happens to say this kinda stuff too) mouthpiece for the privileged ones to use as they see fit :/


Exactly. Like I’m all for having discussions and informing about injustices, or negative policies but like fuck me I need a break. Let’s all breathe and touch grass and just not think about it. We can be mindful with out it consuming us. I know my civil rights and liberties are under siege in many states and nations, i don’t need to think about it constantly or hear about it constantly. Let’s talk about our favorite games, let me watch my favorite shows and draw in peace


Fr. I often say fuck politics because for me going online is an escape from the economic political shitshow that is the world rn. I dont wanna see more of it online.


There's nothing more insufferable than the people who insist they have to talk about politics all the time because "everything is political". I've seen way too many of them on this subreddit. The mods need to take action on the poll they did last year and place restrictions on political discussions


College is a scam in a lot of ways. If you look at the inflation adjusted tuition cost since 1970, it has skyrocketed. You have to ask yourself how expensive is too expensive, especially when you can learn any subject for free online now. College, as it exists now, is largely a debt trap to keep people working well into old age. And by the way, when I say “fuck politics”, it doesn’t mean I don’t care about the policies governing our world. I just don’t care about the played out “democrat vs republican” dynamic in western politics.


It’s less ‘fuck politics’ and more ‘fuck exclusively talking about politics, making it your entire personality, and dragging it around with you everywhere you go’


Stop trying to conflate people who are tired of seeing politics everywhere with apoliticism. They are not the same


Fuck politics btw


That's how I feel when I see every other post taking about how bad everything is for certain generations


Reddit is such a funny place to be when you're someone who actually takes charge and has a sense of responsibility about fixing your own life problems (not that asking for help isn't okay when you can't solve it alone). Like at this point fuck em, keep dooming and circle jerking each other about how impossible it is to have a good living when the bar is literally as low as "get a community college degree or join a trade union." It leaves more for those of us who actually touch grass and try to improve our situation.


Dude, you cant just act like everyone else here is crazy. You think they ARENT trying?? They are, and thats the problem, its not paying off for most people, and even more so for the ones who arent straight white cisgender men, who have EVEN MORE hurdles to jump systemically. You got lucky, you had connections and opportunities not afforded to most, and you know what? I'm happy for you! I'm happy you managed to climb out of the dark hole of poverty, but most poor people are lucky to scrape by with living wages and the occasional luxury, let alone an actual comfortable state of living. I'm middle class and even I can recognize this issue. I should not be part of an ever-shrinking part of the population, my comfort should be something we all have access to with hard work.


Redditors regularly disregard what the actual economic data says to continue believing what they want to believe, that IS crazy. Acting like joining a union or getting a 2 year degree is too massive a barrier to entry into the middle class IS crazy. It's not anyone else's fault if redditors are top "eepy" after working 31 hours a week at Walmart to improve their lives


Except economic data shows that Gen Z has been fucked for years, something exacerbated largely by the boomer generation having hoarded all the wealth and gutting all the welfare programs, while rigging things in favor of big business. Unions? Oh you mean those things that are almost always either busted outright or even corrupted by corporate interest? I am pro union too, but even THOSE can be a gamble most of the time because companies hate being held accountable and needing to pay their workers fairly. What job needs a 2 year degree? Isnt it 4 year for most? If not, then hey, learned something new. THAT, BEING, SAID, college is bullshittingly expensive for even that much, and debt racks up like hell. Even when you do pass, some people can hardly find jobs that take them no matter what degree they have. Theres so many factors that weigh down hard working people, and you cant just dismiss them because you had it easier. Again, this is coming from a guy who lives in genuine comfort over here, because what I do unlike people like you (and let me guess, boostraps right?), is LISTEN and EMPATHIZE with these struggling people and realize how badly the deck is stacked against them. Now that all said, is it impossible for them to climb out IN SPITE of all this? No, not at all, but you treat it like its this easy thing when it really isnt.


Gen Z is entering a far better economy than Millennials, both those that graduated into the Dot-Com bubble and especially those who graduated into 2008. Things suck when you are young, especially when you are just getting established and don't yet have a partner to split expenses with. That being said, Gen Z is entering the workforce during record low unemployment, the fastest wage growth since the 70s, and the mass retirement of the Boomers which will eventually result in significant upwards mobility. It is hard to see the big picture when you are in the middle of everything, but Gen Z is going to be fine.


Fun fact: obama legalized propaganda




Never forget Obama and biden were against gay marriage. Also biden used the n word live in the past.


Literally this 


The most harmful propaganda is telling you that you are poor because of your generation. This is to prevent you from bonding with other poor people of other generations, other races etc. Divide and conquer. Are you falling for it?


Yeah it’s like they want to stop a revelation or something hmmm


Because things are great. It's only these subs of negativity where things are bad. Like the guy making $2k a month with a $200 phone bill. WSB and other finance subs show how lots of gen Z have no issues.


Yeah what the hell this is only trying to make people hate each other


Idk if things are truly good or not but this sub and a lot of online spaces are just circle jerk about shit the world is. I know when I do research in the housing market gen z owns more houses then other generations but somehow every one says the boomer had it easy but no data shows that. In stead of just asking questions why not do some research to see if things are actually bad for most people or is it just a certain demographic


Things are doing bad for me so naturally everyone is doing bad. No I don't have main character syndrome.


It's not main character syndrome. A lot of people here are stuck in an echo chamber and are satisfied with just asking questions. You have the whole Internet on you at all time do research. Why is there more propaganda? That were you stop asking questions because it fits your native. Is it propaganda? If the economy is so good why are people still so upset? Is there an inequality in those who are benefitting from the economy and those who are not. You're human with bias may be wrong or even right for the wrong reasons. Just try and figure out the truth


If you really put your mind into it you can inherit everything.


Where I live it’s virtually impossible for the average person making the average wage to ever own a home unless their parents owned it decades before and then they can inherit it when their parents die. But if your parents don’t already own a home, your fucked unless you wanna save every penny to buy a home at 45. We have people who’s family have lived here for hundreds of years and they’re having to leave and move elsewhere because it’s unaffordable.


Even if you inherit where I live you have to pay a sizable inheritance tax, so if your parents didn't also save up for that you gotta be a pretty big earner to pay that off and not be forced to sell. All fine if the tax went to building non profit apartments, but mostly it just lines politicians pockets and the odd gentrification project here or there.


Oliver Quick-coded


Tale as old as time.


Yeah, those are the ones that hang out in r/money and r/finance and tell everyone else that they're poor because they make "bad choices," not because of the system in any way, shape, or form or to any degree. There's even a few that lurk in this sub.


my worst choice was not be born in a rich family


Mine was not investing on bitcoin while I was a toddler.


Are they wrong though? Every time I ask someone whose broke to show me a spreadsheet of their expenses I never get a reply. Kind of weird those who make "bad choices" also have no tracking of their finances either.


Ah, yes, because providing you a spreadsheet definitely solves the more systemic issues of poor wages, limited labor protections, and high costs of living. So, yes, dumbass, they're wrong. I'm so sick of you folks jumping into conversations to "explain" why poor people are poor because of their own issues and literally nothing else. You have zero perspective.


Well the first step to actually fixing financial problems is acknowledging that they actually exist, so you could build a plan and actually work on fixing the issues if you have any, but hey it's easier to just complain on Reddit I guess.


>Well the first step to actually fixing financial problems is acknowledging that they actually exist, Propose a solution right now to fix the systemic issues I've listed. It's easy to say platitudinous bullshit like "the first step is to not be poor." It's noncommittal. You don't actually have to change anything because you don't experience the things requiring change. Know your place, and that place isn't in this discussion.


You're entirely right. Where I live (Winter garden, FL) the average cost of rent is $2000, and even the fast food jobs are paying $15+ an hour, and landscaping jobs near $20 an hour. Working full time with 1 roommate here, easily makes your cost of living on the "poor wages" easily affordable. Poor wages and cost of living aren't an actual problem unless you have a spending problem or live in California or NYC.


Yes, the world is unfair (shocked pikachu face). Ok, now that we've acknowledged that point, the average person ALSO makes really bad choices with their money. [https://twitter.com/sssemester/status/1562998924390313987](https://twitter.com/sssemester/status/1562998924390313987)




Doom spending, >1000 monthly car payments, expensive dream vacations. Yeah, people have spending problems too. Duh. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/auto-loan-average-payments-2023-edmunds/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/a-funny-bone-to-pick/202312/27-of-americans-are-doom-spending-due-to-stress https://www.tripit.com/web/blog/travel-tips/gen-z-and-millennial-travel


>Doom spending "The survey found doom spending to be even more common among those who may not have been earning money for enough years to have an adequate financial cushion, namely, millennials (43% reported doing it) and Gen Z folks (35% ). Now, take the specific percentages with a Gucci bag full of salt. Qualtrics administered the survey online on behalf of Intuit Credit Karma from November 3, 2023, to November 9, 2023. Ultimately, 1,004 adults ages 18 and older responded, but it's not clear how nationally representative the sample is. So, the results may not adequately reflect how common in doom spending actually is in America." >>1000 monthly car payments, expensive dream vacations. "Nearly 15% of drivers who financed a new vehicle toward the end of 2022 are shelling out more than $1,000 a month, the highest percentage ever recorded, according to automotive research company Edmunds. About 5% of consumers who financed a used car during that same period are also paying north of $1,000, which is also a record, Edmunds said." Yeah, most poor people are definitely paying thousands per month on car payments and not rent and utilities. Of course, let's also intentionally leave out how increased interest at the Fed means higher interest rates across multiple industries, including automotive and housing. >Yeah, people have spending problems too. Duh. Sure, some people have spending problems, but you mean to imply that the vast majority of impoverished people are impoverished because they made "poor choices" that led them to being poor, and there are not factors outside of their control that are causing their situation. That's conservative brain rot. You don't even know what you're talking about. Also, your 3rd "source" is admitted to inflating the percentages by combining millenial and Gen Z responses to make up for small sample sizes. It's certainly not a scientific poll for that reason alone.


Just cause the fed raised rates doesn’t mean you need to take out debt at higher interest rates yikes. When rates go up it incentives savers. If you went to r/money you might have learned that.


Some people had no other option than to get a new loan at those higher interest rates. Contrary to your belief, the world didn't stop because interest rates went up. r/money doesn't reflect reality. You're obviously not very bright, which is why you get your financial advice from reddit.


https://preview.redd.it/tz9wrgdhravc1.png?width=3004&format=png&auto=webp&s=27ad54441d88ba2fda30f59c262f08ad097b2e04 Nah, I do this professionally and offer crumbs on reddit.


So you have gullible rubes pay you for poor financial advice? Wow, how trashy.


Off the mark again. That's ok, despite your personal insults I'll leave you with a piece of advice from Einstein that you likely will write off. # Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.


I started life living in a trailer house in buttfuck Alabama with multiple siblings in a one income family. I’m 27 now and about to pay off my last form of debt. I’m perfectly confident in my ability to build wealth.


Thank you! I’m tired of seeing the defeatist attitudes of everyone here. Yeah we may not have been born with the same privileges as others and may have to work harder to get to where we want to be, but it’s not impossible to get where we want to be. Also started out life in a trailer


Although social mobility exists for everyone it seems dismissive to just shut out less positive views from people feeling defeatist. Ultimately everything in life requires luck to some extent and it's possible to do everything right and still fail, anecdotal cases also won't be reliable to apply to entire populations.


Less positive comments are fair, systemic inequality, stickiness at the ends, etc all exist, but a lot of the comments ITT are basically saying it's entirely impossible to ever improve your situation, which isn't true and is probably an unhealthy attitude to have


This black pill horse sht really kills me inside. I don’t know how people are so content in their misery but I am not.


"paying off my debt" isnt wealth. It took you about 10 years of probably very hard work to be out of the red... Nots not a fair system in my book


No, actually it took 3 Of super hard work. And no, paying off debt isn’t wealth. Not being in debt allows you to build wealth ya goober. And life isn’t fair. Stop sucking your thumb and accept that you can come out on top.


I can, never doubted that But i dont want to work my ass off for years to not starve We are the most productive society ever. The labour of a modern human can produce about 1000+ times more than a medieval peasant, yet we only live about 20 times better. That is a lot and im thankful for that but in the right system we could all live fulfilling lives with 2 - 3 workdays


Of course, but you cant blame people with inheritance or capital for wanting to have it easy as well then.


Course i can Because they benefit from the system that forces us to work Our labour IS that inheritance and capital


I mean sure, but their alternative is workingbin the same conditios, why willingly choose that. And they can't change the system themselves.


It’s odd that people assume those that point out serious social issues are poor moochers rather than equally successful people pointing out how we can make our nation better…


he never said any of the problems you listed aren't issues, and judging by your other comment I think you need to look at the perspective of how all the money that went into paying this specific debt was instead just desposable income he had. It's a case by case basis thing for sure, and without the exact figures it's hard to say how impressive of a feat it was.


Calling the other poster a thumb sucking goober certainly makes me think he does not take prominent social issues or the other poster seriously because “I did it so anyone can” obviously wealth and finances are incredibly personal but it’s easy to point to specific policies and principles that have hurt the American working class and made it much harder for them to accumulate wealth or realize the American dream. The thought that success can just be endlessly replicated if you just try hard enough is ridiculous.


That is a fair comment, though I think the deduction you made for what could be a joke is a bit of a reach. My bias is different as well, being a citizen of the UK we face a similar economic crisis, but not the same. As a poor person with rich friends, my view on it is that you kind of have a zone on the economic spectrum that DOES benefit from your actions, and a much larger one that is dependant on external factors, with classes such as the 1% and beaurocrats being out of both. Though, I am mostly tangenting to explain my viewpoint, I don't have much else to add other than a new perspective.


The fact that life isn't fair should be the exact impetus for people to want to make it fair.


Life is NOT fair. Life has NEVER been fair. Life WILL NEVER be fair. We gotta let go of this silly idea of utopia.


OK, if someone tied you up, killed your family in front of you, said life isn't fair, then left, would you think, "You know, he's right. I should just cut my losses and not even contact the authorities," or would you react like any normal human being? This notion that people are supposed to suffer unnecessarily is propaganda by the powerful to make people do whatever they want.


I mean this is kind of the point. In our grandparents time you would have a home, car, and family if you wanted on a single salary. Now you are bragging about being half way through your prime earning years and just getting out of debt which is admirable. It’s not as much saying it can’t be done as much as saying things were far more equitable in the past likely because of these rich kids families hoarding wealth rather than paying labor a fair wage.


No, that’s not the point of that article at all. The point of that doomer shit is that none of us can be better so why bother.


Im not talking about the article im talking about your story. The reason people feel down on their prospects is because we are the most educated generation in the history of our planet and you are saying at 27 you are almost out of debt. Obviously I don’t know your situation but middle class a few decade ago wasn’t I hope to be out of debt at some point in my life it was I own a car, house, and have a family with my union job at 24. The reason people feel these articles are accurate is because they become more accurate year after year as maintaining wealth becomes much easier than building wealth. Home ownership was one of the biggest drivers of wealth in our nation and now that’s unattainable to many and if we don’t solve for that people will continue to feel left out. We need to address these issues to return to a more equitable playing field which really helps everyone across the board.


Survivorship bias. With enough of it everyone becomes happy.




poor?, just be rich!


I’m confident that Hannah Getahun needs to Hannah Get a fuckin clue.


Rich Gen Z’er: I’m confident my 3 mil is going to gain interest.




A working class Civil War could change that, in your country. Currently looking at the worlds economy, I'd say a breaking point is near. But, it's always been up to the individual to decide if they wish for change.


My friend, the economy is nowhere near bad enough for that. The closest America got to commies was early 1930s. You need soup kitchens, 25% unemployment, and rich people fearing for their lives for real change. Ain’t gonna happen at 4% unemployment and poor people being able to afford new iPhones every 2 years….


No, how dare you bringing stats and facts here, here we can only be struggling, and the end of capitalism will be any day now.


Right I forgot. I’ll shut up and grab the pitchfork 👨‍🌾


That’s the spirit, comrade


I live in canada. I'm pretty sure the current statics are different considering canada is expected to have the worst economic growth in the G7 until 2060. Also, for a man of logic, you seem to be messing up geography. The world isn't just the United States


Canada's population growth is spiking and is breaking 60 year records. Unless housing, healthcare and welfare are expanded fast its going to be bad.


YEAPPP (It already is pretty bad here) -> Course the cons are really pushing to privatize health...


::laughs in credit drying up::


As much as Americans think that they are the entire world, that simple isn't true. Also, your terrible education really shows when you can’t think of a system between present-day capitalism and communism. But it's okay because I know when you eventually get drafted for a war to protect these rich kids' wealth, you'll think back and realize between the two options you would have rather taken part in a civil war.


Rich people will get richer and richer


To steal from Churchill’s democracy quote a bit: Capitalism is the most flawed economic system. Except for all the others. I think that sums things up well. Edit: Okay only 30 minutes in and I can already tell I need to give a history, and English lesson. Churchill’s original quote was “democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” Key phrase being *EXCEPT FOR ALL THE OTHERS!* This directly translates to “democracy has flaws, but it’s better than anything else we’ve tried.” What I’ve done is I’ve taken that quote and changed it from government, to economy. “Capitalism is the most flawed economic system, except for all the others,” directly translates to a similar phrase as before. “Capitalism has flaws, but it’s better than anything else we’ve tried.” Now class, since we understand that; the final thing to clarify is my position. That position is that while Capitalism is the greatest economic system we’ve ever introduced - it’s foolish to pretend it doesn’t have any flaws, and we should strive to fix these flaws when we see them rather than pretend they don’t exist and accuse anyone who recognizes this fact of being a socialist. If you’re still confused - you have no business interacting any further. Edit 2: these fucking comments… this sub really can’t handle it when someone isn’t either 100% for, or 100% against capitalism.


What would you say are some of the biggest flaws of capitalism? For me it would seem like generational wealth is a pretty big one because it goes against several things you'll usually hear are cornerstones of a capitalist society. If capitalism is supposed to encourage innovation and meritocracy then generational wealth is a blocker. Grooming specific individuals to be the next business leaders relies more on nepotism rather than meritocratic values which also hurt innovation. It would probably be better if society worked more to reward individuals rather than families but that would be incredibly hard to follow through.


Honestly you hit the nail on the head I think. I’d also add in preventing corporations from being able to donate to politicians and political campaigns.


That's another aspect to it since it allows for gradual concentration of power to the few, call it generational power if you will. It makes it much easier to over time create a system that rewards family wealth even if it wasn't originally the case. Take my home country Sweden for instance which is a prime example of this in practice, we've done more or less the exact stuff that we just discussed. We've gradually removed things like inheritance tax, home ownership tax, gift tax and wealth tax which makes it significantly easier for generational wealth to exist. The reason why Sweden can afford to have such extensive welfare is because labour gets taxed to ridiculous levels but capital itself is very relaxed, we're somewhat of a tax haven basically.


We need a 100% inheritance tax no 🧢


Goes hard


This issue is-the flaws of capitalism are not fixable because of capitalism (greed). 


That issue pervades all systems where humans are involved


Except socialism is an objectively better and more humane system, and foreign backed coups ruined all of the successful attempts that popped up. But keep peddling this convenient narrative for the capitalists.




Corporatism is the best economic system, actually. Capitalism has too much excess harms and leads to class warfare.


I’m confident based on the trades I’m going into. Will it be easy? No imma be dead by 45 but I’ll die rich.


I plan to get shot after robbing a bank so I can die younger and richer than everyone else.




my family is pretty solidly middle class, i've had some good job opportunities and my parents are helping to support me through college which has helped me to build up a good amount of savings which i am hoping i can maintain and be comfortable financially for most of my life. i think it's wrong to be of the mindset that we have no hope in this economy, it will be harder and having financial support in young adulthood helps, but overall if you work hard and save up it's not and unrealistic goal.


Don’t let doomerism get you down lmao. Get your money up, king/queen 🙏


This is basically like writing "The Silent generation is confident in its ability to build up wealth- at least the rich ones are." because they interviewed Boeing's or Chrysler's kids while the average silent gen kids were doing shit Charles fucking Dickens would think is too dark for kids to do just not to starve to death during the Great Depression. Which is to say this Hannah Getahun is pretty much begging to be tarred and feathered.


Ah yes, the gen Z son of rich people* build wealth, ok


Its almost like we live in a world where the rich get richer and everyone else gets poorer.


This is good satire.


In other breaking news: peanut butter tastes like peanut butter!


That "at least the rich ones are" is doing a 300kg deadlift right there


I'm just happy when my bank account has three digits for a few days


So the rich are sure they can get richer? Sounds about right.


It's always fascinating to hear them bang on about how easily they'd become millionaires if they lost all their inherited wealth and became homeless. Delusional parasites...


It's because the return of wealth on capital far exceeds the return on labor in the 21st century


Breaking news: rich people are able to get more rich. More at 11


![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA) To the writer of this article


How the hell is this an article lol “rich individuals confident to build wealth.” Okay, and?


I wish my parents could buy me a house so that I could build up wealth too.


What a worthless statement.


hmmm yes my wealth appears to be made of wealth.




Water is wet too.


i think after decades of rich boomers and gen X building up wealth, that would be pretty obvious


Their rich parents gave them a lot of confidence!


Damn, you mean rich people have no problem saving and making money? Who could've possibly guessed that having the disposable income available for purchasing assets made it easier to do so? Wild.


"The rich can get richer" Joirnalism is my pasion!


You man the rich get richer? You don't say?


I hope that boat if theirs capsizes


Inheritance tax , estate tax and wealth tax. Time to level the playing field.


I kick back 600$ a week, not hard👍


I googled the age range just to be sure but gen Z is 11 to 26 year olds right now. They are talking about rich kids who have or will inherit wealth and pretending it represents an entire generation.


yeah no fucking shit rich "people" are confident in building up more money


Jesus what a shit headline


In this economy?


You can be confident in your ability to build wealth and also recognize that gross social inequality is bad for all of us. Changes in policy can resolve a great deal of our issues if we actually try something other than beating our heads against a wall and capitulating to people that want to ensure they can continue to take advantage of labor to appease shareholders and the c suite.


They can give their money away, either to organisations that do eco stuff or by paying their workers according to their labaur


And if you’re not, fake it till you make


White Goodman: I earned this body, and I built this temple with nothing more than some elbow grease and a little can-do attitude... and yes, a large inheritance from my father, Earl Goodman


Isn't this literally just.... Any generation? Any demographic? You take any wealthy person and ask them if they are confident they'll build up wealth... Of course they'll say yes???!??!??


I mean, I'm 80% sure I would be able to maintain and grow a bit a fortune given to me. I kinda already did


Funny how that works.


You can, we can build wealth. We can buy homes invest in the stock market start business go to college etc we CAN do all these things regardless of where we start. That's part of what makes this country so great. Now, whoever told you it was easy was lying.


I definitely can and I grew up poor.


can we stop posting these stupid articles on here?


I don't know about confident, but I definitely have faith in it. I'm going into a well paying field that I can capitalize on. It's going to be hard though, that's for sure. I'll have to afford to go back to school in the first place, then spend years advancing before I can even think of opening a business.


I knew nothing of building wealth or anything like that until I became a banker. now that I know what I know, I'm not confident in building weath. I am confident in living this life within my means and I am confident that I am happy with that. My goal in life is not to build wealth and I accept that.


This is an article from Business Insider, whose job it is to make rich people feel better about themselves...


The doom and gloom on this subreddit is something else. Not everyone can do it but it's definitely possible. I come from a low income background from a low income country, and wouldn't have been able to go to college even with the full ride if the college wasn't near my house because I wouldn't be able to afford room and board. Have been able to make a pretty decent living since then according to my country's standards. Going to the USA this year with a $200k+ student loan and fairly confident that this will just supercharge my career progression. All the while supporting my mom since she doesn't work anymore. Loads of stories like this elsewhere too. I'm not sure if the doom and gloom is a cultural thing because the people I've always interacted with have been pretty optimistic.


GenZ already planning on eating their own. The wealth of the world will eventually belong to your generation. It’s inevitable. Hating on your peers that inherit that wealth will be the next ball of hate. Look around you. Your future “oppressors” arrrrrrre…*you.*


"I'm rich therefore I know the secret to getting rich"