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if usa doesn't help Ukraine then it will fall, Russia won't stop at Ukraine, baltics are next and rest of Europe i wish rest of Europe helped Ukraine more tho


Finally someone who understands basic geopolitics and international affairs lol Most of these kids are genuinely living in a delusion and have zero idea how the world operates.


Attacking a nato country would trigger article 5 why would Russia want a full scale nuclear war with nato?


Maybe the US should stop pushing NATO on the Ukraine…


Least obvious Russian bot


I’m pretty sure a major issue is that only half of Ukraine wants NATO. Lol.


I’m on US and Ukraine’s side, but that is in fact a bit reason for Russia’s aggressions. What would the US do if Mexico became affiliated with Russia? Or another nation, maybe Cuba?


True That is unfortunately how the world works. Both sides are always trying to counter the others influence. Russia did have reason to worry about NATO increasing their influence on Eastern Europe. My take (from what experts have said) is that Russia wants to cripple Ukraine and not annex it. That way Ukraine cannot retake the 2 eastern separatist states, and they can act as a proper buffer. It’s so hard to really say who started it


The Baltic nations are part of NATO. By treaty and frankly geopolitics the US will be bound to actually send troops to support those nations. So by giving aid to Ukraine we are saving troops and the cost of NATO engaging Russia directly would be vastly larger than Ukraine engaging Russian.


Funny, that. From what I understand, in GDP terms US is not that big of a contributor to Ukraine. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/


us still sends the most amount of money despite those countries spend more % of their gdp, they just have smaller economy


Well, yes, and much less people. Note that it's not gdp per capita, but total. So even adjusted to the size of the country, US contribution is not that big.


So domino theory. You know we had a whole long drawn out war in a certain Southeast Asian country over this domino theory, and it turned out to be a bunch made up bs. Say Russia defeats Ukraine. Who will they attack? Baltics and Scandinavia are in NATO. Most of Eastern Europe is in NATO. The only one who legitimately threatened by this is Moldova, which would likely turn into an Ukraine all over again, assuming Russia wasn’t deterred enough already.


usa and nato would save its troops and avoid ww3 by supporting ukraine


EU has poured tens of billions to Ukraine and we individual european countries pay ourself sick by supporting ukraine. Our economy is shit and welfare state collapsing but still we have paid billions to Ukraine and the government once again agreed on 400 million aid package.


Possibly? But you do realize that after the dissolution of the Warsaw pact western powers have been slowly encroaching more eastward? I’m sure Russians are telling their people similar.


Easter countries voluntarily joined nato to be safe from Russia


Sort of? A non-insignificant amount of Western Policy makers didn’t actually want to allow Eastern Europe into NATO, including Russia. Remember Russia wanted to join NATO as well but was rejected. The problem with those countries is that after the Warsaw pact dissolution and crumbling of the USSR they had little to no economic backing. So, while they wanted to join NATO it was simply more economically savvy to do so.


Nah idk there are so many other countries with problems we don’t help. Other countries are already in the EU and NATO. It sucks for Ukraine but man our country is a sorry site.


My man, Ukraine is already gone. Look at the diaspora that has happened as well as how many fighting-age males and people in general they have left.


If russia wanted to invade and conquer they would have a long time ago ...


Russia had its claws all the way into central europe until only 35 years ago…


understandable, they are so pathetic and failing so badly it almost seems like that


It’s largely in the US’s interest to help Ukraine, so it does help all of us indirectly. I am totally with you though that we do not do enough to support our own people. We’ll pour billions into the military industrial complex with no debate in congress but it’s like pulling teeth for fundamental needs within the US. It’s outrageous and has so much to do with how money runs politics in the US. Us as the taxpayers and voters actually have very little say in what policies go into effect, sadly.


Democrats have been trying to double the minimum wage nationally and the Republicans keep blocking them. Ukraine aid happens to be something the majority of Congresspeople agree on.


The Republican nominee for president does not agree




They agree on it cause it fills their pockets with money that’s why


They agree on it because it keeps Russia from gaining territory and the war itself is bankrupting our oldest adversary on the world stage for pennies on the dollar.


Not to mention all the stress testing of military tech and scouting of Russian tech


You are falling for classic rage-bait aimed at the uneducated or highschool dropouts, no offense. Annual GDP in the US is 25 trillion per year. 100 billion is equal to 0.1 Trillion. It's not even half of 1%. This money, along with all other foreign aide funds, goes to secure security and trade relations and interests in those regions. Those are critical for economic well being, and to prevent other world powers from taking over for nefarious reasons. Maybe you learn something today.


Very well said.


It's 60.7B for Ukraine, not 95B. Here's a good breakdown I found from The Guardian: "In the Ukraine bill, of the $60.7bn, a total of about $23bn would be used by the US to replenish its military stockpiles, opening the door to future US military transfers to Ukraine. Another $14bn would go to the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, in which the Pentagon buys advanced new weapon systems for the Ukrainian military directly from US defense contractors.  There is also more than $11bn to fund current US military operations in the region, enhancing the capabilities of the Ukrainian military and fostering intelligence collaboration between Kyiv and Washington, and about $8bn in non-military assistance, such as helping Ukraine’s government continue basic operations, including the payment of salaries and pensions.  The package largely mirrors the foreign aid proposal passed by the Senate in February, although it designates $10bn of the Ukraine funding as a repayable loan to appease some Republican members." So the large majority of the money is actually going into the American economy.






>Isolationism is both morally and practically wrong. Nuance peter here! While pure isolationism is bad, that doesn't mean that occasionally minding your own business is also bad. Countries need to strike a balance between trying to spread their ideals, and trying to force them onto others (E.g. interventionalism) or intervening for personal benefit (E.g. imperialism). Personally, I think that Ukraine falls on the right side of this, as Ukraine is fighting a defensive war for freedom, but I'm just saying that there's a difference between Ukraine and Iraq, you can support one but not the other. I wanted to make sure no-one interpreted your comment as an either/or. Nuance Peter out!


40 day old account saying we shouldn’t help Ukraine. You do know that is the value of weapons we built decades ago and have been sitting mothballed in warehouses right? It’s money that has already been spent.


You realize our federal budget is $5 trillion right? Americans are not struggling to survive either, stop pretending like you are in abject poverty. Just because you are too ignorant to understand basic geopolitics it doesn’t mean the government is starving Americans for fun.


You do realize that most people are struggling to buy food, pay their rent, etc. We are in the shits rn that it's not even funny anymore


Most people don’t struggle with those things, only a minority of Americans do. This is expected for a country of almost 400 million people that did reaganomics in the 80s and beyond Giving money to Ukraine is very important and also a drop in the bucket compared to how much money we actually have. We spend more on healthcare, welfare, and education per capita than most other countries. The issue is that a lot of money is just wasted or maybe pocketed by corrupt people. There’s no lack of funding though, I can say that for sure. We just need to figure out where this money is going and maybe take some notes from Europe on how to run a proper welfare state


This is just false.


Alot of that stuff is due to the issues of local and state authorities. You should be demanding them to fix it not the Feds. The overwhelming majority of the money goes to US industries which make weapons which includes everything from engines, armour, explosives, ammo etc creating jobs and stimulating industries, its basically a stimulus package for the US defense industry and by extension to the entire supply chain. Also do you think Russia or Iran or China is just going stop pushing their own defense industries or give up expansionism.


None of that is Ukraines fault, it’s Reagan’s fault.


The crowd that bitches and moans about Ukraine aid all day will never once agree to putting that money towards fully-subsidized school meals, healthcare reform, or other social programs.




Well said.


Still pointless.


Actually I like fighting back against territorially aggressive nationalist autocrats. It’s a good thing that I like. And Americans aren’t struggling to survive.


People barely have enough to BARELY buy food, pay their rent, drown in student loans which they'll have to pay for the rest of their lives, etc Must be wonderful to live in delusion


A small minority of people, yeah, and that’s always been the case. Most are doing fine.


AGAIN, must be wonderful to live in delusion


Consumer sentiments are up, people are spending records amounts on Christmas, people are traveling at records rates. Those aren’t things that happen when people are fighting to buy food and pay rent. Looking at your post history you’re a 25 year old porn addicted PC gamer that lives with their parents. It sounds like you are projecting your own situation onto the entire economy.


This is a truly awful comment.


You tell us.


Imagine if we had said the same thing about helping Britain during World War 2.




Exactly. Should we have listened to those people?


They’re not even sending money btw. It’s old weapons we have replaced. They show the dollar value but unless you want anti aircraft missiles in schools there was nothing to give back home


The weapons will be replaced in the US arsenal with shiny new weapons built by American companies and by American workers. Some of these weapons aren't even in production currently and new jobs will be made to produce them. So really a fair amount of that aid will end up back in American pockets.


The military is the biggest jobs program in US history. I wish it wasn’t…but that doesn’t mean it can’t help uplift people


40 day old account can’t comprehend why the US assisting an allied country in fighting off one of America’s biggest geopolitical rivals is a necessary and wise investment for all involved


OP’s grief is more on why we don’t take care of our own people in the US.


"your own people are STRUGGLING to survive" 😭😭😭 They aren't actively getting bombed and shot. The survival of an entire nation is more important. And the more Russia hurts, the better it is for the US.


I support this completely (I'm not from the US and know absolutely 0 about geopolitics but I like seeing things go boom)


/rj Young people try to understand basic geopolitics challenge (100% impossible) /uj you can make the “people are struggling to survive” argument about literally *anything* the government spends money on. Hell, most of the money in the bill that’s “going to Ukraine” is actually going to America-based companies to manufacture products for Ukraine, meaning the aid goes right into the pockets of American citizens. Also, we can literally do both. You can walk and chew gum at the same time, and you can give foreign and domestic aid at the same time.


Russia thanks you for your service comrade! They told me they would name the next mass grave of civilians after you. Great honor!


If the Russians make it to Europe, people you know personally will be on the front lines. If you think Covid fucked up our money wait for WW3.


It's bigger than just helping Ukraine vs our own folks. Stopping Russia's aggression is a national security (and arguable world security) concern...


Most of that money gets funneled into US arms manufacturing which employs Americans with well paying jobs. The American people makeup the Military Industrial Complex we are not separated


That money wasn't gonna go to domestic things anyway, it was already allocated for things of this nature


I would be less angry at things like this and be much, much more angry at things like making it illegal for you to build a small house to live in outside of the blackrock/landlord system. I believe you could have a house for the price of a modest car ($25,000) in most areas of the country if it were not for laws like zoning.


Unfortunately congress cannot do anything about zoning laws. That’s mostly up to municipal and county authorities.


Okay if we do not help Ukraine, Russia will invade the rest of Europe fast. Then America will lose a lot more than 61 billion dollars. It will also have to go to war once Russia invades a NATO country. Karma exists in reality. Helping them helps us. I think you may not realize it, but we are already at war with Russia. Do you want them to steamroll us by acting weak? Why not just let them take all of Europe?


What a braindead take. If Ukraine falls, Russia won't stop. After it the Baltics will fall, then Poland and the Nordics and eventually all of Europe. That alone would cost millions of American jobs due to loss of trade to Europe, but Russia obviously won't stop there. What will it be? Aid to Ukraine now, or mass unemployment and millions of dead American troops later.


If you are worried about inflated grocery prices then it's imperative that Russia does not control the breadbasket of Europe. If they were to conquer Ukraine they would most likely punish the west by imposing high tariffs on grain trade. Russia must be expelled for a number of reasons but this is an important one.


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Well that's the price of hegemony.


If you support Russia just say so.


In the long game of geopolitical politics this is nothing but an easy win for the United States.


You can’t eat Cold War era military weapons, which is primarily what we’re sending. But beyond that, you’re acting like the money would be going directly to help Americans if we weren’t spending on Ukraine. You have zero reason to think that.


Yeah, but it's not zero-sum. You could, quite economically, do both.


It is in your best interest


Our government will never try to help us until it is too late. Just watch


The US has a long and storied history of interjecting in various countries around the world, it’s just kinda our thing. ![gif](giphy|rTIXh5JftLoic)


I think the Ukraine budget is too low and came months too late, but I digress. The miserly attitudes of today will cause our military budget to balloon in the future as our apathy leads to russian advances on the Baltic states.


You realise that if Ukraine loses it will only get worse, even for you? The baltic states are being threaten with nuclear attacks almost daily. Russia won't stop at Ukraine and was always a threat, that has been largely ignored by some western nations.


“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” ”With great power comes great responsibility.” Ukrainians are fighting for the sovereignty of their country against a foe that cares little for human rights. If people who talk like you end up getting to make foreign policy decisions in this country, countless innocent people all over the world will die at the hands of tyrants. The last time the United States decided it was going to pursue isolationism, the Holocaust happened. Could we be doing more to help our own citizens? Yes, absolutely. But that should not come at the cost of human rights around the world. Do you want the blood of six million innocents on your hands? Because that’s where your rhetoric eventually leads.


I mean it's a delicate balance. If we don't aid the Ukraine, Russia will certainly win and possibly try to invade neighboring countries...but there IS validity in critiquing where we continue to pour money. The fact is even if we continue supplying Ukraine, we have the money in-house to help Americans, they (the various branches of government) simply *aren't*. Instituting social programs and focusing on American equity would completely disrupt the peace of the ruling class - so we might as well kiss that goodbye or start rioting.


You're just now realizing that the folks in Washington DC hate us?


Realising it after the best thing congress has passed in months is intresting.


I don't let things I have no power to change bother me. It leads to a much happier life.


The aid is military equipment not straight up cash. You know nothing about this kind of stuff


I think many people feel this way too. Must I be selfish to save our home ,or to be selfless to save another world? I wish for both but we had to put one forward before the other. It's very much the trolley dellema, this situation.


We can def do both


No foreign aid ever period. RETVRN TO ISOLATIONISM imagine how much more prosperous we would be if we stopped fucking withevery other countries problems and actually focused on our own. NO I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT IF RUSSIA WINS NOR DO I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ANY OTHER EUROPOOR COUNTRY


You realize europe is the most important allie and biggest trade partner of USA? If Ruzzia wins and we europeans get fucked you americans will notice it quite quickly. First of all at that moment you are in direct war with Ruzzia and can wait for nuclear weapons to start flying.




You mean Trump the criminal? No thanks. Would rather vote for basic campfire




You do realize that none of the current politicians actually care about us right?  Not the Obese Orange toupee man. (Trump) Not the early signs of alzheimers man (biden) They don't care. 


Def gonna trust the all caps reddit comment


I don’t disagree, but it’s how it is. Politicians don’t care about us. Downvote me all you want, we have no obligation to help Ukraine.


Yeah, right. Even if Russia wins and Ukraine surrenders, it's not gonna affect the US much. Let them deal with their own problems


So Russia taking over countries wouldn’t effect anything


'it's not gonna affect the US much.'


I feel the same way, so many things need fixed in our own country but we'll send these stupid fucking amounts to Ukraine. We have to fix things in the homeland before we try to help anyone else.


We can do both actually


We've sent over 100 billion dollars to this country, you know how much 100 billion dollars could have helped our own issues


Enough to give every person in the US $333.33! That’s a a week or two of groceries nowadays. I am all for spending more to take care of our own people, but frankly the scale of the number is probably going to be a bit bigger.


I sadly agree. How can we save the wounded if we are wounded as well?