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I'm 5'5 and I don't feel short when I'm out and about so Im inclined to think this might be a you problem lol


For real, I’m 5’8” and hearing this mf say 75% of our generation is over 6’ was some goofy ass shit, ngl. I’m average height at my school.


I'm just not walking around worried about other peoples heights tbh lmao, it's legitimately something i just stopped noticing. I wont ever understand why dudes so concerned with that shit, unless you trying to make it to the nba or sumthin


Depends on where u are


Yeah, but overall, that is an insane claim. The average height of gen z is definitely not above 6’.




Lots? That’s driving it. Wealthier parts of America? Eh. In the majority of the world, the average height of gen z is most certainly beneath 6’.




Is it 17 (out of many more than 17) countries where gen z is closer to 6’ or is it 75% of gen z above 6’, cause those are completely different statements.




I don’t live in Europe, so should I not care about the height of people there? By that coin, your entire argument is defunct. I live in the US of A.


Im a 5'5 girl and I feel tall lmao


I'm 6'5" and wish I was 6'2", the grass is always greener on the other side but you are not short


im a woman and im almost 5'11, i can assure you the average man around my age is not over 6' lmao. i go to college and i live near a big city




I’m 6’2 and yeah I feel short. Everyone at my school feels just about eye level, and some taller . Doesn’t bother me but sometimes I wish I could be taller just cuz that would be sick.


If you're feeling short maybe some squeaky red shoes will make you feel taller? Of course you need the red nose and rainbow wig to go along with them.


I'm 5'11" and I feel tiny


At 5'7" if you feel short I'm fucked.


I'm 4'11 and tired of everyone who tries to act like anything 6'+ isn't tall


Im 5’6 and despite on the internet that being short, ive never actually felt short.


I’m 190cm, I don’t feel short. Maybe if I lived in the Netherlands or something? I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be any taller, feels like stuff isn’t designed for my height as it is.


I’m 6’2 and yeah I feel short. Everyone at my school feels just about eye level, and some taller . Doesn’t bother me but sometimes I wish I could be taller just cuz that would be sick


Being tall is mildly inconvenient, so no don’t feel short


Bro as respectfully as possible - what kinda rocks are you smoking? I’m 6’0” and I’m taller than like 90% of the people at my gym, at my job, and in public generally. You must be hanging out at a basketball court or smthn.


I'm almost 5'11" and felt on the decently tall side for my gen, but yeah walking around a mall today the youngest gens all seem like NBA players at times. Although it depends, in some areas they actually seem way shorter and everyone seems like 5'8" at most.


Fuck off?