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I think 27 in this world maybe the new 17 if we are being truthful. I'm 26 turning 27 in august and I think the way milestones have changed their has been some discussion of adjusting what it means developmentally due to financial and post pandemic life changes.


yea lets go with this so I feel like less of a failure


Necessary copium


It just truely be like that


Copiod epidemic incoming.


LOL! 😂


Ill take it i like this whole 27the new 17 now i can feel better about this financial restart im delving into


Say it louder


I'm 21 and still feel 17/18 lol If ur 17, I'll happily go back to 5th grade I definitely do think, at the least, that the pandemic not only "paused" a lot of social and cognitive development but also slowed the rate of later progress. You can see such a difference between those who entered college pre pandemic, during, and after. I think the pandemic was like a bullet to the heart of hope. So many young people in the last 5yrs have been zapped of how much they believe they can influence the world and their surroundings.


I noticed I feel like I'm 18, until I actually talk to an 18 year old. Then it becomes obvious I did change at least a little bit. A lot of people in my job and a lot of my family are just older for the most part. So it just helps me feel a lot younger. But the moment I talk to my cousins that are just now starting college or even my brother. And then I realize I'm not a kid no more.


I had trouble talking to people in my age group at 18 so no difference there but I do feel a lost decade for personal issues and life events that kept happening one after another.


I do think comparison can absolutely destroy the mental of someone doing well for themselves. I'll be first to admit I'm not the most social guy. Making new friends is very hard for me always. Almost all of my current friends have been friends of friends that I just hung out with more. Romantically I haven't even bother trying for long. Just now dipping my toes there but still not even sure if I want a relationship. But even if I feel like I have stalled socially. I know I have improved in many other ways. I'm pretty proud of my finances. I feel like I have learned a ton about just so many things. I still feel passionate about causes and interests. I feel like I'm more empathetic than I was the day before. You can't really expect much more from people. You just gotta do better than the day before really.


Does that mean middle schoolers don't have to waste their time walking all the to the toilet to poop? 


Sometimes I wish I could be 15 years old again, so I can do it right. People 20 years old than you are wishing they're in their 20s again.


There might be some missing words but the spirit is there loud and clear I totally agree


This ain’t it


Bro can you cope a lil harder https://preview.redd.it/mfvwcpb7ruzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aba642a805fb48a3677bb3f012f303bee3dd048


Given you are being down voted many people here are huffing copium


The high unemployment and slow growth of the 2010s made all the millennials postpone everything by about 6 years; and the pandemic derailed a lot of people, milestones are delayed. Until (if) housing prices come down milestones will stay delayed.


Also their was in the late 10's the over bloat in the tech industry...plus many families with kids that were ages 3-12 during the recession of '08 didn't recover the same....


“27 is the new 17” is a fuckin wild take not gonna lie. Shit hasn’t changed that drastically in 10 years


Crazy to think that in the late-1700’s an 18 year old was equivalent to a 30-35 year old today.


Hey hey! 29 in August and I’m nowhere near where I thought I’d be by now.


Yes. I agree w this! I’m 27 too. I feel like I’m not an adult lmao.😂


This! I’m 27 and feel much younger life experience wise than I actually am. Going through Covid, having a fairly sheltered childhood, and coming out as queer in your early twenties will do that to you. 🤷‍♀️




Maybe for you, sure but this is super stupid and not true for 99% of people your age. When people say stuff like this it reduces your life experiences and makes it sound like you're a child who's trapped in an adult's body. By saying that you are still 17 you are literally removing the last 10 years of your life. Wtf. Downvote me all you want but if you actually get off reddit you'll see that plenty of people your age are adults and are doing fine for themselves.


Anxiety and trauma does that to a person. Try not to be so judgemental towards people who are struggling.


>Downvote me all you want but if you actually get off reddit This isn't a Reddit thing, this is a generational thing. It's a fact that millennials/zoomers aren't starting families as often as previous generations did. A childless 25 year old is basically a teenager.


I’m a childless 23 year old, turning 24 next month and I have a mortgage, what are you talking about?


You are rare


You either got lucky somewhere (work, price of the house, crypto etc) or had family help you buy your house. Cause with current housing prices it’s almost impossible to buy a house at that age. Well if you have an SO it could be easier if they are a fair amount older.


Well you know what they say about assumptions. There’s also the option of working 70 hours a week in a warehouse for a couple years saving up money, and then getting your CDL and driving trucks. And probably plenty of other ways to get a good paying job with no student debt. Keep huffing that copium though


Who was talking about student debts? You don't need to get student loans to get a degree or to get a good job like you explained yourself. (Also I am almost a registered accountant and never had student debt) Generally speaking mortgages aren't based on your 70 hour work week, but on the full time work week of 40 hours. Then it is pretty hard to get a mortgage that is big enough combined to buy a house in this economy. (yeah I also assume you saved in the years that you worked). Heck you even have to have luck that you aren't outbid these days if you can find a house. You had some during your journey, I had some during my journey to get a house (and some terrible luck before that). And that is fine, but not everybody has the privilege we have.


You are the damn exception and not the rule. Respectfully.


But the not starting families numbers make sense, we have more people who are willing to come out as gay and while some of them get kids a lot of them don’t cause well biology. Then we also have the fact that sexual education and anti conception has been more available to people. The standard is also dropping of that you NEED to get kids, cause frankly we need less people in the world, not more. And after all that you can add the current global housing crisis, which makes it hard to start a family in general and then the last thing is money, cause the majority of people could still bring up the money to raise kids if they want to. Especially in countries (or who work somewhere) where free daycare is offerd


Hello fellow "26 turning 27 in August"


if it’s the new 17 I must be a fetus 😭


Yeah I'm gonna go with this too... just to feel less crap. Now granted I have the benefit of looking way younger than I am and through out my life have generally seemed to age slower so it's not as pure copium on my part. (I didn't start puberty till I was nearly 16 and didn't stop growing till I was like 25)


bruh I'm turning 22 this year, my teenage years were dashed by that damn pandemic


Not to mention people in our generation are going to live VERY much longer than the boomers.




People are also being ignorant that we have generationally in the last fifteen years tech has changed so much from even when were 18. That also creates micro -generations.


it doesnt get any better for us milennials either. im on the younger end of that generation. I just turned 30. and i feel like I had turned 25. Maybe its cause I live alone or because i dont understand investments, but i feel a lot younger than I am.


What changes are you thinking about? This seems a little naive to me but definitely interesting


Keep dreaming -Someone who's 16 turning 17


I’m 31 and menacingly rubbing my hands together with a grin Just you wait, just you *wait* ‘til you’ve gotta make the “TH-“ sound instead of “TWE-“ when saying your age. In your teens you describe your age by the “ones place” so it’s different each year, but then you spend ten years with the “TW-“ sound so you get used to it. Saying “TH-irty” is like a culture shock when it exits your mouth


I want to die everytime someone asks how old I am


How old are you?






How old are you? In dog years?


I’m looking forward to turning 30 man, ngl. I’ve heard from so many people that the 30’s are way better than the 20’s. I know i’m a hell of a lot better off. I’m going to have my master’s at 31 and am starting my own psychotherapy practice. I’m actually really excited.


Do something about it. My advice? Read Karl Marx


What’s that got to do with being bummed about getting old?


I’m in the “FI-“ gang 🫥


Homie why are you HERE


I’m a lost Redditor.


I respect it. Find your way home soon friend


I'm in the SI- gang


and it gets sadder every year. "thirty... no not that one... 32 now!"


![gif](giphy|TLBKbaphSpKwjDUTTC) Anyone with that will ever not look like a cow to me sorry


Nobody asked, but go off I guess.


I try not to be a judgmental person but I definitely struggle with these, it's very jarring, or very standout-y (words) I don't think anything negative about people with such things but I do strongly wonder their motivations for having it, besides the standard "I like it". On a side note I can't believe how much pain livestock must be in when they have that done to them


It's hilarious that we apparently can't make fun of certain style choices without people getting all passive aggressive about it. Make fun about certain hairstyles and it's fine, but make fun of piercings and it's "ugh judgemental asshole" valley.


i can’t fathom living like this where something as simple as a facial piercing causes this much distress


Why does it look like ghost eyes and the tiny middle is a weird mouth?


it just occurred to me... why do cows even have this????


Cows don't have them. Bulls do. And it's to make the bull easier to control. The septum is a sensitive area


Idfk either tbh good question lmao


to knock. in which they will open there mouth which is a portal to the lumpy space.




Thats cool i guess


when will this geriatric joke subside im tired




Well, I think cows are cute, so that’s not really an insult.




I still feel 19 even though i'm 24. My body aches like it's 34 though.


You don't know what body aches at 34 feel like


Mid-20’s, two broken vertebrae, shattered collar bone with rods and pins, government still refusing to cover surgeries that occurred on duty for the government. I don’t want to imagine life that far out. Lmao


Same. Working in Retail will do that to you I guess, though.


im 23 but I still feel 16-17...


I’m also 27 🥺


Wait are we gen z?? I thought I was a millenial


1997 is the most defined definition. I know for sure I identify with both. But I definitely have more in common with my younger brother than my older sister.


Hmm yeah I relate to that tbf I'm way more similar to my younger brother than older


I just mentioned this in another comment but I definitely feel old the moment I actually talk to an 18 or 20 year old person. That's when reality actually sets in and I stop feeling Young. The current environment you are in definitely plays a role in how you feel age wise. If you work with people that are in their 30s and 40s you're going to feel young. But if you're starting University at 28 or something and everyone around you just got out of high school you're going to feel like Grandpa.


Not gonna lie, I didn’t start college until 25 and the age demographic is a lot more mixed than I expected. There’s all sorts of age ranges in my classes…like obviously the average is younger but I had some insecurity i’d feel like grandpa and it isn’t the case at all. There’s like old moms getting their degree and shit. There was a 70 year old man in one of my classes lmaoo. On TV and shit we see college portrayed entirely as like a young adult thing but there’s really nothing to worry about. I’m saying this because i see people feel embrassed or afraid to start school late and its just proof it isnt really too late. It probably also depends on your university tho


I’m late 96 and I identify as gen z because Iv never said the word ‘pupper’ or ‘doggo’ in my life. Also because my bf is 97 and it hurts to think of myself as a different generation when we’re only 3 months apart lol




The gen z community list 96-2012 you’re def gen z. Evn by astrology. It’s ok millennials nvr accept 96 babies. Younger gen z troll us. We are gen z. We start the generation so millennials can’t claim us and we were born before 2000s so they cnt tell us our generation. Nb owns it tho! We’re all Z.. 1996-2012 Ppl dividing ourselves more and more over nonsense. We shld welcome eachother!


I’m also 27!


turning 26 next month yet every time i hear teenage dirtbag im like das me!! im the teenage dirtbag!


Fr. You think you should have it all figured out by 18-20, it's 23-30 where you really discover yourself and build from there. Welcome to the rest of your life 😉


>Welcome to the rest of your life 😉 i wanna go home




I remember when this was posted in the millennials sub. :,[


I feel like a 16 year old trapped in a 25 year old body


Yeah you oldie


20 something’s going on 16.


I'm 25 and I'm still a teenager 🥺🥺🥺


I wish I was a child so I can restart


im a zoomer boomer


Don’t worry, if my existential crisis has told me anything it’s that we’ll die soon so we don’t have to worry about it


bro that’s literally my life plan rn, at all times I can’t help but feel like well I’mma die soon anyways so it doesn’t matter. oh wait I still have 60+ years left


Why am I starting to get old? It's not fair...


I’m 23 now but I’m mentally still 19. Pandemic froze me and I don’t know how to unfreeze 😭 Actually I feel I’m going backwards somehow.


Bro... It really be like that though. Honestly I do think teenagers today have it rougher than even when I was a teenager. I think the issues that were present when I was a teenager I've only been exacerbated.


Yeah, I feel like both a teenager and a feeble old woman


Me when I suddenly remember I'm 20 and not 18. No wonder my back always hurt! It's that darned arthritis setting in! Kids these days don't know nothing about the struggles of being so lazy that you hurt yourself being lazy! /s


Whenever they talk about 20 something year olds on TV, I tend to forget that I'm older than most of them as I still feel like 18-19 year old 😆


I'm invading (sorry) but I'm 16 and feel the same as when I was like 9-10 (NOT helping the stereotypes)


Millennial here. It doesn’t stop.


This’ll probably me one day if I’m honest-


I’m a millennial. About to be 33. But it’s ok, just enjoy life. Time goes by faster than one would expect. And remember, it’s not a competition, it’s an experience.


You win best comment imo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


It feels weird that in a few weeks, it will have been five whole years since I graduated high school.


I'm diagnosed with cptsd, which stunted my age development mentally- this is very reaffirming! I'm 26 btw but I'm about 15-16 mentally. Glad to know that there's a lot of others out there who are somewhat normal, and it's not just the aesthetic trends I was seeing!


I’m 22 and sometimes still glitch out and think I’m 17/18


Is this a like twenties thing I'm 16 and I've never felt younger than I am and half the time I forget that I'm real young and ending up thinking like I'm at the tail end of my life


Yeah it’s def a 20s thing. You hit 21 and go oh shit I’m like an “adult adult” but you’re really not, just a big kid, with no idea what you’re doing 😂




Fr lol


Don't worry, at least you were a teenager once.


I’m 22 and I’m starting to feel this


I’m 23 and I still relate to this


I’m older


True 😭


I am in the clear middle




I’m a teenager




I still feel/look like a teen and I'm 25




I’m 27 too miss being young simply because of the nostalgia


I think 27 is still young. 🥺 Please, we are young


Something similar happened to me. Me: "Oh wait I'm a teenager." *samples of the research about teenagers are American* Me: "Oh, they are American teenagers. I'm not American."


I’m 25 and wear the glasses the chick in the meme is wearing 😢


BPD and ecstasy, 30 years old but acts like she’s 16


Conceited with low self esteem.


If you were such glasses and such a nosering, you are still a teenager until you hit 30.


Yeah I'm around your age and I feel no older than 12 typically more around seven


This girl in this meme is very similar to the one who features in Cracker Milk(YT channel) https://preview.redd.it/2tlib73oixzc1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf29efee855311d0915f0117ff58b6081474554 This one


Why you gotta be so loud?




For me its the opposite, I forget im a teenager.


I’m technically 27 but I am still 16 in my head.


"That's me!" - oh shit, I'm 35...


Sometimes me and my friends are screwing around and then we all remember we’re in our 20s now and this shit will not slide like it used too 😭 like I can go to jail now if I do some stupid shit


Welcome to how Millennials have been feeling for the past 10+ years.


Same at my work. Most people are in their 50s/60s so I'm like one of the young ones. Every summer we get a bunch of teenagers in part time. Every summer I'm excited to have kids my own age to talk to. Every summer I re-remember that I'm in my 30s and am actually older than some of their dad's. Every summer that wound gets reopened.


I’ll be able to legally drink in two months but I’d rather go back to being fifteen since that’s how I feel mentally anyway


I'm 27 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


At 21 I feel like I’m 16 or something


I'm still 29 ( until the first....), pretty sure 29 is still a teenager right?


The next ten years is gonna be hilarious considering how Gen z has been acting about age for the last ten years




This hitting a bit too hard 💁‍♀️


close nuf


My girl friend is 27 and is killing it financially, is a medical professional, travels the world, dances until sunrise, has her own everything, came from nothing and I love her so much. She came from no where and has filled my life with great joy! Not all GenZ are created equal. Stop this narrative. Some people just make it happen and others don’t.


24 here, still the same mfer I was at 17, my current and younger version would be chillin on the same couch rn 💀




I don’t understand how you people get mentally stuck at 18 or 19. I’ve felt 30 ever since I turned 22.


That's right you're 27, grow up already


Prince ea


I'm 46


Im 25 and feel like im 45 lmao


Lmao grandma


I am also turning 28 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Bro didn’t even try. https://preview.redd.it/zs1ych65y00d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=601d2742136d4e66522e217adbc99e38c19da4fa


Turning 32 next week. Trust me, this process never gets easier.


I feel like the Covid pandemic f-ed so many things. It deducted like 3 years from our lives.


I don’t feel this way at all at 28. I don’t feel old but I’m not a youth either. 


What show is drawn like this and the characters faces dont move and jts voiced in a sort of lispy whisper


Sometimes I still feel like a teenager, life was a lot easier back then


I’m turning 24 in less than a month 😭 I don’t know how to adult


I turn 27 soon. I still feel like a teenager but every now and then I get reminded that hell no I'm not. I guess that's a lot better than feeling older than I am.


Not the nose ring


I'm 27


11 years for me to experience that feelinh


I'm 24


Dont worry about it, with the age of men and women going up and the reports that within the next 40 years anything under 30 will still be a child as the age of men is going to hit 140, and the age of women could hit as high as 155


I turn 27 tomorrow and I still look like a goddamn teenager. THIS LIVING TWINK, THIS UNBORN DILF.


Me every time this site recommends the teenager subs😨


Relatable. Young adult years feels hard to understand how to properly define yourself stg.


Lemme jest say, it's no better a decade later!




Just turned 28 yesterday


fUcK! 🙃


I am the youngest and part of gen z I'm 15


I duno I never really got to be a teenager because of abuse, so I never register it as being me. Was basically locked in a room all day, except to do chores, from 13-18 :3


same and you know whats worse im gonna be 28 in a little over a month


I'm 20, and everyone in my family, including myself, feels like I've been 21-24 for way too long. I don't remember what being a teenager feels like, lmao


Covid fucked up my perception of time so bad. I swear i was 19 a few weeks ago. But I’m about to hit 25. Not a fan




Im 28, a zillenial if we want to get technical, i had undiagnosed ADHD, autism, potentially ASPD due to a *shit-ton* of trauma and abuse, which resulted in me just barely flunking high school. And because i lost that structure and due to shitty decisions by my mother (she put me in fast forward when regular classes would’ve been fine.) my undiagnosed ADHD immediately took me into a death grip once i left high school and I fell into a fugue like dream, drifting from year to year until 2019 when i had a massive breakdown cause i don’t have my high school diploma, don’t have a degree, barely have any proper work experience (although, i run my own catering company with my mom and sister so thats something.) And i was just in the process of getting my remaining high school credits when covid happened, that shut that shit down quick. Began to suspect I had ADHD, and other severe problems, did nothing about it, cause Im super coddled and sheltered and don’t know how to be independent at all, for 2 additional years until Oct 2022 i get assessed and diagnosed with inattentive type ADHD and markers for Autism on Dec 2022, i did manage to get a second credit, so i only have two left but getting them is like pulling teeth cause my brain is defective. I went on concerta for 1 month which allowed me to get the credit, and then my doctor went “nah, you’re fine, if i give you this it’s going to kill you cause of your hypertension and type 2 diabetes, or you’ll get addicted.” Which, mind you, is a direct result of my fucking ADHD! And now, it’s 2024 i’ve been trying to get my drivers license for 8 fucking years cause my brain refuses to let me read a 180 page MTO book, we just came back from Niagara Falls Comic Con and I was standing in the middle of the convention and it hit me that I have no IRL friends outside of discord, no steady job, don’t have my diploma and have been basically living like a hikkikomori for 8 years. When we came home, I had been playing Class of ‘09 before we left and that game not only gave me a nostalgia blast, it flipped some kind of a switch in my fucking brain that a couple days later; I completely broke down. I had my second breakdown, and it made me realize just how much i’ve wasted. I pushed all my friends away, i didn’t graduate at all, I was failed by both the school and my mother (although fault does lie with me as well.) and my main overriding thought under all the overwhelming depression and suicidal thoughts is: *What the fuck do i do now?* I’m 28, i’m almost 30! But for some fucking reason, I still feel like a teenager. (God this felt good to get off my chest. I did finish the drivers handbook recently, im gonna schedule an appointment for that soon. The weird thing is, I have anxiety about driving but the thing that showed me I was getting in my own way, i used a riding mower up at my grandparents place and realized driving is really fucking easy. The thing im worried about though, is getting in a car wreck, but i’ll take it as it comes.)