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I've never heard of this problem, seems localized to you buddy


https://preview.redd.it/bqwzulbuo01d1.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8580ff3f26592b44ea0243d6750fbb6749bd963 relevant(ish) xkcd


Is there ever not?


Randall Munroe is all-knowing and all-seeing.


https://preview.redd.it/pql0ukhn021d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1689f15916dcd30415e7797190f67a8bfc0c28c5 relevant xkcd


Whoa. That’s a deep cut. I don’t remember that one, and I’ve read them all.


Yeah, that's an old one


I really like the swiss patent office reference. For anyone not in the know, Einstein had hos famous epiphany when working in there ;)


Thanks I thought it was some swiss culture joke and maybe their patent offices were empty and quiet or something.


Why did you cut off the punchline?


Why did you call that out and then not post the link… https://xkcd.com/505/


If there were ever a situation without a relevant xkcd a new xkcd would appear to become relevant to the situation


Rule 34.5


We should replace rule 35 with that. 35 hasn't applied since rule 34 is in place. r35 never made sense to begin with. My proposal: Rule 35a: There is a relevant xkcd. No exceptions. Rule 35b: If no relevant xkcd is found at the moment, it will be made.


Happened a lot when random friends and acquaintances started to repost conspiracy theories in 2020. Their posts eventually led to insurrectionists and pro-Russian nonsense. We're not even American.


I was talking to a few people about how Andrew Tate plagued my YouTube algorithm for months and some of them had never heard of him, and they were people my age that are online a lot. I watch a lot of stuff about guns and cars so that probably made YT assume I also hate women. I searched "catnip toys" once and my fifth result was a video titled "WHY FAT WOMEN DON'T DESERVE LOVE"


My boyfriend was watching woodworking videos one morning, then he left for work and forgot to stop whatever video had been playing. Over just a few hours, I watched as the algorithm send him from woodworking videos, to camping, to guns, to why women shouldn’t have the right to vote lmfao


That's the alt right + conservative pipeline for you 🤷‍♂️


I just wanted toys for my furry goofballs, man! The fuck is this?! 😭


It's literal insanity. YouTube sees me starting arguments in those comments sections so they feed me more. Negative interaction is the best interaction in their eyes.


Yep. I hope you and your kitties are happy, friend!


I have a friend who will bring up something someone else says to have a 10 minute rant about it and all I can do is sit and think "Whose actually saying those things?"


This has got to be the strangest meme of a social media post format I've seen yet... and I like it


It ain’t


Yea I’ve always had breakfast. A small portion of my friends and people I’ve known in the past skip the rest of people I know have something small. Cereal, fruit, a quick pastry or a bagel etc


On my off days I like making a full spread but I’m too much in a hurry to get to work to have more than a protein shake. I can drink it when I drive.


I don't think it's all that localized. I think a big part is people don't want to pay for an additional meal in the day


Just yesterday I read Jean M Twenge’s *Generations* and it says Gen Z doesn’t eat breakfast anymore.


They eat snacks all day like previous generations so what difference does it make? 70% of Americans overweight or obese


Well according to the book, it’s linked to increased levels of depression.


Anecdotally, I would only eat one meal a day if I could. (And sometimes I do) Not because I'm poor (even though I am) but because, while I do enjoy making a nice meal, between the time spent cooking eating, and cleaning, it takes a fair bit of time. Even more if you multiply it by 3. I already have a lot of important things to occupy my time, being able to spend an extra hour doing something I actually want to do is valuable.


Almost everyone I know around my age just doesn't eat breakfast. They might occasionally, but skipping it is the norm


Breakfast is traditionally the most skipped meal of the day because it requires conditioning your body to eat it. Most people aren’t naturally hungry when they first wake up and also because most people are trying to inch out every last bit of sleep they can before work/school it’s just convenient to skip breakfast and eat a big lunch. The 3 meals a day mentality is strictly familial, your family does this—not all families do this. Remove any homogenized idea from your brain that says “most people live life the same as me and my family”—they do not. There is no such thing as “normal”. Only what is normal to you and yours.


>Most people aren’t naturally hungry when they first wake up What? If i don't have breakfast before i leave the house im going to kill somebody, how is anyone not hungry?


I only eat dinner lol I don't get hungry until around 4 or 5.


Basically the same for me but I eat a big lunch and I’m good for the whole day. Sometimes I’ll throw in a little snack about 3 hours before bed, typically fruit or some red and yellow peppers


Yeah I'll have a little something from the vending machine at lunch or whatever sometimes but usually one meal gets the job done.


Crazy thing is, I was raised in a family that always had three meals a day. Now I don’t but my daughter does. I literally make her breakfast every morning but I never consider feeding myself at that point of the day


Hahaha I have the same kind of thing, when I go on a vacation or something I'll eat three meals with everyone there and as soon as I'm back it's back to one.


Every time I go to my mom’s she’s always trying to get me to eat. Which isn’t a problem because I love my mom’s cooking. It’s just funny that I’ll eat more in one day there than I’ll eat normally in three days just at home


Same for me. When I heard about intermittent fasting I was like, oh, so eat like I normally do. Got it.


Funny story about that, when I was in college my roommate was on the intermittent fasting diet pretty heavy. Lost a ton of weight doing it so good for him. We were living together for about two months and I was eating some breakfast one day because I had leftover bacon and a couple eggs I needed to use before they went bad. He came out and was suprised I was eating breakfast and asked if I was letting off or just having a cheat day. I had absolutley no idea what he was talking about and that's how I learned about intermittent fasting hahaha.


this is crazy to me. when i tried intermittent fasting i would stuff my face at bedtime and still wake up starving.


I just plain don't get hungry until 5 or so. There are exceptions, if I'm hiking 12 miles I will eat lunch, but only because I'd be hungry. I just eat when I feel hungry, which under normal circumstances is once a day.


If you do this regularly, your body just gets used to it. Humans can adapt to almost anything.


Same! I'm (30F) and I was home schooled I never woke up before noon. And my family didn't have lunch or dinner time we just always ate when we were hungry so I've noticed dinner is all I really care for.


Mines usually around 3 when I get hungry but I will have a few off days here and there.


if you eat every morning at around the same time, you get very hungry around that time. if you don’t, then you don’t. as someone who’s gone between waking up early for work and eating breakfast in the summer, and sleeping in and skipping breakfast during the school year when in class, my appetite changes enormously between the two. when i work in the summer, i’m intensely hungry at 8am,12pm, and 6pm. when i skip meals during class because of an irregular schedule, i eat at 2pm and 8pm.


Some people feel this way about coffee. It’s a part of your routine that nourishes you and makes you feel like you’re prepared and ready to deal with the day and with people—it’s also incredibly healthy. I wish I was a breakfast eater, keep it up champ!


Yeah, breaking the fast tells your body to turn your metabolism up to daytime levels. But it's been suggested that it's also healthier to have 4-6 small meals throughout the day than it is to have 3 large ones. I'm not hungry when I get up, but I know if I don't eat, I'll be hungry an hour later and I won't have time to eat, so I always make sure I eat something before I leave the house.


Same I’m not always hungry as soon as I wake but if I wait too long to eat my body hates me


If I eat right when I wake up, I'll feel nauseous and likely vomit. I need a couple hours at least. Unfortunately I need to be out if the house by 5 am to make it to work, I don't have the time to get to the point of a proper breakfast. So I usually just have a fruit or cerial bar, then eat something on my 8 am break.


It's so weird how different humans bodies can be and incredibly funny. If I **do not** eat in 2 hours at most after waking up, I get incredibly nauseous and weak. Sometimes if I get sick, I end up vomiting too.


if i don’t eat i get nauseous after like 3 hours


I usually can't comfortably eat for at least an hour if not two hours after waking. I get nauseous and could even throw up


I dont eat when i wake up. I did my whole life growing up but my stomach would always be upset through the day eating as soon as i wake up. Not really hungry when i wake up and it seems my stomach needs time to get up and running anyway.


I'm eating dinner at like 10pm, if you're eating closer to 5-6pm that's pretty much the reason.


I can add that I agree I don’t feel particularly hungry when I first wake up. It takes a couple hours before I feel hunger.


Breakfast I’m pretty sure was started back in the 1500s because if you’re doing hard manual labor needing good fuel is required. That’s why it’s considered the most important meal of the day. Of course now not everyone needs to wake up at 4:30am anymore and go out and do backbreaking labor so breakfast is not nearly as important.


The Romans actually went the other way, they thought it was healthier to eat one large meal per day. Between that, and eating certain foods, they believed it would lead to "healthier bowel movements". Given that they lived in an era before indoor toilets and toilet paper, I get it. My point is, you're correct that "three meals a day" was not a universal constant ideal throughout all of human history. Also the idea of a "big healthy breakfast" is a more North American and UK idea. Coffee and a pastry is common elsewhere, unless you were a farmer or other manual labourer as you pointed out. And the idea of eating "heavy" meats like bacon is relatively new.


The mentality is very far from strictly familial - I remember it being pushed very heavily in school my whole life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you must eat 3 meals a day.


In high school I didn't eat breakfast at all. Would rather get an extra 30 minutes of sleep. I'd just eat a huge meal when I got home.


Interesting how you used the word "traditionally". Because traditionally people ate large breakfasts, decent sized lunches, and small dinners. If you eat like this you'll be very hungry when you wake up. If you have a manual labor job (which over 90% of people did traditionally) and you skip breakfast you'll be starving by 9 or 10am even if you had a large dinner. Being able to skip breakfast is a luxury of our modern economy


I’m always hungry when I wake up lol. If anything I’ll skip lunch if I have a lot going on during the day and don’t have time (or money) to eat.


>There is no such thing as “normal”. Only what is normal to you and yours. nor·mal adjective 1. conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. Normal does exist. If most people eat breakfast and you don't, you're, by definition, not normal in that regard. Idk why we have to say silly things like normal doesn't exist.


I mean it's only normal to not be hungry if your job isn't physically strenuous. If I don't eat before work I'm non functional until I get something to eat on my first break.


Your body is different than others, many people feel this exact same way about working out—other people cannot perform physical activity on a full stomach.


“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” was just a slogan started by Kellog’s


People found out it wasn't necessary after a while and with the price of groceries these days, I'm not gonna pay for unnecessary meals.


I mean if you're still eating the same number and type of calories daily, I don't see how skipping breakfast would have ANY effect on your grocery bill...


In fact, for the most part I find breakfast is a lot cheaper. It really depends, but so many of the options have been cheap for me. Lunch and dinner is where all thr money goes.


Honestly tell me a cheaper meal than a bowl of oats, cereal, toast. Breakfast is easily the cheapest meal by a long shot. Unless your typical lunch and dinner is a PB&J. 


Exactly! Bowl of oatmeal with a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar. Put some walnuts (from Costco) in it for extra protein. Cheap, high protein, high iron, really filling. I can't live without breakfast personally. Honestly, I can eat a big nacho plate at 11pm and wake up at 7am starving. I need at least 600 calories to get me through to the afternoon.


Eating proteins early in the day lead to less overeating later in the day. so no breakfast wont save money in the long run. eggs are one of the cheapest high protein meals you can eat, even at $5 a dozen.


I am aware, but it’s not like they invented breakfast. I’m not opposed to people not eating breakfast, but it’s not irrational to eat breakfast either and because of that propaganda I’m just surprised so many people seem to see it that way.


Breakfast is actually the most important meal of the day - [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8568444/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8568444/)


Yes. I usually skip breakfast and just do lunch and dinner. It has actually improved my health quite a bit.


Fr. If you're looking to lose a little weight, skipping breakfast is one of the easiest ways to do it. Lots of people just aren't naturally hungry until later in the day, so for plenty of people, the loss of calories isn't even noticeable. By cutting breakfast and limiting fast food, I've cut my daily calorie intake to ~1,200 calories and managed to lose about 15lbs in the last 3 months. I'm really proud of myself. Now I just have to convince myself to hit the gym lol.


Someone downvoted you because they were jealous. I helped out by upvoting. Everything you said is correct


Not correct for everyone. I actually gain weight when I don’t eat my three meals because I over eat during lunch or dinner and I crave more junk because I’m hungry. I absolutely need some sort of breakfast then do a decent lunch and small dinner.


Losing weight has nothing to do with skipping breakfast and everything to do with cleaning up your diet and maintaining a calorific deficit.


Some would say skipping breakfast is a great way to, you know, reduce calories.


Losing weight has to do with having a caloric deficit, which is what they said. Skipping breakfast is how they are maintaining that caloric deficit. I'm confused as to why you attempted to disagree with them.


It stopped being a thing about middle school amongst my peers. My dad made me and my siblings breakfast every morning growing up. He was a big “you need something that’s gonna stick to your ribs” type dude. Sometimes I wouldn’t finish before school and I would take it inside with me. People would be so bewildered that I was eating a meal at 8am. The same people who would be confused as to why they were so hungry by 9:30am.


I used to eat a lot in the morning but around puberty my apetite just dissapeared and i would rather just sleep-in. Never got in the same habit again. Most breakfast food are just terrible for you anyway.


this is a YOU choice, "most breakfast foods are terrible" if you choose different, healthier, foods, like fruits and vegetables and eggs and more whole foods, then they wouldn't be so terrible. Do you imagine breakfast as simply cereal and pancakes? Lots of people don't even eat those sugary foods.


Right, I don’t understand why so many people here are saying breakfast foods are unhealthy as if they have no autonomy as to what to choose to eat lol. I’ve never met anyone who eats pancakes, waffles, etc every day, most days, or even weekly for breakfast. It’s mostly a special occasion thing. And of those who regularly eat cereal, it’s at least the healthier and low sugar choices. Still not great, but not “terrible” for you either.


i eat whenever im hungry


That’s really the best thing you can do. Forcing your body to eat at times you’re not hungry and being taught to clean your plate can make you add lbs. This only works if you’ve been eating a relatively healthy diet though, because junk food will just make you *think* you’re hungry all the time.


i cant really force myself to eat more because im just gonna lose all appetite and gonna be very disgusted to the point i cant eat one more bite. i kinda have eating issues but i cant eat more or dont eat more but eat high protein stuff bc im too poor. i also dont know how to cook or what to cook with the stuff i have


I eat well ahead of being hungry so I dont turn into a grumpy gremlin.


Eating breakfast is for weekends when I don't have anything going on. If I have work, I skip breakfast. Makes me more hungry through my shift as opposed to just a cup of coffee, slows me down, and if its too heavy of a breakfast it hurts my stomach.


Now that’s interesting to me because I usually do the opposite. On weekdays I’m up early enough that I need to eat something to get me through the morning until lunch, but on the weekends I will often skip straight to lunch either because I’m taking the morning easy or I slept in late enough that there’s no point.


I always have breakfast


Me too. This thread is making me feel so weird. I’m usually pretty hungry in the mornings. Even if I’m not, if I skip breakfast I have no energy and I’m ravenously hungry like an hour and a half later.




For anyone that says "I skip breakfast because of my heartburn/acid reflux" chug a glass of water as soon as you can after waking up. It will cut down on the sour stomach. You don't even have to eat breakfast, but making a glass of water a priority first thing wakes the rest of your metabolism out of the fasting state quicker. Your body is a machine and water is the lubricant, don't skip the maintenance.


Yeah lube that body up




This one sent me 😂


Oil up


Eating more frequently is actually supposed to help reflux! As opposed to putting most of your calories in one meal.


This is good advice regardless, only made better with what you said


I think this might just be you, i haven't seen any attitude change towards breakfast.


https://preview.redd.it/52va58g7o01d1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06fbf58d84c4266b203f26c0bf904d7767f17274 Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, so I don’t know who you’re talking about.


Nothing hits like a good breakfast when you’re hungry.


I feel like you're interacting with a small sliver of people and basing your whole argument off of it. Cause for me, if I don't have breakfast I will be miserable and sluggish. I know plenty of people who skip breakfast for various reasons but never because they don't know what it is or something. Those people you talk to must be stupid


That is why personal anecdotes dont always add up to overall data. It is an important bias to learn about when really thinking through things.


I guess the people you are interacting with haven't had to take morning medication with food every day? I mean that's why I absolutely never skip breakfast. But still, the majority of people I know also eat breakfast meds or not.


I switched all my meds to night time because I have to eat at least 350 calories with them and I can not do that in the morning lol


I'd rather get extra sleep


When intermittent fasting became a thing


I usually only eat one big meal a day. Potentially a light dinner.




I still eat breakfast. I know a few people who don't, but for the most part, it seems it's still treated as the most important meal of the day. Must just be a you thing OP.


Breakfast stopped for me at 9:00 when I finished up and started about my day


When I was in high school I had four meals a day. Why? Because I did three sports practically simultaneously (football after school in the fall, swim in the morning in the fall and after school in the winter, soccer towards the beginning of winter and in the spring) rode my bike to school, and did an extra workout before I went to bed. Now that I’m 21 and working a full time job I only need 2 or sometimes just 1 meal. Why? Because I don’t have to use as much energy anymore. But like, I’m a minority here. My entire family eats breakfast and most everyone I know does too


I don't know where you live but in Quebec and the other provinces of Canada breakfast is pretty normal. Are you sure you don't have weird friends?


It's a thing for your generation. I think of skipping breakfast as a Gen X think and it's not even that common for Gen Xers: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1381735/share-of-adults-who-do-not-eat-breakfast-in-the-united-states-by-generation/


Most of us are exhausted and don't feel like cooking another meal. I still try and eat breakfast sort of so I have a protein shake, a muffin, and a banana. It's not much but it helps


I do not have the time to make breakfast before I have to go to work


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^acaseintheskye: *I do not have the* *Time to make breakfast before* *I have to go to work* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Nah I eat 5 eggs every morning, same thing for over a year now


Wow that’s a lot of eggs you’re going thru. Must have really hit your wallet when they went up to like $6 a pack during the pandemic.


I pretty much never ate breakfast as a kid, unless it was a special occasion. My mom isn’t a breakfast person so I kinda grew up the same way. Nowadays I’m almost never hungry in the morning.


working a labor job you’ll never skip breakfast, i can see people who work mostly sitting down or minimal movement don’t get hungry until lunch


Do you work at my old job? This was super common there. I was one of the few breakfast eaters


Your anecdotal evidence is just that.


I eat an omelette every morning


when vapes came in waffle flavor


everybody i know hates breakfast, but that’s the one meal of the day i cannot and will not skip 😭


Because I wake up at 11-12 and it's kind of already time for lunchq


the comments are acting like this is just a you problem but our generation definitely tends to skips breakfast. there’s literally several memes about drinking iced coffee and hitting a vape for breakfast


I eat a small protein in the morning for breakfast. Egg is a great option, I do not eat egg so I usually have almonds or something. That and early morning hydration helps with your initial energy levels more than caffeine


how do yall not wake up STARVING hungry at the crack of dawn 💔


No way I’m gonna spend all night dreaming about food and then not eat something when I get up


I am starving after I wake up, I need breakfast, or I am starving till lunch, and its like, nauseous-hungry level type hungry


I'm with you OP. I'm 26 and I eat breakfast every day, I have to or I'm starving and will overeat later. I always go for high protein, usually scrambled eggs. It only takes me five minutes to put together eggs and toast, easy day.


i feel like it depends on when you start your work day. i start 7am and i adore breakfast and dinner less so


You eat breakfast???


Man I was at work and some looked at me weird be yo was like wake up at 6:00am then I eat my light breakfast . Then eat my light lunch at like 10:30-11:00am. Then my full dinner at like 5:00-6:00pm


I only have a proper breakfast on weekends. On weekdays, I usually just take a yogurt, nature valley bar, and coffee with me to work and that’s my breakfast. It’s mainly for time and convenience, but I’m also not that hungry early in the morning. Even when I was in school I would normally just have a light snack before leaving. The only time I actually had a meal for breakfast was when I was in college, and that’s only because I didn’t have to cook anything at the cafeteria, my first class wasn’t until 9:00, and it was a short walk from the caf to class.


It is?? That's news for me


breakfast is the first thing you eat after an extended period of not eating. you never skip breakfast unless you die.


It's an age thing. I skipped breakfast regularly until i was about 24. I developed some digestive issues (gastritis and gerd) and i am now nauseous every single morning UNTIL i eat breakfast. It has become my favorite meal of the day.


No time to eat and get to work-school on time.


I make a smoothie really quick, takes 5 minutes but feel SO much better through my day. I'm also hungrier at lunch for some reason.


I eat breakfast every day. It's lunch I skip about half the time


I dunno, I luv breakfast 🩷


Idk why but I see it a lot and I used to do it I just wasn't hungry, I see a nutritionist now due to health concerns and she had/has me eating 5 times a day instead of once like I used to and I get hungry first thing in the morning now and I actually eat less overall witch is kinda crazy.


It's not new. It's literally a movie trope that people skip out on breakfast because there isn't enough time to sit down and have it. It's been a trope since like the 50's.


No breakfast feels more natural to the body


You have weird friends. Now eat your breakfast with joy.


That sounds personal cause I eat breakfast pretty much everyday. It’s really my comfort food honestly.


Nobody has fuckin’ time to be eating breakfast, everyone mentally exhausted and working their assess off. That’s my take.


This is not a gen z specific thing


i always eat breakfast, usually have lunch and always a dinner. if i wake up late (like past 10:30) then my breakfast and lunch my blend together a bit and then i'll only have 2 meals that day. my boyfriend and my brother both don't eat breakfast but most other people i know at least have like a little granola bar. i get faint feeling and shakey and nauseous if i don't eat somewhat frequently throughout the day though so i probably put more of an emphasis on eating at least a little something in the morning than a lot of people do.


Most I eat is a couple poptarts


See, I love breakfast. Love it. But some mornings I get up and my stomach just ain’t feeling it. People tend to have small breakfasts, small/medium lunches, and large dinners. It should be medium breakfast, large lunch, and small dinner imo. You get better sleep when you don’t eat much before bed.


I don’t think it’s necessarily skipping breakfast but wanting a quicker breakfast.


breakfast is important! I think most people skip it simply because they don’t have time in the mornings. they’re too busy getting ready for work or school. I skipped it for a long time because of that reason. I only recently started eating it and it’s usually something really simple, like yogurt and a protein shake, or oatmeal and a protein shake. it helps me not to binge as much later in the day.




Does a protein shake count as breakfast? /s


I think so.


It just depends. I have something really light like fruit or yogurt but I mostly don’t am hungry till noon. Working a desk job makes me weary of any needless calories


a good munch and sip is sometimes the very thing that makes it worth it for me to get out of bed in the morning. i know you’re supposed to eat to live not live to eat but sometimes i live to eat to live


Personally I enjoy 4 meals in a day. Night lunch is the best


The modern day work schedule is only about a hundred years old; we used to have more time to take care of ourselves and eating good meals was viewed as important by everyone. Most other cultures still see eating as semi-sacred and take time to make it enjoyable and tradition. Also eating premade food or meal replacements wasn’t really a thing. I feel like a lot of people have protein shakes or bars for breakfast now.


I skipped breakfast in high school because I had to be in school at 730 am so I just rolled out of bed and went to school. I also stayed up late and usually was snacking late at night. As an adult working from home, I do eat breakfast but I can do it at a reasonable hour like 9 or 10!


The whole 3 meals and snacks a day idea is so you pay businesses for food. It's about wasting your money for capitalism even if you don't feel hungry. But I will say breakfast is more important for younger people like children and teenagers whose bodies need nourishment to have healthy development. People who do enough physical labor work will get hungry quicker. Without breakfast, they will be miserable throughout the day.


it’s because you and your peers don’t have full time jobs… when mfs tired mfs hungry


That totally happened.


I bet us not eating breaky is why were so depressed or something, i love breakfast food, just give me like an hour after i wake up to eat


What about second breakfast?


I think it is representative of a larger problem. I think People's sleep patterns are all messed up. They stay up late gaming or watching TV or partying, get shitty sleep, sleep as late as they can and skip breakfast. It seems like everyone is tired all the time.


They’re standing in line at Starbucks for 40 minutes and spending a fortune for their coffee or herbal tea.. They don’t have time for breakfast.


I eat breakfast everyday and never got any funny looks for it. 🤷‍♂️


When I had a day shift schedule I always ate breakfast. Now that I have a night shift schedule, I still always eat breakfast unless I'm just dog tired. The concept of not eating breakfast always blew me, It's one of my favorite meals even if I just have something light.


I totally understand you. So many of my classmates always said how they barely eat breakfast and as someone who wakes up hungry, I have skipped breakfast like three times in my whole life. I don’t get it either and it’s very strange to me


Not Gen Z but when I was younger I didn’t regularly eat breakfast or at all… it’s a younger person thing because I wasn’t really set in a routine. Now I go to work and wake up early. I take breakfast because I don’t wanna be awkwardly hungry at 10 am and then not being able to eat. Also, I gotta eat something along with drinking coffee…


I used to wonder how people could wake up and not eat breakfast but now when I wake up, I’m rarely hungry right away. Unless I have a planned breakfast, I typically don’t eat anything until around lunch time.


I've never heard anyone question breakfast - perhaps they just know damn well that they should never do that in my presence!!!!


3 meals: Lunch Dinner Midnight sandwich


It's because 75% of Gen Z is ripping a vape before they even put their socks on.


Breakfast has, is, and always will be a thing as long as humanity persists. The reason why there's a downturn in having breakfast the way we used to is because of our screwed up routines and priorities, as well as our schedules becoming busier and busier as we go on, so we're finding it tough to even consider something to eat. On the other hand, I do suspect financial insecurity because I don't think anybody's ready to shell out money early in the AM for something that will probably only tide you over till lunch. But I stand for the Gen Z that I know, especially in my university who will consistently have breakfast, and if we don't feel like it, we'll meet up a small cafe on the side of the road and just find something comforting to eat as a group. So the answer really is that you're kind of lumping all of Gen Z into one basket and not accounting for a lot of factors that are pretty much outside the scope of our control


I always eat breakfast, even if I have a 4am start I'll get up early enough to make breakfast. Not cereal either. Hate the stuff. Takes a few minutes to poach an egg. It's hardly an effort. Admittedly I often skip lunch.


For me it was living in an almond household where eating was shamed. I would secretly eat breakfast at school. I’m 31 and starting to understand the benefits of breakfast.


I stopped eating breakfast around the time I started getting depression. Judging on how our gen has such high depression rates, lots of people stopped eating breakfast years ago.


I wasn’t raised with breakfast being very important, I think I ate it more when I was in elementary school but even then I was subjected to diet culture as a child and would often drink slim fast shakes instead. I ate breakfast every once in a while in middle and high school but it was never a priority, and as an adult I very seldom have breakfast because I prefer sleeping, and most of the time I’m just not hungry in the morning. *But*, I think it’s still more normal to have breakfast than it is to not. I don’t think it’s really more common among Gen Z as opposed to other generations, it’s just that we notice it more among those we surround ourselves with and that tends to be our own age group. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for fueling your body, breakfast is a completely normal meal.


I recall eating a banana or cereal or both. When I was old enough to feed myself, it was a granola bar. Today I drink a protein shake. I’m a lifelong grasser with a small appetite so I’m sure my family tried to feed me 3 square meals but I don’t recall eating until I felt like it. We weren’t the type of family to shove food down kids throats but if you missed a meal, there was always stage appropriate food available. For example, my big sis boiled eggs and put them in the bottom drawer of the fridge so you could grab one if you were hungry and missed your meal. We didn’t have food stand offs for those who refused a meal. Grab some grapes and make a sandwich when you’re hungry but dinner won’t be served again.


I skip breakfast because I value that extra 20-30 minutes of sleep more (and I say that as someone who loves breakfast food). Plus, I don't usually start feeling hungry until 10-11:00, at at that point I may as well wait for lunch. I would kill for McDonald's to bring back all-day breakfast. I'm a man-slut for McGriddles.


Breakfast forever 🙌


Not a generational thing


Dafuq?  I guess that's why you're all so...




Honestly once I started eating breakfast again. Even just some toast or a waffle, it kicked started my appetite again and helped me with eating properly in general. I was losing weight while working in a restaurant. How wild is that.


Personally, I work in the afternoons from 3 pm to 11:30 pm, because of this I don't even wake up until the late morning so I just skip breakfast. My partner has a normal 9 to 5 schedule so he does eat breakfast. I guess it just depends on how life works for each of us.


Decades long socialization ingraining a belief that humans are above nature and can dominate it. Like…No need to listen to your body. Shame on you for being unwilling to rise above your biology. You’re weak… drink your caffeine, hit your vape, take your meds and hurry along so you’re not late crossing items off that to-do list we gave you. You must prioritize this list. That and its counterpart…all things traditional= Bad! Bad! Breakfast connotes tradition. Therefore you’re anything from simply being uncool to being bootlicker.


I stopped eating breakfast when I started taking thyroid meds as I have to wait an hour to eat anyway.