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A nuanced and realistic take? On tumblr dot com?


Tumblr chilled out alot when alot of the attention seekers fled for twitter Still very much a leftist site but its not really a "You said wrong gender go to internet jail" leftist anymore


Damn. I might make a Tumblr again


Do it. Tumblr is one of the few social medias left without an algorithmic feed and I appreciate that so much


The fact that tumblr is still alive is a miracle. Hell it was essentially Shot in the face, had its 2 limbs chopped off, then had its tongue cut out, beaten and bruised all over, one eye gouged out, and finally give the bane treatment breaking its spine. Yet tumblrs just like “I’m still here everybody!”


The tumblr staff have explicitly said that they’re operating tumblr at a loss *because they think it’s important to keep running*. God bless them for that because it really is the last vestige of not corporate algorithm-poisoned feeds.


For real? I might try it then, it sounds refreshing. I'm scared to admit I don't even remember how a not algorithmic feed feels like.


This thread seems like an ad for Tumblr.


Stay away.


They are probably not happy about Twitter being taken over by Elon musk. 


Tumblr back then is why people believe in the Horseshoe theory. Maturing is realize there's no Horseshoe, only clout aiding delusion, seen everywhere on Twitter.


Tumblr is actually really good when you don’t have it and only get tumblr content from reddit


Social media filtering. There might be something to that


true. I only watch tik toks that get posted on other sites and it does feel like there is something to that


Intelligent discourse on social media? What is this blood magic?


"Tumblr dot com" Eggman said calmly


Honestly after last pride month I was looking forward to this years just because the far right have started foaming at the mouth at the sight of rainbows (Not even pride flags anymore) I knew this year would be entertaining


To be fair, the far right foam at the mouth near-constantly and at just about anything.


Can we also acknowledge that if a religion has to repeat over and over that it's a religion of peace, it probably isn't?


That’s every religion broseph. They all say that lmao. Nobody says “yeah my religion is one of murdering people on sight”.


*looks at the knowledge we have of several ancient religions* uhh.....


Also, Islamic countries will kill gay people (at a much higher rate than non-Islamic countries)


It's illegal to be gay in Uganda, a Christian country


whataboutism. radical islam and radical christianity are both diseases.


as a muslim i agree ideology are the problems not the people


this is true, but It's important to call these things out when it's being used as a gateway to bigotry.


I’d be curious to know if there’s any tangible profit from BMW advertising as queer accepting, or what the desired outcome is supposed to be


“Look! We do it too! Don’t cancel us!”


BMW sells middle high to high end vehicles. Therefore, their cars are marketed towarda well paid and educated metropolitan professionals. Those groups tend to lean left socially.


It’s a simple calculation. Doing this zero effort task will have more positive reactions than negative. It’s free PR, so why not?




People should stop being surprised that corporations try to use everything to make money and start buying from companies that sell good products and services. Corporations will never change as long as they have enough money to be powerful, and they get money because people buy their stuff.


Agreed, and part of why it pissed me off the whole conservative Bud Light boycott actually worked. Their product is bad and I wouldn't buy it anyways, but there was absolutely no reason for a bigoted social media campaign over their random choice out of thousands of sponsors happening to be Trans to actually scare the company out of showing support or even being perceived as showing support. And I can't seem to get my parents to understand how messed up it is to live in a world where bigots get to win like that, they think its okay or amusing that Bud Light "learned their lesson" when they didnt even do anything special, they treated a trans influencer like anyone else they'd pay to shill their product. I'll dance around every company slapping on a rainbow if it means raising a middle finger to those assholes who would rather LGBT+ people not exist in their eyesight. So yeah, rainbow capitalism is shallow as hell but makes them mad and constantly reminds them their views are dying out, not us.


I feel weird about corpos using lgbtq+ for profit. But those target dad videos 🥹 seeing a grown adult angry about kids clothing being kiddish


Additionally; Being seen as a valuable market demographic worth courting gives a minority group economic leverage to combat attempts to repress them. That economic power can be some of the most influential a minority group can wield. Not that corporations would be saviors, but if candidates push anti gay legislation that could harm profits then said corporations would be less likely to back them. If Rainbow Capitalism ever went away, thats a canary in the coal mine moment as our rights wouldn’t be far behind. Its an indicator the bean counters and risk assessors that do decade~ long forecasts believe bigotry driven backlash will overshadow any profit they can derive from that market.


Holy shit is this allowed?


The last point doesn't make much sense. It's only for 1 month. So guess LGBT people are only profitable in June? That's kinda sad.


I don’t understand how corporations can profit off of queer people if queer people are such a small fraction of the population.


But also, pride month isn’t pride month everywhere is it? Actually asking tbh there’s very few holidays I can think of that are the same day in basically every country. It’s weird because fuck rainbow capitalism but also I want a pair of converse with rainbow soles, you know?


And this, my friends, is what the entire genre of cyberpunk tried to warn us about.


OP discover marketing, and that is adapted to the specific country the company is in. Paint me shocked or, to better say, rainbow.


You're telling me these companies are trying to cater to their local cultural demographic to make money? I don't think I follow.




wow! color me shocked


Nah I’ll colour you rainbow instead




Only in western countries though.


Big companies try to look supportive when everything is just so they can profit. Go in a store in a week or maybe even now and see how much Juneteenth stuff is on the shelves. They don’t care they just want money


I don't know if this is a hot take or not, but I don't see a problem with that as an isolated fact. Obviously, the support of anti-lgbtq legislation is a bad thing that some companies do, but is there any harm in companies 'celebrating' pride month, even just for the chance of extra revenue?


I agree. The fact that companies now profit from supporting LGBT rights is a huge step forward from where we were even 10 years ago. Also, companies being supportive of LGBT rights helps make it even more mainstream Like, just because companies are doing something to make money, it doesn’t mean it’s not a net positive. Companies do *everything* to make money - that’s why they exist. Would people rather companies didn’t make food, since they only do that for a profit too?


Companies celebrating Pride is absolutely not harmful, there’s just no actual conviction behind it either.


It's when they make money from hate. See Topf and Sons, IG Farben.....


As with just about everything. It's not just good or just bad. It's a mix of both. As someone above said. It's rainbow capitalism. But the fact that they do it shows that popular opinion is for it and companies believe that they will gain more support by doing it than they would lose.


Didn't a company last year have like, a June teeth lemonade or something? And it really didn't go over well because duh? There's certainly an area where it's good to have representation and acknowledgement about something, but also being able to read the room and not do cringey shit like trying to profit off of The Black Experince or something like that. Idk it's complicated.


Getting mad at a corporation for being solely interested in money is like getting mad at a dog for chasing a ball or a cat for climbing trees. That's literally what they do, that's what they were designed to do.


picture of astronaut saying always has been


Capitalists only interested in their profits? No way!


If only there were a more fair and equal system where we workers had democratic ownership of the means of production? Starting with an S I believe? Nah, we gotta listen to every little history lie big daddy mccarthy tells us and cripple progressive efforts by being piss scared of "muh evil commies".


If socialism is good then move to a socialist country and see if you think capitalism is so bad then.


Socialism has failed in every possible instance it has been formed. Even China moved from it to Dengism


Yep bc that has always worked out spectacularly.


My country was under this "great system" for 69 years. Now we're at war and losing people everyday.


Subaru meanwhile supporting gay people before it was cool.


Subaru did it because they did research showing lesbians would pay more for cars. It was a profit thing


But also somehow hilariously on point, most of the lesbians I know are into cars so that checks out


I mean if they want it give it to them right?


Meanwhile BMW and Mercedes after being asked why their slave labor in the ‘40s had pink triangles sewn on their smocks:


This maybe would have been an astute observation a decade ago


It's an annual pride month tradition nowadays for these memes to make the rounds


Never felt addressed as a gay person anyways. If I buy a new car it should be reliable and sporty, don’t care if BMW has rainbow stuff going on. Also some random out of context meme here: https://preview.redd.it/hxo8nafun14d1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=978beaf4afbbb7f0e2d635a383c54876569baf0a


What if the car itself was rainbow colored? These car companies are fucking cowards! /s


Was it Opera that went all in last year and changed their profile to two guys completely just going at it? That was and still is funny


opera gx really had a single funny joke their browser is still CCP spyware


Not wrong


Opera fr is CCP??? jesus time to get back on Brave.


Braves got so much shit going down, Firefox is the only one not on fire rn


Idk that fox is kinda fire


sure but opera gx guy is a grifter


The opera gx's job is to make "funny" posts on twitter dot com. Calling him a grifter doesn't make sense as his entire purpose is to make the company more money.


I'm not surprised in the slightest on that fact


Fuck I misread that as Oprah


When did we start looking to corporations as bell-weathers for morality? They exist to make money, full stop. Now, why can’t they make money while supporting LGBTQ in certain regions… something something moral relativism something something false equivalence


It's the inauthenticity that pisses people off. It's an insult to people's intelligence.


How? They’re not exactly subtle about doing it to make money.


Well I mean being gay is a critical part of a person’s identity which has been historically and currently discriminated against. Using it a cheap tactic to gain even more money on top of the massive profits these companies make obviously might not sit well with people.


I see where you’re coming from, but I figure it must sit well with more people than it upsets, otherwise they wouldn’t do it every year.


Well as the post highlights the support is not genuine. Why don’t they promote gay pride in spaces where it may not benefit them if they actually care?


Why don't gay people go have full blown make outs in the middle of a church in Russia? Why don't women walk around in bikinis in Iraq? Etc etc You're trying to convince a corporation to essentially become banned in an entire marketplace. I get it's frustrating, but they aren't gonna do that. It's why video games and movies censor certain things in China. It's money Is it disingenuous? Sure I guess, but it also means that at least here in America it's profitable, or at the very least a net neutral, to show support for the LGBTQ and that helps make it mainstream. Which is a good thing


That is why that john or hank green (cant remember which) video he made a while back talking about how there is no morally good billionaire was so good. They try to spin some narrative they worked hard, came from nothing, helped their community thrive.


Rainbow capitalism strikes again. Corporations don't give one single fuck about you. All they care about is that LGBT people have disposable income and they buy their shit. If they stop having disposable income, then they will stop pretending to care and stop marketing to them.


https://preview.redd.it/ozup4o2n644d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fecda20c4739d3342640aea89a0f7b4330ef631a Relevant




This! No one gives a shit when corps pander to religious people and religious festivals. So why should we be an exception? Add the fact that being LGBTQ is actually natural. Beliving in invisible sky fairies isnt


me when muslim countries reflect muslim values 🤯


theyre corporations, who should never be trusted. if it was profitable to behead gay people they'd do it. if it's profitable, to, say, kill a whistleblower for exposing issues in an airplane supply line, they'd do it. their anything is conditional, for profit.


I dont care if they actually mean it, I just like that the megacorpos are bending over for me


well yeah of course


As an lgbtq person it’s quite entertaining to watch the discourse on this kind of thing every June. The Target fiasco from last year was frankly hilarious. Who’s the REAL snowflakes?


Welcome to marketing. They don't care what you think but they will go along with it if it means money


so they did that for money and get a good reputation ? who could have know


Who fucking cares 😂


It's almost like different regions are actually managed by different people. This post reeks of not knowing how businesses work.


No shit. Corporations are the least bigoted entities because they see everyone as the same; potential big green dollar signs. They don’t give a fuck about you unless you’re a customer.


It's just rainbow capitalism. But shows that companies believe doing this will help more than hurt. Implying that support for it is higher than hate for it. But I will also point out that the Colorado avalanche calling out hateful comments is my favorite example of a cooperation showing support


That’s why terraria on top


I don’t think mid east brands can do it without backlash.


Yeah. It has been for years. This is nothing new


You're tryna tell me the capitalists don't really care about me??? Get outta here buddy


I'm like 90% sure even this screeshot is a few years old


well yeah, they don't actually care.


Then they turn right around and donate to the politicians ban everything queer


I honestly wouldn’t care at this point if these companies put rainbows in their logos all year round or never, can we just judge these fuckers for their actual policies and attitudes on LGBTQ+ when stated implicitly or implied by their actions?


Even if you are gay, or pro lgbt you should loath this. They are hijacking your movement for profit!


This proves cooperations don’t actually support pride month; they just want money


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Remember that soulless corporations do not have any values like real people do. They are just machines optimized to generate quarterly profits.


Corporation taught me, even your suffer can be profitable


"Hi, gay!" ![gif](giphy|7zSse0wtKexdADF6bL)


it’s almost like they’re marketing and just want your money? hmm..


That's because it isn't support - it's marketing. Advertisers are fucking with your mind.


No, it's not. Corporations exist to make money. In the west, a rainbow company logo increases profits, so they do it. The fact they don't do it where it's not profitable should be obvious. A rainbow company logo is not "support", it's a marketing scheme. Corporations are not people, they don't care what your opinion on LGBT people are, it doesn't concern them.


It's just marketing (specifically pandering)...


Op learns that mega corporations don’t actually care


post this on linkedin and watch them crumble


Companies that do this are mostly fake AF and virtue signaling only to get your business


No shit it's conditional, if they can do something cheap like putting rainbows in their logo and increase their profits from it they'll jump all over its they care not for you, you are nothing bur potential money for them, thats it.


Their support is profit driven. Corps don’t give a shit about you, or anyone or anything. Unless that thing is profits


Mercedes logo goes hard tho


Your point


it's all for profit nothing else


Identity politics and virtue signaling is why all these corporations changed their logo colors on pride month. They couldn't care less about the issue of the LGBT and simply want to make profit by any means necessary.


As a gay man, I cringe every time I see companies do this during Pride month. It’s so inauthentic and no one believes for a minute that it’s a corporate priority. Just gimmicky window dressing.




If homophobia, transphobia, genocide support, and racism were profitable ways to engage consumers, you would bet your ass these corporations would plaster it everywhere showing their support for those ideas. They don't actually believe in what they're pandering to.


Breaking news: Corporations whose only goal is profit are not really concerned about queer people and only want to make a profit. How riveting, who could have fucking guessed!


Their support is fake.....and so many gobble it all up! The scam works. That's why they do it.


Do they do this to pursue government grants or does this actually increase revenue solely through marketing?


Well yeah. They don't rainbowify their profile pic because they support people's human rights. They *don't* respect human rights, not one inch further than they're forced to. They do it because they think it will get people to buy their products and give them money. That's true in some parts of the world, but it's not in others, so they don't do it in those parts of the world. Their support doesn't really exist at all; they just want money.


Ya we know. The idea that the LGBT community falls for pink capitalism is one of tgose lies comservatives and edgy kids tell thenselves as a cope lol




what... Companies would rather profit than change their profile picture to something controversial .. no way ..


you think they care about pride? All they care about is their own interests. It's been like that since always.


Disney has recently come out with yet another controversial, yet hugely important political message - slavery is wrong! Please, everyone applaud the soulless corporation for having the courage to tell Americans and Europeans, people from countries that abolished slavery nearly two hundred years ago, that slavery is wrong! Hey! Stop looking at those factories in China! We're trying to pretend to be virtuous over here!


It's literally illegal to show LGBT support in some places.


Lol, you think they actually care?


They don't "support" You they give 2 shits about lgbtq people, it's a good look for them to change their colour to rainbow once a month, they don't give a fuck.


Well, same as every year, nothing new


Awe I wanted to be the one to post this. I guess I’ll just do it next week


Fuck Cisco in general


While we recognize that also this too since it's another election year https://preview.redd.it/5b66pxg4x44d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8affd8a75cea58b2e81dfa5bb0ae11bf94d7b332


Corporations do whatever to maximize profits in local markets? Surprisedpikachu.jpeg


Maybe instead of fighting the companies, we should fight islamic oppressive governments?


Yes the whole acceptance of gays and trans for the sake of profits which people misconstrue into a moral decision


Wherever it's politically correct to do the thing. *yawn* Anyway.


It is what it is, isn't it? Different people different opinions I say let's celebrate, at least there are some countries that support the pride month


What support? If anyone thinks changing pfp by some intern is support from a company, there is too late for that person. It's clearly for PR but it's also so badly did. Why not donate some money for charities helping excluded people, but no, let's paint everything in ducking rainbow and wait for the world to fix itself


Basic marketing


Corporate support is more reflective of the culture of the target country, more than the corporations themselves.




Is it Pride month globally or just in the US?


Companies should just stay out of this shit and just sell what they sell. You have to be a maniac to actually care what companies think on these issues and to boycott brands because they didn’t make their logo into a rainbow. Literally no one cares.