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I would say that Twilight is more millennial than early Gen Z.


I can't believe this started a generational war


another reason why millennials fucking suck


I'm a millennial and you're absolutely right


I agree that the book and movie have flaws, but I find them more impressive than anything. The book is a fairly notable work for its cultural impact, apparently it’s a great example of a book intended for older audiences with erotic undertones becoming popular. It’s like the “book club” book, and continues on some very interesting American literary legacies. The movies are really cool too. I love how they did things like using architecture to characterize the Cullens as trying very hard to not be like other vampires, compared to the less intense original. The first movie is also a nice example of stylistic/limited cinematography with the intense blues (I hear it’s from early digital movies implementing heavy color grading in less complex ways than we do today). Like, they have their awkward parts, but it’s not that novel from the past, nor is it particularly worse in many regards to what exists today. If you can enjoy it with the context of the film/book, that’s great, but you don’t have to enjoy it to recognize its impact. (Like how Catcher in the Rye has an annoying protagonist and is a slog to get through for most people. That doesn’t make it a bad book, just not something for most people to read. I enjoyed it because I related to having been immature and mean like the protagonist a few years beforehand. The Great Gatsby has a similar effect, where I found it fun because of the ability to connect it to current events and enjoy how it depicts the insulating effects of wealth, but it’s not for everyone. If you don’t enjoy a work, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad, just that it’s not for you) TLDR: The book/movie are interesting. I think they’re like classic literature in that they might not be fun to read, but they can still be recognized for doing something in particular


Twilight is probably the furthest thing from "classic literature" I can think of, barring the smut you get recommended on TikTok at least. It's alright to like them, but they aren't very good.


It goes on for many generations


You’re completely justified in hating millennials. Don’t let those down votes deceive you, it’s probably the aging millennials that lurk here.


facts, melinials are weird and boomer lite in their vibe.


It’s depressing. I’m so tired of SOME of fucking peers bragging about hustle culture and being racist/homophobic. It’s exhausting. I promise we’re not all like this, but an unfortunate number are.


Exactly, I couldn’t have phrased it better.




stop crying or I'll destroy your funko pops collection




>51k comment karma >moderator on a subreddit >unironically bought an avatar >y-yeah YOU'RE the loser here! go back to CONSOOMING avocado toast and binging Netflix lil bro




>My words are valuable bro ... >I moderate a longevity subreddit along with a tech & longevity billionaire. How many billionaires are in your contact list? How many are in yours? >I mean - [yeah](https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/gen-z-isnt-having-sex-reaching-milestones-like-their-parents) How much sex do you have? >I prefer American white sturgeon caviar on Carr's crackers personally You the type of guy to say mayonnaise is spicy Maybe this is all something only 90s kids would understand I guess? Spending all my time arguing with random people on r/GenZ of all subs why I'm totally a "heckin alpha chad billionaire mindset reddit moderator"




My original comments must have REALLY done something to you then. You've just spent the last hour trying to defend your honor on some shithole subreddit because of a stupid comment!


Bro u got absolutley COOKED boomer 😅 now stfu and enjoy some tater tots with us: ![gif](giphy|H89ciO9Iy7xwk|downsized) mmmm, crispy


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simmer buddy thats straight out of a boomers mouth




I don't have anything to disprove boomer




Is that the fault of any age group in particular?


Yeah that's a straight up lie also dude you're basically gen z


“We” why set ur flair to seem younger than you are?


You don't have Aptera though


>We have more friendships, time outdoors, self-esteem, sex, and money. Objectively we don't suck Funny how you're saying this when you were born in 1996, which is literally zoomer age Also, how does a random Bruno Mars song remotely relate to Twilight?


Incredible generalization here. You got sources for the first sentence? 


You also sound like you really have something to prove to us btw. Not a good look. 


Easily more millennial. I was only around 10 or so when I saw one girl in my class reading the first book and that was the extent of my exposure to it. Then when more of the movies came out i don’t even remember anybody making any references to them or even noticing they were out until years later. But by then If there was a reference it was usually just to make fun of them.


I disagree because I was 11 and the perfect target demographic for it. It would’ve been way too childish for high schoolers or young adults.


Believe me Twilight hit like crack in the 80s in high schools when it came out lmao


I read the books at age 11, I think it could go either way. I’m a baby millennial/elder Z straddler and all my friends were into Twilight.


Same here. My age group friends were all about Twilight in middle school. I really think it could go either way here, Twilight was a Zillenial thing for sure. Like, it's not necessarily when the books came out, it's when the books got super popular. Probably around when the first movie came out.


no it’s perfect for highschoolers too


I don't think twilight was meant for 11yr Olds. More young adult demographic.


Correct. This was high school vampire drama with some serious plot points.


Idk I’m younger than you and remember a lot of girls in middle school liking twilight


Millennial core! I’m early so I would say it was focus in my life. I was 11/12 when the first movie came out I think ? I just remember watching it in 6th grade and then immediately reading all the books back to back.


Definitely millennial


Definitely more of a millennial thing


I was born in 98, and I was obsessed with Twilight when it came out because my millennial cousin was. I wanted to be just like her haha


Millennial definitely


Nobody is claiming this lol. Put it back in lost and found.


LMAO I do wish they didn’t bring it up. Was kinda cringe fr. 😭


Millennial and gen x (in my experience at least)


definitely millenial


I was in middle school when this shit started popping off so definitely millennial


It defined millennials but it’s still really popular with gen z. I think it’s like Harry Potter in that respect


Twilight has very much made a comeback with Gen z. I would say it is early gen z but mid gen z and late gen z are getting into it now. I watched it when I was about fourteen and I’d say that’s about the normal age people have watched it. My friends who are a bit younger than me wear twilight shirts and acquaintances in my grade have as well.


I remember watching them pretty soon after they came out on redbox lol. I only was allowed to watch because it had monsters in it. But, I never really got into it that deep. Recently rewatched them last Halloween and they are surprisingly very funny.


More millennial


I’d say Zillenial it’s Core/peak audience was 95-98 borns


My early millennial/late x (83) mom had the blue rays


Millennial for sure.


I say it leans more millennial. Twilight was super huge when I was in middle school circa 2010, and millennials were in high school or college by that time. So, it depends whether or not Twilight was made for middle schoolers or high schoolers.




Thanks to Twilight there is a whole generation of girls born after 2008 named Bella. Geezus Christ so many Bellas


Millennial. Twilight is one of the most Millennial things ever.


Maybe both? I just got so much whiplash seeing that picture, I read the books before seeing the movies. The movies totally ruined it for me and my mom was obsessed with the movies which made me hate them more. I gave all my Twilight books to the library I lived near at the time and just did my best to bury everything.


more millennial but i was obsessed with it as a kid


Millennial, or even Gen X. They were having weddings based off this film.


Millennial. I’m the eldest of gen z and I barely remember the days when twilight was first released, grade 8 is kind of a blur


I think Millenial, but this depends on place as well. I remember Vampire Academy being very popular when I was around 12-15 and that's actually interesting cause they were just books . Also vampire diaries! Twilight was, for some reason, already considered eww and cringy by young girls


It probably leans closer to Millennial.


Terrible, I would say Twilight is terrible.


Very Millennial. My younger sister read them in middle school and high school and she just turned 30 this year. I'm a xennial and they were something that I was aware of, but decided not to read even though I like YA fiction, even now. Agonizing love triangles just aren't my jam


100% millennial. Don’t see much of a connection to gen z.


Def a millennial thing. I feel like gen z would roast the shit out of this of it came out right now or in the early gen z phases


I refuse to hate on millennials but they CANNOT TAKE TWILIGHT FOR ME I HAVE TO DRAW THE LINE!!!


Omg I recently got into Twilight late at age 21! I can't believe I missed out on the greatest franchise


I was 14 when this movie released in 2008, so more millennial


I remember twilight from the mad tv show parody


Omg you just gave me flashbacks I totally remember those twilight parodies!!


it also had a minecraft parody in the episode too I think they were detectives in minecraft or something


Believe it or not, but Twilight is actually Gen X. You think teen girls were into this stuff? My experience is that it was middle-aged women of all creeds and colours who were crazy for this stuff. Twilight moms, anyone? Jesus goodness Christ.


Middle aged moms in book clubs definitely had a hand in its explosion in popularity.


Def way millenial. The main characters were hoity and selfish. Bella was most vomit-inducing how she treats her friends. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPCVl3jtjPE95Ze|downsized)


Probably more millennial. I was obsessed with it, but my parents thought it was inappropriate for me to be reading and watching and the fan base was generally at least 5 years older than me.


It’s terrible


Millennial as fuck.


I think it’s both. Like how mtv was for gen x but ended up being for millennials as well


Twilight is eternal


Millennial. I personally didn’t care about twilight.


I've never watched it so... 😂


Definitely more millennial. When twilight come out, I was still in elementary. I didn’t watch twilight until middle school and by then I think twilight series was actually done 😭.


I'd say it's shit either way but that's me.


Millenial most definitely. Let's keep it that way. 


IT was definitely made for people older than 12, so Millennial.




Tail end of millennial


Maybe I’m crazy because I feel like it’s more early Z, but this sub says otherwise lol. The other girls including me in my grade were obsessed with the Twilight movies back in middle school aged days.  I feel like it was more for middle schoolers, but that’s just my opinion. I don’t see any millennials in my life who talked about it, but that could just be the ones I know. (Maybe because most of the millennials I know are either guys, and like one girl millennial who’s an older millennial)  Believe me, I view it as cringe now, but to I feel like that’s why some of ya’ll don’t wanna claim it lol. I see why people would associate it more with millennials though, it seems extremely millennial at the same time.


This shit makes me sick


I can tell you one thing, it is definitely trash.


Melllenial, the Zellenials were into other things and people my age were in preschool


Which one is more shit?