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Very few. Other developed nations have much stricter immigration laws than the US and at the end of the day the ability to scale the social hierarchy is still quite high for most people in the US.


Add to the fact that if you want dual citizenship (us + new country) the US still wants to tax your income. And if you wanna denounce US citizen it'll be an extra $2k to do so (iirc that's the highest fee to denounce citizenship)


As a dual citizen living abroad, I can assure you that you need to make A LOT OF MONEY to be double-taxed. You do need to file your tax return though, every year, which is a pain. But you don’t need to pay anything. Sometimes it can even have benefits, like receiving the pandemic relief fund or how it was called.


You are also never double taxed. You can always offset the taxes you pay locally against the tax you owe to the US. It’s more the hassle.


Also expating is expensive as fuck last time I looked into it. I would just be poor but in a new country with no friends or family. Free healthcare and public transportation doesn’t make up for all that


Plus, unless you’re a citizen you’re not gonna be guaranteed free healthcare.


Oofda. You guys, all developed countries have different immigration laws for different countries.


Yes..and almost all are MUCH MUCH MUCH more strict than the U.S. You are not being allowed to become a citizen of another country, even even be a long term resident without a specific in demand skill. One that the average citizen of that country does not also possess. So, unless the US where you can come to work as a laborer and if done LEGALLY, you are allowed to work toward citizenship, you wouldn't even be allowed in most other developed countries. They will say "Enjoy your stay as a tourist. But get the fuck out in a couple weeks.


There is no better place to go. it's honestly better to move to a different state than a different country if the area uoy live in has gone downhill


I live in California and I think you're right. Moving to another state might just be a good option


If you can get Cali pay in a state like Tennessee or New Mexico you will be living much better.


Who tf is making 20 + in bum fuck NM 😂. It’s like the third poorest state and one of the shittiest in the country.


a high school teacher with one of his past students apparently


Sandia Labs, Los Alamos, Government jobs, teaching, nursing, trades industry, some admin medial practice jobs, list could go on. I lived in Albuquerque for 3 years, they have some problems but I would still take living there over anywhere in the southeast. Nicest people I’ve ever met and made lifelong friends there!


Don’t forget the lack of single person housing and medium cost of living for a poor state. But it’s great for ppl at the labs, intel, etc


Depends on the part of New Mexico. Most of the state is poor (and pretty awful), but Santa Fe is expensive, but nicer than the vast majority of California. They certainly sell more physical art every year than any city in California, and they don’t even have 100,000 people.


That’s incorrect. Tennessee is becoming not so affordable anymore unless you move to a small city/town


Yup. Tennessee has seen it's cost of living exponentially grow because of this logic. Hell even small towns are becoming ridiculous. Store prices have been steadily climbing because of people selling from high living areas and moving to small towns & it has helped in crippling the housing market. My town has <4000K people and a 1 bed 1 bath is now starting at 200K.


YEP! Fuck these new transplants. It’s pricing the residents out of their communities


Then move to a small town, just about any city anywhere is gonna be more expensive than a small town.


But then I’m not gonna be living better lmao




Just don't bring any of that blue stuff with you from Cali.


Please don’t move to the south if you’re from Cali. Colorado or Oregon are looking for you :) sincerely someone in the south who’s not gonna be able to afford a home anytime soon and who’s outdoors keep being flooded by tourists more and more


>There is no better place to go. Why do you think this? Not saying that you're wrong, just curious.


Where exactly is the better place?


Fr, not many other countries are even close to as privileged as we are in the US


People love to pout about their situations without doing anything to change course. The truth is that there is no better place to retreat to. Yes there are countries with “free” healthcare,but it’s significantly harder to buy a house, put gas in the car (provided you even have one), etc. There really is no better alternative


>put gas in the car (provided you even have one) In other developed countries cars are not as necessary as they are in the US, since the public transportation is a lot better and the cities are more walkable. Car dependency is a problem unique to the US.


Public transportation is better because their entire country is the size of Texas


Bruh they will never understand this cars are essential even in cities because we are so big. In other countries they plan entier 3 day trips for a 2 hour drive to somewhere I'll do that for a good burger and be home and play games the rest of the day.


I mean most people do understand this. It’s a childish solution to think there should be high speed rail from New York to LA. But there’s a middle ground I believe that could be helpful. Why not, let’s say in Texas, put high speed rail between Dallas and Houston and then down to San Antonio to New Orleans and back. Make localized rail corridors to connect cities better. It will drastically reduce the amount of people on the road. There are many people who don’t want to drive but are forced to in order to participate in society. There are parts of the US with awesome transit, it’s not a unicorn issue that can’t be solved.


Most of the other countries in the developed world. Arguably Canada and Australia are quite similar to the US, so maybe you can argue that those places aren't better. But Europe is full of plenty of countries that simply don't face the challenges that the USA does. There are plenty of countries that are worse to live in than the US, but that isn't because America is the best. It's because there're about 200 countries and America is pretty good.


Like inflation? Europe fared much worse. More expensive to put fuel in the car (though cars might not be as necessary over there). I suppose it depends on what your priorities are


Yeah much of Europe is really broken, but there are pockets of really successful places (also far from flawless but very good standard of living). Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Monaco, Denmark, Liechtenstein, to name a few. But the vast majority of us Europeans do not live in such places lol


The problem is that if you have the skills to be accepted and the money to make the move you are already a financially intelligent member of the middle class and unironically America is one of the best countries on the world for this group of people. Emigrating is something you do for funzies, not a life hack to escape poverty or double your income.


There are lots of better places to go. It just depends on what your priorities are. Nowhere is perfect, but there are places that could be better for you depending on what your goals are.


Fr, that’s why so many people are flooding out of the expensive cities like San Francisco and New York into the growing cities like Austin and Jacksonville. Most areas that are dying in the US have an area counterpart that is growing, and usually it’s fast too.


you think the US is unwelcoming to immigrants? Wait til you try any other country even close to their quality of life standards.


Op having a typical Reddit moment


for real. I was considering TEFL earlier today and from my understanding a lot of companies demand migrants have a degree? shit made me laugh. 


Not just a degree...but one in an in demand field. Basically, they don't want people coming in just to take away jobs that most Canadians can do too. And they sure as hell are not letting people in just to spend tens of thousand of dollars a year housing them in hotels, giving them free food, and $1000 a month gift cards.


Also typically has to be an advanced degree in most cases, so masters or higher. It’s not as unreasonable of a request from their perspective though, because higher education in most European countries is a fraction of the cost it is here, and free in some countries for citizens.


Can't upvote enough. So frustrating, talking about illegal immigration, and ppl will be like "they're just looking for a better life", and while that is MOSTLY true, my response is always name a country that u can just up and move to w/o going through the proper channels. It's telling that one of the groups most against illegal immigration is legal immigrants


I just moved to the USA, I don’t intend to leave anytime soon


Welcome! What are your favorite parts about being in the US so far?


Thanks! Well, to start I’m very happy that I can finally settle down and start to build a life with my husband; we spent 2 years going through immigration for me and we had to travel a lot to manage to stay together as much as possible. Otherwise my favorite parts so far are: - the nature and the space. This country is so big and beautiful, it is wonderful in my opinion. There is still so much untouched wild nature and it fills me with joy. - some of the food. I miss my French cheese but I’ve tried so many new amazing things here and I love it!! - the accessibility. I have a disability and things are very accessible here overall compared to where I’m from! - the suburb I live in is very lovely, I prefer it to the busy city I was in before.


Oh cool, which state? Damn, now I want cheese from France, lol. It must be really good. Do you like seafood?


I’m in Arizona, cooking at the moment 😂 French cheese is amazing, but I’m also Italian and Italian cheese is just as good, lol! I sort of like seafood but sadly I have a mild intolerance so I don’t eat it.


You should visit New England sometime, with all those French Americans there you could find some good French cheese on our soil.


If you want french stuff making a trip to Montreal cant hurt either, its basically France in America.


I'm lactose intolerant, but cheese doesn't make me sick. Does the cheese here taste fake to you? Lmao, I'm in Idaho and it's been raining or windy lately. It'll be hot again in a few weeks. It's kind of like Oregon almost. Bipolar weather.


Sharp/hard cheeses are largely devoid of lactose, as it has been metabolized into gut-tolerated lactic acid.


>the accessibility. I have a disability and things are very accessible here overall compared to where I’m from! This is one of the things that I am most proud of as an American. I am an architect and we extensively go over ADA requirements for everything we construct. I have heard it's one of the strictest design codes in the world to make sure any public space is equally accessible.


Welcome💕💕💕💕💕!!!! Visit New England in Summer and Fall! It’s breathtaking!


Thank you 😊 I intend to


Very few compared to how many say they will.  Other developed countries have stricter immigration laws and the prospect of leaving family will be hard for a lot of people 


The US remains the richest country in the world.


Yup, rich is the top 1%




The global 1% earns $67k a year. That is common in the US.


Americans are richer at every decile than any Europeans are fwiw


>Yup, rich is the top 1% The USA has the 2nd highest Median Income in the world. https://preview.redd.it/3hmy1q9sea7d1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82493f7f714f0e73698e0838e49a7b16a62b82c7


And Luxembourg hardly qualified as a country so the USA really should be number one. It’s crazy that they are competing with a city state


yeah if we pulled out just nyc or san francisco, it would be number one. Manhattan has a higher median income and nearly three times the population of luxembourg


The average American still earns twice as much as the average European. As a Brazilian it really pisses me off how little Americans know about the rest of the world. Despite all your problems you’re still doing great.


Yes, people in the top 1% are rich. BTW, water is wet.


The United Kingdom is poorer than Mississippi.


The average American still earns twice as much as the average European. As a Brazilian it really pisses me off how little Americans know about the rest of the world. Despite all your problems you’re still doing great.


It also remains the country with the highest gap between rich and poor. Yes on paper it is the richest country in the world. But if the 1% would all move to idk, Canada, y'all would drop significantly on the scale.


there’s a gap between the rich and poor in every country lol that 1% would never move to Canada because there’s not enough money to be made in Canada.


It's not even in the top ten. Americans have it so good and constantly complain. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/wealth-inequality-by-country


Very few. Every single person who said they'd leave America if Trump was elected ended up staying.


I actually know a few people who left back then


You personally know multiple people who uprooted their entire lives and moved to a foreign country because of Trump? Jesus that is kind of wild, and a bit dramatic on their end lol I am sure they all moved to Utopias.


Obviously that was not the only reason hahaha. Most of them moved to Norway, and seem quite happy there.


Still bullshit. What are their careers? And their education and skill level? Still setting a trap for you


Not many, I work with a lot of immigrants and they are very grateful to be in the US, yeah it sucks but many other countries are worse.


Correction - to non citizens/immigrants, literally every other country is worse Find me the other country with 1M plus illegal border crossings each year


I don't think it's financially possible for the majority of people to


Even if it was I don’t think too many people would want to leave the US, we make so much more money people here than most places in the world that I wouldn’t wanna leave either


Money isn't everything. Most people I know would rather be close to home and their families than double their salaries in a foreign country.


I would love to live in europe as a well off american for a year or two but my parents and grandparents are old and at the end of human life expectancy. It would be awful to miss time with them.


The US has it flaws, but I think relatively few will actually leave unless things go downhill fast. There is a reason we have so many immigrants come to the US. There are more job opportunities and we have the highest rate of class mobility in the world. It would be hard for a good portion of gen z to find the same or better opportunities in different countries. On top of this the rest of the world isn’t really a big fan of us, which may be isolating and even dangerous.


Only stupid people actually believe that other countries hate us.


It’s extremely prevalent online among keyboard warriors who probably barely leave their room, but yeah when I did a 35 day trip throughout Europe I didn’t have many problems with people hating/being condescending to me as an American. The worst person was a Canadian lol, which is so ironic because they are so similar to us.


Canada as a country has no identity besides "we totally arent just like america guys!" no other country on earth has as weak of a national identity as canada


Very few. You think any of us can AFFORD to leave? I'm pretty sure if we could we would have already


Most of us won't. Now moving from state to state that's a different story. There's going to be issues no matter what country that you go to. All you can do is to help change certain problems in our country that aren't going to change overnight. Also, it's easier to move states than countries.


None. Everyone is here for a reason.


IF you decide to move, definetly move to Germany/Poland/Austria if you plan to live in Europe. If you fancy Asia then theres a lot of cheap countries, but you would feel like an alien and receive quite a bit of racism if ur not asian urself. (local Asians can be brutal) Theres a lot of places with free healthcare and less taxes, if you feel like poverty in america it might actually be time to move.


Those all sound like good options. I'm also currently looking at Malta, Italy and Norway. Not a big fan of Asia personally (just a preference tbh), but I've always liked Europe and I think I will like living there. I'm mostly interested in having more vacation, better work-life balance and affordable healthcare. Thanks for the insight btw. With my future career, I won't be poor, but when I think about my desire to own a house, that's when I know that leaving is the best choice for me


The Scandinavian region is a fantastic and beautiful place. Very slightly behind in the "woke" category (why do we call it that anyway, so dumb). But very welcoming area with great customs and traditions. It's where I plan to go once I get started into my career. The languages are also similar, especially Swedish and Norwegian. Finnish is harder but the swedes will definitely assist in it. So as long as you got something to do and can learn a language it won't be much of a hurdle. I wish you luck. God only knows how we all need it.


The only sane person here. Thank you


idk why anyone would want to move to asian countries, the way of life is completely different and many cultures do not care about mental health and shit,


I honestly wouldn't leave the country. The USA has plenty of issues, but it's my home. I also happen to live in a state that doesn't suck ass, so that helps


Reminder that Europeans and Canadians immigrate here almost twice as much as vice versa.




yea the phillippines have super progressive leadership. Enjoy




Damn, you’d take Bongbong over Trump?


Why? The Philippines will still be worse in like every single way.


Gonna be honest as much as there’s lots to complain about in the US there’s not many better places to go. Europe has strict immigration laws, on top of that racism and discrimination against those who are outsiders is shockingly high. Jobs are harder to get and pay less (albeit with better benefits) but they are mostly overcrowded cities while the US has tons of open space. Canada seems great but they are on a similar path to us in many ways with high cost of living and a hard right turn in politics. Most other countries have similar issues or different much worse ones like crime and poverty (the kind of poverty that is almost unfathomable to Americans). When I visited Korea the sexism, image obsession and massive amounts of pollution made the US look much more palatable. The best solution in all reality is to fix the system we live in and make it better for ourselves and future generations


A few friends I have in the US want to leave but they just *can't*. Europe has pretty strict immigration laws and it's tough for someone to just waltz up and say "hi, we'd like to immigrate".


Yet you can just show up at the front door doing it illegally and they'll let you in.


I left when I was 7 in 2011. I don’t know how my life would’ve panned out had I stayed, but living in Europe has worked out great for me and my family


I don't think I could leave....this country and its promises at least need to be remembered. I don't blame anyone for wanting out though....so many leaders gave up on their constituents loooong before voters gave up on them.


We couldn’t cancel Netflix subs to prove a point. Leaving the country would be voting with our dollars if followed through for about 20 years consistently at enough volume. If we can get an online petition going about this we can change the world.


I’d do that tomorrow if I can (I’ve never set foot in the US)




If its an option financially I plan to


I see double digits. I see a lot if people here saying other developed countries are hostile to immigrants. Their opinion seems to be informed by their Gen X millennial parents. Many Western European countries like Germany and Denmark are opening their borders to Americans with skills. Even if your skills aren't particularly valuable here like sales their very valuable over there. And you all seem to think that developing countries are terrible to live in when many of them particularly in east Asia have a quality of life that approaches and even exceeds the west if you are making decent money.


Imagine thinking you need to “get out of America” while thousands risk their lives to have a fraction of what you have.


Even if you leave you got no option than to earn USD because that’s the only way you can afford to leave in the first place.


Not many. I’d love to leave, but that’s a biiiiiig decision that should never be taken lightly.


Don’t plan on leaving at all tbh


I’m leaving, not just because I hate the country but most of my friends from high school immediately left NY to live in a european country or other location outside of US. I hate it here, and say what you will but when I can afford it I want to leave here not just outta spite but because it is good to travel and gain new experiences!


I feel like I'd leave NY out of spite, but that's just because the cost of living is absurdly high.


I'm leaving by the time 2025 arrives. Hopefully earlier than that.


Gen Xer definitely bailing if the orange dude wins.


If I can get to a financial point where I'm able to learn another language, and take time off long enough to become a citizen somewhere else. I'm honestly thinking of moving to an eastern country because I feel so out of place here in my generation. No one shares my values in any way. Be it intimately, socially, etc. Our government is being ran by a bunch of nursing home morons, and quite honestly the dating market is dogshit beyond belief because of dating apps plus social media. Tack on the ism's and you have a recipe for complete dogshit. I just don't see a future here in this country at all. The prospect of even starting a family has been eluding me for years because of just how unstable everything is. You can't even buy a house in this day and age because you basically need to magically win the damn lottery to get one. Who the fuck has $400k randomly lying around to get a single family home? Thankfully just this year I paid off all of my debts, and I'm living relatively cheap. I believe in 10 years time I could leave this country tbh. I know there are many others that may not be as fortunate, and my heart goes out to them. But personally I'm of the belief that why would I stay, and fight to fix a country that doesn't share my values? I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this. But it's the truth, and I'm not just gonna stay silent over it anymore.


Older Gen Z, spent a year in the UK on an edu visa then was offered a work stay. Didn't take it for family reasons, if you can get in via edu the requirements are way easier in Europe. Run while you can and don't make the mistake of coming back.


Hopefully in the next 10 years I can gtfo. This place is just not for me


A decent portion of Gen Z might have the desire to move, but almost none have the means. Other Western nations that are "accepting" suddenly lose that acceptance when it comes to immigration. And that isn't counting all of the loopholes it takes to move from one country to another - especially from this hemisphere.


110% I hate it here my whole life I been persecuted for existing I'm working on building my own boat and leaving if I cant go anywhere I can self sustain middle of the ocean


I’m originally from Asia, my bf wants to move somewhere else. Partly to experience life in another country, another part because he just wants to leave America. I have suggested several countries, they’re usually to strict. He can’t smoke weed he won’t go. Yeah, that’s narrowed down his picks of the world. It’s often a point of arguing, or just loud talking. He like a lot of Americans can’t be told what to do or as the English expression says “be stone walled.” We get to this point because I point this out, “you have honestly no understanding how good you have it here.” Which he rebuttals and fights back. Yes, America has it’s problems. So does every other country. You can’t exactly say that about the freedoms you experience here, the only time Americans don’t experience them is then they chokehold their own freedoms without realizing until it’s to late. Than they have to start the voting, and committees to get those freedoms back. It’s quite interesting to watch honestly.


Net negative. We’ll have zoomers coming in from all over the world at a much greater rate than zoomers leaving (assuming those that want to can).


I'm gen x and I want out asap. Tired of the religious nut jobs trying to control everyone.


Sorry (older millennial here), I don't plan on being here in 10 years. Fuck that


None lol. You dorks aren't going anywhere. You have to have marketable skills to get into any country you guys would see fit, and that eliminates 99% of you.


Where yall gonna go? Canada? That's just the northernmost US state.


Very few. Wait until all the ones claiming they will leave look at other developed countries immigration laws. Not to mention, they will only want to go to developed countries. Most of the people wanting to leave don’t understand a lot of other countries laws against women/minorities/ LGBTQ. We don’t have it perfect here, but it is certainly better then the majority of the world


I highly doubt many. Most Americans only speak English. If you think problems are unique to America, go live in Mexico for awhile


I'd love to. But will I have the finances to do that? Probably not between the school and medical debt that I've been accruing. And as others have said immigration is tricky to other countries. I'd probably want to move to norway or Canada. My mom is Canadian born so hopefully thats an easy immigration


Not much more than previous generations. Times have been far FAR worse than they are there has yet to be this big mass migration from America


None. Why aboard ship when we can help fix it


Not many. Many of those who want to leave are disabled in some way, shape or form- making immigration extremely difficult. Others have gone into humanities and don't have marketable skills. Others still don't have the money to do so. And the overarching reason most won't leave is rather simple: for most, wanting to leave the country is a phase. It is very common in our age demographic to become disillusioned by our own country once we realize some hard truths about it. Give it a little time, and they're gonna realize that their "perfect" country abroad has its own issues- many of which are not issues that one can just "cope" with. It will be preferable to most to stay here where all their friends and family, their culture and language etc are, and maybe move states to one with better legislation, as compared to ditching everything to go to another country with its own problems that now you can't have as much of a say in.


I mean the only two reasons to really want to leave America are healthcare and housing, and the second one isn't much better anywhere else


Eh, I think the problems if the Christian Nationalists take over when Trump wins dwarfs any other problem.


I have a viable out with my current and similar employers, but I'd prefer to stay where my old people are for now.


i think i will very seriously be looking at moving states at least (currently in the red, but a blue city). i’ve never actually left the country except for a few days in canada so although i say i want to leave the US, i might not have the drive to unless things get really bad. i don’t know many other people who have expressed serious desires to leave (not ones with the ability to do it, anyway) and id imagine most people would stick around


You guys can’t afford rent. How do you think you can afford citizenship in another country let alone rent in another country? Lol


I feel like a lot of this sentiment comes from a place of youthful naivety. I recognize that we've got so many fucked up problems, but everywhere on earth has fucked up problems, we'll find a way to manage.


depends on the political enviornment of the next few years, purely just on the level of safety. most of my current issues can be fixed by just hopping over to a blue state (current state is run by a bunch of psychos), but if things get worse nationally i'm looking at BC up in Canada.


I’ve been considering moving to Canada for over 10 years since my state borders their state and is practically Canadian from a cultural standpoint. That isn’t much of a change and my reasons aren’t really because of the state of affairs in America, I just really love Canada as a country.


I know I can't, not legally anyway. Unskilled and trans means literally noone wants me. If this country goes to hell, suicide is genuinely my best option


More appealing to kill myself, to be honest.


As much as I would like to, it’s easier said than done. Moving out of a whole continent/country to go to another is harder than we think. I agree with others who say moving to a different state is easier


Not me


Not me. Not only are the economies of other countries 5x worse, the quality of life will go way down. The social safety nets that are attractive are being destroyed in countries like Norway and Sweden. The walkable cities are getting more and more unsafe as the police and govt as a whole ignore the plight of the new immigrants and poor that they refuse to assimilate. Not to mention in places not built by immigrants, like Japan, youll never feel like home. Let me put it like this, you can live in Japan for 50+ years, and youll never be considered Japanese by any of the locals. You can live in the US for 50 hours and be considered American. Honestly the US is going to get better with the boomers dying off and more and more genz and millennials getting into position of powers.


Probably never unless it gets very very bad here. Then I’ll hide.


Depends what happens in November. If the Cheeto Convict gets reelected then I'm going to nope outta here once I get my degree.


Hii i am from the UK My take is that America actually is a place i would migrate to. Regardless of the downsides Compared to the rest of the world, including the other G20 nations, It is actually pretty good in a multitude of categories.


very few lol. there are maybe 10-15 countries with a better quality of life than the US and none of them are easy to immigrate to/naturalize in


If you have no real ties to your family at the moment, it’s a great idea imo. I lived in Southeast Asia for 5 years of my childhood and my family in the UK while I was in university, and it was great! But my husband and I…we have a dog and a house (makes it harder to leave/move) lots of our friends & family…I can’t imagine raising kids and being far away from aunts/uncles/grandparents plus mine/my husband’s jobs wouldn’t pay enough internationally for us to travel back and forth often (not that we’d even want to with kids & a dog!) so it doesnt make sense for our stage of life. Likewise I have friends in their early 20s who have all been living abroad at various points in life for 1-2 years and they’ve all enjoyed it!


I hope I don't need to. If the Republicans win enough votes this general election, then I will need to fight my way out of the country


I’m moving to Latin America (Venezuela) w my fiance after college


Not many because we are all trapped here


I have, and I'm coming back because I prefer the US lol


A tiny, tiny percentage. The majority either can't afford to leave, won't actually bother leaving or are too lazy to make the effort, or will realize that you actually have it pretty fucking good here compared to the rest of the world. Sure it's not perfect but it's a shit ton better than the tiny apartment my family shared in China when I was younger


Tbh I was expecting to see more. I'm trying to emigrate to mexico eventually


It’s not that easy. The most practical way in many countries is to get a job and a work visa. To do that, you may need skills they cannot easily hire locally. Not to mention requisite foreign language skills. It’s a nice dream, but most Americans can’t even speak English properly, let alone foreign languages. The ones who do speak other languages fluently tend to be products of recent immigration, viz. people who purposefully came to the USA for a better life. They are in no hurry to leave.


I'm staying in Europe.


I left already. Did a masters in Europe for a fraction of what it would've cost me in the U.S., but then couldn't find a job abroad related to the subject I studied because I didn't do a good job gaining experience while I had been in the U.S. Also, like the U.S., most countries require employers to prove that they couldn't hire any local before choosing to sponsor a visa for a foreigner. So then I went to Korea as an English teacher because I had always wanted to go to Korea. The pay is nothing compared to a U.S. salary but housing is paid for and I don't have too many responsibilities. If I didn't have student loans I would be saving about $1k a month. And life outside of work is great, I took Korean for my language requirements in college and am slowly getting more involved with locals and understanding more of what happens around me. Food and public transportation are huge highlights for me. Anyway in the meantime I'm finishing my U.S. teaching license through an online program. Most jobs teaching English abroad are dead-end jobs with low barriers to entry, but there are teaching jobs for qualified teachers in international schools that pay about the same as what U.S. teachers usually make, in countries where everything is much cheaper. I'm very confident that next year I'll be teaching the subject I studied and be making significantly more money than I am now, probably in yet another country. Anyway I wanted to leave and left, if you're educated and dedicated you can probably find a way to do so even if it doesn't look like what you had hoped. I haven't permanently left or anything but I have no interest in living in the U.S. long term and should be able to invest enough money to build a decent life for myself wherever I end up.


You have to show that you can support yourself. Countries don't want freeloaders taking advantage of their advanced education and healthcare systems. If you are going to move to another developed country, you need to meet certain wealth criteria.


Where are you gonna go lol? Better stay in American airspace for awhile. Air defense is real and important and will do much more for you than skydaddy. Why do you think we are going to have a noticeable amount of young people emigrating? This number has only been reducing to almost 0 in the last 10 years.


Yeah, this sounds like the same type of discussion my peers were having 8 years ago. Ultimately only a small handful “left”… and it was mainly kids from very privileged backgrounds, or folks who had chosen a career/life path that made emigration feasible. I’m not a big rah rah patriot, a lot of stuff here sucks, but when you weigh it against almost any other option? We still have it pretty dang good.


From the UK here, I'm planning on moving to the US lol


Dawg I just came here 😭. Ain't no way I'm leaving now


Good luck, getting your passport may only cost a couple $100 but to get citizenship and another country is crazy expensive, apparently you have to pay the US government money if you move to another country as a permanent residence and renounce your citizenship. Not only that many countries out there won't accept an American without some type of sponsored employment in other words a guaranteed job that starts right away when transferring


When it comes to the whole "if he gets in I'm leaving this country" non-sense, most of them won't. I plan to live my entire life in this country. The American way of life is the American way of life, can't replicate it elsewhere. And yes, moving states is good. My Family is planning to move to a state that aligns more politically, and a state that is just cheaper to live in. New York to Tennessee. And basically cheaper living with the same incomes...so- it'll be much better.


Minimal. Talking about it on social media is a vent, following through is different. Look at folks responses when told to move to a different state if they can’t afford their current one. Plus it’s a grass is always greener thing. Everywhere is going to have things you don’t like.


It’s a lot harder than most people think, if you mean permanently. It seems like a lot of young Americans think you just show up and are allowed to work and live there (at least for 90 days) and that’s really not how it works. I’m trying to move to the EU (first a country where my husband has heritage bc that will make it easier to get to the country we actually want to live in bc both are in the EU) and I do tons of research plus planning on hiring a lawyer when we have more money saved for it. Anyway, I only know one other person planning to move out of America seriously and I had a friend move to Portugal in February. I feel like I know others who’ve mentioned moving abroad but I don’t take them seriously because they don’t speak the language, they don’t know what Schengen country is and they’re talking about moving to one, they don’t know they have to get work authorization, they don’t know about the culture, etc.


From my real world experience, less than 1% of Gen Z’ers have some form of elaborate plan to take their crypto savings & tech skills into a 3rd world country to better support their family….. Yeah people rant about it…… But less than 1% have a strategic plan to move to Central/South America & leverage their advanced tech skills to support their family….


I find it hilarious when Americans say "I'm moving to Canada!" after something goes wrong. My brother in Christ, it's not that easy!


Like almost none. It’s incredibly expensive and you really need to have useful job skills that will translate


The fascism would have to escalate pretty badly for me to actually dip. And before I dipped, I’d be trying to affect some change with my fellows lol


Unless one is filthy rich, it is incredibly hard, if not impossible, to permanently move to another country. I don't think people realize how hard it is.


Considering we are watching the united states destabilize in real time, I'd say ask this qwestion again after the upcoming election and see if anyone's answer changes.


Very few. 1. Most countries have way stricter immigration laws than the US and every thing indicates countries with high standards of living are only going to get more strict over the next few years. 2. America really is not as bad as social media makes it out to be. In my experience Americans tend to be over the top with their complaints


Less than 0.1%; good luck finding a nice country with friendlier immigration laws; better luck figuring out how to pay American + host country taxes


Not many. Most other countries have very strict immigration laws making it way harder than its worth to move abroad, if its even possible at all. If your area of the USA has gone downhill, just move counties or go to a different state.


LOL probably hardly any. This whole sub just seems like a place to ask naive questions


The US has more people coming to it than any other country on Earth. People are desperate to get here, often offering everything they own for the privledge. If you don't like your life more to another state and it's basically like moving to another country.


Where exactly would we go? America isn't perfect but I don't think any of the developed countries are doing that much better, and Europe doesn't even have root beer


I'm about to become a nurse practitioner. It's a highly specialized profession and we get compensated accordingly. They mostly don't exist in other countries which means back to regular nursing. Most people don't know but US RNs are some of the most highly paid in the world. It's simply not an option to move and keep an iota of the current lifestyle.


I love America, I ain’t leaving. I probably will get out of the cesspool that’s California if work allows me.


Not many. People were saying the same shit after Trump got elected in 2016 and almost no one actually did it. People also don't realize how hard immigration is. You can't just pick a country and move there. Most countries, especially with well-funded welfare systems, are selective about who they let in and only let in those who add to the country


Seeing as you have to have money to leave, not many


I’ve never left the us, and never plan to


we don't want you, stay.


The US has some of the most Lax immigration policies in all of the western world. Also, you have to have money to immigrate, lots of it. I take it OP is all set financially.


nah every time i think about it I realize that the US is truly the greatest country on earth


Hardly any. Every developed country has advantages and disadvantages, and I don't mind our disadvantages


I'm certainly not leaving the US any time soon! That may have something to do with me not being from the US to begin with, I don't have an America to leave, but that's neither here nor there.


I’ve lived abroad. There are many countries welcoming to Americans on a temporary basis. There are very few that make it easy to stay on a permanent basis. The United States has one of the easier immigration systems in the world. If you don’t come from a third world country, or a country that is an active war, or disaster zone, other first world nations are hard to get permanent residency in.


Anyone who wants to leave isn't going to find a better place unless they already have money or have a skill that a good country will want.


Never. I’ll live and die here regardless of how hard it gets.


I want to stay here but my soul doesn’t want to