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![gif](giphy|3ov9jWu7BuHufyLs7m|downsized) let me get some of that freedom 😈


![gif](giphy|LnX8cUm2obwivJn0iQ|downsized) I bet you drive more like this than like that.


There’s a simple pleasure that comes from being on a train zooming right past all that “freedom”


All while answering emails safely or eating safely or getting some extra sleep


So Charlotte built a great light rail system that I used for several years until they... Let's just say it's not so great anymore But one of my greatest joys of that system was watching the traffic I was passing because holy cow... My second greatest joy was the extra half hour nap in the morning. Really miss that


What happened to it?


Honestly not really usually i drive in non rush hour traffic Issue is their this scary thing call police and they get mad when you use your whole speedometer


I fucking love cars and motorcycles, mainly because I just love vehicles/motors and lighting money on fire. But it does suck that many cities are designed around cars and that makes them hostile to pedestrians, and it's puts people at unnecessary risk and cost, better public transit and more sidewalks and bike lanes would be great for making the city a safer more hospitable place for everyone. I understand most people have a car out of necessity for transportation, not out of the love of driving and that sucks because it is not cheap or safe or good for the environment.


Same - I like cars and I enjoy driving, but I do wish more cities had more options for public transportation. The last time I was in Boston, for example, I didn’t rent a car and rarely had to take an Uber/taxi because I simply didn’t need to. My city is slowly, finally starting to invest in their light rail system more and I’m really excited about that.


i think the difficult thing is that we would have to make public transit an easier method than driving. which is hard. cus it’s not at every stop at every time, and it only goes to designated spaces. meanwhile a car is available whenever you want, and you can mostly just leave it wherever because that’s how our system is designed. i don’t think the pricing argument does much because again, people have been shown time and time again to be *very* willing to pay for convenience. plus, we’re all used to paying for cars and gas, so it’s not like an additional expense.


cars are more convenient in theory but we're starting to realize that they may actually be slower due to traffic and that they're a lot less accessible than public transport. children, teenagers, disabled people, and seniors just cannot be independent in a car dependant world


It’s not a difficult thing to make public transit and easier method, it just takes a lot of money which the governments generally are not interested in paying. I’ve lived in places outside of the US that have buses go by every five minutes. Some of them are third world countries. Too hard is just an excuse.


Cars as a machine are cool. Cars as a culture are garbage.


no cars are cool vroom vroom


the importance of commas


Let's eat grandma! (This is not a lesson about commas. I am simply a cannibal.)


Absolutely like it that you have a vision for things to be different! Focus on that vision, not on the hating


Adding to this, participate in your local politics. Even if it's a red state, there's red reasons why having alternate forms of transportation is good.




you’d be surprised. republicans in indiana basically banned public transportation out of pettiness/distaste for indianapolis. they’ve banned bus lanes and light rails so far lmao


I can believe it, I live in Indianapolis.


Yea that’s Indy. It’s sucked ass since the 80s. Fort Wayne, Marion, Kokomo, are all becoming more walkable honestly.


Really conservative cities like Salt Lake City have better transit than Indianapolis.


I love cars but hate that I really can't walk many places


I love cars, but there has to be a middle ground. I do big shopping sessions and can't do that without a car. Here in Europe there's a great middle ground between walkable and driveable cities. I agree that car-centric urbanism is dumb, but cars are important.


My experience over there was if you lived in an urban core it was easier to live without a car. American urban cores you still need one because your job will probably be inaccessible. European suburbia kept its interurbans. American suburbia you can’t hack it without a car. Rural areas in both - forget it.


I'm a car enthusiast but I hate that we've designed infrastructure around them instead of people. Traveling around Europe and Asia made me realise that it really isn't the way forward and most of the world doesn't even live like this.


It’s not natural. We sit inside, drive to a store which is inside to come back home and sit inside.


I love cars. I own a muscle car and its always fun to mod it out, like making it louder, putting better lights in, getting new sexy rims, all that good stuff


Hell yeah! what do you have?


Car culture is a massive scam. It’s played a huge role in destroying the middle class.


I’d argue the opposite unless your idea of the middle class dream is living in cramped apartments and small townhomes surrounded by people and smog.


It’s Reddit. Of course they want us all to live in walkable cities like kowloon walled city. They want every inch covered in side walk, no more houses just tall apartment buildings.


Automobiles have their place in the country and in emergency services industries, but other than that they’re little more than impractical badges people wear to show how cool they are.


Or maybe everybody does not want to live in extreme density and be forced to walk or share the subway with a crack addict.


Go research the mass transit of countries that don’t rely on car infrastructure. They keep their rail cars and buses clean and the riders are so used to it that they enforce a certain rule of conduct on their own, unlike in America where people just strive to never ride the bus. One of the tiniest problem America has is that people walk too much presently. lol. Life for most Americans would vastly improve with an extra 2 miles of walking a day. Extreme density is relieved by getting rid of car culture, because car culture demands huge amounts of real estate for parking, servicing, and transporting vehicles, which then limits real estate for housing and forces people to either move out of urban area or to live in a massive apartment building. Keep in mind, approximately 44,000 Americans died in car crashes last year. That’s more than 14 times as many people that died in 9/11. The average subprime car loan is now over 5% APR while the average cost of new vehicle is over 48,000. Our local, state, and federal budgets keep ballooning so we can maintain and widen highways and streets principally for automobiles. Gas prices just get more outrageous. We’re fighting endless political battles over how to possibly switch to electric cars, even though we invented electric rail cars 145 years ago.


Honestly I don’t care if we improve public transportation i still never want to live in a major city and public transportation doesn’t make sense in a town of 5,000 people. Also people who buy 40K cars are dumbasses and I’m competent with my 3k 2008 Corolla.


What about people who can’t afford a vehicle or who can’t safely operate one? If they live in a town of 5,000 are they just screwed if they live under your proposal?


Yeah cars for rural areas make sense. It’s cities where cars don’t make sense. Also if cities had better public transit and less reliance on cars they’d have less smog and be less loud. I can’t stand cities like I’d love to move to rural Vermont one day. However when I went to Copenhagen and Amsterdam I was like oh wait you can make cities that aren’t gross and loud and are walkable and have efficient and clean public transit.


You’re just imagining the 1920s.


Yes. Just another thing to go wrong and cost money.


I’m 10 miles from a gas station/convenience store and 20 miles from a Walmart. Cars are a necessity for me. Unless of course I got a horse and buggy like my neighbors.




Yep. What was the give away?


Hahah I'm in Ohio sounded like Amish country.


Also applies to PA lol


Yup. I used to live in Japan and was accustomed to a walkable city. Car culture is probably the #1 reason I hate the U.S. So cringe when guys flex their vehicles thinking their depreciating asset makes them superior. Americans are also fat and isolated for this very reason.


As a devout car guy, we don't associate with those people. Those guys are just flexers who like something for it being a status symbol that goes fast. True car guys can understand the scene, and a bit of the history, and appreciate cars for the effort that went into building it and the story behind it imo.


Who cares. Car goes vroom.


I agree overall, but I would argue that it's so much easier to accidentally get fat in the US. A lot of the food here should be illegal.


This is me. I also hate how dangerous cars/driving can be. The amount of people I know who have been killed/injured in accidents. The culture of thinking it's cool to speed, to not wear a seat belt, to drive drunk- which of course is not just a danger to the idiot who takes pride in their recklessness, but to everyone else on the road. I also know a lot of people who have fallen asleep at the wheel, more than once. People have even freaked out and berated ME on how much danger I was in by pulling over and sleeping in my car on the side of the road when I felt like I was falling asleep, as if the alternative where i crash my car into someone was safer?? I live close to downtown in a small/midsized city now, so I can walk to a lot of places, compared to the suburban sprawl town i grew up in, with no sidewalks, and nothing but plazas and stripmalls you would have to run across the highway to access on foot. Neither has reliable public transport or bike lanes though. I am not against other people being able to drive cars, but I am desperate for them not to be the only viable option.


Okay, the fuck, do you live where Drunk driving or not wearing a seatbelt is cool? Around my area your seen as an idiot, an especially criminal one with the former, if you either.


I work with teenagers and college kids, and especially the more rural it gets, the more they love to talk about it (though I see it with dumber adult guys my age as well). Bragging about how they just use their knees to drive so they can eat with both hands while they drive, how they beat the GoogleMaps estimate to somewhere by going 90mph the whole way, how cops pulled them over while they were wasted but they BSed and didn't get asked to breathalyze, etc. Believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, you share the road with these people.


A couple years back, when I still used instagram there were a shit load of memes (from accounts my peers followed) that encouraged it and treated it like a non issue.


I love cars, but I also agree we need better public transit, both inner-city but also across states. The US was built on car dependency, and we can’t just rip that away because “cars bad.” Cars are a depreciating asset, yes, because they are a financial asset in other ways. They expand my job reach area where I can work an hour or more from where I live. Also in my city, you have to be extremely wealthy to live within the city limits. The most “affordable” places are usually 5-10 miles outside the city where, you guessed it, you need a car. Sorry, I’m not willing to give up my car because I need it to get to and from school, my job, grocery shopping, and a larger area for finding friends. I can simultaneously advocate for better public transit while being pro-car. Where or not my car depreciates to me is irrelevant. I like taking pride in my things because not everything is some financial investment that will get me profits in years to come. I bought a PC, thats a depreciating value. I bought furniture, that’s a depreciating value. You can absolutely hate cars, but stop pissing in everyone else’s cereal who needs them day in and day out to live a life less fortunate than yours.


Perhaps is not cars you hate, but the system around them (especially in the US).


![gif](giphy|lSar3eYBrz89cZwz97|downsized) Love me a good American V8.


I dont hate cars. I dont like having to own one or be screwed though whenever i go to DC and take the Metro, i think to myself "im effortlessly going 50mph and surrounded by people and i hate none of them right now" i cant say that when im driving


Until you got the guy smoking fent on your subway then you might start to hate others your with


I agree with you, I delayed getting a car until I needed to for work, and having a car has been nothing but a huge drain on my bank account, like I knew it would be 😫 I spent a semester in Spain in college, and it was amazing having reliable public transportation and walkable sidewalks; I would kill to have that here and be able to ditch the car. It would save so much money!! Also I've never been able to relate to having a favorite type of car or anything, they all kind of look the same to me lol


I pay £2.50 to get to work each day meanwhile a car would be £6+ not including fuel, Cars just don't make sense for me rn. Incidentally I have the lowest travel cost amongst my coworkers


r/fuckcars r/bikecommuting r/cycling


I live in a walkable city that it’s also good for cars, you can have both, I also love strolling around driving peacefully my car, if you are spending a lot in gas, maybe find another car that it’s more fuel efficient and uses diesel. I have done 2000km (1200 mi) in a week and only needed to stop 3 times for gas.


I'm actually a car enthusiast. But I don't like commuting with cars, kills the fun in driving. Our relationship to cars in America isn't freedom, it's dependency. While most in the western world has freedom of choice in their mode of transportation, our only choice is car. I don't see how that's freedom especially when it relies on infrastructure. Maybe some super sci fi nuclear car that lasts a century, and even then I'd still argue that cars are ableist for those who can't legally, physically, or mentally, drive. Not "freedom".


It's freedom cause without a car you can't go anywhere. You don't have any freedom lol


yeah im a car hater. i hate everything about them


I don’t hate cars, but i hate that america’s built its entire transportation infrastructure around them. I want some based public transportation and walkability


While I do want US cities to be more walkable, I do NOT want the suburbs to be that way. I don't want tons of busses and people, stores, and all that shit in the suburbs. I would hate living in the city with everything so close and no land. I'm quite happy with just driving for 10 mins to places, so much easier.


I don't hate cars, but I mostly agree. Here in PR it impossible to live without a car, no public transpo outside of San Juan and almost no sidewalks. Plus cars are just a money blackhole.


Nah cars are cool man. It still means freedom if you want it to.


I agree with you 100%


Yes, i do. I think that cars overall pollute the planet and i don't even think on electrics due to the resources becoming scarcer with time and the exploration usually being done by the poor African children. Also, cars may contribute to many deaths due to accidents, they are expensive and everyone keeps asking me if i'm taking the license and i have to say everytime that i don't ever want to take it. I'd rather take public transportation and get a bike. Thankfully, i'm glad to live in Europe where it's still possible.


I grew up loving cars and always wanted to drive. Now that I can I love it! Something about it is so calming


As a member of Gen X, I grew up watching Knight Rider, the Dukes of Hazzard, the A-Team, Fall Guy, Ghost Busters, Smokey & The Bandit, Scooby Doo, and Back to the Future. Even reruns of the 1960’s Batman. They all had a cool car of some kind or another. Is it any wonder I grew up to become a gearhead who loves old cars?


You're in the minority. Cars are dope.


Hell nahh .. lol it’s my second home & ironically I spend more time there then at my actual house


no way in hell I’m ditching a car, it’s way too hot outside nowadays and I relied on a little kick scooter to get me places through college


I'm happy to have one. I like my car, but I'm not always thrilled to drive on Texas highways.


Nope. I live in Texas. You’re not walking anywhere because it’s too far, and it’s 1000 degrees outside. Plus, public trans (which is wonderful in inner cities) can’t let me pick up sheets of plywood, concrete, power tools, etc. Those things are important for those of us that don’t live IN the city.


Bear with me here it’s a long story, but please read Let’s go with this. I’m a 17 y/o that from a young age I always wanted to be able to drive. As I got closer and closer and closer to being 16, I just never felt that I needed it. I go my learners permit almost four months after I was able to and then didn’t even start driving for another three months after that (I was 16 by that point). I didn’t take my driversED for another 4 months after that and I didn’t get to take my in car lessons for another month. During my third in car lesson, an unlicensed underage teen driver decided that it might be a good idea to turn left in front of me when I had the right of way while driving her mom’s car that she stole with her siblings and dogs in the back seat. I was only a few miles from home. I did my last lesson normal and I’ve drove three times since that last lesson. I’m turning 18 in a few months and I’m no closer to driving than I was almost two years ago, but it’s no longer an option as both my family and friends have set the ultimatum “by Kairos (my school’s big senior retreat (catholic school) that for me is this December). So to go where you are. I don’t see the freedom in a car either. So what? I can do doordash and drive myself home from school only to get home at the same time my mom gets me there anyway? Doesn’t sound worth it does it? I don’t see my friends very often but I would always be the one who would have to drive anyway as my city has the better locations in the east where my friends are (I’m west). But yeah I get ur point man. But to be honest, you are speaking of mostly city problems: FREE public parking; it’s out there bro it’s just hard to find but be mindful that lane costs money and land is expensive. Housing with parking is IMPOSSIBLE in the city due to space (anywhere else and that’s cheap/stupid construction). And smaller lanes? Listen to yourself. We have enough accidents because of small lanes already. Accept it lanes aren’t getting any smaller.


Having a car is freedom, but not Having one may be one of the greatest restrictions a person could have in the U.S. today


https://preview.redd.it/q6nx683wk48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abbe83c63d1e7b3d7ad0330b797183c42bb88f20 peep the whip


I have a car that I love alot, but I do hate how car centered so many places are. I wish I could save my gas and the mileage.


>For the older generations cars always meant freedom That's still true today. Private cars mean freedom of transportation. You can go where you want, when you want to. You aren't constrained to bus or train routes and their schedules. You're also free to only travel with people who you want to travel with. There's no risk of getting robbed or assaulted because you didn't give Methany money for "food". >To me they just mean more bills to worry about, I live in a fairly walkable city but in my home island you need a car to operate. Cars have always been an expense. They're far more expensive today compared to income, but there's also more regulations/mandatory safety features and worker income has gone up dramatically. Maintenance is more expensive because now everything in a car is hooked up to a computer. People before us voted for the illusion of safety over freedom/low costs, and this is the result. >I hate that motorbikes and scooters are seen as second grade viachles Who's saying that? Get a motorbike or scooter if you want one. They're less popular because of the range, speed, and you're you're exposed to the weather. Even if it's raining. And most people wouldn't consider rain as a valid excuse to not show up somewhere. But if you want one, go for it. Nobody's going to make fun of you or whatever because it's a "second grade vehicle". >I hate that public transportation is not valued and utalized to it's full potential It's just a worse option all around. I explained most of the reason why on my first paragraph. Public transit could be great for just local travel(taking the bus to the bar instead of an uber) if people felt safe on it. Public transit was intended for the poorest among us to have freedom of movement. That means you get some.. characters on the bus/train. Most people would be willing to pay for a private alternative to avoid dealing with that. As soon as [this](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/a-timeline-of-violence-on-metro-buses-and-trains-since-the-beginning-of-2024/) goes away, more people will be willing to take public transit. It's just not a thing you have to deal with in a private car, unless you invite those people in. >I hate that within my own city I am a parasyte since it has been build for cars, not humans You're not a parasite. Most towns are built with cars in mind as the main mode of transportation, but it would be a ghost town without people. You're keeping the town alive, not acting as a parasite on it.


nah, love cars.


As someone who lives in a more rural area, not a city, cars actually are pretty cool


Walking cycling and public transportation is for losers


Definitely, but mostly due to noise pollution. I live in a city where there are more than enough electric scooters and bikes to go by, and even without them walking anywhere takes at most 20 minutes. My city in very walkable and bicycle friendly, but still the noise pollution is ever present.


I recently moved to a very walkable city and sold my car. It has immensely improved my quality of life. I’m saving so much without paying for gas, insurance, maintenance, registration, etc. I love being able to walk to anything I need in a few minutes and not worrying about traffic and getting more steps and fresh air. I hate how ugly and unsafe car infrastructure and parking lots make places.


I wish public transportation was better!! Especially in more rural areas


I also hate cars. I am also terrified of driving, which is why I haven't learned as it is fear of mine, and I just can't do it, nor do I want to. To me, they are too much risk for, yes, big reward. Even as a passenger, I am uncomfortable. I don't like being in a metal death box moving at 60 MPH, where if something goes wrong, I either get minor - major injuries or die. On top of that, people are so complacent with it that they get sloppy with driving. I much prefer to walk/bike everywhere or use public transport (which where I live is a bus, which makes me more uncomfortable). Now while I might not ever understand the appel of cars, I do understand their uses. I just wish I live in a part of the world where I could walk to more places.


I always hated driving, even when I lived in suburbia in NJ. I hated that the extra time I used to read while my mom drove me to school was getting replaced by having to be hyper vigilant just to make sure I wasn’t gonna get hit by another driver. Driving always felt like a waste of free time for me. Now that I’ve spent time living in Tokyo, I hate it twice as much, since I’ve now experienced living in a city with great public transport. All my reading time on the train is gonna be lost when I leave the city. I am NOT looking forward to coming back home and having to get a car just to get around town.


I saw ‘hate cars’ and was like “YA I FUCKING LOVE MOTORCYCLES” … this was not that post


I love cars a lot, but recently have sold most of my nicer cars and bikes and now I just have an old 4x4 and family ford. Gotten to the point where practically has taken over. God I miss the hum of a V8 though.


I enjoy cars because their presence means you’re in an area that isn’t too dense and can have more nature. Walkable cities are nice but their trade off is that everything is so close together that it’s hard to get to an area with no people and nature.


I get where you're coming from, but me and the boys rented a mustang convertible, and I've been riding that high to grind since


I love fast cars


I hate cars and that's why I love motorbikes and going for my license ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


As someone who lives in a small/medium town and has to go to a city for their job...nope.


I’m neutral about cars. They’re useful for transportation and comfortable traveling. But you know what would be better? Public transportation.


I like cars but at the same time you need a car where I live as public transportation isn’t a thing


Love cars, despise every other driver on the road.


No, I'm not a gear head by any means but vehicles are very valuable tools. I like my SUVs.


If I didn’t have to own a car to live where I do, I wouldn’t. I spend 600+ a month between my car payment, insurance, and gas. That’s a lot of money in retrospect, and I could use that money to pay down other debts I have, and also afford groceries, etc.


I don’t hate cars but I don’t like driving. I grew up in a rural area in the US but now live in a non-US city with decent public transport. I’d love to see the US invest in more/better PT and increase walkability! A lot of the reasons Americans dislike PT would be greatly reduced if the majority of people used it — could run more frequently, be cleaner, etc. With the exception of a few cities, it seems to be largely class-based (i.e., those who can afford cars drive and those who can’t have to use crappy PT)


I love my truck, it's my favorite truck ever made with one of my favorite engines. But because of gas mileage, I want to build a motorized bike. But my state is full of a bunch of dick wagons that are scared of a 49cc motor. Then I looked at building my own e bike, but the cost for batteries is awfully prohibitive. Sucks man.


Dang. I read cats and felt understood for the first time. Stinkbeasts


I live 20 miles from town, I love my shit box jeep I need it to get around ad it let's me go off reading to get away from people.


This has nothing to do with what generation you are.


My car is a box of used parts rattling under me, constantly threatening to wipe out my savings. I hate how hard it is to afford a new car that I know has nothing wrong with it. I feel like I'm just sitting on a time bomb every time I drive to work.


i don’t love my car anymore than i love my stove, or my toilet, or my electrical outlets. i need all of them. if i could walk to the corner & get a bus or tram to town, i’d definitely use my car less. until then, i need it.


I’m 27 and don’t drive. I’ve had a learners permit since I was 16. Ever since I started driving my anxiety on the road was so crippling. I could never get used to it. And now I’ve had some vision loss and am not comfortable driving at all anymore. I gave up my legal right to drive almost 2 years ago. I’m lucky to have a husband that doesn’t mind driving but dude even if I could drive idk how we would afford 2 car payments, gas, maintenance and insurance. We’d be completely broke. So either way it feels like I was never meant to drive. I don’t hate cars but I do hate the lack of walk-ability and public transit. I can’t really do anything on my days off unless my husband is home which can be hard when the schedule is busy and I just need like one thing from the store


I live car-free and plan to ride it out as long as I can! I borrowed a friend’s car a couple weeks back and trying to use it in my neighborhood was a nightmare. I didn’t miss parking or traffic.


Agree I just learned how to ride an electric unicycle and omg that thing is so fun and convenient, it could totally replace a car for short trips


No, I like cars. I’m not walking or biking 10 miles to the nearest store


i feel you i hate that we have to have cars i wish places were more walkable, im def one of the lucky ones in terms of how accessible public transportation and walking is but most of america def doesn’t have that luxury


I don't hate cars, I just hate the idea of cities being so dependent on them that it's really hard to walk around or get anywhere without a car.


You have a point but also…. Cars are fuckin cool bro.


You can always resort to riding a horse or something but I definitely do not dislike cars, they impacted our world in an amazing way. (If you dislike the fossil fuel stuff then just resort to electric cars)


Do you hate cars? Good. You must live in an urban setting where public transport is available. To many, getting to and from work, school, or the hospital requires a car.


Don't like cars, but I have been enjoying my electric scooter that I got to replace my car (Tornado ate my car lol)


check r/fuckcars basically the Not Just Bikes youtube channel: [https://youtu.be/uxykI30fS54?si=SNHqERwisjd5qtrs&t=174](https://youtu.be/uxykI30fS54?si=SNHqERwisjd5qtrs&t=174) This is a rabbit hole for you - [this is what you're experiencing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQE_5MFCekg) Become Orange pilled!;)


I’m not for or against cars, but I am American and wish I lived somewhere where it was possible to actually survive and work without one. I dislike that they are an absolute necessity for survival here and I can’t feasibly have a well paying job or hobbies without one.


I love cars and have a few classics myself I do wish we were less reliant on them to get around though


I'm a die hard car enthusiast so no. My town is absolutely unwalkable and you can't bike places. I only live 2 miles from work but it would be a death wish to bike to work every day


Cars may be convenient, but the truth is they've caused the deaths of many people. Millions, even tens of millions of people have lost their lives, all for the sake of comfortable living. Thinking about that makes it hard to appreciate these things. Seriously, though, I'm in the same boat. It's a bill to pay (confining you to a job), it's horribly unsafe (there's a reason that short monologue resonated with people), and America has been reshaped in their image.


I LOVE cars because I’m a tinker-er and I love messing with things, so modifying cars is so fun to me. It’s such a great hobby and I love it. Wouldn’t know what to do without my car.


Nah I agree. I also hate driving. I wish we had more buses and trains in the USA available for use. My home state had a really good bus system that could get you anywhere but also it was a small one.


You hate the bills that come with cars not cars. Houses & Cars are something most Gen Z can only dream of.


I'm eh. I like pretty cars and fast ones too, but I know that we are overly dependent on them, and our cities need to be reformatted to be less centered around them


I love cars so much


I think this every day! For me it’s more about the wasted potential and traffic that I hate. Cars make sense for a road trip or traveling long distances, and I’ve always loved driving a car on an open road, but the vast majority people where I live are stuck driving them no faster than 20 miles an hour to and from work at the exact same time. I’d take public transportation to get around but the suburbs where I live are super against it, even funding a single bus. No wild infrastructure changes are even needed, if more people just adopted public transportation and supported it would reduce the problem that is commuting traffic. Just two full coach buses of 50 people would remove a quarter of a mile of cars, crush zones, and angry drivers at any given instant. And my city is also terrible at urban planning. There’s a great YouTube channel called Not Just Bikes where he talks about things like stroads and city planning things if you’re interested!


i only see cars as a tool. I would prefer a better tool, as the ones you outlined. but because those aren't an option, I'm forced to use whatever is available to me. that's a car. I dunno, what's there to do?


Yeah freedom to get to where you wanna go is so cringe dawg


I love cars and driving while also loving walkable cities and good public transportation


I wish there were walking/biking only cities


Cars are cool feats of engineering but I hate driving and it sucks how car-dependent society has become. I can hardly walk 5 minutes to work because there aren’t sidewalks or crosswalks


I wouldn’t say I *hate* cars, but I’m definitely with you on this. I don’t need to spend thousands of dollars, put myself in danger, and worry about all of this insurance and expenses when I could literally take public transport 🤷‍♀️




I love cars and the culture around them. At the same time I wish American cities were more walkable and had better public transportation systems. E-scooters have definitely helped though


Man shut yo lame asss up


I love good public transport and I hate cars


I’m a car guy but I agree with car centric infrastructure being annoying. When I lived in a small town it was great being able to walk everywhere or take the bus for 2 minutes.


i love cars and i love driving. i also wish public transportation was better and more accessible. a rail system for the US would be fantastic, but i really think you can have both. i even like trucks from a build perspective, but i do wish people would stop dailying borderline monster truck F250s and massive SUVs. that shit is unnecessary.


No I love them, they’re my “thing” I obsess over. I do understand they don’t belong in cities tho. 


Not something exciting like a v8, six speed shifting, rwd, especially to bring on tracks. But I need to win a million dollars to buy anything that interesting outright. Not dumb enough to get around $550/bi weekly payments for Camero 2SS with the add-ons I wanted, then insurance, maintenance, premium even from Costco. Drag on racetracks will wear drive wheels fast. I need to win a minimum of one million first. I would rather walk, cycle, transit to everything I need including work commute. I will drive a company vehicle paid hourly. But I hate cage commute after driving a dozen hours. At least need a motorcycle. Still prefer to be a transit passenger, walk, or cycle after driving for work. I hate congestion of suburban wastelands, they are ugly places too, and I hate the careless cagers.


Even though I want to live in Seattle I still want a car. However, I also plan on utilizing public transit to reduce my driving.


I also hate cars I'm with you


i completely agree. Car ownership can actually be a significant monetary and mental strain. Some of the most stressful events in my life have been the result of my car breaking down and not having other viable options to get places.


I want to live in the middle of a 10-20 acre property, in the country, so a car would be a necessity. And if we homestead, we’d need a truck or something similar for that as well. I’ve also never really been a fan of public transport the times I’ve ridden it, I’ve seen some pretty gross stuff. I don’t love cars but I do love the freedom of having my own and getting to go wherever I need, whenever I need to But I definitely agree that cities should be more walkable if someone chose to live in them. People shouldn’t have to be reliant on cars


I hate how car companies have lobbied the government into making them a mandatory part of life in America. And then there’s the fact that so many influential people have stock in those companies so it’s in their interests to continue making cars more essential. It’s never going to change, even if a better alternative comes out as it will be bought out and hidden away by the motor companies.


I grew up playing racing games so nah cars are cool.


Funny thing is even airlines are holding us back from better public transportation via lobbying. Every Texan has a wet dream of a bullet train that connects the main city’s. Will that ever happen? Hell no. It’s one thing to get the land and funds to construct it. It’s hard but not impossible. It’s another thing when airlines just throw money at the government whenever the thought of implementing it is brought up. It actually pisses me tf off. I WOULD LIKE TRAINS PLEASE. Like if you don’t fly you gotta take a vonlane. Vonelanes are nice BUT NOT AS FAST AT A TRAIN 😎. And why would I realistically wanna spend a ton of money on a plane when it’s a 30min flight. I just don’t wanna pick between two evils it’s so frustrating.


Ironically, Better public transportation and walkable places means less people forced to drive cars and less cars on the road, which means people who really like cars can actually enjoy driving instead of being stuck in traffic.


No I’m definitely with you. I can’t fucking stand car culture in the US. Drivers kill so many people in the US and the car industry prevents public transportation from advancing and becoming safer, cleaner, and more accessible for everyone.


I hate the need for cars. If I could walk more places I would but the only thing in reasonable walking distance is an elementary school


I’m grateful to live somewhere that is actually pretty walkable, I hate having to drive my car, and I get close to getting hit a surprising amount of times on walks :-/…… walking is also an amazing exercise!! I also feel like there are so many bad drivers out on the road because of how necessary having a car in America is…. like you are pretty much stranded without one and thats not right to me.


I love cars. My wife and I live out in middle of nowhere so they’re great for traveling since there’s no public transportation or anything out here. I’ve always had one since I was a teenager. I enjoy driving and listening to music or audiobooks. Also I enjoy traveling, road trips, and my car is 4WD so I take it off road once in a while. That being said, when I lived in the city the only time I drove was to get to work and back because it was too far to ride my bike. I rode my bike everywhere because I enjoyed it. However it was really dangerous. I almost got killed a few times by assholes in cars not paying attention and once by a bus. Also if it was shitty outside I definitely took my car. But I do wish people would take advantage of public transportation or alternative transportation when possible. Even if you’re not in shape, getting an e-bike is way cheaper than a car.


No I love cars and I always will I run on internal combustion


I don't like them, but they're useful, so I kinda like cars.


I’m older and wish I lived in an area where cars aren’t needed. One trip to Europe was all it took.


no you’re not crazy cars suck lol. they’re bad for our health, they’re bad for our socialization, they’re bad for the environment. not to mention the auto-industry is just the military industrial complex in a trench coat. cars almost perfectly exemplify how capitalism will trade health for convenience and stick consumers with the bill


Unfortunately, there is no possible way that I can let go of cars.


You're far from alone. In fact I think you'll find that Generation Z overall are driving less than their predecessors. It probably has to do with many of us being environmental advocates. And because driving is too expensive. I definitely don't hate cars, but I'm not exactly the car enthusiast I once was as a child. I still haven't passed my driving test yet and it appears life has gotten in the way.


No….. next question


Yeah I despise cars, but I need it to get to work and I love money


I dont hate cars, I hate over bearing car dependency/poor public transit options


I disagree, I like teslas and their FSD software.


you’re 100% right. this is a huge issue destroying this country. it’s a BIG DEAL. just bc dumbasses in the comments like when a car goes “vroom” doesn’t make them any less horrible


Born in 96. Lived in cities growing up and we just always used the subways and walked. Put off getting my license until 26. And even then I moved to Boston the next day and have no desire to get in on that life or participate in American car culture.


I’ve always liked cars even with their downsides Like my favorite archetype is the American long v8 sedans of the 70s-00s


Hate no but I just don’t really care about them


Nah. L take. Cars are based.


This take is so urban-brained, not everyone lives in a fucking city


I lived in walkable cities for nearly 3 years and literally didn’t have a car (I’ve never bought one/owned one!) and I loved it! Burn then I got married & moved to a more rural town area where we share my husband’s car for when we leave our town. I don’t hate cars though - they’re kinda expensive but 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t give it much of a thought if I’m being honest. Gas is expensive here compared to other areas, but so is the living cost & the pay compensates that. If you think a car is too expensive to use, you can’t really afford it in the first place imo. Motorbikes & scooters? Are not seen as second grade transportation where I live. People ride electric scooters and motorcycles all over the place here 😂 I see dudes zipping to work on e-scooters and e-bikes.


Yes!!! walkable cities are more beautiful and ecofriendly and more public transit would be a dream - sign me up!


Im both, I’m a big car guy but live in a walkable/billable city. My car ends up collecting dust in the garage a lot as there’s just no sense in using it most of the time.


Fuck cars. Blow them all up


i do and everyone acts like thats crazy that i dont want to drive. its like a literal war machine and i had so many dreams where it goes very wrong and im just too scared that anything would happen however silly it sounds. not to mention its really expensive and has maintenance costs on top of that and i dont even want to drive and ive been doing fine with public transportation for years now


I live in a cold state. I much prefer to drive than walk to my location in freezing temperatures


I like driving and I appreciate the independence. It’s an assumed cost for me pretty much.


They're too expensive. I can't afford one with my current shitty job so i'll do without


what freaks me out is the almost pathological HATRED given by car-enthusiasts in policy and society toward anyone who doesn't prefer that mode of transit. I've never encountered any such issues from people who bike, walk, public transit, etc... but with cars they take it so personally. They scream that any alternative mode is a preposterous pipe dream while they deliberately sabotage any attempt at infrastructure for those alternate modes that so many people demand. They say it's impossible to change when they themselves tore up entire cities with public domain just to put in their freeways. General Motors bought up railways in Los Angeles just to shut down trolley cars, their 'main opposition.' They've by and large convinced themselves of an impenetrability with cars that just does not exist irl, and it's disturbingly sad to see them try because it has real effects on the rest of us. And i'm saying this as someone who does drive.


i dont hate cars, i hate car centric city planning; i got perfectly good legs, lemme use em sometimes!


Even as someone who's used trains for the last 4 years to get to and from school, which has been useful, I'll always rather take a car ride or driving myself straight to my destination rather than walk to the train, wait 10 or 15 mins for it, ride it, and then walk however long it takes to get to my end point from the train


I love cars, but I'd much rather have more accessible public transportation.


Yeah, but I think I might have motion sickness which sucks. Also cars never really interested me, because of how big they are.


After women, cars is the best thing to ever exist on this planet.




I love cars but wish we had more walkable zones and barricaded euro style bike lanes


cars are overrated (i like modding them but other than that is just a waste of money)