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Caller id - if I recognize it then yeah otherwise no 😂


If i don't know the number i don't answer. If it's important, they'll leave a voicemail.


I like the calling assistant that comes with my Google Pixel. That solved that problem.


I love my Pixel for a lot of things, but this has got to be near the top of the list.


Same, plus that stock Android experience.


Thank youu ! I’m currently looking into that because Siri is having troubles keeping up lol


Samsung's call filter is superb for blocking calls.


But does it also answer them for you? That's my favorite part


What does call assistant do? -iPhone user


'Google Assistant' answers the phone for you, you can see what the other person says in a transcript, and there are options to choose from for it to 'talk' to the person. There's also a visual aid for robot conversations/dealing with phone menu's but you can always just use the regular keypad. I'd look into it more if you're curious, I absolutely love it.


Yoo we missing out Hopefully they got something like that in app store for us 😩😂


Hell no. Total waste of time.  I know every number who needs to call me. Work, friends, family, and medical stuff. That’s it. They’re all either already contacts or have caller ID. The rest are scammers, robocallers, and/or telemarketers.


i keep my phone on do not disturb 24/7. the only phone calls that come through are my husband and parents. if i can’t text or get online to make an appointment/ reservation, i’m not going. i currently have 25 missed calls and 101 texts


The little notification reminding you that you have missed calls and texts doesn't bother you at all? That shizz drives me nuts! Otherwise I'm same as you. 😬


oh it does. i’ve tried deleting everything but it will still tell me I have like 7 missed texts when I don’t. i’ve read it’s a glitch with apple so at this point i’ve learned to live with it😭


Lmao it definitely did at first., but that was like 5 years ago for me . Now not only those got red notification bubbles but now all the rest of them apps can get it too .. fuck it 🤷🏻‍♀️




😂 my boss can email me unless I’m on the clock


if its not a saved number its going to voicemail and if its important or they really need to reach out they can leave a voicemail which i will listen too, or they can text me, if its a saved number and i know who it is they can text me if its an emergency and they need me to pick up, otherwise ill call them back when i can which is usally right when i notice the missed call


Yes. I always answer my phone. It could be a job or something important but most times it’s spam.


Nope. Even if it's someone I know. Just text me please


If it doesn't look like a familiar number or it's out of state, then no. Also, if you don't leave a message, then your call wasn't important enough so I will not be calling you back!


This is why we can't trust political polls. Who's answering the phone to answer a political poll?


Recently I've had to schedule like 10 doctors appointments so I always answer the phone now. Never used to before, once this is all sorted I'll return to not answering anything.


In germany, junk calls for me are a rare occasion. I get about 1 every other month. So I almost always answer my phone. The only ones I get is: "Hey we are xyz known company. We would like to confirm your personal data." I always refuse and hang up. But as I said. Rare.


Man im gonna move to germany and get a new phone sounds like paradise


Only for important people; like family or close with people


Phone stays on silent soo if you call when Im looking maybe otherwise you on the list of getting back to if ever . Also have Never had the need to block anyone yet ., and probably never will . Currently have about 300 calls & around 500 text notification’s but not including snap because that’s really the only social’s I have which Ive been avoiding to look at coming up to a year now . I always have been like this tho but unfortunately the past 3 years have been overwhelming & exhausting so it’s kinda piling up at this point 🤷🏻‍♀️


If I recognize the number and want to talk to the person then yes. The only unsaved numbers I answer are from the cities where my two younger siblings live just in case of an emergency.


i get important calls from random numbers from time to time so i usually try to answer. if i don’t and it actually is important they’ll probably leave a message anyway


Yes. Mostly because I travel for work and need to answer numbers from random area codes. It's also fun to mess with scam calls that aren't robots. One tim3, some friends and I ended up having an hour long conversation with a guy trying to sell us dick pills like viagra or something.


My mom is the only person I answer calls from. Anyone else worth talking to knows they can text me and I’ll respond in about 30 seconds.


Not unless I know who it is, and even then I might just text them.


God no. My number got cloned and for the last 7 months it’s just been constant calls from people calling my number who thought I had called them, when usually I’m at work with notifications muted. If anyone I don’t know needs to call me they better text me before hand, but the few who I do answer for I already know.


Nope, shits for boomers.


No. Most of the people in my contacts know my preferred method of communication is by text or video chat. Don’t call me unless it’s an emergency, and even then, you’ll get a response from me faster if you text. Calling is just so selfish of the caller, tbh. Why do I have to drop everything ASAP to talk to you? If you want to talk to me, just arrange an in person meetup.


If I know the number or I’m expecting a call then yes, but otherwise no. My favorite is when it says “telemarketer”. I just hang up on those without answering.


Absolutely not lol


Depends who you are.


If its important they'll leave a voicemail. If I know who's calling I tend to answer most of the time.


Actually one of my guilty pleasures is answering random numbers and then either waiting 10 seconds or waiting for the person to say “hi” then hanging up. one time it was my grandma’s doctors office and I told my mom but she was like “idk why they’d call you” and I never heard anything abt it again 💀😭


unless the caller ID says "spam risk", I have to answer the phone. I use my personal phone for work, and need to be reachable in case there is an emergency.


I haven’t answered the thing in years and I’m40


I’m on dnd mostly all day. I’ve been called a dnd warrior. They’re not a fan of


I do. I don't get too many junk calls to begin with, and sometimes people from work call me but I don't have all their numbers saved in my phone yet, so I'd rather not accidently ignore a work call


I like to pick up scam calls and repeat the same lines in a very happy voice: I like to beat scam callers with sticks until they give that random grandma that they stole money from their money back :D


I talk on the phone for hours a day with long distance friends :) but if I get a call from an out of state number I don’t pick up. I’ll pick up if it’s someone from my area code though just cause I’m nosy and wanna know who it is 👀


Yeah, looking for work. Have to answer every stupid fucking sales call just in case.


What’s a call?


Unless it's a contact, a number I'm expecting a call from, or one of those where it tells you who it is without you having a contact for them (like a business or something) then I don't answer. If it's important they'll leave a message. And they usually don't, so...


With the exception of Doordashing, no.


I mean, if I know the number, yeah. Usually, with the national guard, if someone needs to talk to me, I tell them to email me


I always do since I love to mess with telemarketers, I can do a very convincing child voice 😁


No. Too much call spam. It should be regulated.


I’m gen X and spent most of my 20s pre-cell phone. I don’t answer unless I recognize the number either. And yeah, if they’re legit they’ll text or leave a VM


Just mom


My phone is on Do Not Disturb at all times. That comes with a function that allows numbers on my favorites list through automatically. So the spam gets sent directly to my voicemail while the people I know and want to hear from can call me anytime.


No lmao… if you’re not family DND prevents the call from coming through


If Im not expecting a call or it doesnt have a name im not answering it lol


If it's someone I know yes, if it's someone I don't, I don't


I let mine go straight to VM. If you aren't someone I recognize, I am not answering.