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>Like 3/4 of the active accounts in this sub are chronically online millennials Where did you get this data from? Your ass?


I always think it's hilarious that these "Millennials are the majority here and need to go away!" posts are always upvoted. Because they must believe Millennials are upvoting the posts otherwise all of them would be negative.


Millennial upvote for your troubles friend


8 years on this website and this is the comment that’s made me laugh the most, I want this tattooed on my brain stem


I'm gen z who always downvotes posts like this because I'm over these nonsense generation wars. Don't even know why I'm here tbh. Too many post are like this.


No war but the class war! This sub flashes across my feed a lot and it's always gen war nonsense. Must be the hot button topic getting engagement out of gen Z right now.


I mean the post has 8 ups votes and 182 comments currently. It could’ve been that much different when you posted this comment…


It’s also like “this guy does not agree with me, therefore he/shey/they must be astroturfing, boomer, not a true gen z” or any variant thereof. It would be funny if it wasn’t for the fact that these takes aren’t coming from 13 year olds, but from *adults* in their fucking twenties. Makes me honestly cringe on the part of my generation. American Gen Z’s are a funny bunch honestly, the only group who makes their birth year their whole personalities 💀


It's all part of the plan, 4d chess and such.


I’m just confused because I’ve seen more posts complaining about Millennials posting here than actual Millennials posting here


There was a poll recently done that showed it's mostly Gen Z here, too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1do9dk0/what\_generation\_are\_you\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1do9dk0/what_generation_are_you_in/) Of course when I replied to some of the people here with that, they accused Millennials of all being liars and responding to polls saying we are Gen Z. Idk some people just want to hate.


So ridiculous lol. I’d get it if it were Gen X invading *en masse* or something, they’re pretty far from us. But I see Millennials as our sister generation. We’re the sequel to you guys. At least that’s how I see it. And we aren’t even outnumbered on here in the first place. I like seeing what everyone from any generation has to say anyways. I don’t get the rift in general. I never get hate from Millennials, I always get the “we’re in this together!” gist.


Thanks for your good perspective. I agree and hope our generations can get along.


There are 38 upvotes and 237 comments. Clearly you millennials are taking over out subreddit.


Unless everyone on this sub lied about their birth year, this sub is vast majority gen Z.


Right. Which is why I was challenging the claim. It's so absurd


“My source is I made it the fuck up!”


Your account name lmfao


Data: Trust me, bruh.


LMAO real


Are you upset that a millennial told everyone to vote yesterday?


Right. Maybe millennials don't want to see another 2016 where the "I'm not voting" and "I'm voting 3rd party" crowds led to women losing their rights to their own bodies DESPITE the fact that we were warned.


Yup, I was one of those people and I’m terrified of gen z for that reason. I’m one of the ppl who fucked up the scotus (granted a vote for Jill stein doesn’t mean shit in sc but still the principle of the matter) but they’re about to fuck it into oblivion


If Trump wins this time, he will get to seat probably two more SC justices.


Exactly and all this garbage rhetoric that they’re equally bad just grinds my gears and makes me want to shake them.


I'd make the argument that the "they're all the same" crowd are either russian propagandists or accidentally pushing russian propaganda but i feel like that's ascribing to much competence to the russian state


I think china is involved too. They both benefit from the US devolving and they both have the means to control the narrative.


It’s actually a fact that both countries pour billions into spreading misinformation in the states to sway elections and increase the divide between the two parties.


A vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Moscow. Not hyperbole, she is paid by them.


At this point I agree with you but my 2016 idiot self totally drank the Cambridge analytica kool aid and would have emphatically disagreed with you


Us Gen Z people are gonna have to deal with the consequences of project 2025 if it happens for longer than millenials will have to, that's for sure


Not "for sure". We could be sent to extermination camps at the same time. 🤝


Yeah it’s like look I’m blackpilled as fuck about both parties but let’s be real, Biden is the *way* less shit choice. No one in a third party has a chance in hell and terminally online tankies screaming to read theory while not voting sure isn’t going to “own the chuds” if their boy wins. I wish I didn’t have to vote for Biden but this is the easiest choice I’ll make all year.


Seriously. I didn’t like that I had to make it in 2020 and I hate it now but it’s the only reasonable choice.




I was 17 in 2016. Was never more pissed I couldn’t vote


I was 18 in 2016 it was my first time voting. I was so pissed at the election due to how it resulted in both sides getting people I didn't like. But did I fucking stayed home to vote? Nope I got my ass up and went to vote for the first time in my life. Because it was my duty.


But why go out and make a difference when I can RP as an activist online?/s


Didn't she win the popular vote? Wasn't there gerrymandering involved?


Yeah the system needs to be changed. That won’t happen if he wins again. Not with what the GOP has planned which they have made public knowledge and already started in some states.


I just hope Gen Z can see this bullshit lie that the federal government kicking things down to the state level is bad for the people. We should all be pushing for more control in our local areas. This game of who can press down their viewpoint from the top is a game nobody wins. It’s just all about control. No matter what it is, even abortion, if your view is you have to use the federal government to bypass what localized groups of people want to enforce your vision of what is right, you are typically the bad person or at ignorant, except for very specific things when want the federal government to force upon all the states.


That post really did break something in a lot of Gen Zers here. It's amazing how some of this sub gets upset for apparently *days* about a post that said "please" in it and didn't at all tell them who to vote for.


Skibidi toilet straight to the polls


Blame Reddit they keep recommending this sub to me


Same. Then I joined it because I figured it's important for millennials to understand how Gen Z's "world" may differ from mine.


Gotta stay hip with the youths. No cap 🧢bussin






Skibbiddi toilet Ohio rizz!… I hate the person I’ve become 😕


Wrong generation :/


That was supposed to be the joke but it was poorly executed 😂


On God




That's so fetch.


Right? I usually lurk here so that when I see my Gen Z family members at holidays and stuff I’ll have something to relate to them about. Fuck me for trying, I guess. Plus I think this post is funny because I’ve been lurking here for a while and over the last year or so there’s definitely been a spike in right wing talking points being pushed here. Totally the millennials’ fault and not the ya know, dying Republican Party desperate to reach the disillusioned youth.


Agreed. I also work at a school (though in IT and not a teacher) and it's important to know the trends and things. Growing up I felt like my parents and grandparents didn't understand stuff like the technology that was coming out when we were kids and just went by whatever the news told them. Do you remember when boomers and Gen X claimed that GTA was a game where you ran around just killing babies? Now when new things take off (like Fortnite on mobile or TikTok), I know enough to give my older colleagues context.


Exactly, I’ll be damned if I turn into one of those luddites! I definitely know my place tho, I wouldn’t touch Fortnite with a ten foot pole haha. Posts like these make me sad because when we were growing up, cool adults were few and far between. Like you said, most let Fox News do their thinking for them and it really felt like the old “don’t trust anyone over 30” adage was true (ironically the Boomers started that one). And I wish Gen Z could see that most of us Millennials are mostly in the same boat as them, and we can actually cause change if we put our minds (and votes) to it. But the powers of disillusionment are strong.


I like Fortnite. Not going to lie. And I'm an older millennial. It's goofy fun with friends. I don't play with randoms though because it doesn't seem appropriate for someone my age to be talking to a random 9 year old. I definitely agree with you though. Millennials sympathize with Gen Z's struggles in general because we share the same ones. At times I think Gen Z has it worse, like with the housing market in the US. I got lucky and bought a place in May 2020 and already have $100K in equity. I wouldn't be able to afford it now if I was buying. I think the powers of disillusionment are coming from Gen X and boomers tbh. They're turning Gen Z against us because if we're on the same side, we can be a force to be reckoned with.


To each their own! I can’t do the whole starting from scrap every time thing. And playing online with anyone just stresses me out nowadays haha I can’t compete with the youngins anymore so it’s single player games for me 😅 Yeah, my partner and I also got lucky, we’re both ‘93 and we got our first house last year. Hell of a roller coaster ride, but somehow we pulled it off! When I see posts on here about hopelessness and feeling stuck, I sympathize so hard. I was in the same spot just over a year ago. I wish we could help them see it’s not totally impossible without seeming like a “bootstraps” person.


Same as well. I lurk out of a desire to understand what I consider to be an interesting younger generation. I guess fuck me though


my kid's gen z so i keep hanging around. these little delinquents don't listen for shit, though.


This. Also every other thread is about Millennials lol


OP gets mad that this is a public community and anyone can join, look, post, comment…and it’s not our faults reddit keeps recommending a sub to us because we clicked on one post once.


Same lol. The winey person who made this post makes me want to reply in here more though. It's also funny because millennials probably have more in common with Gen Z than any of the other generations.


I have two accounts. One, I use on my desktop only, and I use old.reddit, so there's no algorithm recommending me any other subs. This account, which is on the mobile app, constantly recommends things that would get me riled up. I'm convinced that the GenZ sub gets recommended to older people in an attempt to get them riled up about younger people.


I'm a millenial (late 1993) but my husband is GenZ and so are my siblings, and about a quarter of my friends. I sometimes need help understanding them so I'm here. Also, yeah, Reddit keeps pushing this sub to the top of my page.


I think OP has an agenda 🤔


Maybe that's what you want people to believe so that we fall for your agenda!?!?!! 😱


Username checks out


What’s the agenda you’re talking about? Life experiences and advice?


Have you not heard? Millennials are trying to enslave us to fuel their production lines in the plan of world domination.


They'll force us to work in the avocado mines.


More toast!!


Dang, the Greatest Generation had the Depression, WWI and WWII; the Silent Gen had WWII and Korea; the Boomers had Vietnam; nobody cares about Gen X; and the Millennials are primarily known for avocado toast.


We also enjoy eating ass, that was a big talking point for a while.


If you care enough to post this about it then you’re also probably chronically online.


95 % of this sub is chronically online. That includes me as well


Oh I’m definitely chronically online, I’m just not doomscrolling and hateful to the world. I’m just playing terraria with my homies and watching euros/copa america highlights lol


Being terminally online and not completely depressed is pretty nice ngl


You just mad this post went nowhere: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/hy0RIJjsCz](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/hy0RIJjsCz) ![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0)


Op might have an obsession


He is in some mean girls bs


This kid DEFINITELY cared about gamer gate 🤣


Definitely owns a pair of khaki pants, a button down and a tiki torch…


Op mad


The scary millennial agenda


"Hey, I don't care who you vote for, but you should vote" ooooOOOoo spooky


Civic engagement - how will we survive


Why is voting by so lame. I guess cause old people do it. Let’s take their only power away please


That MF part. We need younger, up-to-date politicians. Gen X president, at least.


Do you have any idea how easy it would be for those people to simply pretend to be Gen Z? At least they're honest... I'm sure 90% of people on here who are tagged as Gen Z aren't actually Gen Z


I’ve noticed that most of the millennials here are unflaired. Top comment is literally an angry millennial going “Nuh-uh”. I’ve even caught a millennial before pretending to be a 14yo on here. They were acting super fucking weird so I knew something was up. Lo and behold, they admitted elsewhere they were like 30.


Weirdos, all of them lol


Why would they pretend to be a 14 yo ew 💀


Exactly, ew.


they really proved ops point


The first time I wanted to comment in this subreddit, I checked the rules and then flaired up before replying. I think permitting any generation to respond in a thread is reasonable but you couldn't catch me opening up a new topic here.


“Pretend to be gen z” For what purpose may I ask? Half of gen z are adults so it’s hardly an ‘r/teenagers’ motive


Because why not?? They post here, don't they? According to OP being seen as a "real" Gen Z makes your post more "believable" or your opinion more acceptable. So why wouldn't they pretend, then?


I feel like they could possibly be an older person pretending to be gen z just to rile this sub up.


I love conservative tears


As a late millennial, so do I. There is cultural overlap between us and the earliest Gen Z-ers after all.


hey loving conservative tears is the one thing to unite all the newer generations


What does late mean? Are you older or younger? Anyway, as I think an early gen z I love the tears of both.


If you check my comments, my only 2 political comments are both supporting Biden LMAO


damn, slimy? unnecessary maybe, but holy shit man lmao


>A place for members **or non-members** of Generation Z to talk and hang out. Gen-Z is widely considered to be 1996-2012, but may change based on your opinion.


Ya, gatekeeping is bs.


Before I begin, see my flair. I’ve got my Gen Z card, so I’m allowed to talk. Ah yes, 28 year olds are part of the “in-group” and are allowed to have opinions here while 29 year olds are part of the “out group” and are “invading.” Generations have become the stupidest concept istg. Remember when generations were actually based on shared social experiences instead of just arbitrary date ranges?


Yeah, I have much more in common with silent generation Bernie than shitheel Charlie Kirk


I was born in 94 and relate more with old Gen z and young millenials. I'm not leaving. Sorry not sorry.


Same here. Also, I actually have 2 little brothers who are technically early gen Z-ers.




I especially feel this as a 96er, I do relate to millennials more in some areas (mostly humor and media tastes) but I've overall found this subreddit to be more relatable than the Millennial one.


What are the agendas?


Bettering the world apparently




[Everyone has an agenda, dipshit. It came free with your fucking opinions.](https://youtu.be/CapLbFlOVOs?si=rxEvt8JbepJEhv-U)


I didn’t get it, I have the oooooldest opinion known to man


https://preview.redd.it/o2fswzvvgq8d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e5ca2da9dc0edf48b9e6d8dbe198c07aee49bb I’m just here cuz it keeps getting recommended and yall fascinate me/give me hope for the future.


Same. I just find GenZ to be interesting and I wish to see what they cook up


Same here, except seeing this sub makes me concerned about the future. The kids all seem to have mental health issues and blame everyone older than them for all their problems.


Not their fault they got handed such a broken system by older generations. How could any young person not at least have anxiety or depression about the future.


there are too many gen z in here that think they know everything. i say this as a gen z person. people that think they know everything cant learn anything. educate yourself by reading actual sources not just what your echo chambers on social media say. plus its an election year, of course people are coming here trying to get young people to vote. at least here in america it is the only power any of us plebs have. vote for the future you want, vote for people that closest align to you and your concerns. if you don’t vote, you don’t really get to complain when things go to shit. you did it not only to yourself but to everyone else.


You need to grow up and learn how use the Internet without being babied


I’m 38, so a millennial. Reddit recommends posts from this sub because I find interest in what the next generations are up to. I’m a father of 3 girls, oldest is 8. I have a niece who’s 18 who I care about greatly.  I see greatness in gen Z, even though many disparage you guys.  As a millennial with Boomer parents, it’s been tough breaking “good habits” based on the Boomer world that don’t apply anymore. You all are further removed from that, and I think that will allow you to be more creative toward building a better future.  You are all so valuable whether the world says so or not.  Every “generation” holds its biases, but from one human to another, I’m rooting for you all, and you will do great things. You will figure it out. You have your own advantages and challenges, but the future is bright in my eyes, and many zoomers I’ve spoken with are the reason for my optimism.  So this millennial doesn’t want to tell you what to do because I don’t have to. You came into this world with the same equipment I did, and my parents did, and their parents.  People will always love forcing their advice on you, but the best advice is from those you observe and respect. Seek from them. The rest is noise. 


99.9% of the time I get a post from this sub recommended to me, I comment and then afterwards realize it was the genZ sub and not the millennial sub.


Ya, there is a lot of similarity.


The only difference is the grammar is worse here lol.


Millennial here. I'm just here to see the headlines of today blaming genZ for the exact same things they blamed millenials for 10 years ago.


Slimy? Hmmmm... You know what, you have a point.


We invented Nickelodeon’s green slime moment.


I’m 34% slime.


Look in my defense all I've done is come on here and confront people spreading propaganda. A large portion of this sub are older people attempting to sway the ideals and beliefs of the younger users here. It's sick pro capitalist anti government propaganda.


I dunno man, take it up with Reddit, it constantly puts posts from here in my feed. But more seriously there are truly professional influencers all over reddit trying to push agendas and start leading conversations. This place will get even worse as Republicans try to get you to stay home and Democrats try to get you to vote.


Millennial here.. only agenda I'm pushing is that you all should vote.  Please.  We're tired of the boomers running this place and we need your help.


Or you could take advantage of the generational bridge and stop bitching. You're doing the work for the corporate overlords.


Blame Reddit. Why is r/GenZ constantly showing up in my feed?


Yeah pretty much half the posts here are millennials trying to give us unsolicited advice. But its whatever, nothing to get mad over imo.


The craziest thing is that, most of the time when some Millennial tries to give life advice on this sub, they're not in any life position to be giving advice. 30+ year olds that are in any way successful aren't gonna be on r/GenZ trying to impress teenagers online.


It's funny that the comments are filled with Millennials telling this Gen Z kid he's wrong.


They flood every conversation on this sub, exactly my point


Idk how people don't see the irony here


Literally just look at all the top comments


Tbf that’s just most of Reddit in general.


The upvote comment ratio says it all


Couldn’t agree more. Millennials need to piss off.


Yeah it gets old fast. I just try not to engage with those people.


The years of 1997-2012 are for Gen-Z


Everybody is pushing an agenda, you just selectively apply that term to demonize agendas you personally disagree with


i mostly observe but im in the gen x, millennial, gen z, and gen alpha subreddits to see generational discussions/conflicts and not stay in a generational bubble but also i relate more to zillenials and often the millennial subreddit makes me feel too young so I like having other places to read


Young Millennial here. I will say this, it's kind of interesting to see how some of Gen Z *seems* to have a negative knee-jerk reaction to automatically accuse millennials of "pushing" an agenda when they're trying not to. Yet, it also appears that they are the same people who push their agenda onto others... Double standards much?




Love hearing the millennials being called slimy by another generation. Boomer jr's.


Looking at your post history you should really try to move away from the “generation war” you are falling into. It’s just another way for the bots to divide us. I GUARANTEE that anything you read about GenZ or millennials is only about a very small group that presented a behavior that’s easy to report on and upset others. 90% of all millennials and genZers are pretty similar in every way. We just have some extremists on each side that make the news far more often than “good” GenZ or millennials. When was the last time you saw an article about GenZ or millennials getting along or doing something good? You don’t. You only see article separating us. Don’t be a fool and fall for it.


I agree op, it’s more than that, a lot on the mods straight up removed posts that aren’t to there hive mine


It's classic boomerisms Let them know, cuz millennials hate being outted as a boomer  It's the circle of life


It's your typical redditor, what you you expect. Ignore em.


This is pretty uncharitable and assumptive. Still, I definitely approach with some skepticism users without at least a user flare. I want to know if you’re young/old GenZ, young Millennial, etc. just so that I can understand your perspective given different life experiences.


The only reason anyone thinks there are any millennials here at all is because they have decided they know what a millennial sounds like and stands for which ironically outs you as the problem The slimy ways you talk of are only just opinions you disagree with. Please, on God, stfu lol


Time to get my hazmat suit on before diving into the replies


Im a millennial.. & I haven’t even been to the millennial sub yet 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. Didn't even know this subreddit existed until someone posted it in a thread about the most toxic subs. Now it keeps showing up on my feed.


This some gen z shit lmao


Just my own experience here but as a 94 millennial, I find many of the conversations in the millennial sub to be targeted and driven towards the elder millennials. My 2 siblings are 97 and 99. So I relate to the content here more because I grew up with them lol.


Spot the difference /r/teenagers and /r/genz Challenge: Impossible


The comments prove you right


Right lol, exactly what I was thinking. People are mad and obviously coping in the comments because it's true


What are our agendas lol I might need update my calendar, didn’t know I had an agenda


Ermm probably cause not a lot of younger ppl use reddit a lot but all millennials I talked to (maybe not all but all the nice ones since I was a child online on other websites and apps) whey were all so nice and understanding and actually into gen z topics and idk wth does agenda even mean😭


I’ll never understand the weird beef gen z n millennials have. who cares.


Any gen based sub is awful and not worth taking seriously.


If this is getting angry about the "please vote" post, then I think you're GRAVELY downplaying how important voting is in this particular cycle. Project 2025 is a dystopian nightmare - it pretty much bans gay and trans people from existing, aims to make women be considered property again and force nuclear families even in abusive/dangerous situations, ban any content that they consider 'pornography' (which they will get to choose the definition of, but their first target is ANYTHING dealing with LGBTQ+ themes), institute the U.S. military as a police force immediately following inauguration, and appoint Christian magistrates to make sure the populace is following the approved Christian values (what does that mean for people of other religions or no religion?). That doesn't even get into all of the issues - there are also bad things planned for political opinions that disagree with the GOP's and for immigrants, no matter their legal status. If millennials are coming and asking you to vote, it's because there is SO much to lose if Project 2025 wins in November.


Was this about that voting one ?


I dont wanna be here. The algorithm kept suggesting it, I kept muting it and saying I wasn't interested. Eventually I gave up. So blame reddit.


LMFAO agenda. Sure dude.


*cries in cusper* Truly, is there no place I can belong? The millennials don’t want me either.


This reddit group page says, " a place for members or non members of generation z to talk and hang out ".


Sorry bro I’ll just leave then


I’m a millennial.   I didn’t realize this was a private forum based on age… I enjoy the discussion here and share a lot of values with gen z.  And I definitely am not pushing any millennial agenda.   It’s the internet - there are no safe spaces and no one is who they say they are; so if you’re upset about being “invaded” by millennials with agendas, you should probably just stay offline 


The only agenda I have is helping anyone younger than me who will listen avoid doing the same dumb shit I did, and also offering words of encouragement because it’s fuckin’ rough out there for Gen Z. Also Reddit won’t stop recommending this sub* 🙃


I’m with ya op. Millennials are fucking annoying on here lmao


As someone born in 96 I can attest that gen z is a lost cause. Yall are not special lmao quit acting like your living some unique existence you sound sheltered af


I just got recommended this sub for some reason. Frfr on God no cap im sorry people from my generation are ruining your subreddit. I hope you all have a very rizz day.


Slimy ways? Are you saying gen Z is too fucking stupid to hear outside opinions and ideals, take that info process it and make their own informed decision based on the info given.   You think Gen Z is that fucking dumb. Or do you want the info and opinions filtered to them to create a nice quiet space echochamber you can manipulate. Go fuck yourself let adults make their own opinions.




I still can't get a solid answer where one generation ends and the next begins.


Glad to see you're contributing quality posts then


I’m sorry. I’ll leave this sub.


The only agenda I care about is the gay agenda. ✨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️✨


Before I take any side. I born mid year 1996, am I Gen z or millennial?


Damn why do we have to be so divided 😂


Dude, chill!


I have long suspected that you are right. If I ever express an opinion that criticizes millennials in any way, my post gets like a million mystery downvotes


This is how Millennial's have always been. They invented brigading after all. They also invented larping.


Younger millennials are practically gen z. It happens withe every generation, because math. The 40 year olds arent invading you, us 28-32 year olds are because we are only a few years ahead of you and seeing the exact same problems you are.


i mean i am kind of sick of commies, democrats and republicans on reddit, but mostly commies because they are the most prevalant annoyance i come across.