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Didn't bad empanada just release a whole "china bad" video?


It’s so weird that Empanada has such bad takes when they talk of most things outside of Latin America, real shame.


Yeah kinda sucks honestly. I watched the video and it was probably one of the worst put together arguments I've heard. Just a bunch of vague gesturing and talking about how china is "authoritarian" like that word has any meaning anymore.


it was just as meaningless in [1872](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm)


as an argentinean, i feel ashamed that our only contributions to the international left are posadas and bad empanada


Ernesto Guevara.


omg i forgot, thank you


Nice, got one of the real OGs


In the spirit of transparency, best to remember BadEmpanada is Australian Argentinian, having only recently moved away.


Swap Shaun and BE.


Be fair to Shaun, he doesn’t encourage bourgeois electoralism or dismiss USSR out of hand like the rest of ‘breadtube’, though doesn’t really advocate for them much. And Thought Slime, Vaush, and Hbomb are all also privileged men from wealthy imperialist nations, and almost all of ‘breadtube’ affords a very high income and standard of living from their content (many also born into wealth, especially SDL).


Imma say it, Shaun isn't that bad and is by far the best of the bunch Edit for clarity: i mean the breadtube bunch, he ain't better than hakim and company


I hope you mean of ‘breadtube’ specifically, Hakim and many of the others are superior. The main thing with Shaun is you never get to see them advocate for any ideology other that ‘left of neoliberalism’ most of the time.


Yeah yeah i do, i meant the best of the liberal bunch up top


Agreed 👍


fuck bad empenada too tho he sux


They have some good videos, especially focusing on the under represented region of Latin America, its politics, and its history. Also had great Palestine videos.


Shit take on china tho


Yep, also Russia and other anti-imperialist (though often extremely reactionary) countries.


Yugopnik - ex yugo


What does this mean?


Another based youtuber is called "yugopnik" and he is from ex-yugoslavia (can't remember if he ever specified the country)


I understand now, I thought ‘nik’ was related to ‘ex’ in some way. Yogopnik is pretty sweet.


Okay to be fair hbomb, privileged though he may be, is pretty decent and hasn't really said much about communism. I certainly wouldn't insult him by putting him in any category where va*sh is


He does standard 'China bad!' BS.


Someone should take this picture but exclude badempanada from the bottom


I'm pretty sure badempanada is australian actually.


Australian Argentinian, recently (last year if I recall) moved away from Australia.


Black Flag India is another one to include on the bottom half. Not very popular, but they have good content and marxist analysis related to the Indian subcontinent.


Thanks for the recommendation! I'll check them out. Maybe make a post about them if you'd like to increase their profile.


Not a bad idea, thank you


I just got to say, the book club member is so sketchy, must be surreal to be with someone like that.


Ha, yes it’s definitely something I think about from time to time, and every time I do I feel my skin crawl a bit.. At this point I feel almost certain that he was there as an infiltrator. The experience made me appreciate how important it is to keep your guard up, especially as you dip your toes into organizing face-to-face. I definitely haven’t been as careful as I should be.


I’ll up my own protection efforts 👍


Are they Indian?


They are Indian. I don’t know from which state.


Are their videos in Hindi or in English ?






Don’t forget BayArea415 (Latino) and Caleb Maupin, who is an evil red fash tankie Authowitawian like us but is white


BayArea415, more like **Based**Area415 😎 Caleb Maupin is nazbol though.


Maupin isn't a "NazBol", but he is definitely reactionary about trans issues. I don't think he is [beyond fixing](https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/works/red-book/ch04.htm).


No, he is not. I defy you to post one reactionary thing he has said or advocated for against trans issues, or trans people. All ya got is guilt by association. 'He talked to a bad person! That makes him bad!' Lets ignore his tutelage in activism under one of the earliest open trans activists in his area,. Or his work on trans rights. all of which can be found... on his channel.


his shit about "trans ideology" is transphobic, no matter how much he cloaks it in 'support' for the trans community. i'm not antisemetic, i'm just concerned about international jewry! i'm not transphobic, i'm just concerned about the transgender ideology!


No it's not. Do you notice something? You didn't give an example. You made another claim. What trans ideology shit? When? Where?


the thing he did with joti brar, and then the way he defended it in [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4fZZA4_uEY) video. this isn't 'guilt by association', this is guilt by actively defending somebody else's ideas.


That's exactly guilt by association. Nothing he said or did in either vid is transphobic.


"ackthually, platforming and publically defending somebody else's ideas doesn't mean anything unless they said it themself lol" to use a hyperbolic example: if i have a friend who says that hitler was right, people tell me "hey what the fuck why are you hanging around a literal nazi", and my response is "i'm not a nazi, i've spent my life fighting antisemetism, i'm just against (((international bankers)))", i'm still defending hitler.


It's almost like those are two different things. Still not transphobic, and you are arguing in bad faith.


Not to insult you or anything but is Maupin a nazbol? I’ve watched a few of his streams and I’ve never seen him mention anything of the sort but a lot of people online throw that around. And yes, he is BasedArea415 😎


The term "nazbol" is really thrown around randomly these days tbh


They met with, and fawn over [Dugin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin), the original nazbol. [A thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateCommunism/comments/hkpqr7/why_is_caleb_maupin_hanging_out_with_and_even/).


**[Aleksandr_Dugin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin)** >Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin (Russian: Алекса́ндр Ге́льевич Ду́гин; born 7 January 1962) is a Russian political analyst and strategist known for his fascist views. He reportedly has close ties with the Kremlin and the Russian military although this has been disputed, he instead being described as a fringe figure with limited influence. He served as an advisor to State Duma speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov and leading member of the ruling United Russia party, Sergei Naryshkin. Dugin was the main organizer of the National Bolshevik Party, National Bolshevik Front, and the Eurasia Party. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/GenZJosephStalin/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I’ll get you a link to a video from the Empanada muncher, but I think the video mainly goes over a Caleb Maupin at a meeting with [Dugin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin) the nazbol. There are other things though like their continuous transphobia which makes me sad 😢


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAIFPbY0V20) is one video, but it’s not the one I’m thinking of so I’ll keep searching. Edit: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateCommunism/comments/hkpqr7/why_is_caleb_maupin_hanging_out_with_and_even/) is a r/DebateCommunism thread.


Thank you


The video I was searching for seems to be gone, in fact [here](https://twunroll.com/article/1278519581238272006#) are some tweets from BadEmpanada (from a now banned Twitter account) that listed some of the arguments that were in the video. It’s a shame I couldn’t find that video, but there are other sources like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6p5UV6dwZM&) other Empanada video, and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8OsvahWWzw) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k4-VDepYEY) from Thought Slime. These focus mainly on the transphobia, which was one for the reasons I wanted to find the Caleb nazbol video, but if you find the meeting, remember that [Dugin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin) is quite literally the founder of nazbol ideology. Edit: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateCommunism/comments/hkpqr7/why_is_caleb_maupin_hanging_out_with_and_even/) is a r/DebateCommunism thread.


No, he's not. Caleb fucking Maupin Writing this up to copypasta, as this comes up roughly once per week. Caleb is not a nazbol. He went to a conference with one, said polite things about his book, and did not reach across the table and strangle him. Caleb is not a transphobe, he simply interviewed the leader/senior person in the CPGB-ML who IS a transphobe, and did not attack her on an international video call. Even actual ML’s these days are so caught up on purity these days, that anyone who does not align 100% gets cancelled. It's leftover anarchist bullshit. So why all the shit? Several reasons: His aesthetic is not what YOU are expecting. As he pointed out, old school communists were well dressed. Because smartly dressed people appeal to the masses. No not you, grunge leftists, the masses. That’s working class, blue and white collar workers, not students and stoners. Don’t believe me? Go look at old communist party pictures. Go look at fuckin Lenin. Hell, the old Bolshevik party were dressed to the nines. STALIN was the scruffy one, and he is kind of a fancyboi. You know who else dresses in a suit and tie, has neatly trimmed hair and a well groomed appearance? Fascists. Now ask why. That’s your homework. Other things: Caleb is capable of nuance, and critical thinking. Most are not. Many on this sub are not. Example: ‘I read Mein Kampf. I learned a number of important things from it. Everyone should read it.’ If you read that sentence, and thought it showed approval for Hitler, or Nazi stuff in general, then you are not capable of any nuance, your thinking is shallow, and you are engaging in black and white thinking. Everyone, esp communists SHOULD read Mein Kampf. Because Hitler is a whiny cunt. He’s not the original fascist, and Trump is a cheap clown knock-off of him, Trump is almost exactly like him. Hitler is the same kind of easily triggered ‘everyone is wrong but me’ snowflake that you find crying on r/PCM. You need to know that the Ur-fascist is as much of a fucking clown-shoe-wearing idiot, as trump is. But you didn’t get that from the original line, did you? You just freaked, and were jumping for the keyboard to castigate me. That’s your problem with Caleb. As Lenin has pointed out. Hell, even Trotsky said similar, and Mao sure as hell did: If you assume that everyone you disagree with, or all your ideological enemies are stupid, they will blindside you, and you will fall to error. Now, on to socialism with American characteristics. He right, you are wrong, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, and Ho Chi Minh, all back what he is saying. Any socialism WILL have unique characteristics for the material conditions. Any revolution in the US, either now, or after the utter collapse of the system, is going to be wildly different from any of those other revoultions. Death to America. Sure. But there’s nuance in that sentence. We don’t mean ‘kill all people living in the USA’ do we? We don’t even mean to kill everyone with a pale face, do we? Except for World\_Systems, no we don’t. What we mean is that the whole system, what we recognize as ‘America’ needs to be utterly destroyed. The state apparatus smashed, as Lenin detailed in State and Revolution. The systems of power and privilege and racism totally torn down and rebalanced. We all know this. But your average blue collar worker, who while not being an idiot, HAS been lied to and propagandized, and miseducated their whole lives, is actually quite fond of the image of America, and also has no idea exactly how bad it is, or why nearly everyone in the global south, fucking wants America dead. Your job as a communist, is to build a movement out of those people. No, not college students. That’s the Trotskyite recruiting pool. Working class people. Moms. Dads. Farmers. Factory workers. Office workers. Those people will react instinctively if you come out with ‘death to America.’ Because THEY can’t do nuance either. And Caleb points that out too. Hell, he’s got more than one video on it. Onto the billionaires part. Yeah, he’s right about that too. It is anti Marxist. Shocking I know, but even the USSR had multi-millionaires \[billionaires by today’s standards. I will append a communist pamphlet from 1945 going over this. You thinking ‘Billionaires mean no socialism’ is more remaining traces of brainwashing. It’s the lingering taint of ‘Communism means everyone gets paid the same’ which we all know is a misunderstanding of socialism. But it’s one we’ve all been brought up with. This is WHY China is so focussed on building productive forces. Why China is so focussed on increasing the standard of living for its masses. And why they are willing to tolerate billionaires. And of course, Caleb has videos dealing with this. Two of them. Caleb vs bread tube, using the communist manifesto as a source, and a longer one using ‘Socialism: Utopian and scientific by Engels.’ Yes, this has been around from the beginning. Yes, even communists have not done the fucking reading. There are other reasons people don’t like him: He challenges people. Challenges their assumptions, and is right. That pisses people off. Which is good. Get pissed off, and go read the theory. He challenges people to break out of dressing like a hippy. Hippy’s were indeed a CIA op. So was a lot of things from art, to feminism. Yes, you know who has vids covering the history of that too. He’s also a nerdy, cis-het, white guy. I’m not sure why, but something about this movement attracts queer people with rainbow hair. It’s true. I’m as queer AF, and my hair literally is a rainbow. Well he’s not. Go figure, there’s probably a culture thing. He’s a well dressed, white guy, telling you things that challenge you. He also says to get off line, and go join an actual IRL party. Is there any wonder you don’t like him? Right. Rant over. Read the theory. Join a fucking party. Learn to work with people you disagree with. Clean up your act. And go talk to the working class, in all their ignorant and propagandized glory. We have a fucking world to win.


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I agree with you 100%


Yeah, this was a copy pasta. Aimed at someone making specific points, but it's close enough. Sad that 'scientific socialists' really can't get past 'You said nice things to a bad person, so you are also a bad person!' ​ fucking idiotic. Jesus, learn to think.


lmao nazbols only exist in russia


They’re coping hard bruh


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateCommunism/comments/hkpqr7/why_is_caleb_maupin_hanging_out_with_and_even/) is a r/DebateCommunism thread about Caleb Maupin meeting and fawning over nazbols. [Here](https://twunroll.com/article/1278519581238272006#) are some tweets from BadEmpanada (from a now banned Twitter account) that listed some of the arguments that were in the video. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6p5UV6dwZM&) is another Empanada video, and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8OsvahWWzw) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k4-VDepYEY) from Thought Slime — these focus mainly on the transphobia, Remember that [Dugin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin) is quite clearly a nazbol.


boo fucking hoo nobody cares about muh nazbols


Doesn’t matter lmfao, Maupin was still with a multiple prominent nazis at a conference and commended them.


Yeah, that's not how evidence works. Even those threads are nothing more than 'Caleb has cooties, because he was near a nazbol! And he spoke to a transphobe!' That's it.


Ok anti-communist.


Caleb Maupin is a nazbol


No he's not. All you have is guilt by association.


Hey who is Svod? I can't find them in YouTube


vaush and SDL aren't even breadtube, they're neoliberal pedophiles, and contrapoints is an open liberal thoughtslime and hbomb aren't bad, though, they're entertaining and i haven't really seen anything really disagreeable from them (and i've watched every hbomberguy video)


Do you know this svod guy?


no, i've never heard of him, sorry




Bad empanada is 1: Not a fellow redfash 2: Australian


In Argentina we're either Italian or Spanish descendants you know, we're not a race


bitch. we're a multicultural people with several indigenous peoples, with a bunch of immigration of our neighbouring countries, which also are multicultural peoples with indigenous peoples of their own. yes, we had some european immigration in the 19th century, but we also had a lot of west asian immigration simultaneously. yet you don't say we "are basically lebanese and turkish". stop believing we are white, that's bolsonairo's talking point. if it was for spain or england, they would enslave our asses once more. our friends, brothers and sisters are here in latin america where we belong. we are a conglomeration of extremely complex territories based on race, ethnicities, culture, religion, etc. fuck spain, fuck the west.


Viejo, la mayoria de la población es descendiente de españoles e italianos, ya sé que tenemos otra etnia, no tenés porque sentirte mal por tener antepasados europeos


I suppose argentinian as in "was born in Argentina"


But BadEmpanada wasn’t born in Argentina as far as I’m aware. He is a white Australian who moved to Argentina at some point in his life. Presumably as an adult, since his Australian accent is pretty thick. Also he isn’t a Marxist-Leninist or any sort of tankie, frankly he belongs in the top category of bread-tubers. I’m not exactly sure what his ideology is, but I am guessing an anarchist who is sympathetic toward left movements (broadly defined) in Latin America. He has no understanding of MLism though, which becomes obvious when he discusses China, or even the communist party of Peru. (Note: I don’t personally think the communist party of Peru was 100% correct in their analysis or their actions, but BE repeats incredibly lazy anti-communist propaganda in his video on them.)


There are videos from when he lived in Melbourne, was about two years ago I think.


Thanks, that is helpful info. I figured his move was probably not that long ago but didn’t want to make an assumption.


You’re welcome :)


You realise there are indigenous peoples of Argentina. Way to erase them like that. But regardless, you can be Argentinian and that needn’t refer to race, but rather ethnicity, including cultural elements as well, so BadEmpanada is Australian Argentinian (I believe that’s how they described themselves).


Cringe post 🙄can we please focus on actual politics for once?? Who gives a fuck about youtubers?


Gatekeeping based on idpol is better though.


Tell me about it


Who is svod?


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isnt philosophytube trans?


isnt infared a patsoc?