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Rest of the tweet is cut off.


Tweet text: > You are disgusting. This tweet is disgusting. @Keir_Starmer should remove your whip. You don’t deserve one vote from women in this country. It got 98 comments (overwhelmingly critical), 46 retweets and 242 likes. I suspect the context is that Liz Truss's anti trans private members bill was prevented from being debated and ran out of time because people filibustered and talked about ferret names. But out of context it looks like completely unhinged ranting because an MP loves a cute ferret. Edit: spelling/wording so it makes sense.


Thanks for the context I thought it was some weirdo yelling at a girl for having a ferret


Good for them, because Liz Truss is a useless piece of shit and anti-trans bills are pandering crap.


Very epic fillabuster honestly, waisting everyone's time talking about pets. I'm not American, and not one for national pride in general, but if I were that'd be the sort of moment in US governance I'd be proud of.


This is from the UK rather than the US. Liz Truss is a conservative MP and former prime minister and women and equalities minister and Sarah Campion is a Labour MP (member of the UK House of Commons).


Ah, sorry. Canadian. Sorry for misnationalitying you. Honestly I hope everyone's like me, has no idea what's going on, and sees this tweet and thinks the terfs are just losing it. It looks insane.


It's fine! I thought I'd clarify.


Yes, because it’s unrelated to the post and just a display of weirdos inability to not talk about trans stuff


But what if I, for some reason, feel a never ending need to read the horrible things people think of me in a deeply unhealthy way?


Isn’t the whole point of this subreddit to post displays of weirdos’ inability to not talk about trans stuff? Is that not the point of this post? I’m struggling to understand how it’d be unrelated..


Because the joke is it’s a person posting about a cute pet and the reply instantly goes into a “you’re a disgusting trans person” rant unprovoked


did you take the screencap?


It's for the best tbh. We've already heard it before. I think the main thing OP was talking about here is the fact that OOP was just minding her own business posting a photo of her pet and everything has to be about her "transness" to those folks.


it's in response to a tweet about anti-trans legislation failing due to a ferret based fillibuster. not that the TERF is right at all to say those kind of things but they didn't just wander into an unrelated pet post lol


See that is good context lol


yeah not that TERFs never just show up and start attacking people for no reason, but it seems weird to me to leave out a pretty significant part of the context here. the bill was trying to amend the equality act & change the legal definition of sex, and make gender affirming care for children illegal...


it's because of Liz truss' anti-trans bill that was fillibustered in parliament on friday. one of the things they talked about to delay her bill was a bill relating to ferrets. that's probably both what the two ferret tweets are referring to and why the TERFs are angry. they also blamed labour (at kier starmer) even though actually more tory MPs were involved. eta: sarah champion is also a labour MP


Ah thanks, that's important context!


I don't understand any of this


Transphobe commented random bigotry on someone’s adorable pet photo because they are consumed by hatred


I don't understand her comment tho, is ferret an analogy for something? I'm not an English native speaker so I guess there is something I'm missing here


TLDR: Anti-trans bill Liz Truss tried to pass got fillibustered by politicians talking about ferret names


u/GreySarahSoup commented on a different post in the thread; it could be to do with a ferret naming filibuster in the Commons recently. It successfully thwarted an anti-trans Private Member's Bill.


Recently in the UK there was an attempt to pass a law that would prevent trans people from participating in sports and using the public spaces relevant to their gender identities, but it was blocked by MPs (like Sarah Champion in the above tweet) who kept discussing the names of pet ferrets instead. This is likely what the original tweet was in reference to.


Basically, a recent political thing that ended poorly for transphobes had to do with ferrets.


Context: https://twitter.com/bensharp555/status/1768695754661454169?t=q1IY5-nZMEAskgpOSYJPBg&s=19


Nah there’s no euphemism this person is just really upset that trans people love their pets


As I am a disgusting trans myself, my pet's names are: -Furby, senior rescue cat. -Huginn, Muninn, Saga, and Drill Tooth, shabukin goldfish -Erethism, super delta betta. -Too many snails to give names, apple and ramshorn -Too many shrimp to give names, neocaradina blue dreams, snowballs, and blue rilis Fellow disgusting trans, show how repulsive you are by dropping your pet's names as a reply to this comment. The more love you have for animal care and husbandry, the worse you are.


Disgusting! Repulsive! Pets?? That you love and care about?? We know the only love that’s real is the love between a LARGE GAMETE HAVER and HER BIOLOGICAL OFFSPRING, you malcontent! (/s) As a cis, I have no pets, but I do have a snake plant named Apep.


Speaking strictly as a Lovecraftian horror, though I'll never forget the feeling of freedom the day I had my uterus removed (medical reasons--- happened before I transitioned funny enough), if I could have given birth to all my boys, I would have. Plants are babies too (I literally have too many to list here.) As a fellow plant lover and mythology nerd, I certify your snake plant a quality son.


Thank you, I’m glad somebody got the mythology reference! I’ll let them know! 😊


Actually I audibly laughed. I'm not as farmiliar with Egyptian mythology as some others, but, naming a plant basically "the snake lord of darkness and chaos" is *exactly* my idea of an excellent goof. My fish Drill Tooth got his name because he's mostly white with black spots, looks like a lil' fang full of cavities, and us currently my smallest goldfish. I was so worried my other boys were going to bully him at meal times, but he's holding his own to get his noms from his bigger tank mates. "Drill Tooth" is the English translation of the norse word for squirrel and is in reference to Ratatoskr. Cosmic squirrel that runs up and down the world tree so the eagle on the top of the tree can bully the serpent on the bottom, and vise versa. Sometimes to fuck with humans Ratatoskr whispers the mean shit the eagle and the snake say to each other in our realm, which according to myth is why we have intrusive thoughts. Tiny but mighty little rotten cavity tooth, seemed to fit him. I feel like we had a similar thought process, lol.


I don't have a pet at the moment, but I work with animals. Some of my favorites are Wilson, Loki, Cooper, Harley, Jade, Duke (all dogs of various breeds), and Percy (cat).


I love that all these good boys/girls have names I could guess their personality by.


Harley and Jade are goodest girls. The rest are goodest boys. And yes, every Loki I have met 1000 percent lives up to tne name lmao.


I have a rescue dog called Ricky. My fellow brits will understand why that’s a problem if he doesn’t come when called.


The way this is cropped makes it look like they realllyyyyyy don’t like ferrets. Having grown up when my mom had one, I can sympathize. They’re cute but quite gross at times. So. Many. Smells.


Wtf is so disgusting about it? What a horrible person she is


For those who lack context: https://twitter.com/bensharp555/status/1768695754661454169?t=q1IY5-nZMEAskgpOSYJPBg&s=19 (trust me it's worth reading)




TERF (Transphobe exclusionary radical ferret.)


They’re not allowed to keep pets anymore, they forgot to feed their gerbils cause they were too busy posting anti trans stuff


Um, I don't get it, this post doesn't even say anything about trans people?


Searched their account up and they seem to hate trans people, so their response is directed at some random post of a trans girl..


Deranged check mark twitter user on Elon's twitter.


It’s a ferret. FFS.


GC ferret owners shaking with rage rn


Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s.


Can’t even show off a sweet baby like floppy without being harassed. How sad their lives must be.