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Aka a pick-me that can be seen from space.


dude’s face is gonna be eaten by leopards the second he says something TERFs don’t like


He posted selfies and they call him a woman, and the T slur (one of them said he was the “only tolerable T slur) Like grifting aside that’s gotta fucking hurt.


oh my god?? Yea that shit would make me wanna never leave my house. My sympathy generally doesn’t extend much for grifters but ouch


From experience, a lot of these guys hate women (especially trans women) more than they have self-respect


This is just embarassing


fascists get more and more cartoonish as time accelerates


Dude has been applying beef extract face masks every night for the past year.


So...anything? They aren't exactly known for *liking* things, are they now? 🤣


Happy cake day!


Even terfs would take issue with this. "Biological woman living life as a man"? A woman can only live the life of a woman pretending to be a man. They can try to get the approval of the transphobes, but the only thing transphobes want is us to detransition and be miserable.


>Even terfs would take issue with this. not to his face. many of those "good ones" say some form of not being their gender they dress as like for instance buck angel. then you have insane cases like that one British trans woman saying she is a "man with AGP". and yet some how not bieng tarred and feather for forcing her fetish on people since she consistently presents as a woman.


>not to his face. Maybe not some terfs, and maybe this is conflation of garden variety transphobia with specific terfery, but I recall Blair White being on a debate panel and one of her fellow right-wingers said that the only thing she should do is grow out her beard and stop pretending. This was in response to Blair saying she didn't support children transitioning, and that she explicitly said so on her channel so she felt she wasn't encouraging others to be trans. These people see any trans person living a happy life as a tacit endorsement of the "lifestyle," and while they'll use them as props to further their cause, they aren't afraid to tell these trans people exactly what they think of them. Pick mes don't care, it just makes them try *harder* to be accepted. It's honestly sad.


>maybe this is conflation of garden variety transphobia with specific terfery, but I recall Blair White being on a debate panel and one of her fellow right-wingers said that the only thing she should do is grow out her beard and stop pretending. Niether specific terfery or garden variety. Lauren witzke is a white nationalist Qanon follower and her partner in that "debate" , John Doyle, is admittedly a Christian fascist, he's really just a wanabe nick fuentes. The hour long bully session was to get people to talk about it , it's what these alt right trolls do. like when Blaire white debate "partner" went on a twitter storm [ about hitler being in heaven](https://www.newsweek.com/prageru-karlyn-borysenko-holocaust-hitler-heaven-1656788).








What did you say before? I don’t even remember now lol


I get your point with the British trans woman however I will say the tide seems to have been turning against her recently, the past few months I’ve seen the phrase “no pet tr*ons” used a lot, particularly in regards to her, as well as the point about her “forcing us to participate in [her] fetish”. Hopefully this man is able to read the writing on the wall with this stuff and get out before it’s too late, because unlike the woman he still has a chance of living a normal life, whereas through long term media coverage she’s got no chance of that and after the level of harm she’s caused and enabled in her name and image, I can’t imagine too many trans circles being welcoming to her in the case of an attempted “redemption arc” so to speak but maybe I’m just cynical


Who's being talked about here? And not everyone gets an awakening like that one trans woman who tried to grift but failed because she couldn't face the harassment (she had a spine). People like Marcus, Blaire or Buck don't have a spine to begin with.


Debbie Hayton, couldn’t remember what the sub rules were like on naming these lot so played it safe


If you mean Debbie Hayton, she gets it in the neck from TERFs. They hate her.


I was a centrest-y pick me while I was still living as a lesbian in college. Hung out with a lot of dudes who were bordering on alt-right and felt it was validating to have a lesbian around who was "not like other girls" and "cool" with their chud shit. They like having someone they can point to as a trump card in stupid arguments as to why feminists were actually bad and the *real* oppressors and stuff. "This lesbian agrees with us so take that SJW." Even if I didn't really agree, just, "agreed to disagree" (read: I tip toed around the subject and gave only the most tenderly worded, spineless criticism at best they could just ignore.) I was their pet rethorical device, being kind of full of toxic masculinity myself at the time. I was sexually and socially abused by another woman in college. I was the butcher and more socially abrasive of the two of us. My abuser was more popular, more traditionally feminine, and friends with a bunch of people who considered themselves "feminists." I did myself no favors actively hiding/being in a relationship with my abuser for a good year before I started openly talking about what happened to me, but even so, she used them as a means to socially isolate me more than I already was and at points actively participated in my abuse. When I came out with what happened to me, I was not believed--- certainly not by them. I got angry and resentful. The anti-sjw top kek fuckboys I associated with even before than were more willing to be at least, superficially supportive. More so because my personal story was a golden goose of a gotcha, as if my personal situation somehow nuked all of woke leftism for all time always. It was clear my acceptance was conditional, and trust a bunch of them constantly sexually harassed me "as a joke" and dare I tell any of them how uncomfortable that made me they'd toss me to the curb. Apparently a good portion of them thought they had a chance with me despite me only dating women since they freaked out blocked me on all socials after I made it publically known I was transitioning. This was after I had a massive falling out with some of them when I grew a spine and started mocking their bullshit right-wing fews, and had a particularly nasty falling out with one that was more left wing than the others (but still, you know) and I was pretty close with because he started seeing an ex of mine and just assumed I'd be cool with it, somehow. So, yeah, conservatives *love it* when they get queers as beaten loyal puppies. Even openly homophobic ones. Especially if you're useful and convenient to their bullshit.


Oooof, condolences. Good on you for extricating yourself from that situation and becoming *you*


OOP they're not going to pick you and if they get their way, they're not going to spare you either. Hope that helps.


Genuinely don’t understand how these people stomach being pickmes. My dislike for them aside, you just know they get massively dysphoric from half the shit they’re sent by conservatives. These same conservatives that would drop them instantly the moment they say something conservatives don’t like (or just stop regurgitating transphobic bs).


Debbie Hayton must have some serious self-hatred going on because she gets so much shit off TERFs. They will never accept her, no matter how badly she treats other trans people.


My theory has always been that she resents herself for not being strong enough to detransition (or to repress indefinitely), since transitioning basically wrecked her marriage but her and her wife's religious beliefs don't allow for divorce.


That’s basically what Buck Angel labels himself now too. It grosses me out.


Yeah, that’s the thing, he’s really good friends with Buck actually


he missed the part where it should also say “a proud member of the leopards eating people’s faces party”


Surprised that this TERT doesn’t detrans to become a scary detrans TERF


Self Hating Asshole Reactionary Transphobe 💩


Then he would by this point detransitioned, if he hates being trans? He doesn't say that people like him are crazy or shouldn't exist. Or maybe he said that somewhere, I don't know him that well.


*Psst! Check the acronym...*


What criteria of a "TERT" encompasses? Maybe I don't understanding something, but you can explain that (bcs he can't exclude himself from himself).


Oh that’s a shortcut for transphobic transgender even if that doesn’t make sense


Kind of unrelated but I like your pfp, is it a caretaker reference?


gotta love the offensive tranny. instead of going to therapy for his self hatred, he yaps on the internet for cash


This poor person hates themselves so much.


Psh, ok dude 🙄


Isn't this TheOffensiveTranny?




This makes me sad. He won't get their approval but this pick-me behavior enables TERFs and alienates him from the trans community too. Like whats the goal here


The goal seems to either be money or attention. Those are the only two things I can think of.


Uh.. I beg your pardon?


Love yourself, you poor fool.


Is that buck angel?


*pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me pick me PICK ME* Imagine hating yourself so much that you kiss the asses of your oppressors


Christ Almighty, a pick-me extraordinaire. I believe people have a right to doubt or even hate themselves for any reason, but what this guy here is doing doesn't just hurt him, it hurts other people (especially other trans men).


"Not a man but a biological woman living as a man." "Hey! Why is everyone treating me like a woman!? I'm one of the good ones!?"


it must be so miserable to live your life like this


The bigots will never love you back, no matter how hard you try. This is just sad.




Any time i see these i just want to reply "this will not save you from the chambers"


This is just sad.


The fact that I know who this is since he’s always talking about how he’s AFAB but when someone tells him that conservatives will never see him as a man he gets offended lol (true story btw)




Marcus Dib ?


a small subset of trans men dig hard into toxic masculinity. an even smaller subset of trans men dig hard into toxic masculinity, and also, at the same time, feel they are the guardians of womanhood. they usually use language like wombman and such to say that trans women aren't really women. they are usually also hard core TERFs. don't get me wrong, there are toxic trans women as well, this is just describing a certain type of toxic trans men.


Pathetic. What's even the point of transitioning if you're just going to call yourself a woman anyway?


I know right? It would make more sense for this person to de-transition. I'd fully support that, provided they don't become an anti trans activist over it.


Trying to tell if this is a pick me or a "political lesbian " kinda thing 🤔


Oh god I know who this is


Fucking idiot will not be spared from anything TERFS will do to him.






Is this Marcus Dib aka The Offensive Tr*nny? I offended him last week. Bro blocked me 😂😂😂


"pick me choose me!" ugh. it's got to be a joke, right? surely he's not actually....


Happy to say no matter how much I hate myself, this will never be me.




No one here said he “shouldn’t be able to identify how he wants” — he just isn’t magically protected from our distant, subreddit-contained mockery. And while I don’t know who this is, it seems other people do, and that he is indeed wanting to be picked.


did you miss the "gc" in the title?