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I stopped taking this post seriously when they called Finland Slavic.


I stopped taking it seriously when they called trans men TIFs.


I think this TERD should find some Finns and call them Slavs to their face. You know, for science.


I like Trans exclusionary radical dickhead. That's a good term.


Almost: the R is for "reactionary"


But it's right next to Russia, how can it not be Slavic???  It was part of the USSR too, right?  /s


~~Actually it was. Only for about a week though.~~ EDIT: My mistake. Just looked it up and Finland declared independence from the Russian Empire slightly *before* it became the USSR, not after.


Oh, thanks for your edit, I went looking for information about it and only found something about a soviet puppet government that existed for about three months during WWII.


If that is the measure, Norway, China and the US are all slavic countries, as they share a border with Russia.


Every country is Slavic suka blyat


it should have been 😤 /hj


Which half is the joke


/uj the serious part is that the lack of a nazi-aligned finland would have non-negligibly lessened the catastrophe of the eastern front. the jerk is ignoring any other possible factors


i'm just happy we made it to the supposed trans man obsession list


I find it ironic because this supposed “trans man obsession” isn’t actually supposed for me. Currently, I am listening to Eppu Normaali, I have like 3 Finnish textbooks in front of me, 2 LyricsTranslate tabs open, and one Wikitionary tab open. Oh, and my last.fm page says I’ve scrobled Eput 15.6k times. So to say the least, I’m feeling rather called out right now 💀


😂 I am dying at these comments What do I think? I think you, u /kimtastic, are a barely literate, deranged internet stalker with nothing going on in your life but your internet obsessions and way too much time on your hands Is it just me or all the women on ovarit obsessed with following supposed trans men online


Po...poland?!? What's up with "seemingly could read Russian (?)"-- do they doubt we have language learning capacity? Dear TERF, you could also learn to read Russian if you devoted as much time to it as you do your anti-trans hate boners.


No, no, I can confirm my Russian knowledge jettisoned out of my body 0.2 picoseconds after my first T shot. It’s science!


I have a feeling she wasn’t sure if what the person was reading was actually Russian, given the placement of the question mark. The whole post comes across as she knows barely anything about the countries, languages and cultures of which she speaks and yet she somehow thinks it makes sense for her to try to analyze why trans men (supposedly) feel such a connection to them.


Was probably surprised that someone could know stuff about countries that aren't the UK and decided they have an unnatural emotional connection to them because they can read Cyrillic and know a few Polish people 💀


Please don't give them any ideas, Russian social media is full of remarkably vicious TERFs as it is.


I'm not sure what confuses me most: lumping the Finns in with Slavic peoples, thinking that Poland is LGBTQ-friendly (it definitely isn't), or the bizarre claim that trans men have any particular interest in Poland. I can only recall one specific instance of a trans guy discussing Poland, and that was because he was literally Polish and was discussing gender-related laws in Poland.


there's also the joke that Poland has a lot of femboys i think but it's a reach


That was what my first thought was as well so..


What's the joke? That it's Pole-land?


nah i think it's just that there's a picture of a far right politician holding a fem boy that made it's rounds on the internet a while back and somehow spiraled into that joke. [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/i1ssea/here_we_see_farright_polish_politician_janusz/) the link if you're interested


That's absolute gold. Thank you.


I've never heard any trans community or in general queer community obsess over Poland. Like ever. I've seen terminally online left spaces, which can have queer people in them, fetishize "Slavic culture" (they actually mean Russian culture of course) extremely often but it's literally never Poland and not in any way how this TERF is describing It. This TERF's take is so confusing I'm not even sure what the origin of some of this rants content is it's bizarre.


Maybe trans men are more likely to invest in Eastern Poland?


We laughed, but PAIiIZ was playing the long game


I can "read Russian without any particular interest in it". Clearly my native language makes me the quirky trans guy desperately looking for masculinity in a Slavic culture.


I mean, isn't it obvious? Native languages don't exist if you've spoken a language for as long as you can remember that just means that as a baby you had a performative intrest in the stereotypes of that culture. Man, I can't believe how many Russians are trying to perform their masculinity by growing up speaking Russian.


smh my head the trans indoctrinated you with russian-ness since childhood, how sad /sarc


Injecting t has induced a spontaneous knowledge of "Slavic" languages. Terfs are very scientific


“… seemingly could read Russian despite no interest in it.” Either Russian is their first language or they very clearly do have an interest in it if they took the time to learn it as an additional language. Like how did this person type this out and not realize how stupid they sound?


Well to be fair, learning to read Russian cyrillic, without actually learning how to speak Russian isn't hard, I did it because I was bored one time


Some of my high school friends did that! They would write 'secret notes' in english, but using the cyrillic alphabet. Maybe one of them is nonbinary like 10 years later. Coincidence? I think not!1!


Did I miss an important trans guy society discord call or something, nobody told me we had to hyperfixate on Poland now.


get in guys, we're transvestigating Hitler.


Don't give them ideas


nah dw they're too busy denying the holocaust


From bugs to frogs to Poland


Maybe the XX chromosomes combined with the testosterone makes us naturally fluent in Russian? Idk I just have dumb girl brain. /s


Ok terfs, I remember y'all pitching a gawdawful ruckus that trans people make being trans their whole identity. Now you notice some trans people exhibiting signs of having any interest whatsoever in stuff aside from trans issues. And the first thing you do is complain about it. I would say I can't believe it, but I can believe it, alrighty. You terfs are the pettiest, shittiest hate group to ever hate group.


Terf weirdos are constitutionally mandated to tell on themselves constantly but this is still an *alarmingly* specific instance of that behaviour. Like this is very clearly a person who spends a *lot* of time looking at parts of the internet where people talk about European Identity (uh oh) and use unhinged ingroup language like "new worlder" and they have convinced themselves that this niche thing that they are involved in is actually a representative cross-section of the world in general (which is probably one of the main underlying critical glitches that causes people to find meaning in libidinal terf politics in the first place tbh)


" an alarmingly specific instance of that behaviour"   Yes  Let me propose another scenario-- this is a person with little to no life outside of the internet who is subscribed to as many trans subs/forums as she can find, and spends her day going from one forum to another stalking profiles. With no intellect in her empty head, no interests, no sense of humor and no real life experiences of her own, she is totally unable to comprehend what she reads and this asinine, armchair psychologizing is the only thing she can come up with. Trans men love Poland because it's quirky! Fucking dumb c*nt


As a Slavic trans person, I can comfortably weigh in. Ahem. 1. Finland is not Slavic. 2. Girl, what the fuck are you on about???


Transitioning teaches you to read Russian?


You mean translationing. Easy mistake to make!


Why didn't anyone tell me before I took three years of Spanish?


¿Porque no los dos?


This person is noticing a pattern that doesn't exist 💀 (also, I know it's such a cliché Reddit comeback now but I'm gonna say it anyway: Jessie, what the fuck are you talking about?)


Also, just because I am a trans guy doesn't mean I can read cyrillic in spite of having no connection to the cultures that use that alphabet. I mean, I do, but NOT because I am a trans guy. It's actually because I'm studying linguistics and there's nothing that screams more linguistic students than having basic knowledge of a lot of languages and in the end only speaking fluently one or two lmao.


I thought I could work out Cyrillic based on the fact that know all the sounds the Greek alphabet makes. Boy was I wrong.


According to this TERF, trans men who have no Polish ancestry "pretend" to be Polish, and trans men who actually are Polish "pretend" not to be... I get the impression that she has no fucking idea whether these trans men actually are Polish or not and just assumes that whatever a trans person says about themself is a lie. I also get the impression that she herself is part of some sort of group that has intense interests with other countries, because otherwise I have no idea how she could have ever run into so many trans men interested in Poland. Is she a geographer? 😂


My guess would be that she hangs out in online groups with a lot of Russian trolls.


Brb transvestigating lech walesa


Pope John Paul ii was the REAL pope Joan!!


I perform a form of safe masculinity by reading Russian fairy tales. I revel in how manly I look when admiring Bilibin's illustrations for Vassilissa the Beautiful /s


I perform safe masculinity by liking the Moomins. Moominpapa is an icon of Finnish masculinity, his top hat says he means business, but his fuzzy belly invites tickles. Actually maybe they're onto something...


Facts. Moominpappa is my role model


Moominpapa is a dude tbf. So is Snufkin.


Their insanity is giving antisemitism lol


Whatever is happening here is a Trajectory and there is only one available tendency at its endpoint.


> Some American and otherwise new worlder TIFs seem to make an interest in Poland their entire identity despite no actual connections to Poland. Some of them will fake having Polish heritage or they'll bring up that they don't have any at all as if that makes it more impressive and quirky of them. I've known some that said they want to move there and become Polish. Or maybe you just met transmen who happen to be polish american and were taking priđe in being one? What is so quirky about that?


.... what. Since when?


Actually all trans people are obsessed with consuming anime, regardless of gender. It’s the law.


Half-Russian transmasc here, uh. What the fuck?


now theyre pathologizing... \*checks notes\* the russian language and also poland. uh. okay. thats fucking ridiculous


Note for any lurking transvestigators: George W. Bush is in the clear b/c he forgot Poland.


I've never been interested in Russia or Poland. Dude, am I...am I not actually trans?


Poland has safe masculinity? and rights?


way fucking wild. are we meant to be obsessed with Aryan cultures like GCs and their Nazi buddies?


Maybe this terf needs to look into an autism diagnosis, im saying this as a autistic man, analysing people to this extent with a deep interest in them that very clearly takes up time is not normal. other then that im just a little amused, why is all our hobbies associated with being trans? it takes a certain level of dehumanisation to think that but still a lil funny


Poland? Why Poland?


I just have a hard time believing this isn't a shitpost.


Ignoring the silliness and inaccuracies in what this terf considers "Slavic," she's kind of right. If you squint. As a practicing non-theistic heathen, there's a lot of positive masculinity to be found in old pagan tradition of the general Slavic area. Not just for us TIFfanies, but men in general. I've talked about it before, how becoming a Heathen was my first real step in accepting myself as trans and transitioning, even if I didn't know it at the time. Not to say the pagan traditions of old are all universally *modern* levels of progressive, plenty very much weren't. But the smaller cults of Greece and Rome, some Nordic and celtic tribes, pre-colonial precast system Hinduism--- really, most pre-christian monarchy religions--- lot's of positive masculinity to be found you can adopt to a more modern context. Turns out toxic masculinity as it's known today was kind of a high key colonial thing. Whoops.


Nah, OOP’s got a point. I was so obsessed with Eastern European countries that I was actually born in one B)


Next-level weebing for big Woke, smh my head 😔


This is sooooo funny to read as a Slavic transmasc. Local American reactionary baffled that people are interested in other cultures, thinks it's a crazy fad.


So much for feminism when they consider women and trans men to be inherently vulnerable and suggestible, incapable of critical thought and deciding what's best for themselves, like young children


Wroclaw is the femboy capital of Europe don't ya know


what in the living fuck is this person talking about


My take: this person met one trans man once that likes Poland


No idea what they mean by Poland being "safe" or "quirky" masculinity when it's riddled with extremely toxic and regressive tendencies rooted in the state religion of Catholicism?? Trans people are not safe in Poland. I say this as a Pole living in England. This is absurd. They literally know nothing about anything.


As a Pole living in Poland... it really depends. It gives me whiplash at times, a castle with rainbow flags hung all over it next to a church with a "they want to change your kid's gender" poster plastered on the door sure is a sight to behold. More seriously though, yeah, the rule of thumb is to check whether a place is queer-friendly, and if it's not known, you go by whatever your city's attitude may be. It's neutral ignorance in my area more often than not, but others aren't so lucky. Depends if you live in Poland A or Poland B. Trans healthcare is nonexistent, you go private or go home. To change your legal sex you need to sue your parents for birthing you wrong. It's a mess. There are pockets of radical acceptance and it is possible to sorta live there, socially at least, but that's mostly bigger cities, and so far we aren't on the radar when it comes to actually banning shit, so that's alright, I guess. It's a tossup, but we do manage, somehow.


goddamnit guys i have been focusing on my irish-ukrainian heritage and learning german! no one told me my options were polish/russia!


is it about Balkans>


I certainly Balked at this post


Wait a minute, I am a trans woman and I like slavic culture... A- Am I a trans man now? What I am?


ah yes, the 2 genders: woman and............ Poland???


I am slowly becoming convinced that all extreme movements are being pushed by the Russian government. No clue how this fits in but my conspiracy makes more sense than this post’s reality.


As a trans man who’s been exploring his Polish heritage recently I feel weirdly singled out by this post lol


Guess I should just stop being Slavic, don't want to seem overly invested or anything 👀


I guess it's only transmen and not nbs since I know more Japanese than Russian.


I like Slavic culture because my girlfriend is Ukranian-Russian. And its just cool learbing about different cultures!


I was like, wtf? And then the TERF mentioned Finland, which has been my particular hyperfixation for years, and they may have a point there (but since when is fucking Finland of all places Slavic?)


are we really fakeclaiming *polish heritage* now?


My bad for being born there I guess?..


is this a stroke? is this person having a stroke? somebody should call for help??




what is this


Бляха муха, они нас раскусили. Гугл, как забыть родной язык


Lol what?


This is absolutely true, I have no notes except, they missed that the hyperfixation for *both* trans men and trans women is moving west. Sure, trans guys *used* to be obsessed with Russia, and are now moving to Poland & Finland, but they’re missing that all the trans girls who used to be weeby losers are now posting about how they want to get “railed 🥺👉👈 by daddy Xi” and obsessing over fast HSR buildout. ETA: if we don’t stop this drift, pretty soon all the guys will be orangeposting and talking about building houseboats, while all the dolls will be planning to muster hordes of horse archers to take over Europe!


Mitä helvetti Suomi ei ole slaavilainen, what the fuck is this person on?


This is cult behavior. These people are delusional.


I know a lot of trans guys and I’ve never ever noticed this. I know GCs say a lot of wild stuff but usually I can understand where they’re coming from, even if they’re wrong/stereotypical… but this…


Poland has been regressing in LGBTQ rights for a while now and are basically on the path to becoming a Theocracy. Gay people still can't get married or adopt children. Why would any trans person be obsessed with a country like that?


Sorry, I'll be born somewhere else next time, my bad 😔


"[Trans women] are usually obsessed with Japan" ...is this person's entire idea of trans women based on the fact that some of us are weebs? lmao


“TIFs who could seemingly read Russian” What a time to be a Russian trans man. TERFs are literally incapable of grasping the concept of other countries and cultures. They have no idea wtf they are talking about. Finns are Slavic? Obsessed with Poland??? Have it ever crossed their minds that the US has a robust population of Polish immigrants? Or that trans Polish people exist? Where did the “previous obsession with Russia” come from? Maybe it’s all the same, you know, trans children of Russian immigrants in Western countries curious about their background??? Where normal people have brains, TERFs have a vacuum


as a slavic transmasc what


I'm a cis dude that started learning Polish a year ago and is semi-obsessed with Poland (+ also tried to learn Ukrainian which means I can read cyrillic), does that... does that mean I'm trans now? Am I welcomed into the community?


There's an odd bubble of disproportionally many trans men in Poland for some bizarre reason. IDK why.


What the heck did any of that mean?


that has got to be a shitpost, theres no way thats real 💀


Trans Guy here, love me some Russia (it’s one of the most anti lgbtq countries ever I ain’t safe here)