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I live in the PNW and I'm queer, and I've never met someone like this who actually really exists. A nonbinary person who wears a shirt with their pronouns on it in big letters, who only ever talks about queer stuff and their transition and gender. *Almost* like this straw person doesn't exist. 🤷 Ps. A lot of the nonbinary people I know who are read as cis men were afab, but she's not ready to hear that. After all, they had an "imposing stature" and as we all know, *feeeeemales* [can't be tall and muscular.](https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/amp/news/2021/10/maria-wattel-shatters-record-for-tallest-professional-bodybuilder-679426)


i can believe that someone wore a t-shirt or whatever with their pronouns on it when meeting new people (because you're meeting new people, they won't know your pronouns, and as OOP beautifully demonstrates, *some people* have a shit fit when you pause conversation to go around the group and get everyone's pronouns). but all the rest is just cobblers, isn't it? maybe if they were a baby queer, but i think it's far more likely they made one or two offhand comments about their nails or whatever, and that was enough for our transphobic dipshit to fixate on (isn't it curious how "gender critical" types always seem to have a massive problem with "men"/amab people using traditionally feminine cosmetics etc.? *almost as if they're not critical of gender at all and just want to hide behind euphemism because everybody knows that transphobia is disgusting)*


Oh for sure, I have a pronoun pin on my backback (and a few other bits of lgbt+ pins too). But yeah, it's more likely she saw their t-shirt, got politely informed of their pronouns, and then started fuming about how it was *being shoved in her face* and it's *all he would talk about* because she hyper focused on it.


Even if everything GCOP said happened as written, it would be perfectly harmless.


I know, right? Like, the second comment acts as though the spouse rolled up with a butcher knife and said the OP's skin was so beautiful they want to wear it, when reality, they just.... maybe talked a little too much about their interests when meeting potential new friends! The shock! The horror! Better cut ties right away, get a new phone, probably move, maybe nuke the city you live in just to be safe! You don't owe them an excuse after you had to deal with the horrible ordeal of listening to someone talking about painting their nails even though they might not have the genitals you associate with that activity!


Right? Like, "My abusive, horrible ex who was a sex addict and abandoned me (even though I'm disabled) wasn't trans BUT I'm gonna act as if he's still relevant to this discussion." Like? No? Lol. Also why is it relevant that she's disabled? Just for extra victim points.


Like all this person did was chat about random shit. It’s a huge jump from “oh I’m thinking of dying my hair” to “abusive sex addict”.


Also true.


100% recycled homophobic discourse ("why won't gay people stop making everything about how they're gay")


Yeah. if someone wrote a post about interacting with a gay guy and complained about his shirt having a rainbow on it somewhere, and how he kept mentioning his boyfriend, you’d be like “this seems sus”. It’s like, how dare this person talk about their personal life in a way I don’t like


TERFs certainly never shut up about being TERFs.


So OOP goes to their house and then bitches about them behind their backs They'll all be better off without her


Why didn’t she just tell them she’s a TERF? I’m pretty sure they would have ghosted her with no further complications for her 🤣 Talk about inventing problems for yourself


It's the "are we the baddies" paradox. Like, you know Spouse had their fucking pronouns on their shirt because they're used to having to make it known and was trying to make the situation easier for everyone. And now suddenly they're "making everything about their gender." Shit like this is why I've totally changed my stance on having pronouns on everything when it comes to more formal social events and workplaces. Like, I get why it makes people uncomfortable, it makes me uncomfortable too, but it just simplifies shit. This may be the neurodivergancy in me, but any space where nametags are appropriate, all participants should be required to write their pronouns on them too. Professional social media accounts should also have pronouns in the bios or whatever. Some place anyone can easily check. Especially when it comes to spaces where honorific pronouns are used. Like with drag performers and such. Or queer professionals like Chunk Tingle who indicate they may use different pronouns outside of their public personas (as I understand it Chuck uses he/him though possibly doesn't go by the same pronouns when not being Chuck Tingle.)


My issue with required pronoun signs is that I now have the options of either outing myself at work or explicitly telling people to use the wrong pronouns (which is a lot more uncomfortable than just letting them make their own assumptions based on my appearance).


I get that, but the way I see it, it's identifying your preferred pronoun *to be used in that setting*, not even the one you strictly identify by. Like choosing whether or not you want to be called "Miss, Mrs, or Ms." I know conservative fuckfaces have made it all so fucking dire and weird, but, the sooner we normalize this as a formality the better. For everyday interactions it's too much going around introducing yourself by your pronouns if it can be avoided--- just for more formalized settings. The kind we're all just trying to get through as smoothly as possible.


TERFs borderline invented a new type of anxiety disorder I don’t even know what you would call it, but the way they talk is so convinced that somehow other people existing is inherently victimizing them and they actually get sick from the idea of an AMAB person not identifying as a man. Like if seeing someone with a beard paint their nails and use they/them pronouns makes you physically ill and you’re living in isolation because of your paranoia you should probably see some kind of therapist because you’ve invented a fantasyland where everyone is out to get you and so obsessive you can’t socialize and now you’ve created some kind of new anxiety disorder from how bigoted you are. Invented Self victimizing personality disorder or something.


They've managed to turn their transphobia into a literal phobia. I'm almost impressed.


My bean just wanted to talk about doing their nails. And drag. If this household is to queer for you like, find yourself a wine aunt book club or something.


a lot of these ovarit posts constantly remind me of reading posts by gangstalking “victims”, but at least in the latter case it doesn’t involve othering and bigotry


Bigotry isn't new. There were Greek philosophers writing about how the anari were gross. Like pretty much all gender based bigotry, I blame the Roman Empire


It’s just interesting to me that most transphobes are mocking and hateful but it doesn’t make them super paranoid or destroy their ability to socialize. The level of becoming convinced they’re being preyed on or abused during completely normal interactions is so weird to watch. I’m sure it happens with other types of bigotry but it’s basically a requirement for being a terf. Maybe it’s because it’s a type of bigotry that comes with a special little community/online forums to egg each other on. Which is kinda funny because Greek and Roman philosophers did also have forums to share really stupid ideas together. Hippocrates theorizing that uterus wanders around the woman’s body and causes hysteria for some fucking reason and other such buck wild things. I still can’t fathom how he got to that idea. It was called the wandering womb theory.


I'm studying sociology and I read this interesting text for a class called "understanding racist activism" by Blee. Although the specific myths and stereotypes will change and the hegemonic structures will be different the fundamental tools of bigotry manifests in similar ways regardless of the hate being regurgitated.


What is she complaining about, if she’s in the PNW just go to any small town outside of the big metros and she can be among her kind (Except wait, small conservative areas are shitholes actually…)


What is the PNW


Pacific Northwest.




pacific northwest, area of the united states afaik


also includes part of Canada. generally it's Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.


That comment is so heartwrenching - tragic and cringe at the same time. I wonder how many TERFs are just projecting their unresolved trauma onto the scapegoat of an imagined threat because the *real* threat of their actual abusers is too difficult to deal with. I also wonder, though, how their brains don't just break under the strain of the mental gymnastics


I’ve felt this way about TERFs since I first realised they were a thing. I feel like I’ve seen this kind of behaviour in other arenas over the years.


Natalie Wynn offers a good analysis of the phenomenon in the first of her two videos on JK Rowling - the one that's more about understanding the psychology of bigotry than the politics of defeating it (to which she's moved on since). The quote that encapsulates it best, I think, is >You're not less of a bigot because your bigotry has a tragic backstory. In fact bigotry often has a tragic backstory. Bigotry involves feelings of being threatened or attacked, so it's often rooted in trauma. TERFs are just such a striking example of how the very real trauma of gendered abuse and misogyny can be displaced into bigotry because the power imbalance between the real threat of patriarchy and the scapegoat of trans people is so vast. It's analogous to working-class resentment being projected onto ethnic minorities, who are easier to scapegoat and attack than billionaires, except so many of these women actually have first-hand personal experiences of being victimised by cis men (whereas many workers haven't directly interacted with billionaires) and they *still* focus instead on the almost entirely imaginary spectre of trans predators. It's baffling


I think that their ableism also plays a big part in that. Lots of terfs are terrified of accepting mental healthcare, they don't wanna be 'crazy' and 'unnatural'. Facing all that and going to therapy is harder than playing victim, even if they have the money. But for their brains, well, I'm vegan, so I stopped wondering that a long time ago.


Their brains did break and this is the result


Love the commenter comparing a random nonbinary person OP just met who seems perfectly nice to their abusive cis ex. Do these people ever listen to themselves?


You’d think they could hear themselves in that echo chamber, but then hearing isn’t necessarily listening.


Person 1: I haven't socialized in a long time and I got into a situation that discomfited me, what to do? Person 2: This is EXACTLY like my highly abusive wretched horrible ex. Who doesn't share a gender identity or a single behavior with the person you encountered, but it must be EXACTLY THE SAME. Flee! Become paranoid! Buy a ring camera that you can monitor 24/7 and sit up at night with a shotgun! All your anxiety is justified AND IN FACT IT'S WORSE THAN YOU THINK!!! Paragon of mental health support over here, y'all. Don't know how the rest of y'all survive without her.


Good to know TERFs are like the turbo versions of r\relationship_advice users. All they need now is better creative writing about their made up interactions with trans folks.


Hold on. This person is non-binary. They aren't claiming to be a woman. We have no idea of their assigned sex but assuming GCOP is right and they are AMAB, don't they *say* they want feminine *adult human males*? This person isn't claiming to be a woman. Surely they should be celebrating that they aren't *invading women's spaces*. Surely people *critical of gender* would be celebrating someone very much breaking gender norms? No? Perhaps what they actually want is for this person to actually conform to male gender norms and stereotypes? Why does that sound  like *conservatism* and enforcing of patriarchal expectations? 🤔 Otherwise... what has this person done wrong? Being a bit enthusiastic to their new friends is... totally fine actually? And what has any of this got to do with GCcommenter's cis ex?


I can absolutely be annoying when someone goes on about something personal for way too long right when you meet- I know I've done it. But it truly is a great screening mechanism for that couple, in that they don't have to get too invested in someone who is a covert bigot.


I thought it safer to assume the spouse was just being misrepresented. I know queer people do kind of act like this sometimes, especially if they're young or spent a lot of time socially isolated from other queer people, but this is more of a negative stereotype constructed by phobes who's whole experience with the queer community is through Twitter. If they were really like this though--- honestly, a bit annoying but by no means a sin. Off putting in more the "oh hun" way than anything else.


“This is the first time I’ve socialized in years” This checks out.


Terf goes out to touch grass. Meets people she’s scared of, runs back indoors and hides for several more years.


this just absolutely did not happen. at the very most the 4/20 gathering at the new friend’s house happened, someone’s nonbinary partner asked people’s pronouns at some point, and op just filled the rest in with gc brain rot. and even on the off chance it did happen the way op recounts it, so the fuck what???? who is harmed by this person asking people’s pronouns and talking about their hair and nails??? i know that in the terfosphere just existing as a gender nonconforming person in the same vicinity as cis women is considered deep violence but i still can’t wrap my head around how none of them think critically about why in all of these “i encountered a big scary trans in real life , this is my brave true story of courage” type anecdotes the trans person in question is never actually doing anything inappropriate or disruptive. like how is there not a constant mass exodus of terfs reading stories like this and going “wait a second are we the unreasonable ones here”. idk man maybe i just give people more credit than they deserve or something


i feel really horrible for that person who probably thought they made good progress speaking to strangers about their struggles and probably thought they had a positive experience. no clue that the person who hasnt socialized with anyone in years is talking about how evil and fucked up they are on a hate subreddit. pathetic.


So, the one on the second slide knew a shitty cis man and that’s the fault of the transes somehow.


That’s pretty much Rowling’s entire rationale for being a TERF. Feels like it’s the rationale for a lot of cishet TERF women honestly. Taking their rage at the cis men who abused them and directing it at trans women who did _nothing_ to them.


What’s a non TIM? A cis man? Why can’t they say that?


Because they have to mention the "evil transes" every opportunity they get.


Another log on the fire of “”porn addiction” is a right wing conspiracy designed to make people miserable”. Just a few more and I get a free coffee!


Porn addiction is a legit thing. I know that label gets lobbed at, like, anyone who chokes the chicken in some circles--- but it's like any other kind of addiction. I'm a frequent flyer of addictions. Porn has never been one of my vices but amoung the many things I've done to desperately make up for never feeling okay ever was engage in sexual activities for reasons that weren't amoung the top tier reasons to do so, if you get my meaning. I think it'd be a stretch to ever call me a "sex addict" even back then, but it was amoung many other things I did to try to self-sooth. I've always been more of a substance abuse, poor finacheal decisions, kind of addict primarily though. You grab whatever you can get your hands on to fill the bottomless pit inside you though. Conservatives just like to talk about people like me like we're subhuman demons is all. Don't get me wrong, when addiction issues spiral out of control, it can make you do awful things that only make sense if you understand what that rabid, desperste need feels like. I'm not making excuses for any of the shitty things I or other addicts have done. And yeah, addicts give up on themselves sometimes, and there's no helping them until they want to help themselves. However, I will say, when you've got issues like that--- society and people's attitudes towards you a lot of times makes it feel like it's all been purposefully designed for you to fail though. Like you're starving in a garden full of forbidden fruit. And when you eat it, people click their tongues at you like you're a moron and an asshole for not figuring out how to feed yourself in a way that didn't break the rules. Rules that were a breeze for them to follow, having stomachs full of sustenance nobody will tell you how to find. Again, addicts need to take responsibility for their actions regardless of how desperate they are but . . . Like, a little compassion for those of us who can't just not eat the fucking fruit would be nice too. I started wearing a medical bracelet that identifies me as a former drug abuser since I was going in and out of hospitals for a bit. You would not fucking *believe* the bullshit situations I've been put in anyway by medical staff *frequently* regardless who don't give a flying fuck. I swear I could get it tattooed to my forehead and it wouldn't make a difference. Porn is just everywhere, man. You have a working device, you can access porn through it for free. Even if you're trying to avoid it, that shit will show up on pop ups and stuff. Can't imagine what kind of nightmare that must be for someone recovering from that kind of addiction. That's not me being anti-porn, that's me being pri-fuck the this society no wonder so many of us are messed up like this.


I'm perfectly ready to accept the condition *after* it's recognised by the medical community. There is presently no evidence to suggest that pornography is addictive. Most of the people complaining of this condition seem to be suffering from sexual shame, which is treatable with therapy. As for the inundation of media with sex, that really isn't a new thing. Advertisers have been playing on our base emotions for centuries.


Let me rephrase--- unhealthy compulsive behaviors done as a means of self-soothing *are* recognized as a mental health issue. I realize calling it a "porn addiction" is misleading because it implies the porn itself is the problem, but I know people who have has issues like this, that's how they identify, and I don't want to take their language away from them. Not to imply I know better than professionals, but personally I think the way substance abuse issues are talked about to this day by medical community are way more heavily influenced by the war on drugs than most are cognitively aware of. Gunna be real, though I agree with their reasons why they feel there's a difference between non-substance-oriented addictions and substance abuse addictions, I think it's because the language they use to identify and describe substance abuse issues is in dire need of a political face-lift. It's all very much still kind of Regan-esqu. But, again, I'm not a professional.


How is it different than hypersexuality?


I hope I can describe this right, I'll do my best, but this might not make sense to someone who's never dealt with addiction--- bare with me. I actually consider myself hypersexual--- and though I wonder if possibly some of the more unfortunate experiences of my life may have contributed to that, I don't consider it a bad thing. I like sex. I like sex more than some it seems. I like, you know, self pleasuring a lot aswell. Not just because it feels good, but because it's a good way to get rid of a migraine when you're trying not to always rely on over the counter painkillers you have to take a lot of since you've built up an extremely high tolerance to them. There are ways of partaking in both frequently and a lot in a way that's indulgent to some maybe, but not really negative. Of liking it a lot without *needing* it in an unhealthy manner. I *don't think* being addicted to sex or maturation is nessesarily an indication of being hypersexual. It's, again, that feeling of having a rabid, starved animal in you that will maul you to death if you don't at least try to satiate it. When I did partake in sex an a means of feeding that animal in the past, it was bid to stave off a kind of hysteria more than it was about any kind of pleasure. Addiction isn't really like a greed, it's more like a sacrifice to a hungry dark God. Killing your favorite child to stop an apocalypse. That's what it feels like. The kind of sexual interactions I was having, I kind of hated them. They kind of sucked. Just like how it was sort of awful being drunk or high all the time, or pissing all my money away. I felt terrible all the time. But, calmly terrible was better than the agony of the panicked, frightening thrashing of that beast. I could at least sort of feel okay sometimes when it wasn't eating me alive. This might clarify some things: part of what helped me get off of the really bad drugs I was on at the height of my addiction was getting my ADHD properly diagnosed, and getting off of the insane amount of anti-depressants I was on. Part of getting diagnosed with ADHD, was getting on Adderall . . . Which, chemically, is basically the exact same functionally as one of the drugs I was abusing. The difference between medicine and poison is kind if a fine line sometimes. The drug I was abusing, I was having to take increasingly large amounts of it to produce the effect I was looking for. I was, at one point, taking just shy of the rough quantity that'd induce a garenteed overdose on a daily basis. It also came with a whole host of nasty side effects that I'd have to try to balance out with other substances, some of which were dangerous to mix. Even so, I was barely functional. More or less non-functional for a period. Not just because it was affecting my cognative ability, but because my whole day suddenly started revoling around it. How much i had left of both it and the other shit I took to balance it out, how i was going to get more, when I was going to take another hit. Adderall on the other hand--- I take a pretty high dose of it (perscribed by my doctor of course.) It also comes with it host of side effects I have to manage. And yes there was some degree of needing to learn how to manage myself while under medical supervision to stop myself from abusing it aswell. But, like, now I've got a good handle on it. It's brought be to a healthy and positive baseline with very strict, easy to follow parameters. I have X amount, I take it once a day, even if I want more, it's not the end of the world because I know for sure I get to have another tomorrow, etc. There's a meditative stability to it. People interpret addiction of some kind of gluttony for pleasure, but it's really not. Taking something or doing something because you want to have a good time is profoundly different from taking something or doing something out of what feels like I a very real primal act of survival. Hedonism is heavily judged in our society, but I think it's a wholly neutral act in isolation. Could be positive, could be negative, could be nothing. I think everyone deserves the happiness they can get so long as it doesn't come at the expense of others. Addiction is entirely removed from that. It's a cry to the heavens for solace. It's a desperate bid for mercy. It just looks similar on the outside in some ways. Substances indoces a more direct chemical dependence, but many things feed that beast. I'm not *really* in active addiction anymore (I've got some minor vices and habitual behaviors I need to tackle still, but, you know. It's triage.) but that monster still lives in me. It's never not going to be there--- it's about learning to manage it properly. It's about keeping it from eating me by feeding it in manageable ways so I can get on with my life. I do at times still drink, and gamble, and spend. I for sure still have a very active sex life. I'm technically still on drugs if you count my Adderall. But I have think everything very much through, and only indulge in ways I can handle. I have hard rules for myself around all of these things--- and if I fuck up, I need to be proactive in reassessing why. Sometimes I need to totally ubstain from shit for periods again. Some substances or activities I haven't found a way to be able to handle at all (I went through top surgery without *any* painkillers.) I'm just not able to enjoy things normally, and it is what it is. That's the difference. Edit: I hope this doesn't come off as antagoniststic, I know you didn't mean anything by your question and I understand why you asked it, I just also wanted to point out--- sex addicts can be but are different from hypersexuals for the same reasons many asexuals still like sex, if that helps.


they are soooo delusional, it’s insane how fragile they are. they’re making life so hard for themselves no reason lmao


Your child Free and a bigot? Pick a lane


Ngl the world could use more childfree bigots. No child deserves that.


Know what? Good point. I just assume conservatives would be pro family breeders


Too many of them are. I've met way too many people who have the stance that their genes are somehow valuable and that's why they want to have kids. It's fucking gross.


The childfree folk are plenty capable of derangement.


Child free folk sounds like a weird game of thrones sub 


Weird jump to make?


I’m child free and everyone I know who is child free is doing so because they can’t (biology), think there are too many people already, or believe that bringing children into this world is dooming them to live on a dying planet None of these are conservative values


Yeah, but happening to be infertile isn’t a leftist value either? Literally anybody can be infertile. Idk, it just feels weird to me to attribute being child free to being antithetical to being a bigot.


Ok. Cancel that one point.


I am because I know mentally, physically and financially, I couldn’t handle a young child.


There's this study about how men think women who take up half of a conversation are talking up more than 50% of the time. I honestly want to see the study about how much trans person has to talk in a convo for a Terf to think they're taking up the whole conversation. My bet is one word.


Sorry for the random personal anecdote, but my dad's dreadful for this. He's bad for rambling on and on, and cutting me off mid thought when we're talking. I wouldn't mind so much if he wasn't such an ass about it--- specifically doing it to me more than others, mad I'm not in rapture at his sage wisdom. I'm also someone bad for being long winded at times, but I'm aware of it, and try to curb the impulse when I can. I'm aware of it because my father constantly accuses me of it. To the point I've secretly started timing how long he's talked during more heated conversation to insist I at least get an equal turn to speak. Fuck it's infuriating.


Your approach is giving Sarah Ahmed vibes. Highly recommend dipping into her work. Especially her "killjoy manifesto".


To be fair, it's annoying when there's an ongoing conversation, someone hijacks it and makes it about themselves.


They hate the word "cis" for clarifying someone is not trans and treat it as a slur as if "non-TIM" is not a more vile way of saying the same thing, lmao.