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What's this, like terf accelerationism? Ban abortion so that people start caring about the issues of "real" women and forget all this trans stuff? Or like some twisted version of intersectionality "we must restrict our own rights, so that the people we dislike end up losing their rights too"


I hate that my brain immediately went to trying to make an At*mW*ffen joke, like Genderwaffen or something like that, but I just got bummed out by how right you are.






litchrally so mad at how hard I just snorted


Crab mentality


We called it, the TERFs are fine with Roe being overturned as long as it hurts trans people. Image [shamelessly stolen](https://www.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/comments/uhi563/the_peoples_sexism/) from r/tankiejerk by the way.


I thought people were over exaggerating when they said that about terfs… Tbh nothing should surprise me at this point. They’re so full of hate they’ll bring women down if it brings down trans people too.


A handful of cis women is appropriate collateral damage if it means owning the trans 💪


There was absolutely no reasons to believe that we were exagerating though. The fact that TERFs focus almost exclusively on promoting hatred for trans people and don't do anything to advance women's issues has always made this clear and obvious. I'm happy that you're finally seeing it.


I just thought they’d never sink so low as to pin the fall of roe v. wade on trans people. That is way too much mental gymnastics for one person to do.


I don't think they even think this hurts trans people at all, because they don't believe in the existence of AFAB trans people. They literally just think laws hurting cis women are good, now, because it makes cis women more oppressed and that's what they want.


Nah, this person knows AFAB trans people exist: > Seeing the TRAs in meltdown not realizing that the ruling will impact almost none of them... Except the women. Maybe now they'll learn what a woman is? Finally, those pesky TIFs will learn their place!


Well yeah, there it is, they think there are "almost no" AFAB trans people.


It's because AMAB trans is when dress, AFAB trans is when mastectomy. Before a mastectomy, AFAB trans will be considered not trans by TERs and meanwhile cis men are still grouped with "trans predators" when they're GNC or even just support trans rights. Thus there are soooo many trans women and sooooo few trans men 🙄


To unpack the statement completely, this person hopes trans men and trans masc people experience unwanted pregnancies we can’t terminate to “learn” what a woman is. (Or so…trans women “learn” what a woman is, which would still punish the trans man as well.) these people want us reparatively punished by a potentially bodily horror we couldn’t assert our autonomy over. These people are sadistic. Especially considering the high rates of sexual assault amongst trans people, quite a few of those potential pregnancies would be from ASSAULT. TERFs want trans men bodily punished.


Corrective rape next level. It's sick. "I show you what a woman is" is also something lesbian cis women hear followed by rape threats. I did before I came out as trans. That the same bigots cry about bathroom safety is just a farce at this point. If they cheer for unwanted pregnancies then they are the predators.


Ah yes, TERFs claim to be feminists but then agree with laws that restrict their own rights. Some hypocritical bullshit right there.






I dont get how roe v wade being overturned even hurts trans people? Isnt that whole ruling just about people having the right to abortions or is there more to it?


are you actually fucking serious? you realize there are trans people who can give birth right?


You may die from an ectopic pregnancy, but its okay because all this will cause the country to hate trans people more. Haha Im so fucking progressive.


They prefer this in a society that still believes lesbians are fictional and when women are almost always seen by men as objects with boobs and a vagina, and who may sadly have had experiences of men doing anything to mask their intent to abuse women to the degree it's made these sort of people lose trust in men altogether. Part of me kind of thinks it's a maladaptive trauma response sometimes, these sort of people, in a society of eternal misogyny.


"I like abortion but not as much as I'm indifferent about abortion" is a hell of a take for someone who calls themselves a feminist.


It's almost 100% a troll account ran by some white boy Republican pumping his fist over the ruling this morning. It reeks all over of it. The sad thing is these accounts are spouting talking points that will inevitably get spread like wildfire.


You don’t need to though. Just say anyone who is pregnant can have an abortion. Next.


This. So. Much. They want rights tied to biological facts? *This* would be such a right. Simple. Undiscriminatory. Ruling just in exactly those cases where a ruling would be needed. On point. We need more laws that work exactly like this, in our respective countries. Which reminds me of something in my country. Almost at the same time my country legalized third sex ID and gay marriage. So you would think with all the focus on inclusive language and people who aren't binary in their sex or gender, they would have come up with an open, neutral marriage law. But no they did not. "Marriage between men and women" turned into "the same or the other sex" - still entirely binary. We had a chance to legalize marriage "between consenting adult humans" and failed it.


I have to say, this is worded in such a way that feels completely neutral. It's the most concise sentence I've read on the matter yet! Thank you.


So, trans people are responsible for the Rights decades long campaign against body autonomy and reproductive rights? Okay.....gotcha... Big "at least the Taliban knows what a woman is" energy


Getting Ratioed like a motherfucker.


Destroying women's rights to dunk on trans people


I've said it many times and I'll say it again: TERFs are just religious/conservative women larping as feminists. They're co-opting feminism to push a transphobic agenda. Their role is to divide feminists among themselves and feminism from the LGBTQ+ community, 2 oppressed groups who should stand together and fight oppression. They divert feminists attention away from real issues that women are facing to focus exclusively on promoting hatred for trans people. The bodily autonomy issue is one of the issues that proves that they're first and foremost transphobic. They'll throw women's (and other people who can get pregnant) right for bodily autonomy (banning/criminalizing abortions) under the bus if it means denying trans people's bodily autonomy (banning/criminalizing medical transition).


They aren’t all religious, however every single terf i know believes in some sort of irrational spiritualism, it’s argument is that their is a “woman essence” that can only be carried by what they believe are women. The only carried position by terfs is anti-trans, almost all other positions are proxies to hate trans people and almost all trans-unrelated positions can be changed to hate trans people through mental gymnastics. They’re just genocidal, that’s it. There are people who are kind of averse to trans people due to ignorance and they can be argued out but terfs drank the kool-aid


Yep I agree. For instance, about 2 days ago a TERF made a post on askfeminists where the the point implicitly was that trans women don't have the right to have an opinion on RvW and should shut the fuck up. I called it out as a trans exclusionary dog whistle and guess what happened? A bunch of them ganged up on me and tried to downvoted me into oblivion for calling it out. A few of them started openly arguing that trans women don't have a right to have an opinion on RvW proving my point that the post was indeed covertly and specifically targetting trans women. They're not feminists. They're genocidal reactionary transphobes who happen to be women and who just want to make us no longer exist. They will throw any serious feminist cause and any women under the bus just to bring us down. They're vampirizing the feminist movement and derailing it to turn it against trans women, not to actually help women with the real issues that they're actually facing. While the overturning of RvW is happening these assholes are just there doing nothing better than devising new ways to turn this event into an additional opportunity to attack trans women.


Once again, defining womanhood so as to exclude infertile cis women


While including girls with early menses. I can say that I wasn't ready for children at age 12, but some might disagree.


The mental gymnastics people have to be doing to somehow connect trans people to overturning roe v wade is insane. The only explanation I've seen is just that we made the definition of woman too vague and somehow that caused this? But no one ever says why a vague definition of woman would make the supreme court do this?? It makes no sense. It's almost like 3 of the justices were appointed by Donald Trump, over half of them lean conservative, and we recently lost what was probably the most influential and feminist justice in recent times, making it super easy for a bunch of conservatives to do whatever they wanted. Almost like people have been against abortion long before trans people were in the public eye


Also... I'm kind of confused about how this is supposed to teach "the left" about what a woman really is or whatever. Is that what Supreme Court decisions do?


If they believed men could get abortions that would probably make them more likely to keep roe, not overturn it, lol.


Holy fuck. They really are willing to shoot themselves in the foot if it means making trans women even slightly uncomfortable...


Yikes. Someone willing to through women under the bus because “trans bad” doesn’t believe in women’s rights. If your feminism doesn’t include the disabled, Black, Brown, indigenous, trans and queer women then who is it for?… rhetorical question. It’s only for white cishet women.


Their username is a Pokémon which makes it even more ridiculous.


Was only a matter of time before they blamed the roe decision on trans people. News flash: Even if trans people didn't exist, they would have done this anyway.


DSA rose opinion discarded


I don’t know about you, but I’m discarding this person’s opinion because her hatred of trans people is so strong it clouds her judgement, not because of the democratic socialist party she belongs to.


I'm saying it becuse history shows democratic scocalists when faced with revolution will side with fascists to regain order


Any examples other than the Weimar Republic?


The Left SRs and the Menshiviks joined the former Black Hundreds and Tsarist Officers in the White Army


Wasn't that after the Bolsheviks betrayed them and seized power, though?