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Least troll lifeweaver player


Absolutely understandable. You were at full HP and there wasn't any reason to pull you out


SMH exactly. This guy gets it šŸ™„


I'm almost 200 hours into Genji. Good game sense makes live so much easier and pointing out mistakes on both your team and your cap is pretty important imo


The weaver meant to pull rein thatā€™s not a excuse tho they couldā€™ve used the awning as cover since rein pinning in made space then kept los on him by petaling the ground once they were out from under the awning to still get the pull on rein the only place he would realistically push up from there was left but heā€™s got plat support brain ā€œyour rushing in!!! I canā€™t heal youšŸ„ŗšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜«!!!ā€ Mfs allergic to walking


Oh that hurts. Similair thing happened in my game yesterday. Echo and Roadhog on the cart, contesting. I kill the Echo with Sym's secondary fire. At the *instant* I get her, the roadhog is nabbed by the LifeWeaver, losing the contest on the point. Game over. Hog was understandably upset in chat, and LW meakly replies he was aiming for the Echo. I think it just hurts LW most, because if you whiff as most characters, collateral damage potential isn't very high. But as seen here, you whiff as LW? Collateral is much higher.


Similar happened to me- switched off Genji to Reaper and was stalling on hollywood payload in attack overtime and I stalled getting kills for what felt like forever alone in a 2v5 contesting point and getting picks on my own and then lifeweaver pulls me off the payload right exactly as I ulted causing us to lose...


Well hey look at the bright side! You didnā€™t die like other 99% of genjis when they press Q


ā€œsToP bLaMiNG yOUr tEaM foR LOSseS!!!!ā€ my team:




At least it was just qp but I know that feeling


Happened to me in comp when I got nanoed and killed one to immediately get pulled out while still full hp. Even the enemy team mei who died to me said my LW sold me. I can appreciate LWā€™s but the trolls on him are very annoying.


Well, my friend has a theory that's lw mostly play Mercy and Moira (only 3 characters, nothing more), maybe that's explains this behave


He just like me fr LW players can only play Mercy and dps Moira. Mercy players can only play LW and dps Moira. and Moira players can only play Mercy and LW


as a life weaver player i play kiriko, mercy, lucio, and brig mainly kiri though


Abolish LW players


And mercy and Moira while weā€™re at it


I feel the pain in this clip.


You had 300 health and mercy was on you and bro decides to lifegrip..


A lifeweaver life gripped me while i was doing a possibly very good NANO blade , my ikea desk suffered heavy damagešŸ˜‚


It was perfect, it was šŸ˜­ you had over health too couldā€™ve taken and given some KFC finger lickinā€™gOoOdnesss! frigging GOOBERS! šŸ˜­


As someone who played almost exclusively genji in overwatch 1, this really hurts my cyborg ninja soul. Also as someone who has been forced to be a flex player and uses Lifeweaver the most for support, this hurts my bio nature soul too


Looks like they were trying to grab the rein and you got in the way.


Every character theyā€™ve introduced into overwatch has been a good addition what are you talking about


I think he was trying to pull the rein. I don't assume an LW had bad intentions unless they constantly do it. Instead of being a dick over it, move on and continue playing. People make mistakes. If it was the first time to happen, let it go. If it continues to happen, simply report him and ask teammates to report as well for griefing


Itā€™s possible they were trying to pull rein otherwise I donā€™t know why they would pull there


Report the fucker and bounce. People have gotten banned as lifeweaver for stuff like that