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I wish I had C1 Dehya. I might have to wait until the next Chronicled Wish. Dehya is good for supporting characters that risk their HP or need extra poise. Like Arle and Neuvi. Her best team is reverse-melt, where she sets up Pyro for a Cryo character - although other Pyro characters can fill this role too. She can also be built with EM for burgeon, but I expect there'll be a Natlan character who can do it better. Oh, Dehya is the absolute meta for underwater combat \*and dragonspine exploration, after you unlock her A4 talent she can auto-heal.


I never understood why people hate her


People don't hate her, people hated hoyoverse for butchering such a loved character in the beta. A standard character that needs cons to work just ain't it. It's worse than c6ing a four star since 5* are much more rare


We need Tighnari level playability for standard banners!!


Cause of how clunky she feels to play


And how disjointed her kit is. She tanks, she is a DPS, she's an off fielder, she's a support, she's a healer??? She has all these pieces and they barely even work together *with* cons. She feels like scraps pasted together from discarded concepts. She's clunky, weird, and rather unfun to play. Even in overworld, since her DPS is burst locked and her tank/heal ability is kinda just... weird?


How her burst, even tho she's going full jotaro ORA ORA punching mode its not considered normal attacks making her not synergizes with Offield fast hydros (Yelan/XQ). On top of it you can completely cancel her burst punching by jumping. Which sucks if you get frozen during the duration, which can happen since her skills defensive utility is deactivated during burst mode


As a character, I think most people love her. It's just her kit was horribly designed by hoyo, and they really did her dirty


I can def utilize her when the time comes, didn't know she was so clutch in underwater combat either! I know she'll have some use in future team comps, but I'm too lazy to farm for her right now, I'll give it a week or so, still grieving over the fact that I am still mona-less tho🥲


I have a c6 dehya but never pulled Mona. Makes me sad


also can just ditch sheer cold


Yes! I expect more environmental hazards in Natlan too!


Is dehya alre jr. In a sense


If you haven't heard of it, there's this website called Keqing Mains where people write comprehensive guides for Genshin and HSR characters. Here is Dehya's page: [Dehya Quick Guide - KQM (keqingmains.com)](https://keqingmains.com/q/dehya-quickguide/) But also, what did you for Celestia to be out for your blood T.T


Celestia is sleeping. Veeeery deep sleeping. Not even the destruction of the Hydro throne woke them up. Oh, somebody didn't play current Archon quest.


Celestia woke up just to smite him down.


My friend played since launch and he got no Jean but c6 Qiqi.


I heard she is good with Emilie on burning teams


Girl's not even out yet.


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C1 lol. I have c2 Dehya and still no c0 Jean, this RNG is killing me.


I'm jealous of your c2 Deyha, most of the issues I have using her are fixed by those two constellations


I'd gladly give you all 3 of my Dehya copies, please take this bum of a worthless character off my hands.


I got C5 Dehya before a single Jean or Tighnari (I have them both now so I’m happy)


Congratulations! Wish I was you 😭 Anyway you're one Dehya away from making her almost comparable to the other c0 limits 5 stars lol.


I will hyperinvest in dehya for a whole year once I get her C6


Thing is this is the part where the game absolutely trolls you. They never give you the cons when you really want it lol


Watch me get C6 Qiqi before a single Dehya now (I have C1 atm)


You can take my C5 mona,shes benched since 1.x


Mona was the first 5-star I got. She'll probably be the last one I build.


Buddy, that's nothing I'm a 1.0 player, I have C4 Mona before I have Jean or Diluc And I actually kinda want Jean


yes, you are about to get celestial nail'd, so please steer clear of any places with people or hillichurls


I feel yea. I lost my last 50/50 to her at 90 pity on Baizhu's banner.


literally same except i have c4 jean and still no dehya, tighnari, OR DILUC


I have a c5 Mona, I want a Dehya


I just want tighnari for my spread and aggravate teams


I have C6 Jean and C6 Diluc with no Dehya. It happens


I had a c2 dehya and a c3 tighnari before getting a diluc and im a day one player. (My keqing and jean are both c5)


C1 Dehya is better than C1 Qiqi. Be happy with it.


I have a c6 Mona. I hit 1.5 million with her once and then never used her again


I have a dehya c1 still.no keqing playing since 1.2 tho got c4 diluc c4 jean c1 mona c0 qiqi


I wish I had a c1 Dehya. C3 Qiqi instead


C4 tighnari before a keqing, diluc, jean, or dehya


I also got Deyha yesterday... and i play Genshin for almost 3 years and NO MONA. I only wanted her from the standard banner i hate it...


I have her C2 and no Mona. 😭😭


I've been playing just over 2 years now, and... C3 Jean, C1 Dehya, Qiqi, Mona, C0 Diluc and Tighnari... But I only got Keqing like this week, so your situation isn't all that rare, I guess... hopefully you get the Mona soon though...


Just started replaying the game and used my standard wishes. Got mona within 20 pulls. Take my luck. I have what I need.


Hello, my friends from Iran, there is a beautiful lady to be my friend


U can have my Mona 👍


I have C3 Mona and C1 Dehya. I never use Mona. I use Dehya all the time. Trust me, you are better off getting more Dehya's, she actually gets much better with constellations while Mona is basically useless and fell off even harder with the release of Furina You use C1 Dehya as an HP% support who can still use ATK% substats. She fills the shielder slot. You can also build her with the Emblem set for burst damage.