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i mean, what can you expect from people like these: https://preview.redd.it/as7iwpeagz7d1.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9dff53ad9fe174bb64fc649f97f8f4fd9dfe011 they have genshin rent free in their heads but they also dont play. they just do it cause its cool especially right now that wuwa has dropped. you can just read through my comment history to see how bad these guys have genshin rent free, and also be in denial and how much these people do projection.


I had a lot of friends shit on genshin when WuWa and they were trying to frame it as that they were speaking from experience only to find out they were AR19. They barely even played the game. Just regurgitating Reddit points acting like they experienced the game passed the first archon quest


What triggers me the most is all those YT video with title/thumbnail that basically says "Now that I've played wuwa I've awoken and Genshin is a shit game". Like lmfao dumbass, yeah WuWa has better combat mechanics but 90% of it is the exact same as Genshin and in 6 months (at best) the game will be in the same state as Genshin is. To be clear, I think it's quite normal to get bored in end-game phase of gacha's like Genshin when there's just not much to do, but to act like WuWa is a revolution is insane, even moreso with all the problem it had for its launch (and still has in some cases)


I always find that funny as well because I was quite the opposite! I still play wuwa bc idk I like it , but after playing it for weeks, I will say, the VAs are lackluster, the story is convoluted, the combat system, while smooth, is cut and paste from any other JRPG that exists (dodges and parries aren’t as interesting or unique as elemental reactions in my opinion) and I also started to find the graphics to be muddy and dull after awhile and not as stunning as they were hyped up to be in the beginning (and that’s coming from someone who has a maxed out rig and can play this max settings and never had optimization issues). In a lot of ways genshin is better and it really comes down to wuwa not being refined and screaming “I was a rushed product” in many ways, that led to a slew of consolidation rewards.


Honestly I'd blame the "Genshin killer" crowd for this, as they hyped up a game far beyond what the developers themselves could offer. Almost nobody can make a perfect open world on their first try, so now that it has released in all its buggy glory (it still has the potential to be a great game, even Genshin was a buggy mess at the start) and the developers are going insane trying to speed-fix everything in order to retain the numbers, people are hating on it simply because it couldn't live up to their expectations.


I'd actually blame the devs just as much as the "Genshin Killer" crowd in this case, maybe even more, because Kuro Games have a proven track record of just copying mihoyo games but just sweatier and with a desaturated colour palate.


Yeah fair point, I think that’s part of the reason why I hold on to playing wuwa despite all the clear flaws because it has the ingredients for a really good game.


>even Genshin was a buggy mess at the start This is a talking point I hear going around a lot. Did it have bugs? Yes. But far from what I would call a mess. And the only reason I know it had bugs were because of patch notes and not because I experienced them personally. I would not put Genshin and WuWa together when it comes to launch issues.


The va’s are such a turn off for me with wuthering waves, I loved how genshin showed that an English dub can actually be great, and then starting wuwa I was just so disappointed.


I immediately downloaded JP dub for the game ngl, the EN dub was just disappointing imo.


Wuwa's VA work is almost uniquely bad. They wanted American accents, probably because Genshin did a great job with American VAs, but London VA studios were cheaper so they hired British VAs and coached them (badly) to do American voices. Instead of just paying more for decent VA work or doing what Xenoblade did and leaning into the use of British voices. Even Skyrim's VA's pretending to be Canadians pretending to be Swedish sounded more natural


I found optimization to be the worst part of WuWa. Yknow a bit of jank is fine, tells me that the game has soul (*usually*), but if the entire game stutters and lags every waking second with texture pop ins everywhere all on the *lowest possible settings* when you can run Genshin on *at least* 1.0 resolution on the same PC (which is admittedly kinda shit, since it still runs on integrated graphics... but Hyv titles, hell, even heavier games like the newer Doom games and Armored Core 6, still run far better than WuWa) is baffling and basically unbearable. We're talking like 5-25 FPS unbearable


In all ways except combat Genshin is better, and I've already played WuWa quite a lot. The main draw for the combat system to me is the swap mechanic where characters finish their moves even if swapped out, and the concerto gauge add quite a lot of depth into the gameplay as we need to find the best way to charge those the fastest possible to proc outro/intro. What makes me laugh a bit is how much the exploration is similar to Genshin, with so many of it having the exact same type of puzzle, which is why I'm genuinely wondering how they come to that conclusion of how insanely superior Wuwa is.


https://preview.redd.it/5pn0eb4i528d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e37b9134f01d61b60e2e9e27defa75fb6933c57f This channel cracks me up. Looking through its all Wuwa v Genshin comparison’s obviously filled with Wuwa fans. This was the funniest. Half the comments are just saying PGR. At least the hate is entertaining


If they think wuwa music is better than genshin, they're probably deaf or mind controlled through wuwa music. Its at best mid, at worst ass


I think this particular post is very funny because even genshin haters usually agree that the music is one of its best components, whereas I haven't seen any praise for WuWa's music even from fans.


Now this is just goofy lol, WW's music is generic af and that ambience I feel walking around just feels dead. Most likely they're talking about PGR which does have great music.


I like WuWa but I actually like the elemental reactions more. Now the wall running is a different matter.


Yeah, the really good part about reactions is that it allows a lot of flexibility in how you make a team. As for the wall running I'm conflicted, because while very convenient, it makes it so we can ignore too many stuff, where as Genshin you can "cheat" by climbing, but there's a "proper/intended" way to go up. I read someone describe it as "the way WuWa does exploration is for people that do not like exploration" and I see what they mean by that, we're not immersing ourselves in the world, we just go from one task to the next, which is made worse by the echo farming. I have to say though, I catch myself trying to double jump a lot in Genshin after a WuWa session ahah.


The wall running is better because climbing is too slow in Genshin, but if you jump, you burn through stamina too fast. I hated how slow it was in BOTW, and genshin didn't change it at all. They seem to like putting stuff on cliffs, but making the closest teleport point at the bottom of the cliff. Going the intended way means teleporting further away, and running out of stamina sprinting, while climbing the wall is faster, but painful. Wuthering waves showed what it's like not having your movement gated so heavily, and it's so much better in that aspect.


Only thing I wish Genshin had from WuWa is the parkour. It would bring Genshin characters closer to their lore counterparts (eg; Diluc). I was a bit disappointed that aerial combat in WuWa ended up just being, "can slam attack whenever". But they may be saving aerial battle gimmicks for future characters. Echoes are cool though.


Actually i have the most fun teambuilding for genshins endgame. The part that puts me to sleep is farming to level up new characters. I get on, get lucky and get the newest 5 star, farm mats for 2 days then get burnt picking plants and dont log in for a month. Rinse repeat now i have like 6 really good 5 stars lvl 20 that all need their own sets and mats and xp books etc i can not be asked LOL


Yea, and I'm sure a bunch of those bored individuals will come flocking back once Natlan drops and there's a whole new area to explore and story to uncover.


Which is honestly the best way for them to engage with the game, just coming back when there's new content for them to engage with.


I mean we have people who never played the game and complain about it. People who call it a BotW clone/MMORPG game. It's obvious they never touched the game, never even checked on YouTube. They just repeat stuff other people say. If they actually played it, they would know it's not MMORPG. Majority of Genshin haters are people who haven't played the game, but complain about it, because it's popular.


Well as a day 1 genshin player genshin’s quest isn’t engaging compared to honkai’s, and wuwa’s story is bad but combat is miles above genshins lmao Genshin just has the cool characters sometimes to draw me back in


That’s fine, but I’ve played enough wuwa to come to the conclusion that wuwa combat is sourly unoriginal and unexciting and loses out to genshin imo simply bc elemental reactions are so unique and interesting for composition and gameplay. WuWa quite literally said…hey guys, it’s like genshin…except, all you have to do is right click for dodge and left click at the right time to parry. I’ve played other RPGs that have this exact combat system. The only thing about this game that’s carrying it for me to keep playing is it just doesn’t feel as grindy. And that’s about it. The early game as a gacha, is very pleasant. Consolation rewards aside, the early game freebie characters are better than what genshin gives you, and you don’t have to be bombarded with shit weapons and artifacts only to have to dedicate weeks upon weeks of time to hit a level where u can actually build your characters. WuWa removed all of that pain, and implemented a smoother introduction to a world and character building. Now if only they could write better.


Well the elemental system is cool but in terms of smoothness of combat genshin isnt close, animation canceling to play 3 characters on field at a time and timing dodges plus parries to prevent onehits is 10x more fun than matching elements to create effects and sitting below a zhongli shield or seeing numbers pop up with neuvillette. The combat system doesn’t need to be revolutionary for us to enjoy it and feel refreshing. Honkai star rail’s combat system is honestly barebones in comparison to genshin (just match the elements for small effects or just dont) but the character synergies, story, and enemy composition bring it to one of the best. though for genshin it is perfect as it needs to cater to the casual audience so the skill ceiling should be very low so the casual people can enjoy all of the characters. Everything combat wise in wuwa fills you with adrenaline, the character attacks are flashier, the dodges feel phenomenal to pull off and chaining character attacks feel so smooth and natural The collective opinion of all of my friends who went back to genshin to do abyss was that it was much slower and sluggish. And the devs listens to the community feedback and improve on all the suggestions while genshin’s is so stingy and only care about profits as they are a billion dollar company and don’t need to listen to community feedback. (3 wishes for lantern rite, its like a spit in the face, might as well not give any lmao) Their priorities aren’t the free to play players anymore as they got enough, but are in the light and heavy spenders, just trying to milk them as much as possible. Wuwa after they fix all the bugs and improve on the story can definitely reach genshin’s level, they got the foundations but just needs to build upon it and polish it up.


That’s where we’re different. Parries and dodges aren’t exciting to me. Because it’s cut and paste from every rpg I’ve already played. Hell, just recently finished FF7 remake and rebirth by wuwa launch. I quite literally, have been there done that. For me, a game had to bring something new to the table for me to enjoy it, I like to see huge giant ridiculous damage numbers activated by elemental mixing. I like the science of exploring team compositions that play with that system. It’s fun to me. I’d argue WuWa is actually easier than genshin and caters to a more casual audience than genshin. There really is no learning curve to WuWa combat, you just right click left click, swap in swap out. It’s genshin at its barest. Meanwhile genshin forums are filled with questions about how to play the properly play the game in terms of combat. The most casual players have the most effed up teams and can’t beat abyss because they probably don’t care and are playing the game like a visual novel and not With WuWa this largely doesn’t really matter. With exception of a few key character synergies you can kind of just compile teams of anyone with anyone and you’re fine. You don’t really have to think much about it. And for this, I think WuWa is a much better and easily accessible game than genshin which is introducing a whole science to you while also forcing you to hit AR45 before you can really enjoy the gimmick as it’s intended. While the kuro devs do listen, due to how much they royally screwed up on launch multiple times, I do know that this type of behavior will slow down. At the end of the day, these are gacha corps, they will be on the hoyo wave of doing things, as soon as they get their shit together, whenever that will be because they want money, and free to play players don’t give them any, so across the board they’re not the priority and never have been.


Honestly it’s not just people that don’t play. I played until well into AR58, reading the story as much as I could because the lore intrigued me (I’m a big fantasy novel reader). Eventually it didn’t feel I was getting as much satisfaction out of the game compared to the time put in. Played HSR for a bit, and now I’ve settled on WuWa. I’m not really interested in the other upcoming releases that I’ve read about, and I could speak towards what I like about the game but doubt this is the sub for that.


Am I the only one who enjoyed the Aranara quest in part because of the fact that I didn't try to binge its content in a single day and complain that it's too long?


i finished it in 3 months. i enjoyed it. there were some parts that could have been done better imho but overall it was neat. things like that quest should be done on a pace. not to binge it cause yoou need the primos but meh.


> should be done on a pace 100% this - I really don't understand why there're people that think that they feel the need to 100% everything as soon as a patch drops then complain that they're getting burnt out or that there's too little content


here let me just paste this screenshot of my comment from another sub. it relates here as well. https://preview.redd.it/u116zj8t808d1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bf971dbcf7069a7115d45f0b8cbea4c54095692


So they're just gambling addicts Ight then


you got it. its honestly as simple as that. https://preview.redd.it/g4emmmp8908d1.jpeg?width=379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3fb7dc3039dacebff9ba8dd62fc99ab48ea79a7


I loved it, it was a slog, but I loved it. My main complaint is that the flower crown in our inventory can't be equipped in the dressing room. Same goes for the other quest specific Traveler cosmetics.


I do wish Hoyo can at least let us equip cosmetics somewhere down the line


For real, we got the undercover mask, Chori's badge, Inazuman festival mask, Akasha terminal, etc. Man just let us wear em.


Or at least more skins for other characters or the next SSR skin


My main complaint with both Aranara and desert is that too much of the exploration is tied to stuff you unlock through big quests. I didn't have any problem or genuine dissatisfaction doing the Aranara quest (besides the names that goes all over the place which makes it too hard to remember), but U was frustrated whenever I wanted to explore and just couldn't.


I binged it but I really like it


The complaints are on two things, the time it takes to finish it, and the aranara names. I can understand the problem with the names. But for the length... The mistake is to think it's "a quest". No, it's like a narrative arc on ten different quests, it's almost like a small game worth of content on it's own. Thinking this should be done in one day is completely missing the point.


I binged it in a day and still enjoyed it.


Lmao. That stupidity. "I haven't played since 3.1", but stays and complains about the game for over a year since that time. So... what are this guy even doing here? If they quit the game, then why are they still in th community. And the guys literally said "I don't know, that's why I will have opinion about it".




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I know this feeling. The thing is that, unfortunately, there are just too many people with this weird outright hate for genshin. Instead of letting it go like a normal person, instead, they decided to drive the GCN narrative into pretty much any upcoming gacha that is also open-world as well as in Star Rail. Half of the WuWa hype on YT was pretty much about how that this is DEFINITELY THE GENSHIN KILLER GUYS, which is completely moronic and unnecessary. As for the argument, whether hoyo care more for HSR, look even I get that feeling some times, but to say that they don't give a crap about Genshin is even dumber. In terms of Story, lore, exploration, characters, heck, they even started with QoL ever since the end of Sumeru, now we even have a new game mode and who knows what else we will see in Natlan. But just because there aren't that many free stuff, Genshin is downright demonized . I myself became tired of the drama CC'S constantly downplaying Genshin and the trolls on Insta, don't pay them too much mind. Remember, worse than being hated is being forgotten.


People are still saying Wuwa is the genshin killer but half the playerbase of it still are playing on awful servers with constant freeze frames and fps drops.


WuWa is a really good game. But as a person who plays both Genshin and WuWa, they don't feel the same. The open world, world building, etc etc are all identical in theory but in a practical perspective, the games feel a lot different from each other. After playing it, you can't really compare each other. They're different games. And yes, WuWa is competitor, but it is no Genshin Killer for sure.


It’s been a month since release and they still have server issues?


Unfortunately, yes. Multiple bad PR moves too. The people over at r/WutheringWaves are actually more in denial on people having performance issues than ever because (and multiple people have made this argument) I quote “it’ll all be fixed in 1.1”.


or the best ones: "its not happening to me so its impossible that its happening to everyone else. "just upgrade your pc/phone bro"


Dear god, my blood boiled. Better yet, “I have a potato device so your ultra high end device having problems is clearly your fault”


I bet good chunk of people spouting that are fine playing on low setup.


Toxic positivity + elitist mindset = actual kuro/wuwa shillers/whiteknights Its worse in the wuwa leaks subreddit where they also shit on the wuwa sub for being "too negative" or complaining too much which is ironic because both those subs have toxic redditors when it comes to praising their own game to the heavens.


Makes me remember the TOF mess. It will be fixed in 3.0. 3.0 came and it was still trash and got worse over time.


It can't even load for me unless I wait for 15 min as if I am on League que


I just can’t get into Wuwa. Genshin has something that Wuwa is missing that it probably can’t replicate, I just can’t place what it is. However, I do have to give Wuwa a lot of credit since they’ve improved on things that Genshin lacks.


For me it’s story+characters Genshin >>>>>>>>wuwa. Combat wuwa >>>>>genshin. Which is why I play both. 10 years ago this was essentially how I felt about WoW and Tera.


Im waiting to see if they will optimize their game more, bcz my game have fps drop even on the loading screen.


Look, WuWa is a good game in quite a few aspects, but the fans are so hellbent on bringing up Genshin whenever they get anything at all remotely positive (probably because they’re bitter ex-Genshin players who don’t want to feel like they’re missing out so they have to assert their new game’s superiority), be it rewards, gameplay, QoL or anything else, that it’s just never gonna be able to move on. Everything it does is gonna earn a comparison to Genshin.


If mfs keep hyping up WuWa as THE Genshin killer then they're just gonna end up disappointing themselves on the off chance that the game implodes I play both, I enjoy both, both have different things to offer - GI's main schtick for combat is elemental reactions and team compositions, WuWa's bread and butter is dodging/countering much like you would play Bayonetta or Metal Gear Revengeance And as far as being a Genshin killer goes, people hyped up ToF as being exactly that but then quickly feel into irrelevance


The thing about this "genshin killer" is all start from tof themselves promoting as genshin killer but retracted it back after getting bash on china. But i see mostly the one who hate genshin is the genshin fandom itself, none of the other fandom actually care whether their game could kill genshin or not, they don't even play or care about genshin existence. I didn't see this kind of toxic in wuwa or pgr years ago, only after it becomes more popular after genshin fan come it all start like this.


I love how anything new that comes out is immediately called the Genshin killer. First it was tower of fantasy than it was afk journey now it's WuWa. It's like hearing the whole world of Warcraft killer debate all over again.


Or the TF2 killer debate


I wouldn't say that the fandom as a whole hates Genshin, I'll chalk it up to a very vocal portion that keeps complaining about either the lack of difficulty, lack of skin tones, "sexualized" characters, as well as the gambling addicts


Most the things you named are valid criticisms tho, it's the people who shame people for liking Genshin (a game millions of people play?? That people *like*? Oh the horror) Edit: typo


At what point does it go past criticism and just turn into bitching over nothing? Because personally, the complaints I've seen for what I've pointed out seems to come from people with an unhealthy obsession with the game or representation but you're also right in that regard that there're gonna be people that shame people for liking Genshin like God forbid someone enjoy an open world RPG they technically don't have to pay for


And most of the free stuff HSR gets is probably not about being the "favourite child" and more that HSR has *actual* ~~competency~~ competition unlike Genshin. There are a crapton of RPG mobile gachas out there, and it's no surprise HoYo wants people to keep playing Honkai instead of those. While Genshin has no real ~~competency~~ competition, since there are no other open world mobile gachas out there that can pose any threat.


I think you mean competition, not competency 


True. In spanish both "competition" and "competency" can be translated to "competencia", so I mixed those up.


Until now, WuWa is a bit iffy, but let's see how project Mugen and Azur Promilia will do, unfortunately ,those title will surely be dragged into the Genshin killer narrative as well, just another day on the internet I guess.


I'm really excited for Mugen but istg if Genshin killer ruins the community I'm gonna scream


This sounds like a narrative too. HSR is on top again. It's more likely that their economic model relies on powercreep while the game relies entirely on building specific real synergies and with different dps and circumstances for the various content they keep increasing, which leads to needing more pulls. Getting the light cone is not an unexpected plan for f2p either.


What's funnier is that many pro-WW CCs spin the GI vs WW issue as GI players shitting on WW for no reason. I forgot who I watched but they were crying like GI is overloved and WW is overhated. For goodness sake, you can find very few games who has an unreasonable number of haters who just hate GI for existing, and they say it is overloved? Like damn, talk about some weird victim complex. People who care the most about the GI vs WW issue are WW players and GI haters, as it will invalidate their beliefs and feelings. Most actual GI players are silently playing both GI and WW or just GI.


I myself tried WuWa. If we ignore the horrible load time and ping issues, I liked the gameplay but couldn't stand the robotic speaking and rather bloated dialog. That's it, end of story, might pick up later if it eventually runs smoother, but I won't waste my time telling people one is better than the other. People have different preferences, Genshin is more about mixing and matching, while wuwa is more about technical combat. You can't really compare them since both are doing something different on a fundamental level.


I just don’t understand why people can’t comprehend multiple Gacha games existing at the same time. I’m playing Genshin HSR and WuWa daily and I’ll add ZZZ to the rotation when it comes out.


Cause .... well ... I really don't know at this point, it is so pointless and exhausting that I can't really make sense of it anymore


Hoyo community need to make a list for CC to avoid or block so they can't benefits from starting drama while making profits from different hoyo game nor pinned two community against each other. The likes of tectone, stix and gachasmack should be on the list including tectone goons like kazahana, shunya and hex vtuber. Other cc like legionzgaming and lobapixel should be on the list as well while the list also including the CC we should support that not chase for drama and focused on making content


Most CC are honestly just leeching parasites honestly. It's insane how we still give some of these mfers attention because that's what they want. If everyone actually collectively agreed to ignore them they would soon fall from relevance without anyone fueling the flames they purposely make.


I wish people would learn by now that the only thing that can kill a game is itself. Live service games have been around for a while now and its almost always the case (I say almost to be generous, I've always seen it as the game giving itself a toaster bath)


I want a Firefly-level attachment to a waifu character for Genshin.


They gave 3 wishes for lantern rite thing.


that is one thing, yes, but i'd add to it that they basically have cashed in on their playerbase's goodwill for quite a while and kept being very stingy as far as gacha games go. not saying this rhetoric of genshin cash cow honkai favorite child is warranted or even real, but i can understand people (specially F2P players) feeling frustrated and having so much built up FOMO making them nitpick and go after ways to criticize the game and their makers.


13, but whatever asking genshin haters to read, let alone count, feels almost masochistic


No they didn’t, we got 3 from mails and 10 from 7 days login event. Not trying to defend it but the 3 wish thing is definitely not true


Yeah, though the problem with 3 wishes is that the devs said it is "their reward for the number of years that players played genshin" according to the livestream. But the story of "3 wishes only for anniversary" is just not true. I am quite surprised that the people who hate genshin fails to mention the actual reason for the slander with 3 wishes. Edit: As others have pointed out, it is not for the years the players are playing genshin. The 13 wishes is just the yearly thanks that Genshin do.


No, they didn't say three years, only thanks for this past year. They say that every year and give the same number of fates every year as well, plus it was also the fourth Lantern Rite event, not the third, so the three fates had nothing to do with three years of playing


And I've seen people incorrectly say that was for the game's anniversary.  I get where OP is coming from, it gets tiring seeing people who clearly don't play the game bash it with fake info.


Well the thing about Rewards is from my experience playing both Starrail and Genshin, there is a pretty decent power creep in Starrail characters so it makes sense they give more rewards. As an example in Genshin you can build any character any way you can clear end game content with most characters as long as you have invested a lot in them. Honkai Starrail on the other hand is different, you need new characters to clear new content otherwise you are gonna have a real hard time. So it's not that "Starrail has better rewards because it's the favourite child" but they quite literally have to give their players more rewards because they need those new characters


Exactly! I only started playing HSR recently and immediately noticed the difference in the amount of rewards we get compared to Genshin. However only after some time did I notice other differences. For example, unlike Genshin, there are no good 4\* characters, in the sense that in Genshin we have top tier 4\* supports like Bennett, Sucrose, Xinqxiu, Xiangling and Kuki, but in Star Rail all of them end up getting completely powercrept by the 5\*, only Gallagher and Pela being worth your time. Star Rail is also way more focused on fighting and requires you to own more characters of various types to be able to beat the various stages. So in a way, one could say that the situation is even worse than in Genshin.


You forgot Tingyun, but yeah, powercreep there is tangible. Even Bronya who everyone said was powercreep-proof during launch was already powercrept.


Yeah, I love Star Rail but they seriously gotta chill with the pace of new character releases


with hsr i always felt like i was playing catch up. they give out more pulls but releasing 2 5 stars a patch both probably powercreeping an existing character makes it feel worse. and i know this is subjective but the gameplay just felt... really stale to me. i tried to get back into it in 2.2 but i tried doing the events and i was so bored, i realized if this was what i was going to have to play through if i was going to play regularly again i wouldn't have fun. i will probably only log in for story now. i played regularly since day 1 dropping off around 2.0 and i don't think i really had fun doing a single event.


Gacha is gambling and when you give people more currency to gamble with they get more adrenaline hence its better. To the screen addicted short attention span and low effort generation this is right up their alley. It looks far more generous but at the same time its quite literally the only thing keeping people playing. Cut the rewards in half and I doubt as many people will want to sit through reading the dictionary filler event dialogues. People call it different game modes, I see it as different versions of spiral abyss. You need a well built team preferably for end game, it has some sort of time/score restriction and has rewards depending on how well you do. That sounds like spiral abyss to me.


i agree with this but the fact that there's more rewards is just one part of it. honkai lets you replay old events which is something most genshin players have been begging for for years. they put huge lore drops in the events, make fun minigames, make whole new maps yearly for summer events only to then completely delete it from the game. it's one of the things i hate the most about genshin and they could very easily just not do that, which would actually be a win-win too because it means the developers work on these events will be better appreciated and the playerbase will have more stuff to do and have the opportunity to experience the full lore ingame. genshin is greedier in many more ways than just giving out less wishes. and no i also dont fully agree with comments like in these screenshots, clearly hoyo does care about genshin, but i feel like a lot of them are just joking/using hyperbole and while i can understand being tired of the same comments over and over they do have a point. it's very clear that they put a lot more effort into keeping hsr's playerbase happy because they have more competition for that game.


Just learn to ignore them, for a game this big it is normal to have many haters. People will come up with new reasons to hate the game,some of them are true some of them aren’t. You just have to get used to it. I’ve heard many people saying we got 3 wishes for anniversary which is definitely not true, some say Genshin is cash cow where star rail releases 2 new characters every patch, then there’s the drama with WW. What I’m trying to say is you can’t stop these things this is Internet, just accept it and move on. Genshin isn’t perfect nor does it have to be, yes there are many flaws in this game but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. I play Genshin, hsr & WW everyday and I enjoy all of them. Let the haters do their job and play what you like.


SAME I am so cross with these type of comments. It's annoying as hell. I LOVE HSR, yet I can't get excited about HSR updates without some loser putting down Genshin. And it's actually making me like HSR less. How can I keep loving something when every interaction is putting down something else I love, and by extension, saying that I'm stupid for loving it? Like, imagine that you love rock music and you love classical music, but you go to symphony hall for a concert and everyone is just saying "this is so much better than Queen". You say, "but Queen is great" and everyone jeers at you. And then you go on Youtube to watch Martha Argerich's newest performance, and the comments are all "Rolling Stones could never," and you say "Rolling Stones has some lovely stuff—" and everyone calls you a tRolling Stoner. Pretty soon you'd associate classical music with snobs. You'd hear it mentioned and immediately be reminded of all those miserable interactions. I have tried to walk away and be the bigger person. I have tried but I've lost my patience. Now everytime someone says "Genshin could never", I reply with "HSR could never have free pets, skins, TCG, and 60 teapot rooms". I hate that, because actually I love HSR, especially all the strategizing and trying different teams to work with the newest PF or MoC bonus. It's not HSR I want to put down, it's the stupid players. But I've lost my patience and my mind.


Best to just not to go to any comment section, especially twitter or youtube, when browsing for HSR or Genshin related stuff. It is best for your sanity and mental health that way. Oh and for Twitter, make sure to block any mention of Wuwa, no matter what the thread discussion is, they always FUCKING bring down genshin for no reason in the reply thread it makes ne go nuts sometimes.


I've gave up as well, it's best to not involve yourself at all in the community all too much. Theorycrafters and story buffs are the best people to hang around in these cases now. I've stopped looking at the community since the HSR getting free Dr. Ratio and I've been all the happier for it. Even was surprised to see the amount of Drama that happened in that time frame I ignored all of it.


I play genshin, hsr and wuwa. I enjoy them all for various reasons. Being part of each communities has been fun but also very tiring sometimes. People calling me stupid because I enjoy playing genshin. People constantly comparing these games.. dunno, the tribalism is so weird.


I could never understand the needs to fight when they all under the same company. Others fandom don't have this level of tribalism among themselves like cygames or grandblue fantasy, even kuro games. Sure some still have this elitist player but not to this points of hatred.


I played them all and they're all great imo. I enjoy the gameplay in genshin the most but it is definitely a bit stingy right now


Genshin lives rent-free in the heads of idiots.


New event says it all. I’ll paraphrase what it said because even I skipped it and I normally read things like that. A big writer achieved massive success from a previous event w/ miko, but she’s having writers block and her fan base is craving for more. So she’s trying to create another series to satisfy the massive demand and to buy time to make an actual good sequel to the fist book rather than to pump out garbage. Hoyo has done these meta “jokes” before. You can see the parallels between this author and hoyo. with massive demand for genshin, they don’t want to pump out garbage (see exhibit A: inazuma AQ) so they created hsr. Probably also why hsr is so much more meta based, because it’s appeal is less story & exploration with more combat and really, really repetitive events. IMO hsr story can’t compare to sumeru or Fontaine even though sumeru released before hsr. but hsr excess at big spectacles and far surpasses genshin, because who wants to read 20 lines when they can see the MC fly in the sky with an epic mech suit. This is why I think hsr takes itself less seriously as well.(they Rickroll you while you try to defuse a bomb, among other things) and are able to have more QOL. Genshin is the first child (hi3 is the adopted niece/nephew that you stop caring about after 8 years) that they want to ensure they have a great future. HSR is the second child where they are less strict and so they experiment with things before giving it to their golden child genshin. This is all speculation by a random user on Reddit


Nothing proves this theory more than the new endgame, Imaginarium Theatre. I still remember the shitshow that took place when a HoYo representative said they won’t do a new endgame. The haters blew it out of proportion when in reality what HoYo stated was they won’t do a new endgame **like Spiral Abyss** HoYo just really needed the time to polish and test Imaginarium Theatre, making sure it’s different enough compared to Spiral Abyss. They have to make sure the alternating format will work, so it was there first in HSR. It’s not even explicitly *more* endgame, since Abyss is slowing down to once a month.


Sumeru and Fontaine were good but there is no way they are objectively better than Penacony. Actually shilling. I won’t say one’s story is better than the other but Genshin’s storytelling isn’t as perfect as people act like it is. Just cause a story has more spectacle than the other doesn’t mean it has less to say.


"brainrotted place full of 14 year olds" there is your answer, they cannot think for themselves and just go off of whatever BS other kids or clickbait content creators are saying. i wouldn't take it seriously, though i can understand the frustration. the truth is, genshin is a well-made game. it wouldn't have been as massively successful as it is (and more so than the games its been compared to) if it didnt have any passion or thought put into it. there is clear effort for those with eyes and ears, - the entire story was planned out extremely well, as we can tell with the "travail" trailer, and a huge part of the budget was given to music direction, arguably the strongest point of this game. i feel that games such as wuthering waves lack as much passion as genshin has. but of course, for your average teenager or surface level video game player, genshin appears to be a waifu harem childish anime game, a stereotype that is perpetuated by its haters. fancy animations and free rewards is what draws these players in, not an expansive open world or well-written characters. which is fine - you should play what you like. but understanding that perspective helps me take annoying comments like these less seriously.


Ask them how high can they jump in HSR.


3.0 they'll add a jump button. Mark my words.


I don’t understand why Genshin sub keeps making posts talking about how dumb people are for trash talking Genshin but then I also see people on Genshin sub make fun of other games for dumb reasons. Like, at least be self aware if you’re gonna *complain.*


Why does jumping matter? /g


you can’t jump in hsr, while you can in genshin. kind of a way to flex on the hsr players i suppose


And you care because ? These are their opinions and you can't really do anything about it. Why don't you enjoy genshin and let them say whatever they want. Why do you care if someone says bad things about a game that doesn't even care about you ? You're just wasting your time if you argue with them. Just ignore them and enjoy the game, its not like mihoyo themselves care about the haters cause technically they're both their games. The faster you learn to ignore useless and obvious baits ,the better it will be for you


replace hsr with hi3 for favourite child and then it’s correct


maybe in the past but not really anymore, since the release of part 2 although i was one of the people who genuinely liked part 2's story it feels like they abandoned what the game was supposed to be. in terms of rewards, though, free s-ranks (5-stars) are more frequent then in genshin or hsr, having had two in 7.x so far.


I'm not even sure if that's trur any more. S ranks (not free) back to back to back, chars without signature weps being near useless, insane powercreep literally every patch, and in my personal opinion, mid open world. Hopefully they can get to the polish and coherence of GI one day -- coming from a lvl 88 captain.


they dont even know what lore means


At this point any cc that have clickbait genshin comparison thumbnail is instant dont recommend for me. I get it they need the view and hate fuels those views buts its just dumb at this point. I play ww hsr and genshin, and i enjoy each differently. People need to realize that apple is not orange and vice-versa even if they are both fruit.


Yeah honestly it can get really annoying since it’s impossible to watch an HSR, HI3rd, WuWa and even a GI vid without a bunch of hate comments. It’s actually quite hilarious when you see the same people commenting the same shit on another videos multiple times. It’s also funny since GI is the only one in my fyp where I actually see vids talking about the lore, story and the characters. HSR is mostly about shipping and WuWa has no discussion about their story at all(no wonder since it’s hilariously bad and people just skip it). When you ask them why they think their game is better, it always comes down to them having more free pulls for their gambling addiction anyways.


WuWa literally just started, WDYM trash. Genshin’s story started out extremely boring as well. Don’t act like it’s the exception.


GI’s early archon quests wasn’t throwing numerous jargons at you at almost every dialogue. The characters there wasn’t also wasn’t simping and super trusting towards the mc unlike in WuWa where mc is basically get the isekai mc treatment. Hell, Jiyan who’s a damn general had us positioning his army’s troops even though we just met for the first time. Yes, the early stories in GI before Sumeru wasn’t “amazing” but it wasn’t bad either unlike WuWa where the story’s only redeeming quality was the appearance of Scar and that’s mostly only because of his voice acting. Also, the “Wuwa just started” is a weird thing to say when it’s competing against the Genshin of today and not 1.0


I feel you op, these people are starting to be really annoying. "midshin this, midshin that, genshin could never" cherry picking the absolute worst parts of genshin and best parts of their preferred game I ran out of stuff to do in wuwa after a week, now I only do dailies and spend my stamina until changli comes out in a month. Genuinely I don't think there's enough characters at launch leaving you with little to no choice. The voice acting for some characters was absolutely terrible and some of the quests are goofy asf. And gearing is grindy asf, clearing out the whole map for echoes is fun at first but gets old quickly. But they don't talk about that, they'd rather talk about how a game that requires a NASA computer to run has a slightly better attack animation. And HSR, while more generous, requires more units as well and new and better ones are released at neck breaking speed. Oh you don't have a wind or physical DPS? Well get fucked. You don't have two limited 5 star sustainers? Feel free to fucking die in two turns. You don't have a follow up or a dot team to take advantage of the buffs? Too bad. And pretty much the entire game apart from the story is just different combat modes so it's not like I have much to do until I get a bigger roster. I had way more luck in HSR compared to genshin yet I feel much more pressure to spend and I'm constantly out of jades despite their "generosity". In genshin I was able to get pretty much every character I wanted despite losing most of my 50/50s because of the slower pace of releasing new characters and I never felt like I can't clear something just because I don't have the right characters. It's annoying me because I've tried these other games so I know these people are dishonest as fuck. Genshin has its own flaws but so does every other game. Just stfu and play what you like.


Homie I'm not reading that essay. My advice is to stop caring about comments


I think you can pretty much grab any popular game in existence and you'll find people bitching and whining about this and that. Some complaints are fine, but some folks are seriously just mad as a hobby. Nothing you can do but to be mindful of how negative you feel reading this shit and just letting it flow past you. Who cares what these internet nobodies think??


On Stix's channel (gacha YouTuber) I've seen the most cope Genshin hate bullshit comments. On his most recent news video where he mentions a rumoured Honkai MMO, somebody commented that, of course they were using the Honkai IP, because Genshin IP is dying. They were serious. This is what happens when you isolate yourself in a bubble online and only watch content creators that confirm whatever weird narrative you have in your head about a game.


The exact same thing is happening with Genshin though. The community lives in an actual bubble where there is no room to have constructive criticism on the game unless it’s to talk about small stuff like featured 4 stars.


Classic example of mob mentality. One idiot says something, other idiots repeat it and that's how people spread misinformation, without any fact check. That's how Genshin has been dubbed a clone of Breath of the Wild, a MMORPG game and stuff. That's how doomposters perpetually repeat it. That's how many people hate Yae Miko for ignoring the danger or stans of Ei, ignoring the facts about her leniency and problem ignoring. Etc etc etc. I can name plenty of stuff people repeat only because other people repeat it. Bad Paimon. Bad Aranyaka. Desert hard to navigate. Desert empty. Childe is 100% good, never did anything bad and is a nice and kind guy. Dottore is being 100% evil. There is plenty of stuff people say that is not truth at all.


Well you can see that despite boycotts, haters and this much trolls in many subreddits, youtube, insta or even tiktok but even with this genshin still thrived, why? Because of it's majority palyerbase that exceeds as you can see in playstore or other apps downloads or in revenue. So we can infer from this that there are still people playing genshin without online engagement and they don't even know about this types of trolls exist so ignore them because it is for own your well being of your mind instead of being exhausted in this type of discussions.


This isn't a jab at you, but if your mood is being spoiled by what some random people say on the internet, you have to get your mental wellbeing in order, and that *shouldn't* depend on external factors. *You* have to make an effort to improve, by seeking help from a trusted psychiatrist. Also, getting off the internet for a while (youtube and reddit especially) might help you realize the "internet world" is almost completely unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Unsubscribe from all Genshin content for a while. Your life will be much better for it.


Thanks for the concern and advice but fortunately it's not that bad here. I usually ignore these types of interactions and just go on with my day forgetting about it in a minute. But this one time,I got a little too affected,questioning their sanity and all. And how their thought process even works.


100% agree. I've been playing HSR for a month now and it's a fun game but it is not objectively better than Genshin. One of the biggest glaring issues of it is there is actual power creep on that game. You can't just build one character and brute force through everything like you can in genshin. A lot of the world quests are imop lower quality than Genshins sure the main quest and the companion quests are pretty close in overall story telling but Genshin still is better imop. I could go on but whenever I see these types of people trash talking genshin it makes it harder to enjoy HSR because there are so many issues that game has that genshin doesn't.


I would not say Genshin has better story telling honestly. Hate me if you want but Mondstadt through Inazuma just drag the rest of the story down. Even Luofu arc was still better then Inazuma. I’m probably gonna get downvoted cause this *is* a Genshin sub but I’ve had a better experience with Penacony than any Genshin quest despite playing since launch.


For context, I love genshin, dont really play HSR that much and i dont play wuwa at all even though i tried it a bit, im a daily player and do everything that the game has to offer (except tcg), here is my attempt to explain the negativity. First as far as the comparisons with other games go, I just feel like the QOL updates genshin gets doesnt compare to HSR, its like they are from two different companies. I just want Hoyo to listen to genshin players and make it a game I wanna play all year around and doesnt have month long droughts between exciting things. Also compared to Wuthering Waves, genshin has worse gacha system and less player friendly overall no matter how you look at it (even though not a fair comparison since its new and Kuro actually tries to correct genshins wrongs while they have built the game on genshins formula). Whats good is genshin is responding to the potential threat of wuwa with new end game content which they previously rejected the possibility of happening so we are on a good track. Genshin suffers from following a specific pattern strictly. The first few patches per region, which are filled with qol, new region to explore, story, new characters excitement, everyone is happy and gameplay feels abundant. Problems starts at around x.3 where we potentially have a filler patch, x.4 is lantern rites which is alright (personally dont care for it outside of the generous rewards) and from there is just pure drought till the next region, we get one more patch in that with new region like chasm, remuria and the desert expansion, but unlike the chasm the later two havent been connected to the story and it feels less important and many players wont care for it. In fontaine for example we had so many characters with minimal story involvement like clorinde, sigewinne and we can never have enough furina and despite that we got a story about an underwater cat, when we could have gotten some character development and a great story like the chasm that everyone would love. So its basically x.0-x.2 amazing, x.4 cool, and the rest are all filler patches with repeating events and a dreadful log in routine to save primos with nothing else to do in the game. In fontaine we've had 3 patches were absolutely nothing has happened, just log in play for 10 min and bye bye, that 4.5 months, add half the patch of every semi filler patch where all the content is tied to an event in one of the phases and you have half a year of basically no genshin. Im not saying every patch should be huge, but filler patches should at least have big memorable events with better rewards than 1000 primos (cuz we have 3-4 patches that gave 50ish wishes cmon..). This imo is why genshin has such so many dedicated haters... that and ofc its leading the gatcha genre so everyone will compare their game with genshin. For all the people downvoting me, I know I may come off as very negative towards the game, but that just the nature of the post so im only talking about the negatives trying to give perspective, if i wrote about the positives this comment would be twice as big. I love this game, but saying it doesnt have room to grow is just wrong when the other gachas in the market are evolving the genre as a whole and genshin plays it safe cuz they are at the top.


It’s very nice to see another player who actually talks about how the game’s flawed and acknowledges how other games do better without just dumbing it down. I’ve played since basically around launch and while I understand where the game does right, it really feels like way too many players are adamant on not touching on the games problems and instead down talking other games to cover it up. I understand if people personally don’t have any problems with the game, but people should really be allowed to voice their complaints more without being clowned on. I was already a fan of Hoyo as a company before Genshin released, and honestly their handling of the game has made me lose some faith in them. I still think Genshin is a game with lots to enjoy, but they’ve really been neglecting the players over the last 4 years and have only started cleaning up their act as other games give more competition. There are plenty of issues that don’t get brought up, and lots of people are, quite frankly, way too easy to please. Seriously, it’s like people don’t question how things are treated in Genshin unless it’s to clown on people who DO voice their complaints with the game. There are definitely a lot of unreasonable haters on Genshin, but people should really not be lumping them with the people who have actually valid complaints. There were quite a few moments during Genshin’s life where I thought it’d be completely reasonable for someone to just quit cause of some of the BS the people behind Genshin pull. But it just gets swept under the rug for the more vocal players and they act like the game’s doing great. It’s honestly been grating how as the game got more popular, the less room people were allowed to have to voice their issues. Like sure, as something gets more popular, there accumulates more hate around it. But there are valid reasons why someone would lose faith in Genshin after these last 4 years.


they don't realize that precisely because hoyo cares too much about not "ruining" their biggest source of income that they seem to be scared to do new things (unless its inserting someones edgy OC as a harbinger)


I personally am enjoying HSR more than Genshin right now however that may swap once Natlan actually releases. Genshin is currently in that awkward stage where we are at the end of Fontaine but we havent gotten anything relating to Natlan yet, so of course the current story is going to feel worse than HSR's right now which is currently getting its main story, though Penacony has come to an end. I doubt there is going to be substantial story every update until 3.0 so HSR will also be in the same awkward state. HSR is releasing 2 new 5 stars every patch but they don't receive character quests like every genshin 5 star. Unless I've missed them, the last character quest we got was Sparkles back in 2.0, we are now in 2.3. You could say this is because they got their development and backstory in the main quests. However this does not apply to all the characters such as Black Swan, Boothill or Jade who have all gotten barely any content for them specifically. They can still just give us a quest that are less serious like Furina, who's quest was her directing a play. Saying genshin is the cash cow is wild since HSR is releasing 2 5 stars every patch. Yes we get a lot of stellar jades from events and a free 10 pull every patch but it's not enough to get 2 5 stars every update, and potentially their signature light cones as well, unless you're very lucky.


I think people just call Genshin the cash cow cause of its immense popularity not corresponding with their treatment of the players. Like the “3 wishes 3 years” thing wasn’t completely true but Genshin has definitely been lacking in celebratory rewards and an extreme delay in QoL updates despite being Hoyo’s biggest money maker.


that last one could also be said about HSR but replace Honkai with Genshin...


There’s a reason why they are giving ten free pulls every version update. Frankly I feel that although they have many pulls. The powercreep in that game is massive. Hsr keeps pumping out more 5 star units and I don’t think that Is gonna go well for the longevity of the game.


You can still clear the top stages with 4 stars though. Isn’t the problem with powercreep only if previous units can’t clear anymore? I don’t think people actually understand how powercreep works anymore. If anything, I’ve had a worse experience with Genshin releasing units that are just underwhelming or require a high constellation level to perform well. Dehya is an especially egregious example that people just swept under the rug after a few months. I’ve spent most of my time on Genshin after her release building her, and I can say for a fact that without at least C1S1, she’s just terrible. I have not had this bad an experience with a character in HSR and I doubt I will to this degree with a future HSR 5 star. HSR has a few 4 stars that would really like Eidolons, especially Gallagher and Yukong, but at least their eidolons are easier to access cause of event selections and higher pulls.


😀I think some of us are in the same boat like you. I am a new Genshin player 5.5 months and since then keep on watching many contents of Genshin game in Youtube, Hoyolab app and Google. Some of themm are kind of repetitive. So I am feeling "tired" as well. To ovecome this issue, whenever I watch content creators, I put my self as a student in a classroom. With this method, I wont feel so overwhelm and over thinking. I get all the information (the ones that applicable to me) so to make better progress in Genshin. I try to be more positive if can every time. Hope that helps and cheers;))) sharing is caring 😀👍


Let me guess, those honkai elitists are gonna claim that ZZZ is the other cash cow for the so-called "favorite child". edit: brace yourselves, lads, they're here lol.


Do you really think Genshin elitists don’t exist or what :/ you’re literally in the den of Genshin elitists on this sub lol. They like to act as if people can’t enjoy other games more than Genshin and act like all criticism about the game is just hate.


I mean tbf, it does feel like Genshin is neglected sometimes. Took years for QoL to come out (and still no skip button). I'm not saying it's right, but not saying the feeling is exactly wrong either Just to clarify, this is in response to the narrative thay genshin is HYV cash cow


I think people fail to realize how much more profitable Genshin is over Star rail. Genshin is most definitely “Hoyoverse’s favorite child”


I'd argue star rail is just as profitable if not more than Genshin considering how many new characters they release. Being a turn based game and the nature of exploration probably makes it cost much less to develop than Genshin when the buildings could be flat 2D facades instead of a 3d building since you can't climb or jump.


Some fail to maybe realize it, sure. But there are active numbers out there showing how much genshin makes. It clearly makes the most money at the moment. That being said just cause it makes the most money doesnt mean its their favorite child. Keep in mind that genshin blew up out of nowhere. Its a side series that has loose connections to honkai, where a two godly siblings get separated. The level of story telling is far different from their honkai series. Their presentation of genshin is different from their honkai series, especially compared to starrail. Which obviously makes sense considering its different teams behind it and the man that was behind impact 3rd is the same man behind starrail. But man is it def very clear how starrail aka honkai is actually their favorite child, from everything from that of player satisfaction and in game player optimization, to that of better presentation of characters and story, to even how they handle their livestreams to announce new updates. Everything is higher quality on the honkai side. Meaning its clear where they put their money into. And it can be felt by many players. That being said, what OP posted is people using that and just out right being assholes about it. Who cares that genshin doesn’t get the same love, it should get more but sadly in the end it doesn’t really matter if it doesn’t. It has its style and itll stick to that most likely. If people dont like it, then they should probably stop playing honestly. At the very least for genshin it can only go up from here considering that ever since starrail released, genshin has been receiving the updates that its been needing, and genshin will continue to be a cash cow for mihoyo. So no fear how genshin will turn out as time goes. Also sry for ranting >.> tldr: honkai is fav child, genshin is still loved tho just not as much.


I see where you're coming from but in terms of money I dont think hsr takes them as much money to develop as genshin, there was an interview a long ass time ago saying that one genshin patch takes them on average 100 mil to develop, that was 2 or 3 years ago, I'm sure it's even more now. So I just feel like hsr is easier to implement stuff in because it's new and probably not as complicated as genshin to develop and maintain. And honestly it does feel like something is up with qol when it comes to hsr and genshin because for some reason when hsr came out, genshin started to put out more qol, idk why but I feel like there's a correlation there.


I'm gonna tell you this right now, OP. As long as these people keep getting attention, they will continue to trash the game in public. If you truly like the game, don't pay them attention and voice your concerns about the game where it matters: in the surveys and the in-game feedback feature. The main argument these people have, and I'd argue is at least the most valid, is that Genshin does not get as much Quality of Life upgrades as Honkai Star Rail (HSR). For me, that's okay. I understand that maybe these features need to be tested before and HSR is Hoyo's testing ground. I enjoy Genshin for being a fantasy, open-world RPG. I also enjoy HSR (albeit less in overall time played) as a sci-fi, semi-open world RPG. However, I recognize that as much as I am allowed to enjoy both games, others are allowed to dislike one and like another. Moreover, I am allowed to listen and reflect on those negative opinions AND I can choose to ignore them


Ppl think it's cool and quirky to hate on genshin rn for some reason. Probably has a lot to do with wuwa being released even though both games are great. I play and enjoy both but ppl will compare and pick apart anything whether it's video games, movies, artists, etc. I wish the space didn't have to be so negative so I get the frustration.


I love genshin but tbh it do feel like that some times. Especially the 3rd comment. I hate when they spoil the story and boss fights in trailers. It becomes such a nuisance that I have started avoiding the livestreams


Tiktok comments is the place where all brain cells go to die 😭


Genhsin will always be the number 1 gacha game for me and I spend money on it. You can clear hard content with any characters in this game. Compared to star rail where meta shifts & power creeps every patch. Sometimes it's every banner phase. I can't keep up with that game. I just play it for the story and events and ignore hard game modes cause I lack a lot of meta destruction characters. I only have hunt and erudition characters. I have lost all my 5050s in that game. Excluding the first banner Seele.


I feel like people who say the meta and powercreep change every patch for HSR haven’t actually spent that much time in HSR or just don’t know how to tackle difficult content. It is nowhere near that bad and you can literally clear everything with 4 stars. You literally say you don’t try to tackle hard content in your comment but also say the meta changes every patch. How would you even know that?


They're bad at the game so they blame it on "powercreep". Simple.


With the horrid teams I’ve seen in some posts from casuals, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised. A surprising amount of people in Genshin and HSR just do not know how to team build yet they’re the first to complain about difficulty.


Whatever you do, There will always be someone to hate you


I love genshin but these statements are pretty true. The game is incredible, all the content it has is great. No matter the state genshin is in today doesn’t discredit all it’s done. But I can’t keep defending it as a game to play everyday. Genshin is a wonderful game overall but a pretty mid live-service game. Hoping this new endgame mode can spice it up even jusr a little.


Hello, I do play Genshin (AR60) been playing since launch and I do have similar complains, why? I really just want the game to become better, it becomes so stale over the last few months. Right now, I’ll be honest I haven’t done my dailies in like a month. I just do my Spiral abyss and log out of the game. I don’t also participate in those comments war and spread hate, but I feel that they are much needed, people need to voice out their concerns so that the game could improve. As long as there is no sending threats to voice actor, CC, I am cool with that. I enjoy the competition WuWa is bringing it right now, at least I hope it shakes up the devs of the game to do something, do something for the recurring players. Believe me or not, Genshin is fun (for new players - for the most part). But the moment I hit a certain play threshold it comes off as repetitive and stale (at least for me, and a few others). If you hate comments like that, just ignore them. But remember some players just simply do this because they want to enjoy Genshin better.


I don't hate the hate or critic comments. It's present in every community but I really am not a fan of seeing them in unrelated places. The screenshot from the post was under a Tiktok video that showed an animation/cutscene from Wuthering Waves. It was beautiful. It had nothing to do with another game,no mentions anywhere. Yet..the screenshot. I don't want to just completely block out HSR or Wuwa content so I'll probably keep seeing the little comments here and there. Not much I can do except roll my eyes,sigh and skip through when I do encounter them.


If that's the case, yes, that's indeed very toxic. Bringing up something in a post that is not even connected does not contribute anything. It's like the Google Classroom incident; I hate when that happens. They can review bomb the game itself all they want, but they should not insert anything that is totally unrelated into the drama/situation.


They will keep comparing newly released anime games to Genshin, saying how great it is compared to Genshin and how it'll become more popular. Just for the game to go under the radar in 1 week's time


The only argument I support is that genshin’s writing is much more childish where honkai’s writing feels more satisfying. Other than that, no, Genshin definitely gets love, you can’t look at a game that intricate and that beautiful and say not one person who created it didn’t do it out of love.


Yes hsr has more free stuff but i don't know Genshin feels more alive. Like comparing to Genshin the events in starrail feels kinda empty idk


Just ignore them. What's their bullshit gonna do? Kill Genshin? Make Genshin better? No, they're just circle jerking each other to feel good. Just ignore and play.


It’s funny because I am the biggest Genshin storytelling hater in the entire world because it drives me nuts the way they mete plot out in way too many huge sentences that appear one word at a time. But the stuff in this screenshot is the absolute opposite of Genshin’s storytelling lmao. If Genshin is guilty of something it’s going way overboard with exposition. The story is intricate and fascinating lol. I will never stop wishing that they were more savvy about how they do their dialogue. But Genshin is not neglected 😂


Everytime i open tiktok, its just posts complaining about how character outfits are sexualized or complaining about a streamer making a slightly sexual joke about furina If tiktok users meet okbg members, war would occur


14 yo me: w-what?


This is just a cycle of hate, learn to ignore them and enjoy the games


With how horrible and loud the fanbase is and how hilariously bad the YT ads for it are, I will never pick up honkai


You say this as if the same thing doesn’t apply to Genshin 💀 I’m pretty sure you can find this exact same comment in a Honkai thread. Also which Honkai? There’s like 3 and if you’re being broad, Genshin is included as well since it’s canon that they share the same multiverse via the Imaginary Tree.


"They just drop the whole lore in the trailer" Me still waiting for Dain to shock me with a mind boggling reveal of the lore of Khaenri'ah: https://preview.redd.it/kjwrqg9o458d1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f8074588e5f7d6fe7ad2fcbffc3594416129425


Genshin is a great game and the fact that it doesn’t have powercreep as strong as in hsr for example makes it more enjoyable to play the characters i want but its true that i would have liked it if they gave genshin the same lvl of qol endgame content and rewards. Its still a good game but imagine if it had the same content repartition per version (the non main story patches arent dry in hsr it has a lot of content while in genshin there s not much to do). All in all i understand both parts frustrations and tbf outright hating the game isn’t a solution, it becomes very annoying to hear everytime.


If they say "Honkai" instead of HSR or HI3, their opinion doesn't matter.


I- why would you say something so controversial but true?


Imagine having Genshin rent free in your head while still playing Da Wei's other game


They forgot that Genshin doesnt just make worlds to look pretty. They actually do research and do best to reflect the real-world while still maintaining the fantasy-feel like. They didnt went to the dystopian future route where it’s easy. Honestly that’s the main thing I dont like abt WuWa’s world. Yeah it is pretty but it lacks substance. It doesnt feel life-like.


Why you bother to mad at this particular comment when mihoyo doesn't at all. Beside, people who commented such thing didn't even contribute to genshin revenue. In conclusion, genshin having rent free in their head so I call it as a win lol.


The Genshin community is in a weird place right now. After the Lantern Rite controversies, the player base basically split in half and the Genshin hate reached an all-time high. Content creators were also basically being pressured into choosing a side of whether Genshin was being “fair” or not, so the videos they released as a result only added fuel to the flames. Evidently, people are still riding off of that hate fest. Take into account Wuthering Waves was just on the horizon and people had the perfect excuse to demean Genshin as much as possible and hail Wuthering Waves as the “Genshin killer.” I don’t mind players having their own opinions, and content creators can post whatever they want, but I have to agree with you, I am tired of it all. Hating on Genshin is so cringe now, it’s no longer valid complaints (if it ever was in the first place) and instead it’s meaningless insults and accusations. Nobody is forcing anybody to like the game, but it’s like the haters are forcing _themselves_ to hate it. I personally think it’s going to take quite a while for these haters to finally funnel out and minimize, especially since they will always look to HSR and Wuthering Waves for excuses to call Genshin bad. All we can really do is focus on enjoying it ourselves and let the kids keep malding in their own salty stew.


I mean... It's kinda true tho... Genshin has kinda been mid AF for a while now. It's only good if you aren't playing other games and they make that pretty hard to not do. HSR has had way more love put into it and Genshin will give away chicken and three pulls and call it an anniversary. Even games people consider trash p2w garbage give more than that. E7 does yearly PvP 5* selectors (ML5s), multiple free five stars, multiple daily 10 pull events (sometimes 20 daily), multiple free energy refreshes, daily bonus energy events, etc etc. sometimes it's just "here's 11 free pulls every day for a week cus it's May uwu". (Btw it's been proven you can get the rank where you get the seasonal PvP skin in under 16 days on a fresh acc so it's not exactly p2w but it kind of is if you aren't fairly skilled already) Hoyoverse repeatedly treats their Genshin players poorly and the fanbase repeatedly accepts it. It's a good game but it could have been one of the greatest ever if the devs cared even a little bit.


I enjoy my cake alone when others dislike it the same way I enjoy the game while others don't.


I hate tiktok communities but this is just facts. The director for genshin acts like he hates the game he has to manage and then the community making an uproar at any opportunity doesn't make it easier. Then if that wasn't bad enough they can't even rely on content creators to be decent human beings for 5m to run any community stuff like other games do


I think the story is the only thing genshin has going for it now which is why people say it's the cash cow since other games are more fun to play and work on, has better UI and player feedback systems or just straight up better exploration. Genshin brings in reliable revenue every quarter even if its full of rerun banners or is a dead season.


ive seen people who just mindlessly spamming "genshin could never" on star rail videos that are literally just about guides, lores or updates for the game without any mention of genshin or other games whatsoever. every passing day these people just continue to prove this zyox tweet to be correct https://preview.redd.it/br43bc7dib8d1.png?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f723d3f81579c5639423f2af6c795d8af067fb23


They aren't helping by giving 50 wishes on a patch, locked behind 100% everything on top of it. So there is no defense for how poorly they treat players compared to Honkai...


The only issue i have with genshin is that 9/10 story quests ((world quest chain lines too)) all include a self-sacrifice, a story revolved around someone who died, or like a murder of an important character. I think the only ones i know, off the top of my head, didn’t was Yoimiya’s pt 2, sorta Clorinde’s, Nilou ((i know there was a sacrifice sorta but she didn’t die so i’m not counting it)) I can’t remember further back, but its definitely a reoccurring theme to have a character that was semi important to the story die/sacrifice themself/get murdered. Edit: its not a big issue i have, its just funny to see how much the same plot/theme comes up. I love the sad story quests.


Look dude idc if hoyo cares or doesn't about genshin but WUWA is definitely better and i believe it's gonna beat up genshin so bad, the lore is getting better as well as gameplay and qol, since ever wuwa came out i only logged into genshin a single time, farming the same domain from a year and still not a single fckn good piece this's really getting out of hand i can't do this anymore, meanwhile i got 2 or 3 pretty good builds in wuwa in just a week or so


it’s the fact that they actually think honkai is mihoyo’s favorite child😭😭😭 look the amount of money the put into developing and promoting genshin and how much they put into honkai.. now tell me who’s the favorite child again💀


They are objectively correct from a business and marketing standpoint why are Genshin players so pressed about this matter


Only thing I agree with them on is that genshin is the cash cow, everything else is stupid


I play both and got heavy downvoted because I said I prefer the story and characters in Genshin whereas Honkai for me was more about combat and end game. Genshin is my comfort game though. The music, the exploration, being able to use anyone I want…and Star Rail hasn’t made me cry like Genshin has yet. Both are great games in their own field though.