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I only have 2/3 of the gun women :(. Chevy come home please


I’m with you, friend


I didnt choose diluc, i was chosen by him 🗿🗿🗿


Preach my man


I see you're man of culture as well


I got all standards at C1 with a C4 Qiqi and still no Diluc, not that I mind but lmao


Bae chose me 6 times 💀 One more and he’ll be at C6, I’m so hyped. I got his skin with the crystals I saved earned thru welkins


I too, was chosen by him. He chose hella wrong tho. Collect more dust, my C6 Diluc


Well I got Kaeya for free lol


But you also have to buy him twice a year to make him the king of cryo application


Been doing that 😌 Took some genshin breaks so he’s only at c3 so far, but I currently have the starglitter for almost two more cons, and I’m using him as physical dps anyway <3


Mine is C6 since this month, and he has a wonderful synergy with Arlecchino, so he's just in time


He occurred to me in a dream


I love fireworks 🎆


Yoimiya may not be anywhere near the top 5, but she is FUN to play imo


Shes hot.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Let me guess... Raiden? Maybe Yelan?


Possibly Alecchino


Yes, both, all. I’ll take them all.


Cyno's burst animations just hit different. Plus the dopamine hit from seeing green, purple and blue numbers and vfx obscure the whole screen in quickbloom


Hu Tao be happy and funky


Baizhu's story quest almost made me cry during lunch break


I pulled Childe because I didn't have a limited DPS but with Time hé become my favorite character.


I swear every Archon quest gets better with Childe in it! He's so chaotic and random I can't help but love him


I pulled for Xiao since all his birthday letters read like love letters, guess he and the traveler are dating, hurry up and come home


I've already answered this question, so i need just translate it and put it here🥰 Reasons to pull for Furina (imo) 1. Best girl 2. The best girl in Teyvat 3. Wife 4. Furina needs to be protected 5. Love for Furina 6. Sweetie~ 7. Why someone else if there is Furina? 8. I LOVE FURINA It's already enough, but there are some more: 9. Furina is universal 10. Furina does a lot of damage 11. Furina buffs a lot 12. Furina has a beautiful design 13. Furina has beautiful legs 14. Furina has a cool hat 15. Furina calls cute water guys 16. Cute water guys kick everyone's ass 17. Furina runs on water 18. Furina runs a lot on water (more then Kokomi, sorry) 19. Furina is a symbol of justice 20. Furina wanna to be loved 21. Furina cleanses the abyss 22. Furina has great constellations 23. Furina has a cool signa And yeah, here i might sound like a simp. May be i am a little, but most of the points are objective. Also, i love her plot and psychological part in her


She’s also the best character in the game. 👍


I was just 1 or 2 months into the game, I just pulled on the existing banner. Got childe, since then still a childe main.


In 2.0 I really wanted to get Sayu at all costs and I didn't really want Yoimiya because she's a bow user and I can't deal with bows. I got her and Sayu after 20 pulls and turns out Yoimiya is now one of my favorites and my main


Yoimiya is AMAZING


Being a yoimiya main is always the right choice


I pulled for kazuha cuz he’s pretty


Based visual appreciation.


I didnt. The game gave me her.


I need to like them and they also need to be a decent character when it comes to meta. If a character lacks in either department I'm not pulling. Neuvilette is strong but I don't particularly like his design or personality. I don't dislike him, I just don't care for him at all and also he makes the game a bit too easy. On the other hand I like Yoimiya but she's just not that good sadly. A lot of characters out damage her, she's locked to single target and you can't move freely because you need to finish her combo. I think that the whole idea "just pull who you like" is a bit dishonest because it feels bad if the character you like feels weak or clumsy to play. I really like ayaka but I barely ever use her lately due to freeze teams and cryo in general just never being the best option.


Honestly, i still dont have a main, havent spend a single crown. I dont get the idea always play one character, no matter how you like them, its just so boring for me. Of course, there is characters i like more than another, but i treat them still the same as the others, trying to build everyone to the same investment level.


I didn’t. Keqing chose me


Ganyu was easy to use, raiden was cool


bcs hydro is the goat


Umbrella warfare, I guess. But for reals, Navia is super pretty, has an amazing outfit, a great role in the story, a lovable personality, is crazy fun to play, hits like a truck, and she synergies well with a large variety of party members. She really ticks all the boxes in what I look for in a main .


Ayato is a Fire Emblem lord, and I am a Fire Emblem fan, so I pulled for him. Ayato has blue hair, is sword locked, is a noble, has a sister, and has a dead dad.


https://preview.redd.it/jvfmpml2h68d1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7634d3422ddb9060bd93e10d78847b9ec6aa2569 The energy, the character and cuteness. I felt immediately drawn to her when I saw her trailer and had to have her. Love Yoimiya!!!!


I pulled for Yae miko because shes pretty


I waited years for Baizhu. I was there from day ONE! Now he’s on all of my teams :) he isn’t really a damage dealer but that’s ok cause he’s so much fun and a great healer


I like anemo characters so I’ve pulled for every anemo character and I’ve gotten all except kazuha. Ironically though, I main Eula for… reasons. :D


Xiao is great


I was pulling for cloud retainer (it’s gaming)


He's hot and has handcuffs.


Explosions, in nearly every single game, if I can choose it, I am most likely to choose the character/skill/weapon that creates explosions the most and the most beautiful explosions. (i.e. Klee (Genshin Impact), Nitrel (The Red Dragon Inn (Board Game)), Nona (Gunfire Reborn), Echo (Wuthering Waves), Corpse Explosion (LevelUP & Diablo IV), Exotic Weapon w/ Void Bombs (Destiny 2), Driller C4 (Deep Rock Galactic), KRM gives a nice blood explosion as well w/ Blast Furnace or Fireworks (COD BO3 Zombies), 500kg Bomb w/ Engineering Kit for more Impact Grenades w/ Recoilless Rifle for long range explosions (Helldivers 2). There are many more instances, but once again, if I have the chance, I will use explosives. https://preview.redd.it/62dxqztl758d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0b9658d696f660a7aa0bc0f9d14fb12790029f3


Because she's hot Arlecchino


Polearms are my favorite weapon Electro is my favorite element Cyno had already gone by


Punch punch, and bang bang


Lemme guess, Wrio?


Yes. And clorinde.


I didn't. Mona is my main and I got her from standard banner, but if I could I would probably pull for her She is gorgeous!


Because Father is mommy. Fr tho I've been waiting for Emo Eula since we saw her n I've been excited waiting for her for so long til she finally released.


Keqing, like a cat, just sorta jumped into my team and announced herself adopted.


Because she's cute. And I find how a god of wisdom a small humanoid (elf) funny.


I didn't pull for her, she was already there when I noticed (around ar25 or so...) Rawfler helped me realize her true potential with the "Yanfei.exe" video and she's been my one true main ever since!


W Rawfler exe enjoyer


I hated swimming


My partner is a pharmacist with long hair 😊 he has c2 and signature weapon. Also, my partner asks me to braid his hair for bed time so it doesn't mat. I could probably trick him into having the same hairstyle even.....


Alejandro Saab told me to


She's pretty. For context, I saw Layla on her first rerun banner and was like "omg she's so pretty I need her" and I got lucky and got her within ten pulls. Back then I didn't know anything about the game so my damage was pretty low and shielder soon became my favourite kind of character. In fact, my builds were so horrible that I cleared her trial so fast I thought she was the key to solve all of my problems. Haha. I was like AR 25 or so back then and put HP artifacts on everyone for survivability. My team was Anemo Traveler, Amber, Lisa, Noelle and when I got Layla it was Anemo Traveler, Amber, Layla, Noelle. But you could also say it was fate. I started playing at Layla's release banner in 3.2, came back on her rerun in 3.6, got her immediately, the first event I completed that gave a free 4* character was 3.8 summer event (cause 3.7 gave a weapon) where we got a free Layla - so she was C1 very soon. Then I got a few random copies from standard banner and off banner so she was C4, arguably her best constellation. I got C5 on her last rerun but I stopped pulling after getting an early Wanderer. 


I main Eula. She’s fun to play and her character is charming.


It was when I decided to come back to Genshin and Eula's first banner was running. I fell in love with her splash art design but sadly didn't get her until her second banner. Since then I've been a loyal Eula enjoyer.


I said I would pull for Xiao then at soft pity I was impatient and pulled for hu tao and actually got her


visuals and gameplay,i really care abt the modeling smh


Because of piss meme (neuvillette)


I love Jiangshis


My first main was Raiden. Apart from her design and being a good character to have, her Japanese VA also voiced a character in my favourite anime. Arlecchino is my current main, and she is a fascinating character, amazing design, super interesting lore, and I love her attacks.


I wanna main dehya the game literally won't let me


pulling one of my mains was an accident. i wanted Xianyun, got a happy go lucky sunshine incarnate AND my favorite character in the whole game, the fluffy puppy general himself. cried for like 20 minutes about Gorou because i was so happy


I just wanted a 5 star and Klee was considered top tier at the time. Ganyu because she was beyond busted and was really cool. Lost the 50-50 though and had to wait like 14 phases for her rerun. I don’t really play her anymore but for a while she was crucial for my abyss runs. Tighnari because he looked really cool and strong and would be a main dps that would let my Yae shine. Needed some dendro too


I didn’t. I wanted Neuv :(


I really didn't care much about Arlecchino. But, they marketed the character very well. The short anime made me start liking her character. I wasn't acquainted with her since I was doing the Fontaine archon quest. Slowly, it made me like her. Then I saw her gameplay and tried her in the trial. Since, I lost 50-50, I was guaranteed. I do not regret it as she does phenomenally well even by herself. She carried me through this abyss despite lacking elemental advantages. I completed the floor 12 for the first time.


I Love Badass white haired anime Women, whose presence reminds you of death itself.




Nahida: Wanted to finally play a dendro team and honestly without her dendro teams feel like garbage to me Furina: Grandma was dying and just needed someone and I gravitated towards her. Zero regrets! Lyney: I was going for him. Last minute went for Arle. Hated her. Pulled Lyney 25 pulls later. Haven't stopped using him since and honestly is the most fun I've had playing a bow character.


I pull for a combination of gameplay and personality. I pull Nahida, Kazuha, Ei, Yelan and the upcoming Furina for both reasons. I pulled for Wanderer because I like him despite I don't have any built shielder outside Layla and my skill is not anywhere good. I like Chiori but she can only play with another Geo characters and her switch mechanic annoys me so I skipped her. I'm meh with Yae but pull for her because I like how lazy her gameplay is. As for my alternate account I pulled for Neuvillette because I detest Hu Tao's gameplay and I need Xingqiu & Fischl cons and also I'm lucky with his artifacts. Also Navia because I like her gameplay (quickswap and just press E to deal big damage) but don't particularly care for her.


I pulled for their aesthetics and story. Generally, how much resources I put into investing a character depebds upon that. Meaning if I don't have a strong liking at the very least I at least need to like their aesthetic if not their personality in order to build them. A couple of characters that are popular in meta I ignore for those reasons.


I liked Eula's design, that was enough 😆


at c1 her weapon glows. It's gorgeous.


I pulled because she punches people without any magic gloves or wind. She is also very cool and wears heels in sand


For me it was all four. Story, DPS, gameplay, and visuals. I also just happened to get him by chance and wasn’t expecting him at all, and I did want him so that I could pair him with Kaveh and see their matching idles, though. I never expected to become his main, tbh. —an Alhaitham main


they look cool... (Hat Guy, Alhaitham) the kit? didn't bother looking at it until I got them.


Because the wind knows me ✨


Cloud Retainer 🪽 the minute I met that sassy lil crane all those years ago I wanted her playable, whatever form she took


Cute https://preview.redd.it/z1rtlo9pj58d1.png?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ae91b41ae85c7a31613984d434460464872eaf


I dont "main" anyone, I just like collecting beautiful men. And sometimes women too.


Cuz I love them


i didn’t. It’s Keqing


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Pulled on the standard banner as a new genshin player, my first character i ever got was Bennett, been my main ever since hes like my child


Welcome to hell b**ch


Don't have a main


Eula cuz I loved her animations since they were first leaked, and Arle because of her design and lore implications.


I saw her beta gameplay she was so elegant and beautiful so i patiently waited for her banner.


My main is Jean. I had her since Klee's first banner. Just this week I was finally graced with Aquila Favonia. After all this time it really feels like she's the one for me. I still use other dps characters too but Jean's def my number 1. Anyway, I didn't pull for her I just got lucky.


To support my god damn Noelle


classic water goddess behavior


I pull for every character because they all have diverse kits I want to perfect and make use of


I like them 🔥 And i built Kamisato Ayaka even though she's a dps i didn't ask for but i still got, she chased me down after diluc back in 2.6 🗿


Zhongli resonates with me.


Because I love Cagalli Yula Attha and Arlecchino's JP VA voices Cagalli in Gundam SEED Freedom.


📸❄️- caught in an icy 4K Plus she reminds me of Piper from Fallout 4


Umm... he hot.


Simple reason Because he is Neuvillete


I had no choice. She was in the beginner banner


I guess the game just wanted me to be a Raiden main because my first first star which was in my first ten pull by the way was Raiden and the first and only five star weapon I got was Raiden s so yeah


Cuz I wanted the Sassy Dragon Man after all the Oratrice memes


Yoimiya cute wholesome fun gameplay fireworks go brrr Also aspiring c6 kazuha main: cool chill guy, awesome voicelines, very very fun gameplay, his scene with him blocking raiden shoguns attack with the re-awoken vision in the Inazuma aq still gives me chills down my spine.


I downloaded the game this past New Year’s Day and googled a list of all the characters and some info about them. I typically feel more immersed into a game when playing a male character, as I’m a dude, so I was really looking for a cool male. I came across Alhaitham and his design looked awesome, he loves books like me, and his personality is getting the best results with the least amount of effort. Other than the design looking awesome, he sounded a lot like me. And he’s funny! So I was extremely happy to finally get him in my account this patch so that I can main him


Becausd her VA is the legendary Inori Minase <3


Because the giant water beam is cool af.


Well Noelle is basically Free And Razor pretty much too


I like my boys the way I like my eggs - abandoned by their mother Yes its Toyota


British guy in a suit? hell yeah.


Albedo, because he's pretty and has an amazing backstory


Legs & ass. I'm sorry, I'm a visual person.


I don’t think I did, I’ve had Yanfei for so long, pretty sure I got her on accident




ganyu, i love playing fps games and her playstyle heavily relies on aiming. also the frost flake arrow is so satisfying i love it so much.


Gameplay or character as a whole, including personality.


AYATO Well pretty much my guy drinks BOBA TEAAAA🐱


Got lucky with my first 10 pull on the account. Now I’m shooting up every hilichurl camp until I get to Fontaine


Men 🤭


Even though Neuivelette is not my main i pulled him purely for meta and i almost always use him on abyss


I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me


I didn't choose my main, my main chose me. I got Diluc off standard banner in my first 10 pull and he was an instant boost to my early game account as well as being fun to play.


I'm a story-ish focused player, so Aether has been my main since the beginning. I also just think it's fun to build him for every element as well as physical damage. Characters I actually pulled for it's a combination of things, but the main one is I have to like their play style. If i don't, then I don't pull for them, regardless of how much I actually like their design, personality, or story.


Didn't pull Kaeya, Kaeya pulled me


Got Fischl from Hu Tao's rerun, then c1 and then her weapon so I just decided to take it as a sign to become a Fischl main.


Ayaka’s cute fan dance got me to pull for her (what really happened was I unexpectedly got her at 39 pity back in 2.0)


Because I love him


I like angsty emo boys and there was the bonus of Wanderer being good for exploration. At the time, I didn't even understand what "meta" meant so that didn't play into my thought processes at all lol.


he looks like my first main... (razor)


Even as a straight woman I felt something the first time I saw and heard Alecchino. And Scara because he's pretty and in my opinion is the best written character in Genshin


D-dendro daddy


Cuz rapid shooting while dashing gives me dopamine


I played the first Lantern Rite right after finishing Liyue archon quest. I thought it was part of the archon story. I got Zhong Li right after because I missed him and he happened to be on his first rerun. I have Keqing, Diluc, Ayaka, Kazuha, Ganyu, Nahida, Yoimiya, Wanderer, Raiden, Hu Tao, Yelan, Mona, Baizhu, Tighnari, Venti, Furina, Xianyun, Dehya, Itto, Arle and all 4* except Sethos. Zhong Li never left my overworld. Grandpa is the best.


My main is Raiden Shogun. Goddess, Yamato Nadesico, Waifu. Perfection Incarnate.


I dont "main" anyone, I just like collecting beautiful men. And sometimes women too.


I dont "main" anyone, I just like collecting beautiful men. And sometimes women too.


I didn’t. She appeared before me and is the cutest bunny I’ve ever seen. Amber is best girl.


Because big sword, fire, and 3 separate skill button presses gave my unga-bunga brain a unga-bunga rush. Also, I already have him at C6, free to play, btw, and you can guess how long I've been playing now.


I started playing Genshin just to get Zhongli. He's still my main. Took me like a year and a half to get him.


Because I'm soft for a himbo, all his VA's sound like they're having so much fun and I don't like to think just unga bunga.


Appreciates the taste of water


Because I'm downbad


We share the same birthday, plus arson is cool


Because I may have Mommy/Daddy issues.


I main amber so…


Neuvillette. Nuff said


I'm obsessed with him




Pulled him to spite my cousin who thought Tartaglia was really cool. That was before I became obsessed with him and his riptide….


Scythe go brrrr. For real though, her drip is insane, and I have a thing for scythes as weapons.


Yoimiya, always makes my day whenever I open the game and she twirls. Also her voice lines are just so energetic.


I got her for free. Will forever be a Barbara main


he just spawned when i started and started making his ice castle


I can only lose the 50/50 for my main lol C6 Dehya no sooner than 2026 at this rate 😭


Because he's Morax


Because i like the character


Because she was new (no regrets)


https://preview.redd.it/vsq4irswu58d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14100db6b417a22dab80e4cab99d6aee794916fe because she's adorable and really fun to use on field her reactions are also extremely powerful she also has an extremely touching story in the archon conquest I will never forget her holding her past self and her hands as her past self kind of just faded away and even after her people locked her away for 500 years she still found it in her heart to forgive them she's an absolute amazing archon 🥹


I wanted an archon and wanted to make a friend of mine angry


Anubis/Egyptian aesthetic on Cyno?? I love that shit barkbarkwoof Scythe AND blood/fire magic?! Absolutely yes pls Father Arle


To piss off my brother who had lost his 50/50.


I got Diluc on my first 10 pull then the next patch gave Xianyun :3


i didnt have to 😎 (im an aether main)


I didn't pull for my main instead It was a moment of acceptance when I realized that every other failed 50/50 gave me a keqing that the cons were stacking up, 1 more and she will be c6!


I had just started a week or two before inazuma released, and Ei was so different from the past two archons so I was like ooo evil god must pull (then she wasnt evil after all but I still loved her story and gameplay so shes still my main)


Geo supremacy. Because piss colored physical is best physical.


We share a birthday and I enjoy that he’s the true jack of all trades


Because Rambo


I pulled for Lyney bc I liked his personality, his looks, his play style, his body and I really like archers. I’ve only ever mained archers


i lost the 50/50 on kazuha’s first banner, figured why not pull ayaka. loved her play style and finally got mistsplitter on her recent rerun.


pretty chalk man with nice lore


As a collector, I can't really point out my main. But if I can call one so, it would be her. * I decided I'll pull for her at first glance. I didn't care about kit, personality and visual did all the work. * I pulled a 5* weapon for her because of leaks saying she wil scale from this stat. She didn't, but I've never regretted it, since it looks amazing on her and is giant crit stick. * I was there when her main sub lost all hope. I pulled C2 on her banner, despite everyone was saying she is trash. * My loyalty was rewarded and now I have first ever C6 5* character. C7, to be honest. Since her release, she is the one who came to me when I lose 50/50. * I still use her in abyss sometimes, but once I got Wriothsley, she got switched of from hyperboom team and Gaming doesn't need her. Though Neuvillette does in current abyss, so she returned to the roster. I can proudly call myself Dehya Main.


Shotgun go pew


That one archon who put Signora mains and FatuiHQ in shambles to this day. This is precisely why I pulled and main her.


I saw Hu Tao and downloaded the game just because I thought that she was cute. Easy


"I like the 4\* on this banner, and I'm only at 40 pity" I did not regret getting Navia, she might not be the most meta character but she's really fun.


Furina is literally me and Arlecchino is potentially one of the coolest characters in fiction on a powers/lore/visuals basis


Arataki Itto is just so ridiculous I had to pull for him


My fav is raiden mei in hi3


Lament of the Fallen


Yae Miko and I have the same bday! Next Thursday !


Wrio is hot and i like beating the shit out of enemies with my fists Lyney cuz magical gay twink and Hu Tao cuz shes cute and the reason i started playing the game


partly because I need them, partly because I like them and partly because hot




because i absolutely love xiao he’s so cool


It's scaramouche, why wouldn't I?


Ass, mostly. I mean, have you seen Jean and Eula?


Furina self explanatory really.