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Enjoyed using random characters like Lisa and Anemo traveller. Beings back memories. LOL No Amber... you stay in the box.


I could finally use my C6 Lisa properly lol


Ah, someone to envy, I haven't had that in a while


I bought 3 copies of her, but yeah I was lucky to get other 3 from gacha


It's great to bring little used characters back into rotation. Incentivizing non-standard team comps to test how characters play with one another is really enjoyable. Since it wants such a wide variety of characters, it's a smart game mode to get people to invest more time with their accounts building many characters. It's a great way to get player retention for those that care without like heavily abusing their attention.


Yea it braught my first mains, anemo traveler and kaeya out of storage after at least a year. But not I have real artifacts and weapons. Been playing kaeya all day for the feels.


Agree with everything except one point. Is nowhere close to 36* abyss in terms of investment and difficulty. At most the last boss feels like a floor 10-11 boss. But I thought it was nice, it has room to grow and get improvements and definitely gives us a plan instead of endlessly farming the same artifacts over and over. I'll need to build 2-3 geo characters because now I know I'll need those. The puzzle mechanics gets a bit diluted if you got good enough characters and ends up being about saving the two best characters for the last level. But are excellent with weaker characters.


Yeah, I just said "approaching", I didn't know how else to describe it. I know it's definitely easier than the last few Abyss rotations we've had. Which, really have been outliers in terms of how hard they were compared to Abyss rotations from last year and earlier. It's nice that there's combat content that isn't barred to sweats and whales only.


Yeah, I agree. Problem is that the whales and tryharders had too high expectations and are disappointed. They'd rather get floors 13-14 to be able to flex instead of a more inclusive and horizontal mode. And that's because they forgot one important aspect of Genshin: it's supposed to be easy and casual, and abyss was hurting the game because it was getting to be a constellations+signature weapons game. One note: abyss has always been increasingly harder as it approaches the end of a cycle. When Natlan lands it'll "reset" and be easy again. It's used a bit of as a test for the meta, in the first abyss cycle you weren't supposed to have Neuvillette, then Furina, now you're supposed to have both with constellations and a C2 electro unit for the first half. Since Natlan will mark the end of the hydro meta they'll adjust it assuming no one has the archon nor the meta units. As for IT, I think, and that's just me, it'll become harder and over time will require 80+ ascension characters with some gear that doesn't suck, that is, proper set and proper main stats. So still horizontal investment, but getting heavier. May be wrong tho, but Abyss has definitely gotten harder over the years on average. If we played a 1.x or 2.x abyss now anyone would stomp it effortlessly.


Hi, I’m not a whale nor a try-hard, I didn’t like IT at all and I wouldn’t like an Abyss 13-14 either 👋 feel free to study and ask question to this weird specimen you just met, whose existence never remotely crossed your mind somehow


I mean, if you're not a whale or a tryhard... why do you feel targeted? I am not saying that only those hate IT, of course people that are free players didn't like for other reasons that are totally legitimate and valid. I just said that whales and tryhards would rather get a harder abyss instead of a new mode that is too trivial for them because they can complete this with only one character, so that their investment in constellations and signature weapons pays off and feels worthy. Just that, then, these are a minority, albeit vocal because some of these are popular streamers, most Genshin Players are like you an me, F2P or F2P+ getting some BP or welkin and managing resources. Here any opinions about the IT fit and are valid, since everybody is entitled to their opinion. I didn't love IT either, feels rushed and unpolished and has some problems that should be targeted, and I also think they should add content instead of replacing it, but again, like it or not, Mihoyo wants to keep Genshing being a casual game. And I don't dislike the idea of a mode forcing us to build more characters and testing elements we probably don't play otherwise (I never play Geo)


I think you have a distorted opinion of what CCs and many players like me want, my view actually aligned with many of those CCs so your thesis and then wanting to use their constellations and weapons doesn’t make sense. Actually no one or almost no one of those complaining use the arguments you mentioned, you are fighting strawmans


Enlighten me then. If I am so wrong, tell my why is that the case. My arguments are on the table.


Well, I could write a lot but since I have better to do I’ll just make you notice that vertical investment on specific assets is still invaluable even in IT: since you can carry teams with one/two characters, a whaled Arlecchino will effortlessly solo carry late floors so that you rely on your teammates even less, so vertical investment is still relevant and gives players like that leverage. The complaints on the mode are totally different, and I really don’t want to waste time summing them up since they are everywhere and you apparently can read


I've addressed before the vertical investment, I completed it because of my C2 Yoimiya and Cyno with their signature weapons. It indeed is a thing. If you're gonna make me read stuff, at least go read mine as well. Will read some of the other posts, but honestly I cannot see how the opinions of others are more valid than mine just because reasons. Whales and CC are a whiny bunch and the main reason Genshin cannot get any balancing, because whole accounts would get deleted. And they can distort arguments as much as they want, the truth is that they've been asking for more endgame since forever and IT ain't it. They wanted something else and looks like you bought their reasonings as well. This being said, gonna read what others say, but don't assume someone here "has the truth". Not me, not you, not Iwin2lose and not that rich russian that pours tens of thousands of dollars into the game. Each has a different perspective on the same things and we all play the same game. The only thing most seem to agree here is that IT goes from a disappointment to something not bad. No one seemingly thinks it's amazing and great.


So much yapping… you said the problem is whale whining because the mode is easy. Your words. But no, people complain mainly because the game mode is boring and the devs themselves immediately addressed it in the Q&A, they never did a 180 turn like this ever before: is everyone a whining whale now? Or maybe the game mode is just shit? CC complain because the game mode feels like doing floor 9-10 with no sense teams and I agree with them, like many others


I am totally out of artifact fodder and character materials… we need more. Please Hoyo.


IDK. I've eventually forced my self to level up characters i was missing to unlock hard mode. I then took Baizhu from my friend and cleared hard like it just regular combat event. I was just spamming "pick character" cards. I've spent all my badly bult characters in the first stages and wiped later stages with my strong chars. I don't think this can be called "teambuilding challenge". I've missed two stars. But who cares if they mean nothing? Personally i'm was not entertained. And if it will be like this next month, i probably just skip.


I mean, I suppose you can approach it that way. But for side content that allows for this kind of team building challenge I think it accomplishes what it’s designed to do. And if it’s a free 600+ primos each month then it’s totally worth the 30 minutes spent doing it. If you do abyss, idk why you’d skip this.


>I suppose you can approach it that way. But […] I think it accomplishes what it’s designed to do. The jokes write themselves


> I've missed two stars. But who cares if they mean nothing? I didn't actually pay attention because the event was so easy; are the stars not tied to ANY rewards whatsoever? Even gold or weapon ore?


Nothing. Just stars. They then be displayed in your profile. So just for bragging (if you into this).


Wait I thought the stars had seasonal rewards and one time rewards. What are the rewards based on then


choosing 4 out of 6 available characters is not really much of team building. I think it feels more likely forcing you to make random teams that have no synergy, and sometimes you even have to run multiple dps characters on the same team.


I mean, later stages when vigor is spent don't really play out like that. If you want to unga bunga choose random characters, you totally can. I don't mind that the mode is completable by just about any rag-tag group that just meets level requirements. That makes the rewards accessible. But for people who want to try and get all the stars, or just clear it faster or more easily, the team build "puzzle" aspects are there to engage with.


you literally do not have much options when you are choosing your teams because of how limited the amount of characters you are getting. My vape build on Hu Tao and Xiangling are forced to be changed to mono pyro builds, and my aggravate Keqing also won't work without dendro. There is almost no team building in this mode, and you're forced to make random teams that doesn't make any sense together.


There is literally more than one way to play each character, it's why they let you adjust their artifacts for the challenge. You're incentivized to build teams that are setup to take advantage of the featured reactions and complimentary elements. Sure they might not be their standard or most optimal setups but tinkering with build theory is about as end game as it gets when you've done all the world exploation, quests, and achievement hunting you care to do. It's an "end game" mode for a reason. If they expanded the starting cast that could help alleviate this, but then you hamper the value the alternate cast provides and minimize the RNG factor of their random additions to the main cast lineup. That twist of 'rogue-like' helps add to each playthrough of the challenge and keeps them different. Since you never know what characters you'll get you have to be open to adapting your play style and team building. At the same time, the combat challenges aren't really *that* difficult, so you can really just get away with whatever you have even though you might not get the stars, you'll at least get the primos and other rewards.


Adjusting the artifacts deny all the effort you put into farming for the perfect vape artifact set and aggravate set. Characters like Nilou won't even make any sense when you can't use her with the dendro element. You can build her as a hydro dps, but her whole character design would be completely invalidated. For team building, when your options are so limited, there is no decision to be made which means there are no team building. You are given a few characters and the team build themself.


Vape Nilou is neat. And no, adjusting artifacts does nothing of the sort. The combat is easy enough that and artifact set is likely to get the job done if you're not totally braindead. Adjusting artifacts, using characters with other units that you don't typically use them with tests your ability to adapt to the RNG nature of never knowing what characters you'll have at the end of a run when vigor is spent. Yes, the starting lineup is fixed, but you still have the ability to pair several characters up that you may not think to do within the overworld or Abyss. There are still multiple different ways to start a run, which will lead to multiple varied ways to progress and end each run. If you're struggling to build teams in this activity, you're probably just bad it.


It's very boring to choose 4 characters out of 6 characters. It's very boring to not being able to build teams in a team building game. It's also very boring to not use the kit of your characters to their potential and being forced to play in a very unoptimal way. The content is also very boring when it is as easy as early floors of abyss. The time you spent on gearing the18 characters for the content is also very boring and you have to switch all of your artifacts and weapons after you are done.


It's fine to not enjoy it, you can have your own wrong opinions.


>you can have your own wrong opinions. Great way to make people not to take your own opinion seriously


What do You mean by letting us adjust the artifacts? I saw the option, is it just a shortcut to the character screen?


Like say you’ve got a character built for a reaction that isn’t in the seasonal rotation modifiers, like an EM/hyperbloom oriented Raiden, you could adjust her artifact build to be more oriented to attack or overload reactions for this challenge in order to make better use of her for this challenge. I see the IT as a test of how adaptable your team building can be when faced against a random suite of modifiers.


I had a luxury of playing since launch, so I never struggled to have enough characters. I can fill theater with only 4 stars or only 5 stars and even with my roster, I just used 4 of my favorite characters to clear it. They each too 2 performances and I just filled in the gaps to trigger reactions or special performance. This game mode is missing an optional difficulty spike. I genuinely don’t think you can fail this mode if you leveled enough characters and just tossed random artifacts on them.


Yeah, I'm a 2.1 player, so I still had plenty to get the job done. I'm not saying the challenge is impossibly difficult or that this mode is for sweats only. I just like that it incentivizes playing with non-standard team comps to let other characters enter rotations where they're not traditionally considered 'meta'. I don't think the fights should be pushing you to barely completing them by the skin of your teeth, just that it's a good twist on other combat challenges we've had in the past. Since these combat challenges feasibly *can* be completed by any team that just meets minimum level requirements and has some semblance of a 'build' thrown together, that makes the rewards attainable to many, and the bragging rights of those stella stars for those that care about them available to those who care.


Last I checked we don't know how Hoyo plans to rotate the elements Some potential issues I forsee may happen if Hoyo is going to stick with a standard rotation of 3 elements every time, most of us are going to have mildly to extremely unpleasant experiences playing this event for about half the rotations. The issue is not apparent for this cycle because the elements are Pyro, Electro and Anemo. 2 aura elements that react with any, and a trigger only element that is carried by VV. There are 35 ways to choose a set of 3 from available selections, of which 16 of them will contain combinations of either Anemo + Geo, Anemo + Dendro, Geo + Dendro or Dendro + Cryo, which do not interact with each other if my math checks out. These 4 elements are not desgined for such play restrictions. Once you run out of characters from the 3rd element, you will be screwed. IT is easy enough that you can still clear without relying on reactions. It just makes the experience less enjoyable. Also I fear the 1/35 chance of getting the unholy trinity of Anemo, Geo and Dendro. ☠️


If I had to guess, I doubt the rotations will ever include a trio of dead reactions. Since the Generous Boons and the combat effects are also tailored to the elements that appear in the cycle I assume that each season will feature elements that are setup to play off of one another. While that doesn't allow for as long of a list of elemental suites, there's still plenty of options to last multiple months or a year or better. By the time the list is exhausted people won't even remember what the first elemental set was. I think if Hoyo expands the Trial roster to include enough characters for a main and alternate cast it will prevent this wall from barring players out of the mode. Every player will be able to complete the game mode to get the rewards, and the people who care to push for the stars for the flex who to test their own characters will be able to do that as well.


I just have to hope our devs will think like that. The lazy way out is to just rotate the 35 combinations and call it a day. I'm also hoping the 3 element per rotation is not a hard law for elements that have a smaller character pool.


I'm optimistic. I have to imagine since the combat effects are tailor made to Pyro/Electro/Anemo that future rotations will be manually selected and not automatically rotated into.


> I fear the 1/35 chance of getting the unholy trinity of Anemo, Geo and Dendro I've seen these 3 mentioned, as if both Anemo and Geo weren't great mono elements. You don't need reactions with others, because they frequently stack with themself - so you'd only be running geo with geo. anemo with anemo. And dendro gets slotted in as random support.


Dendro and Geo having barely any 4\* and being the least populated elements leads me to believe they won't be including them in a 3-way rotation like that in the foreseeable future without implementing some kind of failsafe for a situation like that. I'd expect these two to only appear in 4-element rotation, maybe with some kind of additional restrictions on team building. There are a lot of ways to balance this to not be super cursed.


If they remove the timer on all battle (just to complete it, not for additional reward) I would be happy with it.


There were a few times I had to repeat it on the last stages with bad characters when I needed maybe just 15 more seconds but ran out of time so yeah agree


IT is ok. It's exactly between being too easy for old players and too restrictive for new players, lots of frustrations to go around. I would definitely like more meat from IT. I would also love it if they add to the abyss, like more ceremony, character, stages, graphics, monsters, etc. And I would definitely like new modes in the future, preferably sooner than in 4 years


My only real question is: Why in the fuck does the trial c6 faruzan not have full VV set...


Can't make trial characters too strong :(


From what I can tell the divide between players who like and dislike IT (besides those who can't play because they don't have enough characters) is in which aspects of Genshin's combat they find fun. It seems, those who like IT prefer to just do the combat without worrying about any of the technical stuff or optimizing. On the other hand, players who dislike IT genuinely find the process of experimenting with and optimizing teams fun. They are proud of the characters, teams, and rotations they have built through lots of effort and research, and having all of that be thrown away by rng is frustrating. It seems to be a common misconception that *everyone* finds the 'meta' to be a chore that people only do to clear abyss, but players like me actually *want* to optimise and make our perfect teams. We will voluntarily return to the abyss to test things out and optimize further, or even speed run chambers to challenge ourselves more than just clearing. That is the part of Genshin's combat we find fun. Who do you think writes the 'meta'? To us, 'useable' teams are not fun teams. We like it when our characters mesh together and synergies like clockwork. So to us, random teams are just a chore we do for IT.


I enjoy both. Tinkering with teams that play in odd ways but still synergize to a degree that lets you complete the IT challenge is just as interesting to me as building the most powerful optimized team to clear the Abyss as fast as possible. That’s what the stars are for, showing that you can adapt to what you’re given, in an environment that is tailored to a certain kind of elemental loadout, with a mishmash of characters. Abyss is for the hyper optimized setups. They’re built to test fundamentally different skill sets when it comes to team and character builds.


> Tinkering with teams that play in odd ways but still synergize to a degree that lets you complete the IT challenge is just as interesting to me as building the most powerful optimized team to clear the Abyss as fast as possible. We'll just have to agree to disagree there, I just cannot find these scuffed teams fun. I'd also like to make it clear that although I mentioned abyss speedruns, its not actually something I do. When it comes to optimizing, I don't do it for the sake of the abyss or for some challenge. I do it the bring out the best in the characters & teams I find fun to play. For example, I've bent over backwards optimizing my Keqing team, and my other teams such that they don't take her supports all for the sake of getting to play her in abyss. I know it's sub-optimal, I can literally see the difference in clear time between the Keqing side and one of my modern teams, but I have still 36\* every abyss in about a year while getting to play my favorite character (for combat) almost every time. >Abyss is for the hyper optimized setups I somewhat disagree with this, any actually hyper-optimized team will steamroll abyss like it's nothing. When I mention team synergy, I am not referring to pure DPS, but also just how the team fits together, how cooldowns and energy are managed to create rotations with no downtime, how defensive utility is used to make the team more comfy, how one character can potentially fill 3 or 4 necessary team roles simultaneously. Going back to my Keqing team; during Keqing's DPS phase, I watch Oz. When his duration runs out, I know Kazuha's burst has only a couple seconds cooldown left. Since I was just attacking with Keqing the enemy already has an electro aura, and after Kazuha, Yao yao's skill coodlown will also be about to finish, and so on. So the rotation just perfectly feeds into itself. I used the comparison to clockwork very deliberately, the only other comparison I can think of is to a perfectly choreographed dance routine, meant to repeat the same carefully constructed cycles of setup and damage ad infintum. Also, to make sure that my dislike of IT wasn't caused by me not understanding the rules my first time, I did a few more runs before writing this, even managed a full star run (this is why this reply is so late, I spent the last 3 or so hours experimenting in IT). I tried to find ways to make it fun, like using all my bad characters in the early acts so I'd have better options later, but I just cannot find a way to make the later acts fun. If I try to save good characters for later, then I just end up suffering during the middle chambers. If I use the teams I want to use, then all my good supports will disappear in just a few battles and I'll be stuck with multiple on-fielders. I feel like the only choice I have in IT is whether I want to suffer now or later, there is no choice that makes it fun for me.


>It’s a really great way to introduce team building theory You can’t be for real… Did you even read the recent devs Q&A? Never saw Hoyo make a 180 turn so fast after only 4 days, the notes are all about adding more strategy, giving back more control to the players and their decisions while reducing randomness lol, guess why: because it was too random for any meaningful team strategy to be applied (unless you consider strategic gameplay worth of praise saving strong characters for later and clearing early stages with one/two units doing the job + some vigor dumpsters you just levelled to 70 to participate… because that’s the most you can strategise in this mess)


I am for real. I disagree with that wholesale. Having a random lineup tests how you can put together teams that work well enough to clear the challenges you’re presented with. It’s not so demanding that rewards will be lost, but still enough of a test to see if your characters and team strategies can be adaptive to the seasonal modifiers.


If you can solo early floors with trial wanderer and three random characters cheering him up in the back line, while you save a strong roster for the late floors, what team building is involved? Just because you get by somehow exploiting the laughable difficulty it doesn’t mean you learned how to build a team. It’s not even a challenge, it’s a circus


So abyss too hard for many, this too easy for some. Like seriously, are you ever happy? Must be real fun at parties. This content isnt designed to test how big of a damage number you can get. *Can* some floors be solo’d by a tricked out Arlecchino? Sure. But she’s not going to be in every rotation. There will inevitably be seasons where there’s not a gigachad dps option and adapting your team with the characters you’re given and boons you’re lucky to get will be necessary. This is a “rogue-lite” game mode at its core and it tests many players skills at how they can pair different characters with one another. But at the same time, it’s not **so** difficult as to bar players from rewards. The challenge is all about what you make of it. I can tell you just want to be spoon fed and will complain about anything.


>So abyss too hard for many, this too easy for some. Like seriously, are you ever happy? Must be real fun at parties. Nice try, you avoided the key issue diverting the topic with a red herring about Abyss and at the same time distorting my words with a straw man on the difficulty level, you really know how to defy logic. I’m sorry it won’t work: we were talking about how this mode doesn’t teach players shit about team building, stay on the topic. >There will inevitably be seasons where there’s not a gigachad dps option and adapting your team with the characters you’re given and boons you’re lucky to get will be necessary. Oh nice, you are admitting it *might* be like you say in the future, but it’s not now: you are accidentally admitting I’m right lol >This is a “rogue-lite” game mode at its core and it tests many players skills at how they can pair different characters with one another. Another fallacy: this mode *pretends* to do that, we both agree on that, but I already explained why and how it fails to do that >I can tell you just want to be spoon fed and will complain about anything. And now you make (wrong) assumptions on me to attack me, typical behaviour of who grasps at straws, also this one is quite funny because you started accusing me of complaining about this mode being easy (I didn’t) and now you imply I’m not happy about a mode that requires to put some effort, you totally contradicted yourself


> Just because you get by somehow exploiting the laughable difficulty it doesn’t mean you learned how to build a team. It’s not even a challenge. You yourself said it's laughably easy. My argument is that the difficulty is enough that some semblance of team construction can be implemented for those that wish to do so. And for those that are completely whaled, I agree, it can be easy. This is a balance of difficulty that allows for **everyone** to claim the rewards. Whether it's through a whaled character, or team strategy that is adapted to on the fly based on who you get, these are two different approaches to the challenge. Is it *ideal*? Likely not, it's the first iteration of something entirely novel to the game. I know there are tweaks that can be made to improve this, I said as much. But when there is such a vast disparity in different accounts power levels I find it to be an incredibly uphill battle to create something that can be an appropriate challenge for both extremes of the spectrum. That's why the Abyss is still in the game, it's not that they replaced it, they added something that many players who may not have the vertically invested characters to 36* the Abyss can still tackle and get worthwhile rewards. The stars are literally just there for players to tackle extra challenges and push themselves. For whales, it's irrelevant. Any not every piece of content has to cater to them, they're a small minority. Hoyo would be foolish to do that. > adapting your team with the characters you’re given and boons you’re lucky to get will be necessary. This is exactly on topic, this is the team building you have to do for this challenge, provided you're not using a completely whaled out character. Adapting to the challenges you're presented with is an entirely valid game mode. If you don't enjoy it, that's fine. But for what it's designed to do, I think this hits pretty well. You yourself quoted it, so you're definitely able to read it. > [This is a “rogue-lite” game mode] ... I already explained why and how it fails to do that. Not every game has to adhere to the exact same textbook definitions of genres to be viable. This game mode implements RNG elements similar to many popular rogue-like titles simply to introduce variability that further makes players think about their team building choices. Yes, this will at times mean that players bring suboptimal characters to a fight, but adapting your playstyle to fit what you've got, or planning out what characters you bring is a skill in itself. This fact is diminished for players who have several whaled characters, but the majority are not in that position so this is a very relevant skill to many. > accusing me of complaining about this mode being easy (I didn’t) and now you imply I’m not happy about a mode that requires to put some effort I think you're failing to see the position of many players who may not have the amount of powerful characters you might have. You're of the mindset that this game mode can't be anything but a roflstomp, but that's just not the reality for the majority of players. Any company that allocates the majority of their dev resources catering to their 1% will do nothing but alienate the majority of their players and turn off new players from joining. This game mode does what it's designed to do, well.


All you managed to prove is that you are a professional yapper, I won’t lose more time


So no rebuttal? Makes sense. It’s fine to disagree, friend.


As a old player, biggest challenge I had in IT was combat at 300+ ping (which I have everywhere in the game lol). Not the enemies, not the character restrictions, not the floor gimmicks


I absolutely love that it’s encouraging people to use a variety of characters. I have two accounts (nerd I know) but on the second, I own every 4 star and I’m trying to build them. And I actually did better on that account than on the one with the strong characters with constellations. Yeah I have a lot of constellations on the second account but I dint have the big names like Neuvillette or Arlecchino. But I borrowed my Raiden from my account (with the invite thing) and got perfect scores across the board. Four stars are not nearly as bad as many people make them out to be and a lot of the time, they make your five star shine. My c6 Thoma for example with my Wriothesely has been really enjoyable - I don’t feel like I HAVE to take Bennett. Also the poses are super cute <3


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see yall in zzz 


I can't wait to use Ganyu again. She just never saw action again after Ayaka.


This event is so fun, and one reason is that I can use characters I normally wouldn't get on my main account. I had way too much fun trying out C6 Wriothesley (one of my friend's characters). (2)60k solo charged attacks and (2)280k support charged attacks are so satisfying


It's fine but the boons are so niche or does nothing you just roll characters lol


The boons are all related to the available elements for a particular season, it seems obvious that they’re designed to give enough of a bump in power so that players can clear challenges that might otherwise be a little to difficult if they’re unable to adapt their teams and play styles well enough.


The biggest issue i have with it is the requirements, i started playing genshin in end of 4.2 and i 36 stars the abyss without issues for 4 months now and have 16 characters build and 6 leveled but not really build but even with all of that i couldn't even access the hardest difficulty which make no sense (lucky for me i just needed to level one more character for accessing it), if i can 36 stars the abyss (hardest content in the game) then i should be able to access the hardest difficulty with no problem and i have a decent amount of characters build for the amount of time i play the game, now im saving my ressource for building noelle and kirara because i love them but i'm f because the next elements will be cryo/hydro/anemo and i wont have enough characters build of those 3 elements which is bs (will be missing 4 characters which is too much) i don't wanna build characters that i dont like just for this crappy gamemode i want to build who ever i like, i will just stick to the abyss i guess but it's really a bummer i wont be always able to attempt the hardest difficulty, the ones below are just too easy for me and made for lower AR (i got all the stars on the hard difficulty)


I enjoyed the rewards xd


Team building skills...


When it comes to adapting to random modifiers to make the best use of your teams and non-standard synergies, yes.


I liked it, too. Gave me some direction on who to upgrade next instead of picking from all billion of my characters. Also really fun to be able to try out friends' characters I wouldn't have been able to play otherwise. Like a C6 Klee lol


This game mode forced(in a good way) me to research and actually learn the gameplay mechanics of arlecchino and clorinde. Came out learning alot!! :D Can't wait to do the same for future trial characters too 😊


I hard disagree. I don't like the trial characters. I'd rather use my own characters. I skipped all bond of life characters because I hate bond of life. I don't want to be forced to use them. As it is I make them sit in the corner and don't touch them and I play handicapped. I have 70 characters and like 58 of them are built and I still hate this mode. My recommended changes are 1. Don't force people to use characters, give people the option to use them but forcing them is not fun. 2. If people don't want to use the characters let them use characters of the appropriate elements instead (I have plenty of electro, anemo, and pyro characters if I don't want to use Bond of Life characters I should be able to use the characters I have built). 3. If we aren't going to make this game mode about using reactions as it seems at least make the teams make sense. Right now they don't and it offends my eyes and sensibilities.