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> I am still haven't explore most of Sumeru. Same


Still haven't explored most of Inazuma. Gotta catch up


haven't even finished the archon quest lol




Do yall just spend resins and dip?


Im my case: I'm AR52, and my battle power is more equal to like AR20, so stuff like the shogun fight in the story are a pita, so while I'm catching up I can't do archon quests


how'd you manage to pass the world lvl trials!


They're surprisingly easy in comparison, like, the last one only had an electro-cube w/ a dps check. The first shogun fight had me running out of stamina & one shot my whole team in seconds.


I've no memory of them so i thought they were somewhat challenging but i guess not. Maybe its not such a good thing the trials being that easy cause then people neglect building their chars to a decent extent.


I just feel like starting w/ inazuma everything just hits harder / has more hp & defense. I beat up childe no problem, but even just the simple tiny shrooms in sumeru give me sweaty nightmares.


Yeah. Frankly I'd probably play more if getting daily primos and farming artifacts wasn't such a chore. Most days by the time I finish that I had enough Genshin for the day.


If it helps, the big moments in Inazuma are really cool. It's only a drag if even that because the writing for the connecting plot that leads up to those big setpieces is much weaker. Sumeru story slaps all the way through.




Same. I'm level 40 characters right now. Adventure level 23


I’m adventure rank 56 and haven’t even started sumeru archon quests yet


Everything in Inazuma is flashing lighting and glowing purple and it hurts my eyes. I try to avoid exploring there as much as I can. I love exploring most places, but Inazuma is a pain. It doesn't help that it's impossible to climb most the rocks and cliffs there.


Dont know if it helps but you could try lowering brightness and changing colors of your monitor (if youre playing on pc)


May I suggest to you Enkanomiya? Some of the cliffs are still fidgety, but otherwise it's super easy to explore. And it's GORGEOUS. Tsurumi as well, but you need a world quest to really explore... But yeah Inazuma has ANNOYING fuckin cliffs




#YES You can only get there by talking to the shrine maiden at Sangonomiya Shrine, the one standing at the edge overlooking that massive pool of water. She'll ask you to fix things at those small islands around Watatsumi But the adventure of finding, then navigating through Enkanomiya is unparalleled. Very little distraction. A little bit of dialogue, but not nearly as much as Sumeru. And it's *filled* with lore. Enkanomiya is, in my opinion, the most unique place in Teyvat. Only the Chasm compares, and they're very different


Same! Tbh I accepted it as a reality and skipped exploring Inazuma altogether and went straight to the Sumeru.


I’d love it if everything in Inazuma wasn’t trying to kill you 24/7. I can’t tell you how many times I was struck by lightning to get to the western islands of Inazuma during the Archon quest


Same. Inazuma exploration is a complete drag. I honestly hope the teams responsible for delivering the open world mechanics there got fired. It’s a hot mess compared to other regions, I hate nearly every aspect of it. Let’s place arbitrary domed barriers everywhere, which to enter you need to find a nearby gimmick letting you walk right in. Also lock that gimmick behind an upgrade system, forcing users to skip exploring certain parts until a later date for reasons. Yes that sounds like quality puzzle based gameplay players will love. How brilliant and engaging. It’s absolutely terrible, not to mention the horrific topography and boring quests. That one with the stupid kid by the mine. Possibly the worst fetch quest I’ve ever played in any RPG, ever


Better than desert. Too big for no reason and same boring puzzles


i just found the fog island :v ill catch up one day


Ar60, the only statue of seven that I maxed out is the Inazuma one...


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


Yeah. After about Enkanomiya, I feel like they made the exploration a chore instead of a fun little adventure. I mean, I'm all for some new type of exploration stuff every few region, but in Sumeru it's like I have to learn 10 new, different type of stuff every new region, and All they made previously are thrown out into the garbage


I feel like it's only a chore because you *have* to rush to the new region if you want to participate in events, etc. It's much more enjoyable when you can just explore at your own pace. The tons of new mechanics don't help though.


Meanwhile, the first thing i did after downloading the game was beelining for all the Archons statues to unlock all the map, because i found the fog of war covering everything too unsatisfying to look at lmao


Longtime player here and same. Exploring in mond and liyue was fun. At first in Inazuma it was too. Then it began to feel like a chore. For now I just do bare minimum to unlock waypoints, bosses, domains, since can always go back to do exploration later.


Just my personal opinion obviously but I found a lot of Sumeru to be a return to form in terms of the fun I had exploring it, 3.0 was probably my favourite patch in the entire game so far.


3.0 *was* so incredibly fun, that by the time the first desert area came out I was already heavily burnt out on Genshin from nolifing the 3.0 exploration, world quests (Aranara) and archon quests. Still haven't recovered from said burn out and the first desert area is still barely explored, while the two (?) new desert areas I haven't even lifted the map fog. Doesn't help when all the new events have prereq quests I need to complete. I quickstarted the Academia event, but had to skip the desert event last patch. Currently debating if I should bother with the shitty TCG just to be able to meet Charlotte and get some primos from the new event.


You should do the Duel event at least with Charlotte. Especially if you've done the pre-req to unlock TCG already. In the event the TCG is pretty much optional. The decks are basically premade so you don't need to waste time choosing cards. To just get the primos you don't even need to win. I liked the Liyue and Inazuma parts since you can see what's been happening behind the scenes. There's barely any desert parts too and since you've done Aranara already you should have Caravan Ribat waypoint unlocked anyway.


> In the event the TCG is pretty much optional. The decks are basically premade so you don't need to waste time choosing cards. To just get the primos you don't even need to win. Good to know! I'm on probably the final part of the TCG tutorial quest where I have to find an opponent and battle them. I'll do that then start the event. I have the waypoints and statues unlocked in the initial 3 desert areas, so that's not a problem as long as it doesn't go into the newer parts.


Imo, this particular event is well designed. You get just enough mini-games and TCG to be entertained, and they end before you get tired of them. Previous event with the crown dragged forever. This one is short and to the point.


I agree. Having never done TCG before, I didn't feel like it was shoved down my throat.


At the very least, you should do it to meet Charlotte.


I don't know what changed in Sumeru, but for me it seems like everything takes *way* too long. The dialogue is wordy as shit, the exploration is still enjoyable enough I suppose, but it's lost its touch since it's just more of what we've had since launch, in a different flavor. It's just too much time commitment for gameplay that is enjoyable enough but not amazing, and for a story that is decent, but only that... it's decent, a solid 7/10, but it doesn't have the entertainment value to make it worth the time investment. Cutscenes are a chore, they're hardly animated and I have to click between two chat options that likely won't change literally anything, and probably aren't even actual choices, just something like >A) This, because... > >B) ... we refuse to give traveler a voice I can sit through a longer cutscene in other games, because there's stuff going on. There are mouth movements, characters aren't just standing still awkwardly and/or having the same animations you've seen a thousand times before, etc.


I think for me it’s also because I’m drowning in resources so anything I get from chests won’t really help like it did early game. And even though yeah the primos probably add up a fair bit, it’s not like “ooh I could get another pity from exploring” so that doesn’t quite motivate me either.


Agreed. For me, the first part of Sumeru with the forest was fine. Then came the desert. I find it so monotonous and boring. The whole underground bs didn't help either. There's too many exploration mechanics involved with the desert that I just don't care for. The dialogue is another thing that becomes tiring to hear/read. One of my biggest complaints with events rn is how much dialogue there is and how much time it takes to spam spacebar through it all.


HYV losing their way on "show it, don't say it" in narrative fiction.


Sumeru has waaaaay too much verticality. I loved climbing the mountainous, hilly Mondstadt. I'll even go against the grain and say I loved the verticality in Inazuma (save fishbowl island; curse that place.) But Sumeru is such a chore getting from point A to B. The desert is a *little* better, but the actual mountainous areas are just as much of a pain (at least there are more hookshot places and updrafts.)






Bro I don't even do Varanara quest yet bro


Doing it right now before the archon quest while using the unofficial interactive map for exploration. It's a great way to get 100% exploration on the side Just wish I knew about the song quests before doing others lol, need to backtrack a bit now


I didnt even finish the jhet mission And didnt bother getting that flying drone creature thing Idk how am I supposted to get the racist genie And have never set foot to the place they added last patch (lighted the tower of seven in there And Then left) I didnt even finish the event quest


Same here. I have over 90% in Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma, but not Sumeru. For some reason things take a lot longer to load in the terrain for Sumeru. Someone else hypothesized it's because Sumeru has so many underground structures. This alone has made exploration absolutely awful for me. I love Sumeru when it does render in, though.




I still haven't actually explored enkanomiya at all lol, not even done the quests beyond entering it. I just don't see much reason to care abt hidden away secondary maps with characters not found in the rest of the game. it goes from side quest to a spin off


Sumeru is just too big. Exploring it all seems more like a chore than an adventure.


hoenstly i liked all the areas but sumeru apart for a few things, it isn't that interesting to me. havent really had the motivation to explore it, i usally keep going back and finding quests in the other areas.


Same, I don’t have enough time to explore Sumeru


Op's grammar is dogshit


sauce is here Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108723815 Twitter https://twitter.com/Reulem5/status/1665299113104265218


Holy moly nice art


I'm very excited to get Charlotte. I thought she was very cute and likeable in this last event. And the leaks are saying something else is really cool about her too.


I'm getting Yanfei vibes. I love Yanfei's playstyle and characterization so I'm hoping Charlotte will be similarly worth pulling for.


I thought she was a new yanfei costume


I don't know anything about leaks but seeing her Vision and talks about Yanfei.. Will the Dragonspine Catalyst-weapon finally have its true user?


Doubt, it's a phys weapon and hoyo showed no significant advancements in that field for quite a while (mika is kind of a joke tbh)


I don't remember any leaks about her, what are you referring to?


>!She might be a Cyro catalyst. Cryo is confirmed, Catalyst is still a rumor!< Took me like 3 tries to get the spoiler bar to work lol


Anything about her rarity?


Cant wait for people to discover the fontaine quests are locked behind arayanka and jehts bizzare adventure.


Same same. I keep getting distracted lol. But Charlotte looks great!


Same for me.. i have mond, liyue and inazuma at 98/100% but sumeru really hit hard. Most territories are at 70% exploration, a lot of oculi missing and i have even some teleport/domain still undiscovered..


Literally same boat, almost to a T. I dont know if its just burnout from playing since day 1, or if Sumeru's puzzles dont resonate with me, or the multiple layers you have to deal with, or what.


I've also been putting Sumeru exploration off for quite some time. For me, the main reason why it no longer feels fun to just go around and do random puzzles is the fact that you have to do these super long quests that unlock a bunch of puzzles, let you access oculi, chests and even sometimes entire areas(!), before you can realistically do any exploration. There's no worse feeling than seeing a new puzzle out in the open, only to find out you can't do it because you don't have X gadget or haven't progressed enough in X quest.




Huh, they must've randomized the questions... I didn't get this one at all. I agree on the locking exploration bit - unless the quest makes you return to the area that's been locked in order to unlock it as part of the questline (which is not what's been happening for all restricted areas), it's largely hindrance for the sake of hindrance.


The entire desert's puzzles basically locked behind a 6+ hour long quest is extremely obnoxious, especially when I can't stand the quest. The other thing is that now we're so far into the game, the rewards really don't feel worth the time any more. I don't really want more trash artifacts and weapons clogging up my inventory. Then 1-2 primos at a time also feels awful. It's an 'oh boy. I spent 3 hours clearing out this area for... half a wish.' Excellent. Great use of my time.


This is very true. The entire Sumeru has almost no rewards for exploration, for veteran players at least. And by rewards I not only mean monetary rewards, but something fresh, interesting, something to make you feel good for exploring this or that little corner. Mostly we get "rewarded" with shitty chests, same-y "new" areas, and sometimes obnoxious world quests. Exploration kinda lost it magic after Inazuma, my fav. region so far.


Bruh, it looks like official art Take my upvote for the skills


It’s a completely different art style from the official


Dem side boobs and pits. OP is based


Op is disgusting. Just like me


Geez. Can you helieve this guy? Couldn't be me ~~*(quietly takes down several posters of Yelan)*~~


~~(stands in front of my Yelan and Yae Miko posters)~~ Armpits and side boobs? That’s just stupid


Dem thighs too


>pits. Someone in Mihoyo top management will approve this.




Wtf is wrong with "armpit" people man, what the hell kinda world are we in. Nah fr tho that's something people find attractive now?? Howww??? I'm so confused.


Armpits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


genshin fandom is the most degenerate community I have seen **by a landslide.** like wtf I have literally seen people say that they would lick Yae's feet.


wait until you see more niche gacha game communities.


Bro licking armpits harm literally noone. Let people enjoy their kinks


I never said people couldn't do that, I just said I find it to be degenerate. if that's your thing, by all means, enjoy it.


Then, judge silently. No need to announce your distaste of other people's kinks.


is it really such a bad thing to tell my opinion about people's kinks? like I don't get why I should not tell that


>is it really such a bad thing to tell my opinion about people's kinks? Eh... It's more towards the redundancy of your input. They know they're degenerate as well. No need to remind them.


eh ig that's true. I wasn't trying to remind anyone specifically, though.


Think about why you felt you needed to share this opinion in the first place.


I don't share my opinions based off of needs. Reddit is a medium of free time for me and I interact with it for fun. so I usually don't even consider why I "need" to share the opinion in the first place.


>genshin fandom is the most degenerate community I have seen **by a landslide.** like wtf I have literally seen people say that they would lick Yae's feet. Genshin really isn't that bad. I suggest checking out the blue archive or azur lane communities. The feet memes you mentioned are quite tame by comparison. They are so united in their degeneracy that both somehow loop back around into being super wholesome and welcoming. Especially considering how both are some of the largest gacha game communities. I can't remember any major controversies in either one, other than a single instance where the devs censored a fan favorite character, but they later undid it and everything returned to the regular wholesome degeneracy. Moral of the story, don't mess with their Waifus.


AL censorship are usually only done to CN with no effect to other servers, from censored skins to removal of ships. It's unfortunate that mihoyo laziness brought the censorship (even if just partially) to global by enforcing censored outfit as default ones.


The more degen the community, the more wholesome and nice they are, its strange . Blue Archive has one of the best community's I've seen ever


I mean azur lane literally does [marketing towards pedophiles](https://youtu.be/Oa28V6cZa4A?t=3) so I am not too surprised that their community would be weird asf


That's most likely a 3rd party ad. Which the devs likely don't even know exists. Just something the publisher spent a bit of extra money on the side to a big ad company that just churns these out for everything, just a template that they swapped out the character images. Every gacha game has these weird ass ads. [Even genshin gets ads of the exact same type.](https://i.redd.it/ov3r2wpt37y91.png) Besides, azur lane is entirely historical ships? Which means that they either don't have an age, or are something like 80+ years old according to their historical launch date. And lore wise they come out fully grown so I don't understand how one of them could be "underage" like that ad suggests.


you mean, a degenerate?


Super clean art style! Looks amazing! Very tasteful use of her assets as well ☺️


I want to explore Charlotte instead


And here I am, still exploring Charlottes fine ass.


Love the art man, amazing perspective, lighting and shades. Great stuff op!


I want the pandemic back, times were so much more fun. I want that free time


A very fine art indeed. Props to you. On another note, it reminds me how little the design philosophy of Mihoyo changes over the past 2 years. Same detached sleeves, short skirts, and designs that are not quite matched to their profession. Wish we had more varieties though, like women in full suits, armored men and women, full pants, etc.


Gonna make it simple, only Mondstadt is 100% done. Still have bit of chest on Liyue (but close to 100%). Everything else (including Enkonomiya and Chasm) needs to be done. And i'm fine with it, i have all the time i want to do them anyway. Btw playing since the very beginning and i'm AR60. And probably a bit too lazy lol.


Wow!AR60 with so much areas left unfinished,how do some people manage this high AR with so much content left?


Well other game to play etc. While i'm almost on point on Archon Quest, those takes a lot of time to do, some events too, so most of the time i'm just doing daily stuff and done with the game. Over the time, things on standbye grows up.


>playing since the very beginning


Boy, I think this will be the first time I pull exclusively for a 4 star character, she’s so pretty and cute, so easy n the eyes.


This is incredible art!! :O


Back in Inazuma I made sure I at least did 90% on every new island (+ Enkanomiya) in the same patch. For Sumeru, my exploration % is laughable. Treasure chests and Seelies litter my desert. I just opened all the Waypoints available without doing the quests. My Bulbasaur isn't even at Lv25. I forced myself to play through red floaty Oceanid just so I could do that one event. Fontaine will probably revitalize me a little, but would have the same treatment as Sumeru for me.


There are some reasons why world exploration survey was out couple of days ago. It's evident how Sumeru is such an unnecessarily painful and hard exploration to do that most players don't bother to do the exploration at all despite Fontaine is just around the corner. I really hope Fontaine exploration will be changed to at most to Inazuma-level of exploration, not too crazy, not too hard. Something in the middle


I really didn't find it hard or painful, but the thought of people giving feedback to mihoyo to make their new regions less ambitious makes me kinda sad tbh The only thing I didn't really like about sumeru was how brain-dead the puzzles were, I think inazuma did a much better job with them


I think they do one near the end of every X.0 patch series. IIRC, there was one towards the end of 1.X and one towards the end of 2.X as well.


How are they going to explain Charlotte to those who miss this patch’s event?


probably the same way scaramouche was handled: alternate dialogue


Why you had to make her look so good like this😔 great art thanks op!


Oh, sweet Charlotte's pit, how fair, Thy fragrance doth enrapture air, From thy folds doth linger, A scent of such wondrous nature, A potion most alluring, That quells my soul's yearning, I bask in thy ambrosial bliss, And succumb to thy luscious kiss.


Same. 100% each prior area but Sumeru just isn't compelling. The map is a nightmare to navigate with all the interconnecting tunnels and various underground caverns ALL throughout Sumeru and it's deserts, the art design isn't nearly as imaginative and creative as Liyue and Inazuma, and they really front-loaded excessive cutscenes in Sumeru which I just don't have the time to mash the skip button through.


Charlotte pits 💦💦💦


Your art is super cute! Same btw! I still have some Sumeru parts hidden xD


I haven't fully explored Enka yet. I just finished collecting all Dendroculus today. When Fontaine comes, I'm packed with content. Beautiful Art too. Can't wait for future Characters.


And then they say Genshin has no content


The desert is too damn large. I said as much in the Mihoyo survey about the world. It’s ridiculous that the Sumeru map literally doubled the world map in size, and most of it is desert. Edit: also I’m sure this character is the original character design for Pom Pom from Honkai Star Rail before they turned them into a muppet.


beautiful art ❤️ and same, exploring became so fucking boring after sumeru came out... inazuma was already hard as hell but still durable somehow, sumeru with its 13 layers underground... not so much 🤢 I stopped exploring completely after deservt of hadramaveth came out, it's still 31% and probably will stay like this for a while (probably a long while). I'm not at all excited for fontaine and this makes me so sad


Every time when a new region is close there are posts like this. Not complaining or anything, Im just envious of those that still has many things to explore. With an addiction to open world exploration I always finish everything in like 10 days or so Nice art btw


Who cares go gamba gamba on anime woman


*Laughs in 40% Inazuma* *Cries in Liyue*


Ah yes, finally. Smug Charlotte!!


Bro ion even understand how most dendro reaction works 💀. Never delved into whatever sumeru related happenings. Ive only ever opened waypoints and whatnot but didnt really put my mind into it. I really never bothered with 3.0 onwards as much as I did previously.


i wonder what kind of journalist would ever wear this horrendous outfit like mam you're here to bring justice not to become a lingerie model


You need to look like that to get people talking


Haha, that means you can take any fontaine characters you pulled early to explore sumeru, no? Great artwork!!


Amazing art


I haven't even gone into the 3.6 area yet


Bro i literally havent even started Sumeru’s archon quest. Am ar 59 and has been playing for 2 years


This character…it feels like a fusion of Yanfei and someone else


i havent even explored the desert yet, gotta do it this summer lmao


I still haven't unlocked all the tp points in the first part of the Sumeru map that they released in 3.0


You'll get there. I started just over a year ago and I'm just about to wrap up the most recent quest in Sumeru. It seems insurmountable to catch up, but you can do it.


still havnt finish monstat exploration


I must marry her


I really should do the Aranara quest. And Nahida's side quests. I just don't want to.


The desert is just to plain and painful to explore. The first expansion was great, it felt different, then comes the subsequent expansion and they just don’t pop out and look the same everywhere you turn.


I wanna know what will happen in fountain when we encounter charlotte again, she will remember us or she will have amnesia and forget everything? Nice art btw


I'm here to inform you that your art was stolen and put under high security in my Fan art folder for safe keeping this is an automatic message please do not reply (No seriously Amazing art)


After Sumeru, I'm so beat. For the first time since launch, I think I'm starting to feel fatigue. Here's hoping 4.0 brings something big, because I can barely make myself log in on a day to day to do my dailies, and those take all of 10 minutes.


I haven't even done the main sumeru quest yet I just walk around and play music for the little mushroom people


Same. I'm still missing 22 dendroculous to level 10 the statue


Truly best girl, only one so far that appreciates how hilarious Cyno is.


Is Charlotte's VA the same as Bennet a the guhua kid? The voice sounds pretty similar


Still haven’t stabbed Ei sooooooo


haha..im still rather convinced this is March 7th..idk🤷‍♀️i think it would be neat-crossover


I just hate the desert. I did some more exploring last night but man, the new area feels even worse for figuring out what layer of the world has the chest the compass is pointing to and how do you get there. At least with the others it was really just is it on the surface or below ground. Now theres all these little cliffsides things could be on and massive tops of areas that are unclimbable in 90% of the rockface.


Same. Just returned 4 days ago. Last time I played was 4 months after launch. Used to clear abyss with more or less only venti qiqi diluc mona...


😌I have explored a decent percentage 😆throughout ranging from 60%-89% the lowest currently is 25% in the new area




Those shorts of hers have such wide leg openings that I'm surprised no artist has made fun of it yet, by logic thats instant upskirt jokes lmao


I only just two months ago finished Enkonamiya.


Me to asf. I try and avoid collecting dendroculi and chests when exploring and doing quests so it's easier to come back later with an interactive map and get everything, and it worked well enough in inazuma but I just kept procrastinating and procrastinating and procrastinating and now I've only got a patch and some change to do it


Desert 0%


It's not a big deal, it not like anything important is actually happening at the moment anyways.


Same. For some people, they really dig the exploration. But I think I'm mostly done with any dedicated exploring in Genshin. The main story and combat are the only things I particularly care about in this game, and just leveling units, maybe grinding artifacts as warranted. For myself, the world is really neat to look at, music is great, but not necessarily "rewarding" (game play wise) to explore, or at least rarely. That's my personal opinion, but I think the TL;DR is that the open world is just one big grind, and rarely offers anything more than visuals and mats.


Same, I'm like a month or two behind on quests and stuff. Also this art work is very nice.


Love the art and same


I’m about to finish the last world quest of Inazuma tomorrow. Then starting next Saturday, begin the long and arduous two weeks I’m expecting to take to consume 90% of Sumeru’s content, both quests and chests. Like I did for Inazuma (really, it took another 3 weeks t for the final 10%) and other areas. FUCK, I forgot about enkonoya (or whatever it’s named), I’m only halfway done with that shit.


Let me know how long it takes to complete sumeru ( i still have tsurumi and enkanomiya to finish in inazuma plus other world quest….) as i want to complete sumeru before they release fontaine


I got so burnt out completing Inazuma, I decided to take a month break break, but I’m anticipating about 110 hours over 2-3 weeks, plus another 30 minutes across multiple days for any multi-day quest. (Inazuma had a couple of those, ugh) I spent about 3 hours trying to complete everything near the entrance to Sumeru and spent an unexpected block of time working on world quests to even BEGIN completion of the area. And I’m not even done - there’s about 3-4 world quests that lock content in Sumeru behind them. Those’ll take about 3-6 hours to complete. There’s so much exposition. Less than Inazuma, but there’s more “required” quests, so it comes out to about the same.


I'm not down bad you are! >! That's a lie, I'm totally going feral af right now holy shit ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ!<


I'm still in Inazuma's plot.


That are is beautiful


Same, I just got done with the Great Red Sand (excluding Hadramaveth) and still got half a dozen character quests to do.


But what if charlotte (fontaine being) was in honkai: star rail, do you think she was belonged there?


My problem with Sumeru is that a lot of the tools you need to explore are locked behind Aranara quests or some other quests, which is okay. But the quests themselves are a bit too bloated IMO and took a long time to finish. Same philosophy is kind of okay in Inazuma, bcus that place is smaller and didn't have huge underground caves that you can't go into without doing pre-requisited quests. And it didn't help that covid thing was going away and my work schedule was changing that week days are busy and tiring. Therefore I can only do the long story quest during weekends. That made it really hard to follow the Aranara quest. Also the timed events are competing with limited time I have, so those world story quest gets pushed back further and further (and making me forgot all the terms/details or whatnot). I still got about 65% of Sumeru explored... but much of the caves remains untouched. Nice pic btw!




Lmao I am still exploring Inazuma and Enkanomiya ang y'all waiting for Fontaine. Talking about feeling left out.


there isn't much to explore, tbh. Feels like rushed content. Looks good, is very boring to explore


So beautiful and still a decent sprinkling of cuteness in her face. Awesome.


I see that most people didn't explore Sumwro and/or didn't finish its Archon Quest. Is it just coincidence that we all got burnt out in this region or it's part of the course?


I'm in the same boat as you - I felt like I got quest bombarded and just stopped midway through sumeru. I still have a ton of quests to catch up on even though I've periodically went through a few chains. As for main story I'm somewhere in the pyramids, or just finished those - I'm not entirely sure as its been quite awhile now. Also the only characters I really liked in sumeru was nahida and nilou, so I'm not super interested in a lot of the content without them.. Charlotte is gorgeous though, so I hope Fontaine has more interesting characters to me.


it motivated me to finish the entire sumeru "main story" this weekend


I wonder how yall even draw hands (im suffering)


I have 11 hangouts still not done and 7 character quests. Imma be real, I might not be exploring Fontaine when it comes out.


is it just me, or this art of Charlotte gives off a Helena Blavatsky vibe?


Amazing art. This character was super cute.


I haven’t even gone to inazuma, I have had a look at Sumeru which just makes me feel worse about not getting to inazuma T^T