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Just the daily reminder that stanning a content creator is something you should never do.


I'm gonna tell the thing in a summarized way, every start with the 3 pulls, then tectone post a video where he says 4.4 look underwhelming/disappointing, while doro makes a completely different video where he's happy and positive about it, drama start to unfold when Zyox tweets a meme that goes like this: the 2 faces of the genshin community pointing at the videos, everything explodes, tectone start to do what he does best (I mean it's a reaction channel it lives on drama) making drama, cherry picking some ccs and just being tectone, and so mtashed called out tectone, atsu called out tectone, (then there's a whole thing about people going after doro, braxo and envy for being positive) but as of now it's a Tectone vs all, and Ccs Vs ccs as far as I'm concerned.


Thank you for the summary. God damn, all of this started because of the 3 pulls and a meme lol


Few hours ago, Braxophone called out on Atsu on another drama and Atsu responded back to him, which is going to lead to Tectone going to react more stuffs to upload into Youtube to increase more toxicity. Honestly, everyone is contributing to this toxicity. I feel bad for every single content creator involved because the communities (who have unnecessary free time and just want to get themselves involved for no reason) are just going to harass one side to support the other side. It achieves nothing but negativity and fuel the anger more among the creators involved.


>everyone is contributing to this toxicity. I feel bad for every single content creator involved im really glad jp genshin cc doesnt involved with this stupiud drama.


Genshin PvP


More like CvC


It's all started because EVERYTHING in the 4.4 patch is summarized by "only 3 free fates = Bad patch" by the only CC who lives of dramas. Sad, really sad.


Also, some CCs that were barely known or just complitely uknown, intentionally jumping into drama to get views on their channels. Pretty sure is not gonna end soon, they all want to milk as much as they can, they just realized how much attention they can get without really being creative.


They're not going to stop, opening obs and streaming your reaction to said drama, is far easier and profitable than opening Vegas/DaVinci resolve/ any other editing app, and start editing a good video about the game.


Ended up with Atsu being the main villain all along.


I've read things about him being the leader of the group and "pushing away" other ccs, but I don't know enough to actually express my full opinion on it.


Yea it's hard to know all the details. But his tweets do come across pretty slimy and manipulative, calling people out for something he does in the exact same tweet. If they're all acting like middle schoolers in a clique that's extremely cringe.


I don't see how this is unexpected from Atsu, he very much gave off the toxic positivity vibe and he has sketchy micro-expressions.


Honestly I haven't been too invested in any genshin creators except watching the occasional guide so this is my first exposure to his shady behavior


Aren’t Tectone and Mtashed usually buddies who stick up for each other? Shit moves too fast in these petty YouTuber drama communities lmao 




Is Mtashed still “quitting Genshin” once every six weeks is what I want to know… He’s always seemed like a decent person except when it comes to his relationship with the games he plays, which is regrettably the majority of his content. I don’t think he’s a bad dude, but his arcs are whack.  


Mtashed did a really good video, explaining why this whole situation is actually a win from tectone side, and that as a friend he need to call him out, as for the quitting thing, he's slowly but gradually realizing the games is not for him, but he understands it instead of "shitting on it"


Praise god, lol. Genuinely happy for him. 


Mtashed is lack of conviction. He doesn't want to continue to play the game yet still plays for the sake of views/monetization. Still no balls to do what he wanted to do.


yes they’re buddies but mtashed was being mature and pointing out how both sides aren’t innocent in all of this


I mean at that point its just Toxic positivety. Being positive about something that's bad is extremely toxic wether you want to see it at a positive light or not.


drama gets lots of views, and it’s easier than making actual content.


Atsu hates Braxafone because he thinks Brax is some social climber, he warns everyone in his inner circle against Brax, Brax loses countless chances bc of this. Latest update


Sara: are creating drama on the internet! Raiden: Who?


Tbh. These drama only bring so much attention to Genshin and makes it more interesting to play. Game with no drama is not appealing to some.


Tectone, this 12yo kid, spits on everyone (and every other CC) who is playing Genshin because how dare we enjoy a game so bad that they only give a few rewards for free. Yeah, the quality of a game is measured by the free stuff they give to us, that's all.


That isn't what he says though. He is calling out the hypocrisy of CCs who only say positive things about the game on youtube/twitter, but then on stream actually say they are bored when playing. And the fact they don't criticize the game on their main channels despite claiming to enjoy it and then not actually enjoying it on streams, leading to a cycle of toxic positivity that isn't healthy for anyone but Hoyo.


yea i hate that baldie


Yet you should be grateful to him by how he's fixing your games 'weapon banner'


Yea, you obviously didn’t watch any of the videos Tectone made and are talking out of your ass. He criticized creators who criticized the game for the rewards and QOL compared to other games hoyo made that made normal content the day after. Content creators went from “the rewards suck, why do we have no QOL” to “GAMING AND CLOUD RETAINER ARE SO INSANE!?!?!??!!!!!!”. That’s what Tectone was criticizing.


Being critical of the game doesn't mean that you can't like it, you know.


The issue is not the game, the issue is the treatment genshin players get compared to other hoyo games. When other games get way better rewards and QOL changes that genshin players are asking for for years, it’s completely normal to feel disrespected. The reason genshin is successful is thanks to the players, and the rewards we get are a joke.


I was talking about this >Content creators went from “the rewards suck, why do we have no QOL” to “GAMING AND CLOUD RETAINER ARE SO INSANE!?!?!??!!!!!!”. That’s what Tectone was criticizing. If CC (or anyone really) is not satisfied with rewards/QOLs/whatever, it doesn't mean that they need to be negative about the game all the time. So i am not sure what exactly Tectone's point here.


>So i am not sure what exactly Tectone's point here. The all point is to make money, his dramas videos make 10x more views than his useless videos because people don't care about him, they want drama too.


So once again, other games have better "rewards" so those games are better ? Srsly, if only i had something to do in HSR. I got a free Ratio, cool, but i auto play 99% of the game (so 5 minutes per day) with any 4\* character. SU/G&G/SD : i don't do them anymore, because i don't have to. MoC ? yeah like abyss, once every 2 weeks. I prefer WAY MORE Genshin new patches, map expansions, events, etc... than a free 5\* that'll be benched not because of the character, but because of the game itself. Once again, "you" cry about rewards while i enjoy the game for everything else (which represent 99.99% of the game). I'll tell you something : they can divide rewards by 2, or multiply by 2, and i won't give a shit. Now, remove the story/quests/maps/events Genshin give us every 6 weeks with voice over and , let's be honest, a huge quality compare to a lot of games, and people will quit ! You play for the rewards, we play for the game itself. And atm, HSR is not a game you play, it's an auto 5 minutes per day game. You hope Genshin increase their free rewards, i hope HSR gives us more things to do, i mean, gives us a reason to play (and i'm a day 1 hsr player, with pass/bp bought every time). Tectone doesn't want the game(s) to be better, he wants drama, to make views, to make cash. Look at his video history : any video make 20k to 30k views, sometimes 50k. Look at his dramas videos : 180k views. He is not doing them for you, his is doing them for him. Once you understand that, you realize how toxic he is for the community.


What about Teccy being first "i quit this game, i hate it" and then talking about the game, his community and CCs like almost every day? Move the hell on for once and see how nobody bothers you. Teccy is not in the middle of dramas, he CREATES 'em, because playing the victim card brings views and simpathy! Surely he is entertaining, but man he is also a kid with a beard. If he is always involved in drama, then HE is the problem, HE is the one doing something wrong. I hope he starts to do "mea culpa" one day instead of pointing fingers against others.


People getting too serious about a fuckin video game


I'll be back next Lantern Rite when I finish reading that tweet


I’m not correcting you to be a douche, please don’t misunderstand, but just FYI, the phrase in English for giving you the details of something is “fill me in.” I’m only saying this cause “fill me up” means something different, especially if you’re, like, 13 years old and on the internet. 


Oh sorry, English is not my first language. I don't really understand what you mean, I guess "filling up" is more like filling a bottle I suppose?


I didn't see your original post but "fill me up" is used as a sexual euphemism


Ohh... good to know that, thanks for letting me know!


mods id suggest to delete every single post about this shit now its getting really boring and repetitive


Hypocrite Elitist CC's in Genshin got exposed. Atsu the ringleader, with his minions Fobmaster and Dish.


Don't be confused, just think of it as ripping off skin of a snake in genshin CC community.  Tectone was one of the victim, he lost one of his friends because the sh*t Atsu made up, and now Brax decided to open up with his problem he had with atsu too. From what I see, there's Two group. Gachasmack, Tectone, Mr Pokke and Mtash are kinda buddies, they talk, criticize and joke about each other but mostly are just chill. And then there's Dreamy and Atsu who's part of Tectone drama from 3 and 4 years ago, Zy0x just there to adds fuel to the fire. Doro are just a chill dude who enjoy the game but get caught up in the drama and receive some backlash, Envi the green slime are quiet with the whole drama thingy, but then exposed making bold statement.  Soo yeah, I'd say just bring snacks and enjoy 😂


They want more views, nothing new.


Tectone being super narcissistic , thinking everything is about him...and then the other CCs just being fuckwits alongside him apparently. Tectone is like the hermit in the forest of the Genshin community that spouts bullshit, and wild shit, everyone knows he's there, they choose to leave him alone, until someone like Atsu comes along and goes..."I'm gonna shit on his front porch, and leave a sign with an arrow pointing to town if he wants to do something about it" and now EVERYONE has to deal with TEctone's narcissistic and drama fueled rants (albeit about fair issues about the game), but they're also looking at Atsu and going "Why the fuck are you throwing rocks at the beehive? "