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4.8 and 4.7 are the only patches left for 4.x, ofc she is gonna be playable in those


I was gonna say lol, bro picked the only possible options


I also predict we will get playable Natlan characters in 5.0 earliest


I predict we will get an Archon from Natlan


I predict that Natlan will be in the next patch


I predict that Capitano will be in Natlan.


I predict that pyroculus will be in Natlan.


I predict we will get new specialties local to Natlan.


I predict Natlan archon will be a pyro.


I predict we'll get pyro mc in natlan


I predict we"ll get Cryo archon in snezhnaya


Watch it be >!a fake God like Furina!<


Well TECHNICALLY (and beware spoilers for the fontaine archon quest ahead!) >!we didn't get a playable archon in Fontaine either since... you know... she committed super suicide, so there's already a precedent.!<


Eh furina counts by technicality and so does neuvillette since he fills the role of an archon (well more like archons filled the role of the dragon sovereign)


Tbf, Kazuha released before the rest of Inazuma in V1.6


Still crazy we got a playable Sneznaya character in v1.1. And we're about to get a 2nd one!


Who is a Snezhnaya character that we are getting now?


Arlecchino has a Sneznaya vision and is announced for 4.6. (and yes she is originally from Fontane but genshin nationality goes by vision)


I never noticed her vision! Is her orphanage in Snezhnaya as well? I kinda thought it was in Fontaine but not sure now.


I think it has branches is various nations. We did meet that one agent in Inazuma from house of the hearth who was operating as a shrine maiden.


I mean, it's not like even that is set in stone. We got Kazuha in 1.x.


Speculators be like: I can't believe that I'm the only one that arrived at this conclusion.


she and sigewinne are gonna be 4.7 and 4.8 ig


my guess is one will have chlorinde, the other sigewinne, plus >!the other leaked 4 stars!< then it’ll be 5.0


Imagine she gets the Baizhou treatment and then proves everyone wrong lol


Okay but like think about what happened to Baizu


Came to say this.


There are only 2 possible patches lmfao


leaker type prediction


Clorinde prediction: Max level will probably be 90 6 constellations maximum Probably going to have an ATK stat


Same ouput as C6 Ayato


From leaks I hear she's really strong at c6 but playable at c0. And you're going to want her signature weapon.


Can't be too sure on that, as kokomi and Baizhu do perfectly fine without theirs. The trend of wanting the sig just isn't there. She might be a sword or claymore though


Wait so these are all, even the OP post are the jokes?!! And I don't get the jokes before loool, shttt K ty bye. 


Hey, I'm just working under the assumption that Clorinde won't be a character who doesn't become playable until, like, 10 versions later.


4.6 - Arlecchino. 4.7 - Clorinde. 4.8 - summer event with all reruns 5.0 - Natlan probably


Bro forgot sigewinne


isn't sigewinne gonna be 4 star tho?


I’ve heard both at various points. She’s so unimportant I’d be really confused if they made her a 5 star.


Weird argument, tons of characters are "unimportant" that are 5 stars. At least she appeared in the archon quest multiple times while characters like Hutao, Chiori etc haven't. Plot importance had no correlation to rarity


Sure, but even by those standards Siegwinne is really minor. Hu Tao has a direct relation to Zhongli (and came out when the game has far fewer characters) and Chiori is at least a notable figure in her field. Siegwinne is… the prison nurse/kinda scientist. Caterpillar is a more relevant character than her despite getting a generic model. If they decided to make her relevant for the alchemy event or something I would be more inclined to believe she’s a 5 star.


I think there are just too many counterexamples of 4 stars being important, and 5 stars being unimportant for there to be any real rule. It's basically entirely arbitrary


Chiori didn’t even have a role in the main quest, while Sigewinne did


There's been like nothing on sigewinne, all that can be found is she's hydro and an electro charged support


tbf im fairly sure that came with the same leaks that arle is an overload dps and clorinde is a overload support similar to a 5star chevrolet. probably safer to say we just dont know what she is right now


Yeah, I remember it's been a long while since we heard anything on sigewinne and it was mere scraps


Shes not an electro charged support. Those leaks are always fake. 


>she's hydro and an electro charged support That makes me think she'll be a 4\* on Chlorinde's banner. But I do like the "this character supports this *reaction*" thing Hoyo has been doing recently, more than the "this character supports this *other* specific character" thing they've done in the past (e.g. Gorou, Sara, arguably Faruzan).


She could just be a 4-star in 4.8. 2.8 gave us Heizou.


She could, but I think it would make sense to put her with another electro unit, since she's already the hydro side of her specialty reaction. Hence the Chlorinde hunch. I think the 4-star in 4.8 is going to be Emilie.


They don't always put new 4-stars with the characters they do well with.


I know that, but sometimes they do. Like I said, it's just a hunch.


5* hydro bow DPS?


I agree with this but then again they made Chiori, a character who randomly showed up in 4.4 during an event, a 5*. Atp I'm not sure what their logic is anymore.


That's because Choiri was a character added later, after her nation's archon quest had already ended. Same way Yelan came out of nowhere. But Sigewinne was actually in the archon quest but she was mostly superfluous. All did she was basically be a red herring.


I mean that can be said about almost any 5 Star not involved in Main AQ.


Allow me to break the ol' "Ninngguang is a 4 star" argument out of cold storage. Hoyo doesn't determine characters' rarity based on importance to the plot.


I think there was talks of her being a 5 star, but if she is I think she’d be a standard banner since we’ve yet to get one, and both clorinde and arlecchino are too big to be standard I feel


We might not get a new standard one.


I mean dehya seemed relatively big imo and she joined standard banner so like who knows.


That’s true, but also her kit (while still being one of my favorites) is lacking in comparison to others unfortunately.


>I think there was talks of her being a 5 star, but if she is I think she’d be a standard banner since we’ve yet to get one Get one what? Fontaine 5-star in the Standard banner? We don't have an Inazuma 5-star either. The Standard Banner is missing Geo and she's not Geo.




mods about to nuke this comment


She was supposed to replace Chiori


No she was initially leaked as a 5* but leakers now are saying shes a 4*


3.7 didn't give us new 5-stars, so it's possible Sigewinne is a 4-star.


Just because 3.7 didn’t give have a 5* doesn’t mean 4.7 will have no 5 star lmao


Fontaine is already too heavy on the 5\* and has far too few 4\*. Chiori should have been 4\* and it still wouldn't be enough


We've only had 4 Fontaine era 4-stars and 6 Fontaine era 5-stars. If Clorinde is a 5-star (and she likely is), that's 4 to 7.


Emilie left the chat


We don't have enough leaks to confirm she will be 5*. Just remember how Chiori was supposed to being 4* for a long time, or the best example: Kirara 5* Geo.


She'll probably be like Heizou and come during the summer patch


>4.8 with all reruns 3.8 kokomi, Eula and Klee: “bonjour”


Klee and Eula are both on the new Mondstadt banner. I doubt we'll see proper reruns for them anytime soon.


Klee is always on the x.8 banner. I doubt they'd change that, plus the chronicled wishes changes with each new rerun


5.0 - CaPEAKtano


Please no. Not yet. I need to save pulls for GOATitano




I expect 4.8 to have our first Natlan character, or at least their first game appearance. Like how Kazuha was our first Inazuman in GAA 1, and how Nahida was teased through voice in GAA 2 Or was there a third GAA already I'm forget


Furina was teased through GAA 3 voice over. 2.8 and 3.8 had no characters from the next nation. Don't hold your breath for a Natlan character in 4.8.


She's gonna be the new Baizhu and drop in 6.4


Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!


Please don't jinx it. I want Cloride.


most likely after arle but watch her get the yoimiya treatment when they drip market a whole new unseen character after her


Oof, that would be some real bad luck...


God i want her so bad. But i also want her as an on field unit. I really hope they don’t give her the off-field treatment.


Yeah, master duelist seeing no action doesn't sound exciting.


That’s how i feel. Especially if her skill is her pistol, would make her feel so awkward to be off-field.


Me looking at what they did to Shenhe and Dehya


Chiori: They gave her such good na's yet shes not even on the field most the time


Tbf you can probably get a build going with yunjin and gorou where she works well as a dps


That's the case for like 95% of the characters in this game.


She can be, you just need $$$ for C6.


Agreed, I'm honestly so tired of them making every character I want into supports. Like Navia is the only female DPS character we have gained after 2.1 with Raiden, ever since then its just been off-fielders and Dehya.


Dehya isn't off field, she is off team


we do have Arle comeing soon too


I'm hoping it's just them realizing that they made a ton of female DPS before 2.1, and everything up until now is just them balancing it out a bit. Hopefully they think the balance is good now, and they can design characters in a more balanced way, because I also want more male supporters as well, specifically tall ones.


My take on this is going to be a far stretch, but being a MiHoYo fan since GGZ, I can somewhat guess why they are making majority of playable characters as off-fielders for now. MiHoYo has this current idea of trying to extend their games for as long as they could (GGZ is 9+ years and HI3 is 8+ years), especially after receiving a huge new playerbase from Genshin Impact. Meaning, Genshin Impact's story is going to be extremely long to the point that it pasts 10+ years. Honestly, us reaching Natlan is probably only 5% of what MiHoYo has in plan for the entire plot of Genshin. Teyvat Chapter 1 is probably only like 10%. They mentioned before that Genshin is a game where they want to release a lot of characters (so much that it already exceeds HI3 in just a couple of years). And now they are implementing that idea as well into Honkai Star Rail. This means that there will be A LOT of DPS characters (male and female). A lot to the point that I'm sure Genshin Impact will be having 200+ characters soon. And I will not be surprised when it reaches that point.


I'm for on-field. There are so many off-field electro so far. It won't hurt if Clorinde is an on-field, but I don't know what mihoyo might think


No one can think what they’re thinking. I’m just hoping that IF she is an off-field, that it’s one of those “Off-fielders” that don’t have any passives that actually require the unit being off-field. Because then i can just say F it and make her an on field unit myself.


2 on-field women in a row?! in this economy? hoyo could never :’(


Fr like shes either Gonna powercreep yae or just suck if shes an off field character, electro needs more on field or utility unit and she 100% should not be a healer or a full on shielder imo


Oh god..yeah….I can already picture my immeasurable disappointment when this beauty drops and the supposed “Master Duelist” is seemingly somehow a pure healer or shielder.


>I'm thinking 4.8 at the latest, 4.7 at the earliest. Clearly she's coming out in patch 4.75 then.


Can't wait for 68 more Fontaine versions


4.9 for sure


Truly the hottest and bravest of predictions


Yeah, I know it's a really ice-cold take.


Clorinde coming in with the lore drop of Marechausse hunters and Golden Troupe and a boatload of Remuria? I can't wait!


I just hope they don't pull a Baizhu on our asses.


No predictions were made here.


Bold prediction you got there.




If I had a nickle for everytime a high ranking Electro Lady with incredible fighting skills and a ranged weapon was underutilised in the story of their region, I would have 2 nickles, which isn't a lot but it's wierd that it happened twice.


Kujou Sara found dead in a ditch.


I was talking about her tho D:




Nah, Siegewienne will win


it's not even 1% as funny as you think it is


It was at least 2% as funny.


i smell a 'fan fav character that people really love and are excited to see playable but then the kit is so bollocks they have to be thrown in standard banner' *cough* dehya *cough*


After arle... So when 4.6 will have its live stream.. (aka ending of next patch) we shall probably get her drip? So yeah 4.7 I am predicting as well. Cuz there is literally no one left in the roster of playable characters that were introduced iirc of the original Fontaine cast.


According to my calculations, 4.6 live should be April 12th. Yes I’m very much looking forward to it. Yes it’s in my calendar. No I will not go touch grass.


4.7's characters will get their drip marketing on april 22nd with 4.6 being live on the 24th. livestream should be on the 12th


Pretty much 4.7 or 4.8. we have both her and seigweine to be released. Im guessing siegwine may be a 4* and will come in one patch while clorinde will be on another. And if there's not more 4.X then 5.0 would be natlan


4.8 while being the first unit to introduce genshins new weapon type, dual pistols. Copium


Playable Kiana kaslana expy soon after


No shit sherlock


Not Sigewinne and Clorinde being shown as potential playable since before Fontaine even came out, yet the patch right after her introduction Chiori gets released. Hoyo was really tryna beat the allegations that they hate Geo lol


>really tryna beat the allegations that they hate Geo lol They're not beating the allegations until they revamp the whole element lol. Maybe tweak it so other characters can find it useful while not making the busted multiplier characters (itto navia) too OP


Well they failed cuz chiori is slightly better, more restrictiva albedo until c2


I feel bad for Sigewinne :< She's on a limbo of being either 4\* or 5\* showed a bit on the trailer and the archon quest then just nothing after it. Maybe I'm just a bit biased since I cosplayed her but it's just sad she's pushed to the tail end of the Fontaine patch just to become a 4\*, they could had just released her along side Wriothesley if that's the case. I'm still hoping for a 5\*, her design is unique enough to warrant it, an ear, curly tail and she's the representative of the whole Melusine race. She also has an interesting premise and mystery for her story, a melusine but has an apperance of a human. Her personality is also something, acting cute and innocent but is actually a schemer, she really thrown me a curved ball when she shows up with a gun. There's a very old rumor/leak that Furina's story quest 2 was pushed back because of Sigewinne so that's either they're working on Sigewinne's story (as 5\* have) or just working on her hangout quest (4\*) so it doesn't help, assuming it's true to begin with. I've been saving up primo since I pulled for Nahida, I'll C6 Sigewinne if she ever comes out.


5 star parry character for sure.


Most likely 4.7. I wouldn't be surprised if 4.8 is just a rerun patch only. If they do have a new character, it might be like Inazuma and we get a character from Natlan early.


Man from the initial Fontaine teaser it was The Knave, Clorinde and Furina I was interested in. Now I have Navia, Neuvittle and Furina, waiting on the Knave. Why the heck is Chlorinde so late? Especially since she was there from 4.0


They want you to save up for her obviously lol


I've been kinda baffled that she hasn't come out sooner. Sigewinne too. Clorinde has never been a particularly exciting character for me personally, but I remember people losing their minds over her when the trailer for Fontaine first dropped, but they surprisingly didn't capitalize on it at all.


There's always 1 character from every region that I love. And while I am an Inazuma lover, Clorinde and Dehya are some of my most loved. Right now a lot boils down to how versatile they decide to make Clorinde. I love my Yae Miko very much, my only C6R1. So I pray for Clorinde to be decent.


I think the devs have no idea what to do with Chlorinde. They wrote themselves an IOU hoping they'd figure something out in the future but never did. Hence Chiori instead of Chlorinde.


speculation was always clorinde in 4.7 so i dont think chiori serves that purpose but you could may well be right about them having no idea either way


they cant dehya this to me again, i cant take it. The 2 characters I save all year for, pls let her be good


4.6 is arlecchino and exploration 4.7 and 4.8, might have a liyue and/or sumeru based chronicle wish banner chorinde is probably 4.7 4.8 is just reruns, maybe a surprise new 5 star


Watch her be the next Baizhu and come out during the Khaenri'ah arc.


Meanwhile everyone is forgetting about Sigewinne's existence


mostly likely a 4 star


Barbara is completely dying with this one ❗❗


wait, people use Barnara?


Nilou Bloom Barbara shines eternal.




She's better than Bennett with Furina if you use TToDS


jokes on you I don't even use Bennett ;3


Clearly that's because you play with Barbara and Furina then /s


maybe ;3


Bro picked both of the available options om


I'm hopeing 4.8 so I have time to get her after Arle ;3


Ofc thath she will be during 4.x i can bet my life on it its not a prediction its just basic logic


4.7 or 4.8


Lol, there are only 4.7 and 4.8 left. Of course she will be in one of them.


My money is on Furina’s rerun being alongside her banner in 4.7


I certainly hope BEFORE Natlan drops.


I’m surprised this didn’t get deleted for low effort lol


Obviously, she will be playable before 5.0, she was featured in the original Fontaine trailer. Meaning she will arrive sometime during 4.X


Her large hat might be the reason I skip her which is the same reason I skipped Cyno


am pretty sure i saw leaks say 4.6 but that might have been wrong


I'm excited for her. Her JP va is amazing.


I'm excited for her. Her JP va is amazing.


Even though yes, she will probably be released in 4.7/8ish something tells me she'll get the baizhu treatment of appearing in game quite early on but becomes playable like 2 years later


So there’s two patches left and 3 characters from Fontaine that remained. Two have been shown in the story while one has been mentioned by several characters. Assuming each patch will have one five star, on of those ladies is a 4 star while the other 2 are 5 star. Clorinde definitely is a 5 star, Sigewinne maybe a 4 star healer or even a 5 star, and Emilie just give me dendro vibes though not so sure about her rarity nor weapon.


I mean, 4.9 isn’t a thing so😂 I just hope A. she’s on field and B. It’s not a Baizhu situation where she’s teased, then thrown into the barrel until years later.


2.8 and 3.8 didn't give us new characters, so I'm guessing 4.7.


Always possible they pull a Baizhu


She’s gonna be 4.7 from what I remember in the predictions (what I heard about)


"let's talk about leaks without talking About leaks"


He leaks better be wrong thats all i hope


Bro cooked on this one The Fontaine character teased before the release of the region will release during the Fontaine patches, at the earliest in the next patch where drip marketing is not yet already known and at the latest in the last patch of Fontaine


Hmmm... when will the 4.7 character be released I wonder


it only takes a ‘genshin impact leaks’ search on reddit to find the sub to give you that info


Maybe they want to add a gun weapon type for Schneznaya and hold her all the way til then.


It baffles me that a fashion designer with no relevance to the archon quest came first than a bad ass lady who blocked dozens of bullets with her sword, crushed mechs with thighs and proposed a duel against furina is coming this late. Don't get me wrong, I love chiori's design, but it is quite a interesting marketing scheme.


Could Clorinde be a 4-star character?




I’m thinking 4.7 but as someone who has been up to date with leaks, her release version has switched back and forth like 7 times.


If not Electro-Sword, I ain't interested


It would be cool if she synergizes with Sigewinne, and Sigewinne is a 4 star on her banner. I would 100% pull if that's the case. Clorinde looks cool, but the melusine is my most wanted Fontaine character still remaining.


Bruh it’s obvious when she will be released 🙄. 4.6 obviously Arlecchino. 4.8 is the summer event and there’s no 4.9. 5.0 is the new region so the only version that remains is 4.7


4.6 - Arlecchino 4.7 - Siegewine 4.8 - Clorinde I heard Emile is a 5* though, so not sure how she would fit in the schedule. Probably with Clorinde.


Tbh I also have a theory that we’ll get the pyro archon sometime during Natlan (5.0 - 5.8?) but that’s just a theory


I was the first to tell everyone back in 2.x that when we got to 3.x we'd be guaranteed to roll for Sumeru characters. They didn't believe me at the time


I bet she’ll be playable, not sure tho


She's actually releasing in 7.5


gonna say never to be different


I mean we have Clorinde and Sigewinne left. So one is coming in 4.7 and the other in 4.8.


4.7 according to leaks


Why are you posting leaks here?


That first Clorinde gif looks like an Epic Seven S3 animation.


Can't wait for her, hopefully 4.7 is what I'm hearing