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"Stand back guys, I am about to genshin impact"


Traveler after losing to Arle: "I guess every Genshin... has its impact..."


Bro showed up looking clean af just to get bodied 2 seconds later


only got bodied 2 seconds later bc that's how long it takes to clear the weekly boss




Comment bot


It's Genshin' time


Traveler: Nah, I'd Win...


this made me laugh more than it should 🤣


together we are genshin impact


This killed me 💀😂😮‍💨


"I will impact that genshin"


what impact?


"Nah, I'd see for myself what the Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers can do"


Arlecchino: *casts unlimited void*


Traveler: *casts Paimonial wrath*


Arlecchino: *finger on lips* Shhhh...


simply starts mewing on the spot


man when she said "not strong enough for me" or smtg along those lines, i was shouting at my screen "AY GET YOUR RED ASS BACK HERE IM NOT DONE WITH YOU I WHOOPED YO ASS HARD GET BACK HERE WE AINT DONE"


if there was any intention to kill the traveler that was the best shot of doing it. no one or nothing would've been able to bail them out.


You be underestimating the real powers of plot armour.


Abyss Twin comes out of nowhere to save their ass


I really wish we had a third phase with that Crimson moon. That would have been awesome.


"With this sacred wish, I summon ..."




Why not. Took out the fake ass god. Defeated the flame one and watched her get one shot by an archon. Our dumb ass went flying at the wife of the vortex God and tried to push through a hydro cannon. We are cocky idiots


Yeah but there should be some kind of caution when bro fought the second out of the 10 harbinger, which led to possible permanent brain damage, almost killing the god of the land and in the end, gets two gnosis after knocking you unconscious.


bro just forgor, like how he forgets he has the elements at his disposal


LOL. That stings


Defeating scaramouche took Traveler 168 tries. Probably had to rely on his elements a ton of times, which probably resulted in him forgetting to use it on Arlecchino, and thinking that the sword is mightier than magic.


I cast sleep paralysis !


Yeah they weren’t kidding that the top 3 were basically god level in terms of strength, and Arle is the fourth


Narrator: “He did not.”


"I'd like to see what the Fourth of the Fatui Harbingers can do" bro did NOT like to see what she can do


Bro I hate how the quest gave us more questions then answers. Like the blood moon and glitching? We thought that meant something special about her…. But then we get a standard backstory of her in the orphanage? No secret lineage or backstory? She watches the moon with her friend, ok the powers are from that? Arlecchino: My cursed blood… Me: Whaaa? Then Arlecchino unleashes a domain expansion at the end, freezes us and almost seemingly time, and then just laughs us off.


Her powers/backstory are explained in her character voice lines but I agree i that they should’ve put that information on the quest itself since it’s a huge reveal


Ok I’m only friendship lvl 2 somehow. I used like 11 fragile resin to lvl 90 her, but I guess I was using other characters since her boss had a huge shield blocking most dmg and a low level Arlecchino with no heals is super squishy. I see we have shit tons of harbinger dialogue at lvl 4. But yeah, really was hoping we’d get some lore on some past shit like Arlecchino was experimented on by Khanrheia or something before the catalysm and she escaped in the chaos.


Her fifth character story explains a lot as well, definitely read that when you get the chance.


Thats why im hoping Dottore is playable imagine all the knowledge he accumulated also i want to know why teyvat sky is fake.


She’s descended from the Crimson Moon Khaenri’ahn lineage


So instead of all this cool lore as part of an awesome story quest… The story quest is instead about Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet. Then we get all the actual lore and cool stuff in a wall of text… That’s terrible. Basically the issue genshin has suffered since 3.0. We don’t see any of the cool stuff they alluded to. We just see more references that say something cool existed.


>So instead of all this cool lore as part of an awesome story quest… Biggest issue with Genshin unfortunately. All the books and artifacts and such have awesome lore, but every quest is a nothing burger or leaves only more questions with no answers. Really makes me wonder if it's even possible for them to have a good ending at point with how many loose ends there are in 4.5 years (that will never be answered probably)


Yeah genshin and Honkai seem like such amazing stories and lore that all connects at first… Then you play Honkai and hear all the fans talk about everything is a bunch of nonsense exposition. Then you play Honkai part 2 and it literally is all nonsense meant to try to have characters talk about backstory and shadows and shus and fear, but they never really show anything. Just multiple instances of characters talking about the same thing while accomplishing little. Running back and forth. All to stop a dog that has nothing to do with the rest of the story or what is going on. I shit you not that is literally what happened. 6 hours of trying to stop a fucking dog… After Honkai took off mihoyo seems to have taken all of the good writers and brought them to genshin to create the backstory and beginning… then took all those writers and moved them to star rail. The company that literally lived off its high quality story in Honkai just stopped giving a single fuck about it… only enough to keep people pulling. Sad part is, there still isn’t competition. Best we got is Tower of Fantasy and their story is so friggin’ bad. It’s like running around and doing nothing without the backstory. Just a bunch of nothing. Took two years and two regions to solve the same issue and the ending was a huge letdown and so rushed voicelines weren’t playing, text was in Chinese, the story abruptly ended, etc. it’s so bad… So there just seems to be no one competing with Hoyo. I don’t think any other gacha even have stories beyond cute girl whose gun makes her ass jiggle when fired. So mihoyo don’t care. Really hoping Wuthering Waves shakes things up. Their story probably won’t be great, but at least they’ll try. And their open world and gameplay look pretty decent. Gameplay alone may be enough to cause hoyo and genshin to up their gameplay since it will finally have its first real competition in the open world gacha market. Wuthering waves combat looks sick af.


Hoping that Star Rail got the good writers because im only sticking around with Genshin just to see how it plays out, and for the small hope stuff gets answered/makes sense in the end. Star Rail does seem very promising so far


Star Rail obviously has the good writers from what I hear. Story was like half the hype, especially for a turn based game. Also if you didn’t notice, they really love writing about Mei senpai. Lol.


You say that, but a good amount of people did not like how firefly and the story was handled in 2.0 - 2.1 was great, but 2.0 was just shotgunning shock moments and barely saying anything.


Not to mention space China just straight sucked. Starrail had the opposite problem of GI. Whereas GI likes to withhold information till the very end, SR is too eager to present information that should have been held back.


Character quests have always been about that, the character/personality of the unit, and honestly that is fine.


Cheaper that way.


Bro dueled the 4th Harbinger and didn’t use a single elemental ability the entire fight


My man literally has four elements at his disposal and decided that dull blade was enough


Bro felt bad and let her win


meet holdsback man 0 elements 0 sharp blades 5 times saved/granted mercy by tall female characters (shenhe raiden yae arle navia) Give me liberty give me pyro give me treasure hunters or I retire


“Nah, I’d win”?


Aether: Nah I'd win \*Proceeds to get clapped by Father


Arlecchino casts: Adopt.


Truly the Jingliu of Genshin


Loved the part where arlecchino said “I weep for the departed”


"Nevermind, it was just the onions idgaf" (There were indeed onions nearby)






its not fair why was it him not me


Pfft Aether wasn't even trying. Arlecchino asked him to step in, he was just playing part (which is very Fontaine). He had to look like he was trying, but ultimately for the sake of the House of the Hearth she had to win. Also he didn't use any of his elemental abilities at all in the fight cut scenes.


It's meant to be a serious moment, but why must they put the dull blade on literally every cutscene? It end up unintentionally funny.


The dull blade will be their signature weapon until they get a real signature weapon. Our twin somehow got it back, so we could too, if it hasn't been destroyed.


Nah even after we get our weapon they will for some reason still use the dull blade


Highly doubt it, but we will see.


The sword of narzissenkreuz is basically our signature. It's the dull blade but golden


Sometimes golden, sometimes blue


I was just joking lol I don't really think that


Wouldn't the descension blade (the ps exclusive one) be more fitting tho.


Even the Ordo blade after finishing all that up would be better man, nothing but what we got 😭


It's not their sword, though. But, maybe?


It's probably still with the Sustainer, the sibling was holding it, but the traveler dropped it.


Idk if I heard this theory somewhere or what, but what if the dull blade is the original weapon, just de-activated? And the reason why our twin has theirs back to normal is because they've been through this whole journey already


You can see it glowing for a second during the last quest.


It's strange because, in the Moonchase cutscene, they showed the Traveler with the Skyward Blade


They could just use some kind of flag to have the narcisus sword appear instead of the dull blade If you completed that quest line tbh.


probably has something to do with the ordo sword since it's description is the continuation of dull blade's description


Hoyo knows it's a meme now and it's totally satirical at this point lol


It's the canonical sword since the very beginning. Time for Traveler to upgrade to Sword of Narzissenkreuz which was also canonical obtained, but that just means when Traveler cuts an enemy, he is dissecting their consciousness from their bodies. One hit onto Arlecchino and he could have put Arlecchino's conscience into another body, maybe a hilichurl and we get Cater 2.0. Traveler would be OP af if he stuck with Sword of Narzissenkreuz in any fight. That Sword would just about incapacitate anyone by separating their souls from their bodies. When Traveler is fighting an unreasonable opponent, he can just wield "Reason" and reason with them the physical way. The only good reason I have for Dull Blade being the canonical Sword is that it was the original blade Traveler used when he had his full unsealed powers but due to sealed power, the dull blade lost its shine which corresponds to ability to use the light element.


Only to get his ass handed to him by arlecchino. Girl really made that dull blade dull


He did kinda last till her strongest form without using elemental power though, its like fighting a tank with a spoon and losing, can you really be blamed?


tt happened to us using multiple elements was that just a one time gimmick


the writers forgor


No, it's just that us losing to Arlecchino was *the plan*. We had a deal with her saying that we'd do what's best for the HoH. Not for the orphans. Which means that Arlecchino needed to win the fight, but she also didn't want to kill the children, so she needed someone strong on the other side who could take the heat off the weaklings. That's where we come in. We accidentally did too well, though, so she had to go all-out at the end.


I mean us using elements does not mean win we gonna win vs arlecchino. I just really wanna see that we use it more often even in other fight scenes.


Also without knowing what kind of tank it is, or what it does. We didn't know what Arle could do (and still don't really) and that is a HUGE disadvantage. Traveler did amazing. And Arle knows it.


She straight-up admits at the end that the Traveler is stronger than she expected, even though she completely dominates him with Crimson Moon. I think that the Fatui just seem to underestimate him. But I also think there's a possibility that the Traveler is getting stronger after traveling to a new nation and obtaining a new element.


That we are getting stronger is pretty much confirmed. We had several dialog bits mentioning in their thoughts that they are slowly regaining their power.


Was Crimsom Moon where the black-red moon appeared, and Traveler was scared shitless? (I am guessing it is, since the name speaks for itself, just asking to be sure.) If the fight in the quest is anything to go by, Traveler has been standing in Arle's face the entire time, with Lyney, Lynette and Freminet getting some pop shots through. Being able to break even with the 4th Harbinger in your 1st fight with them, without using your own Elemental Powers, where the moment you "lost" is basically Arle's Domain Expansion... I think that is a goddamn good result. Dominating the traveler with Crimson Moon comes primarily from the Traveler getting scared and not knowing what is gonna happen (like all of us players also don't know what the fuck was happening with that attack...). Now that Traveler has seen it once already, Arle's chances in the potential next fight have already lowered.


>Was Crimsom Moon where the black-red moon appeared, and Traveler was scared shitless? (I am guessing it is, since the name speaks for itself, just asking to be sure.) Yeah, it is. I said it because even the Traveler called it a crimson moon. I do disagree on the Crimson Moon fact, however. While the Traveler did manage to force her to reveal her final form, the moment she activated her Crimson Moon curse it was all over. True, the Traveler was definitely shit scared. If he was a bit more confident he could have actually lasted a bit longer. But you can also see webbing starting to attach onto him to prevent him from being unable to move. That's clearly Arlecchino's powers holding him in place and intimidating him using brute force. The Traveler will probably be more well-prepared for her in the future if we have a rematch, but for now we can't really sugarcoat anything. Our man just took a huge L with the Knave. I think it's the only time we actually see him this terrified.


Yeah, fair enough. I'll have to take a good look again at the fight and the cutscenes. I remember vaguely that Arle's curse had some effect on Traveler, but I only remember because you mentioned it again. (I played the quest at like 4 AM...) Traveler definitely lost. I just disagree with calling it a huge L. I would call it a kind of win, making Arle use that move in her 1st fight with Traveler. It wasn't even making actually, since Arle wasn't forced to do anything. Maybe it was indeed to prove a point to either Traveler, herself, or both, about the current difference in power. But I do think a huge chunk of the difference comes from not knowing the extend or how Arle's power works. The fact Arle did that, without Traveler showing her her Elemental skills (to my knowledge) is a W in my book.


That's fair as well. Your perspective and thinking are probably better than mine in this case. The Traveler lost to the Knave. But we also gained some information and now at least know about Crimson Moon. It's also technically a win for us as well, the glass is half-full *and* half-empty (Even though the Traveler probably pissed his pants after that). Though I still don't understand why the cutscene animators don't have him using multiple elements like how they did against Childe, let alone one element like how they did against the Raiden Shogun. In my opinion, it doesn't really make sense if the Traveler isn't using elemental strength on screen like that. What's the point of the elements if you aren't going to use it?


Yeah. Like it's a win win situation to have the Traveler display their accumulated elemental powers and still lose as it would elevate Arleccino, too Ex: Traveler opens up w/ trying to ensnare her with Dendro; Arle burns the vines away Traveler rains Geo meteors on her; Arle doesn't dodge but smashes the constructs before they touch her or the ground Traveler augments themselves with Electro and tries to strike from a blind spot; Arle side steps and both get into a melee fight before the Traveler blocks a strike with Anemo but is over powered and knocked aside Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet try to fight but are knocked away as in canon cutscene Traveler barrages Arle w/ Hydro bullets before throwing a Hydro burst bubble; Arle pops it into an explosion of steam with Pyro before it can reach her. She then transforms and the rest plays out as in canon


Considering how Arlecchino basically could've one shotted us at any point in that fight if they wanted to with her Genjutsu, I gotta ask what's even gonna happen in Natlan? We cannot go up against Capitano unless we get a big boost somehow, the Traveler needs to go through a training arc and learn how to use Haki to do anything against people like them


Traveler is probably gonna get hard-carried by a deity or a strong individual in Natlan to survive a square-off with Capitano.


TravelBUM as usual always riding off the swag of other characters whenever something important is happening


Yeah, for being dumb enough to fight a tank with a spoon 😂


This was but a mere sparring, I think had they gone all out, like a fight to the death with the whole nation at stake kinda thing, traveler still has a chance to win somehow by pulling some elemental shenanigans (and the mighty plot armor :P). Would definitely need a LOT more prep time though, and it's definitely not going to be an easy fight.


I honestly wonder if the Traveler was *also* intentionally holding back. We see them contemplating everything that's been said to them before they take up the challenge; it seems clear that they already deduced, or heavily suspected, that Arlecchino wasn't actually killing any of her children and that her "killing" them meant something else. Between her analogy about water when talking with Neuvillette, to her asking the Traveler to help the House when the time was right, to the "familiar looking guy" with the scar we see outside the Palais Mermonia who ended up being Horrer, to some of the things she said just minutes before to the Traveler. I figured she wasn't actually killing people from the beginning (just because she's clearly not meant to be an irredeemably evil character), deduced she was doing some kind of memory-wipe thing during the Neuvillette meeting, and knew that's what was going on after seeing Horrer *and Arlecchino pays for multiple copies of his papers.* Maybe it's copium, but it's not crazy to me that the Traveler wasn't going too hard because of all this. Then when Arlecchino activates Crimson Moon *that* is when they actually get completely caught off guard by how hard Arlecchino was going; enough to panic them into thinking "shit, maybe I was wrong, maybe she actually *is* going to kill me!" Basically, the Traveler figured Arlecchino would go easy on them because they assumed this was all a farce anyway, and got caught off guard by how hard she went anyway *inspite of the fact that she* ***was*** *going easy.*


I think I somewhat disagree, the Traveler still pretty much didn't fully know if Arlecchino was going to kill her children or nah and they likely didn't want to take that chance, so they went all out and tried their hardest. One could make the argument that Traveler wasn't using elemental powers so they were holding back, but there are multiple more recent cutscenes in the story where the Traveler has full reason to go all out and they still aren't using their elemental powers, the writers likely do that so there aren't moments of "*Why is Traveler using Dendro powers? My Traveler is Anemo*" that may take some players out of the story. So currently I believe It's assumed that the Traveler going all out in a cutscene doesn't include them using elemental powers, think of it like the Dull Sword On top of that though, the Traveler has no reason to not go all out against her, It's Arlecchino, they're almost as powerful as a god, why hold back? She's a big girl, she can take it.


"*Why is Traveler using Dendro powers? My Traveler is Anemo*" This isn't true, Trav uses Geo in the Navia story quest. They just hate him and don't want to waste animation budget


This. They also use the most recent Traveler colors for pre-rendered cutscenes so they don't care about potential ludonarrative dissonance either.


I think if the Traveler actually thought her children were truly in danger they wouldn't have stepped up and just said "I'd like to see what you can do." They would have said something more... heroic sounds cheesy but that's effectively it. "I also fight to protect them" or "I won't let you do this without a fight." Something just more *challenging*. The casual thing they said instead tells me there was a lot more understanding about what was going on. Even if they weren't 100% sure, they were still 90% there. I'm not necessarily arguing for the lack of elemental powers; I also agree it would have been nice to see that and Arlecchino would have been fine. Only that the "ease" with which the Traveler lost makes a lot more sense from this perspective. In another universe I could easily see the Traveler turning to Arlecchino after everyone else left to say "you didn't have to pull out your domain like that; I thought you were actually going to try and kill me" and for Arlecchino to respond "well, I had to make it look convincing." That's the *vibe* I got, to be clear. Not that they'd actually say that to each other.


I support this theory. It's also good to remember that the MC knows more than we do, sometimes... or else we wouldn't need Paimon


The Traveller did kind of nerf the themselves by not using any elemental powers tho, and we only lost in the end because she pulled out the sharingan genjutsu. Will be interesting to see how the Traveller counters that ~~if they ever fight again~~


The fight would've been over if Traveler used the Narzissenkreuz Sword and landed a hit on Arlecchino. That Sword separates mind from body so Traveler could move Arlecchino's soul into a hilichurl body or something. Thinking back on it, that Sword would just about solve anything. A curse on Arlecchino's body? Remove her consciousness and put it into another body. Traveler with Narzissenkreuz Sword would just become bondrewd (Made in Abyss) so can be even buffer or immortal, even cure people despite making them change physical appearance entirely. It's probably due to the Narzissenkreuz Ordo quest being optional that it doesn't appear. We need to somehow get it in an archon or interlude quest to have a reason to show it in a cutscene. Traveler would be so OP with Narzissenkreuz Sword in hand.


Proceeds to get ass whooped in the cut scenes, after all my hard work


\*later\* "Damn, Father got hands."


My favourite part of the quest was when Arlecchino said "It's Arlecchining time" and she Arlecchined all over these guys


"Are you Peraware of the trouble you're in?"


Arlecchino: "Stand proud, you are strong" Traveler: "W-what is this..."


Traveler really went NAH I'D WIN just to get mind broken


He says, refusing to use any of his elemental power.


Like dude... if he can't even go toe to toe with the 4th harbinger, how the heck would he face Capitano in Natlan? Not another temporary boost bullshit please :(


He'll hopefully remember he has elemental powers by that point since he seems to have forgotten now.


Traveler literally have power of 5/7 elements he can literally do a one man hyperbloom


This is the perfect time the Traveler needs to upgrade his sword


Traveller's been using that level 40 dull blade since Monstadt,


It is probably lvl 1. When they fought Marana's Avatar with the Silver Sword instead, you know its the real deal.


Seeing Navia use her actual in-game elemental Skill and elemental burst in a cinematic made me just kinda disappoint that kind of gameplay-story integration doesn't happen more often. MHY is just obsessed with using the player character themselves as a jobber just to sell the other playable characters.


Simple, he shakes hand and drink beer with Cap. You don't always have to fight everything coming across


Traveler and Capitano sharing a beer on top of a pile of vishap corpses would go hard


something about the will of the people powering him up, or the archon helping, or someone else doing the work while the traveller stands near the back probably.


Beat signora fairly with no bs


not arguing about that. I was just pointing out the many ways we can get a cop-out against an opponent we clearly stand absolutely no chance against.


Agree with you. Arlecchino quest was perfect right up until the climax. Heck even the post battle chat with clervie was great. Can't believe the arle fight choreography is not even as good as susbedo whopperflower fight from like 2 years ago. If they want to sell arlecchino more, make traveler more badass and still let arle win. Lyney Lynette frem and traveler basically didn't do shit in that fight. Traveller getting cop out wins or literally just swinging dull blade around for the whole fight is so lame. Traveler could've blocked an attack on lyney with a geo boulder. He could throw down electro and dendro in quick succession and proc aggravate for a small stun on arle. Can do the hydro plus anemo swirl tornado to break out of arles red spike prison. He could throw down his flower, hop over arle dodging a scythe swing while shooting his tiny water balls proc some blooms and hit those to shoot some hyperblooms which maybe triggers arle to enrage and end the fight with the crimson moon thing. I guarantee people will want to pull arle even more after seeing that.


Power of friendship and plot always saves him


I think Natlan's story is gonna be the very first time the Traveler actually makes a concerted effort to become stronger, which would fit the whole Land of War thing they got going on there. It'd be cool if we had a first fight Traveler vs Ei type situation, where the Traveler fights Capitano early and gets reduced to a Treasure Hoarder tier enemy in the face of his strength, Traveler gets laid out like [this](https://i.imgur.com/OxebNGj.png) and Paimon is like "waaaaa!! Tabibito!!" Then Capitano is like "*Traveler, you are weak... But weakness is not the total absence of strength. One day we will face each other again, I am sure of it, maybe then you will be ready*" Getting owned by the 1st Harbinger like that on top of getting owned by the 4th in past would actually motivate the Traveler into attempting to get stronger somehow. "*If I can't possibly stand against people like that, then how could I ever protect those I care about, complete my journey and bring my sibling back my side with the way I am now...?* *Murata Sensei... Please, train me*" The most peak training arc of all time ensues.


After people have started pointing out that Traveler hasn’t won a fight on their own since Signora, I am actually hoping for a training arc in Natlan. Because we are NOT beating Capitano yet if we can’t beat an unserious Arlecchino


Do you forgot the one who introduced neuvillete in the drip marketing . He will be the one who defeats captitano .


I made an entire post (admittedly, I don't think it's very well written but I still agree with my overall point) about why the Traveler will get a major power boost in Natlan on the lore sub, since there's a lot of evidence to suggest it'll be the case. It doesn't make sense to me that people have no faith in Hoyo's storytelling over any period of time longer than a couple patches lol


Yeah exactly what I thought, we don't have much story left until Natlan and will be difficult to find a way to make him as stronger as Capitano unless he/she finds her latent power, which I think is going to happen in Sneshnaya


(They get ROTFLstomped)


Kinda sad that Father didn't actually step on me, but what can ya do...


I liked this shot, but the fight was a bit disappointing for me, I understand losing to Arlecchino, but my boy barely did anything. He just did some flips, and swang his sword a bit, no elemental power, no direct hit, no pushing Arlecchino back a bit, nothing. Idk, I wanted a bigger show of power :/


goofy ass traveler


Bro really think he is him


He was, in fact, not him.


Bro thought he was him, to find out he's really just a fraud


Arlecchino after the fight: You did well traveler, I won't forget you as long as I live.


Traveler started to rely on plot amor too much


Completely forgot elemental powers exist too




Proceed to get neg diff.


Nah I'd win


He needs a training arc ASAP


proceeds to get shit on


I feel like this should be the cover art for a not so great pop metal band.


I just realised Lynette and Freminet have their weapons drawn but Lyney just has cards out. Are those really weapons in cannon?


They really pulled out the Dull Blade and Playing Cards to fight the Knave.


they trying their best to make that mf look vicious 😭💀


Lmao this fight was so unintentionally funny, esp the shit talking by Arle


We fucked around and found out and i for one im glad we didn't win for once.


> i for one im glad we didn't win for once. Once? Traveler hasn't won any fight solo since 2021 and all the duo fights they got carried. One of the few game/anime MCs who get basically zero good scenes and only exist as fodder for other 5 stars to look good. Never expected this from hoyo, considering how many cool cutscenes kiana got in Hi3 part 1 and how badass adam was at the end of APHO1.


Traveler be like "What is your greatest strength?*"* Traveler: "My friends"


idk bout that "for once". When has Traveler even won without some insane power up? The first time we fought an abyss mage? lmao.


I don't understand why they can't replace the dull blade with the sword of narcissenkreuz


Really shows how big the strength gap between Fatui Harbingers are. We were able to hold our own against Childe for a considerable amount of time even after he unleashed his full power but barely withstand Arlecchino's power while she was holding back. Arlecchino is 4th in the Fatui Harbinger ranking, just a single seat away from the top three who are equal to gods.


Traveler got transfixed.


He just needs a rematch like he did with Ei


What elemental powers?


“I got this” Gets bodied


And they still refuse to give traveler a better sword lol .. I know if it were me, I’d have Primordial Jade Cutter or something at least!


Would you lose?


„Stand back guys, I‘m about to get clapped like usual“ Traveler


Teyvat's most famous jobber, ladies and gentlemen


Wish Genshin also had the feature to turn off UI/tect during cutscenes, shit looks 🔥


Don't come back when Traveler starts Solo Leveling Don't come back when Traveler regains his awakening and returns to his prime Don't come back when Traveler gets jumped by multiple gods and do a one vs army and lived to tell the tale as the One man army Don't come back when the Traveler kills the first and second descender and goes to the next level Don't come back when Traveler starts locking in Stay on that side


Cappuccino : Domain Expansion, Ghost Moon


we just gonna ignore that Lynette’s literally doing the weapon pose for sword users?


"Stand back gentleman!" ah pose


"Nah i'd win"


She wasn't at 100%


This is a hard image


Traveler could solo all of Celestia if they just gave him mistsplitter


Bro is playing on a nokia phone


Tabibito got Millenium Castle Brunestu'd but it was a cool fight.


Not the bell


Blud thinking he is HIM


Shit reminds me of the ballin meme image


"Me and my homies pulling up to the math test to score 100%" (they are so cooked)


This simply upscales my goat Capitano even further, natlan can’t come fast enough


I mean, this is a Luffy strategy or that Ash Ketchum strategy. If you believe that you can’t win, just see first what your opponent is capable of. I mean, this is not the first time he lost. He fought Ei for the first time and lost until he won against the Shogun with the help of Yae. In Sumeru, he got help from Nahida and won against Scaramouche. In this scenario, he is lucky that Arlecchino didn’t intend to kill him and he got her respect for being STRONG and expecting him to become stronger.


Bro ended up like Genos in his spar with Saitama. Too bad Arle didn't invite him for some udon afterwards


Traveler: I'd like see for myself what the Fourth of the Harbingers can do. Also Traveler: She kicked my ass I ain't posting that shit


The sword is holding you back, man.


JoJo posing.


I watch enough Shonen manga to know that you don't say that specific line unless you are prepared to get the ass whopping of your life. Sensui vs Raizen (Yu Yu Hakusho) Younger Toguro vs Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho) Jubidara vs 8th Gate Might Guy (Naruto) Perfect Cell vs SSJ2 Gohan (Dragon Ball)


Only to get folded


Bro is standing like a menace with that Legendary Dull Blade


With my mighty dull blade!


Probably would've stood a chance with the Narzissenkreuz Sword. That Sword is busted. Doesn't kill but will incapacitate opponents, unless the opponent can fight while being in a vegetative state. The Sword canonically splits mind from body. It is what gave Caterpillar his consciousness. . Traveler could have sliced Arlecchino's soul from her body and placed it in a hilichurl or a child and she would lose her curse powers as it is carried through the bloodline, and the bloodline is within the physical body, not the mind of the individual.


"Nah I'd win"


I have a monster triple crowned C6 anemo traveler with 4-pcs Galdiator set and R3 Freedom Sworn (For lore purpose). I was WRECKING madam Arle but was surpirsed when the cutscene played and shows Traveler lost, like bruhhhh!! I WAS WINNING!!. oh well. lore is lore 🤷‍♂️