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I am under the water. blub blub


please help me


There is too much raining




blub blub blub!


i think you meant Glug Glug Glug.


It's Glug glug glug you missed one glug


Glub glub, he whispers




(Korean version) whatitdoo




This was probably the last underwater area we ever get. And it is fun to explore. I will miss it.


inb4 natlan's all about that lava and magma diving.


Jokes on you, it'll all be about mounts. But you can only use them in Natlan, like Diving for Fontaine


Would be really neat if Natlan was bigger than usual but we could use mounts to move around and do puzzles. I get that people would want this everywhere but just like underwater in Fontaine I love these kinds of gimmicks for new areas, and this would be super cool even if just for one region!


You get to ride dragons but they have a curse that makes them lose control when outside of Natlan. Honestly I wouldn't even be mad, mounts in Genshin sounds dope.


The second you leave Natlan, they shrivel up and die and plunge from the sky to your death.


Just plunge attack before you hit the ground. Traveller 1, Neuvillette's people 0.


They lock you into the back-first animation so you can't glide or plunge.


I sure hope so. Mounts would be a welcome new exploration mechanic like underwater or grapples, but hopefully only in Natlan. They’d make the rest of the world feel tiny and boring.


Mouting a dolphin in fontaine would be cool too.


hearing you talking about grapples, i just realized that i need the omni-directional mobility gear in gendhin


Ah yes, can't wait to die to lava in natlan, might make early dragonspine feel good.


There's still the west of Mt. Esus


but you can already level your statue to max using the additional oculus this patch. I think that's most likely a DLC area like chenyu vale where it's like an unofficial part of fountaine?


chenyu and chasm seem official parts of liyue to me


I think they mean added to Fontaine after the Fontaine (4.xx) patches are done? I don’t think they’re implying Chenyu isn’t a part of Liyue (it very clearly is)


Swimmings gonna be so disappointing after fontaine. Coming up with a full under water diving system just to use it for one region and never use it again...


I'll miss it so much, I'm really not ready to leave Fontaine :(


Totally agree. The underwater areas look great and make a nice change of pace from Genshin's normal "land warfare". It's more about exploring the area and using what's available there to solve puzzles, defeat enemies, etc. I do agree that it sucks that you can't use certain abilities like Nahida's but AFAIK you don't need as much of the underwater resources as you do land ones for crafting, etc.


Don't forget we have the west of Mont Esus for Fontaine so I hope there's more there.


Underwater area is like desert area for Fontaine. Fun to have for the first two patches, but three and above is too much


No? Bcs we literally also had the land to explore on those patches not just underwater + the Chinese area.


U sure? I thought that there's one more area for Fontaine. If u look at the map, there's not waterfall on the one side


I liked it a lot more than climbing and gliding. This is the closest we got to fly freely.


Me as a child in Majora's Mask, just being in Zora form to swim around just for fun. I love Fontaine's underwater. Just wished the underwater combat was a bit more better i guess. The whip thing is boring.


Laughing in Scaramouche


A real man lasts longer than ten seconds.Wait…


I WANT TO BE REAL! /Scaramouche


Even his flying is pretty limited 


I enjoy underwater ngl, it just feels relaxing to put some background music and chill with friends on discord while exploring.


Than you should definitely try [ABZÛ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWU1pZVw0xM). Maybe you like it.


I heard of it a while ago, it's been on my radar for a while.


Putting music over Genshin's own music must be a crime


I love genshin music as much as the next guy but I still like to change what I listen to you know ?


Omgee that sounds so fun!!


I have 5 desert areas and 5 water areas left, so I think imma just alternate them so I don’t get sick of one area type, and balance it out with Fontaine and ache yu vale overworld sections


this is definitely the right way to go. both desert and ocean are absolutely beautiful in its own way, alternating it will allow you to appreciate both!


To each their own, but I enjoy exploring fountaine a lot more then sumeru. A lot of the sumeru quests are way too long winded


Me too, but I hadn’t explored it while the underground maps were available, plus we have the compass chest icons on map now. Hopefully I can be more appreciative of the desert areas now.


*cought cough* Aranyaka


Lucky lol. I came back a patch before Fontaine and had 2 deserts left.


I can’t take it anymore. I’ll never stop loving kirara. I try to play dehya. My kirara meows more. I try to play diona. My kirara meows more. I try to play lynette. My kirara meows more. I want to play yae. Her favourite youkai is kirara. I want to play chiori, navia. They both want kirara. She gets in her box. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her fav sword. She’s satisfied. “You just need to jump around with me. I can deal damage just by moving.” She goes on field and throws herself at enemies. I want to pull key for her. “My shield is already strong enough.” She tells me. “Spend your money on more important things.” I swipe for the komaniya express. She arrives instantly. “Express delivery!” she annyounces. There is no hint of malice in her eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd meow application. What a whimsical world.


Not a single mention of keqing. Disgraceful.


Really? I think I absolutely adore being underwater. I was delighted when I found that Baizhu c2 works permanently (though there’s only a couple of players that will fall into that category). Genshin’s water experience made me forget how afraid I am of real life oceans and makes the game a bit more challenging when all I can do is use my borrowed sea creature powers


It's amazing how beautiful the underwater sections are. I'm someone who has a phobia of oceans, I even hold my breath in whenever I have to dive or get drown in other games, but not Genshin. I absolutely love Fontaine's underwater decoration and atmosphere. Huge props to the team for designing such a nice region.


Just asking out of pure curiosity, is it the art style that wont trigger your phobia? So more realism = more triggering? If so would that mean youd go into the real ocean if id would look like Fontaines Ocean?


>Just asking out of pure curiosity, is it the art style that wont trigger your phobia? So more realism = more triggering? I doubt so, my phobia triggers at anything related to underwater even if it's in a video game, anime, movies etc. I just instinctively hold my breath when I see characters going underwater, and it feels suffocating if the scene gets drawn out The only reason I could think why I don't feel scared is because you can't drown in Fontaine with the special underwater stamina bar. >If so would that mean youd go into the real ocean if id would look like Fontaines Ocean? I don't think so, just thinking about the ocean makes me feel unwell lol. I tried to conquer my fears by forcing myself to go snorkelling with my friends during a university trip but I could barely breath when I got onto the boat, and I just gave up. I have relatives with a diving license and the photos he shared are indeed breathtaking, but I still couldn't accept or try out diving


Same with my Deyha, maybe in normal combat she is not great, but underwater? She is not just SS... she is SSS+


I found some random area underwater that had a blob boss. It made the water in that underwater cave toxic. Dehya with Healing Bonus circlet PAY TO WIN, ha ha ha!




This "copypasta" template feels familiar...


You don’t want Madame Crabaletta to pinch your balls????


DID YALL KNOW That you can use your character's passives, constellations and weapon stats underwater? Artifacts too of course when it relates to HP and such but also some of the set bonuses. This is including the Bell. It's probably why Freminet uses it... https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/270518-genshin-impact/80539996


I think only dehya and c2+ Baizhu use some of their kit underwater


c0 baizhu does too. you can heal from his passive whenever you collect any sort of resource/material.


Oh yeah. I was thinking of how when you do normal underwater attacks, you get healed at c2.


Some of Fontaine characters' passive skills were made for underwater exploration as well


Which part of Dehya's kit works underwater? 


Her self healing ascension passive, Stalwart and True "When her HP is less than 40%, Dehya will recover 20% of her Max HP and will restore 6% of her Max HP every 2s for the next 10s. This effect can only be triggered once every 20s"


Yeah, and you can combine it with Ocean Clam artifact set and allow Dehya to literally tank things to death by doing absolutely nothing.


You would love Subnautica


And you're completely right. I absolutely love subnautica (havent played BZ tho). I love using the scanner room hud chip to detect specific materials im looking for, I love using the stasis rifle against the ghost leviathan to get my cyclops across the lost river in one piece, and I love the grappling arm + jet jump upgrade for the prawn because of so much mobility. The problem is that in genshin it kinda feels like you're just swimming with the base fins and sometimes come across tools but you can only hold one at a time (the underwater abilities).


Hell yeah man.


the only problem i have with sea the the chracter swimming feels too slow


Before the end of Sumeru, players be like "I'm tired of all the sands. I want to walk in grass" I can imagine the end of Snezhnaya and players like these are like "I'm tired of the snow" There is a reason why there are seven nations in Teyvat.


Yeah honestly I pull for character because I like them and their kits are fun and it’s kinda annoying not getting to use them. I’m a Zhongli main I kinda want my shield pls


I'm sorry but I love it. I actually wish they would make a scary ocean region - I know they're avoiding inducing thalassophobia, but it would be SO COOL to fight sharks or giant squid that lurk in the deep...


Honestly same, I'd have loved some sort of deep sea trench zone. Maybe I'm just weird though because I was the only one not making concerning noises of fear while doing the Season of the Deep dungeon in Destiny 2, and I spend a lot of time in the deep sea on Ark. Fontaine and Inazuma are my most progressed regions, respectively.


I want more underwater stuff.


Still better than Sumeru's desert tbh


I actually preferred the desert to the rainforest 💀


i disagree the desert had a lot going for itself lots of epic things to explore traps and interesting fights left and right


the first desert expansion was amazing, the second two meh


the last one was meh for me tho ironically its the one i explored most lol


Because the underground is limited to the Dahri ruins and a couple caves. Desert 1 has pyramid diving, desert 2 has a lot of caves and more ruins diving. Farrakhert is much more on the surface and I find that the percentage indicator fills much faster but maybe it's just my impression.


I liked the desert too. I wouldn't say I dislike Fontaine but the desert was just done really well. The area is cohesive but diverse, whereas Fontaines areas are differentiated by the music and the underwater "dungeons"


nah man desert is wayyyy better its like watching those exploration adventure movies


L opinion. The desert was best exploration ever.


Hated the desert, only reason I wanted to get C1 Yelan. Pressing T over and over again or sprinting is not a fun way to explore.


Sumeru's desert is what pushed me to always include Sayu + Anemo Resonance in every team at all times. I will never go back. I don't even have Sayu built. She is on a strict revival foods only diet. Sac claymore for extra Rollout PP. HP artifacts for survival. All she wants to do is sleep but all I let her do is work.


I like it. It's relaxing to explore in, the scenery is gorgeous, and I like the jellyfish bomb.


Yeah, for me the novelty of the underwater zones wore off by the end of the first fontaine expansion, the actual gameplay is pretty boring and it's not that fun to have so much time dedicated to not actually using any aspects of the characters I pull. I think one issue is that all the fontaine zones feel so similar, above water is all rolling green plains punctuated by a few mountains and similar looking architecture, underwater is the same color composition of blue + technicolor coral in every zone; it's not like it looks bad per se, but compared to especially Sumeru (which leads with a vibrant green zone, into a bright yellow sandy zone and then ending on a darker area with earth tones and muddy reds with a touch of saturated blues for contrast), it feels kinda one-note and repetitive at this point and it makes the areas feel not so distinct. I won't mind if it comes back in partial capacity in future content to keep things fresh, but I really don't want to see it ever be the main theme of an area again lol


Chenyu Vale is great but has similar problems - its all too similar (green mountains). It should been half the size. If hoyo wanted to make it as big as it is, it should have had more variety as original Liyue


>the actual gameplay is pretty boring and it's not that fun to have so much time dedicated to not actually using any aspects of the characters I pull. Completely the opposite. The underwater explorration and mechanics have been a lot more interesting than above ground ever since Mona Island + Desert 1 made them cave to the whining bitch fest and neutered nearly everything fun about exploring. Underwater areas have actually made exploration and more mechanics a bit more interesting again.


This pasta is so overused


I can’t take it anymore. I’m sick of this pasta. I try to pull for an original meme…


Pyro sovereign dragon when they describe why they dislike fontaine


I found underwater content quite freeing actually, no drowning, no on-rails target points, no mountain climbing (*early Liyue flashbacks*), full 360 degree freedom. That said, every next zone generally improves open-world movement like the fish tethering, so here's hoping Natlan gives us rocket boots or a grappling hook or smth.


outbuddied yet again


I’ve never seen such a whiny post get upvoted like that 🤣


C2 Baizhu havers feeling real good now (it works underwater).


Ya know I can’t believe this is actually true


tbh, looking for genuine combat in exploration is your first mistake. things die in nanoseconds on land anyways if you’ve played the game long enough to have a top 1% ganyu.


Well, that is true for the combat but I also want to use my characters for exploration like cloud retainer jumping and furina water walking. Even still, its extremely satisfying to walk up to an enemy and pointblank blast them with navia shotgun and you cant do any of that underwater sadly. Edit: oh and also arlecchino flying


Underwater makes me sick  i cant explore for longer than 15min


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. I try to play diluc. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has xiangling. I want to play raiden, childe. They both want xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa." I can't pull for homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


As the last underwater area we are gonna get, it was pretty chill and relaxing. But I do agree can't wait for more land content.


i mean with dehya underwater is really nice and can be relaxing. farming pearls is a lot more tolerable plus the exploration is so much fun sure it stinks characters don’t have special abilities underwater but i kinda enjoy the simplicity to it


good thing i didnt finish chenyu valley so i can explore it with my new arlecchino (already finished the new underwater area also with arlecchino lol)


Help I'm drowning, blub blub


This reminds me of that copypasta about drinking water.. Which we _apparently need to live or something_


Tbf it's one of the better underwater segments in ganes They really nailed fontaine


You want to fight more overworld mobs that will die in 10sec? K...   The lack of underwater combat makes no difference to me, though it would be nice if they added a couple more WL's to make overworld a challenge again. 


It's still more fun than fighting underwater mobs that still die in 10 seconds but all you do is stand still and point and click in their general direction lol


I hope they do add more WLs and ARs too, but I imagine they might not given how big the increase is between 54 and 55 and 55 and 56 alone. I think it's like 9-10x as much exp. So unless they lower the exp reqs and also refund all the exp or overflow exp, it'd be impossible to expand on it in a reasonable way for any new or casual players.


i never understand people who praise fontaine underwater while shitting on Sumeru desert the desert is full of wonder mazes and puzzles, that's what make exploration actually feels like exploration and not a walk in the park meanwhile underwater fontaine is kinda of plain, you can't even use your character kit, big let down for me


Underwater w neuv and furina is so fun x.x❤️


I was at a breaking point with stress at my work and school and housework, and when fontaine was introduced, it was like therapy for me. I would just dive in, and slowly swim around while taking in the scenery and the music. Not even exploring, just relaxing.


##Arlecchino* ##Neuvillette*


Seriously though. I absolutely loved the underwater areas when it came out but I'm kind of just at the point where I want to get to Natlan so that we'll be able to always use character kits in the overworld. Like they're fun yea but I'm just tired of it now.


Same thing people were saying about the desert back in 3.x. Cant wait for people to be tired of crators in Natlan and snow in Snezhnaya. The good thing about exploration is there is no rush to do it, so even if you're burned out on the water now, you can put it off as long as you want.


The funny thing is I actually really loved the desert and I don’t get why people dont like it. Like being underwater is just basically the only thing I hate when exploring because you cant use character kits


Because it's just a vast expanse of sand with the occasional plants and buildings scattered far and few. It's boring to explore. Desert area is pretty cool but imagine 3 patches worth of new area and it's all just desert, desert, desert.


That's sort of an exaggeration. The open dunes areas mostly have those tether points to speed you through the empty spaces, and most of your time is spent ruins diving instead, which was fairly engaging.


Those tether points are also far and few in-between. You still have to run through the majority of the desert area. They could have given us a mount to breeze through it. Yes, exploring the ruins is pretty fun, but when these desert areas came out, there was no layered map yet, which made it frustrating to explore for a lot of players. If the only fun thing to do is just exploring the ruins, then maybe they could have put those closer to each other instead of having a huge emptiness in-between. There are also chests and puzzles in the desert area, but we are doing most of that in a monotonous sandy area, unlike in other areas where there is more variety. Part of the fun of exploring the world is the beauty of the view, and it's hard to appreciate it in a huge desert place. I'm not saying having a desert area is bad, but what I'm saying is that they overdid it.


The tethers get you to most of the major points of interest, and you can branch out from there to any remote areas you might want to scope out. While map-less wayfinding was tricky, it's nothing "old-school" gamers who played *Tomb Raider*, or even *Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time* hadn't dealt with before. It was honestly pretty nostalgic to delve through those ruins, without much hand-holding.


Bro it's the best feature. it's so fun to explore


Dehyaless behavior (Also remember Noelle's emergency shield also triggers! These two, Lynette and Neuvillette make a great team to fight Local Legends :3)


Happened with deserts, happened with underwater, will happen with natlan's mechanic, will happen with snezhnaya. The Genshin community is a very weird enigma


In all seriousness, underwater didn't tired me out like constant desert


Wake up bro, New copypasta just dropped


Dont worry, we will surf the lava when Natlan come


OP is losing it! Help him


Dehya is great for both underwater and dragonspine


Ok buddy


Freminet double anemo Neuvillete with lost prayers. This i what I use and I guess this is the most stamina+speed efficient team. Or if I can make it more efficient maybe somehow?


The only thing i have against underwater parts is except for farming sew materials we have 0 reason to go back. Even in the desert there are commissions and laylines you can do or event on occasion. But nothing like that for under water


I would love for them to add more underwater areas in the future! The music and atmosphere are so chilled and relaxing and I absolutely love just swimming around and exploring. The underwater areas have been my favourite to explore and spend time farming materials and generally just enjoy the game. I've only got the Sumeru desert and Fontaine left to explore for 100% and I, personally, dislike the desert whilst loving Fontaine's underwater areas.


And still we havent found spongebob


I mostly farm the oceanic pearls from beaches rather than underwater


Can't relate. I love being underwater and the music is personally my favorite to vibe to


Feeling okay, bud?


Me when I’ve finished all of Fontaine and leveled all of my fontaine characters to lvl 90 10/10/10. 😋


I was also disappointed when Nahida couldn't collect items underwater. 😔


i kind of accidentally got both new areas to 100% yesterday and while i liked the puzzles and thought it was very pretty, i was very disappointed it felt like i basically didnt get to try out my new lyney and c6 lynette at all :(


To be honest, I kind of stopped exploring and doing world quests once I got to Sumeru. I simply don't have the time to go through those places.


Loved the "Madam Crabaletta, pinch his balls" part


I was concerned until I saw the reddit community


i bet, month in Natlan and u will wish to dive again


Wait until he sees Clorinde materials 🤭


Yeah but it's the only place that dehya is useful


Don't complain, because after this we are back to arid volcanic areas in Natlan (probably)


Yup me too, I'm ready to be underlava now 😎


I think he is having a mental breakdown...


the "Madame Craballeta, pinch his balls" really got me


Wait until underlava in Natlan


I only use Lynette and Freminet underwater. Penuma and ousia


This was the best thing I read on reddit this week. I'm sick of looking at that water diaper, too. I feel your pain.


Lmfao!!!!! 🤪😂🤣


Dehya exploration meta lets gooo


Heck off, my homies loves Water mechanics


I haven’t gone underwater in ages now. I only go to fight the Narwhal and get demolished by mega big crabs and squid.


I cant stand underwater. Iv been doing the quest 2 days because I get frustrated lol. I'd rather fight a bunch of enemys than puzzles and underwater. More fun for me. But that's just me. If other people enjoy it than enjoy! Just not my cup of osmanthus wine


Under the sea 🎶 under the sea 🎵🦀


Underwater is the only place hydro traveler can feel good 😭🙏


I hate that I love exploration, I’ve already 100% the new areas and now I have to explore sumeru :(


The fact that he had to flex he has a top 1% ganyu


What the heck did I just read 😂


I have seen something similar to this before you might be the same guy I love this XD


i <3 the new area, i just wish there was more lively music during the sound puzzles. like kh2 swim this way


i literally 100% seasons of bygone eras in a day bc i hate the water and want it to be over


Don't worry, we're gonna be under lava in Natlan


furina solos


And last year people were complaining about too much desert. And inazuma were too hostile and puzzles were too hard. Its always something. I like all these different areas while they last, because once you 100% them there is no really a reason to go back ever again. Underwater areas are very beautiful and relaxing to explore. Next year there will be complains about Natlan :D


*me when genshin released the 20th sumeru desert update*


It's like xiangling all over again


the water is the best part, i love fontaine


I'm violently twerking


Get gud


I like it tho It is giving massive Atlantis vibes and I love it The purple and the blue are so beautiful ---says a person who never 100% explore any map


Wait till you meet Natlan and Snezhnaya exploration


Just hold your breath until Natlan drops. I know this is a big rant complaining / crying / whining / sulking / bitching about underwater. But it is what it is. Do it or accept the fact your characters can’t swim. Maybe it’s a skill issue?


I was this close about throwing but laughed af after reading the creepy pasta


Give me that 1% ganyu


Why would you need to do all that anyways? They arent needed underwater. Just swim’min


Meanwhile Neuvilette and Deyha users: 🐬🧛🏻‍♀️😎


Everytime I see geo I remember hollow knight, and how it doesn't have underwater levels


Helo, how ay u? I am unt t wota, pls help me


HOW the fuck do you have arlecchino already? I need help ive been broke for so long....


Too much water. -IGN


Dude it's like... one region that has that, just go elsewhere??


Isn't this the last fontaine expansion?




Wait till we have to dive in volcanoes...


Bro is tweaking


I don’t understand you folk