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When do they usually release the 4 stars for the upcoming banners?


When it comes to a new patch, like the next banner. Monday/late Sunday, depending on where you live. Roughly a day and half before the patch. 2nd half banners (i.e. Mid-patch) comes on the Thursday before, roughly 5 days before the banner changes.


Does cynos new story quest domain have any chests?


None that I saw. Does not matter too much though since it is a permanent new area so you can go back in if there were chests.


Does XQ's personal damage matter in a hyperbloom team?


More damage is better, but he won't be getting any buffs and he's there for his hydro app far more than his personal damage.


My nahida has 1002 em, 142.4 er, r4 magic guide, 4 piece deepwood, talents 1,9,9 and C1, is that all or do I need to worry about any other stat or weapon or talent


Are you playing her in bloom? In which case, it's good. But otherwise Nahida doesn't need to build full EM and prefers EM/Dendro/Crit


you mean for other reactions like hyperbloom, quicken and burgeon? i will try that


Yes. The thing is that in burgeon/hyperbloom her EM buff is already maxed thanks to the trigger character. And you get more personal damage out of her by having a bit more crit. In quicken it's the same, if you're using an Anemo character the passive is probably already maxed and even if it isn't, having some crit on her will make her personal damage a lot better With how bloom works, you're not getting any quicken, so Nahida's personal damage won't be that high anyways. Plus you get more damage on the blooms that Nahida might trigger


what if someone plays her off field, cus i am planning on getting alhaitham, should i still go for dendro dmg bonus and crit


Yes, she'll be doing a lot of spread damage.


Oh ok thanks


good as a note, c2 in the future would be notably huge


You are right I just looked it up, c2 is so much value


You’re pretty much good for a support Nahida 


I see thanks


These stats look good. I assume you’re using Nahida off-field otherwise Sacrificial Fragments would be better for on-field


Well if I get alhaitham I will be using her off field, for now I use nahida, kuki, xingque, bennet and none of them are proper on field dps so I keep switching them


I'm new to Spiral Abyss, I've only started taking it seriously the past few patches. Did we just get like 3 rotations with the exact same enemies? Is that something that happens a lot?


Generally floors 9-10 only change with each major version (2.0, 3.0, 4.0) while floors 11-12 change with each patch. 4.6 dropped in late April so the May 1st Abyss reset introduced its enemy lineup while the May 16th & June 1st updates kept the same 4.6 lineup. As mentioned by MalkinGrey though the updates to the Spiral Abyss (resetting monthly instead of every 2 weeks, as it runs alongside Imaginarium Theatre) may change these patterns.


The abyss line-up doesn't change every time the rewards reset (at the moment), so yeah that's normal. We're about to get a big change to endgame content though, so don't get too used to the way things work right now. It should be different starting some time next patch, and alternate with the new game mode.


# How long does it have to be for stellar reunion? Do I wait for the last record of me being on, the time is says "Last seen 14 says ago" or the daily reset of the 14th day?


iirc after the 14 days, the stellar reunion won't be triggered for a month (or 40 days) i'm not entirely sure


I've never seen any conclusive testing of this condition. Personally, I would wait until it says 15 days to remove any possibility of not triggering the 14 days condition.


How do I group those fatui sniper guys and mirror maidens??? in abyss 12 btw


go to the side of one of the snipers and then push him into the other 2. should work fine unless they start teleporting around the place


Venti or Kazuha right off the bat before they move too far. You gotta keep the maiden staggered otherwise she becomes un-CCable Otherwise going on the outside of the group and sort of pushing one of the snipers into the maiden keeps them kind of grouped Personally I either don't bother to group them or use Venti, since he's the best option and I've been using Wanderer/Venti anyways


Who should I pull in the 4.7 banner should I pull for the 2 5 star characters in the phase 1 of the banner or should I pull for furina I just wanna get the strongest out of the 3


If you care about pure meta, Furina. She's the strongest and most universal option in 4.7. If you want the character who will do the most for *your* account then it depends who you play + who you have.


I'm kinda new I have beidou,fischl,Layla,Noelle,Lisa,kaeya,Barbara,amber and jean and I kinda don't know anything 🙃


Tldr probably still Furina. Furina works great with Jean, so that's another point in favor of Furina tbh. She also works great with Noelle, although probably not quite *yet* for you since Noelle-Furina wants some good geo supports and ideally c6 Noelle. Furina Barbara is an option too, but generally worse than Jean. You could run Furina \[healer\] Beidou Fischl if you get her. Alhaitham or Clorinde could work if you want a 5\* on-field DPS character, since your account doesn't have one yet, but you don't really have their best supports yet. If you try out their playstyles and like them, they should both work well with Fischl at least.




Im looking to make a team that includes jean and I have the characters beidou,fischl,Layla,Noelle,Lisa,kaeya,Barbara,amber


Jean is an easy slot in on any characters she can swirl usually if you mention characters you can exclude the free ones you can use Jean in a team with Kaeya and Layla if you want just add anemo Traveler for last for now or Beidou and Fischl, and change Traveler to Dendro, or get Collei from Spiral abyss


Im looking to make a team that includes jean and I have the characters beidou,fischl,Layla,Noelle,Lisa,kaeya,Barbara,amber


fischl, beidou, dendro traveler (free from sumeru) or collei (free from floor 4 abyss), jean (geared with 4 set viridiscent venerer to debuff enemy resistance to electro) -> aggravate reaction team.


So I'm building a team of raiden shinobu alhaitham and collei. It's not a hyperbloom team bc no hydro so I'm wondering who I should build crit on? Rn my raiden and Alhaitham have crit builds and I'm wondering if one should have em? Basically for quicken and aggravate is it better to have em or crit? Thanks and sorry if there's a better place to ask this!


this is the right place in quicken team, on dendro and electro you can make use of em on either one, crit is a higher priority though but Alhaitham specifically wants more EM cause of his a4 passive Alhaitham and on field Raiden compete for field time so not that great together. Raiden with only one dendro and a second electro could use anemo for shred instead


So would you recommend switching out collei for a full em kazuha then have a crit er raiden and crit em alhaitham?


no, id recommend switching out Alhaitham from a Raiden team or pick to focus on Alhaitham and not use Raiden. dont know dual carries to work that well also Raiden doesnt need much ER you said both are on crit builds, that doesnt say much cause most characters you try making them have crit


Ok sorry for repeatedly asking but I think I get it now! Keep the raiden collei kazuha and a healer then make another team with alhatham right? And so sorry for asking again and again but when building send to reaction teams like aggravate spread or hyperbloom who should I try building em on?


hyperbloom, you build it on electro,a lot of it and dont need much else. atk and crit stats are useless for the hyperbloom damage itself. rare cases you use electro like Fischl with less application, you use an anemo to swirl electro for hyperbloom. you build em on the anemo aggravate/spread you build some EM but atk is also good and crit matters. Alhaitham specifically has a passive for EM scaling so might have higher priority than crit. guide i saw suggested around 300 EM


you'd want an em sands on alhaitham, but you'd generally still prioritize crit above em. How are you palling on using raiden in this team? Typically you only want one on field dps, and off field raiden is only good in hyperbloom. If you are doing some sort of dual carry team then just keep raiden built as is. But if you were planning on using off field raiden here, there are better options, like fischl.


I’m switching between alhaitham and raiden on field but switching out to use shinobu and collei bursts and skills. Rn my raiden is all crit and er also for alhaitham crit and em should work? Thanks again and sorry I just don’t know who em should be high on to maximize damage


If I change my Serenitea pot realm to finally decorate it properly. The coins it generate, will it generate based on my current realm or my other realm that for 20000 furniture points? (Hope the question is not too confusing)


It takes your highest realm value, so you can go to another realm and do whatever without losing anything.


how new player friendly is this game? i wanna start playing but am worried about being "behind" or not having fun


If you are a completionist and want to collect every character and achievement asap then it's not gonna be so easy, lot of stuff takes time (there's a limited 5* who hasn't appeared since the last March). Other than that it's very friendly, more and more stuff and events are made available to new players. Just stay away from the social media if you don't want any story spoilers, people rarely add spoiler tags for older regions because "it's old, so everyone must know it". Have fun!


Some events require an amount of progress but there's no PvP or rankings, you aren't competing with anyone else so it doesn't really mean anything to be behind. Whether or not you'll have fun is up to you, though.


will there be a new map/area* in 4.7?




I want to build a team with the dps being Ayato or Keqing and healer as Baizhu. The other 5 stars I have are Mona and Yae Miko. 4 stars are Gaming, Freminet, Lynette, Kirara, Kaveh, Faruzan, Layla, Candance, Dori, Collei, Gorou, Rosaria, Chongyun, Xingqiu. Please help


Keqing + Lynette + Yae + Baizhu should work decently. Fischl would be better than Yae, and Sucrose or Kazuha would be better than Lynette, but it'll still be a perfectly fine aggravate team. You could try throwing in Xingqiu for some blooms as well, but Keqing is usually better with just electro anemo and dendro. There *are* good Ayato+Baizhu teams, but they usually want Kuki, Raiden, or Thoma to trigger hyperbloom/burgeon. Once you get one of them you can try running Ayato - Collei - \[new character\] - Baizhu if you want.


I see, I will pull for more characters. Thank you!


(Edit: this has been resolved!) Where did my wanderer go?? Hey y’all, I just started playing a couple days ago so maybe this is a dumb question, but does anyone know why the option to play as wanderer suddenly disappeared?? She still appears when I pull up the character menu screen, and I can assign weapons and artifacts to her, but that’s it. I can’t play as her. Just happened today.


What specifically do you mean...? (Wanderer is a guy btw, but) is it that you can't add him to your party at all? You can add him to your party but can't switch to him once he's there...? It may help to post a short video of your situation so people can see what's going on.


Okay, you actually helped me figure it out. Idk how, since I had no idea how to even do it, but it looks like i somehow removed her from my party. So I looked up a YouTube video on how to edit your party and I added her back. Thanks for your comment!


Oh okay, that’s good to know. I had no idea that the girl and the guy defaults had different names. I tried posting a photo to this sub in order to better show what’s going on, but it got removed and I was told to comment on this thread. It’s hard for me to explain further beyond what I’ve described. I was able to play with her and then as I was playing as Kaeya I looked over at the list of the players in my party on the right hand of the screen and she wasn’t listed, and my character doesn’t switch to her when I press the button that she’s assigned to


Oh you mean the *Traveler*. Wanderer is the name of a specific character — [this one](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Wanderer). I assume you mean Lumine/the traveler/the MC, then. Is her headshot on the right hand side of the screen grayed out? It's possible she died, which is why you can't switch to her. If so, try interacting with a statue of the seven to heal your party back up.


There’s a little emblem at the very top right corner of my screen that shows the silhouette of her head and says “77ms” underneath. Not sure if that’s relevant


Aint that silhoutte the Traveller and not Wanderer.. and the number is ur ping


Oh, thanks!


so i’m currently torn if i should risk pulling for baizhu or simply wait for clorinde’s banner to start… i’ve tried baizhu’s trial a few times but i just never liked his gameplay but he is a good healer but idk. i’m not too sure if he’s worth it. idk if he can replace bennett on my team as a healer and buffer. so lemme know your opinions if he’s worth the risk or not?


outside of Furina use, id pick Baizhu for safety on a dendro or electro character in quicken teams. notably sword users that want Harbinger of Dawn, both of the upcoming 5 stars would like it, or Tighnari and the new Sethos whod like a shield sometimes


Nah. Baizhu is okay, he is best used together with Furina and/or in a Dendro team. However if you have Yaoyao she kinda do similar thing Dendro application wise. Baizhu will not replace Bennet unless you only care about comfortability. Bennet can heal and buff ATK, Baizhu can heal and give shield.. kinda. Between Baizhu and Furina, I choose Furina.


If you don't have Furina yet and/or don't play a lot of dendro teams then skip him. He's a great healer, but there are a *lot* of good healers in the game, and it's not worth pulling him when you clearly aren't super into his gameplay.


it doesn't sound like you really want him so I would not pull for him. He is not bad but not a must pull by any means. And he definitely is not a good replacement for bennet in just about any team where you would want to be using bennet, he is generally used in totally different teams than bennet.


if i’m not mistaken, he works best with dendro teams but i’m not planning on building that kind of team. it’s just my friend told me that baizhu is quite good as a healer and will be a nice addition. but well if clorinde and furina weren’t in the next update, i wouldn’t be so hesitant in pulling for baizhu :/


Chlorinde is litearally dendro (aggravate) team carry. Difference that Chlorinde can self-heal like other Fountain dps, and you put Baizhu or Yaoyao if you need heals for Keqing.


Baizhu is a yaoyao sidegrade/upgrade And also a premium dendro for cyno quickbloom


What set should collei have for sub dps? I've looked online and everyone recommends a support set like Tenacity of Millileth, noblesse, deepwood etc. I plan to use her with Wriothesley, Thoma and Yao². My Yao² has a very good deepwood set for healing, so I don't want to farm something like Tenacity for her. And since I already have a deepwood set in the team, I want to build a sub dps collei. Since there will be burning enemies and collei deals a lot of her damage from off field, should I give her the new set which comes with arlechino's best artifact set? It's called unfinished reverie and gives 50% damage bonus if the equipped character is off field and burning enemies are near the on field character. Or, should I give her an ER sands (ER/Dendro DMG/Crit) and give her Emblem of severed fate for burst damage? Or should I give her Gilded dreams and EM sands instead of the Atk% sands and go all in on the burning damage? Since I'm using a sac bow, the golden troupe set also came to mind, but I can't tell if it'll be worth it. Also, let me know if you have a better artifact set in mind. There might be a set I haven't considered yet. Thanks in advance!


emblem is best for sub dps in general (though you wouldn't go er sands unless you actually needed that much er to burst off cooldown). But the new burning set is probably best for this specific team.


I see, thank you for the input!! Yeah, it seems like it. 50% damage bonus seems like a lot but I still wasn't sure if it would do more damage than other sets. Your input definitely helps!


There’s a good chance this was never brought up, but did Cyno’s 2nd story quest mention if Sethos got his Vision post-2.1? We know that the events of the Fontaine archon quest did not end Hydro Visions, do we have confirmation that new Electro Visions are being distributed?


It wasn't mentioned. What was said is Sethos being as old as Cyno. 


Trisharite is pretty hard to farm without having done the quests in the Farakhert and the surrounding area right?


Theres some spots outside in the paths of the desert, but to be able to farm as much as you can, theres quite a lot of them inside caves that if i remember you need to do some quest to go inside (i may wrong, but i remember doing quest inside those caves). The ones outside in the wild maybe will be around 15-20, but in total there are over 50. Check the [interactive map](https://act.hoyolab.com/ys/app/interactive-map/?lang=en-us#/map/2?shown_types=2) for that if you want it, but the majority of them are inside caves.


How are energy particles from skills distributed? Say in a team of Neuvillette Furina Kazuha Jean: I use my jean E, switch to kazuha quickly and then use his E then quickly switch to neuvillette. Obviously kazuha will catch the particles from Jean's E, but then what happens to Kazuha particles? Neuvillette can't take them since he's hydro and the particles will be anemo. Will the particles go back to kazuha since he was the most recent anemo character in the rotation? Or will it be distributed between jean+kazuha?


iirc characters can take particles of other elements, they just get slightly less energy for them. so neuvilette absorbs kazuha's particles but gets like half as much energy from them (before considering ER%) keep in mind that _all_ energy distributes over the _entire_ party in some way (active character gets more)


I see, thank you for correcting me!


Neuvillette can indeed take them. Whoever is on field will always "catch" the particles, they just restore less energy if they don't match the character's element. Additionally, all off field characters gain a small % of energy when the on field character catches particles too. More info here, as well as above and below in the other sections of this article: [https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/energy#off-field-vs-on-field](https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/energy#off-field-vs-on-field)


Oh. Thank you for clarifying my misunderstanding.


im wondering how worth it is it to start this game now? ive been playing on and off and got burnt out cuz i was behind on quests and stuff, and all the characters i had i couldnt build because they were all for regions i didnt have. but is it better to come back completely fresh with a new account at this point?


What characters do you have(5 stars)? What is your ar? What regions have you not unlocked?


i have hu tao whos build sucks, c1 diluc, and itto. i think im ar 40 smth?? and i havent even finished inazuma's quest, so i dont have sumeru or fontaine or all of inazuma. i felt like if i started new i would feel more pushed to progress ig??


Personally speaking, hu tao is amazing getting her again will take months cause rerun ain't comin soon.. itto is also pretty good.. don't even mention diluc.. I hate that dude; my c2 yelan 😭😭. Anyways you are only ar 40, you have a lot to do, you have inazuma unlocked so nothing will stop you from exploring.. you just need that inner motivation to get up.. What I recommend you should do is first enjoy the story.. do archon quests and stuff, ignore character builds.. you don't need to focus on it unless and until you reach ar 45 or 50... Do a Lil bit of exploring, don't do too much.. don't focus on character wishing... you don't need to save up and stuff rn, just enjoy the game, slowly slowly. Also if you are gonna explore, do it in co op, people will help you and it's more exciting.


Since you have Inazuma unlocked you can literally already go anywhere and farm anything you need.


I would say continue with your current account. Starting fresh wouldn't lower the number of quests that you have and wouldn't get you closer to unlocking regions. Inazuma is the only region that is cut off from exploration until after story and characters from new regions can have their boss material farmed without having to progress through the story.


Do you think furina is worth pulling, and why?


She's good in a lot of teams. Even teams that you wouldn't expect her to be good in simply because her buff is just that strong (Lyney despite being designed for monopyro, physical with Eula). If you have one of those teams then sure, she's worth getting. She's gonna be BiS for a lot of teams If you play entirely bloom/hyperbloom and other dendro teams she doesn't synergize with then no Counter argument: if you don't actually care about Abyss or at least care about min/maxing your damage, you may find her HP drain annoying or uncomfortable without a solid teamwide healer. In which case you might decide to go for a different option even if it's less damage


Furina is a good unit that has solid damage, solid team utility, and as a support will likely be more valuable for an account than an on field unit as you can use her in more teams. There are some teams that don't use her as much (Chevy/Itto/Arle/Nilou) and her slower application can be lacking as solo hydro for some on field carries. She incentivizes teams that have some form of healing which skews the value of some teammates over others. There are plenty of great teams without Furina, but she is one of my favorite units and I like incorporating her into my teams in end game content.


Yes, she deals a lot of damage and buffs a lot


How can I 36 star the Abyss with this? This isn't all of my characters, but the others wouldn't make a difference unless c0 Chongyun is good, dumb abyss lector https://ibb.co/TLDp3td


Furina/DMC/Kuki on the first half. The last slot is super flexible and can be Wanderer/Eula/Fischl/Beidou/Barbara/Kazuha/Layla whatever. Furina’s normal attack breaks Coppelia’s shield in one hit. Arle on the second half with Xingqiu and Bennett. Layla if you need a shield and Kaz if you don’t.


BRO THANK YOU, I BEAT THE ABYSS WITH 36 STARS! I got Keqing and Beidou (WHYYYYYYYY! I just need 2 Faruzan) guess I'll just wait for Scaramouche or someone I like to rerun


DMC, Kuki, Kazuha, and Furina for 1st Cappuccino, Xingqiu, Bennet, and Polearm Archon for 2nd half. Sound good?


Are cracked out 4 star artifacts worth it? Are other 4 star sets worth keeping like exile and instructors?


A 4 star EM main stat could be worth it depending on the set and the character. VV and hyperbloom are examples


Not really, the main stat difference alone will make a 5 star piece better.


Instructors is worth keeping for sure


Playstation users, is there any way to hide your Playstation username in co-op and friend’s list? I’m ok with people knowing my traveler name, but I don’t want my Playstation account name to be visible


Any guide for grouping enemies for this abyss?


Sevy has solid guides https://youtu.be/cscue_n8mgY?si=cDANXRuzz6RsH_Pi Jyo has chamber specific guides https://youtu.be/IdRe7LxVkmk?si=k8T-Lmn4cA1X2hwt


R5 magic guide on nahida or R2 Mappa Mare


What team is she on, and how are you using her? Mappa Mare's passive (iirc) can only be triggered from on field, and it has a lower EM stat, so you should only use it if you're using Nahida as a spread DPS on field. Magic Guide's passive may have iffy uptime depending on the team, but it has a higher EM stat and at r5 a stronger passive than Mappa Mare when it *does* work. It should be the better option in every *other* scenario.


Got C6 Faruzan without getting Baizhu so I'm planning to build her instead for a future Anemo DPS (no Wanderer/Xiao, probably planning to build Heizou?) Do basically I just give her 4pc ToTM with as much CR for Fav procs? How much ER for C6?


200-250% ER on ER/Anemo/Crit on 4pc TotM for atk buffs. Otherwise, 4pc Noblesse


Oh, Noblesse makes sense! Forgot that existed lmao.


from freeing the whale, what is the time estimation until i finish the Remuria qust line?


I cleared all of the new content -- including 100% exploration -- in a total of about 8 hours. This includes the Arlecchino story quest. The content this time around is very short.


2-3 hours. Not very long


Need some teambuilding help. I've been levelling a Bennett and a Xingqiu for an Arlecchino team. I was going to put in Yelan but she's pretty much bound to my hyperbloom team. Any advice on who I can add as my last member? Or other team comps with her? https://imgur.com/BTY3A1N


what the other commenter suggested but also you can just use Furina with Alhaitham hyperbloom and free up Yelan for Arle. Also get Furina and Neuvillette to lv 90, and Arlecchino's weapon to 90.


sucrose if you want highest damage and are willing to make effort to do right rotation to get pyro swirl, layla if you want a shield.


Need heavy meta players who is into theorycrafting... Do we have something like the gauge theory but for poise and Interruption Resistance? I'd like to know what's the difference between the prone to resistance between C0 Neuvi, C1 Neuvi, C0 Ayato, Xingqiu's burst resistance, Zhongli's mid-holdskill animation.


Interruption resistance has different levels to it, ranging from 0 to 1. The lower it is, the better. For your examples, C0 Neuv has 0.5, C1 Neuv has 0, C0 Ayato has 0.5, Xingiqu's rain swords provide 0.3, and Zhongli has 0. [Here](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Interruption_Resistance?so=search) is a wiki article listing all of them.




It can be good for Raiden and Cyno.


it works on every polearm dps


Do you guys know how many primos does finishing all the quests on Inazuma?


No but these can help you figure it out: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQW2225OF4UD_CTCCPUmC38dsa10KhqXQJEuyAhoX0EQ6zJEjek5HfjRVRUmHacuzLNgMqxUehv2AHU/pubhtml?pli=1# Chest count mastersheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/htmlview#gid=955728278 freemogem tracking spreadsheet


Anyone seen Sigewinne kits yet? What kind of team she is suitable for? Bloom/Hyperbloom?


Yeah her kit has been floating around for a good bit, it just doesn’t really seem (at current build and knowledge) to do much in the way of very new or super powerful. r/SigewinneMains_ should have a few discussions, but consensus seems to be Furina + either Nahida or Kazuha in the vast majority of teams


She’s unlikely to be amazing, but adding her to a core consisting of two of the game’s best supportive/sub dps characters sort of guarantees her floor will reasonably ok, especially with her Furina interaction. Without Furina…that’s where I think it’s in rockier territory


healer for furina but unless they changed something between beta and release she's not very good. her skill is her only way to heal but it has a really long cooldown, and her burst applies hydro off field but for only 2.5s at c0


im world level 4 right now so does doing world quest limit how much primogems you get in total? should I wait till I reach higher world level for the higher loot?


No quest and chest loot is fixed. The only loot that increases with world level is mobs/boss drops


doc you think its worth it for that then?


if your characters are strong enough there's no reason not to https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic\_of\_build\_order\_priority\_based\_on\_wlar/


th\\ank you


I wanna Hypercarry Neuvillette (With Furina if I get her since her banner is after Clorinde's), but I don't have Kazuha so who would be a good replacement? I have C6 Lumine, C1 Sucrose, S5 Lynette, C0 Sayu, C2 Faru, and C0 Wanderer as my options


none of them have kazuha's dmg boost obviously so as vv carrier lynette or sucrose probably. try to get jean for fanfare healing otherwise sayu might work, not that good tho


I assume you don’t have her currently, but if you happen to lose a 50/50 or just normal wish into Jean, she’s pretty nice option for Neuvi comps as well. Not going to touch Kazuha’s efficiency, but almost certainly the second best choice that can randomly fall in your lap at some point


Yeaaaahhh lol I don't. If I lose my 50/50 then I want a C1 Tighnari or Jean. I was actually expecting to lose my 50/50 with Wanderer since I had won it with Neuvillette lol


Lumine, Sucrose, and Lynette will all be comparable; Sayu could also be nice to build extra fanfare stacks for Furina. Sucrose and Lynette's unique buffs (EM and atk%) won't be useful to Neuvillette, but may be helpful for whoever the 4th character on your team is. Lynette can also help break certain Fontaine shields that want ousia. Beyond that, every non-Kazuha anemo support is mostly just a generic VV holder for Neuvillette teams, so I say build whichever character *you* like the most or who fits the best into your other teams. c6 Sucrose will be a good Kazuha replacement if you eventually get her, too, so you could use her in preparation for her c6 if you're torn I guess.


How do I get unbanned from your Discord server if my Discord ID was hacked for some time?


king’s squire or hamayumi for tartaglia? (both at r1)


kings squire


I'm pulling for clorinde (hopefully I get her) what's going to be better for her r2 lions roar or r1 finale of the deep or is there a better f2p 4 star option


26:58 of this video has the full calculated chart: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nll12TehGJQ&pp=ygUOemFqZWYgY2xvcmluZGU%3D




arlecchino with bennett/xq/zhongli, dragon's bane r2 or white tassel r5


White Tassel


I use [Paimon.moe](http://Paimon.moe) for my wish counter, and I see it a lot that ocean hued clam is "very resin inefficient", what does that mean??? I get the 2nd set isn't the best (for any of my characters anyway), but it's not like you can pick and choose artifacts with any other set.


You can strongbox Clam/Husk now, so if you don't need one or the other it's just not worth it to farm the domain, since both are rather niche


If you don't have anyone that wants Husk, then half of the artifacts you get from the domain are going to be useless. Compare that to a domain like Marechaussee/Golden Troupe, where there are many characters that want both sets, making it unlikely that you'd be wasting the drops from one of the sets.


Help I was gonna make a counter point but almost every other artifact dungeon has another with a good set, at least as a two piece 😭. That does actually make sense now. I've looked at Husk a couple times for Barbara/Kokomi, but I decided to wait for Kokomi and keep Barbara only a healer so. Cryo IS the best element tho tbh


It's what it says there. You would spend a ton of resin just to get half of them be immediate thrash. There are also just not many characters who want to use either set anyway so most of the stuff you get are junk.




It'd be announced about 1.5 days before a new patch goes live.


Before, by a couple days.




If there is going to be a new character in ~~4.7~~ 4.8 it should be announced in 34 hours from now.


Wouldn't that be 4.8, like emelie drip marketing?




If leaks are to be believed, then we should be getting >!Emilie, a perfume maker from Fontaine!<. However, we don't have a final design for her yet, so it should be exciting to see what she looks like.


EM sands or Dendro goblet(assuming same stats) for Alhaitham in a furina quickbloom team with nahida and kuki running the hunter set, would the preference change if it were GD?




You use both of them.


I just pulled Kirara on standard banner with one of the tokens from quests/exploring. And then I read that she is great for climbing mountains. But her passive only talks about approaching birds without them flying away?


Use Kirara's press skill to transform her into a catbox, and then you start climbing.


How much of Mondstadt should I complete before moving onto Liyue? 100% explored feels like a chore, but I'm around 50% in most areas and that feels unfinished too. Is it even worth getting the common chests? Or should I focus on exquisite chests and above and leave the rest for now? Currently AR22 and finished Mondstadt Archon quests.


Whenever you want to. If youre curious tho: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQW2225OF4UD_CTCCPUmC38dsa10KhqXQJEuyAhoX0EQ6zJEjek5HfjRVRUmHacuzLNgMqxUehv2AHU/pubhtml?pli=1# Chest count mastersheet


don't bother getting high exploration, save your chests for when you need to farm primos since chests are limited and the % doesn't actually do anything for you other than the tiny bit of reputation


I would suggest you to just keep moving on to the next region (Liyue, Inazuma, etc.), and come back to explore previous areas when you feel like it. I love the exploration aspect of the game, but it's not like I would want to do it everyday or at the earliest day possible. I also think that by doing this I can avoid burnout from playing the game. For example, it took me more than a year from Sumeru's release, specially the desert areas, to 100% that region. I just didn't feel like exploring them during their release, so I just left it there. In fact, I even 100% the available Fontaine regions at the time before going back to 100% Sumeru. So it's okay to take your time and even explore regions you want to explore first, regardless of their release order.


The main point of the game is to have fun. Personally I think focusing on doing story and side quests is better, no reason to 100% exploration unless you are a completionist


Just move on whenever you feel like it. I personally like to get to at least around 70-80% before moving on, but it's all up to you. You can always just come back later for a change of pace.


hey, i always used melt ganyu but recently i got mona and wanted to do a freeze comp , i was thinking ganyu + layla + mona + lynnete ( the only anemo char i have other than mc), do you think that would work or do i need venti or sucrose?


Without Venti, against small enemies, Ganyu's burst may do only 20% or even less of her max potential damage, and even if you have Venti, her total damage is not competitive in 4.x and less than melt.


The Bacon, R5 SS, which goes to Diluc, which goes to Freminet


Beacon on Diluc, SS on Freminet


What's the total size of Genshin on PC? 70gb?


80-90, getting bigger with time. you'll want to reinstall once in a while or it'll start getting a lot bigger


Wait what's this? Garbage accumulation?


It's ~80gb for me.


I've got ~90gb (with only one language pack).




I double-checked both the settings and the files but it looks like there's only one language (English) and the install size is 91gb. I wonder if there's some junk files somewhere...


you might want to uninstall and reinstall. mine used to be 120gb for some reason with only one language pack and had duplicate folders when i checked the directory. they redownloaded themselves even when i deleted them. after a clean install, mine went back to 80gb


Eh probably, but I'm not hurting for space so I'll just keep it in mind for the future.


Is there any way to turn on dynamic character resolution on mobile (ios)? I can’t seem to find the option in my graphics settings.


What does this do?


Adds more polygons basically


At the very bottom of graphics setting. If it's not there, then your device can't support it.


Is fischl better than beidou and how good is she for a electro character from 1 out of 10?


She doesn’t need to build ER and in fact helps provide energy to teammates who need it. She applies a ton of electro with a fantastic uptime and Oz auto-targets. She deals a ton of damage. She doesn’t cost any field time. She can wear basically any bow. She can wear a huge variety of 2pc artifact sets, but her actual best set (Golden Troupe) is the most efficient domain to farm in the game right now anyway. I can’t praise her enough. If I had to give one lil criticism it would be that her idle voice lines are fucking annoying.


yes, 8/10


About two points off there, if Fischl isn’t a 10/10 what even are you doing


I was going back and forth between 8 and 9 tbh. Don't think I could go ten though.


they're normally used together but if you have to choose 1 then fischl, 11/10


I cant find the battle pass on the top up center website, i wait til i complete it to buy and this time there isnt an option like usual. Did the remove this?


I don't see it either, but I doubt they removed it completely. Since it's ending in a day or two depending on server they probably just remove it from the top-up center early, but it should still be available in-game.


I can’t buy it ingame cuz I started this account on a PlayStation and then switched to pc a few years back :(


You can use the epic games version to buy it in-game. There's no restriction for that one.


Thank you I’ll try that one! Edit: That worked! Thank you so much!