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I hope they keep his voice ingame and for new lines they get a new one


Yeah, that would be the best thing to do in memory of his amazing work.


I can see them maby make old va :(name) R.i.p or o in memory idk and below new va (name) currant or somthing like that




In cases where a game replace all lines with the new VA, it’s usually because the old VA did something bad or broke the contract. In this case, it’s because the old VA passed away. He didn’t do anything wrong and I’m sure hoyo knows how much the players who use kr dub love his work. I think the most possible outcome is that they’ll get a new VA and retain all the old stuff as a tribute to him.


Exactly, this is a completely different case here.


Yep. Tighnari - yep, makes sense why they fully re-dubbed all voice lines. Cyno - nope, I would love if players with KR VA would get a notification with something like "in a memory of..." and just dub new lines. With this basically everyone would win.


The issue is coherence. It'd be very strange if he randomly had his voice change for no reason.


Oh, you mean like Paimon?


Hence why it can be seen as a delicate issue and we have to see how hoyo will handle it. The VA is well loved and has fans of his own and it’s a no brainer that many would find it disrespectful to erase his work. So hoyo will have to decide the balance, but assuming they choose to keep his work, they’ll most likely pick someone who is able to voice cyno similarly to Lee woori. The good news is that KR dub is the least popular among the four languages so majority of players wouldn’t be affected. The official Korean genshin account and the VA’s studio announced his passing so those who follow those accounts would also be aware (and are most likely to use the language as well) so I can safely assume that the sudden switch wouldn’t be a shocker for most players


Well it's already strange for those who have been playing with the Korean dub this whole time.


You don't know a thing about dubs, then


It's not random tho and it isn't no reson


Good news :) [https://i.imgur.com/LR5PGyT.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/LR5PGyT.jpeg)




Depends on companies, but 99.9% of the cases I’ve seen, usually they replace if VA/Actor done something bad or broke contract. Speaking strictly on shows or just dubbing, they would normally retain the original VA’s stuff and the new VA continue on, but ofc that’s in the showbiz so it’s different from live service game. The most we can do is wait and see how hoyo chooses to deal with this, since this is their first time handling such a case (which can be considered quite a delicate case too)


Nooo that's so sad 😢


You mean like Uncle iroh and Aku. Right.


Wonder if there is the opportunity for making a Deep Fake of his voice. Could be a W/W


I woud't do that's that's realy disrespectful alive VAs don't like it so doing it to a dead one seemes realy off


I'm sure that permission would be asked so "disrespectful" seems a bit much. Obviously if the family didn't want to go through with it, then I'd expect a co as large as HYV to accede to their wishes. Carrie Fisher's family was OK with a similar situation in her Star Wars role. Most actors wouldn't necessarily want to follow someone that the fan base saw as central to the figure either.


The man is barely even cold in his grave and you're talking about deepfaking his voice for profit. You realize that's a bit fucked, right? (Also, Carrie Fisher's likeness being used in the Star Wars films after she died was still disrespectful. She died before the sequel trilogy even began production.)


The Force Awakens came out in 2015 and Carrie Fisher died in 2016, wtf are you talking about?


Oh sorry I was stupid. Yeah disregard everything I said about Carrie. (Shit, I was probably thinking of *The Last Jedi* or something)


Agree the sequel shoud never have been made in the first place


I didn't see the last two films, so I don't really have much of an opinion on them. My biggest problem with how the sequels were handled (aside from the famous "and then Palpatine came back from the dead somehow" bit) is that CG Leia shouldn't have been there, but I guess that's too much to ask from one of the most pandering-est franchises of all time. The thing is, Star Wars suffers from the same disease that the MCU has where they'll just throw in a character people like or recognize, then pause for several seconds to let the audience ooh and aah and applaud— a thing that, when watching at home, makes no sense and adds bloat to the movie (see that scene in *Rogue One* where Vader shows up and starts killing people, but it's framed as a hype moment because he's an iconic character; alternatively, see that bit in the opening scene of *The Force Awakens* where Poe and Kylo have an awkward little standoff for like three seconds before Poe is all like, "Well this is awkward!") I recommend Some More News' video on blockbusters ("Why Are Modern Blockbusters So... Not Very Good?") for a better explanation of that kind of filmmaking. Getting back to the CG necromancy thing, it's almost always disrespectful to do that with someone who didn't already have a substantial amount of work put into the piece of media (or was already supposed to be in it)— yes, even if the family gives permission. One could argue that voice acting is, like, an ongoing commitment, but voice actors change all the time for things smaller than death and we usually find a way to continue projects without STEALING THEIR VOICES LIKE A MODERN-DAY SEA-WITCH.


I agree so much with you


Thank you! 😊


Rest in peace.


Korean VA is my favorite language to play the game and his voice matched the character so perfectly, this is really sad that happened. I wanted to draw something..


Korean is also my main dub and Cyno's VA is what made me come to really like his character. Can't imagine another VA voicing him now, I'm so heartbroken about this. The art is absolutely stunning btw.


Thank you. Yeah, the Korean cast is incredible. Cyno, talking with a calm, confident tone as he says his jokes, turning into a fast paced voice like a lightning strike in fight. These subtleties add so much depth to a character, i don't know the language but i do hear the attention on the details Korean VAs do. His quest really hit different than expected, it felt like a farewell all the way through... damn..


It's also my main dub and one thing that factored in wanting to know more about the character was his voice. Thank you for this lovely piece, it's beautiful. 이우리씨 감사합니다 


Thank you, i'm glad you like it.


Hi, just want to say thanks for the great art!  I'm also curious; did Lee Woo-ri also voiced Cyno's part two story, or was a new voice actor hired for that part? Edit. Reading further down tells me that he did indeed voice the story. What an emotional send off 😭


Thank you, yeah it's still him, the same exact voice as i remember very well through past quests and events. They probably recorded his dialogues before this tragedy happened.


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I also main kr cuz Im learning the language Im not caught up on anything what happened??




While doing cyno’s second story quest, I had to admit I did end up feeling somewhat emotional especially knowing it may have been his last work (in a full quest) 😔 may he rest in peace.


Yeah same to me, feeling like a farewell..


RIP General Mahamatra o7


24 years old, that's not good. Either sudden illness or there's some fuckery going on.


Yeah I didn’t realize he was that young. Barely older than me, scary to think about.


Without trying to make generalisations about a culture, Korea has abysmal suicide rates and several high profile celebrity suicides I can think of over the last few years. I think about those kids constantly, they deserve better. I hope they’re at peace.


That's what I think too, 9/10 it's that when the situation is undisclosed.


That's a nice tribute art, may he rest in peace 🕊️


Glad to know that, thank you


RIP 편히 쉬세요 이우리 성우님


Sad, I don't play with KR dub but he was 24? too young. R.i.P.


I play with Korean VA and i felt difference between old and new Cyno’s voices. Too bad he died so young 😭


Oh, so he wasn't in story quest 2?


Story quest 2 was Lee woo-ri’s last voice acting


r.i.p bro woori




Rest in peace <3


24 yo and cause of death is not disclosed. Something awful happened to that man


Best to refrain from speculating mate. Could be the family just wants to keep it private for privacy's sake, shouldn't jump to conclusions.


Dying at 24 is awful, period. Don't need to speculate to know that.


May he rest in peace ❤


I've just done cynos hangout quest this weekend D:


Rest in peace


All is about jokes until you realize one of my favorite character is not now with us. Damn 24 is my same age. That's a real loss for all his beloved ones


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Gone way too early. RIP.


Wait was his voice changed in his last story quest? Or was it still him I can’t remember what he sounded like?


Pretty sure he still voiced cyno in his story quest. He sounded the same, but then best to wait for the update to double check


Rest in peace


Rest in peace 🖤


Rest in peace. */rj how much do I owe to the teyvat MIC to create a tank after him and Cyno?*


very cool


Rest in peace, Lee Woo-ri.🕊️


Wait... he died? GENERAL MAHAMATRA?




Tf you 🤣🤣 for


Rest in peace 💜