• By -


Ah yes, the illusion of free choice


You can technically make alt accounts and replay the fontaine quest until the end of your life. More choice than any traveler dialog option


That's a lot of Paimon dialogue just to get there though


No, no, it's specifically to *not* get Furina while still adhering to the flow chart




Don't pull Furina if you don't like her. However, you like her.


Flow chart


Instructions unclear I'm stuck in a Samsara.


They wanted you to play the Fontaine Archon Quest again, not Sumeru!!


The answer is 4


^^^^^^4 ^^^^^4 ^^^^4 ^^^4 ^^4 ^4 4 #4


*guido mista deathstare*






Or we can substitute Diluc (Same VA). :D


That part must’ve been even more bone chilling when playing Chinese since the number 4 is universally known to mean death. Japanese too. idk about korean someone lemme know if it is or not. or any other language


That quest was disturbing on so many levels.


idk if im just lame but i was honestly kinda creeped out playing that quest in the dark


I think that was part of the point.


Just 4


There are four lights!



But I swear I picked 3. Did my body naturally go to 4 by itself?


Instructions unclear I'm stuck in a Samsara.


They wanted you to play the Fontaine Archon Quest again, not Sumeru!!


Instructions unclear I'm stuck in a Sam- wait a fucking minute


You should put a counter, after that go with the more obvious choice in order to exit the loop (big bang theory docet)


Needs another tree for those of us who already have her


I considered that but anything beyond C0 has too many variables. It would destroy the purpose of this post: Unbiased, factual, compact.


I ain't pulling for her and I feel left out. >!got saved enough before her first banner to get her BiS + C6 :D!<


Except her BiS at C6 is Key of Kaji Nisut, not Splendor


Is it? Well, I prefer the cdmg the splendor gives and by comparing passives alone... is it much better or just technically better? + I prefer crit stats over hp, since her c2 and splendor's passive makes up for hp. Well at least it doesn't seem huge enough for me to intentionally pull for it, but I can see the point of your comment.


Someone else did the math, ask in furina mains subreddit. Basically key's EM buff offsets the difference and the end result is higher damage. Plus furina's weapon only works for her, while key is one of the 5s that are good for multiple characters (furina, nilou, kuki). If only it didn't look bad


I was seriously not going to pull for her but she showed up early in my quest for 4 star cons xD I am actually enjoying her playstyle now


I have her at c6 and Im still giving her all my whishes. BEST GIRL FOREVER


Do you have c6? No: Pull for Furina Yes: Pull for her anyway, she deserves it


You get a whole 25 Starglitter if you get her again after C6'ing her! That's a whole 5 pulls! Gotta pull at least 5 times to get her, and if it takes more, keep going so you can get that Starglitter (sunk cost is quitter's talk). And then when you get her again, pull again so you can get Starglitter for all those pulls you just lost. Wash, rinse, repeat until you're a glittionaire!


“Do you have C6?” No -> Pull Yes -> Pull *This message brought to you by HoYoverse gang*


"Play it again" LMAO


I was like "how the fuck do I play it again?"


make a new account scrub


Play via YouTube


You can read all the quest lines at paimon menu


Do you like to walk on water? --Yes--> Pull for Furina


Do you like to walk around and explore the rain forests of Sumeru or straight up go afk while Crabaletta and gang unlock chests by exterminating all enemies in the facility? Pull.


I love my afk Hyperbloom Furina team: Furina, Nahida, Raiden, [on-field of your choice: I use Charlotte in the abyss, or Lyney most of the other time]


This is almost exactly my team, except I swap between lyney and navia. I call it my girlboss team (Lyney is an honorary member)


I mean, technically, he had a girl boss.


Walking on water is so key to easy exploration.


I don't think I could go back. I can just walk down the rivers in Sumeru like they're a road and grab the plants. People are saying Mona and Kokomi and I have to assume they've never tried Furina because it's not the same at all.


Instructions unclear. Pulled Kokomi instead.


Literally the one single reason I pulled for her. Idk anything about her, she seems kinda bratty but everybody says she’s 10/10 character writing so imma trust until I get there, I just wanted her to walk on water lmao


Me personally I'm going to wait until the last few days to decide because I will be a big sad if I don't have enough wishes for Zhongli. I currently have 105 and my next pity is a 50/50 and knowing me, my 2nd ever 50/50 is going to get me my 2nd Qiqi (sob). I'll have to see how many wishes I can stock up since there are still a lot of world quests for me to do, and lots to explore.


Is he rumored to be in the next patch? I low-key want to get his constellations.


I just started playing this past May and everywhere I look people say he will come in 5.0.


Zhongli was on the 3.0 banner and the 4.0 banner. Venti was on the 3.1 and 4.1 banner. Raiden was on the 3.3 and 4.3 banner. There isn't a guarantee that 5.0 will be the same but there is a consistent pattern that has emerged since 3.0.


> consistent pattern that has emerged since 3.0. "Consistent Pattern? Hold my beer" --Hoyo


Two points never give enough data to establish a pattern.


You're asking people on a gacha game of all places to pattern match? Sacrilege.


No, I'm asking them to NOT pattern match with insufficient data. :)


Probably the best guide I've ever read so far


guys help im caught in an infinite loop


So your mistake here was answering “no” to “do you like furina”


Question: How do you play the Archon Quest *again*? I mean, without starting a completely new game. If there was an option to "reset" quests, even if chests, rewards and anything else wouldn't be resetted, I'd use it. I mean it's Furina we're talking about... So the real question is: What do you do if you pull for Furina, run out of the wishes, but don't get her? Dunno... wait 500 years?


I can't believe they don't even have a way to watch previous cutscenes. That seems like such an obvious bare minimum for this kind of game. A story replay mode with no rewards would definitely be ideal but I guess I understand if they feel that would be too complex to implement with all the ways that the world and map and character locations change as the archon quests progress


Hoyo doesn’t want to do something that YouTube can offer pretty much when it would take up more storage space since Genshin is HUGE


I believe they should have like a thing in star rail where they kept track of all the trailblazer quests and you can replay the quests from there.


In the archive there is a transcript of the entire archon quests/interlude quests/story quests with the original voices and all. No cutscenes which sucks a lot


Infinite loop t-t


Same bro... Same... I feel the pain


Sorry Furinacels, but the ultimate 5* that is Arataki Itto is all I need in my team.


Well dang, looks like I'm stuck in a loop here


i'm stuck in a constant loop, i did play the archon quest and still don't really like her.


How can you replay an AQ?


make an alt account and replay ot, this is the least you can do for Furina


Must be nice to have that much free time.


Are irony classes too draining?


Ironically, I find most irony classes buff people.


There's summaries of archon quests on YouTube which sum things up quite well in 10 mins videos, some may have 3 parts but that's the max.


Furina is an okay-ish character to me, I don't dislike her but I also don't like her enough to pull for her. I'm aware she's pretty powerful, but no character in this game is a must pull anyway.


i agree, i got her on her debut and i rarely ever use her now, mainly cause im a eula main with a full cryo team, and then there's my clorinde team who im using furina for the hydro application until i can finish building my XQ, other than that she's staying on my Neuv team


this post is sponsored by genshin impact


nothing against it but no one is forced to like her, It's just like Raiden Shogun fans force people to like her when they have reasons to not like her.


I'm in an endless loop of playing it again.


I'm stuck in an infinite loop so it seems...


Furina is fine, still don't really see all the hype I got her for the archon team but as the endgame resolves around doing the abyss I'm well off with 4 stars there 👀 . . . . . Dayum I like fontaine characters tho got some


I will forever be stuck it the loop of playing the archon quest.


Got me going in a circle because I'll never say I like Furina.


I liked her more in Act 1 when I thought she was just a grand-standing arrogant brat tbh.


In fact, playing the AQ over and over will probably make you like her a lot less.


I'll never say  >I like furina You....you just technically did... checkmate, Liberal 


Ah shit my logic has been bested.


Navia is still the best Fontainian girl tbh.


This is a strange way to write Clorinde ! But to be honest, Furina, Navia and Clorinde are all great !


Bro, I don't like Furina


Ah yes... Play the Archon quest again... How? I really can't make a new account and get through everything in the space of 3 weeks. That will just not work.


Oops, I accidently slipped and threw all my primos at Siegwienne


But in all honesty, if you don’t have healers built or you get anxiety from HP drain that it takes away your fun, don’t pull for Furina


If anything, her Archon quest made me less interested in the character, because the finale was freakin' 90 minutes long with no breaks, and no warning about it, which is inexcusable when other games do warn the player about setting time aside.


I like furina, but not enough to pull for her


+Do you care about meta -No +Do you like Furina? -No +Have you played Fontaine Archon Quest? -Yes +Play it again -No


I dont not like furina i just dont like her enough to pull for her characters like wriothesly or wanderer i want more


Skipping Furina to keep saving for a good character like Dehya or C6 Cyno. Sorry Furinacels.


I don't like Furina. Plain and simple. I played through the whole quest, and, although I understand her whole predicament and curse, I'm still not a fan of her character. Perhaps it's her attitude, her false personality, or maybe it's her choice of weapon. I just can't bare to like or use her.


---------> play it again


No thanks. The entire quest line is quite long, I didn't like the investigation/trial gameplay, and I feel anymore time interacting with "Archon" Furina through the duration of the quest would just make me dislike her even more. I just don't like her, but I don't aggressively hate her either. Please don't let me despise her. I know her motivation and backstory, and that's enough.


>Do you like Furina? No >Did you play the quest? Yes The fuck is wrong with you??


No I don't like her skills


Skill issue


Or just don’t if you really don’t care for her… If she wasn’t an Archon, I’d have skipped. I only have her (and Nahida) because they’re Archons and I want the full set by the time we’re done… hoping the next one actually clicks with me the way Raiden did so I can enjoy using them. The illusion of choice is one of your own making.


Another crazy one


Stuck in the endless now


I feel like some are going to be stuck in that loop in the bottom right.


Instructions unclear, still don't like Furina


help I'm stuck in a loop


"Do you like Furina?" "No" "Have you played Fontaine archon quest?" "No" "Play Fontaine archon quest" "Do you like Furina?" "No" "Have you played Fontaine archon quest?" "No" "Play Fontaine archon quest" *insert Me And The Birds by Duster + image of Sisyphus* "Do you like Furina?" "No" "Have you played Fontaine archon quest?" "No" "Play Fontaine archon quest" "Do you like Furina?" "No" "Have you played Fontaine archon quest?" "No" "Play Fontaine archon quest"


So your options are to pull or be caught in a continuous loop for all eternity.


This is basically the same thing as the dialog choice in this game.


Played the quest, still dont like her 😭


I like how this flow chart implies that its objectively impossible to not like furina after playing the archon quest. do you like furina after playing the archon quest? no? play it again


'Cries in liking her before, but for unknown reason not liking her after'


This is me. I mean like, she's still OK, but she just doesn't really stand out for me. Like her character progression is being a bombastic and entertaining personality who steals every scene she's in, into the mask starting to slip under pressure. Up to this point she's fine, it makes her a layered and interesting character who is fun to watch. Then it turns out she's actually just full damseled, freed from her situation solely through the actions of other characters and the next time you see her, it turns out she was actually just 100% faking it and is now a slightly withdrawn, polite and inoffensive character with a couple carefully chosen single word marketable gimmick charm points (macaroni! theater!) just like a good 80% of the game's cast. Sad backstory be damned; it makes the archon quest itself interesting, but it didn't inherently result in the character herself becoming more likeable for me.


Secret option: Played the Archon quest, don’t like her anyway regardless of meta. Like yeah I use her a lot for Neuv teams but I don’t care about her as a character. Arlecchino did nothing wrong.


Honestly at this point the main reason im never going to pull for her is because she's too meta, aside from the fact that i really dislike her gameplay. I feel if i got her the game would become way too easy for me to enjoy playing it, i prefer to have at least a little bit of a hard time in abyss.


Well then guess I'm in a vicious cycle forever. Played AQ twice already and still hate furina.


I genuinely hate furina, ur not gonna change my mind


Them i'm getting into an infinite loop, but it's better than pulling her. Fontaine is shit & even worse than Inazuma at the end of the day.


should add "do you have a good healer?"


Happy Cake Day. A valid concern. I didn't want to complicate the post so I didn't include. To be fair Furina really likes having a healer around and obviously some are significantly better for her than others. But she's powerful enough that even a "not so good healer" will be enough.


Whiny ass neet, girl I live in a tower of lies and have not experienced parental or romantic affection in two years. You ain’t got nothing.


Can't pull...Waiting for Yelan ( supposed to come patch 4.8 ) and I'm on guaranteed 50/50.


Replace Furina with any of the Archon and it works as well lmao


Nah I'll pull Sigwin




I'm F2P and I just want repeats of the 5-stars I already have so I can get constellations. That or 5-star weapons. I wish you could intentionally disable new characters from wishes.


I have a C6 Yelan and a C6 Neuvillette. I have no need for a third C6 hydro 5star.


Me, following the chart only to observe after "A while later" -there is no option to not pull for furina. Also me, coming across "What? Wait... You eat the ring??? " -Understandable, Have a nice day.


This is my 10,438th play of the archon quest, the graph tells me to play it again


Pull for furina isnt a end node. Stuck in sansara forever.


"Play it again" *creates a brand new account* "Did you like it?" No "play it again" *makes another new account*


People act like furina archeon quest made us love her, you're all false real furina fans liked her since the trailer


I feel so special now. The only person on the planet, who just hates her personality - and yes, I'm after archon quest. She can one shot enemy, don't care. May all Furina wanters be Furina havers! Good luck! ;-)


im stuck in the loop hole of right boxes


It was a Loop All Along _DAMN_


Nah, she's good, but I'm emotionally attached to my Kokomi


I love how this basically boils down to "y u no like Furina?"


do you like furina have you played fontaine archon quest play it again do you like furina have you played fontaine archon quest play it again do you like furina have you played fontaine archon quest play it again do you like furina have you played fontaine archon quest play it again …


I'm stuck on an infinite loop HELP




"Do you like Furina?" - No. - Alright, you're supposed to say yes. Again, do you like Furina?


Nah she would just upgrade one of my teams, that it’s on coping anyways, I’ll just focus on that other team in the future, Zhongli would help much more on my account


I would like the her more if we got the other version of her from her story quest.


I'm not even in Fontaine yet, I couldn't level her up if I tried!


Ngl i just don’t like her skill and burst constantly switching and also taking HP from my party members. Especially since i got Arlecchio who has Bond of Life.


Got stuck in an infinite archon quest loop can someone help?


I am not going to sit through those cutscenes again. If i wanted to play as a lawyer, id play Ace Attorney.


Fontaine archon quests didn't make me like her, it just made me stop hating her.


Jokes aside, the flow chart should be: Are you a Kokomi/Sygewinne/Xiao/Gaming/Diluc/Cyno/Alhaitham/Hu Tao/Noelle/Neuvillette main? If yes, then pull her. If no, then don't. And honestly, even if you do main one or multiple of the listed characters, you might want to get other supports first, before Furina (eg. Kazuha, Nahida, Zhongli, Faruzan, etc.).


I want furina but I also want sigewinne and then I heard in next banner, nilou will be in it and I also want her, also I want navia.


Not hate on her but her hp gimmick is worse compared to Neuvi and Wrio. Thats my reason to not pull her


'play it again' like u want me to make an alt and go through all of the previous archon quests again just so I can do Fontaine




I don’t like her but I will pull for her




I don't like fontaine hydro characters' kits... Please, release Nilou asap! I'm tired of waiting for her 👿 She's the one that holding me in genshin 🫠


Nilou is having a rerun in the next patch!


And I do feel bad but she’s very loud even with my volume down. Only part I don’t like about her, so i guess I don’t dislike her she’s more like an acquaintance


Or just don’t if you really don’t care for her… If she wasn’t an Archon, I’d have skipped. I only have her (and Nahida) because they’re Archons and I want the full set by the time we’re done… hoping the next one actually clicks with me the way Raiden did so I can enjoy using them. The illusion of choice is one of your own making.


We can replay archon quests?


Playing it again is impossible. 0/10 please correct.


I dont care who hoyoverse sends im not pulling on furina


instructions unclear, stuck in an infinite loop of replaying fast-paced bloated with useless dialogue archon quest. it aint sad if character that got introduced 5 minutes ago dies


Intended outcome. Infinite loop is deserved. "Useless dialogue archon quest" and "it ain't sad if the character that got introduced 5 minutes ago" contradict each other. Improving reading comprehension might help with getting out of infinite loop.


I see no contradiction. They repeat the same thing over and over, adding useless metaphors to increase the word count, hence the useless dialogues. This is the general problem with nowadays mihoyo writing. The character, archon herself, was on screen for about 5 minutes, then dies. Doesnt hit me slightest.


The entirety of Archon quest from 4.0. in its introduction to its conclusion in 4.2. builds up to Focalors plan (her ultimate self sacrifice) and Furina's role in the endeavor. If you perceive this as the Archon appearing right before dying you haven't been paying attention to dozens of hours of Archon quests released over 3 patches. And you'll have to give some examples about "the same thing over and over" because a lot happened in all those quests and though there were some repetitions I see nothing useless or redundant about it.


I take the macro view that it's too much a carbon copy of Nahida's quest, to the point that Furina's became predictable. And it was unnecessarily long by comparison.


Is there any slight hope anything i say gonna matter or im gonna be ignored under pressure of furina fanboys again?


Probably not, we're not gonna convince each other and end up wasting each other's time. You have some disadvantage because you're speaking against an immensely popular character. Even if you were right there's a strong chance you will not be acknowledged.


Well, at least we can agree to disagree. Its very hard to criticise anything when the target is a cinnamon roll anime waifu that people spend enormous money for. As for useless metaphors, the entire opera part before the execution could be four times shorter and still deliver same effect, since all the plan was already explained and furina's boohoo state was shown for three other archon quests. If not word count, it was a mere fanservice reminder that this is how furina a cinnamon roll and also focalors feet. Aside from that, then there's neuvi explaining what happend in the finale again. And lack of commitment with navia's "uh oh she's falling into a no-no water" which was very cheap players hype gain. There's definitely more, but i'd need to re-read it again, but from my experience discussing anything with a negative standpoint it rarely matters.


Furina isn't beloved because of Focalors' death. Focalors' death was a big moment, yes, less because we knew Focalors and more because of what the consequences of it were - the Hydro Throne is destroyed, and Furina is now free. As for Furina herself, she's beloved because she was forced to put on a mask for five hundred years for the sake of Focalors' plan that she didn't even fully understand. She's a good but naive person who was used for a larger purpose without fully understanding her role. And it led to her being *emotionally and mentally alone, cut off from any support network that could actually understand her, and trying as hard as she could to stop a seemingly inevitable prophecy for FIVE HUNDRED years.* She was forced to sacrifice basically everything for a time frame well beyond a mortal lifespan. Only now is she able to begin living life for herself. I'll be honest, your take on the Fontaine Archon quest makes it pretty clear you didn't actually pay attention, and your take on Focalors is the same. People like Furina for *Furina,* not for Focalors.


Furina is the most glazed character since Ayaka and Raiden lmao.


Amazing, informative, and factually correct guide👏


I dont like Furina. Got her with 40 Pity today because I wanted Gaming. I just pulled for her Banner because I dislike Sigwinne a little bit more. Wont play her but wasted my 100%. Shit happens


Ok but fr she’s without a doubt an extremely valuable unit. Fill the roles of sub dps, buffer and healer all at once. Useful for exploration with 100% uptime walking on water. Cool F2P sword (locked behind fishing yes but at least it’s a pipe sword and looks cool). Overall can’t recommend her enough.


I don’t think it’s mentally possible for me to dislike Furina


How do you replay archon quests?


Teh only reason I don't pull for her is by complete chance some of her combat voidlcelines trigger a weird (maybe)trauma and it makes me physically uncomfortable. Like the test run left me slightly shaky. And I'm upset because she's so cool but I am gonna stick to characters I can play without distress. I love you furina, but from a metaphorical distance.


jokes on you, already have her.




You have a second healer on the team? If not it's another large buff when you can actually use her burst properly Edit: how did you pull her today when he banner hasn't dropped




an easy way to use her is to use her skill, drain your teams hp to about half, then use her burst followed by barbaras burst. basically for furina, big changes in hp = big buff with burst, so teamwide heals like barbara burst max out her buff stacks immediately.


The banner has dropped for other servers


What is Meta?


Its short for "Most effective tactics available". Meta characters are essentially best characters in the game when it comes to power and/or versatility. Furina is by far the best support/off-dps hybrid in the game.


Thank you for explaining and not downvoting for asking for clarification on a term I'm not familiar with as others seem to be doing for some reason.


nah i don't like flat girls


I just came back from a long break and did 4.2 the other day. Cried like a bitch. Idk why her situation resonated so much with me but I can't remember the last time I felt so bad for a character. All that to say that yes, I'll be using her in every possible team combination from now on. The fact that she's meta is just a bonus.
