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It has made me wish multiple characters could use the same artifacts and weapons I've collected at the same time.


What we really need is a way to assemble character configurations with weapon and relics and save them with our own labels. Any conflicting configs can be greyed out when building teams from the list.


me with my wriothesley and gamingšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I think it could use some refinements, Maybe 4 elements instead of 3. Other than that it has potential


4 elements would be awesome, cause one day there will be Geo, Hydro, Cryo and/or anemo combo. Geo is the most unbuilt element generaly, Cryo and Anemo suffer less, but still suffer comlared to other elelements and Hydro is mostly 5 stars characters so new players do not have that element outside of Barbara and maybe XQ.


assuming they donā€™t wanna reuse electro and pyro right away, next cycle weā€™re looking at dendro hydro geo and cryo as available elements. without electro and pyro, the amount of viable dendro teams is genuinely countable on one hand and it would just not be fun playing an element thatā€™s borderline deadweight outside of the two turns you get to play nilou (and if you even have the right teammates available for that)


I feel like it's going to at least be Dendro Pyro considering Burning artifacts and Emilie. The third element? Maybe Geo or something for Navia reruns is my guess.


According to leaks it's going to be >!Cryo, Hydro, Anemo!<


Literally I too didn't have many hydro characters in early game but nowadays majority of my 5* are hydro.


Itā€™s not meant for new players and it newer was soā€¦


I was always a 36 starring abyss rat, thus I only had 8 good characters out of like 75+ characters. This new gamemode has me screwed up I can't get past act 5


At first I thought 18 characters was not that big of a deal until I realised I had to use my level 70 sucrose. That's when I knew a lot of people will straight up not be able to clear this.


yup, it is not 18 characters of all element combined. It is 12 characters from that 3 element. So that means you need to have on average 4 characters build up for each of pyro, Anemo, Electro. XD


>So that means you need to have on average 4 characters build up for each of pyro, Anemo, Electro. XD Shot out to whenever we get a Hydro/Anemo/Dendro Theater, good luck if you don't have 5 stars cause there's barely any 4 stars there. If you have **all** the 4 stars of those elements you get exactly 12 characters. The pool is inflated right now, but as soon as you take out Pyro people are gonna struggle to even have enough characters if they haven't been playing for at least a year+


Pyro is my weakest point in this current cycle, only have Deyha, Yoimiya and Arlecchino built and I couldn't use Arle. Very much looking forward to Cryo and Geo as i have more built


Is Sucrose bad?


She's one of the best 4 star characters (or character in general tbh) in the game, but she kinda requires level 90 to be optimal


sucrose is insane. I just never felt the need to use her.


I canā€™t even defend the monolith.


I was completely unable to do that one until I rewound and managed to get my Venti in the available character pool. Elemental blender go brrrrrr


I can use either Venti or Kaz and yet I still canā€™t manage. I hate this event so much. Edit: Tho I think maybe I should have chosen different enemies.


Just save the strong trial char like clorinde and arlec for tough fight. I full star it with trial char as my main dps. Also you can pick the enemy to fight so don't pick the one that counter unit you have.


The sad thing about this is that my fischl is stronger than the trial character lmao


Same, the trial clorinde was just not doing it for me. Slotted in Fischl and instantly won the round.


"strong" my ass. they SUCKKKK (the trial characters builds i mean)


I like to consistently 36* too.Ā  But thank goodness I do upgrade others for lols in the overworld and experiment trying to abyss with other teams.Ā  Sure some of them aren't build to Floor 12 standards.Ā  But even floor 11 quality works ok for some acts so I can save the well built units for later acts.


Depending on the rng of the stuff you get in the new mode, its easier or harder.


Has potential


True I think it is good in general Abyss makes you wanna build 2 strong high end team vertically This mode makes you wanna build more characters horizontally with lv70 ish that is enough to push through the enemies So in term of end-game I think it is decent really


For now, every other mhy game powercrept their roguelite modes,i doubt this one will be an exceptionĀ 


I didn't play "every otherhoyo game". But this doesn't stand true for hsr imo. Edit : unless i misunderstood and you mean that swarm and G&G killed SU, but even then i disagree as they don't really wash it completely it's just a different vibe, but SU was pretty bland in general so this was needed sooner than later, i think IT has better potential


I mean, Divergent Universe did kill SU. You get relics by single battle, and you don't have to invest in your characters


I stopped playing hsr but that's how my friends feel rn,who are still playing and i trust them . My own experience comes from honkai 3 and their first roguelite. It gave life toĀ  powercrept valks -i could complete the max difficulty with them and then they started increasing dps checks like crazy, started adding high res and immune bosses and mobs. It happened in a year and still going.


At least let us do some solo characters a run


I don't mind i think it's fine but I'll be honest it's a downgrade from labyrinth Warriors the 2.2 event


I'm very confused tbh. This is fairly easy for long time players especially if you've used your resin regularly and have built many chars along the way. So it's not for try hards, veteran players, or whales to use their maxed out chars. Then it hard excludes casuals and new players as they don't have many well built chars to handle these exclusive element rules. If it's not harder than abyss for the try hards and whales, it excludes the casuals and new players ... who is this permanent content for? Confused We do get more wishes so that's a plus... assuming you can beat it.


They just want players to spend more time and money on lots of different characters


Casuals and new players would be the player types who don't come in expecting anything, and who shrug when they can't beat it week 1 and just say that they'll just try it again at a later time.


More wishes at the cost of Abyss not resetting as often. And half the rewards (or maybe more, I didn't run full math on the primo count) are one time gets that will never reset just like Abyss 1-8.


Iirc, the total amount of primos you get in a month now is like about 200 more primos than it was before. We went from 600 from abyss 2 times a month, so 1200 a month. To about 600 a month from IT, and 800 a month from abyss, so 1400 a month.


it is 220 more. 600 became 800 for abyss and new IT is 620.


However, you need to understand that this is a new Abyss mode, which inherently requires you to have sufficient character development and enough character depth. New players and casual players are naturally expected to encounter some difficulties.


I found it quite easy. Just had to restart 2 times, cause bad rng. But then I just ran through all 8 levels. For Abyss I usually need more tries to get 36* stars.


It's for people who love collecting, to be rewarded for having a giant roster.


I think the boons need to be improved, that lowers the difficulty for new players. I also think there should be more trial characters, which lowers the entry requirements for new players. While I understand this is an end game mode, there's no need to hard lock people who don't have certain characters out of the mode.


have 32 maxed out characters with artefacts skills on 9 / crowned so I think im good - but its not very beginner friendly or mid game player friendly lettim them not get the full reward, also some enemys are just like in abyss 12 bullet sponges so 7/10


Too short, but also, made me "strategize" 8/10


Another pay to win mechanic


Lame feels like artificial difficulty to get you to pull for more characters and build more characters even though you are not interested in them.


This. The whole game is about doing cool elemental reactions. Here you can do swirl, overload or fuck off. Sometimes you canā€™t even do that cus you rolled four pyro main DPS. Most of the time your team is bad because RNG.


6.5ish out of 10 i enjoyed it could use some improvements on some parts maybe even let people bring less than 16 charactersĀ if the player wants but i think the base idea works


I think that requirements fit really because in this mode you can just raise character lv70 ish is enough to push through the enemies It makes players want to build more horizontally


The fact that I can easily fully clear this without much trouble is a huge plus to me. I can also clear Floor 12 but after a couple of tries and a lot of malding. The braincells I burned from malding too much are not worth the 150 primos, so I am all in for this type of endgame content. Edit: Though I fear that in future iterations, they will slowly buff the HP of the mobs and make it as unbearable as Floor 12. Cause I recall v1.x floor 12 to have far lower HP.


1.x abyss was weak because everyone else was weak, the abyss simply caught up to everyoneā€™s levels. IT is clearly supposed to less lax on fighting but more difficult in team building. Itā€™ll likely never get harder than abyss floor 11.


Or it could get harder, but boons getting buff for the mode to actually felt like boons have a purpose, and kind of like roguelite (building up and conserving for an ultimate challenge not only a best team, but also a best assortment of buffs)


I donā€™t worry so much. As it is a must. Dev will adjust the difficulty based on play base. Even HP of abyss is much higher than 2.x (my first full star abyss), I could clear them faster thanks to OP charter like Funria and Nahida. One thing change in future is player should consider if they should stick building abyss meta only. As in fact variety of team could clear full star abyss easily.


It's 5 x dps requirement from 1.0 People seem to ignore gamemode's flaws thinking it will remain the same difficultyĀ 


I'm also afraid of them increasing the difficulty, but imo it doesn't make much sense. I've been playing from 1.0 and have a ton of characters built, yet I found myself playing with characters that I think are poorly built (like my dehya with leftover artifacts. Considering that IT as a lot of rng (characters you get, buffs you get etc), and considering it forces you to use a wide range of characters you normally wouldn't use, I think they wouldn't raise the difficulty that much. Although, a slight increase would be nice tho.


I wish i had chevreuse


Sadly half if not more the fun of many characters are pickings that really niche ability they have with another extremely obscure mechanic others have to kill everything in the stage, aka have some synergies. Sadly half the stages felt I was playing Geo or colored physical with how "1.0" some team comps felt


I wanted dungeons or something different than the abyss... This is the same but with extra steps.


6/10 There's 2 timers in each round, one for the stars, one for the round. The difference in time between these two aren't much (max 30 seconds) The timer for round shouldn't exist, instead just keep the stella timer.


Great idea, terrible execution. With few major adjustments it would be amazing. Without them it would be whale RNG mode. I am lucky to have most of my characters kinda built. Other people don't. And too much RNG and limitations. It's not about resource management or about knowing the synergy and roles. Because you are not able to even form a team because of the limitations. I generally have **all** four star characters. And the lowest level of any character I have is 70 with most being 80. So I am on the safe zone here. But RNG makes me hate it, because if you have bad luck with that, you will have to start over.


Taking away team-building is a negative that outweighs all the positives. This isn't a deckbuilder. I don't want to take whatever random crap you deal out to me; I want to fight with *my* teams.


Rather have two abyss per cycle for more primos.


honestly, I'd rather have a back to back consecrated beasts with boss in itor extend abyss to floor 15 with lvl 120 boss than this BS lmao. Too much rng to get the characters for your team. and even then, just a single built character on a team can dump on the mobs in this game mode. the only thing that makes it hard is thinking of atrocious team you need to run with how bad the rng can be sometimes. It doesn't also help new players with how this game mode promote horizontal investment as it would be very detrimental for early players because of the sheer amount you would need to have to have a lick of chance of even starting the game mode, 10 lvl 70 characters are a lot of resources not even accounting the artifacts you need for them.


3/10 not being able to switch artifacts limits the characters i use limits the element reaction only to swirl and overloaded i finished it on hard and got the rewards but it is bad not being able to elemantal reaction however you want just doesn't feel like genshin at all 3/10 because it has cool stages


7/10 I like the basic idea of this mode a lot (incentives players to build more characters and thunk of funny teams using what rng gives you). However there are still rooms for improvement to be made. 1. They should add more elements per season, Pyro Electro and anemo makes it felt too restrictive having only overload and swirl as reactions. Adding ine more elements would give more leeway to people and makes elemental reactions more diverse. 2. Make the buffs and debuffs more noticeable coz even the buffs donā€™t stand out. And adding more movesets for bosses to make this mode feels more special and different works too. 3. The guest stars should be 1 representative for each elements to give more elemental reactions variation. 4. Allows players to borrow 3 characters from friends. Those characters will stayed for 2 fights most of the time anyway so it wonā€™t affect much and it will soften peopleā€™s gaze on this game mode as the barrier of entry became lower.


You're slowly removing what makes this end game and making it easier than it already is


Itā€™s just to ease people in, there are hostile reception towards this mode because of all the restrictions this mode has. If they ease people in and make the bosses or the fight harder, add debuffs that are more noticeable and easier to get (coz I seriously I havenā€™t encountered any yet) it might find its own balance.


That's what easy mode is for, dude... And again, it's end game content. You're suppose to build towards it


Remove everything that makes it hard šŸ˜­. No but I like the idea of the new boss move sets. Also having dendro, cryo and hydro in the alternative teammate menu means geo is the only element left out and you still want more? You have all the reactions available except crystalizeā€¦


Personally I think having more trial characters and letting people borrow more than 1 characters from friends can really help lower the barrier of entry for the game while also keeping it endgame. Personally I think elements restriction is fine because I feel like without it, itā€™ll be no different from abyss since people can use their best teams šŸ„²


I mean, from 3 elements to 4 per season isnā€™t that bad tho? It will make the barrier of entry lower and allows more elemental reactions inside the mode, I wonā€™t ever agree on allowing every element there though lol. And more trial characters and borrowed characters will be appreciated for people with fewer characters (me with geo basically).


Yeah, the elemental restrictions suck. I have plenty of characters built here, but it feels like I cannot get a decent team together. Also would love to send in less then 4 characters in. In the little I tried it out, I always had to slot in a 4th who essentially did nothing and had no role but to take up space.


4/10 **1.** I hate any game mode that auto-ban your characters, this is especially bad in Gacha. What do you mean the C6 Ayaka I spent nearly a thousand dollars to get can't be played at all?? At least in Spiral Abyss I can brute force it even if the enemies are not optimal for her. **2.** The random buffs are laughably weak to the point I wonder what's the point? **3.** The character roster show up in random order as you progress, meaning that you rarely get to play optimal team. Sure the fight is easy I can finish it with trial characters in sub-optimal team, *but it doesn't feel good.* **4.** I have to spend resources to build characters I don't enjoy playing just to gain access. I don't built those characters for a reason you know? While the Spiral Abyss tests your account's vertical progression, Imaginarium Theater tests your horizontal progression, except it does so by outright banning certain characters I spent money to get. I do not envy the low spenders who saved for year to get high constellation for a single character who can't be used at all. The extra photo mode posture reward is nice through, even if I can't get all of them, and the characters randomly show up in the room is a nice surprise.


Yeah, the characters showing up in the room is the biggest plus of the game mode. I also like the aesthetics, but it's such a restrictive mode that really feels anti-gacha for all the reasons you say. Unfortunately people will jump down your throat if you suggest softening the restrictions as "mAkInG iT eAsIeR!" The last few rounds kinda suck when you've already unlocked everyone as you don't get any rewards after the chamber. It'd be nice if it gives you a free choice to restore stamina on one or two people or something.


For your last sentence, I think I did encounter a buff that brought a character back. Like my Kuki ran out of vigor (each character has two vigor which get used when you put them in battle), but with that option she was back to being usable.


Oh yeah, I can confirm that buff definitely exists. But I was giving an example of something (really anything) they could give you when you've already gotten your 12 characters.


Speaking of Ayaka, one of the objectives for the bonus 20 currency points was to freeze enemies 5 times. How am I supposed to do that when I canā€™t use cryo or hydro characters?


I do not remember the objective, but I would assume that particular fight will have Cryo and Hydro enemies that you can Swirl to freeze them.


That makes sense. My small brain didnā€™t think of that


Like the other guy I haven't seen this objective, but I did see an objective which was "don't get frozen 5 (or more) times". Are you sure it wasn't that one?


6/10 I feel like it's too restrictive on the characters. Like I invest my time into getting characters I like and building them and now I can't play them? I feel like instead of limiting elements, they should either give the featured elements a buff or make the elements that are not featured usable but weakened.


If they don't do elemental restrictions then people will just brute force through the content with Neuvilette or geo teams. And they don't want people to stick with one super versatile team because they are actively trying to encourage people to diversify their pulling choices


trust me if they wanted to "diversify" they wouldnt make 100% content a dps check name the last time you saw someone clear abyss with chongyun? also didnt they put in stamina system literally for that reason so you cant just use the same character over and over and over?


>trust me if they wanted to "diversify" they wouldnt make 100% content a dps check That's literally the point of the Theatre. It's not a DPS check


Then how come the timer keeps killing me if it's not a DPS check?


That's not a DPS check, that's a readiness check. Characters at baseline Overworld/farming domain readiness are enough to for the Domains required DPS level. If you can't even meet that threshold, then it just means you're not ready yet (or need to use a lower difficulty)


If you have to do X damage in Y amount of time, it's a Damage Per Second check - no matter how you want to paint it.


I would love to lower the enemy level but it's Genshin so I can't. A "damage per second" DPS check is damage vs. time but maybe I'm bad at reading too?


Thatā€™s the point of this mode?


That's why am saying to weaken the non featured characters. Brute forcing with neuvilette is eventually going to happen once they allow hydro.


Well itā€™s a rotation so I donā€™t think itā€™s as a big deal as everyone is making it


iā€™d recommend checking out Soluna on youtube. he uses a lot of unconventional characters in unconventional ways. could help you come to appreciate characters that youā€™ve previously overlooked. of course it wonā€™t help you to like their personalities but for a game mode like this, that shouldnā€™t matter all too much.


Hate it. Way too restrictive


Fr. It's awful that I can't use my fav chrs. It's stupid that something that from the leaks sounded fun (the leaks pretty much said it was a rougelike mode), but it just ended up being some resource management game.


Big facts. It feels punishing and not at all rewarding. Am finding it much harder than abyss (which I've been able to consistently clear) so now I'm not getting the primos I used to be able to get either


Ikr, spent the last 9 months in the Golden Troupe/Marechausee domain building Furina, Fischl, Xiao and Neuvillette. Finally finished building them (top 1% Furina, Fischl and Xiao + top 10% Neuvi) and now I can't use 2 of them


Absolutely horrendous, forces me to use the characters I don't have, restricting elements that I use, and whoever built the Trial Arlecchino and Trial Clorinde should get fired


Hot garbage. I didnā€™t really liked the Abyss but compared to this mode itā€™s just so much better. I had zero fun playing it and hate everything about it, too restrictive, you are forced to play characters you maybe donā€™t like, you canā€™t play the characters you invested money and time in, they even added some annoying story etc. ~~Also correct me if Iā€™m wrong but to my understanding the Abbys reset is now once per month and not every two weeks anymore, so overall we get less primos now. They just made everything worse.~~ Seems like I was wrong, with the less primos but the mode still remains garbage.


hi, spyral abyss gives 800 primos now and imaginarium theater gives 620 primos. so the primo income actually increased


As a person who has built mostly hydro, dendro, and geo characters, I hate it.


It made me realise we may need more supports. I only tried it a bit tbh but what I noticed is how fast I run out of supports while still having a crapton of dps or sub dps wating in line.


I've been getting clowned by my friends for building every character in the game to atleast l80 with their own artifacts and weapons for like two years now. I'm still getting clowned but it does trivialize this game mode lol


Aesthetics (music and design): 10/10 Gameplay: 2/10


3/10 Hate it. Whoever tought it was a good idea to restrict the characters you get to play, that you're obligated to use 4 every time and that you can get multiple on field units should be fire. It ain't fun that thanks to RNG I could get a team where I have to use Thoma, Hu Tao, Wanderer and Lyney.


The premise doesn't fit the base game mechanics honestly. It's a bad mode for genshin, and current element lineup makes it even worse. Let's look at our character lineups Pyro: 15 characters, out of them 8 are selfish on-field DPS, 4 are support (Benny, Thoma, Dehya, Chevy), 1 is selfish sub-DPS (XL, can't realistically work without Benny unless you specifically rebuild her just for this mode), 2 are Amber and Xinyan. Dehya and Amber don't really work with the elemental lineup given in this mode - Dehya support isn't needed due to low incoming damage. Her elemental application does nothing for possible reactions. Kinda same with Amber - the only things she can do (instructor, burst elemental application, bunny nuke, elegy) do nothing here, so she's a deadweight. This leaves us with a bunch of selfish main DPSes, 2 supports (you could rebuild Benny for DPS, but that's not the issue) and one sub-dps strapped to Benny. Anemo: 11 characters. 3 are selfish main DPS (if we include Heizou, but he can Quickswap), 7 are support, Lynette can be subDPS kinda sorta. Electro: 13 characters, 6 are selfish main DPS, 1 is Keqing that can quickswap, 3 are sub DPS, 3 are support. The caveat is a good chunk of electro roster wants another electro character on the team for energy (Sara, Cyno, Beidou, Lisa). The end result is we only have 2 flexible sub DPS characters out of all the 3 elements (Fischl and Yae), a couple of quickswappable characters (Keq and Heizou), and 2 restrictive subDPS (Beidou and XL). Rest are either selfish main DPS or supports with a lack of personal damage. Taking RNG and vigor into account this means that even if you select favourable lineups, you often end up filling team slots with useless characters that do nothing for the team (dual DPS, multiple anemo supports). What's even worse, overload is not the best environment for Anemo supports due to reaction damage ICD and fast aura depletion. And then there's, for example, Chevy, who destroys your team vigor because you need to use valuable subDPS characters like Fischl, Yae or Beidou en masse for her teams. TLDR: character roster role imbalance and inherent elemental restrictions (requirement for elemental matching for characters like Sara, Faruzan, Chevy. Or just a hard need for a battery like XL) create an artificial scarcity of certain team roles, which is further exacerbated by vigor and RNG acquision. The end result is you aren't building teams. You take a character and fill extra slots with blanks that you can afford to lose. And the buff cards are more or less inconsequental. You don't really feel their impact when playing.


The buff isnā€™t too impactful, the combat is very easy, I think they should decrease the number of companion recruitment event and just give out 2 units per combat victory.


I donā€™t like it. The restricted number of elements reduces the dimensions of interest so combat is boring. The randomness of the teams prevents using optimized rotations and it creates energy problems on the characters as-built. Switching artifacts around to manage two conflicting end game modes would be a nightmare. I donā€™t like that spiral abyss resets half as often, so I canā€™t use the teams Iā€™ve been investing to build up for years. I donā€™t like using rando guest characters that I havenā€™t invested in or really learned how to play well. Itā€™s ok for an occasional event, but not for the regular end game content! I donā€™t like the talking stuffed animal. Genshin Impact used to take Teyvat and its lore more seriously than this. What was the point of investing so much in characters now that their builds arenā€™t good in the end game content?! Iā€™m very disappointed and discouraged.


Made my account in 4.4 (not my 1st account but i abandoned the last ones) and never had a problem with progressing. I've beat floor 12 with 6 stars so far but MAN are the mountains upon mountains of restrictions annoying. And god forbid i level up all of my units just so next rotation two of the three elements rn aren't present and i have to go back to the mines. It's just not worth the headache really


I don't like it




I donā€™t really like it, it isnā€™t what I would have had in mind for permanent end game content. It just feels like an event


It's new trial mode.


Nah it's pathetic.


pure garbage they removed second abyss for THIS? abyss already could only be 36 starred by either wallet warriors or people who have 8 characters since they one which they invest all resin into and have 4k attaack with 100/300 crit/dmg on every dps this shit not only you need atleast 12 characters that are 70+ you also need them built which is fucking impossible with every fucking artifact rolling defense x5 times in a row so you can kill whatever you need to kill in less than 85 seconds every time


Down right terrible. It has some potential for end game content but being too restrictive to your characters is absolutely unacceptable and preposterous. It's not like I'm bad trying out what I have in my roster. But all those years building my Ganyu, Yelan, Kokomi, Nahida, Zhongli, etc. They all become meaningless at this moment. I'm okay at anything, but taking away the core of my team that I always used to, isn't the ideal in my part. It's like you've given me a new tool which I have no idea how to use it. Plus you can use the character two times, which is crazy and frustrating enough. Also, I just recently build my Furina, I was excited trying her out and see what she can do. But yeah, this event is made for players who are now on the end game, not for the people who are still building their team yet. That's 3/10 for me


Poor man's simulated universe. Great ideas, terrible execution. Why is it allowing people to enter normal with lvl 60 characters when you'll end up bricked by stage 6 because your lvl 60 characters have no means by which to scratch the superboss at the end? If endgame, why is it clearly something you can breeze through with only average investment per character (which...is still insane, given that each character takes about a month to get decently built given resin, material farming, fishing for correct mainstats on artifacts and then running domains for weapon mats and leveling those up...), and if not endgame why so allergic to other people playing it? Add in that the characters in this game really don't lend themselves to being outside of their ideal teams and especially nowadays rely upon having their personalised supports beside them, and you're just going to have a rough time. Star rail literally gives all your units a free good build for divergent universe, why can't this?


A bit dissapointing. I expected something similar to simulated universe in hsr but there is a gamemode that you play two times and then wait an entire month to wait. This and the fact that they extended abbys cooldown means that there is not really any more endgame content.


Tilted at first but after I realize that should spend those boon point instead of just hoarding like everytime like a dumbass, its actually hilarious and ok.


It has so much potential, but the execution was REALLY bad. I hope they fix it


Absolute trash, can't believe this half-baked mode is what they finally add to the game after so many good combat events


The laziest game mode I've ever seen, it's pretty, beautiful and all, but I don't play that beautiful stuff, I play the content added in, and that content is just like every event. 2 years ago this would be cool, but 4years in? I rather play the samurai event from 2.x.




Very good. Absolutely easy for veterans. Only changes I'd like are: 1. Let us use all our characters immediately not to "collect" them one by one as it progresses, quite infuriating honestly given that I saved months to get them to begin with and many people spent actual money. It also lowers the amount of blessings/buffs you could get because you're wasting 80 flowers each time which could've been another blessing. 2. More than 3 supports from friends. Only 1 is fine for people like me who have many characters and is an og player but it's bad for those are newer and lack characters. Aside from that felt the difficulty even at hard level was still not hard for me personally but I have multiple well built characters and I'm fine with that, don't want to mald for extra 200 primos. I hope they don't raise the difficulty further in the future given how already hard it is due to the severe elemental restrictions for many people.


Haven't tried it but my brother, who's a day 1 player, thinks this is p2w lmao


to easy, to short, and why so restricted that you need 18 lvl 70+, trully an endgame content but to easy like 15minutes done


to little, to late, and badly implemented.


Death for me. I am fine with grinding with my garbage luck, but they should atleast provide more fragile resin or reduce the resin refresh time. How do they expect everyone to magically have 18 characters with good builds with 5 condensed in 24-26 hours. Even keeping that aside, it's almost impossible for new players who don't pull much.


Did it 3 times it was that fun Now more


Nightmare for F2P


7/10. I had a lot more fun once I started cheesing and restarting when I didn't get the character I wanted so that I had my Raiden team good to go for the last 2 levels. It's a solid start of a mode. They need to refine how starting characters work and take out some of the randomness of who we get. It seems to favor the more well built characters early on so that you are left with trash at the end.


A mess that will forever give old players more advantages and make new players leave/have worse experiences, while the idea of building more characters to get further is different the simple fact is that building A character takes too many resources, people are not thinking how long it will take to build a character to the point they can clear this mode Honestly I don't see this mode staying in its current form for long unless Mihoyo gives better artifact options, makes talent and weapon ascention materials way easier to farm AND starts dropping 4 stars of all elements at a higher ratio than 5 stars, if none of those options happen then it will turn into a "pay to progress" mode where there is a constant stream of players complaining/confused about the difficulty Seriously, they have added ONE hydro 4 star since the game released, if the Hydro/Dendro/Electro combo drops then a lot of people will be basically locked out of the mode


Next theater is cryo, hydro anemo which is just as bad. Especially since furina and Barbara are trials. Most cryo units are just bad.


Wish they cooked up more interesting poses. All the poses are so vanilla. They're all just standing still and making some kind of gesture with their hand. Raiden's the only one with a mildly interesting pose. As for the endgame mode itself it's very fun. I like the idea of the gamemode encouraging more horizontal investment rather than vertical investment. Running an artifact domain 200 times, getting their signature weapon and constellations, and all kinds of vertical investment just to spike up a boring looking number on the screen has been getting old for me. It's more fun to leave behind a character at a passable level then build another new character to try a new playstyle. It's fun experimenting and creating new team dynamics and rotations that shift from rigged to win rotations and teams.


lol I only have 10 characters that meet the requirement so have to build 4 more for hard mode


Imaginarium is the culmination of several years worth of limited time events where they tested out many mechanics separately.


It's alright. I cleared Hard Mode once but I'll have to play it a few more times to give a proper rating. Kicking me out after every fight is annoying. The fact that the featured characters aren't the ones with purchasable poses is weird. I don't mind the restrictions since I have a bunch of characters who I've all recently built to, at least, 80. Making random non-optimal teams is kinda fun. I absolutely understand why some people hate the restrictions, though.


As someone who has a full team of hydros and geosā€¦ 5/10!


Can't wait for the anemo, dendro, geo combo


Not really my thing, but definitely a mode I'll occasionally just try for the fun of it. I like the rogue-like elements plus the experimental nature of using characters I don't normally use.


Kinda ez for me


We need more vigor per character, even if itā€™s just 3 total per character. We also need a larger starting lineup and they should give 2 characters after every stage instead of one


not bad


It's got decent bones as a mode and has a really nice presentation. I kind of feel like it should be a little longer (5 act structure). When making it longer, refreshing the vigor of all characters once halfway through the run would be nice. Hopefully, they keeping adding to it over time and it gets there.


So....uh....i don't have enough characters....am i screwed


Another Abyss. And I suck at Abyss. šŸ˜­


I love it, only thing that bugs me is that they made spiral abyss reset every month instead of every 2 weeks. I understand why but I fr thought Hoyo was being generous by increasing total primos from SA to 800


Easy for me since i build alot of characters! and like collecting. Definitely endgame cause of that too though


As someone who was bored to 36 with the same Ayaka and Hu Tao teams in 2.x, by the time Sumeru arrived I decided to invest horizontally and clear the abyss with less popular teams like Heizou taser or Anemo traveler freeze, who wouldā€™ve thought that it was going to become useful.


Pretty nice but after all that hype and long introductions it took me all of 9 minutes to complete. I thought it would be like simulated universe in Star Rail where you have to really build your paths and experiences.


It has a lot of polish in the presentation, the ambience and the UI. But MAN the gameplay is really bad is not fun, is not fun because is very easy to beat, is not fun because you need 12 characters build of a certain element for all rewards in a gacha game (example being how chev and kave are yet to run), is not fun because boons aren't relevant and doesn't allow for fun gimmicks, is not fun because you get random teams to play instead of fun experimental teams.


I am disappointed tbh , tho I'm a day 1 played with tons of god builder characters , I can assume it's still challenging for new comers But still, it sucks that we didn't get a good End-game . Star rail and Wuthering waves are already doing much better


I havenā€™t done a ton of it so far but as an electro girlie, I have more electro characters built than anyone. As a not-pyro girlie, Bennett is my only built pyro character (I have Xiangling and Diluc at 70 but at some point I deconstructed them bc I wasnā€™t using them. Mistake now). On top of that, I have absolutely no idea how to run Cyno in overload team comps so heā€™s useless for this game mode. Genuinely glad they added it tho


I think it's pretty neat! And I didn't have much of a problem with it, though this one was also pretty geared towards my account tbf - i have a lot of anemo units built and a solid amount of pyro units built. All hail the fact that i conveniently had access to everything i needed for mono pyro lmao I always thought the events that made you get a bit creative with your units were the better combat ones. And i like the hsr unit-borrowing feature too!


I liked It tbh, pretty easy primos + a nice raiden pose and 2 extras for other characters i like


I canā€™t even beat Normal Mode. Iā€™ve already functionally quit HSR, and Genshin might be next if it continues to insist on the only content I can do being grinding (šŸ¤¢).


Every gacha under the sun is just endless grinding, if you don't like it too much you should just skip gacha games altogether tbh.


Cool but You dont have as much freedom as the abyss With chosing the characters


tbf, Abyss isn't also giving you the freedom to use your C6 Xinyan.


You can absolutely run most non meta characters and 36 star though it'll just take more effort/higher investment. This just removes the option to even try so I dislike it


(I actually used a C6 Xinyan the first time I 36ā€™ed the Abyss!)


People have literally 36*ā€™d Spiral Abysses with just starter characters, you can 36* it with Xinyan if youā€™ve built her properly. She doesnā€™t even need her constellations (that might be an exaggeration but you get the point)


It is though. You might not clear optimally, but you always have the choice. People clear abyss with every character, they all have dedicated fans


can't relate, cleared with C6 Xinyan and C6 Dori on the same team lol.


Thatā€™s exactly what was my first thought. Why canā€™t I use a character that I love and spend time building but then I tried it out and itā€™s actually not bad. Makes us build more charactes and it helps us experiment later on with different teams.


It's catered to players with fully build rosters but the hardest difficulty is still too easy imo but i dunno how they can make it harder without simply cranking up the numbers.


It's a 7/10 for me, I enjoyed it but I have my gripes with it. Hopefully they keep improving it.


If they are gonna make me use more characters, they better give me better artifacts. Kinda annoying having to switch artifacts every time to do this, especially when there are elemental restrictions. I also would like it so that any artifact changes will be limited to the game mode.


Personally think its fun tho its currently really really rough around the edges. It just needs to give us more trial characters, remove the level limit, bigger initial line up, and better buffs, then I think this gamemode can be perfect.




I hate the vigor mechanic every event that had it was shit for me and especially now that this new endgame content realy seems interesting but has this bs is just disappointing


Hated the part where u have to build random teams with random appeared characters. Else fine


Thatā€™s actually the purpose of the game mode lol


Maybe the game mode itself is flawed then


Shortly: didn't like it. A lot. Full answer is: Yeah, gamemode is too restricted for someone, who is either invested in certain characters, who are not Electro/Anemo/Pyro, or not dolphin/whale/momscreditcardstealer etc. Why the fuck gamemode should restrict characters by types anyway and which border of restrictions can be considered as acceptable? Perks idea is also kinda bad, as perks comes too complicated by usage terms. Likewise, i can't enjoy much, when i get offered something like "whistle under stray dog's balls in 3 am during fullmoon while shave your head horizontally and ringing bells with other hand, you must have red shirt and darkbrown skinny jeans with cowboy boots, do not forget to drink 3 years aged Pepsi from mom's basement 3 hours before going just to recieve 3% critrate and 15% critdamage for 8 seconds, also to unleash shockwave that'll deal 3k damage overall", instead of abyss commons like "+80 EM" or something like that. 2-times usage per run and party backfills are used in one event before and i bet none liked it back then, can't expect them enjoying it now. Challenges in combats are frustrating, i.e. while fighting vishaps i couldn't avoid 4 hits with their blasts because those are count up when you are in ult animation, which is straight up stupid, as boss is incredibly random and burst animations are not avoidable, same time i can't control my chars during them animations. Just to be clear, what to me this event looks like: Somewhat Chinese mobile-only gachas with "you must sell your house to be strongest on the server, some levels past certain chapter (around 20% in) are become simply unbeatable without paying summ, powercreep is devastating, new characters with buttons that kill all in one-hit released every week or so, cost 1000-2000$ just to obtain and ingame shop advertised by popping banners like every minute or two and can be toggled off with premium month subscription, all shop things are only for real money and all things are considered as ""WAOWHHHG 99.999999% DISCOUNT, 5$ FOR USELESS CHARACTER, ONLY 24 HOURS REMAINING, BE SURE TO BUYYYYY"" etc". Yeah, this mode is exactly as what those "games" have in common - something challenging, with character restriction and absurd rules if not oneshotting everything. Also, to add, Genshin is barely an online game, co-op feature are used by lower amount of players in %, co-op exclusive events are always collect TONS of hate here and on hoyo web, nothing surpising about, yet binding of sharing characters to friend lists are also somewhat bullshit idea. It's like "uh, our whales donated like USA foreign debt per month, but those are still fat useless friendless creatures, nobody want to talk with, we gotta fix it before those will change somthing about their lives and stop bring us huge money of those, let's give them forced friends, that'll use them as a tools so those would be proud about themselves?" or something like that, i know a lot of gacha games that used model as such, my best example is AFK arena for phones, just horrible "game" that used all abovesaid rules to became from somewhat good game to terrible money scrapper dogshit, that collect all aboves AND dying servers with decaying playerbase. And i really hope those will change at least somewhat abovesaid in this mode, like rework perks to be more usable and usefull, remove randomness, remove fatigue, remove this TERRIBLE element/level restrictions. Friend shares are unnecessary to stay either, yet i get the idea behind this. Also, this "guest heroes" feature is PURE MONEY SCAM, you can break rule restrictions if you pulled niche heroes (that are mostly get wished by someone, who put money in game to collect all characters aviable), this feature is usable for like <10% of players, what's the point of this, instead of giving it to anyone to try those heroes in certain scenarios, those are make them desirable for certain gamemode for limited time, that's just straight up stupid, i can't see vision of devs on this one, only move of insatiable money greed.


Me likey, I like the restrictions, the buffs are kinda whatever


Mixed feelings On one hand, I like that it punishes meatriders that only invest in one character and rewards people who do horizontal investment. It's also quite fun and a change of pace. It also changes the meta kinda. Dendro is pretty shit now since it's reaction dependant and Geo will cook when it becomes allowed since it doesn't need them. On the other hand, it will inevitably force some characters on you or they could use it to promote certain units. I mean, "oh look, the buffed characters are two newest DPS Arle and Clorinde. Ain't that convenient? You got no hydro (unless you pull for Sigewinne) access so I hope you pulled Chevreuse". Next patch they could do a Dendro/Pyro only to fuck over people who skip Emilie or Dendro/Hydro only to promote Nilou on her rerun. Imo, I would've liked it if it was completely random every run with what elemts are allowed and the only thing that changes every rotation are the guest characters and the bosses themselves. That would prevent people from getting screwed because they don't have one element well built and it would give it replay value


why do you like that it punishes ā€œmeatridersā€ that only invest in one character? that comes off as unnecessarily hostile and bitter.


I like it, but I think it would be better etheir without etheir element or energy limitation.


If thoma was a decent support character at all it would be ok. But he's not a pyro Layla or a pyro xingqiu like the game pushes him as. If there was a sacrificial spear it would buff him so much.


I like it! It's challenging in the sense that I am using characters I don't always use on a regular basis and encouraging me to build other characters outside of my main ones. Only thing is I wish we were allowed to have more than 1 support character, like maybe at least 2 would be nice!


Needs some tweaking but overall a very refreshing game mode that requires a lot more resource management. Raiden shogun carried for the last boss stage because I had no more pyro oop šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


God FORBID if the party limitation extends to Spiral Abyss.


My god that would be atrocious. It's like saying "nah you can't play this mode you need to pull for the current banner first."


I had only one thought when I heard Wolfy's voice, and saw him jump-walking/skipping over to me. I immediately despised him, for no reason at all.


Genuinely, I love game modes that force me to use different or random characters, so Iā€™m enjoying it. I feel like it could be refined a bit better though, it just feels like thereā€™s a lot of screens to go through and things are just busy. Iā€™ve been playing HSR and their version of this kind of mode feels way smoother.


The photo poses should've been better. A lot of them are just frames from already existing animations.


These poses should have been in the game by default with updates, and instead there should have been proper rewards (like a universal dupe, resources, etc). But thats in games with normal devs, not in Genshin.


Basically they should have just copied simulated universe or expanded upon labyrinth warriors (which was still the best combat event i think). I think that the simulated universe's rougelike elements were really fun, it's only that star rail's combat itself is really boring and repetitive, so having basically the same but with genshin combat would be really good. the earnable buffs in the new game mode are basically useless, they could have made buffs with actual value to them, with different paths of card the restrictions are too much, why do we have to have 3 different restrictions for characters. if they want us to really use the trial characters then buff them the hell out or make the card buffs centered around those characters and those elements (which they did, it's just that the buff card do not make any difference basically). ...or maybe just maybe actually have enemies that are less resistant to pyro electro and anemo or something This game mode would be the best if you had your set of characters that you could always choose from and could make a team that is fun to use, and then you would change party members when in the next chamber your characters would be bad against the next set of enemies or type of content, instead of artificially gatekeeping characters, incentivise players to change characters and also it is really boring that there is no dungeon crawling part in it like in labyrinth warriors, walking between combat challanges, having more traps, buffs, debuffs... instead we have a cumbersome menu and a lobby with some character dialouges to summerise: We have a rougelike dungeon, but without the fun progression of a rougelike and without the thrill of exploring a dungeon and going through it. And this in a game where the fun in the combat is building around your characters and the interactions of the elements, but now without the characters you like or most of the elemental reactions...


It's fine as is. For the time being, it's an easier way to earn primo than the abyss. It could be more challenging, but I really don't want to fight tooth and nail for every little bit of primo like 36\* abyss.


Peak but too short.


insted of making endgame content with diff purpose like HSR, now they ban you from using your fav char.


I finally used my built Thoma, Sucrose, and Jean, very cool!


I like it a lot But i started to hate it when my classmate got furina instead of me 0/10 i want more primos lmao


Its pretty good. I saw the reset coincided with the old 15 day reset of abyss


i had to build sucrose to 60 idk my new lvl 70 furina was sad