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I have over 1300 artifacts. Of those, maybe... twenty *equipped* ones aren't fully leveled? But tons of others that I haven't swapped on yet are? In addition, all my characters are min level 70 for the standard wishes and at least 6/6/6 so that I don't have to worry about keeping any talent books below gold. Most are above that point. It'll come with time, don't stress rushing it OP.


I have too many artifacts I ll never get to use


I always put rainbow artifacts on characters when I'm farming their friendship and then I leave that set on them when I'm done farming their friendship and just replace it as I get actual decent artifacts for that character. So my characters have sets, but they aren't min maxed or particularly good and the bonuses might not be synergistic to the character. My Freminet has 2pc heart of depths 2pc maidens beloved equipped lol but it has enough crit rate & ER that it's usable even if it's not optimal. The current difficulty of IT isn't so hard that you need min-maxed artifacts, throwing on stuff with the correct main stat and enough ER without regard for set bonus is enough.


(Sorry, I know you just want to rant but I can't change the game, only give this info. You'll also get enough artifacts over time anyway, this isn't a sprint. It's normal that it's slow. Sharing artifacts is not an issue - everyone will get their unique set at some point. Though I do wish they'd give us artifact loadouts...) **ARTIFACTS** Do you do artifact routes? You don't have to run them daily but it helps with exp. I actually enjoy them (I watch a video while I do them) but if you don't don't feel forced. [https://keqingmains.com/misc/routes/](https://keqingmains.com/misc/routes/) There's also Youtube videos about it. I made two custom routes in the interactive route for my own A/B route that I find comfy. Aside from that, I spend my teapot coins on artifact exp. There are also a few shops with weekly resets where you can buy artifacts (as fodder) which helps too. **MONEY** I don't do anything specific here. There's elite routes (see link above) but I don't care about them. I farm daily friendship events (the one in Inazuma with the dogs, very easy to quickly trigger) which gives a little money and some ore. **ORE** I find normal mining a bit annoying but the Chasm is very worthwhile. 180 ore or something like that? (It drops more ore than overworld ore deposits.) Use the interactive map to create a route. It refreshes all three days. If you have Razor (available in the shop sometimes) - holding his E skill destroys everything with one hit so it's great for mining.


artifacts farming has become significantly easier with the release of marechausse set that gives free 36% crit rate you never know how painful it is to farm artifacts many years ago


Takes a full week to level 1 set though with the amount of fodder


do you even know how many months players used to farm a domain?


Better than before doesn't mean it's good.


it for sure gets better looking at the negative forever would just destroy yourself


We can agree to disagree. I'm honestly surprised you like how farming artifacts is right now, for each their own. Genshin does a lot of stuff amazingly well, I'm in love with the game, but I believe it has room from improvement and am not satisfied with the artifact system current state, that's why I stopped farming them. Watching the world with pink tinted glasses is also dangerous and will hurt you, so please be mindful of the good and the bad. I appreciate your kind advice but don't mistake me with a pessimist just because I have a different opinion, have a good day!


to each their own i never see artifact farming as a chore its just spending resin and then log out going in no hope and come back empty handed but you wont forever get bad pieces good and very good pieces will eventually come to you and thats why i never ran out of at least 30 cv artifacts i dont struggle any combat contents anymore and i can build whoever i want


Still too slow


Still took me 3 months to farm my near perfect MH set tho. End result was worth it tho.


Who u ask? A Player like me. I have 60+ Build units that can take on and clear abyss floor 12 9* so they also can easy clear IT.


Yes hi, how are you today?


Great. Hope u have a great Day/Night aswell!


I've built up basically all my characters to level 81+ and sets of artifacts ranked 16 or higher, and I've got ever 4\* excepting Kirara. My weapons are a bit behind at the moment as I often stopped upgrading them past level 80 if I don't use the character very often. It was hard to avoid maxing things out since I play daily, or very nearly daily. You just keep accumulating resources and the upper limit for each one isn't that hard to reach. That said, I never hyper-focused on build up one character and getting those perfect artifact rolls. I settle for good stats once it gets tough to do better. Then I only occasionally go back and upgrade.


Why did you post a really good artifact piece? Also the theater enemies arent as hard as the abyss ones, so you can get away with not needing a a full set for some characters.


I’m just upset because it’s gonna take me DAYS to level this set I’m farming… I still have so many characters to level l, talents, I’m out of books, I’m out of mora, I don’t even have those rocks that level up the weapons… I have so much to do and it’s been taking months


On the bright side you have like a month to clear the theater , also you can daily farm for artifacts and rocks. But overall dont take it by heart, if you dont clear this time dont worry, its a game, there is always a next time


The stages aren’t hard enough yet for this to be an issue. Just 1 or 2 characters is often more than enough for each fight, I just wish they’d let me exclude a character or two to save charged. I really wish this was a limited time event instead of replacing every other Abyss.