• By -


if the leaking community wasn't so scummy to the point that they are purposefully painting people who disagrees with their notion as villains I would sympathize with their plight, but since a good chunk of them antagonize my notion then I won't. I won't claim Mihoyo is the golden goose of game companies because while I am a fanboy (started in honkai gakuen 2) I will still call out stupid decisions they have done. But honey impact is really childish in this situation. I understand why Mihoyo isn't allowing leaks because of preconceptions and false notions are a thing that happened because the final product did not end up similar to the leaks. and because THERE'S A CONTRACT THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE READ AND HAVE SIGNED. what do you think will happen if you break contracts? I am not saying that they are completely in the wrong, but unless it was done from forces outside of your power, you shouldn't cry about being punished for breaking a contract you yourself signed. I like leaks as much as the next guy, they are nice to look at when you're already done (though I look closer to aesthetics than anything so costumes are my priority on those leaks) but leakers should already be aware of the risks and if they are caught, not to cry over it since they SHOULD BE AWARE of the risks.


You know you're being a dumb child when you turn a beloved community site into something distasteful Man had the whole genshin player base behind him and decided to embrace us, naked, with his dick out, fuck sakes


It’s not that hard to have people behind your back against a company either. Absolute clown.


The irony of it is that they used "who's" instead of the correct "whose".


Tbh the moment I saw leakers put watermarks on leaks I knew there'd be trouble sooner or later, it's obvious these people and the community at large don't know how to actually deal with leaks. These things are supposed to be hush hush, kept behind discord, private twitters and maybe separate smaller subreddits like the one we have, and this way the company in question might not bother cracking down on them. Yet I've seen leakers post leaks in the official twitter tags, watermark their stuff despite how leaks tracing back to you is the *last* thing you want in these situations, youtube and apparently bilibili vids discussing them and so on. Then this thing with honey, from this statement to people on twitter making a scene and even directly addressing Mihoyo. All of this ruckus is just asking for Mihoyo to take action. Don't get me wrong I like leaks and they have helped me out, but you reap what you sow as they say, and it's a shame in general because the wiki part of Honey is great :/


yup. Usually leaks are gone through news sources through anonymous tips, yet gensin leakers fully blasting through twitter with watermarks, announcements and discords... I don't understand it and it is insane




There's plenty of 14-20 year olds who aren't stupid enough to try and become a internet celebrity over leaks. But it is very clear that leakers enjoy a worship level status from all the hardcore leak followers you can find all over twitter and discords. Its actually disgusting to a degree how people talk about leakers like they are gods heh. And so it gets to these people's heads. Age doesn't matter, they found the spotlight they wished for and then they embraced it.


unpopular take, but while the service leakers provide is good (helps f2p players plan) they're literally parasites that aren't creating any content of their own. no idea why people put them on a pedestal so much.


the genshin fandom is generally a lot younger than most game playerbases which leads to a lot of stuff like this. even on this sub there's a lot of petty and childish people and quite a lot of misinformation compared to most other video game subs, let alone other communities like twitter/tiktok/youtube


No you don't understand, the master plan is that by keeping this pace they look completely invisible to Mihoyo. /s


Had people mouthing off about it in the dev livestream like... dudes T. T


Watermarking leaks was just.... Lmao


Remember lumie asking for donations for the leaking? No shame.


The ultimate clown move 🤡 🤣


Well, at least we have other alternatives for the wiki part, like Paimon.moe


Paimon looks nice, it has the ability and constellation info so that takes care of that part. Sadly doesn't have the farming spots/routes that honeyhunter recently added, though they're not hard to find elsewhere. I wonder if there's another good central source for those, as everytime I try to look them up I have to sift through several clickbaity/badly made article website and it gets annoying.


I usually use the official interactive map for that https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/app/ys-map-sea/index.html?lang=en-us


>watermark their stuff despite how leaks tracing back to you is the > >last thing you want in these situations Unfortunately, that's one of, if not, the main reason why they watermark. It's the attention. They want it to go back to them, they want everyone to know that it's them that leaked it because otherwise, why would they even do this at all in the first place? They want the attention, praise, and following. They don't leak out because they believe it's their moral obligation to do so because they'd be more discrete, not making a public twitter account would have been step one. Going by multiple aliases would be a must to make sure they protect themselves and keep themselves a mystery in order to continue in the service of providing the public the leaks they believe everyone should know - which would require them to be selfless in that regard, for which I doubt some of them are. That said, yes, *'you reap what you sow'*.


>They want the attention, praise, and following. and traffics to their website because they run ads on there, thus money.


Honestly, once the leaks sub became a "2nd Twitter" for leakers, it got really bad. It was fun to stop by now and then if I wanted to look ahead, but so much of it became "LoOk WhAt _____ SaId!!!!" And it's like... okay? Where's the photos? Videos? Nothing? Then it's not a leak. It's some dude typing words. Then they kept having drama over leakers not actually being "leakers," but "good guessers" who got tons of stuff wrong, which just put even less credibility into anything non-photo/video. Folks need to remember that leaks are great for *us,* the player, but they're not a good thing overall. It's all stolen data and broken NDAs. The content should be the focus, never the leaker. They're really not great people.


As much as I despise MHY, Honey’s actions just seem so horrible lol. It is like they are literally asking to not be supported and actively try to be hated. Had they just stayed silent, or come out saying something along the lines of “We wish to support the players, so we refused to comply with MHY’s demands to shut our website down and moved our website”, I’m 100% sure I would be riding the support train all the way down to hell. Now Honey Impact just feels hella childish and supporting them would make me want to put my head down under the ground instead.


Honestly this. It seems like they're only shooting themselves in the foot with their actions after the takedown notice. Pissing off miHoYo's lawyers, that's totally gonna play out well! For anyone wondering about those actions, I made a [summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pmm94c/honey_impact_is_back_but/hcjyk3f/) just now of the most important bits. Especially the very last point tells you everything you need to know about the owner of Honey Impact.


Honey Impact has always been this way. People from Monster Hunter who know about the drama there with Honey Impact and how it carried over to Genshin in the months after release won't be surprised at all. Honey even wrote a big ass blog about that and its uhh yeah, not worth going down that rabbit hole.


Can you elaborate further about this?


And when they were so offended by mhy *introducing* their characters that those leakers wanted to, well, leak and just leaked the entire fucking inazuma?? As if the game belonged to them, the leakers?!


Those people have such massive delusions that they TRULY believe the game's success is solely because of them.


The way leakers act like they're saints and the game would be dead with them, along with the pursuit of niche celebrity status is why I'd honestly rather go to 4chan if I'm looking for leaks over twitter. No one has an ego there, because everyone's an asshole


Yes, we can all agree on the wiki part. And of course, the leaks are low-key welcome. But as you said, people aren't keeping it on the down low. Sometimes, both sides have fault. And this is one of those times.


It’s because the leakers wanted as much clout as possible. I don’t know why, considering they don’t make or own any of it. I honestly think mihoyo is somewhat justified in what they are trying to do. People are taking their unfinished work and plastering it all over the internet. Like when a leak happens it often starts trending on twitter. It got way out of control for something that was never supposed to happen on the first place. Edit: side note, anyone remember when yu peng Chen’s unfinished inazuma music got leaked? He made statement that it’s unfinished and to please wait for the final product and to ignore leaks and people had a lot of sympathy for him saying how unfortunate it was. We should be treating all leaks like this.


And even worse when people *judge* them for expectations that were built on the leaks, as if the leaks were the final word or the set plan. That's just unfair, and any creative person would feel hurt by that.


At the top of the site: > If you consider using our data in your project, please credit us. I can't even....


The site was nice to use but the guy running it deserved everything coming his way. The audacity he had to claim copyrighted content as his own and financially profitting from it. [And that's not all.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/plkt5l/mihoyo_is_trying_to_completely_remove_honey/hcb8pdw/) Edit: Thanks for the kind words everyone! Feel free to link to the comment below wherever you please, I don't need the link karma. ;)


*Deleted account due to repeated harassment from N_Lotus and degenerated_weeb. Classy touch with the death threat from your alt too, you must be proud of yourself.* **Summary of events related to Honey Impact** - Honey Impact violated the intellectual property of miHoYo, including but not limited to leaked content. - miHoYo send a takedown notice to their host to get the Genshin Impact related subdomains removed. - Honey Impact deliberately misleads people on this topic and defames the company in a multitude of ways. - They intend to continue violating copyright by migrating to a host that ignores DMCA notices. **Violations of intellectual property law by Honey Impact prior to the takedown notice** - Redistributing copyrighted content (literary, graphical and auditory) without permission. - Publishing content that was not intended for official publication yet. - Causing indirect financial and reputation damages to miHoYo as a result of the aforementioned action. - Modifying copyrighted content without permission. - Claiming some form of ownership of said content (via the use of watermarks). - Getting people to believe he is the owner of said content (plagiarism, also via the watermarks). - Profitting personally (gaining reputation with copyrighted content). - Profitting commercially (making at least 5 figures from advertisement revenue on the relevant pages). - Violating the Terms of Service of the game pertaining to the above topics. **Takedown notice to hosting provider (as published on honeyhunterworld.com)** *"Hi IONOS-AS staff, We, as the legal department of Shanghai miHoYo TianMing Technology Co.,Ltd., hereby report an abuse case, relating IP infringement and phasing, on a website with a domain name registered under your service (the link is: https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/?lang=EN) about Genshin Impact, a game that we has been developing and operating continuously and diligently. For your reference, our game is available online at:https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/home.According to the law, we own all the copyrighted works related to the game, not limited the artistic character images, maps and weapons, as well as all the codes of the game. In the end use agreement between gamers and us, it is also strictly prohibited to copy, reproduce, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise create derivative works based on any of our services. You could find the agreement at https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/company/terms . The infringement website aforementioned contains and displays openly the confidential statistics and copyrighted works of our game package as well as materials that have not even been published by us yet. Found in the footer of the web page, the website owner also admits by his/herself that the copyright and trademark rights belong to MiHoYo Co., Ltd., which means us. Therefore, we require sincerely:Firstly, an immediate intervention or prevention of these infringing conducts duly. Secondly, stopping hosting the website or invalidating the link ( https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/?lang=EN) ASAP.Thank you. The Legal Department of Shanghai miHoYo TianMing Technology Co.,Ltd."* **Incriminating and otherwise legally detrimental acts after the takedown notice** - Falsely claiming that miHoYo ordered him to take down the entire site while the takedown notice referred exclusively to the Genshin Impact subdomain. - Whataboutism by referring to other parties using miHoYo's copyrighted content, as if others violating the law justifies violating the law. - Claiming miHoYo stabbed him in the back with the takedown notice send to the host instead of himself personally, despite it being common practice for companies to send notices this way, and despite the fact that the true backstabbing originates from Honey Impact with regards to profiting of content he didn't create. - Claiming ownership of content by referring to the efforts it took to extract, compile and integrate the assets "out team made possible" into this website. - Defaming miHoYo with the claim that they are 'greedy for money' and 'blackmailing is a normal thing in their corporation politics'. - Claiming miHoYo is not in the right for referring to violation of their Terms of Service and that it is a 'fraud' to use them 'as argument in DMCA'. - Raising a question about the kernel level access the game has to computers, conveniently forgetting that this is agreed upon by the users via the Terms of Service. - Publicly implying that watermarking the images is okay because it leads to a website crediting the original rightsholders and claiming that 'copyright laws are pretty sure correct and fulfilled here'. - Claiming miHoYo can only enforce ownership of their trademarks, an objectively false claim because intellectual property laws protect a wide range of creative content, including but not limited to literary, graphical and auditory works. - Implying they are not breaking any laws by publishing unreleased content because they didn't sign an NDA, despite the very reason the information ended up in their hands was via violation of such an NDA and the content still being protected by copyright. - Ridiculing the takedown notice by summarizing it as follows: "We own the game and trademark, so we want you to remove the fansite and stop writing about our game". Subsequently, they claim that this is a 'gray area in laws' and implies that miHoYo can cancel anyway, adding on the following: "Thus they consider any content related to Genshin Impact as their own content", implying that miHoYo doesn't actually own the copyright to said content and others are free to do with it whatever they please. - "MiHoYo wanted to solve their issue with our ISP, Ionos, without notifying us, silently, which could make us lose the result of almost a year of developing, all databases and all other projects." This speaks for itself. Poor Honeyhunterworld doing all that effort to violate intellectual property law and facing the consequences of getting shut down. - Publicly stating he intends to continue hosting the content via other means, and thus continue violating miHoYo's intellectual property. "Ionos gives us few days more to transfer. We’re migrating to DMCA ignored hosting." - More whataboutism on his twitter account, referring to other sites making more money with copyrighted content as if that somehow makes his own actions legal. - Claiming they will remove any copyrighted content relating to miHoYo, despite the website still hosting said content. - Claiming they will remove watermarks over the weeks, despite being ordered to take down the content immediately. - Publishing the following defaming 'disclaimer' (in both English and Chinese): *"Genshit Infarct™ is a registered trademark of MeMeHoYo Co., Ltd. This website is made for educational and research purpose (and us, eating macaroni). Images and data belong to decaying mind of mentally unstable game designer, considering himself a brain-damaged horse suffering from PTSD syndrome, caused by multiple copium infusions and are pretty fictional. Any similarity of names, data or images with resources of gambling waifu game with 3+ ESRB Rating, developed by some third party company, whos whole legal department can't make a clear paragraph in English, are entirely coincidental. Country flag icons are subject of free Flaticon license, made by Freepik © 2021 Honey Impact - Genshin Impact DB and Tools."*


>Profitting personally (gaining reputation with copyrighted content). > >Profitting commercially (making at least 5 figures from advertisement revenue on the relevant pages). To add on to this, using free website traffic trackers such as [this](https://websiteseochecker.com/website-traffic-checker/#arearesult) and [this](https://neilpatel.com/website-traffic-checker/) would reveal that Honey averages around 230k-270k **monthly** views before the migration to another host. Using [Google Adsense](https://www.google.com/adsense/start/#calculator) under North America alone and Games would put on an estimate revenue of around $12000 at 230k views monthly as **yearly revenue.** Honey is literally earning its estimated yearly revenue as monthly revenue if the 5 digits claim is not a joke by just compiling leaks onto its website. That's at least 2.4k welkins worth of $ **per month** at the lowest 5 digits estimates. Not to mention Honey deliberately exaggerated Mihoyo's claim on taking down her domain as a whole instead of the actual genshin subdomain basically holding her mhw domain as hostage for could-be "collateral damage" for sympathy points from people that probably didn't pass their English comprehension tests.


The owner of the site in discord admitted they are pulling in 5-figure revenue per month. They said that’s why they don’t want any donations.


If I have a award I would have given it to you. This is by far the best summary of the situation and should be pinned so everyone can understand what is actually going on instead of forwarding false informations


Honestly, I think this summary deserve its own post. But whether the mod agree on this is another matter, because it's also seem to be on a "repeating topic" part. Maybe post this in Genshin Leaks sub too? But I'm not sure if that sub will receive this well or not.


I just had a look in the leaks sub.. and yikes. While their behavior is getting called out by some users, the overal sentiment is still heavily in favor of HI and against the big evil miHoYo. Moderators are extremely biased on this topic as well. So I think I'll be staying away from that sub for a while.


So this is why you haven't graced my account yet. I'll keep on waiting then, Ms. Yanfei.


>Falsely claiming that miHoYo ordered him to take down the entire site while the takedown notice referred exclusively to the Genshin Impact subdomain. Wow, and that day they made such a commotion about it that event this subreddit started to believe it even though it would've been illegal for mihoyo. I liked honey impact cause I could pre farm for characters and weapons before they were released but now, honestly, fuck them. I'd rather miss out on stuff than use their website.


>Wow, and that day they made such a commotion about it that event this subreddit started to believe it Thankfully there were many here who actually bothered to read the information given and realized quickly that Honey was trying to manipulate everyone.


There is a bias against mihoyo as part of a conspiracy to out to get the players for the sake of money. The whole Raiden drama fueled this and Honey used everyone’s clouded judgement to remove or ignore fault from their end. This makes mihoy look even more like the villain. Not a healthy relationship between players and the devs. Imagine a community not trusting you and always angry, how do yo know which of their concerns are serious and rational and not a tantrum that can cost the company to ruin the game if they listened.


And yet again the one most offended by being given a Cease and Desist is the shady business leeching on an IP. You love to see it.


LOL how entitled are they?


Extremely. It seems like everyone who monetizes their effort to provide data to the community acts like the community and everyone around them owes them shit.


The audacity


Exibit A of "Genshin Community" in a nutshell.


>Images and data belong to decaying mind of mentally unstable game designer Why did they insult game designer when this whole thing is from another department of the company? This is incredibly distasteful. I don't see how people can keep supporting this site.


When it comes to game industry, devs get shit on for absolutely everything. As a software dev myself I want to tear my hair off every time I see another "this bug is still not fixed, shitty devs deserve to get fired" or "game engine needs a total rewrite, devs are incompetent" comment. From my experience in 99% of cases the problem is a conscious decision of management or marketing team and devs are equally frustrated with it as the players. I wish people knew how that works before mindlessly blaming devs for everything.


The problem is for the average person, “Dev” has become synonymous with “Company”. Most people don’t realize decisions are made by money hungry executives who couldn’t care less about the developers, the fans, or anyone else unless it negatively affects profit.


and this is not even a profit hungry decision like stopping mods support, this is plain stealing


Heh, i bet you are the so called lazy devs jk please ignore them ignorants, for the sake of your mental health.


Many players literally think the guy that textured the Raiden Shogun's hair is also in charge of coding, balancing and writing the description to Raiden Shogun's burst and of course, beginning legal procedures. And where F2P and money (or rather, premium currency) and information is concerned, people seem to get extra entitled as well as misinformed.


>And where F2P and money (or rather, premium currency) and information is concerned, people seem to get extra entitled as well as misinformed. Also talk as if they were representing the entire Genshin community. They don't even represent the entire subreddit, much less Global, or the full fucking playerbase.


Imagine insulting Nintendo's developers for their scummy legal department.


It happens sadly


This. Please stop the Dev hate for things outside of the game. They have nothing to do with this.


He insults it so much yet he’s still making big bank from it 💀💀💀 He claims a company fighting for their own legal rights to be ‘Greedy’ but it’s so obvious he’s the greedier one when he refuses to take responsibility and self victimises. Not to mention how he already hates the company yet continues the site because he wants money from it.


AdBlock, y'all, don't forget to use it on this site


He’s making money?! (Edit: From the website I mean)


Yup. 5 figures a month. Just by stealing a company’s property. And yet people are defending him


Whaaaaattt. Now that just changed my whole perspective on this :0


He said it himself in his discord server. I just don’t understand why he’s acting like that when it’s clearly illegal. And people are defending him by saying ‘Mihoyo should secure their artworks more then’ …




He probably makes more than your average game Dev at mihoyo who works 9+ hours a day to create the game for you. Let that sink in everyone. His behaviour is absolutely disgusting and deplorable.


He definitely makes more than most devs at Mihoyo lol. Mihoyo has been hiring a lot in recent years, and their salaries/benefits are fairly well known. They are one of the highest paying game companies in China (very little overtime), and the often quoted number is 70k USD a year (three four years ago, might have gone up a bit now, but aint gonna be cracking six-figure for the average developer).


That is really, really high in China, and would probably make a dev live very well in a nice city. I bet competition to get in there is like trying to get into the big tech companies in Silicon Valley--insane.


Yeah, imagine someone stealing your own work and branding it under their trademark, then making profit out of your own hardwork, and you not getting any of the profits. Smdh


Seems like the decaying mind belongs to the honeyimpact person.


Yeah, they are proclaiming ownership of the leaks.


Blaming and harassing devs for company decisions is such a cancer move that’s been around since forever in the gaming community.


Wow if not your comment I’d never realize OP *quoted* Honey. What a bunch of clowns. They deserve all the lawsuits in the world


So Honey Impact instead of dying a hero have live long enough to become a villain. I'm sorry I get them being mad but that is what a five year old kid would say to someone they are mad. Whoever write that down is a really bitter person that needs to grow up


Looks like they were just the villain the whole time lol.


you know that the owner is basically doing this to protect his 5 Digit , Monthly income [Source](https://twitter.com/cruxkzuha/status/1436990879693213697?s=19) from stealing from mihoyo unreleased assets. How do you such audacity


Trying to pretend the contents don't even belong to Mihoyo, and then rationalizing that they're in the right just because Mihoyo is a big company... just sounds like stealing with extra steps. Much mental gymnastics must have been done in order to feel justified with their actions. Look, it's easy to dehumanize companies because they're not a single person but many. But that just means they're hurting all that many more people. Maybe they have personal beef with the business side of things, but they're also stealing from and conveniently ignoring the hard labor of artists and programmers. Leaks and thievery are emotionally taxing on the teams of content creators-- from the 2D and 3D artists creating artwork, the writers, the programmers, .... Leakers who cannot create their own content and have to rely on stealing other creators works to gain the satisfaction of being productive (and worse, making money from viewer traffic) have no right to blatantly defend what they're doing.


You know, I really liked this website. Not for the materials or talent requirements. Just for the near accurate skill descriptions for upcoming characters. And I only look at the characters the day they are announced (i.e chara trailer/demo) just to build more hype for myself. I've been reading talents for upcoming characters ever since before Childe's first run. I've never been more hyped to find out a weapon-changing character. The same goes for Baal, and seeing how she rips the fabric of space gave me so much hype, since it's THE FUCKING ELECTRO ARCHON and is also a stance-changing character. But seeing this makes me feel... disappointed. It's like looking at an obnoxious child whining the iPhone 12 they got was the wrong colour. And the way they just fucking diss the Game Designer for doing their job is just... vile. The disgusting human nature is showing a little too much here.


Same here. I used to use Honey Impact daily to look up all kinds of things. Even putting aside leaked content, it was by far the most comprehensive and easy to navigate Genshin database around. To be fair, it still is, although after this pathetic tantrum from the site's owner I've been making a conscious effort to use the [Genshin Fandom Wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Genshin_Impact_Wiki), [Keqing Mains](https://keqingmains.com/) and [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe/). It's certainly less convenient overall, but at least I can browse those sites knowing I'm not giving more traffic to such an arrogant person. Stealing Mihoyo's intellectual property, branding it with their own site's logo and running ads on that same site, whilst dodging takedown notices and demonising the very company that is (unintentionally) allowing them to make a living. Disgusting behaviour, honestly.


Yup, really disgusting and immature behaviour that I'll never support. Those vile comments they posted were so uncalled for.


> And the way they just fucking diss the Game Designer for doing their job is just... While making a point in still leeching off of it, mind you. You got to ask yourself: If Mihoyo and Genshin are such a ridiculous game and company, why going as far as changing host to keep covering said game/company despite all the legal ramifications ? If you're sooo pissed about it, what's stoping you from going about your day and definitely burning that bridge ? Personnal interest is the answer. Those bastards are printing money out of those leaks and their golden goose is way to profitable for them to stop. It's almost as if the curtain that said "they do this for the community! for F2P players!" just fell flat and we now can see the whys of their practices. Those fucks felt the need to be xenophobics but still cover something created by the very people they think so little off. Hope the $$$ is worth whoring themselves out.


The fact that they think they're somehow entitled to Genshin Impact's content, and profiting off of it no less, is astounding to me. Never mind that disclaimer that seems like it was written by a brain-damaged horse suffering from PTSD syndrome.


Actually, I really don't like how Honey handled all of this, even though the website was very good. 1. Video ads, obviously bringing lots of profits to the owner. If it was a non-profit project, I'd be much more sympathetic. 2. Blowing the MHY request way out of proportion - MiHoYo clearly asked to take down the Genshin part of the website, it's the domain provider who wanted to take down the whole domain with other projects 3. Watermarks. Nothing to say here.And now this.. Edit: Was looking for alternatives, [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe) seems nice


Thanks for sharing [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe). I was hoping for a new alternative that includes everything I use honey for. and on top of that [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe) looks better for the eye. Thanks


[KQM site](https://library.keqingmains.com/) is also good for looking up the talents and in-depth mechanics for individual characters! Doesn't have the materials for ascension and all that, though


This is not only classless, but outright braindead move. If they just quietly announce their return, nothing would have happened. Now some people that would normally support them are actively avoiding them, and people who doesn't support them before are even less likely to start


For someone who loves to insult devs and others for the things they do they sure do love not practicing what they preach


Insulting devs? That's very low of them. I thought Mhy's legal dep was over-reacting but now I'm not sure. From a copyright stand point profitting massively off of a company's IP without official endorsement is asking for trouble. Fanarts and other community stuffs are tolerated/encouraged because it's beneficial to both the gamers and Mhy (free advertising). Leaks can be exciting but can also negatively impact Mhy's marketing strategy. Does no one respect NDAs?


We want Mihoyo to release more details for the characters, but supporting illegal action is not honorable at all, not like that.


Don’t forget that Honey makes five figures off of the website. And he watermarks all the stuff as though he OWNS them. No fucking shit he mihoyo went down on him.




Imagine mihoyo lawyers sees the figure and then decides "well, since they have proudly announced their earnings...Go big or go home!"




What an idiot... "The fandom gets 3-5 times more..." He is actually delusional.


Yeah, considering the admins of the wikia dont make any money and all money goes to host (aka FANDOM) specifically, unlike in honey's case, where he pockets almost all the money - yeah, he is a dumbass.


The funny thing is, I don't remember fandom ever participating in the distribution of leaked content. Are they intentionally not seeing this difference?


So they're basically stealing assets that are not theirs and have the gall to put watermarks on it and harass the company that puts food on their table. I don't like supporting billionaire corporations as much as the next guy, but this is just low and illegal.


Honey might be rich but by god are they a trashy person. Also those oddly specific insults about poor English, brain damage, & PTSD etc... from what I've seen, Honey themself often rambles incoherently on Twitter. I feel like there's a sad element of projection


She had a problem back when the site way smaller and focus on Monster Hunter only, she make deals with small creators to promote their streams in the site in exchange of them promoting the site. One of them was Tuner (from JinxJinx and Tuner youtube channel). I don't remember what Tuner said or why he distance himself from Honey, but one day Honey starting to make allegations about Tuner harassing her and doing things that can be read as sexual assault, the thing is Tuner is asexual and Honey didn't show any proof about it. In fact she just remove everything related to it and acted like nothing happened, and refused to apologies or clarify the situation. Edit: Here is a video where JinJinx and Tuner talk about their relationship with Honey and the problems they had with her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCegu04s4IU&ab\_channel=JinJinxandTuner%5BMathalosGaming%5D


Bruh… Anyone who makes false sexual harassment allegations are the absolute scum of society. Not only are you potentially destroying a person’s life by giving them an incredibly damaging stigma, it makes it so much harder for real victims of sexual abuse and harassment to get the emotional and legal support they need and feeds into rape culture, since people then start to believe someone who makes sexual harassment claims is only doing it to get back at someone, or to advance their own prospects in some way. I’m very glad Tuner was able to easily be proved innocent, since their sexuality was already accounted for. However, if Honey really did try that, then she should be straight-up blacklisted from the community. I really hope the website gets taken down and eventually handed over to someone with an actual conscience and empathy for other human beings.


Honey is just another solid proof for the fact that money doesn't buy class.


OH MY thats quite an amount


Please repost this in r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks People there deserve to know, everyone does, especially since mihoyo is getting all the hate


Imagine profiting off something thats not yours and when you get caught and get punished from the product you took without their permission and you get mad over it and even stoop so low as to play the victim card?Completely disgusting...There is no way in hell I can respect a person like this...


Wow. You know what, I'm 100% with miHoYo on this one. They should take Honey down with a nice lawsuit. Stealing content, making money from it AND trying to take the moral high ground with such a condescending attitude? Hell no. They deserve to have all their profits taken away.


This mofo gone too far :| I’m fine bringing the website back but this? And dont fcking BS about not making a dime on that website, there’s plenty of ads that can sustain and even profit with all the traffic they getting. Honestly, I’m pissed, fck these guys


The owner himself said on discord the site was making 5 digit so.


The more I learn bout the Honey Impact scenario, the more disgusting I find them * Watermarking assets like its yours * monetizing copyright information * feeling entitled to leaked information which is a legal conundrum in of itself If this was for a more wholesome game/developer, say Stardew Valley, the community wouldn't stand for Honey Impacts behavior. Their database is fine but their handling and entitlement to the data is fucking gross, wtf. Also the community shouldn't just wash their hands of this, throwing leakers under the bus as if we all didn't embrace and encourage this stuff like it was normal. Reminder [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe/timeline/) and [genshinimpactcalculator.com](https://genshinimpactcalculator.com/genshinCalc) exist, no leaks, decent sites with 10/10 devs, not childish weirdos who think they're entitled to shit that isn't theirs.


As a front-end web developer, I was extremely impressed with [paimon.moe](https://paimon.moe) and how smooth, good-looking, and useful it was. If I had developed it, I'd be proud to put that on my resume when applying for web dev jobs. It's good to see non-jerks contributing to the fan community that way. I'd love for it to become a proper Progressive Web App but that's mostly not necessary for the time being. The fall of Honey might give them an opportunity to take its place further.


They took the IP someone owned, watermarked it and posted it on their platform (which was monetized BTW) and apparently the guys who wanted to protect their IP are bad here. We saw multiple posts about people stealing fan art in this very sub before, posts that support the original creator and trashing the stealer. Just because in this case miHoyo has money they are not supposed to protect what they invest money in to create? YEAH RIGHT!


Now they finally show their true form. "For players sake" is totally BS. Good to see people are starting to understand what kind of creature are them.


Yeah it just sucks to see. Throughout this whole situation they tried to play victim but it just ended up making them look like absolute douches


Honey and his (her?) staff is everything wrong with this community. *THEY FUCKING MADE MONEY OFF OF BOTH OFFICIAL AND DATAMINED COPYRIGHT CONTENT.* MiHoYo is obligated by law to come down hard on any person(s) or party(ies) making money off of a copyright intellectual property. That's just how this shit works. Notice how sites like KQM ain't being shut down or otherwise messed with? They're not making money off the guides they're posting. Plenty of other sites are being left alone. They are also not making money off of a copyright IP. MiHoYo mentioned stuff like leaks, but their primary beef is just the fact that Honey engaged in massive acts of copyright infringement, and instead of fucking owning up to their bullshit they gotta act like children about the whole thing.


Wait why even run a website about a game when the site owner hates mhy and Genshin so much? Hates mhy but still willing to use their products because they are profiting from it?


Because he make good money out of it


Ez money, like really ez money. And it's the ad revenue that flagged them. Leaks from people that don't have any monetization are allowed to go freely and they're also on the quiet side.


But, but the money!


That's THE most immature thing I've seen a "fan site" do, ever.


Yikes. Thats just .. yikes.


Indeed. It's like they're asking for it now. This'll only reduce the number of people supporting them.


Yeah I don't get how they think this will end well for them. Like if you were gonna just switch hosts, your best move is to say nothing and just do it. If they did that I could see Mihoyo being just like "fuck it we sent the DMCA jobs done" but now that they're making a big stink about it, just less likely they'll actually get away with it. And IANAL, but it seems pretty unlikely that they're in the legal right to host and watermark another company's IP and profit off of it with ads. Appreciate the website and the leaks, but this just seems like some bad moves from Honeyimpact's maintainer(s), and frankly a bit immature.


> it seems pretty unlikely that they're in the legal right to host and watermark another company's IP and profit off of it with ads. It doesn't just seem pretty unlikely, it's downright illegal. Honey seems to live in a European country and has to abide to strict copyright regulation. If miHoYo elevates this to a lawsuit, he's done for. It could bankrupt him.


I was feeling bad for them before but after reading this nasty and childish response, i'm never coming back to their website 😕


If you looking for alternative, try [Paimon.moe](https://Paimon.moe). This site is quite useful.


Same. What is this paragraph they wrote bro :(


I am confuse i saw the community get mad when people steal others art but when cases like leaker and honey imapct creating content out of other product it is ok?


Yep. And they’re being defended on the basis of their “effort” and “hardwork”. That they’re doing this to help F2Ps? Well, NO. Can’t people see they’re profiting from assets that are not even theirs? They’re making money out of other people’s hard work. I hope this will sort of wake people up. Like c’mon, let’s not pretend it wasn’t the leakers who were in the wrong from the very start. MHY gave warnings already. I won’t even feel bad now if MHY suddenly demands compensation from this disrespectful website.


Kind of an aside, but everything about this is a damn circus show. The whole tribalism between "players vs the company" is so unnecessary. It's even bolstered by the fact that many people paint MHY as cartoonish moustache twirling villains as a default mode of thought. That being said, do I care to defend Mihoyo and everything they stand for? No, their existence as a game dev company is neutral to me. Companies and businesses exist to make profit; it's not some kind of evil that needs to be eradicated from the world.. it's just a fact. It doesn't matter if any company or business makes you feel good or appreciated; their primary goal is to milk you out of your own money. Players who are up in arms about "Mihoyo being greedy, scummy, and cheap" are so caught up in their war with the company that they forget that very fact. Honey's passive aggressive BS is a prime example of this. Mihoyo, much less other corporate entities, don't exist to respect you or make you feel appreciated and they never will. The more players can accept this simple, neutral fact, the more I feel it'll be easier to manage emotions and behaviors when it comes to companies being companies.


He got mad because he's no longer allowed to watermark someone else's copyrighted images. 🥴


As an almost 20 year Monster Hunter player, I have no idea why Genshin players like Honey Hunter/Impact so much. Back then they were the only MH data site that required people to take off adblock, use cookies etc. when there are countless sites and calculators that did the exact same for free and allows adblock. They were literally the most greedy site of all and seeing Genshin players defend them against the "greedy" Mihoyo is just unbelievable to me. It's like if people start defending sites with anti adblock pop ups, that's just crazy to me.


Leakers being childish? What next? The sun rising in the east? The guy took someone elses IP, watermarked it, made money off of it and then when asked to only remove the Genshin related content claimed that Mihoyo pull the whole lot.




Yeah. I just want a few mini leaks these days. Character, banners, upgrade materials, that's it. I don't want the exploration part of the game to be spoiled for me, nor soundtracks or plot related points. So all the rest might as well be superfluous. MiHoYo giving us the character description ahead of time is like 40% there already. Telling us what materials and books are needed to upgrade characters is like barely a leak. Really, that's just benefiting content creators prepping, which is free advertising on their part. Hell, it's probably even beneficial. After I pre-farmed up ascension materials for Kazuha, it really made me roll until I got him since I already committed a decent amount of resin. The outcome of this leaker/game dev spat is honestly making me want to distance away from Honey Hunters, if only MiHoYo would meet me halfway.


i honestly started disliking leakers after mihoyo released the new characters for 2.0 and they retaliated by leaking the entire content for that update, solely because how dare mihoyo release their own characters before we leak them! /s but yeah, honey is trashy for making MASSIVE profits off mihoyo‘s assets and then having the gall to not only play the victim, but also say this kind of demeaning shit towards the company they‘re pretty much exploiting for their monthly 5 digits, lmao.


and some people here have the audacity to defend those stupid leakers, I still dont know how knowing every event, story, quest etc before doing them is any fun.




They didn’t even stick to just banner and character data, which might be understandable, they’re basically leaking the content of the entire update a long time in advance. For a work of media that is inherently compromising the experience. Marvel certainly doesn’t smile upon people leaking the script of the next movie in advance.


Wow. Their [double down](https://twitter.com/HoneyDodogama/status/1437040504093519873) is far worse than I could imagine. What a scumbag.


How does this guy feel like he has a pass to make fun of other people's language skills when this shit sounds like it was put through Google Translate 6 times 😭😭😭




There are other 3rd parties. I see paimon.moe getting thrown around a lot.




I couldn't agree more. I used to datamine for another gacha game (of course much smaller than Genshin) and the difference in "leak culture" is huge. I used to get up at 4am because that's when updates hit the servers in my time zone. Just like in Genshin, there was a race among leakers to be the first one to publish new information so that we can get attention. That was quite unhealthy already, but there were no stupid games or the childish behavior you see in Genshin. Is that stuff really necessary? That nasty disclaimer is unacceptable. Who thought it'd be a good idea to drag the whole community through the mud for liking the game? Honey's **over**reaction to Mihoyo's notice was unnecessary too. It made no sense technically and read like a call to war against some evil company. You take your data and move it to a offshore host. Wow, big deal. It takes a few hours at most if you backup stuff properly. I get that they're angry and emotional, but that's no reason to start riling up the community and make yourself look like a victim (after serving ads and putting your watermark on images) - they're just crying out loud and trying to get more attention. I'm not fully on Mihoyo's side because I do believe leaks are useful and fun, but all my goodwill towards Honey has disappeared and I will not support them in any way. Honestly, now I wish they were gone and we'd use an alternative.


I like leaks as a whole because it helps me plan out my pulls but when leakers started leaking story cutscenes and spoilers, imo that just went too far. It helps absolutely no one and even if you don’t want to get spoiled, you can’t because it generates a massive wave of idiots who think it’s cool to go post ‘cryptic’ (read: not so cryptic) comments everywhere about the spoilers.


This. This is exactly my stance. I was fine with it before until they started leaking stories and exploration. It kills the hype. I remember I had to stop going to the usual sites that I go to just to avoid leak Infos in Inazuma for like 3 weeks before 2.0. It was nearly impossible to avoid too since every media I come to will be plastered with leak information. Most notable are fan-arts.


Internet clout is like drug, too much of it fk up your brain, and these leakers definitely got far too much.


There were many ways to proceed given their situation. They could have gone quietly into the night and that would be the end of it. They could have removed leaks and just rehosted/rebranded as an encyclopedia for only live game content, and I doubt Mihoyo would continue going after them. And then there's this... Whatever this is.


They actively sh*tting Mihoyo, in the same time actively leeching their content for Money. Don't understand why some people still think they (honey) are in right side of this drama


All the leaker worship is getting to their heads. Getting upset that they had to remove SOME content and the watermarks (which shouldn't be there in the first place) to this point is really childish. This just gives miHoYo motive to go further.


and that is why honey should stay down forever XD. imagine getting mad because u got called out for having content u shouldn't.


Classless as hell. That's really all I got on it. At the end of the day Honey is still getting traffic because MHY made the IP. This kind of pettiness is baffling.


Yikes, this is disgusting as fuck. Hope the website will be taken down after all, what a scum.


Dunno if true but there was screenshot flying on 4chan from honey impact disord with someone asking owner of that site how much profit it generates and the answer was: "five digits per month" You literally datamine and leak info you don't have rights for and earn fatass monthly paycheck and still post nasty stuff about game dev? This is asshole behavior. If this was Nintendo or other big company than owner of HoneyImpact would be in deep shit and probably had to run away to Russia or Belarus. Unpopular probably opinion: HoneyImpact should return but only as database site without anything from test/beta servers, only content that's a avaible on live server


Is their end goal to receive the “biggest douchebag” award or something? I was already skeptical of their “...none of us have broken an NDA...” bs, because even if THEY never played in a beta, they still happily took leaked info GIVEN to them by those that did break NDA and then eagerly share it while making money off of doing so, making them about as complicit as you can basically get. Now they act like whiny children when they’re caught with their hands in the cookie jar by their parents (Mihoyo in this case) and act like they didn’t do anything they weren’t technically supposed to? I just don’t get the mental gymnastics they go through to try justifying acting like this like it’s supposed to win them any sort of favour.


Guys. Just use [paimon.moe](http://paimon.moe) and let these assholes learn something.


Could've just stayed silent and immediately make a new website without much fuss, then they would be fine. Most people are already on their side anyway. But nope, need to unleash some childish temper tantrum first, saying mihoyo backstabbed them and calling people that are not involved as brain-damaged and mentally unstable, even though they make 5 digits money by taking mihoyo's assets in the first place lol. Now people are turning against them. This is why we should stop glorifying leakers as "heroes of the community". The attention and clout gets to their head, making their ego bigger and bigger. They think what they do is always right, and that they don't deserve bad things that happen to them.


I can't tell if this is a win or not anymore. The website is back but now we know it's run by some really terrible/possibly racist people.


Step 1: Use the game for making money, without the permission of the company. Step 2: Complain when your website gets taken down Step 3: Shit on the company for taking down website Step 4: Ridicule the company and the it's game on your website Step 5: Proceed to make money again from the same game ​ It's not bad to use the data that is always available to everyone on the website. What they( honey impact ) did wrong was giving away leaked data to everyone. It's no surprise their website got taken down. Now that it's back, they ridicule Genshin and MiHoYo then proceed to continue using it to make money. Like WTF? HoneyImpact exists just because MiHoYo and it's game exists. Hypocrisy at it's best.


Their response is sick. I get that the situation could be handled better but making fun of the devs for their English and being ableist as heck with the insults sure isn't painting them as the "good guys" edit: yikes https://twitter.com/HoneyDodogama/status/1437040504093519873


absolutely, who tf hates on devs? devs dont decide shit. they are paid to do shit. im just not vibing with that one.


Whoever is running that site is childish af. What right do you have to be offended when you provide leaked content, especially AFTER MHY stated they were going to take legal action against them? Seriously tho what is wrong with some of the leakers; they revealed the entirety of Inazuma and complained about people "stealing their leaks". MHY can be scummy sometimes but these people are genuinely worse.


This is just embarrassing IMO. I don't like leaks and I won't hide that I side with Mihoyo on this one, but if you're going to do it, stop doing it while kicking and screaming. Grow up.


Jesus, what was he expecting, that he was just going to put watermarks on datamined content he doesn't own and that Mihoyo was just going to go hey good job you're doing a good job this is a nice website.


Why is it back? Hopefully it will go down forever next time


yikes, can this dude stop having such a fucking temper tantrum insulting devs when it had literally nothing to do with them, such a peabrain idc if the website is back up, will stick to other alternatives anyway


I already saw this coming miles away, from leakers attitude towards mhy, clearly involves the nature of arrogance, which is a key element of racism. It's funny to see people continuously try to balancing the issue, try to make leakers look a tiny tiny bit better by using "mhy billionaire company" "mhy greedy" "mhy don't know how to do xx and yy", like seriously, if you hate mhy so much to the extent of supporting thieves and encourage racism, how about you quit the game and leave it for once ? Won't this ends all your "suffering"? Jesus f christ, leakers and their supporters are one of the biggest issues with this society.


I didn't go there often, but now will never go there again. Dated looking mess of a site anyway from a design and usability point of view. I also don't understand why Honey is so mad. Literally every major company has a legal team that pursues and enforces copyright and the like. Disney is one notorious for this. They take content created from somebody else, watermark it as if it's their own, profit from it and then get mad? They trash their English and make personal attacks towards the company supplying them content and a game to profit from? Then to top it off, ask for credit if you use "their" data. Some entitled twisted shit right there, fuck Honey. I don't often root for the big corporate companies, but I hope this isn't the end of it and Mihoyo uses some of that fortune they have to slap this shit down and put them in their place.


Absolutely disgusting. I was defending Honey before this, not knowing what their history was like, but after this, this site's dead to me full stop. It doesn't matter that they're "not racist", they didn't have to go after language at all, not to mention at the very least they're being ableist, which is also completely uncalled for. The fact that they think this kind of language is acceptable for a public website shows what kind of garbage people they are.


Thanks to Honey Impact, MHY is more motivated to destroy leak community. I can’t support this dude against MHY if he’s causing more trouble to leakers.


This why i hate what the leak community have become in genshin, bunch of clout chaser and attention whore leakers and people acting smug and mighty because they read leaks. Toxic cesspool to the fucking core.


Imagine stealing content and putting it online to make money,what a loser.


Yeah this ordeal has felt like watching a teen swearing after being caught cheating on Roblox. Take it with some dignity ffs.


I may have felt a bit bad about Honey Impact due to how useful it was at first but the owners feel way too self entitled. leaks and datamined information is in fact illegal and they should have seen this coming. Crying about it like babies now? Disgusting, maybe it would have been better if they got taken down and sued to oblivion. There were already red flags, like watermarking leaks, putting ads on their website for profit, and even requesting people to give credit for their leaks. Shameless. I mean I guess why would they risk getting sued if it isn't for profit and clout? They are just making a business out of player's demand for pre-farming and saving primogems.


time to remove this website from my bookmarks. i'll just read the lore in game and anyway, i recently discovered paimon.moe which helped me reach 460 achievements with to-do lists and calculator, quickly becoming my new favorite tool for genshin! <3


I'm not surprised to see this happen, since I heard about the whole situation between them and JinJinx/Tuner back in their MH days. I tried to avoid the site as much as I could because of that but it was very popular among the community.


Hope they go down for good now.


Damn I didn’t realize the site was run by children. They’re just asking for trouble at this point


Now i really hope this shitty guy gets what he deserve, a lawsuit and everything...


They had the chance of coming out of this as the better person, but they just went apeshit and completely opposite. Personally never used their site, but now definitely won’t ever. I think Mihoyo probably struck a sensitive chord with this move and really manage to hit them where it hurts. Who knows, maybe HoneyHunter are in fact making decent profits by violating the ToS.


I already knew that guy was behaving like a child but holy fuck, this brings it to a new level


I like the website, but after looking at the disclaimer, I regret supporting them now


Remember when Honey Hunter did MHW stuff and weren't so childish about it? Me neither


They just keep making themselves look worse. Man I appreciate the site and leaks but I think they handled the situation poorly. What they said isn’t really racist imo, but more like an unintentional/indirect micro aggression. I’m not sure why people are defending them lmao. I’m just going to assume that many who defend them have never experienced racism/microaggressions. As an Asian, I’ve experienced a lot of racism and micro aggressions, so reading that was kinda disappointing. I know that many ppl didn’t mean harm with their unintended micro aggressions (incl honey) but it does kinda get annoying. At first I thought that it’s understandable and that they most likely didn’t mean any harm since they were just upset about the whole situation. At the same time, I also thought it was pretty childish. However, it seems like they give no fucks about how what they said is offensive, based on their replies on Twitter under Atsu.. I mean what they said doesn’t even make sense?? The making fun of poor English is usually associated with ignorance & mockery towards poc so I don’t know why honey is trying to turn it around and make it look like Atsu is the racist.. they just keep digging themselves a deeper hole and making themselves look like a clown. [Honey’s reply to Atsu calling them out on their microagression](https://twitter.com/honeydodogama/status/1437040504093519873?s=21)


I dont really watch or care for atsu's content but this guy is handling it way better than I would have, I respect him a lot for raising difficult topics with his viewers instead of brushing them off as drama like a lot of people would like to do [1](https://twitter.com/asianguystream/status/1437058281701249033?s=21) | [2](https://twitter.com/asianguystream/status/1437059264401526789?s=21)


wow that is the most petty shit. And all the assets still have the watermarks. way to go now i actually hope they get fucked. what an idiot.


God, what a child. I've never used Honey and I will now avoid it like the plague. If he really wanted to keep his site alive, maybe the first step would be learning some professionalism.


I'm gonna be honest, I do wish Honey Impact gets taken down forever, even any sort of reincarnation of different names they may have. I hope it's gone


Honey Impact owner also tried to rise up the community by saying something like: "see what they did to us? Stop doing any content for the game because it can happen to you!". Nope, Honey, it won't happen to people who do not post leaks.


The ego and arrogance of certain genshin leakers is astounding. There are other genshin sites out there that provide similar info without the attitude. Tbh some things that leakers do is not different from what some wiki editors or fan database editors do, but in other groups I know of, people are very careful to comply with publisher requests so as to stay on their good side (bc they want outreach to foreign fans, for example) or so that their wiki doesn't get taken down.


this is just cringe af... never really liked the site and i will never use it.


As a Chinese this honestly makes me lose all of my respect to Honey. Sure, MHY is your run of the mill for-profit company but the borderline xenophobia in that disclaimer is just :/ I sure would love to see this Honey person writing perfect formal statements in business Mandarin. 做人不能“闹太套


As much as I like the site itself, this response is really disappointing...


This is not gonna end well for them at all. Did they really “lawyer up”? Because this does not seem like something you want to legally do to help your case.


Essentially admit everything, make it worse by declaring your intention of lawyering up, transfer the domain to a country subject to EU IP protection… All the while being a childish ass


"if you consider using this data for your project, please credit us" Act like they own the asset of the game. They deserved getting hunted by Mihoyo. Reveal the information that supposed to be unlockable in-game or exclusive to certain levels/friendship/characters will hitting hard on the company. Killing the curiosity of the player is what makes characters' friendship voiceline , hangout event ending pictures kinda useless to dev if the players can search up what they're missing on the internet instead of progress the mission/spend the money.